Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Interestingly, the USSC waited till the last day to provide their decision on Trump's financial records.

Generally the "biggest" decisions are released on the last day. In the grand scheme of things, I would find it interesting that far reaching religious liberty cases are deemed to be "less" important than the tax returns of one particular individual.

The most interesting thing about those cases (there are two of them) is that literally none of the legal blogs I read has provided an opinion (one way or the other) on how the court will ruled. They seem to be tying themselves up in knots as to which Justices have written majority opinions and which ones have not, but of course if every decision was 5-4 in the same direction, those 4 dissenting Justices would never actually write a majority opinion.

When you are attempting to read those tea leafs, then I guess you don't have a strong legal opinion one way or the other.

Apparently Gorsuch and Roberts himself might be due for an opinion on the last day. Some are also suggesting that Ginsburg might be in line for one. Obviously a Gorsush opinion on a Trump case would likely be good news for Trump (unless of course it's some sort of 9-0, 8-1, or 7-2 decision against Trump). A Ginsburg ruling against trump would be the opposite, while another Roberts opinion might go either way (although so far he has been writing his opinions with the liberals).

The irony is that the release of his tax records are probably 90% a matter of principle and only about 10% tangible. It's incredibly unlikely that Democrats in Congress or prosecutors will be able to rummage through his tax returns and find anything that ties him to Russia or any other crimes. Moreover, even if they are released either to congress or to prosecutors, those Parties would be barred from making them "public" anyways. The idea that these rulings will provide Trump's financial records for all of America to see are not likely to be part of the plan here.


Anonymous said...

"I worry about Joe Biden debating Donald Trump. He should do it only under two conditions. Otherwise, he’s giving Trump unfair advantages."
Thomas Friedman a self hating Man

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I worry less about Biden debating Trump. But if I were Biden's advisers, I would insist that questions be given to both candidates a short while ahead of time, say a day in advance, and both candidates would have a chance, with their campaigns, to prepare five minute answers to be presented using teleprompters.

Trump would be well advised to stick to his script, but even if he were wise enough to do that, I still think Biden would look good -- more knowledgeable and sincere -- compared to him.

Spontaneous follow-up questions could then be asked after each five minute presentation, with maybe twelve such presentations being given in all.

No interruptions or calumnies allowed.

Now THAT would be informative.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One opinion suggests that if the debate doesn't have the 5 minute presentations he should stay in the basement

C.H. Truth said...

I worry less about Biden debating Trump. But if I were Biden's advisers, I would insist that questions be given to both candidates a short while ahead of time, say a day in advance, and both candidates would have a chance, with their campaigns, to prepare five minute answers to be presented using teleprompters.

You cannot be serious?

You want to change Presidential debates that have been around since the beginning... with a live performance of candidates providing scripted answers from teleprompters?

It's like going to see a concert and getting lip syncing.

Anonymous said...

The Fear from the Biden Camp.

What is Trumps "unfair advantage"?

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Biden will get them from CNN.

😂 worry less about Biden debating Trump. But if I were Biden's advisers, I would insist that questions be given to both candidates a short while ahead of time,😃

Anonymous said...

Roger and James never took Debate in HS or College .

Caliphate4vr said...

It's like going to see a concert and getting lip syncing.

Blame it on the Rain

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Now that Donald Trump has been in office for nearly 42 months, almost everyone has an opinion of him. Trump makes his opinions of his opponents known by creating short nicknames for them; i.e., "Pocahontas," "Sleepy Joe," "Low energy Jeb," etc. And some nicknames for Trump have also been used by his opponents; i.e., "Orange Julius," "The Mango Menace," "Sir Tinyhands," and "Fuckface von Clownstick." I get a little tired of seeing political bullshit start flying in groups that don't have anything to do with politics, including a couple of Rapid City groups (one of which I admin), classic car groups and the like. So I thought I'd see who wants to play a little game. Sum Trump up in five words or less. Whether you love Trump or can't stand him, put your summation in the comments. I'm not asking anybody to copy and paste, as I don't believe in that. If your Trump summation is more than five words, it will be deleted, but feel free to also hit the "like" or "angry" buttons on the post if you wish. Here's mine: "One ignorant statement after another." Go!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I debated in my high school

Caliphate4vr said...

1st or 2nd liver?

Commonsense said...

Don't kid yourself. If Trump's tax returns are released, they will be leaked the next day.

Commonsense said...

You cannot be serious?

He is serious. He's deathly afraid of Biden going off script and improvising in a debate.

His nonsense about both sides getting the questions is just a lame veneer to appear fair. Trump doesn't need to know them in advance, Biden does.

Truth be told, they would not want him to debate at all. As it is, Biden will probably get softball questions while Trump gets a phony Candy Crawly fact check from the moderators.

C.H. Truth said...

The money is now on Gorsuch writing McGirt and Roberts taking Trump's tax cases... which tells us nothing!

Commonsense said...

Sum Trump up in five words or less.

Fighter for people who can't. (I cheated by using a contraction.)

Commonsense said...

Trump has a right to keep his tax returns private from unwarranted, politically motivated, fishing expeditions.

