Thursday, July 2, 2020

Covid Deaths - Past three weeks.

Top 10: 
  • California - 1163
  • New Jersey - 889
  • Illinois - 860
  • New York - 822
  • Florida - 764
  • Massachusetts - 668
  • Pennsylvania - 581
  • Texas - 562
  • Georgia - 501
  • Arizona - 481 

Wouldn't think this is true based on the way the press is treating Covid right now. According to the lame stream media, all of the problems in the upper northeast have been resolved and the Covid virus has moved to the conservative "sun belt" states of Arizona, Texas, and (of course) Florida.  

Yet, the amount of people dying is still stubbornly high in the upper north east, and the worse sun belt states across the board appears to be California. But for some reason we don't hear much about the huge increases in cases there, or the fact that they are leading the country in recent deaths. They only want to talk about Texas or Florida with some Arizona sprinkled in for good measure.  


cowardly king obama said...

Justin Hart

Check this out y'all. Florida had 4 TIMES as many cases of #COVID19 in June as previous months but 10 TIMES fewer deaths. How?? Lots of testing + lower age infections + BETTER treatments = a virus dying out.

I'm guessing the same thing is happening across the country.


source data:

Full chart deets with AGES!



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Seems appropriate for here:

Herman Cain Praised No Masks at July 4th Event

LESS THAN 24 HOURS before Herman Cain was HOSPITALIZED with coronavirus, he tweeted about President Trump’s July 4th celebration at Mt. Rushmore:

“Masks will not be mandatory for the event, which will be attended by President Trump. PEOPLE ARE FED UP!”

Yeah, when they're not laid up like you.
Hope you're not on a ventilator.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Texas Mandates Use of Face Masks

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) issued an executive order requiring all Texans to wear a face covering in public in counties with 20 or more positive coronavirus cases.

It’s a stark reversal for the Republican governor… On June 3, Abbott issued an executive order banning local governments from imposing fines on people who don’t wear masks in public.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I would love for Ch to give us for all those states:

1) The number of CASES in the last three weeks.

2) The number of CASES in the last two weeks.

3) The number of CASES in the last week.

And then

1) The number of DEATHS in the last three weeks.

2) The number of DEATHS in the last two weeks.

3) The number of DEATHS in the last week.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just put up some great stuff on "The Economy ROARS BACK!" thread.

Commonsense said...

Thanks for the warning.


James said...
I would love for Ch to give us for all those states:

1) The number of CASES in the last three weeks.

2) The number of CASES in the last two weeks.

3) The number of CASES in the last week.

And then

1) The number of DEATHS in the last three weeks.

2) The number of DEATHS in the last two weeks.

3) The number of DEATHS in the last week.

Maybe the POS "pastor" can show us that he can actually do something himself and post those statistics. WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE A SLAVE MASTER ???


Prove you can actually do something.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

‘The President Himself Is a Hoax’

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) needled President Trump on MSNBC over his assertion that allegations of Russian bounties on American soldiers is a hoax.

Said Pelosi: “He’ll say this is a hoax, and it’s a hoax that Russia is 24/7 trying to disrupt our elections like they did in 2016. He says that coronavirus is a hoax. The fact is, the president himself is a hoax.”


James said...
I would love for Ch to give us for all those states:

1) The number of CASES in the last three weeks.

2) The number of CASES in the last two weeks.

3) The number of CASES in the last week.

And then

1) The number of DEATHS in the last three weeks.

2) The number of DEATHS in the last two weeks.

3) The number of DEATHS in the last week.

Maybe the POS "pastor" can show us that he can actually do something himself and post those statistics. WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE A SLAVE MASTER ???


Prove you can actually do something.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday ordered that face coverings must be worn in public across most of the state, a dramatic ramp up of the Republican's efforts to control spiking numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.

Abbott, who had pushed Texas' aggressive reopening of the state economy in May, had previously said the government could not order individuals to wear masks. His prior virus-related orders had undercut efforts by local governments to enforce mask requirements.

But faced with dramatically rising numbers of both newly confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus and the number of patients so sick they needed to be hospitalized, Abbott changed course with the statewide mask order.

