Thursday, June 11, 2020

The liberal media's self absorbed bubble....

America is changing, and so is the media
Last week, the New York Times op-ed section solicited and published an article by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) arguing that the US military should be deployed to “restore order to our streets.” The piece set off an internal revolt at the Times, with staffers coordinating pushback across Twitter, and led to the resignation of James Bennet, the editor of the op-ed section, and the reassignment of Jim Dao, the deputy editor.
That same week, Stan Wischnowski, the top editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer, resigned after publishing an article by the paper’s architecture critic titled “Buildings Matter, Too.” David Boardman, the chair of the board that controls the Inquirer, said Wischnowski had done “remarkable” work but “leaves behind some decades-old, deep-seated and vitally important issues around diversity, equity and inclusion, issues that were not of his creation but that will likely benefit from a fresh approach.”
One interpretation of these events, favored by frustrated conservatives, is that a generation of young, woke journalists want to see the media remade along activist lines, while an older generation believes it must cover the news without fear and favor, and reflect, at the very least, the full range of views held by those in power.
“The New York Times motto is ‘all the news that’s fit to print,’” wrote the Times’s Bari Weiss. “One group emphasizes the word ‘all.’ The other, the word ‘fit.’”
Another interpretation is that the range of acceptable views isn’t narrowing so much as it’s shifting. Two decades ago, an article like Cotton’s could easily be published, an essay arguing for abolishing prisons or police would languish in the submissions pile, and a slogan like “Black Lives Matter” would be controversial. Today, Black Lives Matter is in the sphere of consensus, abolishing prisons is in legitimate controversy, and there’s a fight to move Cotton’s proposal to deploy troops against US citizens into deviance. The idea space is just as large as it’s been in the past — perhaps larger — but it is in flux, and the fight to define its boundaries is more visible.

Clearly Klein here sides (ever-so-obviously) with the idea that views are "shifting". Klein goes on to talk about millennials as being the largest of the generations, when in fact the largest age group is still over 65 (by a fairly wide margin). He provides the idea that media must be more "sensitive" to offending readers in a time where the competition is so fierce in the ever expanding media. He offers (correctly) that newspapers have increasingly become depended on finding their "niche" in the market, and that they do not want to upset their demographic (which in the case of the NY Times is now younger, liberal, and openly anti-Trump).

Where Klein fails is in the logic that this "shifting" is somehow cut and dried. His opinions about what is "mainstream" and what is "accepted" is part of his own media bubble. While the Black Lives Movement has gained popularity in the past couple of weeks, that popularity is likely temporary and still hovers at around 50% of the public (which is not exactly a consensus). When the emotion runs out and cooler head prevail, all that will be left is hundreds of millions of dollars worth of destruction. That will be the legacy of these riots.  Meanwhile, a much larger portion of the country (almost two thirds according to several polls) actually agreed with the idea of the US military being used to squelch the riots (the subject of Tom Cotton's ed-op).

So this becomes an excuse to justify that the views of Klein and most of the NY Times are now mainstream, simply because they argue that the politics of the country are moving in that direction. While I can appreciate the attempt to get ahead of the curve, the reality is that change has been and still is a very slow moving train, and these sorts of debates do nothing to bring people together and drive the change forward. Moreover, we don't know if the younger generation (like most every generation before them) will change politically when they settle down, buy a house, raise a family, etc. On those accounts, millennial are late to the game. But to bank on the idea that a fairly lazy, short attention span, idealistic, media driven generation will remain exactly as they are, and can lead your revolution to the promise land is likely wishful thinking. These are the same people who took over a six block area of Capital Hill in Seattle only to start to panic when they ran out of food within a couple of days. Apparently they decided to shared their food with the homeless, and ironically the homeless took it all, leaving the "occupiers" confused and without a plan.

The reality is that in a two party system, these things go back and forth. The permanent liberal majority has been talked about since long before I was born, and pretty much every generation has had spokespeople who would demand that they are just the liberal generation to push it forward, at least until they were no longer a liberal generation. The only huge political bandwagons of my generation were conservative, not liberal. Both Nixon and Reagan won well over 40 states and reigned supreme over far left liberal candidates.

