Monday, June 15, 2020

So an interesting take by Sean Trende on the USSC decision on Title VII

So Sean Trende takes a novel approach arguing the the textualism demanded by conservative judicial advocates was actually the very logic used by Gorsuch to write his majority opinion. More to the point, Trende is of the opinion that this was a case won by clever lawyering as much as anything else.

The argument makes the argument that Title VII does not just protect discriminating by sex, but also protects discriminating by actions or situations associated with the member of one sex, but not the other. For instance, you cannot fire a women because she gets pregnant, unless of course you want to also fire a male for getting someone pregnant. You cannot fire a man for wearing eye liner, unless you are also going to fire a woman for doing so. So in essence, your choices for either hiring or for firing someone cannot be inherently different for a male versus a female.

So if Jane decides to get into a sexual romantic with the bartender Mike who works in the same building, nobody is going to fire Jane for what she does on her free time. But if you decide to fire Bob because he got into a sexual romantic relationship with the bartender Mike (who is bi-sexual for the purposes of this argument), wouldn't that be a specific example of treating the situations differently based on sex? In this case, a women is okay to sleep with Mike, but a man cannot?

Is that discrimination based on sex?

This same logic would apply to a transgender person as well. If you cannot fire Jane for wearing a sundress to work, how can you fire Mike for wearing a sundress? If Jane decides to change her name to Fatima because she joined the Muslim church, she is entitled without any repercussions. But if Mike changes his name to Michelle, can you terminate him? Is this a situation where you are treating someone different based on their sex?

Interesting questions and an interesting interpretation of these legal events.

Obviously there are some slippery slope issues that arise here. Can obviously heterosexual Rick now decide to take a shower in the girls locker room in the company gym because woman are allowed to shower there? If you don't fire a woman for showing in the women's shower, can you fire a man? So the argument obviously has some scratches around the edges that will need to be smoothed out.

Of course, ultimately it still doesn't change the more important question as to whether or not this is something that is up to the courts to decide or something that (as the dissenters argued) should have been left to the legislative branch. I still take issue with Roberts and Gorsuch making themselves decision makers on this one. But it appears hard to argue with the legal logic.


anonymous said...

Even more interesting is that the holy roller trump assholes took 3 up the ass today.....I bet our cramps is beside himself that Gorsuch could have done such a thing......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The rest of the day for the supremes...

Supreme Court says LGBTQ workers are protected by federal law
Justice Neil M. Gorsuch and Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. joined the court’s liberals in the 6-to-3 ruling.
By Robert Barnes1 hour ago
Analysis: How a segregationist paved way for a gay rights win
Supreme Court refuses to reconsider immunity that shields police accused of brutality
Court lets stand ‘sanctuary’ law on undocumented immigrants in California
Justices pass up challenges from gun groups

Anonymous said...

Denny is actually 5'9" and 235 lb.."

He would be breathless standing up.

It is queer that Denny wants to attempt to Kick my ass 🤣.

James has threatened to sue me and so has Broke n Broken Alky.

All vapid threats.

anonymous said...

How many times can a dumb goat fucking idiot post the same stupid thing before he realizes he is stupid????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

You want a vapid threat.....???? Look at yourself a useless unemployed pile of shit!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You complaining about repeating a post is laughable.
As laughable as you being, fit, 6'2", 205 lbs.

Dumb ass

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

This is indeed what making the left happy today.

Justice Gorsuch fires a torpedo at Trump's re-election

If you're a conservative primarily concerned about free speech, economic liberty, and gun rights, there is much to love about the Roberts court. If you believe in expansive readings of executive power, there is a lot to cheer for in recent Supreme Court jurisprudence. But if you care about sexual morality and issues wrapped up with it? Forty years of loyalty to the conservative movement and Republican Party has delivered exactly nothing.

There's no way this won't do further damage to Trump's already foundering re-election prospects. Why should social conservatives show up to vote for a president and a party that repeatedly raises their hopes and then dashes them? Why should they continue to give the president a pass on his morally appalling words and deeds when they're left with nothing to show for it?

This doesn't mean presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden should expect to receive a bump in support from disaffected conservative evangelicals and Catholics. But it does mean the Trump campaign needs to anticipate these voters are now far more likely to sit this one out, convinced that the outcome of the election will make little difference to them.

Social conservatives are likely to feel like they've been played for suckers. And on that they may well be right.

