Saturday, July 18, 2020

Important super-scientific study shows liberals inferior to conservatives in every possible way!

Open mic! 

These people all disagree! 


anonymous said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights leader who preached nonviolence while enduring beatings and jailings during seminal front-line confrontations of the 1960s and later spent more than three decades in Congress defending the crucial gains he had helped achieve for people of color, has died, the Washington Post reports.

He was 80 years old.

“He loved this country so much that he risked his life and his blood so that it might live up to its promise. And through the decades, he not only gave all of himself to the cause of freedom and justice, but inspired generations that followed to try to live up to his example."
--BaracK Obama

Commonsense said...

RIP John Lewis, Civil Rights Icon. dies of pancreatic cancer at age 83.

I did not agree with him on many issues but there's no denying his greatness. Condolence to his family.

Commonsense said...

About those mail in ballots.

3 Weeks After The Primary, New York Official Still Can't Determine Who Won Key Races

“The absentee ballot count — greatly inflated this year because the state expanded the vote-by-mail option because of the coronavirus pandemic — has been painstakingly slow, and hard to track, with no running account of the vote totals available.”

"The system is built to process 3 to 5 percent of the election in absentee ballots, not 40 to 60 percent of the election”

Trump was right.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“My philosophy is very simple: When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to stand up and just say something. You have to do something. I got into good trouble, necessary trouble. Even today, I tell people, ‘We need to get in good trouble.’”
— Rep. John Lewis, quoted by CNBC.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Says Russia and China Are Interfering

“Joe Biden, citing intelligence briefings that he is now receiving, warned Friday night that Russia and China were both actively engaged in trying to sow doubt in the American electoral system,” the Washington Post reports.

Said Biden: “We know from before and I guarantee you I know now because now I get briefings again. The Russians are still engaged in trying to delegitimize our electoral process. Fact.”

He added: “China and others are engaged as well in activities that are designed for us to lose confidence in the outcome.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rancor Between Scientists and Trump Grows

“This week’s remarkable character assault by some top White House advisers on Anthony Fauci, the nation’s leading infectious-disease expert, signified President Trump’s hostility toward medical expertise and has produced a chilling effect among the government scientists and public health professionals laboring to end the pandemic, according to administration officials and health experts,” the Washington Post reports.

“As novel coronavirus cases surge out of control coast to coast, the open rancor between the scientific community and a White House determined above all to resuscitate the economy and secure a second term for Trump threatens to further undermine the U.S. response, which already lags behind those of many other developed nations.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Moves Portraits of Bush and Clinton

“The official portraits of former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush were removed from the Grand Foyer of the White House within the last week and replaced by those of two Republican presidents who served more than a century ago,” CNN reports.

“White House tradition calls for portraits of the most recent American presidents to be given the most prominent placement, in the entrance of the executive mansion, visible to guests during official events.”



Commonsense said...

“As novel coronavirus cases surge out of control coast to coast, the open rancor between the scientific community and a White House determined above all to resuscitate the economy and secure a second term for Trump threatens to further undermine the U.S. response, which already lags behind those of many other developed nations.”

Said by absolutely no one at all.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Rips Niece Over Her Book

President Trump tore into his niece Mary Trump after days of silence about her recently published book, which is critical of the President and his family, calling her “a mess” and alleging she wrote “untruthful things,” CNN reports.

Said Trump: “I am the ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club. First I have lowlife dummy John Bolton, a war mongering fool, violating the law (he released massive amounts of Classified Information) and an NDA in order to build badly needed credibility and make a few dollars, which will all end up going to the government anyway.”

He added: “Next up is Mary Trump, a seldom seen niece who knows little about me, says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!) and me, and violated her NDA. She also broke the Law by giving out my Tax Returns. She’s a mess!”


Anonymous said...

Stop spamming every thread with Politicalwire articles. We all know where to find them.

Commonsense said...

This is where you need Twitter's Block Feature. James posted all this crap yesterday. He's abusing his posting privileges.

As such I am ignoring him today.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, I only posted one of the above yesterday.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And that one was 7:12

This from today backs it up:

Myballs said...

I agree. I woyld block james if I could. At least dopey and Roger are entertaining and offering original opinions. James does little more than a daily dump of spam.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What you guys really dislike is the fact that the many sources I post from, unlike so much of the tripe you often post, is far more difficult to refute.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Actually, Roger has lately sometimes been OUTPOSTING me with citations of other sources.

Myballs said...

No one respects you because you do the same thing every day every thread.

And some of us have been posting to Roger for 19 years now. He goes in streaks. But he often does write his own commentaries. You rarely do. Any idiot can copy paste all day the way you do. Makr your own argument for a change and you might get a little respect.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



Myballs said...
I agree. I woyld block james if I could. At least dopey and Roger are entertaining and offering original opinions. James does little more than a daily dump of spam.

If it was just daily (once a day) it would be a leap for mankind.

But he does it on every thread repeatedly.

Without attribution to Goddard's political_lire his source.

Which is plagiarism which he is too stupid to realize or is totally dishonest.

Or both.

A total piece of shit.

Actually worse.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Right. I see the kind of "respect" Roger and Denny constantly get.

Anonymous said...

James so Foulmouthed "Bullshit".

Anonymous said...

James so Foulmouthed "Bullshit".

Anonymous said...

Roger and Denny are at least conversational.

There is Pedo James problem he comes to this blog for validation.

Myballs said...

We argue with them. But even dopey gets more respect than you for the specific reason I stated. You seem intelligent. But no one cares if all you can do is load up every single thread with paste dumps from taegan Goddard.


The CDC Has Politicized the Pandemic, Says Senior Administration Official

The Trump administration recently changed the way data collected from hospitals during the COVID outbreak is managed by the government, amid growing concern with how the CDC has performed during the pandemic. The change was made in part because of its handling of the process.

Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, the CDC has been at the center of controversy, first for its handling of testing, and now for inaccurate and duplicative data coming from the agency. These issues, including antiquated systems, and internal agency politics, have caused the Trump administration to shift the way the hospital data is being collected, moving it out of the hands of the CDC, and into the hands of Health and Human Services.

