Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ratings or advertisers?

You can always find advertisers. But how do you find more viewers?

Ratings Monday June 15th:
  • 8:00 FNC - Tucker Carlson - 4.198 million
  • 8:00 CNN - Anderson Cooper - 1.59 million
  • 8:00 MSNBC - All In - 1.670 million

So FOX News and Mr Carlson manage to garner almost a million more viewers than both CNN and MSNBC put together. Now you can understand why the repeated attempts to get Tucker Carlson fired for basically telling the truth continues to backfire! Not that it will stop the "woke" liberal crowd from trying to silence any and all dissenting opinions!


Anonymous said...

Now you can understand why the repeated attempts to get Tucker Carlson fired for basically telling the truth continues to backfire!

and now you can even more clearly understand why killing carlson's show is such a priority for the left.

hint. it's not because he's RAY-CISS. that's the public reason.

it's because he's crushing them. that's the REAL reason.


His last few weeks have been TV gold and his surging ratings show it is resonating. Wasn't too long ago that Fox passed the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and now they have way passed that. I heard that his show was the highest rated of any on TV (I think Monday) including the broadcast networks. And his viewership demographics are the best in the business. And you also need to take into account that AON is starting to garner a viewer base on the right of FOX which make his numbers even more impressive.

Personally I rotate who I watch on their lineup, I get tired of Hannity pretty easily. But I did like his continued coverage of the Russian collusion HOAX, he was spot on. And Laura I watch if she has a guest who interests me, I tend to not like her regular panels which always contain someone who I find off-putting.

As far as Disney and the like I never have seen them advertise on any of the nighttime Fox lineup that I can recall. I think this is more of just a virtue signaling and whatever advertising they do is on secondary shows broadcasting off hours or local channels. Disney owned ESPN had it's worst year in 41 years and I think it is just going to get worse for them.

anonymous said...


Proving again the Fox audience has the combined IQ of a lemming!!!!!!! I guess disney does not target the idiots of fox since they don't make good guests at their parks...But, when the bow tied wonders steps on his dick again....maybe people will change like they have done with the sinking trump #'s!!!!!

Commonsense said...

You can't win

Caliphate4vr said...

Cracker Jack Changes Name To More Politically Correct Caucasian Jack

PLANO, TX—When ballparks finally open again, those standing for the traditional seventh-inning stretch will be singing some different lyrics to "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

After over 100 years of selling its caramel popcorn snack under the name Cracker Jack, Frito-Lay announced today that it would be rebranded as the less offensive "Caucasian Jack."

"We are very sorry to all the crack---er, I mean, Caucasians we have hurt over the years," said a spokesperson. "Cracker is an offensive stereotype, and we must make sure that all foods and snack products are culturally sensitive. Think about all the white people who have had to suffer in silence as tens of thousands of baseball fans sang out the hurtful lyrics 'Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks.'"

"No more. The bigotry stops today."

The move was applauded by hurt white people, though they are still criticizing Frito-Lay for how pale and pasty-white the Cracker Jack guy is on the logo.

Anonymous said...

Tucker Plays video of the Socialist in their own words. Very enjoyable.

anonymous said...

BABYLON BEE.....Humor for drunken UGA alum.......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! BTW.....Trumps own words are playing very well in the DNC need to edit...they write themselves!!!!!!


Caleb Hull

I just spliced together Joe Biden's campaign launch ad attacking Trump for his "fine people" comment and Joe Biden himself saying in 1993 that there are "many fine people" who display the confederate flag.

It really is something.

I love the one with Biden stammering and mumbling for almost 2 whole minutes without saying anything.

I'd run in uncut, maybe some text commentary and end with I'm Donald Trump and I approved this message. Of course 2 minutes is a bit long.

Caliphate4vr said...

I dismantled fatboy on the other thread and now, yips at my heals

I may rename my 25lb chihuahua in your “honor”


Commonsense said...

Joe Biden called the United Daughters Of The Confederacy "an organization made up of many fine people who continue to display the Confederate flag."

Guess he's a shoe in for the black vote.

Anonymous said...

Lol, Joe is a very funny man.

Anonymous said...

The Audio is even better , he is so sure of himself.