The order requires “all Texans to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth in public spaces in counties with 20 or more positive COVID-19 cases, with few exceptions."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The number of infections are increasingly growing among the younger people. They usually don't die but they can pass it on their families and grandparents.

Caliphate4vr said...

99.96% of people under 70 don’t die, liver

Myballs said...

So thousands of people packed into all those riots and demonstrations and two weeks later covid cases spike. Every Republican in the country predicted it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is no evidence of your charges against the Black Lives Matter movement

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If your parents are still alive today, would you want them to be exposed to the virus.?

Caliphate4vr said...

False premise liver. No one here disagrees with people your age shuttering in place.

Leave those of us that aren’t old nor infirm to live our lives

Myballs said...

Packing a mass of people doesn't spread the virus? I guess that obky happens in Tulsa. You damn idiot.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most of the people who were in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations were practicing social distancing and wearing masks.

Myballs said...

Like hell they were. They were packed in.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Voters are right that Trump is worsening race relations and handling the protests poorly. In the past two days alone, the president has retweeted (and then deleted) a video of one of his supporters shouting “White power!” and another of two white supporters pointing guns at black protesters marching past their house.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is a racist

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

another of two white supporters pointing guns at black protesters marching past their house.

What a piece of shit you are

Myballs said...

Destroying ho,es and burning businesses is not protesting. And protecting your homrbis not racist. So piss off you pathetic old fool.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democrats didn't create the KKK.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I strongly condemned the rioting and looting.

But your President said that "There are many good people on both sides".

After the Charlottesville disaster

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Generals of the Confederacy should not be in publicly owned property.

They should be in museums.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Laurence Tribe

Donald Trump now says he doesn’t believe our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia is paying bounties to Taliban who kill U.S. troops. Why not? Because . . . wait for it:

Because Putin TOLD him Russia isn’t doing that. Shades of Helsinki. Can this really be happening?


Myballs said...

No it isn't. It's all in your head...again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Agents Preparing for Pence Trip Contracted Virus
July 2, 2020 at 9:17 pm EDT

“Vice President Pence’s trip to Arizona this week had to be postponed by a day after several Secret Service agents who helped organize the visit either tested positive for coronavirus or were showing symptoms of being infected.

“Pence was scheduled to go to Phoenix on Tuesday but went on Wednesday instead so that healthy agents could be deployed for his visit."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How Republicans Keep Appeasing Trump

“Yet as demoralizing as June was for many Republicans, what was less visible were the frenetic, and often fruitless, attempts by top Republicans to soothe the president and steer him away from self-sabotage, while also manipulating him to serve their own purposes.

“One Republican official who is in frequent contact with the campaign expressed incredulity at how some aides willfully distort the electoral landscape to mollify Mr. Trump, recalling one conversation in which they assured him he was faring well in Maine, a state where private polling shows he’s losing.

“Interviews with almost four dozen Republican lawmakers, strategists and administration officials about Mr. Trump’s re-election bid paint a picture of a White House and a re-election effort adrift, at once paralyzed by Mr. Trump’s erratic behavior yet also dependent on him to execute his own Houdini-like political escape.”

lol Not even Houdini could get out of what Trump has gotten himself into.


James said...
I would love for Ch to give us for all those states:

1) The number of CASES in the last three weeks.

2) The number of CASES in the last two weeks.

3) The number of CASES in the last week.

And then

1) The number of DEATHS in the last three weeks.

2) The number of DEATHS in the last two weeks.

3) The number of DEATHS in the last week.

Maybe the POS "pastor" can show us that he can actually do something himself and post those statistics. WHY IS HE ACTING LIKE A SLAVE MASTER ???


Still waiting so I guess we must assume the results were damaging to the waterboy. and he is scared to share.

Or he is totally incompetent.

Or both.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

56,259 cases of the virus today.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Anonymous said...

Roger, when your 2nd ex dumped you out and you became homeless, suicidal and crying on your FB page.

Why didn't you go to your Bank, take out , oh ,say, $6,000 ?

Anonymous said...