With many Americans growing more concerned about politicization of the pandemic, and legacy media consistently politicizing the virus, there is a strong effort from within the Trump Administration to fix the issues with data reporting, and work on advancing coronavirus response.

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine. CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President. They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the Presidents coronavirus response.”

the left puts politics over country and everything else.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Poor old F'n. He almost never even tries to refute the actual points made by the many sources I cite from Taegan Goddard's excellent site, so he just criticizes the fact that those sources are found there.

What you guys really don't like the fact that those sources are difficult, sometimes impossible, for you to even try to refute.

Myballs said...

I'm trying to be honest and helpful to you. And you still post tbe usual crap. I just don't understand you. Are you deliberately trying to be obnoxious and abrasive?

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

What you guys really dislike is the fact that the many sources I post from, unlike so much of the tripe you often post, is far more difficult to refute.

difficult to refute?

it's fucking absurd.

goddard's a hack who steals/copy/pastes shit from the NYT and WaPo on his own site, and then you slather that shit over here. neither you or goddard offer any original insight.

there's never anything in an echo chamber to refute, pederast.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Dr. Fauci's long interview on PBS is even now running on my computer. Refute him, if you can.

A transcript is even available at 7:41.


Curtis Houck

Video: Fox News releases the first clip of Chris Wallace's exclusive interview with President Trump for
. It features Wallace telling Trump he's incorrect to assert that Joe Biden wants to defund the police.

Sean Parnell

Chris, if I “redirected” money from your paycheck to another anchor would you feel like you were defunded?

Because that’s exactly what @JoeBiden said he would do with police departments.

Come on man!

Imagine if Joe Biden actually had to sit through hostile interviews rather than being protected in his basement. In fact imagine if Trump was in a basement while Biden actually did something and was out and about. Trump would be rightfully attacked by the press. Of course the president is attacked by the press no matter what.

Biden is a farce.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So prove that what I post is "crap."
You can't, and that is what disturbs you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Chris Wallace proved that what Trump said Biden said about defunding the police was a lie.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Caught Lying About Biden’s Police Stance in Fox News Interview Debacle

By Jonathan Chait

President Trump, apparently realizing that he has little chance to defeat Joe Biden, has decided instead to run against an imaginary candidate who shares a name with his Democratic opponent but few of the same policy proposals. In an interview with Fox News host Chris Wallace, Trump asserted that Biden wants to “defund the police.” Wallace stopped him and pointed out that this is not true. Trump, who usually bluffs his way through moments when his lies are called out by throwing out new lies, instead claimed to have a document that would prove it. “Oh, really? It says ‘abolish’ — let’s go, get me the charter, please!” he said, calling for his aides.

They could not, of course, because Trump’s claims are flatly false. Biden did sign a charter with Bernie Sanders in which he endorsed several positions that brought him closer to his left-wing opponent. He did not, however, agree to defund or abolish the police.

the article continues

In a later interview on Fox, Wallace made the point that when Trump's aide brought the document, Trump could not find in it what he had said Biden said because Biden hadn't said it.

Trump lied, and F'n and others here constantly repeat his lies.


James said...
Chris Wallace proved that what Trump said Biden said about defunding the police was a lie.

Biden wants to "re-direct" police funding.

That is a fact, he said it.

That is defunding the police using different "words"

Wallace didn't "prove" it was a lie, in fact you just lied.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Fauci's long interview on PBS is even now running on my computer. Refute him, if you can.

refute fauci?


fauci has refuted himself so many times i've lost count. his predictions since the first of the year have been spectacularly and hilariously WRONG.


refute fauci. good one pederast.

fauci. what a good little government employee. often wrong, never penalized for it. he's the embodiment of why the left loves big government.

government fucks up.

what's the answer to the fuck up?



anonymous said...

Commonsense said...
About those mail in ballots

Shocking that it takes longer to hand count written ballots.....Still see no mention of fraud which is what you are contending.....My guess the General will have the same problems on steroids, but not fraud as you an trump think!!!!!!

anonymous said...

foci has refuted himself so many times

Please you loathsome us a few of those alleged refutes.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I won't hold my breath!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Biden wants to "re-direct" police funding.

That is a fact, he said it.



verb: re-direct


direct (something) to a new or different place or purpose.


so if we redirect police funding, we are in fact sending said funding to a place other than the police.

i must say that it has been fucking hilarious to watch the MSM frantically rush to biden's defence on this.

"don't worry joe! we'll save you!!!"


Commonsense said...

My guess the General will have the same problems on steroids, but not fraud as you an trump think!!!!!!

And you don't think that's a big deal? The whole point of an election is to get a result and in this general election, there is a time limit.

The the electoral college convenes on Dec 3.

Bottom line: If you want your vote to count, better show up in person.


rrb said:
fauci has refuted himself so many times i've lost count. his predictions since the first of the year have been spectacularly and hilariously WRONG.


lo iq "anonymous" said:

foci has refuted himself so many times

Please you loathsome us a few of those alleged refutes.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I won't hold my breath!!!!!!!

FACT CHECK - Unbelievably idiotic "response". What a waste of oxygen, please do hold your breath.

ROFLMFAO !!! well he is fun to laugh at. foci !!!


BLM Organizer Charged On Six Counts Of Child Sex Abuse, Possession Of Images Of Underage Girls

DeVries, a resident of Jackson, New Hampshire, served on the Municipal Budget Committee for the town of Conway in the Granite State.

In addition to child abuse charges, he was also charged for falsifying physical evidence after he threw his cellphone from his porch when law enforcement arrived.

The child abuse images allegedly show underage girls either in “lewd exhibition” of private parts, or engaging in sexual activity. He was also charged for possession of psilocybin mushrooms, a Class B felony, which is punishable by up to seven years in prison.

The ‘Skate Away the Hate’ protest took place on June 21st and involved fellow protesters riding bikes and skateboards down Route 16 in New Hampshire.

Throughout the protest, DeVries utilized a loudspeaker where he rattled off demands that he claimed were conveyed to him by local chapters of Black Lives Matter:

“If we divest funds from police and prison systems we all benefit,” said DeVries.

Ahead of the protests he told local news: “I feel like this is one of the best things I can do as a father on Father’s Day… I want to live in a world where racism is not accepted or tolerated, and I don’t want to live in a community or know there are communities in this country where people are afraid of their local police.”

