Saturday, June 27, 2020

There is more to this than just one ruling...

Federal Judge: Cuomo And De Blasio Can’t Limit The Size Of Outdoor Religious Services If They Didn’t Care About Limiting The Size Of Protests

Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio could have just as easily discouraged protests, short of condemning their message, in the name of public health and exercised discretion to suspend enforcement for public safety reasons instead of encouraging what they knew was a flagrant disregard of the outdoor limits and social distancing rules. They could have also been silent. But by acting as they did, Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio sent a clear message that mass protests are deserving of preferential treatment.

I have to say that the overwhelming liberal advocation for the public protests with no real regard for the health issues that they seem so eager to protect in any other activity was a bigger problem that has led to more than just this one ruling. The idea that these powers to be so blatantly made Covid-19 a political pawn has undermined the entire case for social distancing and other mandates.

This is not to say that it's not safer to maintain your distancing, it's probably a good thing to wear a mask when you will be in close quarters, and there is no real "need" to seek out public places with lots of people at this point. But being encouraged to do so is one thing. Being ordered to do so (but only in certain situations that seem to be guided exclusively by politics) is another.

Without a legitimate medical or scientific reason, many Governors have determined that it's perfectly acceptable to protest and riot in larger groups. But then these same Governors want to ban things like church services. This is blatant political pandering and last time I checked political pandering was not part of the constitution or the bill of rights.

Such hypocrisy should not be part of our society... period.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Russian military intelligence has been offering “bounties” for the killing of American forces stationed in Afghanistan. Those bounties were still on offer during the peace talks being conducted to supposedly end the decades-old conflict in that country. It’s not clear how many of the 20 Americans who were killed in Afghanistan during 2019 resulted in a payday from Moscow, but militants “are believed to have collected some bounty money.” And as Trump continues to talk up his friend Putin, it’s not like any of this is a surprise—because Trump has known about it since March.

He hasn't said or done anything in response to the murder of American heroes in the United States Marines.

Your hypocrisy squared is due to Trumpism stage four brain cancer.

Commonsense said...

The public just doesn't believe the authorities about COVID-19 anymore.

They spent their entire credibility on the protest.

Anonymous said...

stealing from the kos, alky?


Anonymous said...

and once again the left validates what i said many moons ago -

hypocrisy is the bedrock of liberalism.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York Times