DemoMarxist Gov. Kelly "Ordered every adult and children over 5 wear face masks"

More then half of the Counties have told her "NO!".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Shut up kput'z

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Thursday ordered that face coverings must be worn in public across most of the state, a dramatic ramp up of the Republican's efforts to control spiking numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases and hospitalizations.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Putin pays the Taliban cash to slaughter our men and women in uniform, and Trump is silent, weak, controlled.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The US has seen a record 53,000 new COVID-19 cases within 24 hours on Thursday, smashing a record from the day prior

As of Thursday evening the US' total number of COVID-19 infections stood at 2,739,092 and the number of deaths at 128,742

Eight states reported single-day case records on Thursday: Alaska, Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Montana, South Carolina and Tennessee

On Thursday hordes of people were seen packed on beaches in Miami and crowds gathered at Mt. Rushmore in South Dakota ahead of July 4th festivities.

Trump ",It's just going to disappear"

Anonymous said...

Testing is working.

Winning .

Roger who is deep fucking your ex's. Some real men, not some sheltered loser like you.

Anonymous said...

Marxist Gov. Kelly issued a Order🤣
mandating mask wearing.

63 % of Kansas Counties Commissions have voted "NO".

She lost .

Anonymous said...

Roger, I did enjoy so much your public begging on your Facebook page. your epic plead for help, your suicidal meltdown.

Thank you.
No cash reserves, how did that happen?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

U.S. Sets New Daily Record for Coronavirus Cases
July 3, 2020 at 8:01 am EDT

The U.S. on Thursday set a record for daily new coronavirus cases with 55,220, surpassing Wednesday’s record mark of 52,789, The Hill reports.

I do not gloat over these numbers, as some of you think. I worry about them. But yes, I am glad they will probably contribute to Trump's defeat, for he is one of the very worst, most unworthy, incapable, undeserving persons ever to hold the high office of POTUS.

Anonymous said...

Testing is discovering new cases.

This was, at one time what the Three Marxist Stooges of CHT wanted.

Now , they are against it.

James when did you make peace with baby killing?


Jordan Schachtel

COVID-19 update: Let's check in with Sweden, the country that never did lockdown thing & isn't asking people to wear masks.

COVID deaths over past week: 32.

How did this happen? The "public health experts" & epidemiologists told us the entire nation would be in flames by now.


Now observe Sweden's cases uptick. Same as ours. Similar to us, their new cases are in the general population, where COVID has no bite. The "spike" started in early June. People should be dying in droves, according to "the experts." Instead, we see record lows in deaths.



Anonymous said...

The Public Health Experts have been exceptionally wrong.


as for the lying plagiarizing POS "pastor" who is one of the very worst, most unworthy, incapable, undeserving persons ever to post here, where is his work showing the data trends?

Still hasn't provided like is always the case.

He is a fraud

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Ex-Obama Adviser Calls for Mailing Masks to All

U.S. Sets New Daily Record for Coronavirus Cases

Virus Test Used by White House May Not Be Accurate

Quote of the Day
“People are not wearing masks. And I don’t think they’re not wearing masks because the President of the United States is not wearing a mask. They’re not wearing a mask because nobody’s saying put the mask on.”
— White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, quoted by The Hill.

(How dumb was that?)

Justices Block Alabama Measure to Make

Peter Thiel Thinks Trump Will Lose

Venture capitalist Peter Thiel has declined to take part in President Trump’s re-election campaign because he doesn’t think Trump has much of a chance at winning, the Wall Street Journal reports.

One person in touch with Thiel said the investor called Trump’s campaign the “S.S. Minnow” in reference to the Gilligan’s Island ship that ran aground and stranded the show’s characters.

Texas Mask Mandate Exempts Voting

“Most Texans will now have to wear a mask to the grocery store, hair salon and bus stop — but not to the voting booth during ongoing primary runoff elections,” the Houston Chronicle reports.

Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) mask order exempts “any person who is voting, assisting a voter, serving as a poll watcher, or actively administering an election,” but he adds that “wearing a face covering is strongly encouraged.”

Sick of Winning?
New ad from Joe Biden.

Agents Preparing for Pence Trip Contracted Virus

Ambassadors Sold Stock as Trump Downplayed Virus

How Republicans Keep Appeasing Trump

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL @ 7:23
I never said I would supply the data. I only suggested that if Ch really wanted to be honest, he would.