Can't say I disagree much with what Linker said. It was a bad day for social conservatives and they will certainly feel like the GOP let them down again.

McConnell is in a bad place. If he criticize Gorsuch he may lose his majority. If he doesn't he will lose his majority.

Trump will make the argument that we will need more conservative judges and that as disappointing the Social Conservative are, a Biden Administration will be much worse.

We'll see. That Tulsa rally is now much more critical to determine how enthused his support is.

Anonymous said...

Blogger anonymous said...
How many times can a dumb goat fucking idiot post the same stupid thing before he realizes he is stupid????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

well BWAA, every time i read one of your stupid fucking comments, that question answers itself.

C.H. Truth said...

I don't see how you decide to let a Democrat start nominating judges because a handful of opinions don't go your way.

reminds me of this old tune!

I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden!
Along with the sunshine there's gotta be a little rain sometime
When you take you gotta give so live and let live and let go
I beg your pardon I never promised you a rose garden.

The reality is that Conservatives cannot pretend that they want Judges who are "rule of law" and then get upset when they don't rule "politically" the way they want. Often times, the "politics" and the "law and constitution" will not necessarily be on the same side for anyone.

Now I admit to having mixed feeling about this particular ruling, and I continue to believe that Roberts has become less of a judge and more of a politician.

But in this case he allowed Gorsuch to create the majority opinion which is strong on textualism (right, wrong, or indifferent) and weak on the issue of identity rights. By making this about actions (not identity) the left got a ruling specific to this that doesn't necessarily move the precedent much closer.

C.H. Truth said...

A ruling, I might add that is consistent with the laws of almost every state and would likely be the rule of law if Congress every got around to addressing it.

Nobody Seriously believes that people should be allowed to discriminate anymore by sexual orientation, so I see the "politics" of it by Roberts.

But I do believe at the end of the day, the court "should" have tossed it back to Congress (like it did with the Gun Control cases).

Commonsense said...

The reality is that Conservatives cannot pretend that they want Judges who are "rule of law" and then get upset when they don't rule "politically" the way they want. Often times, the "politics" and the "law and constitution" will not necessarily be on the same side for anyone.

Liberal jurist have no problem knowing what takes precedence in their mind and Roberts has been siding more often than not with the liberals.

Gorsuch's analogy leaves me cold.

Consider, for example, an employer with two employees, both of whom are attracted to men. The two individuals are, to the employer’s mind, materially identical in all respects, except that one is a man and the other a woman.

You can't just flip the sex of one person and have the analogy work.That's an apples to oranges comparison. In order for it to work not only would the man have to be attracted to a man but the woman would have to be attracted to a woman. Then it's apples to apples. (This is what pass for legal reasoning at Harvard Law nowadays?)

C.H. Truth said...

Actually it works if you flip it, unless you take issue with gay men, but not gay women.

Use the analogy that there is a person outside the company... a bi-sexual who has been in serious romantic sexual relationships with two of your employees. One of those employees happens to be male and the other happens to be female.

Which one do you fire and which one stays on?

Keeping in mind that I didn't tell you what sex the person is?

Anonymous said...

to me the issue becomes -

what do you do when sam, whom you know is gay and is a front line rep for your company, suddenly decides to become samantha, and shows up wearing a dress and heels?

when customers are turned off and it begins to cost you some serious coin what's your recourse?

you obviously can't fire sam/samantha. so you wait until the business fails and everyone gets fired.

fucking brilliant.

you've lost a business it's taken years to build because one dumb fuck suffers from a mental illness.

going forward only a damn fool hires someone out of the LGBTQWERTY community.

Commonsense said...

Nobody Seriously believes that people should be allowed to discriminate anymore by sexual orientation, so I see the "politics" of it by Roberts.

It's the slippery slope that will force "Little Sisters of the Poor" to support abortions. Run Catholic Charities out of the adoption business. Force parochial schools to hire teachers and school personnel that don't abide by their faith. And for campus Christians to appoint ministerial leaders that aren't Christian.

Christians already cannot meet in California in one of the most religiously hostile decisions in Supreme Court history.

Anonymous said...

here's a great post addressed to every fucking black lies matter/antifa asshole who's been looting and burning and acting like an idiot the past few weeks:

Some of you have done NOTHING with your life and you’re mad. You have a college degree & a smart phone with access to virtually *anything* and you can barely get out of bed in the morning while you spit on people who built a whole world with nothing but a horse, map, & axe.

