Friday, July 3, 2020

Covid exposes big differences between conservatives and liberals...

Sometimes it takes something truly remarkable to bring out the best or worst in people. What we have found out in this particular pandemic is critical in understanding the differences between conservatives and liberals. The fundamental differences in how the two personality types differ.

Let's review what we have learned:

Federal vs State: The very first thing that happened is that pretty much every liberal in the country looked at the Federal Government for pretty much everything. Given 99% of all medical supplies and medical personnel are localized, there is literally nothing in place to really "federalize" a medical response in fifty states other than to do what we basically did (create a task force and try to run some point). Yet it didn't stop liberals from demanding that it be done anyways and it didn't stop failing Governors to deflect blame to others (Governor Cuomo). To some degree I factor this to be partially a large confusion regarding what a Republic actually is and the other part is the idea that crying about a lack of Federal response made great political fodder with a Republican President. Would have been a much different media experience had we had a Democrat in office.

Mandates vs personal responsibility: I have never seen so many liberals so upset with the actions of other people that realistically should have no personal effect on them. Quite frankly, this seems to be some sort of issue with control (or in this case a lack of control). Liberals apparently cannot stand free will to any degree when free will allows people to do what they don't want them to do. For conservatives, the whole reopening of the economy is about giving people their freewill back. Allowing people to make their own informed decisions about their own safety. It reminds me a little about the push a few years back to ban the sale of SUV and Trucks because those vehicles made driving a smart car less safe. Driving a smaller less safe and less useful car to save gas is a decision. Just as driving a bigger safer more useful vehicle that might use more gas is a decision. Just as staying home vs going to the beach on the fourth of July is a decision. Conservatives understand this and embrace the responsibility. Liberals hate the very concept of choice because it requires them to acknowledge the concept that they are ultimately responsible for themselves, when they would rather be controlling others.

Emotion vs logic: We have to look no further than the concept from liberals that determined it to be perfectly acceptable (if not medically important) to go out into the streets and protest in large crowds, because people were "upset". Meanwhile, as these very protests were rising up throughout the country, the liberal powers to be were still banning people from attending outdoor church services or having small outdoor gatherings, because that was apparently "unsafe". This is one of the many classic emotionally driven arguments made by liberals throughout this whole thing that flies in the face of all logic and understanding of the virus. It basically ruined much of the goodwill that had been created over the situation.

Science vs science: Once again, the power of actual science that requires the attention to data, the realigning of wrong assumptions, and the ability to prove what you allege is ignored by the so called "Party of science". Again and again, liberals have cited "predictions" about the future from sources that are sometimes qualified to have their opinion and sometimes not. But predictions are not science. Never has been and never will be. Does anyone remember when the buzz was that South Dakota was the biggest Covid outbreak not just in the country, but in the entire world? Went on for a good week or so before it was replaced by something else. Oh, and South Dakota still hasn't reached 100 deaths statewide, btw. If you look at these debates closely, you still (even today) see every liberal talk about what is to be coming, just around the corner, any day now, etc, etc... while ignoring the actual data and numbers that sit out there for anyone to look at. It's amazing how often people will try to dispute data from the CDC with an opinion piece written by a political writer from a liberal news source, then demand you are the one who is uninformed. Science? Nope. Raw emotional politicized fear mongering with the net end desired result being about some sort of political end.


Anonymous said...

See new Tweets

Adam Schiff's top aides were briefed on Russia bounty suspicions.

In February.

In Afghanistan.

Schiff didn't think it was significant enough to alert colleagues on Intel committee, held no hearings, told no one, did nothing.

New from me and

so yet another bullshit alky narrative goes up in smoke.

Anonymous said...

ralph "strap-on" maddow:

"brace yourselves for job numbers that are going to be absolutely terrible":

Commonsense said...

The the tacit approval of the BLM protest from many of the so-called "public health experts" has destroyed the credibility of every guidance or mandatory orders issue by state and local officials.

The pubic now understands that these guidance and mandatory orders are more driven by politics than science.

The also now understand that political leaders will not hesitate to use a crisis as an excuse to subvert the rights of the people and acquire tyrannical power to themselves.