But at the end of the day, Klein is at least admitting what has been largely denied by the media. Klien is admitting that there is a bias in the media, that that bias is not only "good" for business, but possibly the only way forward for struggling media outlets. What this would eventually mean, however, is that "news" is no longer going to be "news". Rather it would be openly known as a set of political opinions designed to keep their political "niche" happy. There would be no more suggestion by anyone that because something is written in the NY Times or WaPo, that it comes with some degree of objectivity and legitimacy.

So those are the decisions that the media must make. They can continue to move down the various paths of political "niches" while giving up their claims about objectivity and legitimacy. Or they can attempt to regather the universal acclaim that they once had, when you could count on them to just report on the news, without politicizing and editorializing everything. What they cannot do is to just continue to actually to the former while claiming the latter. That ship has been sailing away quite quickly for some time.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Army Gen. Mark Milley, the nation's top military officer, said Thursday he was wrong to have accompanied President Donald Trump on a walk to a church through Lafayette Square, where he was photographed in his combat uniform with the presidential entourage.

“My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics,” Milley said. “As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from, and I sincerely hope we all can learn from it.”

The statement by the Joint Chiefs chairman risked the wrath of a president sensitive to anything hinting of criticism of events he has staged. Trump's June 1 walk through the park to pose with a Bible at a church came after authorities used pepper spray and flash bangs to clear the park and streets of largely peaceful protesters.

Milley said his presence and the photographs compromised his commitment to a military divorced from politics.

“I should not have been there,” Milley said in remarks to a National Defense University commencement ceremony.

Anonymous said...

The Rioters are carrying AR15's.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The military is not going to let the President become a threat to the Constitution.

You don't care.

Anonymous said...

πŸ–•The seemingly abandoned East Precinct station of the Seattle Police Department is covered in a tarp declaring it 'property of the Seattle people'. Protesters declared a Cop Free Zone πŸ˜‰

Biden/Pelosi/Obama/Schumer winning.

Anonymous said...

Roger , is your Audi A8 ordered?
Or is that only a fantasy of yours?

Like your desire to live in a huge home and have a large bank acct.?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"More than 44 million first-time claims have been filed in the past 12 weeks.

The Federal Reserve is projecting that the unemployment rate will be more than 9% by year end, falling to 6.5% by the end of 2021."

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Our cities. Our streets. Our people.

Our military used against us.

"Tens of thousands of rifle and pistol rounds were stored in the D.C. Armory and partitioned in pallets, labeled by their state of origin, to be used on American citizens in case of emergency...

General Milley and Mr. McCarthy warned the Guard throughout the day that if it could not control the protests, Mr. Trump would most likely call in the 82nd Airborne...

On Tuesday, during a conference call with commanders on the situation in Washington, General Ryan, the task force commander, likened the defense of Lafayette Square to the “Alamo” and his troops’ response to the huge protests on Saturday to the “Super Bowl.”"

Anonymous said...

blah blah blah.

Roger you show why women give up on you.

You are a very boring old broke boi.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Adam Schiff (Calif.), Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Zoe Lofgren (Calif.), Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), Val Demings (Fla.), Sylvia Garcia (Tex.) and Jason Crow (Colo.) were the Democratic House managers in the impeachment trial of President Trump.

�Four months ago, we tried President Trump for abusing the power of his office in ways that undermined our country’s national security, the integrity of U.S. elections and the constitutional structure of our republic. Trump’s efforts to coerce an ally to help him cheat in the upcoming election violated the public trust, went to the heart of his unfitness for office — and revealed that he prioritizes his interests over those of the nation.

�The president was not changed by impeachment. He is as lawless and corrupt as ever. But his wrongdoing has far greater consequences given the acute challenges facing the nation, the failure of those around him to curb destructive impulses, and the continued unwillingness of many members of Congress to serve as a meaningful check and balance as the Founders intended.