You’ve made nothing with access to everything. You’ve conquered nothing. Hell you can’t even conquer yourself. So go tear it all down. Scream into the void how unfair it all is. It’s not that you’ve wasted your short time here. Surely not.

Don’t bother with your own legacy you’re busy shitting on the long dead who aren’t here to care. Go burn down every Starbucks. That’ll show them. Torch the Target. Tear down every monument. Deface every memorial. But what have you built? What do you leave behind?

So take your benzos. Watch your porn. Get Uber to drop off your dinner. Buy an adult coloring book. Have sex with strangers to ease your crippling anxiety. It’s not you. It’s the system really. It isn’t fair. Go cancel someone. Dox someone. They deserve it. You’re the good guy.

Don’t write an epic novel worth building a statue to remember you. Go troll seven year old problematic tweets ever on the hunt for the boogeymen. See now you’ve accomplished something. Cancel everyone. You’re a warrior now. A real hero.

And lastly whatever you do never ever take even a moment to self reflect on your own failures. Never own them. Never take a hint of responsibility. Remember you’re just a helpless victim of circumstances beyond your control. This all means nothing. Its like you weren’t even here.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Actually it works if you flip it, unless you take issue with gay men, but not gay women.

The point being this has nothing to do sex as stated in the law but sexual preference. If you want to add sexual preference or sexual orientation, then put it in the law.

I believe that is what you preferred the supreme court did. Kick it back to Congress. By making such an expansive reach, they opened a pandora's box that allows pretty much any social purpose to be a compelling government interest that will trump religious freedom.

Anonymous said...

I believe that is what you preferred the supreme court did. Kick it back to Congress. By making such an expansive reach, they opened a pandora's box that allows pretty much any social purpose to be a compelling government interest that will trump religious freedom.

what we need is the alky to pop in with his annual 'marbury vs. madison' flawed analogy to explain things.

C.H. Truth said...

when customers are turned off and it begins to cost you some serious coin what's your recourse?

I suppose the same recourse if you fire Samantha and your liberal clientele stop doing business with you because you are not woke to transgenderism.

I would like to think that most conservatives I know are not in the habit of discriminating against people who change sexes... but I do believe that liberals will discriminate against people who take issue with Sam becoming Samantha.

C.H. Truth said...

By making such an expansive reach, they opened a pandora's box that allows pretty much any social purpose to be a compelling government interest that will trump religious freedom.

Again... I think you miss the alleged or rumored point of Roberts joining the majority so that Gorsuch (and his textualism) would write the opinion, rather than Ginsburg (and her identity politics).

It could be seen as a bit of defensive posturing against just such an expansion...

C.H. Truth said...

The point being this has nothing to do sex as stated in the law but sexual preference.

The expansion of Title VII to include protection for specific actions and concepts that exist for one sex or the other is already part of the law.

It's not just that you cannot discriminate against a women because you don't think she can do as good of a job as a man. You cannot discriminate against a women who has kids because she might call in sick to take care of them more often than someone with no kids. Nor can you choose a guy with kids over a women with kids, because you traditionally believe that a woman will stay home more often with the kids than a man might.

There are any number of things that have been "tied" to Title VII that are not just simple discrimination against a "sex".

How it has come to work out is that you actually must treat both sexes the same and that if it is found that you would fire a woman for something and not the man for that same action... then you are in violation.

This is where Gorsuch got is textual logic from. Whether or not you agree with it or not, it now has become a precedent. But better a textual precedent than an ideological marker (which would have been the case if one of the liberal Justices wrote the ruling).

Commonsense said...

Rarely has an expansive decision lead to the block of another expansive decision. More often than not it's used a a precedent for the next expansive decision.

Anonymous said...

I suppose the same recourse if you fire Samantha and your liberal clientele stop doing business with you because you are not woke to transgenderism.

assuming you have a liberal clientele to lose to begin with. i'm talking rural red areas serving rural red clientele. you've effectively forfeited any personnel control of your business to the sexual proclivities of the mental illness du jour.

pandora's box indeed. a wise employer keeps their gay-dar cranked up to 11, and doesn't hire one to begin with if they can help it.

toss that decision into the 'unintended consequences' column.

i'm not saying it's 'right' or 'fair' or whatever other injustice you want to call it. what it is is reality for many. a reality that will work overtime to protect what they've built and not succumb to social engineering.

it's weird, and morbidly fascinating at the same time.

the things we used to treat as mental illnesses when i was a kid are now celebrated and encouraged.