Anonymous said...

The also now understand that political leaders will not hesitate to use a crisis as an excuse to subvert the rights of the people and acquire tyrannical power to themselves.

ALBANY - Reform groups have joined the calls to end Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s emergency executive powers given to him to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

A letter sent Wednesday to Cuomo and state legislative leaders by Common Cause New York, NYPIRG, the League of Women Voters of New York and Reinvent Albany calls for the Legislature to pull back on Cuomo’s expanded authority and to restore the balance of power.

of course, these same groups of knuckleheads sat back quietly as NYS succumbed to one-party super-majority rule. even a blind man could've seen this coming. better late than never guys.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

America is faring exactly as well under Trump’s leadership as his casinos, airline and scam university did.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump doubles down a second time that Coronavirus is just going to disappear. Is this guy mentally ill?

You think that Joe Biden has a mental disorder!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Requiring a mask is not an infringement on your rights.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott A**hole, do you want your kids to go back to school this fall?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott A**hole would support this shit

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They are not allowed to disclose exactly what they learned in the briefings.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Scott A**hole, do you want your kids to go back to school this fall?

alky, show some respect to our host.

The nation's pediatricians have come out with a strong statement in favor of bringing children back to the classroom this fall wherever and whenever they can do so safely. The American Academy of Pediatrics' guidance "strongly advocates that all policy considerations for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school."

The guidance says "schools are fundamental to child and adolescent development and well-being."

The AAP cites "mounting evidence" that transmission of the coronavirus by young children is uncommon, partly because they are less likely to contract it in the first place.

shut the fuck up alky.

Anonymous said...

America is faring exactly as well under Trump’s leadership as his casinos, airline and scam university did.


trump's worth around $8 BILLION.

your broke ass is sitting in a medicaid paid for nursing home living on a borrowed liver after you drank the first one to death.

so tell us again how unsuccessful trump is. especially since the democrats literally had to resort to destroying the fucking economy and in turn the country over a fucking flu, because every other effort to get rid of the "bad orange man" was an EPIC FAIL.

the country is burning alky, and the blame for that is 100% on the left.

daniel patrick moynihan warned us 50 years ago of the impending shitshow LBJ's "great society" would create. honestly i'm surprised it took as long as it did for things to turn to shit, but turn to shit they have.

no republican gets credit for this mess alky. you fucksticks OWN this shit. this was your path to a permanent majority and endless power. and where has it led? to an epic fucking disaster.

this isn't on trump, alky.

this is on YOU.

C.H. Truth said...

Scott A**hole, do you want your kids to go back to school this fall?

I know you are a feeble old man, but you might want to look at this:

Barely any school age children have suffered from this. Less than a 150 people under the age of 24 all together have died from Covid. Very likely only a few dozen actual school aged children have died (and most had other complications or medical conditions).

Way more children die every year from the flu than died from Covid-19. Did the country shut down the schools to protect us from the measles, chicken pox, or the variety of viruses and sicknesses that killed children when we grew up? Every year when I grew up over 10,000 kids were hospitalized with Chicken Pox and over a 100 (on average) would die. Measles killed several hundred a year. We stayed in school.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President and his supporters at Mount Rushmore today don't have to wear a mask or social distancing.

Darwinism will eventually result in the death of thousands of his pathological supporters

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are old enough to die from an infection and the side effects.

Comparing measles or maybe polio is fucking ridiculous.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are feeble minded.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Everything is a hoax!!! The Media is a hoax, Covid-19 is a hoax, Russian intel is a hoax........
He is such a liar that its hilarious now if you believe him 🤣

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The lives of a few children is not a concern to you again.

C.H. Truth said...

Comparing measles or maybe polio is fucking ridiculous.

Why... Because Measles and polio killed thousands more children than Covid has?

In that regard, I agree 100% with you. Silly to compare them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My maternal grandmother died of the Spanish Flu in 1919.

He was a World War One veteran.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am old enough to remember when we got to polio shots.

At the Canyon Lake grade school in Rapid City.

Commonsense said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

Comparing measles or maybe polio is fucking ridiculous.