�In just the few months since the impeachment trial, more than 110,000 Americans have perished from a pandemic, tens of millions are unemployed, the world has turned away from America, and protests over police brutality and systemic racism have erupted nationwide. Yet Americans looking for leadership find none in the White House. Instead, this president and his administration take actions that rend the foundation of our democracy.

�After the trial concluded, Trump focused on undermining institutions that could provide accountability and transparency. He fired or removed five inspectors general for simply doing their jobs: including reporting on shortages of personal protective equipment and other gear in hospitals and investigating potential misconduct by the secretary of state.

�The president has made clear his interest in turning the traditionally independent Justice Department into a political arm that can punish enemies and protect allies. In Attorney General William P. Barr, Trump has an enabler of that corrupt mission. Barr allows the president to intervene in criminal cases with implications for his personal interests, and Barr carries out Trump’s orders in shocking fashion.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

�Under Barr’s leadership, the Justice Department withdrew a sentencing recommendation for Trump political adviser Roger Stone, who was convicted of lying to Congress and witness intimidation. Barr’s Justice Department has moved to dismiss its case against Michael Flynn — Trump’s former national security adviser who twice pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. Barr’s attacks on the department’s independence, over the objections of career federal prosecutors, have drawn widespread condemnation. Thousands of former prosecutors have called on Barr to resign.

�Meanwhile, Trump has targeted an even more foundational element of democracy: the right to vote. The president has repeatedly sought to discredit voting by mail. Mail-in ballots are a safe and secure way to vote and are necessary during a viral pandemic.

�We believe his attacks seek to undermine confidence in the results of the November elections.�Trump doesn’t even attempt to hide the political motivation for forcing Americans to choose between their health and their vote. He fears that if more Americans vote, his reelection will be imperiled. So instead of being more responsive to the will of the people, the president and his enablers seek to disenfranchise millions.�Trump’s destructive actions do not stop at undermining the rule of law, elections or democracy itself. He targets U.S. citizens, too.

�In the days since the horrific murder of George Floyd, hundreds of thousands have marched against police brutality and systemic racism, and peacefully protested for justice and change. In response, Trump called in troops and sought to use the military against peaceful Americans, betraying those in uniform and endangering public support for an institution that must be apolitical. His cronies have ordered protesters gassed and targeted with rubber bullets — all for a photo op. Trump has endorsed and encouraged violence. He has amplified false claims that protesters are “terrorists.” His words and actions have divided citizens and inflamed tensions just when the country needs to come together and address racism.

�The president cannot carry out his malignant agenda alone. He needs the help of willing accomplices in his administration and in Congress. And he needs the silence of many others. Our country long ago passed the point where silence is complicity. History will not be kind to those who remain mute.

�We applaud those who speak out. Former defense secretary Jim Mattis rebuked Trump last week and warned of the threat the president poses to democracy. Former secretary of state Colin Powell has said he cannot support Trump for reelection because “the president has drifted away from” the Constitution.

�In February, we wrote about the need for moral courage to help save our Constitution and democracy. This is as true as ever. Elected leaders, past and present administration officials, and conscientious citizens still have a chance to defend our republic.

�Now is the time to stand up and be heard. The nation we all love needs your voices, more than ever.�During his trial, we observed that a man with no moral compass will never find his way. Trump never will. But it is not too late for those leaders who have enabled Trump’s destruction of so much we all hold dear to find theirs.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President is threatening to take control of Seattle with the U.S. Military forces.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Rog...

But approximately 2/3 of Americans agree with the idea of using military to squelch violent riots.

Do you think it was a coincidence that our local leadership did pretty much nothing until the Pentagon put several units of the Army Airborn on a three hour standby, ready and willing to come to Minneapolis and do what our local law enforcement was not allowed to do?

It was only after that threat was provided that Walz called up a few thousand National Guard soldiers and we have had no real "rioting" since they did that.

I swear if it hasn't been for the threat of a bunch of Airborn soldiers doing it for Walz, we would probably still have residual rioting and probably a situation much like you see in Seattle.

Anonymous said...

geezus alky...

you've become so incapacitated you can't post more than a single sentence of your own.

every multi-sentence post of yours is plagiarized.

you've gone from the self-proclaimed historian (LOL) of this blog to the joe biden of this blog.

anonymous said...