Anonymous said...

It's not just that you cannot discriminate against a women because you don't think she can do as good of a job as a man. You cannot discriminate against a women who has kids because she might call in sick to take care of them more often than someone with no kids.

understood. but here's the reality -

if you hire a single mom for a full time job, you had better accept the fact up front that you have just hired a part time employee to do that full time job.

i don't think anyone wishes to return to a time when we could just discriminate on a whim. they're just trying to figure out how to stuff the square peg of needing to run their business into the round hole that every fucking concession under the sun (and dozens we haven't thought of) needs to be accomodated.

and i've seen the reality of this shit fail in every example you can think of - gender, race, disability, single parent...

for chrissakes, i think here in NYS we have to grant family leave if your cat has fucking kittens.

instead of declaring "VICTORY!" every time one of these decisions gets handed down perhaps we need to pause and reflect on the reality after we've stripped away the tangerine trees and marmalade skies.

anonymous said...

The goat fucking asshole posted

As laughable as you being, fit, 6'2", 205 lbs.

Yep, fit enough to kick your ass accross your potato field....amazing you can't afford to buy the cheapest food source and grow your own ......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! That is hysterical you think that you are special.....especially stupid!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rarely has an expansive decision lead to the block of another expansive decision. More often than not it's used a a precedent for the next expansive decision.


short version -

give a liberal an inch, they'll take a fucking mile.

anonymous said...

But better a textual precedent than an ideological marker (which would have been the case if one of the liberal Justices wrote the ruling).

I guess your perverted logic means a president really does not count.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Yeah, twisted beyond even your fucked up way, Lil Schitty!!!!!! I guess you really thing gays are second rate citizens who deserve no protection!!!!! That and you supporting the baker and against this ruling is all I need to know you really are a fucking loser!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Give a trump slurper anything and they fuck it up!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Clinton Gore Rebel Flag Campain Button.

Anonymous said...

Hey fatty, why lie about your height and girth?


Rogan O’Handley

You are FAR, FAR, FAR more likely to be discriminated against at work for being a Trump supporter than for being gay, black, female etc.

and assaulted for wearing a hat

Commonsense said...

Justice Gorsuch writes today in his majority opinion that how “doctrines protecting religious liberty interact with Title VII [of the 1964 Civil Rights Act] are questions for future cases.”

Separately, the employers fear that complying with Title VII’s requirement in cases like ours may require some employers to violate their religious convictions. We are also deeply concerned with preserving the promise of the free exercise of religion enshrined in our Constitution; that guarantee lies at the heart of our pluralistic society. But worries about how Title VII may intersect with religious liberties are nothing new; they even predate the statute’s passage. As a result of its deliberations in adopting the law, Congress included an express statutory exception for religious organizations. §2000e–1(a). This Court has also recognized that the First Amendment can bar the application of employment discrimination laws “to claims concerning the employment relationship between a religious institution and its ministers.” Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. EEOC, 565 U. S. 171, 188 (2012). And Congress has gone a step further yet in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA), 107 Stat. 1488, codified at 42 U. S. C. §2000bb et seq. That statute prohibits the federal government from substantially burdening a person’s exercise of religion unless it demonstrates that doing so both furthers a compelling governmental interest and represents the least restrictive means of furthering that interest. §2000bb–1. Because RFRA operates as a kind of super statute, displacing the normal operation of other federal laws, it might supersede Title VII’s commands in appropriate cases. See §2000bb–3.

Translation: Hold your socks. Freedom of Religion is in Danger.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, freedom of religion has been endangered ever since the Court upheld the amended Constitution's principle that that blacks are equal to whites.

That went against the religion of those who found biblical evidence in Genesis that after the flood, God made blacks subservient to whites.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I've been away today.

I just looked and there is SO much good stuff at


People are catching on to the FAKE NEWS sources of political_lire

CNN caught turning blacks into whites.


any blog still using them as a credible source has to be questioned. They are just a narrative driven organization.


NYTimes Communications
The @nytimes announced today that James Bennet, Editorial Page Editor since May 2016, is resigning effective immediately. Katie Kingsbury, who joined The Times in 2017, has been named as acting Editorial Page Editor through the November election.

