Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Following the science!

In Minnesota Governor Walz has been relying on models that projected nearly 3500 people would be in ICU (as of today) to make his Covid decisions! 

The actual number is 140


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

St. Cloud Times

Governor Walz watching link between COVID-19 surge, bar crowds in Minnesota

From Staff and Wire Reports
Published 4:07 p.m. CT June 30, 2020

If Minnesota bars are going to stay open, and if bar patrons want to be able to go to the bars, something's gonna have to change.

That is the message from Gov. Tim Walz and Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm as the number of confirmed coronavirus cases associated with bar-going has shot into the hundreds while reports come from throughout the state of establishments and patrons ignoring state restrictions that have the force of law.

"At some point in time, the carrot turns to the stick to stop this type of thing," Walz said in response to a reporter's question Monday. He and Malcolm noted that revocation of a bar's business license is an option, as is re-closing bars statewide.

And Walz said he's weighing some sort of statewide mask requirement. "Everything's on the table," he said.

The news also comes as governors across the nation reimpose restrictions on bars and restaurants. On Monday, Arizona joined the ranks of Texas, California and Florida in closing some or all bars or restaurants — reopening reversals all sparked by surges in cases emanating from young bar-hoppers.

In Minnesota, Walz's orders treat bars and restaurants the same: neither is supposed to look or feel like a traditional bar. Even at 50 percent occupancy, everyone is supposed to be seated — no standing bar service — and groups are supposed to be 6 feet apart from other groups. Employees are required to wear masks, and patrons are strongly urged to do so as well. Also, reservations are required.

Frequently, some or all of those haven't been followed, officials acknowledged Monday as the number of positive tests from people who visited crowded bars in Minneapolis and Mankato grew.

Malcolm said that as of Monday morning, "about 200 cases" were associated with two bars in Mankato and "another 100" were associated with two bars in Minneapolis.

As of deadline Tuesday, the Minnesota Department of Health and Stearns County Public Health did not respond to requests on whether the uptick in cases in Stearns County is associated with any St. Cloud-area locations.

Stearns County has seen more than 120 new cases since June 25, including nearly 100 new cases in the past three days. In the week prior to June 25, the county only saw about 20 new cases.

Malcolm on Monday emphasized that while some of the statewide counts could include double-counting of people who hit both bars, "Those are just the ones where there's already been a positive test, so you can just imagine how many more people are out there, possibly without knowing it, transmitting the virus."

Thus far, state officials have taken a relatively casual approach to enforcing many COVID-19 restrictions — and telegraphed the same posture for local officials.

"Education rather than enforcement" is a phrase both Walz and Malcolm have used several times.

If there was any doubt that bars might be in jeopardy of being shut down, one of the state's largest bar associations left no room for error.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

On Friday, Tony Chesak, executive director of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association sent a frank and pleading note to his members throughout the state.

"Fellow license holders, these requirements may seem unreasonable to some, but not following these requirements may end up being the reason for our Governor to dial back, he wrote in part of the letter in bold type. "It took 3 months of intense negotiations and sacrifice to get what we have now. We cannot allow for us to take a step backwards and jeopardize our current progress."

Walz closed bars in March and allowed them to reopen last month. Chesak and other industry representatives have noted that bar owners face a dilemma: They're thirsty for business and wary of trying to evict patrons who don't want abide by the restrictions.

But in another part of his letter, Chesak implores establishment owners to heed the rules: "We all want to get to that brass ring of 100% opening. With hiccups like what is happening in Texas, Florida and even here in Mankato, we have to do better. No, I will not make a lot of friends from this update letter to you. The old adage of one bad apple can spoil the whole basket may in fact ring true for us if we do not all do our part. Servers, bartenders and other staff members, YOU MUST WEAR MASKS."

St. Cloud bars take precautions, encourage social distancing
Patrons at The White Horse in downtown St. Cloud have been following directions and some even go above and beyond by wearing masks when they are not eating, said owner Jackie Lee.

"Inside our restaurant, we've never been full, even with spacing," she said. "We haven't had problems with people moving tables together. People are respectful."

The White Horse lists closing hours as 11 p.m. but its liquor license allows alcohol to be sold until 1 a.m., Lee said.

"If patrons want to be there after 11, we'll stay open as late as we have people. But it's usually not later than midnight," Lee said. "We've never really had a late night crowd."

Lee said she hopes other downtown establishments enforce capacity guidelines.