No wonder he wants to defund the police and why is it the left is home to so many pedophiles ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Defund" and "redirect" some of the spending do not mean the same.

Trump lied, and so do all of you who back him up in his lie.

Wallace had the honesty to call him on it and proved him wrong on the spot. And was later gleeful about it.

That's why you hate him too:
He's a truth teller like me.

anonymous said...

Once again fucked up daddy just dug a deeper hole of stupidity and nothing to refute Fauci.......Being stupid for rat is a goal you are striving for.....>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Fucking echo chamber dumb ass!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The media are openly rooting for a surge in coronavirus cases, cheering for violence and racial division in our streets, praying for a slow economic recovery, and demanding that children stay home from school, because they are hoping it will hurt Trump at the polls. The veils have come off for the mainstream media. On November 3, the veils will also come off for the American voters.

anonymous said...

The national pulse.....about the same creds as the bullshit twitter crap you post.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

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Anonymous said...

"Defund" and "redirect" some of the spending do not mean the same.

in this particular case they are, in fact, synonyms.

if we redirect funding "from" the police, it does not go "to" the police.

it does, in fact, go somewhere else.

if i redirect $1 from the police, i am giving $1 to someone/somewhere else. what i have then done is defunded the police by $1.

this is only a difficult concept to those who must twist themselves into a gordian knot to defend their precious little biden.

Anonymous said...

here you go BWAA -

JACKSON — A man who led a protest from a skateboard through North Conway last month and called for defunding the police was charged with child pornography. On Father’s Day (June 21), Chris DeVries, 37, of Jackson led a protest he called “Skate Away the Hate,” which involved people riding bikes and skateboards down Route 16 from Schouler Park to Depot Road and back.

At the protest, DeVries spoke through a bullhorn and listed off a number of demands that he said came from local chapters of Black Lives Matter. “If we divest funds from police and prison systems we all benefit,” said DeVries. “Those funds can go to local communities and social services.”

Jackson Police Chief Chris Perley said Sunday that DeVries was charged with six counts of possessing child sexual abuse images, one count of possession of psilocybin mushrooms and one of falsifying physical evidence.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

8:35 The American Thinker is another one of those sites so far the right as to be ridiculous. At least Taegan Goddard is respected by both conservatives and progressives as hosting a site offering much cogent information, often presented with little or no comment.


Governor Kristi Noem

NEWS: South Dakota closed the 2020 budget year with a $19 million surplus. Despite challenges with #COVID19, we remain in a strong financial position.

South Dakota's future remains bright because we kept our state open for business and we live within our means.

Thank God for Republican governors who are showing America true state leadership.

anonymous said...

Wow,.,,,,North Dakota has a minuscule surplus......I am sure you thing that is important dumb fuck daddy......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! The US deficit is surpassing all of Obama's numbers in this one year alone....I am sure you blame the D's because you are the dumbest fuck here!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank God for Republican governors who are showing America true state leadership.


my governor - Angel of Death Cuomo - continues to gargle chuck schumer's balls in the hopes of getting a federal bailout because he's done such a disastrous job with our state budget.

we are $13.3 BILLION in the fucking hole. a hole that will deepen as more taxpayers flee the state.

anonymous said...

Maybe NY should defund your welfare checks because you are a dumb asshole Rat.....AS to your conway......I am sure you think that means all white BLM members have child porn.......usually that is left to R congressman and wide stance senators......BWAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

James said...
8:35 The American Thinker is another one of those sites so far the right as to be ridiculous.

so pederast, you've quickly abandoned the 'redirect' debate i see.

that was quick and easy.



james said:
At least Taegan Goddard is respected by both conservatives and progressives

That is what he says about himself !!!

then he lists a bunch of lefties.



guaranteed silence by the lying POS "pastor". Or at best a weasel attempt.


anonymous said...

Ok SLurpers.....what is the excuse for trump not tweeting his sympathy for John Lewis yet????? What a miserable fuck he is!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A supervising video producer for Joe Biden's presidential campaign tweeted a meme in June that urged people to stop calling the police "pigs" -- but only because unlike the police, pigs are "highly intelligent and empathetic animals who would never racially profile you."

The videographer, Sara Pearl, also retweeted a user's comment that while "pigs are sweet, intelligent and compassionate," police officers are "monsters" who "don't deserve to be called pigs."

On June 1, Pearl tweeted simply, "#DefundPolice." Days later, she said Buffalo's police department should be "defunded immediately."

And, after several Dallas police officers were killed in 2016 by a sniper who "wanted to kill white people," Pearl dinged the National Rifle Association for tweeting its condolences in that case but not for prior shootings: "Of course they respond to the officers but not to the previous shootings :("

The Biden campaign did not reply to Fox News' request for comment, although the campaign confirmed it received the request for comment. Fox News also reached out to Pearl for comment. Pearl did not reply, but she deleted all of these tweets shortly afterward.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

so pederast, you've quickly abandoned the 'redirect' debate i see.

I'm leaving it because I and Chris Wallace WON it.


rrb said...

James said...
8:35 The American Thinker is another one of those sites so far the right as to be ridiculous

so pederast, you've quickly abandoned the 'redirect' debate i see.

that was quick and easy.


and if the shoe was on the other foot the lying POS "pastor" would be all over you for the grammar infraction:
"so far the right"

Mr. "perfect" is constantly correcting others...

What a loser

anonymous said...


Indeed R governors are are discovering that opening too soon is not helping the economy or stopping the virus....Yeah, DeSantis, Kemp and Abbot are showing us how not to open the country where cuomo and his leadership still has NY in a declining virus state...Too bad there are soooo many dumbass R's that the NY success will be jeopardized by them and the spread!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Anonymous said...

what is the excuse for trump not tweeting his sympathy for John Lewis yet?????

oh, there's a time limit on that?

no kidding.


Anonymous said...

NY success, BWAA?

Cuomo is responsible for nearly 25% of ALL covid deaths in America.

how the left defines success always defies logic.

Cuomo turned our nursing homes into death chambers and killed 10,000 seniors.

i suppose if genocide = success you might be onto something. no sane person would agree, but i suspect no one has ever accused you of being sane.


