Friday, July 17, 2020

Going to be on vacation with limited time or desire to continue pointless arguments with certain people...

Will continue to supply open threads and some updates here and there! 


anonymous said...

Hey Lil Schittyl....floriduh is always looking for another trump sucker to visit.....please bring your own face mask as they may be difficult to find there......Be careful as you never know who may be infected anymore.....with people not helping without's really dangerous to visit new areas!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

Enjoy cold

Anonymous said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mary K Kamrath Probably. Donald may also meet some of the criteria for dependent personality disorder, the hallmarks of which include an inability to make decisions or take responsibility, discomfort with being alone, and going to excessive lengths to obtain support from others. Are there other factors that should be considered? Absolutely. He may have a long undiagnosed learning disability that for decades has interfered with his ability to process information. Also, he is alleged to drink upward of twelve Diet Cokes a day and sleep very little. Does he suffer from a substance- (in this case caffeine-) induced sleep disorder? He has a horrible diet and does not exercise, which may contribute to or exacerbate his other possible disorders. The fact is, Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuropsychological tests that he’ll never sit for. At this point, we can’t evaluate his day-to-day functioning because he is, in the West Wing, essentially institutionalized. Donald has been institutionalized for most of his adult life, so there is no way to know how he would thrive, or even survive, on his own in the real world.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the time with your classy wifey.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Roger, we ignored your post on the other thread and now here.

Anonymous said...

Roger, who are your exwives vacationing with, guys that actual have money, their own car and aren't physically unable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Just after midnight March 13, three Louisville police officers fired more than 20 bullets into Breonna Taylor's apartment, striking her five times.

But she didn't die — not right away.

For at least five minutes, she struggled, coughing for breath, according to her boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, who told investigators she was alive as he called her mom and yelled for help.

"(Police are) yelling like, 'Come out, come out,' and I'm on the phone with her (mom). I'm still yelling help because she's over here coughing and, like, I'm just freaking out," Walker said in a recorded police interview 3 hours after the shooting.

The Jefferson County coroner has disputed that account, telling the New York Times that Taylor likely died within a minute of being shot and couldn't have been saved.

anonymous said...

HEY GOAT FUCKER....DO YOU THINK VIRUS CASES INCREASING IN 41 STATES A SIGN WE ARE WINNING??????? Since you don't work and live in your mommy's house does not give you the patina of credibility, just a stupid asshole who has no life!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

have a great time. feel free to restore my front page privileges in your absence and i promise to behave.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

US Attorney For Oregon Calls For Investigation Into Portland Protester Arrests

UPDATE (4:00 p.m. PT) — U.S. Attorney Billy Williams said Friday he wants an investigation into actions of federal officers who have pulled Portland protesters off the street and into unmarked vehicles.

Federal officers with U.S. Customs and Border Protection have come under significant scrutiny after OPB first reported Thursday that they were involved in constitutionally questionable arrests in Portland.

The officers, along with employees of the U.S. Marshals Service and the Federal Protective Service, have had an increased presence in the city as protests over police brutality have continued for more than six weeks.

“Based on news accounts circulating that allege federal law enforcement detained two protesters without probable cause, I have requested the Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General to open a separate investigation directed specifically at the actions of DHS personnel,” Williams said in his statement.

At least one officer with the Marshals Service is under investigation for severely injuring a Portland protester July 11 by shooting him in the face with an impact munition round.

In his statement, Williams said federal officers have spent the past 50 nights in Portland defending the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse and other federal property. That building has seen significant graffiti, and been a frequent gathering place for protesters opposing police violence.

“(Federal officers) have rebuffed efforts to enter the building by force and have been met with an onslaught of commercial fireworks, laser strikes, glass, mortars, paint and anything else near at hand,” Williams said. “They have endeavored to find the individuals within the crowd who are committing these violent acts and arrest them in a manner that is safe for both the officers and nearby non-violent protesters.”

However, Williams said in “limited instances” federal officers may have engaged in questionable conduct, such as the unmarked vehicle arrests, and that he believes investigations by the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General are appropriate.

Lisa Hay, Oregon’s federal public defender, said any arrest without probable cause violates the law.