"I just don't want to have to shut down again," she said. "I don't want to see that happen."

The Pickled Loon started closing at 10 p.m. last Friday, because late night customers would not maintain recommended social distancing, wrote the four owners in a series of Facebook messages with the St. Cloud Times. "We would advise other bars to do the same being that it's packed everywhere not just our establishment."

They've seen other establishments are busy and know from experience it's harder to control a nighttime, mingling crowd compared to times with regular food service.

The Pickled Loon posted to Facebook on June 26 the establishment will begin closing at 10 p.m. to better keep "patrons safe and socially distanced properly."

"We felt that we couldn't control the crowds and didn't want to be part of the problem," the owners wrote. "We want to be part of the solution."

Tables at the Pickled Loon are 6 feet apart, staff wear masks, there are sanitizing stations and management is working to "do everything by the book," they wrote.
Pioneer Press reporter Dave Orrick and St. Cloud Times reporters Jenny Berg and Nora Hertel contributed to this report.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Don't you even know the Minnesota governor's name, Ch?

Dementia getting to you?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


By far the most evident distinction between Minnesota and Wisconsin’s coronavirus outbreaks is the number of people who have died of COVID-19. Minnesota’s 1,411 deaths as of Friday is nearly double Wisconsin’s 766 fatalities.

Why is that, Ch?

anonymous said...

We're #1!!!!!! 40k new cases a day, 130k dead and Lil Schitty is questioning the lethality of the virus!!!!!1 Dayum you are a useless POS !!!! Trump is our leader who is failing miserably!!!! Pew poll 87% think the country is going the wrong way.....that sure leaves you in the ultra minority of americans who are too stupid to see the facts......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

July 1, 2020 at 4:50 pm EDT

“I think we’re going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think at some point that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope… I do, I do. Yeah sure, at some point. And I think we’re going to have a vaccine very soon too.”
— President Trump, in an interview with Fox News.

And did the FOX reporter say,
"But Mr. President, you said all that many, many, many days ago!"?

I don't THINK so.

Anonymous said...

quiver in fear pederast, and leave the rest of us to clean up the mess your precious lockdown created.

C.H. Truth said...

Why is that, Ch?

Because Walz locking us down as tight as a drum... DID NOT WORK!!!

Our restrictions were way heavier than any of our neighbors. Iowa, South and North Dakota had much lighter restrictions and way less deaths. Wisconsin was pretty similar, but did a better job protecting nursing homes and long care facilities.

So not sure what you are driving at. Minnesota had some of the harshest restrictions and we still have many things in place. Are you suggesting that it did poorly because I live here?

Btw... I grew up in Mankato and lived for a couple of years in St Cloud. Those are both college towns and likely the late nights are made up of college aged people. Both the bars in Mankato are downtown in an area loaded with college aged people.

They said that the median age of infections from the Pickled Loon was 21.5.

C.H. Truth said...

I mean seriously Reverend...

Minnesota is a blue state with a very liberal Governor and Minneapolis is one of the most liberal cities in the country. Minnesota holds the streak for most consecutive Presidential elections going to a Democrat.

You should be talking about how great they are doing... rather than comparing them poorly to a state that voted for Trump.

I mean what gives Reverend?

The Trump voting Wisconsinites did almost twice as good as the Hillary voting liberal pie in the sky blue state of Minnesota?

Why is that?

Myballs said...

Just when MN says it's the most dysfunctional state in the country, thosr idiots Cuomo and deblasio say hold my beer

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You should move to South Dakota!

The Noem administration said it would raise private money for a Mount Rushmore fireworks display attended by President Trump.

Instead, taxpayers are footing the bill. And the money’s coming from a fund for research and economic development.

Back in January, state Tourism Secretary Jim Hagen was optimistic about private funding.

“In my opinion, I think a lot of the costs can be borne by sponsorship," Hagen said at the time. "So those are areas that we’re pursuing.”

But the Governor’s Office now says the state is funding the entire $350,000 cost of Friday’s fireworks display. The state has already cut a check for half that amount to Pyro Spectaculars, of California.

The money came from the Future Fund. The late Gov. George Mickelson convinced lawmakers to create the fund in 1987, after he proposed it in his State of the State speech. He said it would be "truly an investment in South Dakota's future."

“It will be for long-term investments," Mickelson said. "It will be for building the infrastructure."

To get money for the fund, the state taxes the wages that employers pay to workers. The fund's current balance is $23 million.