Dayum are soo fucking stupid you think someone cares what you think!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA! Delusion the bedrock of rats being!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Sorry Rog...

But approximately 2/3 of Americans agree with the idea of using military to squelch violent riots.

Post your source to that lie you fucking Lil Schitty asshole!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The President is threatening to take control of Seattle with the U.S. Military forces.

i hear ya alky.

to me, it's far better to leave that liberal shithole to its own devices, especially since they've installed a leading light of the BLM movement as a violent warlord, and the homeless folks the idiots invited to join them took all their food and fled.

Trump has a duty and a responsibility as President to fix this shit, but like you, i am inclined to see him stand down.

these little black lies matter / anti-first amendment temper tantrums will culminate in the idiots turning on each other. hopefully in the most violent way imaginable.

every once in a while we need to drain the shallow end of the gene pool in this nation, and now is as good a time as any.

these fucksticks will self-destruct. we just need to let them.

ace said it best:

People's Autonomous Republic of Cap Hill Gets Rid of Evil Presence of Police and Within 24 Hours They Have an Armed Warlord Who Beats People Halfway to Death (On Video!) For Spray Painting Grafitti Messages He Doesn't Like

I just can't believe this collection of drug addict filth-squatters, unmedicated schizophrenics, trust fund Chavista weakling runts who are LARPing revolution because of the opportunities it grants them for drug-raping high school freshmen, transexual nomads with borderline personality disorder, rat-tail-braided wan blue-blotched sk8terbois who rent out their mouths in the bus station bathrooms at twenty bucks a load, homeless gender studies majors with a personal interest in fat acceptance who want to be paid to life-coach people into morbid obesity, and hardcore racist gangbanger sub-retards can't make self-government work.

This is the left's army -- lead-brained droogs and scabrous nightwalkers convinced that they'd be on top if only the system wasn't stacked against them.

Newsflash, you developmentally delayed, physically repulsive, low-impulse-control mentally sick losers: You'd be on the bottom of any system.

You will always sink to the bottom. You are refuse.

Nobody has ever "held you down." No one would ever have to. No one holds down a stinking, rotting carcass of a road-killed dog -- it ain't going anywhere, you know?

turn off the power and water.

then lock them IN.

and wait.

have a loader and dump trucks waiting to compost the remains.

problem solved.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before. Take back your city NOW. If you don’t do it, I will. This is not a game. These ugly Anarchists must be stooped IMMEDIATELY. MOVE FAST!

anonymous said...

ace said it best:

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!! You dumb fuck ace stole that from Reddit!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Beyond stupid, asshole

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Top General Apologizes for Role in Trump Photo Op

“The country’s top military official apologized on Thursday for taking part in President Trump’s walk across Lafayette Square for a photo op after authorities used tear gas and rubber bullets to clear the area of peaceful protesters,” the New York Times reports.

Said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley: “I should not have been there. My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics. As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from and I sincerely hope we all learn from it.”

He is saying that in this country the military must be very careful that they not appear to be dictatorially backing up a head of state. That makes the following especially interesting:

Trump Thanks ‘S.S.’ for Protecting White House

President Trump on Twitter:
"Our great National Guard Troops who took care of the area around the White House could hardly believe how easy it was. “A walk in the park”, one said. The protesters, agitators, anarchists (ANTIFA), and others, were handled VERY easily by the Guard, D.C. Police, & S.S. GREAT JOB!"

Of course, the SS were Adolf Hitler’s personal bodyguards and later became one of the most powerful and feared organizations in all of Nazi Germany.
The Secret Service actually uses the acronym USSS.



Myballs said...

It's not a taunt. It's a threat and Trump is right.

Snake Pliskin on standby.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Threat of Military Action Rattles Brazil

New York Times: “The threats are swirling around the president: Deaths from the virus in Brazil each day are now the highest in the world. Investors are fleeing the country. The president, his sons and his allies are under investigation. His election could even be overturned.

