Sunday, July 5, 2020

Interesting twist in events...

Victim in the BLM protest car incident was a white woman with purple hair named "Summer". The person driving the vehicle was a black man named Dawit Kalete.

Summer Taylor killed by Dawit Kalete

Obviously the initial reaction was much like the tanker driver in Mpls who ended up driving on the highway during a protest. That person didn't actually hit anyone, but rather was pulled from his vehicle and assaulted by protesters, many of whom falsely claimed that he had Nazi and Confederate symbols on the car. Truth was he was a Eastern European immigrant who had just completed a gas delivery for a convenience station run by a black family. Nobody else was willing to deliver. He was arrested (apparently for being beaten up) and later let go.

Likewise, the initial reaction in Seattle was the expectation that the driver of the White Jaguar who hit the two protesters on I5 was likely a racist person upset about the protests. I would guess that some probably saw a Nazi sign or Confederate flag being flown from that vehicle as well. However, this doesn't seem to be the case, considering the race of Kalete. Either way Kalete was arrested and will most likely be charged with some sort of vehicular manslaughter. Meanwhile "Summer" will have paid a pretty hefty price for her decision to shut down a highway in protest. 

How long can Seattle allow this to continue? This is the third dead protester in the past couple of weeks, and we have at least three others from Seattle in ICU. All this could be avoided if Seattle just decided to  - "gasp" - defend the rule of law and arrest people for breaking it. 


Caliphate4vr said...

Any idiot walking on the freeway at 1:40 am deserves it

Anonymous said...

"[t]here is a new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language performed rituals recite its mantras and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted, and punished.”

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT are cultists.

Anonymous said...

Seattle Mayor promised the young girl, "Summer of Love"

Commonsense said...

You cease to be a peaceful protest when you block traffic, vandalize cars, fire bomb stores and murder eight-year old girls. There are agitators who are bent on evil and violence and need to be purged from legitimate protesters.

Anonymous said...

There are agitators who are bent on evil and violence and need to be purged from legitimate protesters.

yup. and this one got herself purged BIGLY.

i saw the tape. the black guy hit her at speed and she went flying!

in death race two thousand that had to be at least a 10-pointer.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

notice how it seems there are more white liberals than blacks interested in BLM? it lends even more to the lie that black lies matter.

a marxist con, and a profitable one.

anonymous said...

Your collective stupidity reigns supreme...

The freeway was closed by the SPD
The car got on the freeway and was driving the wrong direction...
A protester caught the asshole..

And again, rat proves why he is a dumb fuck trump fellator!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

2:10 it was a closed freeway

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rapist rat's comment is SICK. I watched the video with horror.

Actually, I don't think the driver intended to hit anyone, he just wanted to drive with frightening speed past people.

Then at the last moment he tried to swerve and break before sickeningly hitting two people and sending them flying.

It is probably tragic for both driver and protesters, including the one who may still be living but probably has severe injuries.

The deplorable glee with which rat comments is inexcusable. Similarly inexcusable are all the other comments of those of you who approve.

I cannot help but feel that this is just one more reason to feel that you are all sick, sick, sick and we other Americans who are not like you are by comparison sane and still decent.

Anonymous said...

NPR scrubbed this story, no mention of the driver being black. OR Summer being White.

They depict it as a unforseen tragedy.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Economist explains Why Biden Could Go Big -- July 5

Joe Biden “finds himself in landslide territory without having had to do very much to get there… Mr Trump’s flailing as made a Democratic Senate majority possible.

“That opens up the chances of a HIGHLY PRODUCTIVE PRESIDENCY which once seemed inconceivable.

"Before COVID-19 and widespread social unrest, Mr Biden’s candidacy was about restoration — the idea that he could return America and the world to the prelapsarian days of 2016. It [now] transpires that he could have the opportunity to do something big instead.

“To make lasting change through the federal government you need to WIN THE SENATE. And that cannot be done with a candidate at the top of the ticket who frightens the voters…

"Because [Biden] comes across as the grandfather he is, he is viewed with suspicion on the left. YET THAT IS PRECISELY what makes him reassuring … to voters in states like Montana and Georgia where Democrats must win to gain a majority in the Senate. It is Mr Biden’s caution that opens up THE POSSIBILITY OF MORE CHANGE THAN A REAL RADICAL WOULD.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Former Sen. Timothy Wirth speculates on How Trump Plans to Stay In White House Even If He Loses
July 5

Former Sen. Timothy Wirth (D-CO) claims in Newsweek that President Trump scheming to retain power in the event of an electoral loss in November.