Sean Ono Lennon

This is the end for you guys. Firing someone for allowing different opinions in your paper means you are no longer a real news paper. It’s been fun. You had a good run. The best in fact. R.I.P.

When you lose John Lennon's son...

Anonymous said...

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) presenting an American flag to the family of George Floyd recently. The picture has been located on Pelosi’s official Twitter feed among a collection of photos involving the Floyd family, and has since been circulating across social media sites."

The Flag was identical to those given to the Family of fallen US Military Members.


Errol Webber For Congress (CA-37)
US House candidate, CA-37

Since @realDonaldTrump’s retweet this morning, my inbox has been full of angry, angry (mostly white) liberals calling me every single kind of racist name in the book.

Every single one of those messages affirms my support for President Trump and confirms I’m on the right side.

a mob of angry white liberal racists attacking a black man.

History repeats.

Anonymous said...

"I've been away today."

yes, the void of spamming was a welcome break.

Anonymous said...

Follow the Science.
Political Science of the Socialist Party.
"New York City contact tracers, those who are tasked with tracing and monitoring the contacts of those who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus, are not asking infected individuals if they have recently participated in large-scale protests, according to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s (D) office."

Anonymous said...

Please, oh please , just do it.
"On the same day that thousands of protesters gathered around the Brooklyn Museum in New York to show their support for blacks who want to live as the opposite sex, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday warned that customers flocking to restaurants and bars in the state could lead to another coronavirus lockdown."

Anonymous said...

"Surgisphere," the Bullshit Company That Put Out the Bullshit Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Bullshit Study That All the Leftwing and Pseudoright Twitter Bullshitters Bit Hard On, Disintegrates

Apparently this "company" -- which I'm not sure was a real company -- has reacted to scrutiny by simply dissolving away.

Almost like it was a political hit job fake news op from the beginning -- and all of our very smartest Very Online Twitter Addicts fell for it.

As could easily be predicted. "Orange Man Bad" needs no confirmatory experimental evidence.


Lancet demanded an independent peer-review investigation, but Surgisphere now says it will not cooperate with anyone.

The main "researcher" behind this political op turns out to be a serial fraudster:

"It looks like Dr. Desai's entire history is full of fraudulent claims. His Wikipedia page was flagged 10 years ago because people noticed many of the claims about him were sourced to his own website."

Even a "researcher" who brought in Surgisphere has himself been let go:

"The University of Utah has “mutually agreed” to terminate the faculty appointment of Amit Patel, who was among the authors of two retracted papers on Covid-19 and who appears to have played a key role in involving a little-known company that has ignited a firestorm of controversy."

But again: The entire Twitter Smart Set fell for it.

Excuse me, but aren't allegedly "Smart" people supposed to be hard to dupe and swindle?

anonymous said...


SCOTUS deciosns yesterday actually gave me hope they can follow the laws instead of evangelical hearts......I bet those bible thumping assholes are pissed today since the judges they prayed for just fucked them!!!!!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

What's "deciosns"?

anonymous said...

FDA revokes authorization to use Hydroxy for covid......yep....about time!!!!!!

anonymous said...

NOAA investigation finds its management fucked up by agreeing with trump and his Sharpiegate hurricane lie!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


Just another of the thousands of lies trump has perpetrated....!!!!! Just saw the new DNC ad on trump.....trump did a great job of providing all the video and words that show what a menace to the US the asshole is!!!!! Quite an enjoyable ad to watch which should make even assholes like rat cringe!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why did you lie about being 6'2", 205 lbs?

CHT called it "Denny is actually 5'9" and 235 lb.."

anonymous said...

Blogger Commonsense said...
What's "deciosns"?

GREAT CATCH YOU DUMB FUCK!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Now why don't you post how pleased you are about them or are you too fucking chicken???????

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker posts the same drivel for the 4th time from his mommy's basement!!!!! Sucks to be such loser!!!! Don't you have a tomato to hill or tree to cut down?????? LOLOLOLOLOL

anonymous said...

A counter point to Lil Schitty's trende opinion piece.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! precedent here because our constitutional expert and asshole says so!!!!