*** LIE of the DAY WINNER ***

Chris Wallace and "pastor" james

james said "I and Chris Wallace WON it !"



(pending verification Chris Wallace said what the lying POS "pastor" said what he said he said.)

Anonymous said...

WHO YOU GONNA BELIEVE? ME, OR YOUR LYING EYES? As most anticipated, the RUSSIA! hoax continues to come apart. Sharyl Attkisson at moved a detailed read of The New York Times pushing the RUSSIA! hoax, and Peter Strzok’s now-public notes giving the lie to NYT reporting nine times:

“The document reveals that the primary “source” of Steele’s election reporting was not some well-connected current or former Russian official, but a non-Russian-based contract employee of Christopher Steele’s firm. Moreover, it demonstrates that the information that Steele’s primary source provided him was second and third hand information and rumor at best… Critically, the document shows that Steele’s “primary sub-source” disagreed with and was surprised by how information he gave Steele was then conveyed by Steele in the Steele dossier.”

Two questions for The New York Times:

1) Will the NYT correct/retract or even perform an autopsy on what appear to be outright falsehoods; and
2) Only NINE times?

anonymous said...

NY success is self evident you fool.....your hatred of cuomo does not negate the fact his polls are soaring and you are posting here like the fraud you are!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Anonymous said...

NY success is self evident you fool....

10,000 seniors DEAD.

nearly 25% of ALL covid DEATHS in America.

Dr. Mengele might call that a success.

sane people? not so much.

Commonsense said...

NY success is self evident you fool.....your hatred of cuomo does not negate the fact his polls are soaring

Only one highly suspect poll. No one believes it except you fool.

anonymous said...

!0000 is a bullshit number!!!! Trumps total remains at 139k !!!! Dr mengele needs some volunteers asshole!!! And you nearly lost your lip lock on trumps fat white ass!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

what is the excuse for trump not tweeting his sympathy for John Lewis yet?????

What's your excuse for not paying attention.


Rep. John Lewis was an icon of the civil rights movement, and he leaves an enduring legacy that will never be forgotten. We hold his family in our prayers, as we remember Rep. John Lewis’ incredible contributions to our country.

anonymous said...

Suspect to who?????? YOU????????BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Funny how Fox in March gave him 80% approval.......

Commonsense said...

10000 is a bullshit number!!!! Trumps total remains at 139k

That's an accurate number. Cuomo's executive order killed over 3 times the number of people than 9-11.

Can you point out the specific Trump executive order that led to the 139K Deaths? We'll wait.

Anonymous said...

"Are you deliberately trying to be obnoxious and abrasive?"


It is who James is.


lo iq anonymous said...
Ok SLurpers.....what is the excuse for trump not tweeting his sympathy for John Lewis yet????? What a miserable fuck he is!!!!!!!!

TWITTER ??? lo iq doesn't do twitter.

But he's obviously too stupid to understand tweets are from twitter.


Anonymous said...

your good news story of the day -

NPR Radio Ratings Collapse As Pandemic Ends Listeners' Commutes



Why you can't trust anything from the CDC anymore if Trump is even remotely involved.

CDC Employees Made More Than 8,000 Federal Contributions To PACs And Politicians Since 2015. Only 5 Went To Republican Causes, FEC Records Show

Government agencies need to be removed from Washington DC (now 96% democrats) and into the heartland. This is a monopoly needing to be broken up. And no trial can be fair in such a toxic environment.

Anonymous said...

Can you point out the specific Trump executive order that led to the 139K Deaths?

i've been waiting for ANY of trump's critics to point to a single example of what he DID do to worsen the pandemic, or a single example of what he DIDN'T do to worsen the pandemic.

haven't seen one yet.


Tim Young

According to Chris Wallace, the CDC now says if everyone wears masks for 4-6 weeks we can get the virus under control... most of America literally stayed home and didnt interact for LONGER and that didnt work... so they can fuck right off.

Anonymous said...

Roger attacking the COP.Again.

All those DUI arrests still pissing him off.

Anonymous said...

Government agencies need to be removed from Washington DC (now 96% democrats) and into the heartland.

one of the funnier and more ironic stories i've read over the past year or so was one that described a temper tantrum thrown by employees of the Dept. of the INTERIOR in DC over potentially being relocated into the...

...wait for it...

...INTERIOR of the country.

Anonymous said...

"most of America literally stayed home and didnt interact for LONGER and that didnt work... so they can fuck right off."

Kansas has very few deaths, yet our Gov is hell bent on destoying the Kansas economy. Mandated masks .
Yet 90 % of Kansans told her to go fuck herself.

Anonymous said...

According to Chris Wallace, the CDC now says if everyone wears masks for 4-6 weeks we can get the virus under control...

this would be the same stable of fucking geniuses who told us 120+ days ago that locking down for 2 weeks would flatten the curve.

all it did was flatten the economy.

anonymous said...

Hey fuck nut......the lock down did flatten the curve and than idiots did not follow the CDC recommendation that cases decrease for 2 weeks before opening up again.....Idiots like Kemp Abbot and Disanitis are now suffering the consequences of being trump slurpers and being STUPID!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The CDC/DNC continue to move the goal posts.

Biden must win to restore the normal balance .

Anonymous said...

"i've been waiting for ANY of trump's critics to point to a single example of what he DID do to worsen the pandemic, or a single example of what he DIDN'T do to worsen the pandemic.

haven't seen one yet."

Anonymous said...

NPR is very concerned.

Mass transit spread the China virus in major metro areas.

Anonymous said...

uh huh.

...and now we need mandated masks because we need mandated masks because trump won't wear a mask but trump wore a mask the other day and orange man bad because...

whatever you say BWAA.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

i've been waiting for ANY of trump's critics to point to a single example of what he DID do to worsen the pandemic, or a single example of what he DIDN'T do to worsen the pandemic.

haven't seen one yet.