His theory is apparently inspired in-part by HBO’s adaptation of the Philip Roth novel The Plot Against America.

Wirth writes that — should Trump lose — he will claim the vote was rigged and rely on a complicated gambit involving emergency powers and the compliance of Republican legislators to stay in the White House.

JAMES says:
Even Republican legislators must know that would doom them. They would all end up being frog marched from their offices along with Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Political Wire
Extra Bonus Quote of the Day

“I think if you could clock the amount of time he’s spent actually in the Oval Office versus the amount of time he spends in the little dining room off the Oval Office with the cable news networks of one form or another on — it would be a very interesting statistic.”
— Former national security adviser John Bolton, talking about President Trump on CBS News.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My 4th of July prayer:
"This is My Song"

I love this, both the pictures and the stanzas. Unfortunately, however, the final frame features a Christ statue image which lessens a little the universal appeal of it to all nations and all religions.
--Jim Boswell

A friend to whom I sent this wrote:
I've listened/watched it at least 5 times today... and forwarded it to a hundred of my closest friends. Love it. -- Ron B.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

My wondrous sister Debby wrote me:
Love this. I noticed that the words were written in 1938. They are certainly appropriate today. Amidst the Independence Day hoopla (which I love), we Americans must remember that people around the world love their homelands just as we do. They long for peace and happiness too. I hope the stressful times we're going through can somehow create a sense of unity and tolerance.

Myballs said...

8 of last 9 posts from James. Skipped right over it all.

Caliphate4vr said...

No one reads his stupid spams

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Very sad if you paid no attention to my own comments at 4:13 and 4:45.

C.H. Truth said...

2:10 it was a closed freeway

It was only closed by police under orders from the City to "protect the protesters".

I-5 is a pretty important and busy highway. Probably the main highway coming in and out of Seattle. Whoever made the decision to allow the protests is the person ultimately responsible for the death...

and of course the idiot person who was protesting on a Highway.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump's new “America First” T-shirt features an eagle that bears a striking resemblance to a Nazi-era eagle.

The official Nazi party emblem is called a Parteiadler, a Third Reich variant of the imperial eagle, which first emerged under the Roman Empire. The Parteiadler depicts an eagle atop a circle with a swastika inside it.

The slogan "America First" is also copied. It was the motto of Nazi-friendly Americans in the 1930s.

The eagle depicted on the Trump T-shirt is exactly like the Nazi emblem. The eagles in each face left. This is significant because it differs from the US eagle you see on the Presidential Seal, for example, in which the eagle looks to the right. President Truman actually mandated that the American eagle look to the right, toward the “direction of honor,” in an executive order following World War II.

The positioning of the wings and talons of the eagles are also significant. The US eagle has a rectangular shield and talons that are spread out, holding 13 arrows in one and an olive branch in the other. The Nazi icon has talons that are close together under its chest, holding up a circle with a swastika in it. The “America First” T-shirt eagle is identical to the Nazi eagle in every way, except that the talons grasp a circle filled in with the American flag instead of a swastika.

This T-shirt is not a mistake in design, but is an extension of Trump's bizarre authoritarian behavior and fascist rhetoric. The message is loud and clear.

Don't believe it? Here are the two eagles side-by-side:

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sad that some here are so distant from what post 4:45 above represents.

Here is one reason why.
It concerns what their "hero" did:

How Trump Broke July 4th

Dan Balz:
“President Trump, with two speeches in two days, has turned the Fourth of July from a joyful and unifying patriotic celebration of America’s founding values into a partisan political event. The damage could outlast his presidency.


“From near the base of Mount Rushmore on Friday night and from the South Lawn of the White House on Saturday night, Trump tried to write himself into the history of America as an implacable wartime president. His enemy, however, is not the Nazis of the 20th century or terrorists of the 21st century. Instead, it appears to be those in America who disagree with him — a caricatured blue America [that does not really exist].”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

With Kennedy we went to the moon.

Under Donald Trump we can't go to Europe

Anonymous said...

James I read your post, IF you actually write it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Biden admitted the 8 years of Obimbo did not change the US, he said the US is systemically racist.
Never was post racial.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democrats are not going to let the Republicans steal the election.

Biden said at a fundraiser Wednesday night that his campaign has “put together 600 lawyers” and a team of volunteers, who will “[go] into every single state to try to figure out whether chicanery is likely to take place.”