The Post's View
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The Supreme Court’s ruling on LGBTQ rights is a sweeping victory for fairness
Joseph Fons holds a pride flag in front of the Supreme Court on Monday.
Joseph Fons holds a pride flag in front of the Supreme Court on Monday. (Tom Brenner/Reuters)
By Editorial Board
June 15, 2020 at 5:49 p.m. EDT
“AN EMPLOYER who fires an individual merely for being gay or transgender defies the law.” With this pellucid sentence, the Supreme Court on Monday helped make America a better country and relieved the fears of millions of LGBTQ Americans that, at any moment, their employers could subject them to humiliation, punishment or poverty simply because they are attracted to members of the same sex or because their gender identity does not match their gender assigned at birth. Employment discrimination on these grounds is no longer legal anywhere in the United States.
This is another case in which a major civil rights advance came not from Congress, which failed to update federal employment rules to protect the LGBTQ community, but from the federal bench. Yet the court did not act beyond its writ, a fact partially evidenced by the ideological diversity of the majority that rendered it: Justice Neil M. Gorsuch wrote the opinion, which was joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and the court’s four liberals.
Mr. Gorsuch grounded the opinion in a reading of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The act’s Title VII bars employers from firing, discriminating against or failing to hire people based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. “An employer who fires an individual for being homosexual or transgender fires that person for traits or actions it would not have questioned in members of a different sex,” Mr. Gorsuch reasoned. “Sex plays a necessary and undisguisable role in the decision, exactly what Title VII forbids.”

If an employer fires a man for being attracted to men, but not a woman for being attracted to men, then sex is the characteristic the employer uses to distinguish between them. Similarly, if an employer fires a transgender man for presenting as a man, but not a man born male for presenting as a man, sex is once again the issue.

Anonymous said...


What a 🤡.

Anonymous said...

The Obama Radicalized Chickens are roosting.

anonymous said...

And the goat fucking asshole decides he will go down with the ship!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Even the supreme court now thinks gays and trans have rights, much to your idiotic dismay!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

So for the genius drunk of UGA stating that it is testing that is causing the increase in cases.....BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! No wonder why he is just a salesman!!!!!!!!

Katie RogersJonathan Martin
By Katie Rogers and Jonathan Martin
June 15, 2020

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence encouraged governors on Monday to adopt the administration’s explanation that a rise in testing was a reason behind new coronavirus outbreaks, even though testing data has shown that such a claim is misleading.

“I would just encourage you all, as we talk about these things, to make sure and continue to explain to your citizens the magnitude of increase in testing,” Mr. Pence said on a call with governors, audio of which was obtained by The New York Times. “And that in most of the cases where we are seeing some marginal rise in number, that’s more a result of the extraordinary work you’re doing.”

He added: “But also encourage people with the news that we are safely reopening the country. That, as we speak today, because people are going back to hospitals and elective surgery and getting ordinary care, hospitalization rates may be going up. But according to our most current information, hospitalizations for coronavirus are going down across the country.”
Continue reading the main story

It was a misleading message publicly emphasized by President Trump at a meeting earlier in the day.

“If we stop testing right now,” Mr. Trump said, “we’d have very few cases, if any.”
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case CountMarch 3, 2020

In fact, seven-day averages in several states with coronavirus outbreaks have increased since May 31, and in at least 14 states, positive cases have outstripped the average number of tests that have been administered, according to an analysis of data collected by The New York Times. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that coronavirus hospitalizations have decreased nationally, though positive cases have increased and the number of deaths attributed to the disease caused by the coronavirus, Covid-19, could increase as more data becomes available.

Anonymous said...

The Supreme Court’s ruling on LGBTQ rights is a sweeping victory for fairness

ah yes. the ever subjective "fairness."

Justice Alito took care of that nonsense head on:

There is only one word for what the Court has done today: legislation. The document that the Court releases is in the form of a judicial opinion interpreting a statute, but that is deceptive.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on any of five specified grounds: “race, color, religion, sex, [and] national origin.” 42 U. S. C. §2000e–2(a)(1). Neither “sexual orientation” nor “gender identity” appears on that list. For the past 45 years, bills have been introduced in Congress to add “sexual orientation” to the list and in recent years, bills have included “gender identity” as well. But to date, none has passed both Houses.

Last year, the House of Representatives passed a bill that would amend Title VII by defining sex discrimination to include both “sexual orientation” and “gender identity,” H. R. 5, 116th Cong., 1st Sess. (2019), but the bill has stalled in the Senate. An alternative bill, H. R. 5331, 116th Cong.,
1st Sess. (2019), would add similar prohibitions but contains provisions to protect religious liberty. This bill remains before a House Subcommittee.

