Monday, July 13, 2020


Listen to the experts!

  • In Jan/Feb the experts told us that Covid was nothing to worry about. We believed them.
  • In early March the experts told us that Covid might be a thing, but to go about our lives. We believed them.
  • By mid-March the experts told us that Covid was a deadly killer, highly contagious, and that the death rate might be as high as 5%. We believed them.
  • By late March, the experts suggested that we close down economies for upwards of two weeks in order to flatten the curve. We believed them and complied.
  • In late March, the experts told us the using masks was not helpful for everyday use and that only medical personnel should be wearing them. We believed them. 
  • In late March, the experts said that upwards of 250,000 Americans would die and that extreme isolation measures were necessary. We believe them.
  • In late March, the experts warned that we would need tens of thousands of Ventilators as well as more hospital beds. We believed them.  
  • In early April the experts told that we couldn't reopen the economy until the rate of infections started to go down. We believed them and complied.
  • By mid April the experts told us that we had done a wonderful job mitigating the rate of the infection and the models now showed that around 60,000 Americans would die. They told us that things might be totally under control by Memorial day. We believed them.
  • By mid April the experts provided a three phase plan for reopening the economy. We were told that this could be started as soon as states reached a 14 day threshold of cases coming down. We believed them.
  • By late April the experts told us to start wearing masks to help with the spread of Covid, after previously telling us they wouldn't help. At least some believed them.
  • By mid May the experts told us that 60,000 deaths would likely be more like 120,000 (or double the 60,000 previously predicted).
  • By late May some experts told us that the rate of death might be around 1% rather than 5%.
  • By late May other experts told us that the rate of death might be around 0.25% rather than 1% or 5%. 
  • By early June the experts put us at 90,000 deaths according to models. 
  • In early June, the experts told us that large gathering protesting the death of George Floyd were medically important. But suggested that other smaller gatherings were not. Almost nobody believed them.
  • By mid June, the expert models told us that we would now see 200,000 deaths by Oct 1st. 
  • By early July, the same models showed it would be 175,000 deaths.
  • A week later, the same models showed it would be 210,000 deaths. 
  • Now the experts are telling us that we might need to shut down the entire economy back down if the number of new cases don't start to decrease?

Excuse us if some Americans no longer believe you. 


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Anonymous said...

From yesterday, James and Roger said the changing science is unclear.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So who are most parents "blindly following"?

Rather, Who do they trust most to tell them the truth?


Isabella Maria DeLuca

Remember the panic when you couldn’t find toilet paper? Wait until you can’t find a police officer.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wait till you can't find a healthy teacher.


Daily Caller

Protest in Los Angeles on June 8

This was fine with the left and continues to be fine. Opening schools, dangerous !!!


Anonymous said...

The end of school, before and after and summer meals can be cancelled.

Outstanding news. Ty James.


And we need real teachers, not propaganda activists.

Replace any who don't want to come back and let parents hold back their kids if they want.

Give parents choice.

And school choice

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Most Parents Say Sending Kids Back to School is a Risk

A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll finds 71% of parents said that sending their kids back to school is either a large or moderate risk to their own health.

Similarly, 51% of parents said that they are either very or extremely worried about sending their children back to school in the coming months, while 23% said that they are somewhat concerned.

Anonymous said...

Heard on the Local PBS radio channel that mass transit has seen a 70 to 80 % drop in ridership. This of course had the coexist crowd in tears.
The other shoe dropping is the rider are buying and driving cars.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Four former heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention blasted President Trump over his administration’s push for in-person school to resume in the fall, saying political pressure is leading to a change in the interpretation of scientific evidence.

“Trying to fight this pandemic while subverting scientific expertise is like fighting blindfolded."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fox News host Tucker Carlson announced Monday night that he’s going on a vacation — “trout fishing” — for the rest of the week, shortly after addressing the latest inflammatory controversy that has dogged his show.