Which means SCOTUS will probably release them.

Anonymous said...


"Roger AmickJuly 8, 2020 at 3:54 PM

I debated in my high school"

You lived an Amazing life, every single issue or event you did it or where there.

Caliphate4vr said...


"Roger AmickJuly 8, 2020 at 3:54 PM

I debated in my high school"

You lived an Amazing life, every single issue or event you did it or where there.

Yet, he can’t answer whether he was 1st or 2nd Affirmative or Negative

I really did debate team in high school.

Anonymous said...

Cali, so did I and for two years in College.

Anonymous said...

The 2 major Teachers Union are for receiving pay checks and NOT opening schools.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"He is serious. He's deathly afraid of Biden going off script and improvising in a debate."

James: Sure you're not confusing me with Trump's handlers' fear of him doing that? Perhaps repeatedly?

Anonymous said...

But if I were Biden's advisers, I would insist that questions be given to both candidates a short while ahead of time, say a day in advance, and both candidates would have a chance, with their campaigns, to prepare five minute answers to be presented using teleprompters.

gol-lee pederast, you seem to need every advantage imaginable to prop the senile old finger rapist up, don'tcha?


what are you afraid of?

you've been telling us for weeks that ol' joe has this fucker in the fucking bag.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The SCOTUS decision tomorrow will be a BIGGIE.

Trump didn't help himself when he said that he could shoot someone in public and not be held accountable, and that he as President could do anything he wanted to do.

PREDICTION: This Supreme Court is going to show Trump that no one, not even the POTUS, is above the law.

Anonymous said...

You lived an Amazing life, every single issue or event you did it or where there.

yeah, just like forrest gump.


all of it.

Caliphate4vr said...

I still have the high school letter jacket with football, track and debate on it


Anonymous said...

RRB , spot on.

He has a belief he was wealth with a "6 figure income"
Pure Fiction.

HE was suddenly homeless and suicidal.

Anonymous said...

PREDICTION: This Supreme Court is going to show Trump that no one, not even the POTUS, is above the law.

so tell us pederast, what law is Trump breaking by not sharing his tax returns to date???

do tell.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I lettered in pole vaulting and excelled in debate. No biggie.

But here comes a biggie in my next post.

Commonsense said...

James: Sure you're not confusing me with Trump's handlers' fear of him doing that? Perhaps repeatedly?

Not at all. Trump cleaned Clinton's clock and she still had all her marbles.

Biden on the other hand, would do well to not piss his pants on stage.

Commonsense said...

Blogger James said...
I lettered in pole vaulting and excelled in debate. No biggie.

Never heard of anyone "lettering in pole vaulting", they usually letter in track and field.

For sure you've never saw the inside of a debate stage in your life. That much is obvious from the comments you write or more accurately, do not write.

Anonymous said...

Seattle held 'segregated' training session on 'undoing whiteness,' encouraged staffers to forfeit 'guaranteed physical safety''Racism is not our fault but we are responsible,' one handout declared "

Outstanding Day for the Maxist Revolution.

Caliphate4vr said...

Pole vaulting little boys was a letter, pederast?


Commonsense said...
Blogger James said...
I lettered in pole vaulting and excelled in debate. No biggie.

Never heard of anyone "lettering in pole vaulting", they usually letter in track and field.

Next we will probably have lo iq say he lettered in quarterbacking.

And the "pastor" will reiterate "he never lies".


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C.H. Truth said...

I lettered in pole vaulting

Then I guess I lettered in high jumping, 100 meter dash, and various relays!

But my letter for that sport said Track and Field.

I actually also lettered in Wresting and Cross Country. One of only two males in my school to letter in three sports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks for inviting me, who do not lie, to clarify:
I went out for track and field, but pole vaulting was the only thing I did well, and I lettered in it when I won against an entire opposing team.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


CREDIT: NY Daily News
Supreme Court to announce Thursday whether Trump’s tax returns can be subpoenaed
July 8,2020

After years of legal wrangling, the Supreme Court will finally decide Thursday whether House Democrats and a New York prosecutor can get their hands on President Trump’s long-sought tax returns.

The high court made clear Wednesday that the high-stakes decisions are coming when it said the bench’s nine justices plan to wrap up this term and issue rulings in all remaining cases Thursday morning.

Regardless of how the court rules, the expected decisions in two separate cases involving subpoenas for Trump’s financial records are all but certain to have IMMENSE constitutional consequences.

The first case focuses on subpoenas issued by Democrats on the House Intelligence, Oversight and Financial Services Committees that ask Deutsche Bank and Mazars USA, Trump’s longtime accountant, to hand over several years’ worth of his tax returns and other business records as part of inquiries into whether current conflict of interest laws are rigorous enough.

The second case involves a criminal subpoena issued by Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, Jr., seeking a similar set of records as part of an investigation into whether corporate documents were illegally altered over the course of Trump’s scheme to pay off a porn star who alleges she had an affair with him.

The high court must decide whether the subpoenas are enforceable.

Vance and the congressional committees are both seeking the records from third parties because Trump refused to hand them over himself.

He’s the first president in modern history to not release his tax returns for public scrutiny, prompting much speculation about what he’s hiding.