“The crisis has grown so intense that some of the most powerful military figures in Brazil are warning of instability — sending shudders that they could take over and dismantle Latin America’s largest democracy.

“But far from denouncing the idea, President Jair Bolsonaro’s inner circle seems to be clamoring for the military to step into the fray.”

Theo Dias:
“Brazil has become the new epicenter of Covid-19… The situation is compounded by the disastrous attitude of the President of the Republic who, in his obsession for power, has placed Brazil in the small and caricatured group of nations governed by pandemic denialists.”


Anonymous said...

Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted and played at a level that our great Country has never seen before.

it's tough to say they're being played when they are in fact, complicit.

Myballs said...

While Flynn's legal team have gone to court of appeals over judge Sullivan's refusal to dismiss, even though both sides want it, housr judiciary cmte dems, led by Nadler, have now filed a friend of the court doc. This is absurd.

Anonymous said...

Weeks ago Funerals around this nation were highly limited.

Violent Felon and woman abuser dies and it is a free for all.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you will never own a $85 k Audi A8, or own a huge home or have a large bank account as you posted you hoped for, but you own stupid.

"Radical Left Governor @JayInslee and the Mayor of Seattle are being taunted"


Anonymous said...

James, how are you?
You enjoying the riots , murdered cops ?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

fucking brilliant -

Dr. Deborah Birx, President Trump’s coronavirus response coordinator, warned the nation’s governors on a conference call that 70 coronavirus testing sites had been destroyed amid widespread protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

Anonymous said...

Damn it RRB.
The Peaceful Rioters know where this nation need to be.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Congrats @realDonaldTrump, you are so racist even NASCAR has had enough!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Seattle Peaceful Rioters are Heavily Armed with semi-Auto AR15.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Congrats @realDonaldTrump, you are so racist even NASCAR has had enough!!!!

that's right alky.

can you believe they let trump take a lap in the beast at daytona?

you dumb fuck.

go back to bed asswipe.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Faux News has been exonerated.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“This president is going to try to steal this election,” Biden said in an interview on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.” The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said of ensuring that the voting process is fair: “It’s my greatest concern. My single greatest concern.”

Anonymous said...

The Las Vegas police officer shot in the headwhile attempting to disperse a group of protesters on the Strip last week will likely remain on a ventilator for the rest of his life, his family said Tuesday.

The family of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Officer Shay Mikalonis, 29, gave an update on his condition in a statement released through the department.

"Shay is on a ventilator and will be for the foreseeable future or perhaps the rest of his life," the statement said.

The Socialist of CHT here is another WIN for your team.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Says Military Would Remove Trump After Loss

Joe Biden told the Daily Show that his single greatest concern is that President Trump will “try to steal this election.”

Biden added that in a scenario where Trump refuses to relinquish power after losing, the military would intervene: “I am absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch.”




*** LIE of the DAY WINNER !!! ***

Since inception we have had the same winner of LOTD.

The pathological liar "pastor" james boswell, Normal Illinois

Haven't had the time or desire to go through his spam (probably all uncredited Goddard political_lire) today and may not in the future given his daily shit piles so he may retire undefeated, though the lies will continue unabated.
It's his "hobby". And to think he said he never lies. pathological.



Roger Amick said...
“This president is going to try to steal this election,” Biden said in an interview on “The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.”

Rule 1 - democrats always accuse you of what they are actually doing or are going to try and do.


Anonymous said...

Notice the Three Socialist have become non-conversationl.

Caliphate4vr said...

The Daily Show is still on?

C.H. Truth said...

Biden Says Military Would Remove Trump After Loss

What a crazy fuck...

Just like in 2016... when the only people who didn't accept the results were pretty much every Democrat in the country. They DID use the Federal Law Enforcement to try to stop him, undercut him, and even get him removed.


Thomas Sowell

“The number of whites who were enslaved in North Africa by the Barbary pirates exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States and in the American colonies before that put together.”

Thomas Sowell on reparations:

minute and half VIDEO:

and are the cannibals in Africa going to give reparations to those families they ate? Looks like that's the end game for the old white men here, getting themselves reparations...