The governor decides how to spend the money. But state law says the money has to be used for “purposes related to research and economic development.”

Governors have awarded hundreds of Future Fund grants over the years. Recent recipients include a parks and wildlife foundation, an authority that manages the underground science lab in Lead, and local economic development groups.

There’s debate about whether a fireworks display is an appropriate use of Future Fund dollars.

Maggie Seidel is an adviser to Gov. Kristi Noem. Seidel said the fireworks bring global media exposure to South Dakota tourism.

“When we’re talking about how awesome of an event this is," Seidel said, "I think that it’s a very good use of taxpayer money.”

Some lawmakers disagree. Reynold Nesiba is a Democratic state senator from Sioux Falls.

“That money is supposed to be used for economic development," Nesiba said, "and what we’re going to see is our economic development dollars go up in smoke, in just a few minutes.”

Taffy Howard is a Republican state representative from Rapid City. She said the money for the fireworks should come from private fundraising.

“I don’t think it’s a good use of tax dollars at all," Howard said. "I mean, I’m all for Trump visiting. I fully support that. I just don’t believe that that’s the proper use of tax dollars.”

The $350,000 is only for the fireworks display. Seidel, of the governor’s office, said the state hopes to share security and other event costs with the federal government.

The feds have already borne an estimated $30,000 in costs for a recent controlled burn at Mount Rushmore. The burn cleared out dead vegetation that would otherwise serve as fuel if the fireworks start a wildfire.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unhinged lunatic dictator Trump called New York City's proposed Black Lives Matter street mural is a "symbol of hate" that will denigrate the space in front of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

Myballs said...

He's right. Deblasio is putting it there out of spite and hate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Myballs said:

Just when MN says it's the most dysfunctional state in the country, thosr idiots Cuomo and deblasio say hold my beer

AOC will serve them a colder one

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Publisher Can Move Ahead with Tell-All Book on Trump

“A New York appellate judge ruled on Wednesday that the publisher Simon & Schuster could go ahead with its plans to release a tell-all book by Mary L. Trump, the niece of President Trump, reversing a lower court’s decision from this week that had temporarily halted publication,” the New York Times reports.

“In court papers filed on Tuesday, Simon & Schuster claimed that tens of thousands of copies of the book had already been printed, adding that it is a best seller on Amazon.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I see Ch went back and corrected the Gov's name from Walsh to Walz at the beginning of his thread.

You're welcome, Ch.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Fauci Advises Staying Away from Trump’s Fireworks
July 1, 2020 at 8:57 pm EDT

Dr. Anthony Fauci “discouraged Americans from attending events like President Trump’s upcoming fireworks display at Mount Rushmore, pointing out that a large gathering of people in close proximity goes against best practices for stopping the spread of the coronavirus.

“Trump’s fireworks display on Mount Rushmore has already garnered fierce backlash for its disregard for social-distancing measures. More than 7,000 people are expected to attend.”

I just bet, though, there'll be more face masks worn at this event.
(Unless Trumpsters are even more lacking in good sense than one would think.)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Record Cash Floods Democrats
July 1, 2020 at 8:46 pm

“Online donors poured a record $392 million into campaigns and causes via ActBlue in June, a sign of surging activism and political enthusiasm on the left that smashed the previous monthly high, from just before the 2018 election, by a whopping 50 percent,” Politico reports.

Trump Raised $131 Million Last Month
July 1, 2020 at 7:44 pm EDT

“President Trump on Wednesday announced by far his biggest cash haul of the 2020 campaign in June, bringing in $131 million between his campaign and the Republican National Committee, showing that his money machine continues to hum even as he has slipped in the polls,” the New York Times reports.

“The monthly haul represented a spike of $57 million more than Mr. Trump had raised in May, which was the first month that Joe Biden had outraised the president.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Coronavirus Death Toll Is a Substantial Undercount

“The number of confirmed U.S. deaths due to the coronavirus is substantially lower than the true tally,” CNBC reports.

“The 781,000 total deaths in the United States in the three months through May 30 were about 122,300, or nearly 19% higher, than what would normally be expected, according to the researchers. Of the 122,300 excess deaths, 95,235 were attributed to Covid-19… Most of the rest of the excess deaths, researchers said, were likely related to or directly caused by the coronavirus.”

Fed Sees Much Worse Recession If Virus Cases Spike
July 1, 2020

“Federal Reserve officials raised concerns about additional waves of coronavirus infections disrupting an economic recovery and triggering a new spike in unemployment and a worse economic downturn,” the Washington Post reports.

