Thursday, July 9, 2020

Economy continues to improve...

Much to the dismay of many people who reside in this country
The Labor Department’s unemployment report shows the unemployment filing numbers continue to decrease as the economy starts to pick up after the coronavirus shutdown.
Economy continues to improve! 
1.3 million Americans filed last week, which is down by 99,000 from the previous week. The continuing claims fall to 18.06 million, which is a drop of 698,000.

I am not sure that some will be satisfied unless the country falls into some sort of great depression. But the truth is that Americans (unlike those who just take up space) are a resilient type of person and they can make the best out of every situation. Right now, Americans are being tested in so many different ways that it is quite amazing that we remain so courageous and resilient.

1 comment:

Commonsense said...

You know, I understand why some people would not want to vote for Trump, I just don't understand why outside of marxist who want destroy America would want to vote for Biden or any other Democrat. They have gone batshit insane.

Say what you like about Trump, he's not crazy and he loves America.