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal fixer and lawyer, testified under oath in 2019 that the tax returns will corroborate allegations that the president has committed a variety of financial crimes.

The returns are also likely to corroborate a 2018 New York Times investigation that concluded Trump and his father repeatedly engaged in “outright fraud” to enrich themselves and avoid paying taxes.

Trump and his lawyers have argued that the attempts to unearth his tax records amount to “presidential harassment.”

But lower courts have consistently ruled against Trump on the matter, saying Congress as well as prosecutors have the right to subpoena tax records from the president for investigative and legislative purposes.

Trump is hoping that his appointments to the Supreme Court, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, will rule to shield his tax records along with the bench’s remaining three conservative-leaning members.

If Roberts and the bench’s four liberal-leaning justices vote that the subpoenas are valid, Trump’s tax returns will be released.

However, such a ruling would not automatically result in the records becoming publicly available.


Anonymous said...

Lordie, the liar Pedo and Alky is in full overdrive.

American voters said...

Dems still trying to hide Biden's dementia. This is dangerous.


John Solomon

British judge concludes FBI knew from start that the ‘ultimate client’ for the Steele dossier was Clinton campaign and that research project was commissioned ‘to ensure Hillary Clinton’s election as President.’ So why then wasn’t FISA court told?

Hans Mahncke

It's astounding that a random judge in London with no special knowledge at all was able to conclusively prove that Steele failed to perform even the most elementary fact checking–things that a simple internet search would've turned up–but the FBI was not able to do this.
And why didn't the crack Mueller team or Comey or Rosenstein figure this out ?

Because they were part of the Russian collusion HOAX.


And where was the U.S. media ???

C.H. Truth said...

I lettered in it when I won against an entire opposing team.

Well an entire team on one pole, would make it easy pickings!

Generally it took more than one meet, game, or event for someone to letter back in my day.


And why couldn't Schiff figure this out ???


James said...
Thanks for inviting me, who do not lie, to clarify:
I went out for track and field, but pole vaulting was the only thing I did well, and I lettered in it when I won against an entire opposing team.

the lying "pastor" is so clueless on this entire subject he doesn't realize how bad this makes him look.

And how obvious a lie.

He actually sounds like Biden.

Caliphate4vr said...

Generally it took more than one meet, game, or event for someone to letter back in my day.

It took minimum height, even if you defeated the entire East German block

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, I lettered just by winning that one event.

My high school was somewhat large, but I was our only pole vaulter, and to tell the truth I had previously lost to the other team's pole vaulters. But this day on our turf they were having a bad day, and I won. And lettered.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Amusing how F'n keeps inadvertently making it clear that HE's the biggest liar here.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Or maybe that honor goes to Cali.

Caliphate4vr said...

That’s what is called a participation trophy, pederast

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Tulsa Sees Coronavirus Surge

“The city of Tulsa is experiencing a surge in coronavirus cases, a little over 2 weeks after President Trump held a campaign rally in an indoor arena there,” CNN reports.

“Dr. Bruce Dart, Executive Director of the Tulsa Health Department, said in a press conference on Wednesday there are high numbers being reported this week, with nearly 500 new cases in two days and trends are showing that those numbers will increase.”


Commonsense said...

Generally it took more than one meet, game, or event for someone to letter back in my day.

Well in my day, you lettered in swimming by placing no less than third in the 50, 100, 200, and 400 freestyle, butterfly, breaststroke, and medley with at least five first place finishes. (Relays also counted)

If diving was you speciality, you had to place no less than third in the 3 meter and 10 meter competition.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CREDITS: The Houston Chronicle and the Texas Tribune:
Houston Cancels Texas GOP Convention

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner (D) announced that the city has canceled the Texas Republican Party’s in-person state convention in downtown Houston next week
, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Texas Tribune:
“For over a week, the party faced calls from Turner and others to cancel the in-person event as the number of coronavirus cases continue to surge. Turner WARNED that health inspectors would have the authority to shut down the convention if certain guidelines were not followed.

“Party officials had reiterated that the convention would still happen after the State Republican Executive Committee voted overwhelmingly last week to proceed with the event.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

gutless pole dancer James.

"I guess"



James said...
Thanks for inviting me, who do not lie, to clarify:
I went out for track and field, but pole vaulting was the only thing I did well, and I lettered in it when I won against an entire opposing team.

HEY IDIOT, you do NOT letter in an event. You letter in a sport, such as baseball, basketball or track and field (generally referred to as "track").

What a fucking liar. Obvious to all

And a POS.


C.H. Truth said...

Then I guess I lettered in high jumping, 100 meter dash, and various relays!

But my letter for that sport said Track and Field.

I actually also lettered in Wresting and Cross Country. One of only two males in my school to letter in three sports.

Exactly. There is no such thing as a pole vaulting team in any school. Or a pole vaulting league.

He is clueless.

Anonymous said...

Roger was the Captain of His Debate Team.

Anonymous said...


Little last picked James jumped in, trying to be ones of us Guys.

He failed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL My high school was in Wilson, NC and I went out for track and received a great big golden W for my blue school sweater because I won first place in an event. That's how "clueless" I was.