“Fed Chair Jerome H. Powell has repeatedly said that the path out of this recession will depend on containing the virus and giving Americans the confidence to resume normal work and spending habits. But the notes from the two-day meeting reveal how interconnected Fed officials view a prolonged economic recession with the pandemic’s continued spread — and why Powell often asserts that lawmakers will need to do more to carry millions of Americans out of this crisis.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Daily Beast Says that
The RNC Is Paying Ex-Producer Who Has Dirt on Trump

July 1, 2020 at 10:19 pm EDT

Last year, the Republican National Convention began cutting checks to a former producer of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice who was accused of having, as one contestant put it, “all the dirt” on Donald Trump.

“Labella is not just a former Apprentice bigwig. According to actor Tom Arnold, who was a contestant on the show and has since become a vociferous Trump critic, Labella was in possession of Trump’s ostensibly salacious—and, in political and media circles, long-sought—behind-the-scenes Apprentice outtakes.”

Said Arnold:
“Chuck LaBella was there and knows all."

Lots of unanswered questions here.

Is LaBella EXTORTING the RNC -- threatening to release information damaging to Trump if he is not paid off?

On top of Bolton's book and Trump's niece's book, NOW THIS!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The RNC Is Paying a Former Apprentice Hand Accused of Having Trump Dirt

Chuck Labella worked on Trump’s show for years. Now, despite having no ostensible political work on his resume, he’s helping with the 2020 convention.

Lachlan Markay
Sam Stein
Politics Editor
Published Jul. 01, 2020 9:54PM ET

Last year, the Republican National Convention began cutting checks to a former producer of NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice who was accused of having, as one contestant put it, “all the dirt” on Donald Trump.

From August 2019 through May 2020, the Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Convention made a dozen payments totaling more than $66,000 to Labella Worldwide, Inc. for “production consulting services.” The firm is run by Chuck Labella, a former NBC executive and the talent producer who worked on Donald Trump’s famous reality show.

Labella is not just a former Apprentice bigwig. According to actor Tom Arnold, who was a contestant on the show and has since become a vociferous Trump critic, Labella was in possession of Trump’s ostensibly salacious—and, in political and media circles, long-sought—behind-the-scenes Apprentice outtakes. "Chuck LaBella was there and knows all,” Arnold said.

Arnold’s accusations are often brushed aside by Trump World as conspiracy mongering. But the charges he leveled were reportedly serious enough that Trump’s then personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, helped situate Labella with a close attorney, Keith Davidson, in late 2017. Davidson’s name became prominent for his representation of another Trump-adjacent personality: porn star Stormy Daniels, whom he helped arrange hush money payments for in order to maintain her silence about her alleged affair with Trump. Davidson did not return a request for comment.

The Republican convention committee’s disbursements to Labella’s firm appear to be the first payments ever made by a federal political committee to either Labella personally or his company.
But a Republican National Committee spokesperson described his role for the convention as that of a standard event producer.

“Chuck LaBella is consulting on a variety of efforts for convention, including talent, production, stage design, and media consulting,” said RNC national press secretary Mandi Merritt. “It’s incredibly common for large scale events such as these to receive consulting from those with backgrounds in the entertainment industry and to suggest anything other than that is not only flat-on wrong, but offensive and misleading.”

An RNC official stressed that it was common for political convention planners to contract with sources from the entertainment world, noting that the Democratic National Committee had “re-hired Ricky Kirschner (sic) as executive producer for its convention.”

Kirshner has produced every Democratic Party convention since 1992 in addition to Super Bowl halftime shows and the Tony Awards. An archived version of Labella’s website, which was replaced with a “coming soon” placeholder page in the past week, says that he is currently consulting for two network television shows: Fox’s The Masked Singer and ABC’s Holey Moley. The page also includes testimonials from celebs including Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler, who hails Labella as “the real deal and an absolute professional,” and HBO talk show host Bill Maher, who says he considers him “a friend and ally in this town.”

A spokesperson for Labella did not respond to questions about his work for the convention, and whether it had anything to do with his past role with NBC.

California records say that Labella Worldwide, Inc was incorporated in 2017. His IMDB page lists him as a producer on the Apprentice through 2013. He also worked on the Miss Universe Pageant and was reportedly in Moscow with Trump for the 2013 event there. In March 2017, The Wrap reported that he amicably parted ways with NBC. It’s unclear what he did between then and his stint with Holey Moley in 2019.