Still waiting.


James said...
LOL @ 7:23
I never said I would supply the data. I only suggested that if Ch really wanted to be honest, he would.

Actually if you were honest and interested you would supply. If you have any talent you would have looked this up by now and posted.

The FACT you haven't tells volumes

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

BS, F'n. I'm so certain Ch can't, I challenged him. So far, I'm right.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

As virus cases surge, Biden ad mocks Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It is rumored that Trump's park service has refused the requests of Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln for huge face masks at the July 4th Mt.Rushmore event.

Myballs said...

James it's your red herring. Do your own homework. You brought it up. You can look it up.

Myballs said...

It is rumored 5hay democrats now think the smer flag itself is racist because it has white stripes but no black ones.

Myballs said...

Voters are now asking about those cognitive tests Biden says he takes do often. He is hiding the results. America wants to know why.


Myballs said...
James it's your red herring. Do your own homework. You brought it up. You can look it up.

It's just exposing the "pastor" for the fraud he is.

And everyone knows he is.

Even himself.

Voters are now asking about those cognitive tests Biden says he takes do often. He is hiding the results. America wants to know why.

It will likely turn out like the Pocahontas DNA test did. A disaster for dems and a gift to Trump

Myballs said...

The federal $600 assistance layoff funding expires July 31st. Look for mass return to work in Aug and Sept. Just in time for Trump reelection.

anonymous said...

Look for mass return to work in Aug and Sept. Just in time for Trump reelection.

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Are going to share what you are smoking asshole or like trump, keep it all for yourself???????

Anonymous said...

Roger, I did enjoy so much your public begging on your Facebook page. your epic plead for help, your suicidal meltdown.

Thank you.
No cash reserves, how did that happen?

Myballs said...

Think about it dopey. The additional fed funding expires. Many furloughs also end Aug 31st. This isn't rocket science.

anonymous said...

Think about this asshole......with positive rates increasing and cases out of you honestly think this is under control or is the US heading for another shut down in spite of trumps hoping it goes away???? BTW We are #1....trumps favorite place!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dopie and Alky are economic and financial retard.
James, stays out of these economic discussion for good cause.

Anonymous said...

The so called health experts said that sunshine, warm weather would kill this bug.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BREAKING: More than 56,015 have been diagnosed with Coronavirus in the U.S. in the last 24 hours. This is a new record.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

America is faring exactly as well under Trump’s leadership as his casinos, airline and scam university did.

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
The so called health experts said that sunshine

THAT IS OUTRIGHT BULLSHIT AGAIN YOU GOAT FUCKING IDIOT!!!!!!!!!! Trump was the only one saying that and how has that worked out so far asshole????

anonymous said...

Did the goat fucker hear that Kansas hat a 35% increase yesterday......sure hope he stays in mommy's basement to preserve his stupidity!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Upon arrival, neither the 82nd nor The Old Guard were ever called off base and into the city to respond to protests. Division paratroopers were sent back to Fort Bragg on June 4.

But the reports led to sharp condemnation and outrage on social media platforms.

An unclassified military document obtained by the AP also shows that some of the soldiers were not prepared to deal with the protesters. Instead, commanders planned to give them the proper training within 96 hours of their arrival in Washington.

While some infantry soldiers are trained in crowd control, especially those preparing for overseas deployment, they don’t typically undergo training for riot control and domestic civil unrest.

In a letter to Milley on June 22, Krishnamoorthi and Lieu expressed concern that the use of bayonets could escalate any potential violence at protests. They drew parallels to the 1970 Kent State shootings in which four students were killed by National Guardsmen.

“The escalation and violence leading up to and following those killings included those same troops meeting peaceful demonstrators with bayonets,” the representatives wrote.

In his response, Milley stopped short of agreeing to bar service members from deploying to domestic protests with bayonets in the future. He said each situation would have to be dealt with individually.

In a joint statement to the AP on Thursday, the U.S. representatives wrote: “While we are grateful for General Milley’s responses to our questions concerning the arming of troops with bayonets for potential deployment against protesters, we were disappointed he was not willing to commit to banning the practice.”