Anonymous said...

Biden's Revolution gets yet another Victory.

"Tammy Duckworth to Keep Hold on 1,123 Military Promotions Despite Vindman’s Retirement"

Anonymous said...

James, those of us know, stop embarrassing yourself further.


Thompson S. Hunter

Steele testified that he understood the purpose of his research was so that it could be "deployed" by the DNC/Clinton campaign in legal proceedings to challenge the outcome of the 2016 US Presidential Election ("if necessary")

from the Steele trial. kind of newsworthy.


My how the lying POS "pastor's" story has changed

James said...
I lettered in pole vaulting and excelled in debate. No biggie.

Guess he learned you don't letter in an event.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The attorney general’s partisan roleplaying and his false statements about absentee voting seem frighteningly designed to threaten the public perception of the legitimacy of the November election.

On “Fox News Sunday,” Barr said that largescale mail-in voting “opens the floodgates to fraud.” In the same interview, he continued to say he is “worried about undermining the public confidence in the integrity of the elections.” This is a duplicitous statement, since Barr is the one creating and fanning the flames of hysteria that weaken public confidence in elections.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He's a Republican who worked for the Republican Presidential candidate John McCain.



Here's Joe Biden forgetting his own proposal, then pretending as if he just went on a rant and didn't forget.

He never circles back to his original line of thought.

My God.

(He's beyond hope) VIDEO:

He may not be able to answer even one unscripted question.


Catturd ™

Translation - Trump up by 12.

Poll: Biden leads Trump by 4 percentage points in general election match up

Poll: Biden leads Trump by 4 percentage points in general election match up

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I did letter in pole vaulting. That was the one and only event for which I was awarded a letter.

You aren't just stupid, you are perniciously stupid and outright wicked.
I actually feel sorry for you, having to live in your hateful, despiteful head and heart.

Meanwhile, I am looking forward to what I think is going to be the right, correct decision of the Supreme Court tomorrow.

Trump has been having many bad days lately, and I think the Court's decision tomorrow will be just another nail in his coffin.

He has had so much to hide, and now the jig is up. He deserves what he is about to get.

See my next post.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

All in the Family Dynamics

This New York Times review of Mary Trump’s tell-all book is absolutely spot on:

“It’s the kind of detail — memorably specific, fundamentally human and decidedly weird — that gives this book an undeniable power, even if its narrative is bookended by Mary’s strenuous efforts to put her training as a clinical psychologist to use. She has no problem calling Donald Trump a narcissist, and she also identifies additional signs of antisocial personality disorder (the vaingloriousness), dependent personality disorder (the neediness) and a substance-induced sleep disorder (the dozen daily Diet Cokes). When she writes in her prologue that ‘Donald has been institutionalized for most of his adult life,’ she isn’t referring to anything so salubrious as mental health treatment. ‘Institutionalization’ here refers to the gilded cosseting provided by the family name and fortune that ensured Donald would never have to survive by his own wits in the real world.

“But will the real world survive Donald Trump? Mary says that American democracy will not if he gets a second term. The story she describes in Too Much and Never Enough is presented as a cautionary tale. Donald, she says, can’t help recreating a familial psychodrama that destroyed everyone it touched. She recalls waking up at 5 a.m. the morning after the 2016 election: ‘It felt as though 62,979,636 voters had chosen to turn this country into a macro version of my malignantly dysfunctional family.'”

Don't worry, Mary. I think the SCOTUS and the voting public are about to right that wrong. Once Trump's tax dishonesties come to light, Nixon may look like a saint by comparison.


James said:
I did letter in pole vaulting. That was the one and only event for which I was awarded a letter.

You aren't just stupid, you are perniciously stupid and outright wicked.
I actually feel sorry for you, having to live in your hateful, despiteful head and heart

You fucking idiot

You don't "letter" in an event. Are you really that stupid that you honestly don't know that? After all this weaseling you are doing and having reverted back to "track" (which is a sport) for a while. You've come full circle now.

Don't feel sorry for me, you better start worrying about your soul and the rapidly approaching day you don't get up. Then it will be too late for you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Everyone at my high school knew I got my letter for one thing only; winning one pole vault competition.

I don't think you with all your despicable cursing and negativity even believe in a soul or in any real decency in this life or in the next.


You may have (though at this point I seriously doubt it) have gotten a letter in track but letters in pole vaulting do not exist despite your claim.

And "pastor" I don't think you with all your despicable lying and dishonesty even believe in a soul or in any real decency in this life or in the next.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just watched the entirety of Barack Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech, one of the most significant campaign speeches ever delivered by an American running for any office.

When Obama walked out on that stage that night in Philadelphia, many people thought his candidacy was at an end. After the tirades of Rev. Wright, delivered in constant loops on Fox and other cable channels, many people thought there was nothing Obama could possibly say or do to dig himself out of the deep hole he was in.

Unperturbed and simply, he began speaking. And he spoke and continued speaking and speaking into the deep, listening silence of that hall and that audience.