Anonymous said...

Get help

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Afghan Contractor Handed Out Russian Cash to Kill Americans, Officials Say

The Russians offered $100,000 per corpse of American heroes.

Trump is calling it a hoax.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

U.S. intelligence reports named Mr. Azizi as a key middleman between the G.R.U. and militants linked to the Taliban who carried out the attacks. He was among those who collected the cash in Russia, which intelligence files described as multiple payments of “hundreds of thousands of dollars.” Those files were among the materials provided to Congress this week.

Through a layered and complex Hawala system — an informal way to transfer money — he delivered it to Afghanistan for the missions, the files say. The transfers were often sliced into smaller amounts that routed through several regional countries before arriving in Afghanistan, associates of the arrested businessmen said.

Afghan officials said prizes of as much as $100,000 per killed soldier were offered for American and coalition targets.

It's not a hoax.

Anonymous said...

Kameltoe Harris is she ready to be President?

Anonymous said...

Another Proud moment in the Democrat Funded and Supported Revolution.
"Police responded to a protest that descended into a violent riot in north Portland after demonstrators threw rocks and water bottles at officers, shined lasers in their eyes, and attempted to set fires near the precinct."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Republicans signal to Trump to BACK DOWN on defense bill veto threat over renaming Confederate bases

1 hour ago

President Trump is increasingly isolated over his staunch defense of Confederate symbols on military bases, as uneasy congressional Republicans signal to the White House that now is not the time to hold the Pentagon hostage to this one issue.

Trump threatened late Tuesday to veto a $740 billion defense policy bill if it included bipartisan language mandating the removal of the names of Confederate leaders from military installations. Hours later, Republicans on both sides of the Capitol made it clear the president needs to back down in a fight over honoring secessionists who fought the United States to maintain slavery.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reaffirmed his support for the Senate’s version of the bill that directs the Pentagon to rename such bases within three years. In the House Armed Services Committee — where lawmakers were expected Wednesday night to approve a similar provision accelerating that time frame to one year — the panel adopted a proposal by Rep. Anthony G. Brown (D-Md.) to ban Confederate flags on all Defense Department property — with no Republicans objecting.


anonymous said...

Diblasio plans to put a Black lives Matter mural in front of trump tower.....the goat fucker and trumps head both explode in a flash of HOLY SHIT!!!!!! Now that is most amusing !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

“Online donors poured a record $392 million into campaigns and causes via ActBlue in June

what's remarkable about this is not the dollar amount, but the sleight of hand (read lying) they used to raise the $$$.

when you went to the BLM site to donate, you were re-directed to ActBlue.

that's fraud.

that's liberalism. with hypocrisy as the bedrock the rest of the movement is built upon lies.

anonymous said...

that's fraud.

The biggest fraud in the history of the US is trump followed by idiots like you!!!!!!!!! The bedrock of your ideology is that everything is a hoax and trump is a GOD!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA

anonymous said...

Everyone remember trumps words the virus will go away????? 50K new cases yesterday is on track for doubling in 8 days......I guess rat thinking Fauci is full of shit will soon be proven......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Wonder when those 48 million who filed for unemployment will be going back to work with so many states reversing openings.....seems the right will declare victory when only 1.2 million new filers will be reported this week!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Anyone see the latest senate polls from NC, Az and CO?????? Sure looks like trouble in River City to me......toss in Collins and Jowls obstructionism is over!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the smart folks are focused on hospitalizations and deaths, BWAA.

the dumb fucks like you and the pederast are watching the wrong number.

and fauci? just another parasite glommed onto us, the taxpayer, as the host. extremely well compensated right or WRONG, and in this case, almost entirely WRONG.

i guess you can't blame the guy. what's not to like about never being held accountable for your legions of failures and making bank while you suck?

anonymous said...

While dumb fucks like you rat don't realize there is a 2-3 week delay between diagnosis and hospitalization and fatality !!!!! Why are you such an asshole?????

anonymous said...

Fauci????? I am sure there are at least 15 people who follow your word......BWAAAAAAAA!!! Maybe, as I have asked before, what has he gotten wrong that upsets you.....the last time I asked all i got was crickets......asshole


Every morning like the sun rising we get to see lo iq spouting off without a clue of what is really going on. Even the short bus doesn't pick him up anymore.

lo iq anonymous said...
While dumb fucks like you rat don't realize there is a 2-3 week delay between diagnosis and hospitalization and fatality !!!!! Why are you such an asshole?????