His top writer, Blake Neff, resigned last week after CNN uncovered that he has been posting online in a forum filled with bigotry. The report found he had engaged with rank racism and sexism on the platform. Many argue that Carlson’s program itself is deeply racist — and it carries overt white supremacist themes — but the language on the forums was even more explicit and unequivocally bigoted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York Times
Where things stand:
July 14, 2020
The coronavirus outbreak has grown so dire in Florida that on Sunday the state tallied more new daily cases than any country in the world except for the United States, Brazil and India. This is not the situation that President Trump had in mind when he decided last month to move his speech for the Republican National Convention to Jacksonville, Fla. And it has some high-level Republicans planning to skip the convention altogether.
Darin LaHood, a congressman from Illinois, put it bluntly: “Everybody just assumes no one is going,” he said. He is one of eight members of the House who told The Times that they would skip the convention — along with party heavyweights like Senators Charles Grassley, Lamar Alexander and Susan Collins, who have already indicated they won’t attend.
The convention was initially planned for Charlotte, N.C., but Trump decided to move it after North Carolina’s governor, a Democrat, refused to guarantee that he would not enforce mask-wearing and social-distancing requirements at the event.
The point is all but moot now: Jacksonville officials announced late last month that they would require all convention attendees to wear masks. They haven’t yet said whether they will restrict the number of people allowed in the arena.
Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, refused to commit to a plan for the convention. “We will have to wait and see how things look in late August to determine whether we can safely convene that many people,” he said.
In Texas, the State Supreme Court ruled against the Republican Party’s appeals to hold an in-person state party convention. The event was set to begin later this week at a convention center in Houston — one of Texas’s virus hot spots. But after the court handed down its ruling yesterday, the state Republican Party’s executive committee voted to move the convention online.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Scientists should tell us the truth, no matter what the truth is.

Scientists must tell us what we want to hear, no mater what the truth is.


Most Parents Say Sending Kids Back to School a Risk
July 14, 2020 at 9:23 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...

hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Travel From New York City Seeded Wave of U.S. Outbreaks
The coronavirus outbreak in New York City became the primary source of infections around the United States, researchers have found.

By Benedict Carey and James Glanz

New York City’s coronavirus outbreak grew so large by early March that the city became the primary source of new infections in the United States, new research reveals, as thousands of infected people traveled from the city and seeded outbreaks around the country.

The research indicates that a wave of infections swept from New York City through much of the country before the city began setting social distancing limits to stop the growth. That helped to fuel outbreaks in Louisiana, Texas, Arizona and as far away as the West Coast.

The findings are drawn from geneticists’ tracking signature mutations of the virus, travel histories of infected people and models of the outbreak by infectious disease experts.

“We now have enough data to feel pretty confident that New York was the primary gateway for the rest of the country,” said Nathan Grubaugh, an epidemiologist at the Yale School of Public Health.

listen to the scientist, thanks Cuomo

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll A new Axios-Ipsos Coronavirus Index poll



I guess a symptom of Covid must be TDS

Another positive test result !!!

the lying plagiarizing POS "pastor"


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CNN (not Goddard):

US coronavirus:
Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter as cases surge
CNN 28 mins ago

With more than 2,000 patients hospitalized and hundreds in ICUs, "Miami is now the epicenter of the pandemic," one infectious disease expert said, comparing the South Florida metropolitan area to the city where the pandemic originated.

"What we were seeing in Wuhan -- six months ago, five months ago -- now we are there," Lilian Abbo, with the Jackson Health System said during a news conference hosted Monday by the Miami-Dade County mayor.

The Chinese city of Wuhan, the original epicenter of the coronavirus crisis, went into a 76-day lockdown in late January after a deadly outbreak infected and killed thousands. The first known cases of the virus were first detected in the city in December and by mid-April officials reported more than 50,000 infections. Miami-Dade County has recorded more than 64,000 infections so far, according to state data.

In the past 13 days, Miami-Dade County has seen staggering increases in the number of Covid-19 patients being hospitalized (68%), in the number of Intensive Care Unit beds being used (69%) and in the use of ventilators (109%), the Miami-Dade County Government reported.

Forty-eight Florida hospitals, including eight in Miami-Dade, have reached their ICU capacity, according to the Agency for Health Care Administration.
--The article continues, and it is grim.


James said...

* no brain

fixed it for you



Steve Deace

So California did absolutely everything the media/Team Apocalypse has demanded, and is still surging with new cases and going back into lockdown.

The lockdowns don't work. They didn't work. They're a farce, and the absolute dumbest government decision in human history.

It was supposed to be about flattening the curve, not ending the virus...


Sean Davis

Andrew Cuomo's coronavirus nursing home orders killed more people than 9/11. Pass it on.

and he spread it to the rest of America...

anonymous said...

Only fucked up daddy would believe this tripe from his twitter fake news site...