Sure is. Measles and polio killed more people. Especially children and young adults. COVID-19 is only dangerous to the old (> 80) and people with underlying health issues.

We can identify the vulnerable and can protect them.

As for stopping the spread between young and healthy people that is not a serious issue in this group. Most of them with either have no symptoms at all or have mild symptoms. And once infected, they have immunity from further infection.

Bottom line, in absents of a vaccine around the corner, I'm not sure slowing the spread is the right strategy. It also pushes back the point where you reach herd immunity and prolongs the crisis.

A crises where more and more people die due to government decisions than the virus itself.

Anonymous said...

Every year when I grew up over 10,000 kids were hospitalized with Chicken Pox and over a 100 (on average) would die. Measles killed several hundred a year. We stayed in school.

when we were kids parents would throw chicken pox parties... on the advice of our pediatricians. these were especially popular if the local outbreak occurred over the summer recess for obvious reasons.

you know, if the insistence to keep things locked down was sincere and backed by science, i would understand, but all of the bluster from the left surrounding our reaction to covid appears to be driven by TDS. everything else they've tried to depose the guy has failed, so when all else fails, intentionally destroy the nation...

...and blame Trump.

amazing, the lengths the left will go because 'orange man bad."

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Dear Diary...

I am old enough to remember when we got to polio shots.

At the Canyon Lake grade school in Rapid City.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

My maternal grandmother died of the Spanish Flu in 1919.

He was a World War One veteran.

and apparently a tranny too.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Our esteemed host disagreed with you.

Comparing measles or maybe polio is fucking ridiculous.

Why... Because Measles and polio killed thousands more children than Covid has?

In that regard, I agree 100% with you. Silly to compare them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My other grandfather Charles was born in 1881.

He was quite the guy who taught me how to milk a cow.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dan Rather said this today

This July 4. My 88th Independence Day. I have seen a lot. I have never seen anything like this.

This is a time when we usually gather with friends and loved ones. We can't.

We often hit the road, or the airport. We don't.

A parade. A ballgame. A sense of security. Mostly just faint memories, and fervent hopes.

(Even the fireworks, should they come, won't feel that special since many are being bombarded with loud shows of light evening after evening In our locked-down nation).

This is a Fourth of July of pain, of anxiety, of uncertainty, and also of reckoning, with the injustices of our past and the terms by which we will define our future. Celebrating America in 2020 feels off, no matter the inborn pride many of us feel for our country. We don't look much like a "city on a hill" in relation to the broader world, as our national leadership throws up walls of hate, and lies, and cruelty, and our reckless response to the pandemic has the world shutting us out. And we are being forced, yet again, to confront the fault lines between reality and rhetoric which have shaken our nation since its founding. The protests that have taken to the streets, the difficult but necessary conversations over race and privilege and justice taking place within institutions, and businesses, and governments, and families, and social groups, come once again in the wake of tragedy and death that has been part of Black America since before that first July 4.

This is an age of crumbling, of our sense of ourselves and our relationship with our nation. We see statues crumbling, and tropes, and the simplistic narratives that too many of us have used to shield our eyes from the truth.

But here is why July 4 should be especially resonant in these times. It doesn't signify a victory. Far from it. In 1776, the chances of a republic by and for (some of) the people was far from assured. It doesn't signify a finish line. We can see in the words of the Decleration of Indpendence tragic irony for a nation of slavery authored by slaveholders. It does signify a beginning. A hope. A journey forward for our nation's people to plot, generation after generation. It is a journey towards that famous and fraught phrase from the Constitution, "a more perfect union."

Today, that union seems far from perfect. Is it worse or are we finally seeing what was always there? I suspect a bit of both. On this July 4, I pause with open eyes, but also an open heart. I am listening. I am moved. I am angry. I am determined. I see many reasons for hope. I see action and ingenuity. My country 'tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, to thee (to all of thee) I sing.

Anonymous said...

Dan Rather said this today

what a fucking scumbag.

Caliphate4vr said...

My maternal grandmother died of the Spanish Flu in 1919.

He was a World War One veteran.

That explains a lot