What a crazy fuck...

Just like in 2016... when the only people who didn't accept the results were pretty much every Democrat in the country. They DID use the Federal Law Enforcement to try to stop him, undercut him, and even get him removed.

What I find amazing is how little those on the left even realized how corrupt the Obama administration was in going after Trump including what they did to General Flynn. I saw Senate dems actually filed something with the court today arguing against Flynn's plea withdrawal. I also remember daily postings by roger that Obama did not spy on Trump. Except he actually did. Now it's well it was all done legally. Except it wasn't.

Hopefully full transparency comes out before the election. I'm amazed the press hasn't even held accountable for his proven lies with the recent transcript releases. In fact he continues lying. Must be in the lefts DNA


held Schiff accountable

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, I forgot.

Just google "protesters show social distancing"

Anonymous said...

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

The Antifa group set up barricades at the border and certain areas for dining and public speech."

The Seattle Peaceful Rioters.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Better, google "US protesters observe social distancing"

Anonymous said...

The antifa terrorists are advocating for “folks with firearms” to take shifts defending the barricades.

The Antifa group set up barricades at the border and certain areas for dining and public speech."

When Antifa took this ground and occupied it, the Government stood down.

I hope everything that City and State Deserve, they get.

Anonymous said...

NYC be so very Proud.
You have gone from 911 Police are Hero's to this:
"New York City first lady Chirlane McCray — whom Mayor Bill de Blasio has credited for his executive decision to jump on the “defund the police” bandwagon — said no cops patrolling the streets would be a “nirvana,” according to a report.

“That would be like a nirvana, a utopia that we are nowhere close to getting to,” McCray told Time magazine on Tuesday."


*** LIE of the DAY ***

James said...
Oh, I forgot.

This is just too easy !!!

Ok "pastor" post your multiple links from a few days ago showing aerial photography of HUGE crowds of protestors practicing social distancing. You haven't been able to yet with multiple attempts over multiple days.

But you "forgot". I'm sure you will now provide us those links to prove you were not lying, using google if you want. But we BOTH KNOW you WERE LYING. A pathological POS lying "pastor' is what you are. And if you don't realize that you are lying to yourself. That's what pathological liars do.


guess the "pastor" wanted to give me a layup to keep his streak of LOTD alive !!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Looks like the Chinese were lying for far longer than November

Satellite images of Chinese hospital parking suggests outbreak began in August

Upending current coronavirus outbreak assumptions, Harvard Medical School study shows significant spike in car traffic at Wuhan medical centers as early as last summer

But Orangeman bad

Commonsense said...

What I find amazing is how little those on the left even realized how corrupt the Obama administration

Still corrupt. Sullivan, the judge on the Flynn case is an Obama appointee. As was Gleeson when he was a judge. Their wild arguments ought to scare the shit out of every American (except TDS liberal who can't/won't grasp the implications). They are arguing for a gross usurpation of executive power. They in effect want to be judge, prosecutor, and legislature. Where they get to say who's guilty and make up new crimes as they go along.

And you thought Trump was going to be the tyrant.

Anonymous said...

So the Seattle Antifa seized Ground and created strict borders to keep some people out that they find undesirable.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Looks like the Chinese were lying for far longer than November

Satellite images of Chinese hospital parking suggests outbreak began in August

Who other than a moron like you gives a flying fuck!!!!!!! Saw that report yesterday out of Harvard that showed increased car parked at hospitals at Wuhan......if you actually paid attention, that report was all over the nightly news last night in the US while you were playing pocket pool with an Israel source.......Big fucking YAWN!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Which one of you idiot slurpers prematurely ejaculated on himself yesterday with your fawning over Nasdaq over 10k??:???? Seems like trump, you are counting the chicks a little early especially after the FED's words the economy will be slower, longer than the trump ad alluded to of a envious economy and great jobs....Funny how that ad has suddenly gone away!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

There's at least 1 man in trumps staff as the rest just bend over and ask for another!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, apologized on Thursday for joining President Trump in a controversial walk to St. John’s Church in Washington, D.C., immediately after protesters were teargassed.