And his hearers were listening, listening to the fine idealism and logic with which he spoke, listening to one who could regard racism as America's "original sin," a sin still with us, and yet one who spoke with understanding-- the understanding of a child of a mixed marriage who stood between the races and could sense and sympathize with the frustrations, fears, and resentments of both. And as he continued speaking, he showed deep empathy and compassion toward all, talking to his fellow citizens the way an adult talks to adults capable of comprehending the complexities and intricacies of society. ---And then, around fifteen minutes into the speech, the audience began applauding. And they continued applauding and applauding until the very moving end of the speech.

Thus, by means of his utter sincerity, erudition, and unmistakable statesmanship, Obama saved his candidacy and assured his election.


James said:
Everyone at my high school knew I got my letter for one thing only; winning one pole vault competition.

Since you said it was a somewhat large school it must have been a tremendous vault so that everyone knew you got a letter and it was for that.


Or you are FULL OF SHIT AS USUAL !!!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Compare this to what I said about Obama.

Gabriel Sherman says:
“At a moment when he needs to calm restive Republicans, Trump may antagonize them further by commuting Roger Stone’s 40-month sentence. According to sources, Trump has told people he wants to commute Stone’s sentence before Stone reports to prison on July 14. Rumors swirled over the weekend that Trump would announce it on Sunday night.

“Sources say the West Wing is at war over a possible Stone commutation. White House counsel Pat Cipollone is against the move, and even Attorney General Bill Barr is opposed… People close to Trump fear he won’t listen."

Said one Republican close to the White House:
“You can’t underestimate how hard it is to get information through to him. When you talk to him, he just talks AT you. He doesn’t like to read memos, so there’s not really a way to get through to him. Everyone agrees.”


When are Obama/Biden going to apologize for setting up a hero 3 star general, forcing him into bankruptcy with made up charges and also for spying on the opposition party ?

And when are patriotic Democrats going to stand up and hold their own party accountable for the corrupt Obama/Biden administration ?

This election is for the soul of America.

Trump 2020

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Tulsa in late June that drew thousands of participants and large protests “likely contributed” to a dramatic surge in new coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday.

Tulsa County reported 261 confirmed new cases on Monday, a one-day record high, and another 206 cases on Tuesday. By comparison, during the week before the June 20 Trump rally, there were 76 cases on Monday and 96 on Tuesday.

Although the health department's policy is to not publicly identify individual settings where people may have contracted the virus, Dart said those large gatherings "more than likely" contributed to the spike.

"In the past few days, we've seen almost 500 new cases, and we had several large events just over two weeks ago, so I guess we just connect the dots," Dart said.

Anonymous said...

Now he was so popular that
"Everyone at my high school knew I got my letter for one thing"

Lorie, it was 54 years ago, and James does have Bidenitise.

Anonymous said...

Marxist Dems Talking point.

Not enough testing migrated to too many cases because of testing.

anonymous said...

The goat fucker posting more gibberish than a trump press conference!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Gee another coincidence .... a rally inside in Tulsa.....2 weeks later a spike in cases......must be Obama's fault says the goat fucker!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Justices to Decide Who Can See Trump’s Taxes

“The Supreme Court is set to unveil its decision on Thursday about whether Congress gets to see President Donald Trump’s tax returns and financial records, a ruling that could reshape the balance of power between lawmakers and the White House in the most dramatic way since Watergate,” Politico reports.

“The court’s final opinion day of its 2019-20 term also includes a related dispute about whether New York prosecutors can similarly access Trump’s financial records, held by his accounting firm and banks.”


The court will start issuing opinions at 10 a.m. ET.

Commonsense said...

The New York Times says 'one autopsy report' found George Floyd had 'traces of illegal drugs' in his system. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner noted 'fentanyl intoxication.'…

The defense lawyers is going to have a field day with that tidbit of information.

Imagine, all the violence and destruction over the pass month really started with an overdose of fentanyl with methamphetamines.

anonymous said...

And cramps you dumb ass....that info has been out from day 1 ..... The video will be enough to put those assholes away for a long time.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

NYC to Start Trump Tower Black Lives Matter Mural

New York City will start painting “Black Lives Matter” on Fifth Avenue directly in front of Trump Tower on Thursday, picking up a delayed project that President Trump blasted as a “symbol of hate,” NBC New York reports.


Surge In Virus Strains Hospitals In Several States

“Coronavirus patients are pouring into hospitals across the American South and West, straining front-line doctors and nurses and draining supplies of protective gear and testing equipment, according to health-care workers around the country,” the Washington Post reports.

“In pandemic hotspot states such as Florida, Arizona, California and Texas, hospitals are adding new intensive care unit beds and special air-flow systems to treat the growing demand as virus hospitalizations set records almost daily. To cope with the wave of patients, hospitals are canceling elective surgeries to free up space for those sick with the virus. Medical staff warn they could become overwhelmed.”



Trump’s Financial Disclosure Report Is Late

“President Trump’s annual financial disclosure report was due to be released more than a week ago. But the filing, the only official public document detailing his personal finances, was not published, and neither the White House nor federal ethics officials offered a public explanation,” the New York Times reports.