The presidential candidate said his campaign will “fight any effort to exploit the pandemic for political purposes, support the countless state and local officials working like hell to make voting safe and accessible for citizens, especially the most vulnerable, or call out local rules that don’t adequately ensure access to vote.”

Biden said more than 10,000 volunteers had already signed up to aid in the effort, and the campaign is “in the process of getting into the states in question to train them to be in a polling place.”

The Trump campaign has hit back against Biden’s new legal team, with senior political adviser and counsel Justin Clark claiming in a statement that Biden “is lying and fear-mongering.” “Democrats are the ones trying to fundamentally change how we vote,” Clark said. “They are inserting chaos and confusion into our voting process because it is the only way they can win.”

Trump and his allies have ramped up their attacks on mail-in voting in the lead-up to the November election, which Trump has already claimed without evidence will be “rigged” because of voter fraud. (Voter fraud in mail-in voting is extremely rare, evidence has shown.) The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee have launched a multimillion dollar legal campaign to stop Democrats from broadening access to mail-in voting during the pandemic, and the campaign recently filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania against the state’s practice of using drop boxes for mail-in ballots.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott A**hole says the young people don't die from the virus

Award-nominated actor Nick Cordero, who specialized in playing tough guys on Broadway in such shows as “Waitress,” “A Bronx Tale” and “Bullets Over Broadway,” has died in Los Angeles after suffering severe medical complications after contracting the coronavirus. He was 41.

Cordero died Sunday at Cedars-Sinai hospital after more than 90 days in the hospital, according to his wife, Amanda Kloots. “God has another angel in heaven now,” she posted on Instagram. “Nick was such a bright light. He was everyone’s friend, loved to listen, help and especially talk. He was an incredible actor and musician. He loved his family and loved being a father and husband.”

Anonymous said...

James and Roger.
The Revolution you support wants What?

And leave Trump out of it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Under Obama, the United States had a chance to become the most racially progressive nation on earth. But the Republicans did everything they could to take advantage of the basest racist attitudes and hate groups in America to implement again their old southern strategy for political reasons, to block Obama's fair, enlightened, and progressive agenda in every way they could in order to serve the purposes of the selfish wealthy.

Now that is going to REALLY bite them in the rear this next election, as an electorate fully aware they have been "had" and desirous of greater economic justice and opportunities for all the middle class, both white and black, rises up to demand a greater share of this nation's immense wealth, now being hoarded by and limited to the selfish and corrupt GOP elite.

Anonymous said...


"At Least 70 Shot, 14 Dead by Sunday Night over July 4th Weekend in Chicago"

Celebrate good times in the "Summer of Love"

Anonymous said...

James your boy failed.
Blaming others again, damn.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

After church today @realDonaldTrump
went golfing.
Except he didn’t go to church.
He just went golfing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

Under Trump minority unemployment lowest in history. That's creating economic opportunity.

anonymous said...

Under trumps leadership....131K americans have died and almost 3 million have tested positive....55 k new cases a day compared to the EU of less than 5k....economy in the shitter and kudlow announces things are great.....the slurpers swallow another load of stupidity with trumps claiming our heritage is in jeopardy from some left leaning boogey man!!!!!! And you swallow again!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Dan Balz says:
The Politics of Race Is Shifting
July 6, 2020 at 6:36 am EDT

“When 2 in 3 Americans now say they support the Black Lives Matter movement;
when thousands upon thousands of Americans march in the streets of big cities and small towns;
when the National Football League reverses its position on players’ kneeling during the national anthem;
when Mississippi eliminates the Confederate symbol from its flag;
there seems little question that for now, this is a materially different moment.”

“What will come of the gathering call for action? The civil rights movement produced landmark legislation, but black people continue to face discrimination in virtually all aspects of life. Economic gains for many black Americans are undeniable, yet huge disparities in jobs, housing, income and wealth still exist.