Actually, Dr. Fauci has discredited Dr. Fauci

If you took the time to see the whole quote from Fauci, you would even in your diminished mind that fauci did not down play anything and cautioned people like you.....that the virus could be a lot worse than they were thinking at the time....BTW,,,,trump made his statement that 15 would go away that same week.....we all know how he missed that prediction by 3+ million SO FAR!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"If you took the time to see the whole quote from Fauci, you would even in your diminished mind that fauci did not down play anything and cautioned people like you.....that the virus could be a lot worse than they were thinking at the time..."

Absolutely correct.

F'n knows it too,
but won't admit it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The New York Times
Morning newsletter
July 14, 2020
Biden’s big opportunity

Joe Biden in front of his childhood home in Scranton, Pa., last week.Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Joe Biden doesn’t seem like an obvious candidate to be a transformational president.

He is not a great public speaker, and he doesn’t have a strong ideology. Over his long career, Biden has mostly tried to stay near the center of the Democratic Party, even when that center has moved.

But history suggests that transformational presidents usually don’t look the part before taking office.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s critics called him an aristocrat without a coherent theory of how to end the Depression. Ronald Reagan was dismissed as an intellectual lightweight from Hollywood. And yet Roosevelt and Reagan each ushered in an era of dominance for their preferred policies.

They did so because of their political skills — and because each was taking office during a national crisis, when a transformation of the government suddenly seemed reasonable to many Americans. If Biden wins, he may be taking office at a similar moment, in the midst of a deadly pandemic, a deep recession and a reckoning with racism.

Which means he may have an opportunity to preside over greater change — on climate policy, racial issues, health care, taxes, education and more — than any recent president. Biden’s advisers say that, over the course of the campaign, he has become increasingly attracted to that notion.

In a 45-minute phone call that Biden held yesterday with several journalists, I asked him whether he would be comfortable pushing a more ambitious agenda than his former boss, Barack Obama, did. His answer: Yes.

“I do think we’ve reached a point, a real inflection in American history. And I don’t believe it’s unlike what Roosevelt was met with,” Biden said. “I think we have an opportunity to make some really systemic change.”

He added: “Something’s happening here, it really is. The American people are going, ‘Whoa, come on, we’ve got to do something.’” As evidence, he cited the number of white Americans participating in Black Lives Matter protests.

Biden has called for police reforms, sharp cuts in carbon emissions, a major infrastructure program, universal preschool for 3- and 4-year-olds, a big expansion of Medicare and substantially higher taxes on the rich. Bernie Sanders says the agenda would make Biden “the most progressive president since F.D.R.”

And most polls show that a majority of Americans support each of those policies.

None of this means Biden will necessarily succeed. He still needs to win, help Democrats retake the Senate, avoid intraparty fights between the left and center — and then deliver policies that actually affect Americans’ lives.

But the potential for sweeping change is real, even if Biden isn’t most liberals’ idea of a visionary.

And the filibuster? Asked whether he supports getting rid of the filibuster, so the Senate could pass bills with a straight majority, Biden said: “It’s going to depend on how obstreperous they become,” referring to Republicans.

He noted that he has historically supported the filibuster and was optimistic he could find common ground with Republicans. “But I think you’re going to just have to take a look at it,” he added.


Fauci said, "Obviously, you need to take it seriously and do the kind of things the (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and the Department of Homeland Security is doing. But this is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about."

On Jan. 26, Fauci gave an interview to John Catsimatidis, a syndicated radio host in New York. "What can you tell the American people about what’s been going on?" Catsimatidis asked. "Should they be scared?"

"I don’t think so," Fauci said. "The American people should not be worried or frightened by this. It’s a very, very low risk to the United States, but it’s something we, as public health officials, need to take very seriously."

And Fauci said president Trump always listened to him and had always gone with the advice of the medical experts.

anonymous said...

YEP fucked up daddy.....why don't you post the WHOLE discussion as you again have proven yourself to be a zero intellect liar!!!!!!!!! Nice try again on your losing side!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!


Hey lo iq.

If you are so interested get off your lazy dumb ass and do that yourself.

Stupid and Lazy is not a good combination though that is your station in life.


Commonsense said...

Peer reviewed studies says they don't
So post 1 that says that in absolute terms...

I posted one yesterday shit for brains go look for it.

Anonymous said...

Don't teach, don't get a pay check.

Anonymous said...

Kansas Schools will open this fall.

Commonsense said...

Miami is now the coronavirus epicenter as cases surge

New cases in Florida 9,164 trending downward
New deaths 132 trending upward.

It's important to note that Miami-Dade is the only part of the state that's under any sort of lockdown.

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