“The White House addressed the issue on Wednesday night. An official said Mr. Trump had requested a deadline extension because the report was ‘complicated’ and the president had ‘been focused on addressing the coronavirus crisis and other matters.'”


Commonsense said...

The Supreme Court is set to unveil its decision on Thursday about whether Congress

I think it's going to be a split decision. They will quash the congressional subpoena while allowing New York's subpoena to move forward.

anonymous said...

For the wantonly racist and bigot cramps......this is more than sufficient!!!!!

scripts make clear that Floyd was trying to cooperate with police but was deathly afraid of them, at times telling them that he had had covid-19 and was worried that he was going to die because he couldn’t breathe while in their custody. As one of the officers — Derek Chauvin — pressed a knee into his neck and held Floyd on the ground, he told Floyd that he must be okay because he was able to speak, saying that he was using up a lot of oxygen pleading for help.

Rastus said Commonsense said said...

The defense lawyers is going to have a field day with that tidbit of information.

Dat's right. Dey IS gwine to.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A shining City on a hill.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Senate Candidates Ignore Trump In Their Ads

“Republican senators up for reelection this fall in tight races have been unwilling to publicly criticize Trump as he continues to fan racial tensions and struggles to control a pandemic that has devastated the economy and killed close to 130,000 Americans. But they are being careful not to embrace him either.

“In their campaign ads back home, it’s as if the unpopular incumbent president doesn’t exist, as Republicans choose instead to highlight their own achievements or go on the attack against their Democratic challengers.

“This deliberate approach underscores the difficult position Republicans find themselves in as they head into an election season that looks increasingly grim for the party. The senators don’t want to clash with Trump and rile up his stable of loyal supporters whose votes they will need to be reelected, but they also don’t want to hug him tightly him and turn off more moderate voters whose views of the president have turned negative.”


Atlanta Mayor Defies Governor on Masks

“Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) issued a mandate late Wednesday night requiring people in the city to wear masks in public to prevent the spread of COVID-19, a move that follows a number of other local governments that are openly defying Gov. Brian Kemp (R),” the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports.

“So far, Kemp has encouraged the use of masks, but not required them, and has said local municipalities can not create stronger provisions than those that are in his emergency order.”


Commonsense said...

The video will be enough to put those assholes away for a long time.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

There is another video.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump wants to cut public school funding if they do not open this fall. Private schools are ok to make their own decisions. He has no power to direct schools what to do! Schools are state business, not federal.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Read the Cook Report

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tsunami warning

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I join Roger in lovingly dedicating the video of Ronald Reagan to all of you here at Chtrooth.

anonymous said...

There is another video.

Of what???? You being a racist asshole??????? BWAAAAAAAAA!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day at

“I had 39 sixth graders one year in my class. I double-dog dare Donald Trump to sit in a class of 39 sixth graders and breathe that air without any preparation for how we’re going to bring our kids back safely.”
— Lily Eskelsen García, president of the National Education Association, on CNN.

Commonsense said...

Atlanta Mayor Defies Governor on Masks

Stupid headline and even a stupider premise to the story.

If Georgia is anything like Florida localities may implement local regulations that conforms with state guidlines,

Bottoms mask mandate doesn't defy the governor, it's in conformance with Georgia's guidlines.

However, the idea that a government can mandate what people can wear maybe unconstitutional. There is plenty of Supreme Court precedent that says it is.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ryan Struyk
The United States just reached 3 million reported coronavirus cases.

Here's how fast each million has come:

0 to 1 million cases: 98 days
1 to 2 million cases: 43 days
2 to 3 million cases: 28 days

anonymous said...

Yeah cramps....floriduh has done a spectacular job controlling the spread.......At least bottoms is working to do something unlike you or trump....!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Kemp has encouraged the use of masks, but not required them, and has said local municipalities can not create stronger provisions than those that are in his emergency order."

In other words, he said localities could not require them.

Localities are defying him by requiring them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa that drew thousands of people in late June, along with large protests that accompanied it, "likely contributed" to a dramatic surge in new coronavirus cases, Tulsa City-County Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart said Wednesday. Tulsa County reported 261 confirmed new cases on Monday, a one-day record high, and another 206 cases on Tuesday.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Next Commensa will be telling us that requiring people to wear seat belts is unconstitutional.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

How many people should die?

Commonsense said...

Yeah cramps....floriduh has done a spectacular job controlling the spread...

Well I think "controlling the spread" is an exercise in futility regardless of whether you wear a mask or not. At best you are delaying the inevitable and prolong the real personal, societal, and economic pain in the country.

But don't worry, after Nov 3 the virus will magically disappear and you're going to say "virus? what virus".

However, you may be in a prolong period of mental depression. There is nothing I can do for you.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Louisiana Losing Fight Against Virus Says Governor

Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards (D) warned that his state has had three weeks “going in the wrong direction” in its fight against the coronavirus outbreak, WWL reports.

Edwards said Louisiana had lost all gains made against COVID-19 in June and now are seeing new case numbers rivaling peaks seen in April.

I guess it takes a southern Democratic governor to level honestly with the people.

(Commensa thinks that "after Nov 3 the virus will magically disappear and you're going to say 'virus? what virus'."