“Under President Trump, who has used racist messaging continually as president and before, Republicans are ill-positioned to respond fully to the moment that has arisen this summer. The party is captive to his rhetoric and actions, which exacerbate rather than reduce tensions. A part of the GOP coalition has moved in a more progressive direction on issues of race, but overall the party is on the wrong side of public opinion and stymied as to how far it can go.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Texas Tribune reports:
Texas Hospitals May Soon Run Out of Beds

“Local officials and experts in Austin, San Antonio, Houston and Fort Worth have expressed concerns in recent days that increasing coronavirus hospitalizations could overwhelm their intensive care capacities, with some saying it could happen in less than two weeks.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Associated Press says:
Trump’s Bluster Doesn’t Calm a Restive Nation

“Over three and a half years Trump exhausted much of the country, while exhilarating some of it, with his constant brawls, invented realities, outlier ways and pop-up dramas of his own making. Into summer, one could wonder whether Trump had finally exhausted even himself.”
Yep. It just ain't workin' for him anymore.

Commonsense said...

Atlanta mayor calls for citizens to stop 'shooting each other' after murder of 8-year-old near BLM protest site

In an impassioned press conference Sunday night, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms issued a full-throated call for citizens to stop "shooting each other up on our streets," after an eight-year-old girl was shot and killed on the Fourth of July near a Wendy's that has become a flashpoint of anti-police Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests in the city.

She's lost control. The city needs police services not a scolding.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

This thread didn't quite work out for Ch the way he thought it would.

His insensitive attempt to present a tragically killed protester in a situation where even the driver of the car may perhaps deserve some pity does not lend itself to the kind of politics Ch likes to play.

Even Kansas Democrat displayed some brief sense of real humanity at 4:21PM above.

Not Ch himself, however, as evidenced by his "idiot person" comment at 6:51.

I feel genuinely sorry for Ch's wife who does not share his deplorable politics.

anonymous said...

Oh the irony....Dr Cramps who thinks everyone should own a gun if they bitches about gun violence because the Mayor is black, a women and a D!!!!!! Wow.....stupidity is the rock solid base of the GOP!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — Not long after noon on Feb. 6, President Donald Trump strode into the elegant East Room of the White House. The night before, his impeachment trial had ended with acquittal in the Republican-controlled Senate. It was time to gloat and settle scores.

“It was evil," Trump said of the attempt to end his presidency. “It was corrupt. It was dirty cops. It was leakers and liars.”

It was also soon forgotten. On Feb. 6, in California, a 57-year-old woman was found dead in her home of natural causes then unknown. When her autopsy report came out, officials said her death had been the first from COVID-19 in the U.S.

The “invisible enemy” was on the move. And civil unrest over racial injustice would soon claw at the country. If that were not enough, there came a fresh round of angst over Russia, and America would ask whether Trump had the backs of troops targeted by bounty hunters in Afghanistan.

For Trump, the virus has been the most persistent of those problems. But he has not even tried to make a common health crisis the subject of national common ground and serious purpose. He has refused to wear a mask, setting off a culture war in the process as his followers took their cues from him.

Instead he spoke about preening with a mask when the cameras were off: “I had a mask on," he said this past week. "I sort of liked the way I looked ... like the Lone Ranger.”

These are times of pain, mass death, fear and deprivation and the Trump show may be losing its allure, exposing the empty space once filled by the empathy and seriousness of presidents leading in a crisis.

Bluster isn’t beating the virus; belligerence isn't calming a restive nation.

Angry and scornful at every turn, Trump used the totems of Mount Rushmore as his backdrop to play on the country's racial divisions, denouncing the “bad, evil people” behind protests for racial justice. He then made a steamy Fourth of July salute to America on the White House South Lawn his platform to assail “the radical left, the anarchists, the agitators, the looters," and, for good measure, people with “absolutely no clue.”

“If he could change, he would," said Cal Jillson, a presidential scholar at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. "It's not helping him now. It’s just nonstop. It is habitual and incurable. He is who he is.”

Over three and a half years Trump exhausted much of the country, while exhilarating some of it, with his constant brawls, invented realities, outlier ways and pop-up dramas of his own making. Into summer, one could wonder whether Trump had finally exhausted even himself.

Vainglorious always, Trump recently let down that front long enough to ponder the possibility that he could lose in November, not from the fabricated voting shenanigans he likes to warn about but simply because the country may not want him after all of this.

“Some people don't love me,” he allowed.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the election is a referendum on the President, he's in big trouble

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

346- 192

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In 3½ years as president, Trump has never tried to expand his appeal, never sought to win over those who opposed him in 2016, never truly appealed for unity. On the day that has spoken to unity more than any other on the calendar, he instead followed his preferred script.

Commonsense said...

Oh the irony....Dr Cramps who thinks everyone should own a gun if they want..

The 2nd amendment says that. But the second amendment doesn't give you the right to deliberately attack and kill another human being.
Either with a gun or a car.