There are so many to choose from, giving you a SINGLE one would indeed be difficult.

telling people there was no pandemic, saying it was just like having a mild case of the flu, saying in the summer it would soon fade like magic, predicting near zero cases and deaths within a very few days, encouraging people not to wear face masks, inviting people to an indoor gathering with no social distancing or mask requirement...

the list just goes on and on and on...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And after saying there was no pandemic and
'it's just one person coming in from Mexico.
We have it under control'
he later said he had known it was a pandemic all along...

Commonsense said...

There are so many to choose from, giving you a SINGLE one would indeed be difficult.

Translation; You don't have a SINGLE example.

Thanks for playing. Exit stage left for your Beautiful Parting Gift.

James said...

I slightly misquoted the President.
Wouldn't want to do that:

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

Commonsense said...

So you don't have an example of anything he DID. Right?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


i've been waiting for ANY of trump's critics to point to a single example of what he DID do to worsen the pandemic, or a single example of what he DIDN'T do to worsen the pandemic.

haven't seen one yet.

There are so many to choose from, giving you a SINGLE one would indeed be difficult.

1)telling people there was no pandemic
2) saying it was just like having a mild case of the flu
3) saying in the summer it would soon fade like magic
4)predicting near zero cases and deaths within a very few days
5) encouraging people not to wear face masks, 6) inviting people to an indoor gathering with no social distancing or mask requirement
7) saying “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it totally under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

the list just goes on and on and on...

Translation: You don't have a SINGLE example.

No,so I gave you MANY examples.
And there are multiples more of examples.


james must have missed this. Should be real easy to name a few of those conservatives he keeps mentioning...

still waiting ...

james said:
At least Taegan Goddard is respected by both conservatives and progressives

That is what he says about himself !!!

then he lists a bunch of lefties.



guaranteed silence by the lying POS "pastor". Or at best a weasel attempt.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

So you don't have an example of anything he DID. Right?

I guess in your diseased mind when a President tells a lie or speaks something patently untrue, that is not something that President DID.

Funny, you never applied that standard to Obama.

Anonymous said...

There are so many to choose from, giving you a SINGLE one would indeed be difficult.

on the contrary, pederast...

with so many to choose from, one should be easy.

if only it was true.

you have none. just like your biden redirect argument.

telling people there was no pandemic, saying it was just like having a mild case of the flu, saying in the summer it would soon fade like magic, predicting near zero cases and deaths within a very few days, encouraging people not to wear face masks, inviting people to an indoor gathering with no social distancing or mask requirement...


several NYC officials collectively made every single one of those claims.

as did nancy peloshee regarding chinese new year in san francisco.

and let us not forget the unabashed SUPPORT from the left for the BURN, LOOT, MURDER brigade and their spontaneous street "celebrations"

under scrutiny, the left has contributed to worsening the virus far more than anyone on the right including President Trump.

so yet another mountain of the pederast's bullshit collapses under its own weight.


funny how silent the MSM is about the declassified FBI documents from yesterday. Almost like the MSM is colluding with the DNC.


Robert Mueller was a useful idiot and bent cop used to coverup the illicit spying operation of Barack Hussein Obama.

THAT has never been more clear.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

“We have it totally under control,” Trump said on CNBC. “It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”


according to the left, what Trump should have said was:


or something to that effect. which would've made everything SO much better.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A mountain of BS sure has collapsed here, but it doesn't belong to me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Yesterday the President sent secret police to break up a peaceful protest.

Stupid Republicans believe it is perfect

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Over 135 people have died. Your math teacher did a terrible job

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Yesterday the President sent secret police to break up a peaceful protest.

Stupid Republicans believe it is perfect

they weren't secret, numbskull.

the word "POLICE" emblazoned across the front of their uniforms blew their "cover."


and yes, i'm a big fan of the rule of law. in fact, i cannot count how many times the democrats have told us that "no man is above the law." i even recall someone making a video montage of that; i believe it was right around the same time as the impeachment farce.

oh, and btw alky... when federal property is destroyed, the protest isn't peaceful.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

TRUMP promotes [a gross] CARICATURE of what the GOP wants

New York Times:
“From holding a Bible aloft for a photo op outside a historic church,
to scolding NASCAR for banning the Confederate flag at its races,
to heralding the ‘heritage’ of the South,
Mr. Trump repeatedly elevates to the public stage what he imagines are the top priorities for the voters who back him.”



Catherine Herridge

#FISA Connecting the dots: 3 months ago, footnote 350 IG Horowitz report was declassified. Showed multiple warnings to FBI Jan + Feb 2017 that dossier likely contained Russian disinformation. New docs @LindseyGrahamSC show dossier source also cast doubt on reliability Jan 2017.

Russian disinformation used by Obama administration and deep staters for political gain.

Easy to find a word for that.


Anonymous said...

Over 135 people have died. Your math teacher did a terrible job

alky, 135 BLACK people will die in chicago THIS WEEK at the hands of other BLACKS.

let me know when you find THAT the least bit troublesome.

Commonsense said...

Action speak louder than words and Trump:

1. Ramped up production of supplies of lifesaving drugs, PPE's, Ventilators, and Test Kits.
2. Use emergency funding to speed up research into a COVID-19 vaccine. Four candidate vaccines are ready for trial beating the previous vaccine development record by three years.
3. Deployed field hospitals and the USNS Comfort to New York City to handle any overflow that may be required.
4. Developed guidelines to reopen the economy including the suggestion to wear masks.

States are seeing increases of cases due to more aggressive testing. This is a good thing. The rate of hospitalizations and death remain stable and the average hospital stay has been reduce to 3 to 5 days.

Only hack like you would cheer on any bad news in the hopes it will help Biden in November.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Los Angeles Times
Paul Thornton
July 18, 2020
Over the last few days, federal agents clad in camouflage have been roaming Oregon’s largest city at night, dashing out of unmarked vans to detain seemingly peaceful protesters for no apparent reason other than they look like trouble. It shouldn’t take any cerebral invocation of our fundamental constitutional rights to show why this is wrong. Rather, merely describing what’s happening in Portland ought to shake anyone with a decent moral sense.

This is so self-evidently wrong that reacting to it with anything but guttural, inarticulate outrage seems pointless, but this episode reflects just how dangerous the flailing Trump presidency is at this moment. We might laugh at the clownish sideshow of a president flashing two thumbs up over a display of highly processed foods in the Oval Office, but it is precisely the deployment of a secret police force to a major American city that jerks us back into an unforgiving reality: Donald Trump is still president, and he’s still very powerful.