Todd Lowdon

July 1 Update: US 7-day avg CASES vs DEATHS graph highlights the cases upturn beginning around June 9. The CDC reports mean time from symptom onset to death of ~14 days. No deaths curve inflection yet, despite the sharp increase in cases now over 3 weeks ago.

source on graph is for those (lo iq) who don't have a clue how to use twitter


Nick Adams

We have a spike in cases because of a spike in testing! If we gave out I.Q. Tests we’d have a spike in morons!

kettle meet lo iq


anonymous said...

BTW......asswipe......hpspitalzations in both Az and Ca are now soaring with capacity now being stretched !!!!! I guess the wantonly lazy trump slurper thinks that is fake news......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Nick Adams.....didn't he play the rebel on an old tv show.....and die of an overdose????? Great source you dumb fuck daddy!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

While dumb fucks like you rat don't realize there is a 2-3 week delay between diagnosis and hospitalization and fatality !!!!! Why are you such an asshole?

Denny can't tell time. It's already been 3 weeks since the spike in new cases appeared. Deaths and hospitalizations remain flat or declining.

There are two reasons for this:

Those infected are mostly young healthy individuals and are asymptomatic or have a mild case.
There are more effective treatment regimens for the virus today then we had in March and April.


We have a spike in cases because of a spike in testing! If we gave out I.Q. Tests we’d have a spike in morons!

kettle meet lo iq


I could play like the "pastor"



and Commonsense the number of tests given has skyrocketed

anonymous said...

already been 3 weeks since the spike

AND AZ AND CA ARE HAVING SPIKES IN ADMITTANCE!!!!! Try to keep up asshole!!!!! The news out of Miami shows that the young are sicker than there are new treatments like remdezever, steroids and plasma that are helping with the rate....Again cramps your spinning is soooooo trumpian!!!!!!

anonymous said...

and Commonsense the number of tests given has skyrocketed

REALLY!!!!!!!!! So has the positive rate!!!!!

anonymous said...

Thanx for being a dumb fuck cramps.....


July 1 Update: US 7-day avg CASES vs DEATHS graph highlights the cases upturn beginning around June 9. The CDC reports mean time from symptom onset to death of ~14 days. No deaths curve inflection yet, despite the sharp increase in cases now over 3 weeks ago.

Can't fix lo iq


Donald J. Trump
· Jul 1
The Russia Bounty story is just another made up by Fake News tale that is told only to damage me and the Republican Party. The secret source probably does not even exist, just like the story itself. If the discredited @nytimes has a source, reveal it. Just another HOAX!

Cliff Levy
• @nytimes had multiple sources on this story.
• Our reporting has been confirmed by many news organizations (WP, WSJ, AP and NBC).
• Key Republicans are demanding information from the White House since the NYT broke the story.
• The latest:

Chuck Ross

Come on. You guys initially reported he was briefed and that US officials determined the intel was legit.

You’ve since reported that intel was instead in a PDB and that there’s debate on its validity.

At least admit there’s a significant difference between the two.

NYT = FAKE NEWS and damaging to America. Whose side are they on?


Washington Examiner

#BREAKING: The economy gained 4.8 million jobs in June, lowering the unemployment rate to 11.1%.

John Hayward

"Time for another lockdown! Except for BLM protesters, of course." - Democrats

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Daily Coronavirus Count Crosses 50,000

Wall Street Journal: “New coronavirus cases in the U.S. rose above 50,000, a single-day record, as some states and businesses reversed course on reopenings and hospitals were hit by a surge of patients.”

“The U.S. accounts for about a quarter of more than 10.6 million coronavirus cases world-wide, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The nation’s death toll climbed above 128,000. Cases and hospitalizations are rising sharply in a number of areas.”

Washington Post: “Coronavirus infections in the United States surged nearly 50 percent in June as states relaxed quarantine rules and tried to reopen their economies, data compiled Wednesday showed, and several states moved to reimpose restrictions on bars and recreation.”



Top Biden advisor Ron Klain on Joe Biden's handling of the 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic:

"We did every possible thing wrong... It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history."