They added: “We recognize the necessity of the Joint Force preserving flexibility to respond to varying circumstances, but it is difficult for us to imagine a circumstance which could necessitate or justify the deployment of bayonets against American civilians.”

The bayonet news broke at the same time the AP first reported that President Donald Trump ordered military aircraft to fly above demonstrators in a “show of force.” That information came from two Defense Department officials who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss ongoing operations publicly.

Show-of-force missions within the U.S. military are designed to intimidate an opposing force and to warn of potential military action if provoked further. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told reporters that the incident, involving an Army National Guard medical evacuation helicopter that hovered low over protesters in Washington, D.C., is under investigation.

Milley also found himself embroiled in controversy after he walked with President Donald Trump to a photo-op outside St. John’s Church after passing through Lafayette Park, which the military cleared of protesters beforehand.

He later apologized and said he “should not have been there."


LaPorta reported from Delray Beach, Florida.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has confirmed a report by The Associated Press that some of the service members who were mobilized to Washington, D.C., last month in response to civil unrest over the killing of George Floyd were issued bayonets. Defense documents obtained by the AP show some were not trained in riot response.

Members of the Army's 82nd Airborne Division from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, which is based in D.C. and typically guards the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, were mobilized last month to respond to massive protests over the treatment of Black Americans and systemic issues of police brutality. But the troops were never actually sent to the protests after they arrived.

The soldiers were issued bayonets for their June 2 deployment — but told they were to remain in their scabbards and not attached to their service rifles, Joint Chiefs Chairman Army Gen. Mark A. Milley wrote to two U.S. representatives in a letter that was obtained by the AP. The soldiers were also told no weapons were to enter the capital without clear orders and only after nonlethal options were first reviewed, he said.

Milley said the order to mobilize the troops came from Army Maj. Gen. Omar Jones, who serves as commander of the military district of Washington. Milley's letter, dated June 26, was sent to Democratic Reps. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois and Rep. Ted Lieu of California, who demanded an explanation after the AP first reported on the use of bayonets on June 2.

Roughly 700 members of the 82nd Airborne Division were sent on that day to two military bases near the District Capitol Area. The AP previously reported soldiers were armed with live rounds, bayonets, and riot gear. Bloomberg reported on June 11 that the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, nicknamed “The Old Guard," was also issued bayonets.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

For Trump, there are two broad pathways to maintaining power. First, we can already see very clearly a strategy designed to suppress voter turnout with the purging of registration rolls of large numbers of mostly urban voters; efforts to suppress mail-in ballots, which are more necessary than ever, given COVID-19; a re-election apparatus that is training 50,000 poll watchers for the purpose of challenging citizens' right to vote on Election Day; and significant efforts to make in-person voting in urban areas as cumbersome as possible in order to have long lines that discourage people from exercising their voting rights.

The second pathway to subverting the election is even more ominous—but we must be cognizant of it because Trump is already laying the groundwork for how he can lose the popular vote, and even lose in the key swing states necessary for an Electoral College victory, but still remain president.

This spring, HBO aired The Plot Against America, based on the Philip Roth novel of how an authoritarian president could grab control of the United States government using emergency powers that no one could foresee. Recent press reports have revealed the compilation by the Brennan Center at New York University of an extensive list of presidential emergency powers that might be inappropriately invoked in a national security crisis. Attorney General William Barr, known for his extremist view of the expanse of presidential power, is widely believed to be developing a Justice Department opinion arguing that the president can exercise emergency powers in certain national security situations, while stating that the courts, being extremely reluctant to intervene in the sphere of a national security emergency, would allow the president to proceed unchecked.

Something like the following scenario is not just possible but increasingly probable because it is clear Trump will do anything to avoid the moniker he hates more than any other: "loser."