Milley, the top military official in the country, delivered the message as part of a prerecorded video commencement address to National Defense University.

“I should not have been there,” Milley said. “My presence in that moment and in that environment created a perception of the military involved in domestic politics.

“As a commissioned uniformed officer, it was a mistake that I have learned from,” added Milley, who became chairman of the Joint Chiefs in October 2019.

On June 1, after a weekend of protests following the death of George Floyd, Trump gave a brief address at the White House that coincided with live images of law enforcement attacking peaceful protesters outside the executive mansion fence. After he finished speaking, Trump made a short walk across Lafayette Square with members of his staff and Milley to St. John’s Church, which had been damaged by fire set by demonstrators.

President Trump departs the White House to visit St. John’s Church on June 1. Wearing camouflage is Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
President Trump departs the White House to visit St. John’s Church on June 1. Wearing camouflage is Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
Trump did not enter the church but posed for photos holding a Bible that his daughter Ivanka had been carrying in her purse. When asked by reporters if it was his Bible, Trump said it was “a Bible.”

Anonymous said...

What a crazy fuck...

Just like in 2016... when the only people who didn't accept the results were pretty much every Democrat in the country. They DID use the Federal Law Enforcement to try to stop him, undercut him, and even get him removed.

it's psychological projection all day every day with the left.

everything they claim the right will do, the left has done, is doing, or will do.

anonymous said...

Rat's new girl friend......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Real interesting Denny how you bend over for the Chinese communist.

Does it hurt less?

anonymous said...

It's is even funnier how deep you swallow trumps dick!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Do you choke??????

anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be hysterical if no one showed up next week for that racist rally in Oklahoma next week!!!!1 Imagine he would blame everyone but himself......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

What would truly be hysterical is if you ever posted something that made sense, fatty

But alas, that’ll never happen

anonymous said...

Sure seems the confederacy has taken some body shots this week....Nascar....statues and now Lady Antebellum will now be known as Lady A!!!!!!!!! About time the south is coming to the realization that the civil war had unintended consequences so many years later!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Really have that much trouble with a simple written sentence....must be that UGA edumacation of drinking grain alcohol with Hawaiian Punch......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! God you need help!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

I understand the written sentence, you fail to write very many.

Probably diabetic retinopathy

That and the opioids needed for the joint replacements

Anonymous said...

That and the opioids needed for the joint replacements

ironic that two of the three fuckhead liberals on this blog are hooked on opioids.

anonymous said...

That and the opioids needed for the joint replacements

BWAAAAAAAA!!!!! Yep new hips are wonderful....opiods certainly can be habit forming for morons like you!!! And drunkard...that the best you got today as your southern BS is going down the shitter with your lack of income!!!!!! My guess is you are all tough talk and a pussy at large!!!!! Idiot

anonymous said...

Wonder what these will look like tomorrow after today's stellar market close??????? Hey mouth of the south....swallow these......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

President Trump Job Approval Rasmussen Reports Approve 43, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +13
Wednesday, June 10
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden Economist/YouGov Biden 49, Trump 41 Biden +8
President Trump Job Approval Reuters/Ipsos Approve 42, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +15
President Trump Job Approval Gallup Approve 39, Disapprove 57 Disapprove +18
President Trump Job Approval Politico/Morning Consult Approve 39, Disapprove 58 Disapprove +19
President Trump Job Approval Economist/YouGov Approve 43, Disapprove 56 Disapprove +13
2020 Generic Congressional Vote Economist/YouGov Democrats 47, Republicans 39 Democrats +8

anonymous said...

Even more ironic rat thinks anyone gives a shit about his opinion or posts......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

I could be a pussy and not have a worry about a morbidly obese, diabetic with plastic hips


And who the fuck is Lady Antebellum

Never heard of her/them/it whatever

Anonymous said...

The "Great Society" Democrat plan failed.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
I could be a pussy and not have a worry about a morbidly obese

The big mouth of the south makes himself look like the asshole trump is!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Yeah, you really scare women children and dogs.....!!!!!!!!!!