Starting with Biden calling the stopping of flights a "mistake" and "racist" thank God he wasn't president for Covid 19. We would have had millions of deaths.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Headlines at

Biden Has Small Lead In Texas

Panetta Says Trump Has Gone AWOL

Trump Tries Again to Explain His Second Term Agenda

Daily Coronavirus Count Crosses 50,000

Biden Outraised Trump for Second Month In a Row

Sessions Called Black Scholar ‘Some Criminal’

RNC Paying Ex-Producer Who Has Dirt on Trump

Fauci Advises Staying Away from Trump’s Fireworks

Record Cash Floods Democrats

Publisher Can Move Ahead with Niece's Tell-All Book on Trump -- Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man by Mary L. Trump

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Assessment of Coronavirus Situation Increasingly Bleak
July 2, 2020 at 9:03 am EDT

A new Gallup survey finds 65% of Americans say the coronavirus pandemic is getting worse — a record high.

The percentage of Americans who believe the situation is getting worse has increased from 48% the preceding week, and from 37% two weeks prior.


NBC New York

#BREAKING: Jeffrey Epstein confidante, British socialite and heiress Ghislaine Maxwell, has been arrested by the FBI, sources tell @Jonathan4NY

Could be an interesting news day.

Wonder if Hillary will have a comment



These are the deadliest "peaceful protests" in human history.

and I guess you need to add in the Covid deaths too, though those are greatly declining.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball:
Is Another Blue Wave Forming?

“Joe Biden’s currently strong lead in the presidential race is being felt in the suburbs, which if it lasts could imperil Republicans in some of their formerly dark red turf.

“Texas merits special attention, where as many as 10 Republican-held House seats could become vulnerable if Trump were to lose the state.”

Key takeaway: “We have 11 House rating changes, 10 of which benefit Democrats.”

The New York Times:
U.S. Lags Behind Many Rich Countries

“The United States is different. In nearly every other high-income country, people have both become richer over the last three decades and been able to enjoy substantially longer lifespans.

“But not in the United States. Even as average incomes have risen, much of the economic gains have gone to the affluent — and life expectancy has risen only three years since 1990. There is no other developed country that has suffered such a stark slowdown in lifespans.

“Why has this happened? There are multiple causes. But one big one is a lack of political power among the bulk of the population.”

GOP Embraces Candidates Who Espouse Conspiracy Theories

“For three years, President Trump has served as the Conspiracy-Theorist-in-Chief, elevating wild and outlandish ideas that once only existed in the dark provinces of the internet.

“Under his leadership, the Republican Party is now openly embracing candidates of that same ilk — raising the possibility that those ideas will make their way to the halls of Congress.”

Democratic Ads Zero In On Trump’s Soft Spot

“Donald Trump wasn’t halfway through his speech in Tulsa, Okla., and Democratic ad makers in Washington and New York were already cutting footage for an air raid on the slumping president.

“They didn’t focus on the president’s curious monologue about his difficulties descending a ramp or drinking water at West Point, the small crowd size of the Tulsa event or even his use of the racist term ‘kung flu.’ Instead, the ads zeroed in on Trump’s admission that he urged officials to ‘slow the testing down.’

“It’s a reflection of a growing consensus among Democrats about what kind of hits on Trump are most likely to persuade swing voters — and which ones won’t. As in 2016, ad makers are focusing on Trump’s character. But unlike four years ago, they are no longer focusing on his character in isolation — rather they are pouring tens of millions of dollars into ads yoking his behavior to substantive policy issues surrounding the coronavirus, the economy and the civil unrest since the death of George Floyd.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Allies Push Him to Be Less Polarizing

“Some of President Trump’s Republican allies are urging him to ditch his divisive messaging and outline a clear vision for a second term, fearing his handling of a series of crises has dimmed his re-election hopes.

“Speaking on condition of anonymity, allies said Trump was often his own worst enemy." YEP! AND HOW!

Said one GOP ally:
“He has to go back and become an acceptable president and then take the wood to Biden. People are even actually saying, ‘Does he want this anymore?’ Is he looking for an exit strategy?'”



"We did every possible thing wrong... It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history."

Biden's own top advisor talking about his boss

Did you see this on Goddard's political_lire ???

looks like they provide VERY slanted, edited, and out-of-context "coverage"




"We did every possible thing wrong... It is purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history."

reposted in the lying POS "pastor's" new format.


anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...

The endless spam and twitter BULLSHIT CONTINUES.....because the fucked up daddy has no brain!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Another corona virus record for FLORIDUH as desantis does his best imitation of the dumb fuck in the WH!!!!!!!!!!!