I may be able to summon only blurts of anger over such an egregious display of authoritarianism, but thankfully in Opinion we employ writers who can more intelligently articulate the heinousness of the federal government’s response in Portland. Read editorial writer Scott Martelle’s piece dismantling the Trump administration’s legal rationale for its thuggish show of force and warning why we might be in for more of this from a president whose reelection campaign relies on sowing division and anger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Painting graffiti is not a federal crime

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The reduction is a result of the medical experts have learned how to treat the symptoms.

Commonsense said...

Yesterday the President sent secret police to break up a peaceful protest.

You mean the "peaceful protester" that were assaulting police officers with rocks and fireworks and vandalized federal building?

Rog cares more about the criminals than the victims.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Newsom Reopened Without Meeting [His Own] Banchmarks

Los Angeles Times:
“A month into his stay-at-home order and under pressure to lift restrictions, Gov. Gavin Newsom drew a line in the sand:

In order to safely reopen and suppress the coronavirus, California needed to be able to test everyone with COVID-19 symptoms and trace the contacts of confirmed cases.

… But three weeks later, Newsom began reopening businesses before meeting his own benchmarks.”



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's reelection campaign is relying on deputised militias as Homeland Security Agents.


FBI Offered To Pay Christopher Steele ‘Significantly’ To Dig Up Dirt On Flynn

Former British spy Christopher Steele peddled an unfounded rumor in December 2016 that Michael Flynn had an extramarital affair with a Russian woman, according to documents released earlier in May.

Months before Steele discussed Flynn, the FBI offered to pay the ex-spy to collect intelligence on Flynn and other Trump associates who were the targets of a counterintelligence investigation.

An FBI source provided information about Flynn that matches what Steele provided the bureau, an FBI memo from early 2017 also said.

Rumors about Flynn and a Russian-British woman, Svetlana Lokhova, began circulating in the media in March 2017.

An FBI offer to pay former British spy Christopher Steele to collect intelligence on Michael Flynn in the weeks before the 2016 election has been one of the more overlooked revelations in a Justice Department inspector general’s report released in December.

paying an already discredited source to dig up more dirt.

Who the fuck was president and FBI chief during this ???

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They shot an unarmed man with a rubber bullet in the head

Commonsense said...

The reduction is a result of the medical experts have learned how to treat the symptoms.

And more lives would have been saved if the liberal media hadn't pan HCQ as an effective treatment for COVID-19. Trump was right about HCQ you and the liberal media was wrong.

And that mistake cost thousands of lives.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is no better than something a damn dictator would do! We’ve got to prepare to stand up together, as one nation, and throw him out. To protect our fellow man. We have the right to free speech and he’s trying to get rid of it!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Injecting bleach into your body can help prevent the pain

The President said that

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Authoritarian governments, not democratic republics, send unmarked authorities after protesters. These Trump/Barr tactics designed to eliminate any accountability are absolutely unacceptable in America, and must end.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) would like to issue a clear and unequivocal warning: injecting or swallowing rubbing alcohol, bleach or other chemicals not designed for human consumption can kill you

Commonsense said...

They shot an unarmed man with a rubber bullet in the head

If you have a laming whisky bottle in your hand, you are not unarmed.
If you have a rock in your hand, you are not unarmed.
If you have a baseball bat in your hand, you are not unarmed.
If you have a cane in your hand, you are not unarmed.
If you have an M-80, cherry bomb, or other fireworks in you hand, you are not unarmed.

The only problem with the story was the bullet was not real.


Hard to keep up with you roger. Are still talking about the debunked Russia bounty story or the debunked "peaceful" protests or the fake Hydroxychloroquine death study or the fake Portland secret police story, or one of your other many TDS infused "outrages" ???

Hope we get a vaccine for that TDS before Trump starts his second term.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The White House won't allow U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield to testify at a House Committee on Education and Labor hearing on safely reopening schools this fall amid the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the committee’s chairman, capping another week of tension between the agency and the White House staff

Adolf Trump

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
This is no better than something a damn dictator would do!

Johnson did it. So did Barack Obama. See Bundy, Cleven

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Joe Biden unveiled a plan for how schools should safely reopen amid the COVID-19 crisis, calling on Congress to pass $30 billion in emergency funding for schools to acquire personal protective equipment and building upgrades. 🇺🇸😷🖖🧶

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

No they never sent Secret police officers to break up a legal protest

Commonsense said...

The White House won't allow U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield to testify at a House Committee on [clowns and circuses].

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

During an interview with Howard Stern when Ivanka was twenty-two years old (Cohen 2016): “I’ve said that, if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Medical experts are not clown or political biased

Commonsense said...

No they never sent Secret police officers to break up a legal protest

It stop being a legal protest the minute the first brick was thrown and the first paint was sprayed on the building.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fox News Chris Wallace is going to address the President and his lies

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




Madigan Drawn Closer to Federal Corruption Probe

Chicago Tribune:
“The extent of House Speaker Michael Madigan’s power over Democratic politics was evident from the muted responses of a number of members of his own House majority after federal prosecutors implicated the nation’s longest-serving statehouse leader as the beneficiary of a near-decade long bribery and influence scheme conducted through Commonwealth Edison.

“As federal subpoenas were delivered to Madigan’s large third-floor office at the State Capitol,
Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who deferred much of his first-term agenda to the speaker,
said Madigan owed the public an explanation
and should resign if allegations of wrongdoing are true.
Pritzker’s remark was echoed by Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle, who heads the county Democratic Party,
as well as by a few of Madigan’s Democrats in the House.”





Commonsense said...

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) would like to issue a clear and unequivocal warning: injecting or swallowing rubbing alcohol, bleach or other chemicals not designed for human consumption can kill you

So if you're going to do, please do it before you reproduce. Your gene pool should die with you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Painting graffiti is not a federal crime

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

All I do is wear a mask in public

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump said that bleach injections will cure the virus.

Your Trumpism is not going away because you're nuts

Commonsense said...


As evident from the sound of silence from Illinois Democrats.