The reason people are arming themselves in Atlanta is that there is no police presents to maintain order. That is due to a gross failure of leadership in the city.

A leadership who made a scapegoat out of a police officer who was following his training.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democrats are within striking distance of retaking the Senate majority in November, while Republicans are facing an increasingly difficult electoral map as President Trump’s sagging poll numbers threaten to drag down vulnerable GOP incumbents. Several recent polls show Democratic challengers leading Republican incumbents in Arizona, North Carolina and Iowa.

Anonymous said...

James and Roger.
The Revolution you support wants What?

And leave Trump out of it.

Anonymous said...

Susan Rice says the strength in the Economy/Stock Market is because of.........

Joe Biden 😉

C.H. Truth said...

Under trumps leadership....131K americans have died and almost 3 million have tested positive..

Actually it would be under the Governor's leadership.

Some provided solid leadership (Noem) that led to only 97 deaths in her state.

Others (Cuomo) provided disastrous leadership that led to 31,000 deaths in his state.

Seems like the states that went out of their way to ignore what Trump said or recommended fared much worse than those who listed to everyone.

Isn't if funny how the majority of the deaths in this country came from those states that went out of their way to ignore the President and do the opposite of what he suggested...

and then these same people will blame "him" for their failures?

Commonsense said...

But... But... But... This is suppose to just be about dead Confederate solders.

A statue of Frederick Douglass was ripped from its base in Rochester, New York, on the anniversary of his famous speech “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July." The statue was found in a gorge about 50 feet away, with damage to the base and a finger.

Anonymous said...

Trump's new “America First” T-shirt features an eagle that bears a striking resemblance to a Nazi-era eagle.what a coincidence, alky -

Nancy Pelosi called out for using Nazi imagery on her House website

SHOT. . .

The Trump campaign has a new shirt for sale that reminds libs of a Nazi design:


Who wants to let Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi know?

it looks just like the Speaker of the House Seal.

LOL. good one alky.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I protest the senseless tearing down of Douglass' statue. He is one of the greatest Americans of his time.

Did right wingers do it?

Anonymous said...

Isn't if funny how the majority of the deaths in this country came from those states that went out of their way to ignore the President and do the opposite of what he suggested...

and then these same people will blame "him" for their failures?

what's funnier is the legion of people who blame trump's "failed leadership" yet those critics never point out specifics, or offer detailed suggestions of what they would've done differently.

Anonymous said...

Nope, James it was your kind and those you support.

You own this Revolution.

Anonymous said...

In 3½ years as president, Trump has never tried to expand his appeal, never sought to win over those who opposed him in 2016, never truly appealed for unity.


trump has made countless speeches calling for unity, the mt rushmore speech being the latest example.

what he hasn't done is kiss the asses of those who oppose him. and rightly so.

we all saw the left's reaction on inauguration day alky. it showed us that TDS is real, it's strong, and if you're an idiot who falls to their knees screaming at the sound of trump being sworn in, YOU'RE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. not trump.

what you're demanding from trump is capitulation. we've seen in burned out and destroyed cities across the nation how well that works.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Kansas Democrat" asks hundreds of questions that nobody on my side even bothers to answer, because his questions are not asked in good faith and he will not receive our answers in good faith. It is a waste of time to answer him, so we don't.

But I will answer this:
James and Roger.
The Revolution you support wants What?

And leave Trump out of it.

Very simple answer:
A better life for the American middle class.

Anonymous said...

😂 in NYC, de Blasio's office says 'we do not believe there has been a resurgence in cases related to the protests'😆🖕

China Virus knows who is a good commie.

Anonymous said...

Did right wingers do it?

the right has been defending statues across the nation, pederast.

no, right wingers did not do it.

scumbag left wingers did it.

go fuck yourself.

Anonymous said...

On a very positive note, President Trump gave arguably his best, if not the most crucial speech of his presidency so far. With Mount Rushmore as the backdrop, he was figuratively as well as literally on the front lines of what has now devolved into a civil war for the heart, soul and future of this nation. Except it's not really a civil war but more of a hijacking of the nation, since only one side is advancing that aim by engaging in violence, intimidation and propaganda, with essentially zero pushback - Donald J. Trump and all of his standing with him being the exception.

... For this America, stunned by the senseless violence which pours salt in the wounds of [Chinese] COVID-19 and a shattered economy, the president's speech was just what the doctor ordered.
He paid homage to the "56 patriots" who gathered in Philadelphia in 1776 to sign the Declaration of Independence, which "enshrined a divine truth that... all men are created equal."