“It’s a fundamental constitutional value that people in this country are free to walk the streets without fear of secret arrest,” Hay said. “That circumstance raises concerns that the arrests occurred without probable cause.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

In a statement Friday, CBP acknowledged it had carried out at least one of the arrests in question. The agency defended its actions, saying it was arresting someone suspected of criminal activity and needed to remove them from the area because of threat from a “violent mob.” Video of that arrest posted online does not show anyone trying to interfere with officers, but many people can be heard asking the officers for their names and who they work for.

Two protesters who spoke to OPB about their arrest Thursday said they were alone when “four or five agents” stopped an unmarked minivan in front of them and grabbed one of the men. The federal officers did not have clearly seen insignia on their uniforms, and the protesters said they did not identify themselves when making the arrest.

In its statement, CBP defended not having officer names on their uniforms, saying identification would pose a threat to the officers.

“The names of the agents were not displayed due to recent doxing incidents against law enforcement personnel who serve and protect our country,” CBP wrote.

Civil rights advocates and Oregon lawmakers — both federal and local — have strongly condemned the actions of federal officers.

Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley took to Twitter to criticize President Donald Trump and the Department of Homeland Security’s focus on protests in Portland.

“Get your DHS lackey and uninvited paramilitary actions out of my state. Our communities are not a stage for your twisted reelection campaign,” Merkley said.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, also said the Oregon Congressional Delegation has asked for an immediate inspector investigation into the “violent actions of unrequested federal law enforcement officials here in Portland.”

Williams’ call for an investigation stands in contrast with comments Thursday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan. Speaking to Fox News, Morgan called Portland protesters criminals and said DHS and the U.S. Department of Justice would be ramping up federal response in Oregon.

“I don’t want to get ahead of the president and his announcement,” Morgan said, “but the Department of Justice is going to be involved in this, DHS is going to be involved in this, and we’re really going to take a stand across the board.”

Both Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown have said they want to see a withdrawal of federal officers at protests.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bad as some of the protesters may have been, Trump's goons seem to have gone one better.

Oregon Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley took to Twitter to criticize President Donald Trump and the Department of Homeland Security’s focus on protests in Portland.

“Get your DHS lackey and uninvited paramilitary actions out of my state. Our communities are not a stage for your twisted reelection campaign,”
Merkley said.


Rep. Earl Blumenauer, D-Oregon, also said the Oregon Congressional Delegation has asked for an immediate inspector investigation into the “violent actions of unrequested federal law enforcement officials here in Portland.”

Williams’ call for an investigation stands in contrast with comments Thursday by U.S. Customs and Border Protection Acting Commissioner Mark Morgan. Speaking to Fox News, Morgan called Portland protesters criminals and said DHS and the U.S. Department of Justice would be ramping up federal response in Oregon.

“I don’t want to get ahead of the president and his announcement,” Morgan said, “but the Department of Justice is going to be involved in this, DHS is going to be involved in this, and we’re really going to take a stand across the board.”


Both Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown have said they want to see a withdrawal of federal officers at protests.

Anonymous said...

Denny, yes.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Question for Rump supporters: if "secret police" wasn't your line, what is?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week, a

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rancor Between Scientists and Trump Grows
July 17, 2020 at 9:02 pm

“This week’s remarkable character assault by some top White House advisers on Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious-disease expert, signified
President Trump’s hostility toward medical expertise
and has produced a chilling effect among the government scientists and public health professionals laboring to end the pandemic,
according to administration officials and health experts,” the Washington Post reports.

“As novel coronavirus cases surge out of control coast to coast,
the open rancor between the scientific community
and a White House determined above all to resuscitate the economy and secure a second term for Trump
threatens to further undermine the U.S. response,
which already lags behind those of many other developed nations.”

A graph of European nations (excluding Russia) shows a clear flattening out of the curve, while the United States graph is still SOARING.

Anonymous said...

More Politicalwire bullshit

anonymous said...

The goat fucker confirms his mental retardation saying he thinks the virus spreading uncontrolled in 41 states is a winning strategy!!!! Yeah asshole....that strtegery is reflected in trumps soaring down the shitter poll numbers and approvals......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, let's examine whether that was bullshit.

Commonsense said...

Bad as some of the protesters may have been, Trump's goons seem to have gone one better.

I do hope Biden calls sworn federal officers "goons". That will work really well in his election.

Commonsense said...

This week’s remarkable character assault by some top White House advisers on Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious-disease expert, signified

Famous line from the West Wing "There are only so many times you can go into the oval office and tell the president you were wrong."

Dr. Fauci has exceeded that number.

Saying New York did it right was a real doozie.