Actually Commensa doesn't really believe that. He just thinks he's being cute.)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ousted U.S. Attorney to Testify Before House
8:21 am EDT

“Geoffrey Berman, the former US attorney in Manhattan fired last month following a tense standoff with Attorney General William Barr, will appear on Capitol Hill Thursday in House Democrats’ latest push to scrutinize what they charge is unprecedented politicization of the Justice Department,” CNN reports.

I think we should put up statues of Barr and Trump and then tear them down.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And maybe throw in a statue of Nixon too.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On Tuesday, there were more than 10,000 new cases reported, according to the Florida Department of Health.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A surge in coronavirus cases in and around Tulsa, Okla., is probably connected to the campaign rally President Trump held there last month, the city’s top health official said on Wednesday.

Tulsa County reported 206 new confirmed cases on Tuesday and 261 — a record high — on Monday, and Dr. Bruce Dart, the director of the Tulsa Health Department, said at a news conference that it was reasonable to link the spike to the rally and related events.

“The past two days we’ve had almost 500 cases, and we know we had several large events a little over two weeks ago, which is about right,” Dr. Dart said. “So I guess we just connect the dots.”

The county has more infections right now than any other in Oklahoma, and “we’ve had some significant events in the past few weeks that more than likely contributed to that,” he added.

Dr. Dart spent much of the news conference pleading with Tulsans to wear face masks — which most attendees at Mr. Trump’s rally did not — and said the department would recommend requiring masks “if we continue to see an exponential rise in cases, which frankly we expect over the next few days.”

Asked whether contact tracing had confirmed a link between the rally and the increase in cases, Leanne Stephens, a spokeswoman for the health department, said it “will not publicly identify any individual or facility at risk of exposure, or where transmission occurred.”

Ms. Stephens said this week that contact tracers had been “completely inundated” trying to track down dozens of close contacts for thousands of confirmed cases, a task that can take hours for each person.

Karen Keith, a county commissioner in Tulsa who oversees the area where the rally occurred, said in an interview on Wednesday that contact tracers were struggling to persuade people to reveal where they had been, frustrating local officials.

She added that a surge in cases in rural parts of the state was most likely another indication that the rally could be responsible for the most recent outbreaks. Dr. Dart told The Tulsa World newspaper that he had examined Google mobility data for rally attendees, which offered a “ballpark” idea of where they had settled after the event.

The county’s seven-day rolling average of new cases dipped briefly at the end of June before rising again, and has been increasing fairly steadily since July 2. Mr. Trump held his rally on June 20, and because of the incubation period between when people are infected and when they start showing symptoms, it can take around two weeks for a change in infection rates to become apparent..

Health officials were worried from the start about Mr. Trump’s decision to hold a large rally indoors — a much riskier environment than outdoors in terms of coronavirus transmission — in a state where coronavirus cases were already spiking.

A few days before the event, Dr. Dart urged the president to cancel, calling the rally a “perfect storm of potential over-the-top disease transmission.”

When he said that, Tulsa County had just recorded 89 new cases in a day, a record high at the time. This week, the daily totals have been more than twice that.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Copyright © 2020 · Goddard Media LLC

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

Who could possibly be constantly spamming and plagiarizing ???

the lying POS "pastor" soars in the poles (vault)

Or so he imagined


Commonsense said...

Actually Commensa doesn't really believe that. He just thinks he's being cute

No. This is all about politics and I'm not being cute. Democrats want to prolong to crisis up to the Nov 3 election. It's their only chance of beating Trump.

To hurt the country for political gain is despicable beyond description.


Everyone in his large school knew about it, he must have been the talk of the town.

What a fantastic accomplishment !!!

One small step for a young boy, a giant leap for a "pastor"

Walter Cronkite probably broke into local news coverage.

Even the cow who jumped over the moon looked up to him.

Besides never lying the "pastor" obviously is very humble.


Commonsense said...

I guess it takes a southern Democratic governor to level honestly with the people.

It takes a Democrat governor to be at this level of stupidity. He basically admitting there's nothing for him to do and you're on your own.
This is what Democrats call "leadership"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In an interview with Good Morning America Thursday, Redfield said the guidelines would not be revised, but his agency would provide “additional reference documents to aid basically communities that are trying to open K-through-12s.”

Trump pointed to European countries as models for reopening and reiterated his claim that Democrats want schools to remain closed for political reasons.

CDC Director Robert Redfield, center, with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Vice President Mike Pence at a White House coronavirus task force press briefing on Wednesday. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
CDC Director Robert Redfield, center, with Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Vice President Mike Pence at a White House coronavirus task force press briefing on Wednesday. (Alex Wong/Getty Images)
“In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and many other countries, SCHOOLS ARE OPEN WITH NO PROBLEMS,” he wrote. “The Dems think it would be bad for them politically if U.S. schools open before the November Election, but is important for the children & families. May cut off funding if not open!”