Trump actually tweeted on June 22: "Rigged 2020 election: millions of mail-in ballots will be printed by foreign countries, and others. It will be the scandal of our times!" With this, Trump has begun to lay the groundwork for the step-by-step process by which he holds on to the presidency after he has clearly lost the election:

Biden wins the popular vote, and carries the key swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania by decent but not overwhelming margins.
Trump immediately declares that the voting was rigged, that there was mail-in ballot fraud and that the Chinese were behind a plan to provide fraudulent mail-in ballots and other "election hacking" throughout the four key swing states that gave Biden his victory.
Having railed against the Chinese throughout the campaign, calling Biden "soft on China," Trump delivers his narrative claiming the Chinese have interfered in the U.S. election.
Trump indicates this is a major national security issue, and he invokes emergency powers, directing the Justice Department to investigate the alleged activity in the swing states. The legal justification for the presidential powers he invokes has already been developed and issued by Barr.
The investigation is intended to tick down the clock toward December 14, the deadline when each state's Electoral College electors must be appointed. This is the very issue that the Supreme Court harped on in Bush v. Gore in ruling that the election process had to be brought to a close, thus forbidding the further counting of Florida ballots.
All four swing states have Republican control of both their upper and lower houses of their state legislatures. Those state legislatures refuse to allow any Electoral College slate to be certified until the "national security" investigation is complete.
The Democrats will have begun a legal action to certify the results in those four states, and the appointment of the Biden slate of electors, arguing that Trump has manufactured a national security emergency in order to create the ensuing chaos.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The issue goes up to the Supreme Court, which unlike the 2000 election does not decide the election in favor of the Republicans. However, it indicates again that the December 14 Electoral College deadline must be met; that the president's national security powers legally authorize him to investigate potential foreign country intrusion into the national election; and if no Electoral College slate can be certified by any state by December 14, the Electoral College must meet anyway and cast its votes.
The Electoral College meets, and without the electors from those four states being represented, neither Biden nor Trump has sufficient votes to get an Electoral College majority.
The election is thrown into the House of Representatives, pursuant to the Constitution. Under the relevant constitutional process, the vote in the House is by state delegation, where each delegation casts one vote, which is determined by the majority of the representatives in that state.
Currently, there are 26 states that have a majority Republican House delegation. 23 states have a majority Democratic delegation. There is one state, Pennsylvania, that has an evenly split delegation. Even if the Democrats were to pick up seats in Pennsylvania and hold all their 2018 House gains, the Republicans would have a 26 to 24 delegation majority.
This vote would enable Trump to retain the presidency.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If this happens, Scott A**hole would scream in pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

If this happens, Scott A**hole would scream in pleasure.

projecting again alky, i see.

it's you assholes who STILL refuse to accept the result of the 2016 election.

rest assured asswipe, that if trump loses his bid for re-election the transfer of power will be peaceful and orderly. and no one in the outgoing administration will attempt a coup or other disruption of the incoming administration.

conservatives will not riot, loot and burn. we'll get up and go to work like we always do while mentally preparing for a return to the disastrous 0linsky years.

it's what we do alky.

we leave the childish tantrums to your side. and you NEVER disappoint.

so go fuck yourself.

Myballs said...

Dopey did not refute my points. As usual.

anonymous said...

Dopey did not refute my points. As usual.

You didn't make any points just Kudlow Bullshit.......BWAAAAAAAA!!! Learn how to read as my post shoved it soooo far up your stupid ass you didn't realize it!!!!!!! Maybe if you answered the question i posed to you that you might realize that was the answer!!!!!

Myballs said...

So what do you think will happen when people stop getting the extra $600? We'll dumb fuck.

anonymous said...

What do you think if the country closes again??????? BTW That is the R plan....force people back to work no matter what....Yep, that is a brilliant plan that idiots like you endorse!!!!!

Myballs said...

If you think the country will shut down again l8ke before, you're even more ignorant than we all thought.

We don't call you dopey for nothing.

Anonymous said...

What is Dopie Denny Biden attempting to say ?

"Kansas hat"


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bend the curve ✔
Testing ✔

Marxist Riot, rape, steal and get full backing by Elected Democrats✔

anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...
If you think the country will shut down again l8ke before,

That's the point you flaming asshole.....If we see 100 k a day......what do you think will have to happen.....everyone go back to work and spread it some more....The EU has 10% the infections we do!!!!1 n They listen to their experts and leaders while you think everything is just fine and will go down with the guys sure have plans....they all SUCK!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!