Unprincipled, corrupt, incompetent Democrats is rather the rule in Illinois.

Commonsense said...

Trump said that bleach injections will cure the virus.

He didn't but you go on and keep telling yourself that lie.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Violence is getting worse because of Trump

When a man in a MAGA hat was asked to put on a mask last week at a suburban Kansas City restaurant, as state law requires, he said he had an exemption. Then he lifted his shirt to reveal a holstered firearm. A customer who refused to wear a mask at a convenience store in Michigan this week stabbed a fellow customer and was later shot dead by police.

Despite the recommendations of health officials, the requirements of an increasing number of retail stores and the force of laws — or perhaps because of them — many citizens are still resisting masks. Covid-19 has spurred a tangled knot of health-care, economic and political crises. For supporters of President Donald Trump, however, those crises have produced another: a brutal rejoinder to the magical thinking that is foundational to the MAGA creed.

Commonsense said...

Painting graffiti is not a federal crime

When it's federal property it most certainly is. And you just proved my point. By calling it a crime it most certainly was not a legal protest.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He said that it would help people with the COVID-19 infection.

It's a classic example of how incapable the President is capable of doing his job.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Silence is not rallying around.
Silence is...uh oh, what's coming next?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As far as I have seen that no graffiti will painted on federal property in Portland

Commonsense said...

Violence is getting worse because of Trump

Trump did not imposed an unreasonable, mandatory mask order.

BTW it was no state law no state legislature has pass a mandatory mask law. It was either an executive order from the governor or a local emergency ordinance.

The reason it was unreasonable. The person in question was at a restaurant, a place where you eat. Something you can't do while wearing a mask.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This next election is going to be like the 1932 when FDR was elected to get a New Deal and the creation of a racially diverse country that is a rejection of Trump as the President of the Confederacy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The person was shouting racist comments


Commonsense said...

As evident from the sound of silence from Illinois Democrats.

Unprincipled, corrupt, incompetent Democrats is rather the rule in Illinois.

Unlike james who still hasn't been able to name any of those Goddard conservatives he keeps bringing up (other than anonymously) I can easily think of unprincipled, corrupt, incompetent Democrats in Illinois

Barack Obama, Lori Lightfoot and Rahm Emanuel for starters for a long list.


What's that word for james's Goddard conservatives???

oh, silence


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dan Rather said this today.

I sit locked in a self-imposed isolation as a deadly virus surges outside. Time frames for returning to any hope of a faint echo of normalcy stretch into the many months or years. This distant horizon strikes particularly deep for those of us at a certain age and stage of life. Our nation is adrift amidst rocky shoals with cruel incompetence as our captain and enabling cravenness as the first mate.

What a perilous time to live.

I know I am extremely fortunate. Neither the roof over my head nor the food on my table are in doubt. I have the privilege of protecting myself and my loved ones more than many. We don't work in meat processing plants, or distribution warehouses, or even in hospitals. I strive to keep habits and schedules, but hours bleed and to-do lists go unchecked.

What a moment to contemplate the future.

The basic tenets of decency, truthfulness, and compassion are torn across our political divide. We see scientists denigrated and charlatans exalted. We see the rule of law and the norms of our democracy debased for personal gain. We see our allies bullied and our adversaries coddled.

What a time to be an American.

But that's just it. It is a time to be an American, to contemplate our future, and to live. We have had very dark days in the past. We have had deep, systemic injustices. We have faced daunting odds. And women and men of courage, of ingenuity, of resolve have stood up time and time again. They have said some version of, "we will not abide." It is our duty to not abide either.

From the streets, to newsrooms, to online social and political activism, I see countless millions of Americans who are not abiding. We are living through damage, loss, and sadness that could have been avoided. Much trauma lies ahead. But I know most of my fellow citizens agree that this shall not be us.

I desperately wished this was not our lot. I wish so many things. I wish the hospital wards were empty. I wish kids were having a summer and could go to school safely. I wish small businesses weren't closing. Heck, I wish I was at a baseball game trying to not have the mustard drip on my pants. That's not where we are.

We must be true to ourselves to recognize that much of what we are seeing now was not only the product of the last few months or even the last three-plus years. We have big problems, wherever we look. But we see them now. And we must do the hard work to fix them, not only through the ballot box but through the energy of our hearts and power of our imaginations. Whatever despair I might feel is tempered with a hope that is growing within me. I will not abide, and I believe most Americans will not abide either. Courage.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sign In
up next
'Maskless Protest' draws crowd in downtown Evansville
Letter: I'm a lifelong Republican but Trump is destroying this country

As a Jewish American, I find it extremely alarming to hear about the emergence of what I can only describe as Gestapo-like secret federal police forces in cities such as Louisville and Portland who are disappearing people without probable cause or due process.

As a lifelong Republican, it hasn't been easy coming to terms with the fact that I voted this into existence. I remember horror stories of my grandparents that echo what I'm seeing happen in real time today.

Letter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I became a Republican because of my love of liberty, limited government, free speech, and the ability of citizens to defend ourselves against tyranny. While I might not agree with protesters aims or policies, I cannot stay silent with what I see unfolding.

I see some people of my party protesting mask ordinances, saying it violates their liberty and constitutional rights. Yet to me, this seems like the logic of protesting stop lights. Just because the government tells us to stop at red lights, it does not follow we accelerate into oncoming traffic. It seems to me, if we want to protest about suspended constitutional rights, we should probably start with the suspension of free speech and habeus corpus, even if it's happening to people we completely disagree with.

As my parents used to say "when they came for the commies and homosexuals and Jehovah's Witnesses, we didn't say anything because we didnt support communism or homosexuality and weren't Jehovah's Witness, but by the time they got to us, censorship and repression and scapegoating had become so normal nobody dared speak up for us".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


I guess it's fair to assume james's single source that Goddard is respected by conservatives is....

Wait for it....

his true God...




We'll just tack that up as another LIE by the "pastor"


Shem Horne

American intelligence agencies, Mueller's Special Counsel team, and the media colluded and conspired to interfere in the 2018 midterm election and they are using the same tactics to this day to interfere with the upcoming election.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Obamagate is totally false

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Voting is the most powerful nonviolent tool that we have, and everybody must use it to make the world a better place.”