Because no such amendment of Title VII has been enacted in accordance with the requirements in the Constitution (passage in both Houses and presentment to the President Art. I, §7, cl. 2), Title VII’s prohibition of discrimination because of “sex” still means what it has always meant. But the Court is
not deterred by these constitutional niceties. Usurping the constitutional authority of the other branches, the Court has essentially taken H. R. 5’s provision on employment discrimination and issued it under the guise of statutory interpretation. A more brazen abuse of our authority to interpret statutes is hard to recall.

The Court tries to convince readers that it is merely enforcing the terms of the statute, but that is preposterous. Even as understood today, the concept of discrimination because of “sex” is different from discrimination because of “sexual orientation” or “gender identity.” And in any event, our duty is to interpret statutory terms to “mean what they conveyed to reasonable people at the time they were written. A. Scalia & B. Garner, Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts 16 (2012) (emphasis added). If every single living American had been surveyed in 1964, it would have been hard to find any who thought that discrimination because of sex meant discrimination because of sexual orientation––not to mention gender identity, a concept that was essentially unknown at the time.

The Court attempts to pass off its decision as the inevitable product of the textualist school of statutory interpretation championed by our late colleague Justice Scalia, but no one should be fooled. The Court’s opinion is like a pirate ship. It sails under a textualist flag, but what it actually represents is a theory of statutory interpretation that Justice Scalia excoriated––the theory that courts should “update” old statutes so that they better reflect the current values of society. See A. Scalia, A Matter of Interpretation 22 (1997). If the Court finds it appropriate to adopt this theory, it should own up to what it is doing.

Many will applaud today’s decision because they agree on policy grounds with the Court’s updating of Title VII. But the question in these cases is not whether discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity should be outlawed. The question is whether Congress did that in 1964.

It indisputably did not.

with every cultural revolution the first casualty is history. then they come after religion.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Yep, Alito relegated to the minority write up that will become an addiction the the dumpster of the trump era!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i didn't post it for your sake BWAA. i don't expect an imbecile like you to understand a word of it.

Caliphate4vr said...

Living in fatty’s head rent free

I win

Anonymous said...

Businesses are people According to SCOTUS.

anonymous said...

And goat fuckers from Kansas are idiots!!!!!


Stefan Molyneux, MA

97% of people shot to death by police are MALE.

MEN are CLEARLY being HUNTED by cops.

WOMEN are over 50% of the population.

SEXISM has NO PLACE in our society!

We cannot rest until these numbers are EQUALIZED!!!

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAA Rent free is all you can afford you fucking loser!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

WOMEN are over 50% of the population.

And according to the latest polls favor Biden 59 to 35!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Denny you're making less sense then slow Joe.


Keep believing your FAKE NEWS polls lo iq

The only "poll" that counts is when we VOTE

Last I heard President Trump had over a million requests for tickets to his upcoming rally.

Biden had less than 200 people connect to his last livestream.

Kind of a big gap there, we'll see how the VOTE goes, polls were sure wrong in 2016.

anonymous said...

And less than 10 people read your drivel here dumb fucking daddy!!!!!!!!

I see the goat fucker has less to add than usual!!!!! Must be hilling season.....bWAAAA!!!!! Why don't you post the latest trump poll numbers showing trump is winning over women and blacks!!!!


lo iq anonymous said...
And less than 10 people read your drivel here dumb fucking daddy!!!!!!!!

And you're one of them !!!

I'm just trying to help educate the clueless.

No lo iq left behind.

Lo iq lives matter.


anonymous said...

BWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Fucking daddy loves the fact 10 whole people read his crap.!!!!! I guess that is better than him talking to himself.....LOLOLOLOL....keep and your ilk are having an awful week!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Just in case fucking daddy was worried trumps numbers were improving with women and blacks.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Results Spread
New Mexico: Trump vs. Biden PPP (D) Biden 53, Trump 39 Biden +14
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden EPIC-MRA Biden 55, Trump 39 Biden +16
New Mexico Senate - Ronchetti vs. Lujan PPP (D) Lujan 48, Ronchetti 34 Lujan +14
Monday, June 15
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
Iowa: Trump vs. Biden Des Moines Register Trump 44, Biden 43 Trump +1
President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 43, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +13
Direction of Country Rasmussen Reports Right Direction 25, Wrong Track 68 Wrong Track +43


lo iq needs to keep reminding us you can't educate lo iq.

He's lo iq and he's PROUD !