According to the guidelines published on the CDC’s website, students and teachers engaging in virtual-only classes and activities are considered at the lowest risk for contracting the coronavirus, while small, staggered in-person classes with students remaining at least 6 feet apart are listed under the label “More Risk.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said the nation’s largest school district would reopen this fall on a “hybrid” model, in which most students would be in classes for two or three days and receive online instruction for the remainder of the week. But New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has insisted he will decide whether and how classes should resume in the state, so the final plan remains in limbo.

Asked about Trump’s threat to withhold federal funding for schools, Vice President Mike Pence, the head of the coronavirus task force, softened the administration’s tone, saying that in some places it may not be feasible to resume in-classroom learning.

“While we hope every school is able to open this fall, there may be some states and local communities that, given cases or positivity, that community may adjust to either a certain set of days or certain limitations,” Pence said. “And we’ll be very respectful of that.”

Vice President Mike Pence at the White House coronavirus task force briefing on Wednesday. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP)
Vice President Mike Pence at the White House coronavirus task force briefing on Wednesday. (Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP)
“What the president made clear, though, is that we think it’s absolutely imperative that every state and territory in the country take steps to get kids back in the classroom to the fullest extent possible,” he continued. “We really believe that every state has the ability to do that. But for those individual communities that may be seeing outbreaks, we will work with them to give them the guidance and support to implement the policies that they deem are most appropriate.”

“We just don’t want the guidance to be too tough,” Pence added, noting that the CDC would be issuing “a new set” of guidelines next week.

A reporter asked Pence why the CDC’s guidelines shouldn’t be tough, since they involve the health of the nation’s schoolchildren.

“Apart from having an underlying condition, children do not appear susceptible to having a serious illness from the coronavirus,” Pence said. “That’s been a blessing.”

But later at the same briefing, Dr. Deborah Birx, another member of the task force, admitted there isn’t enough data to draw definitive conclusions about coronavirus transmission among school-age kids, since very few are being tested for COVID-19.

“Our data is skewed to people with symptoms and then those over 18,” Birx said.


Read more from Yahoo News:

After a Black protester is killed in Omaha, witnesses claim a rushed investigation ignored signs of the shooter's allegedly racist past

After months of being silenced, CDC is easing back into public view

Yahoo News/YouGov July 4 poll: A staggering 62 percent of Americans no longer see America as Ronald Reagan's 'shining city on a hill'

What is voter fraud? Yahoo News explains

Can the developing world endure the coronavirus?


Libs are real panicked again this morning.

but a few have bravely ventured from under their beds.

They must resist.

until their last fleeting breathe.


and who actually gives a shit about Trumps taxes ???


Anonymous said...

Keeping minority children from beingbeducated is an old page in the Democrats play book.

Anonymous said...

Which one of the three Marxist Democrat put on thier blackface and posted this racism?

"Rastus said Commonsense saidJuly 9, 2020 at 6:35 AM

The defense lawyers is going to have a field day with that tidbit of information.

Dat's right. Dey IS gwine to."

James is my choice.
Although Roger is proud to say "Nigger" here.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! The goat fucker posting in black face!!!!!!!!!!! You really are a joke to humanity!!!!!!!!

Commonsense said...

President Donald Trump's campaign rally in Tulsa that drew thousands of people in late June, along with large protests that accompanied it, "likely contributed" to a dramatic surge

Translation: We don't have any evidence linking the surge to the rally but we're making a wild-ass guess because Trump.


Commonsense said...

Tuesday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio

He should be proud of himself. He took one of the safest most iconic cities in the world and turned it into a dystopian hellscape in less than four years.

That's quite a record. As they say, you get what you voted for (twice). You have no one to blame but yourselves.

anonymous said...

Cramps who thinks floriduh is great especially with desantis killing citizens blows the following out his old white ass like trump....

ld be proud of himself. He took one of the safest most iconic cities in the world and turned it into a dystopian hellscape in less than four years.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!! Sure cramps dystopian like you supporting trump and his failures!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Translation.....Cramps still thinks that the protests spread the virus which has been disproven from the U of Minnesota ......BWAAAAAAAA!!! know of 2 noted R's who were there and have tested positive.....coincidence?????? IOW's direct links!!!!


Washington Post - questions for Obama

still no answers...


And if the Flynn/Kislyak transcript came from the FBI (which it apparently did) why was he being domestically spied on by the FBI when the Obama administration knew he was not a spy or foreign agent as can be seen in new redacted FOIA requests?

And why was Obama even involved ???

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Supreme Court ruled that the President can't keep his tax returns from the New York District's attorney

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Supreme Court ruled that the President can't keep his tax returns from the New York District's attorney


You really got him now !!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Supreme Court rules New York prosecutor can get Trump's tax returns
The president has gone to great lengths to keep these documents private.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CJ Roberts: "In our judicial system, “the public has a right to every man’s evidence.” Since the earliest days of the Republic, “every man” has included the President of the United States."

anonymous said...

Trump loses battle of taxes.!!!!!!! YEAH we now get insight to his being a fucking fraud!!!!!!


let me know when you splat and I'll try not to laugh.

anonymous said...




The opinion is nuanced and complex, but the immediate effect is that litigation over the congressional subpoenas seeking Trump financial documents will continue, and the subpoenas will not be enforced right now.

you win