John Lewis
January 12, 2017

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump hasn't said anything about the passing of John Lewis.

He was brutally wounded by the police at peaceful protest in Selma Alabama

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Congressman John Lewis was an American hero—a giant, whose shoulders upon many of us stand. Throughout his life, he showed unending courage, generosity, and love for our country.

As the son of sharecroppers in Alabama, John Lewis’ courage and vision placed him at the forefront of the civil rights movement. As the youngest speaker at the 1963 March on Washington, John Lewis knew the importance of bringing people together for an America that lives up to its ideals of liberty and equality for all.

It was an honor to once again join Congressman Lewis this year in Selma, Alabama in March for what would be his final walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, where just 55 years ago, Lewis was among those beaten by state troopers as they bravely marched from Selma to Montgomery for the right to vote. I was moved by his words: ‘On this bridge, some of us gave a little blood to help redeem the soul of America. Our country is a better country. We are a better people, but we have still a distance to travel to go before we get there.’

We are grateful that John Lewis never lost sight of how great our country can be. He carried the baton of progress and justice to the very end. It now falls on us to pick it up and march on. We must never give up, never give in, and keep the faith.

I will always cherish the quiet conversations we shared together when he inspired me to fight for the ideals of our beloved country. My prayers are with John Lewis’ family, loved ones, and the nation as we grieve this tremendous loss.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

John Lewis is dead. Trump has not said a word about it, and now he is playing his 300th round of golf with Lindsey Graham.

Commonsense said...

Another lie.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Over 140,000 are dead because the President didn't actually act in time

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

85 infants under age 1 tested positive for coronavirus in one Texas county

Anonymous said...

BLM killed yet another Cop.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

When Adolf Hitler sent the secret police to murder thousands of Jews, too many people remained silent about this and it lead us to World War two.

Anonymous said...

A racist died today. The world is a better place.
John Lewis is dead.,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He was an American patriot who spoke up against racism and he was brutally beaten by the police in Shelton Alabama with Martin Luther King Jr. The greatest American of the 20th century.

Commonsense said...

Roger doesn't speak up when BLM and ANTIFA kills people. They could kill millions of Jews and Roger still wouldn't speak up because they are the "right fascists" in his mind.

Anonymous said...

Roger never was in HS Debate.

Anonymous said...

Rogers lack of historical knowledge is Staggering.
At age 71 he should know more.

Anonymous said...

John Lewis was a white hating race baiting asshole.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Selma Alabama

Anonymous said...

"DEMOCRATS DO NOT RALLY AROUND CORRUPT, UNPRINCIPLED BEHAVIOR." Ted Kennendy, Bill Clinton, Mike Obama, Susan Rice, Coney, Brenen., Limbo, Biden, Hillary. ect.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We are having these demonstrations because of the murder of George Floyd.

Trump is running the same strategy as in the last election.

His base is shrinking because we are a nation of imigrates who are upset because of his racist behaviour.

I'm deeply sorry about the police who have been killed.

But the reason why we have these demonstrations because he's not risking to the job as the President .

After 9/11 George W Bush became the most popular ever elected President

Trump is dividing the country with his pathological lying behavior and clearly racist comments about people of color

Commonsense said...

From the President:

Pres Trump issues proclamation directing flags flown at half-staff through tomorrow "as a mark of respect for the memory and longstanding public service of Representative John Lewis, of Georgia."

Commonsense said...

We are having these demonstrations because of the murder of George Floyd.

This is no longer about George Floyd it's about the taking apart of America from the inside. It is gratifying the demonstrations are getting smaller as decent people are realizing the movement was hijacked by marxist who don't give a shit about them.

A lot of black people are going to pull the lever for Trump this time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A lot of black people are going to pull the lever for Trump this time.

Got any polling indication of that?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

KansasDemocrat said
"John Lewis was a white hating race baiting asshole."

Then KansasDemocrat may as well say,

Kansas Democrat:
"Martin Luther King, Jr. was a white hating race baiting asshole."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I don't agree with the attempt to take down a statue of Christopher Columbus.

CHICAGO – Hundreds of protesters attempting to topple the city's Christopher Columbus statute faced off with dozens of Chicago police Friday evening in an encounter that turned violent.
Twelve people were arrested and could "potentially face charges," including battery to an officer, mob action or other felonies, police said, after some protesters began throwing objects at officers, who hit protesters with their batons.
About 18 officers were injured, police said. Some were treated on the scene by paramedics while others were transported to the hospital.
Photos and videos of the incident shared to social media showed protesters bleeding from the mouth. At least one protester – 18-year-old Miracle Boyd with GoodKids MadCity, an anti-gun violence group – had her teeth knocked out when an officer punched her, according to video of the assault shared by the organization.
Boyd went to the hospital Friday night

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Every poll shows that you are wrong again and

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump issues proclamation directing flags flown at half-staff through tomorrow "as a mark of respect for the memory and longstanding public service of Representative John Lewis, of Georgia."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Supporters, you NEED TO WTFU! It matters not how much you love Trump and how much you loathe #BLM or have delusions of Antifa.

This is the United States of America. We are still a democracy, although Trump/Barr are very much trying to change that. We don't do secret, unidentified, federal police, crushing skulls and snatching people off the streets. We are not a dictatorship.

If it does not bother you that Trump is making the U.S. resemble Nazi Germany with Hitler's Stormtroopers, then you are, a threat to this country. You actually threaten our democracy much more so than any of the groups you are being trained to fear.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

From the President:

Pres Trump issues proclamation directing flags flown at half-staff through tomorrow "as a mark of respect for the memory and longstanding public service of Representative John Lewis, of Georgia."

Shut the fuck up kput'z the President disagrees with you

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The President on Facebook today said.

Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis passing. Melania and I send our prayers to he and his family.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If it does not bother you that Trump is making the U.S. resemble Nazi Germany with Hitler's Stormtroopers, then you are, a threat to this country. You actually threaten our democracy much more so than any of the groups you are being trained to fear.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump didn't say anything about the death of John Lewis until he finished playing golf in Virginia

Commonsense said...

Considering the bad blood between the two it was damn decent of Trump to say anything.