He even dared to say America was "founded on Judeo-Christian principles" with the family "the bedrock of American life," where "every child, of every color -- born and unborn -- is made in the holy image of G-d."

And in his forthright way, he fingered a "new far-left fascism that demands absolute allegiance. If you do not speak its language... recite its mantras and follow its commandments, then you will be censored, banished, blacklisted, persecuted and punished."

"It's not going to happen to us..."

Boom. No other President or politician allegedly on our side in my lifetime ever dared to directly indict and damn the Democrat Party and the Leftist-Progressive-Globalist agenda for their record of pain, misery and destruction and for warning about the consequences should they succeed. Not even the great Ronald Reagan. Actually, Donald Trump just declared the Democrat Party and the totalitarian thugs in it and supporting it to be an "evil empire." It's not hyperbole either. His speech was as factual an indictment of what they have done and intend to do and he essentially laid down the marker of what amounts to "over my dead body."

Anonymous said...

Earlier, reports noted that the group identifies as NFAC — literally standing for “Not F*cking Around Coalition” — and its leader calls himself Grand Master Jay.

Videos showed the leader discussing the group’s demands, which include a black ethnostate within the U.S.

“The solution is very simple,” he responded. “We file a declaration of liberation, declaring every African-American descendant of slavery a political prisoner here in the United States, that was affected by the Portuguese slave trade, and after that, the United States then has a choice, either carve us a piece of land out here — we’ll take Texas — and let us do our own thing, or don’t stop us when we exit this body here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation.

so grand asshole jay say he gonna "take texas."


call the coroner and dig the holes 'cause ol' grand asshole jay be takin' da big dirt nap very soon.

C.H. Truth said...

what's funnier is the legion of people who blame trump's "failed leadership" yet those critics never point out specifics, or offer detailed suggestions of what they would've done differently.

He could have pulled 40,000 ventilators out of his ass and given them to the idiot Cuomo who insisted he needed them.

That would have saves... um... zero lives.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Nope, James it was your kind and those you support [who tore down Douglass' statue].

You own this Revolution.

No, it was not my kind. I recently pointed out in a post here that Frederick Douglass spoke with Lincoln more than once at the White House and later stated that Lincoln was the only white man who had ever talked with him as with an equal.


Joe Biden's first "rally" after he comes out of the basement will probably be in front of a statue with a bunch of democrat Marxists.

Will be the biggest and most enthusiastic crowd he can get.

And the press will rave about how inclusive and healing he is.

He OWNS this group too.


Anonymous said...

At pro-Palestinian Black Lives Matter rallies in New York and Washington, chants were heard calling for “Death to Israel,” “Death to America” and “From Gaza to Minnesota, globalize the Intifada!”

Several hundred protesters attended the July 1 demonstration in Brooklyn dubbed as a “Day of Rage” event, set to coincide with the earliest date Israel could begin its plans to apply Israeli law over parts of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

Speakers issued inflammatory rallying cries that ran the gamut from anti-Semitic and anti-American to just plain absurd. One pro-North Korea activist called for the end of the United States of America and its “puppet governments,” the liberation of “Palestine,” and for Korea to “be one again.”

There were multiple attempts to connect the pro-Palestinian cause with Black Lives Matter.

Dequi Kioni Sadiki, the wife of former Black Panther Sekou Odinga, said: “The European Jews who occupy, slaughter and continue to force millions of Palestinians onto their killing fields called refugee and concentration camps, are the relatives of the Europeans… who kidnapped, slaughtered and forced millions of Africans and indigenous” into slavery.

Calls to “abolish the police” were joined with calls to eliminate “the Zionistic state of Israel.”

and nursing home-ridden imbeciles like the alky tell us that trump hasn't done enough to appease these shitstains.


Anonymous said...

So James is not down for the ■ struggle, he does not support blacklies matter movement nor the Rioters.

Really James. Really? When did you have this come to Jesus moment?


anonymous said...

he does not support blacklist matter movement nor

You really are what Hillary correctly described as despicable !!!!! I prefer the more common terms of dumb fucking racists with no redeeming value whatsoever!!!! Go chew on trumps fat white ass and enjoy your trip to HELLL!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...


Breitbart is still dead you fucking idiot!!!!!!! Any attempt for you coming to your senses is beyond hope or repair.......>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!