Monday, July 13, 2020

More news not fit to print

British Court: Steele responsible for damages for outright lies in his dossier 
This week when a British judge ruled against the former FBI human source Christopher Steele, the decision delivered more than an order for the former spy’s company to pay damages to two Russian businessmen maligned by his dossier.
It also introduced new incontrovertible evidence that bolsters Attorney General William Barr's and U.S. Attorney John Durham’s probe into whether the FBI engaged in misconduct and criminally deceived the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to win permission to spy on the Trump campaign.

So we now have a British Court that found in favor of two Russian Businessmen who were listed in the Steele dossier. They sued Steele for defamation and came out on top. During the trial, it turns out that Richard Steele failed to provide any actual evidence that what he stated about them was true. 

As they say, there is no defamation when the truth sets you free. But in this case, it turns out that there was "legally" no truth to what Steele was writing.

Yet, here we are in 2020, and many on the left are still clinging to the idea that there was a conspiracy (as laid out by the Steele dossier). They still want to demand that our 674 day Special Counsel investigation was actually based on real life, rather than perpetrated by a known lie.

But even as EVERY allegation has been proven to be a bunch of lies, there is still a raw hatred that allows liberals to STILL want to punish those involved, even if they never should have even been investigated in the first place.



The fact that the recently declassified Mueller "scope" memo was based on this garbage should be common knowledge by now.

But state media is actually colluding with Steele to this day and not reporting.

Enemy of the people.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
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Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

James said...
Trump Hires 1500 Field Staffers

“The RNC and President Trump’s campaign say they have now hired 1,500 field staffers...

Planning to send them all to Texas?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
“The Silent Majority will reign!”
— President Trump, on Twitter.

...Oh. wait a minute.
Maybe you shouldn't have said that.
In this country, you're supposed to govern, not reign.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When did it become possible to turn a lie into the truth by commuting it, Ch?

Caliphate4vr said...

Ask Marc Rich pederast


By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...

NAZI roots showing much there "pastor"


C.H. Truth said...

When did it become possible to turn a lie into the truth by commuting it, Ch?

Let me ask you for your serious opinion, Reverend...

Do you really believe that a 67 year old man with no criminal record should spend close to four years in prison because he appeared confused as to when he contacted people, and whether it was by text, phone, or email... while being grilled before Congress regarding a fake investigation built entirely on fake intelligence that the intelligence community knew was fake?

And let me also ask you a serious factual question, Reverend...

Prior to this whole Russian conspiracy witch hunt, how many people can you recall being charged with "lying to Congress"? How many blatant lies were told by Clinton, Clapper, Brennan and others... which were summarily discounted by their supporters under the pretense that lying to Congress is not a crime that anyone is charged for.

The reality is that the entire concept of charging people for "lying to Congress" was flipped around after 2016. It was a law that nobody took seriously, and then suddenly the concept of times, dates, and methods are under scrutiny and considered a crime that requires years of time.

Hell, your personal hero George Floyd served less time (as a repeat violent offender) for sticking a gun in the stomach of a pregnant women during a home robbery.

Why (other than you hate anyone associated with Trump) do you believe it was a fair sentence for this one particular person to go to jail for 4 years when so many others did much worse and were never charged?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Let me ask you a simple question, Ch. Why did so many of Trump's own advisers plead with him not to pardon or commute if what Stone did was so innocent as you claim?

And why did Trump decide to commute rather than pardon?

Caliphate4vr said...

More science on opening the schools

Children under 10 are less likely to get infected than adults and if they get infected, they are less likely to get seriously ill. What is interesting is that even if children do get infected, they are less likely to transmit the disease to others than adults. We have not found a single instance of a child infecting parents.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't care about this.

Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom for a summer school course all contracted coronavirus last month. One of them has died, according to several reports.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd died on June 26, just under two weeks after she was hospitalized due to coronavirus complications. The other two teachers — Jena Martinez-Inzunza and Angela Skillings — are still battling the virus, according to CNN.

Byrd, 61, taught first grade in the Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District in eastern Arizona, where she had worked for the last 38 years. School officials say all three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still contracted the virus.

Byrd was admitted to the hospital on June 13 and placed on a ventilator soon after, her husband Jesse Byrd said. "I just had this horrible gut-wrenching feeling just knowing how much of a struggle this was going to be because I knew her lungs were compromised even before this ... fear, just the worst fear that you could feel," Jesse told CNN, explaining that his wife was prone to sinus infections, and also had asthma, diabetes and lupus. "I knew it was going to be rough on her."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cali's article concerning Iceland was written before the latest disturbing trends showed up among children in Texas.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And see too Roger's 9:53.

Caliphate4vr said...

Her obesity contributed to her issues

Caliphate4vr said...

at least 230lbs. If Trump really wants to help Americans health, ban fizzy, sugary drinks

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Her obesity contributed to her issues.

But where did she CATCH the virus to begin with?

Caliphate4vr said...

Who knows pederast oh BTW

Kimberley Byrd started feeling unwell in June. She was prone to sinus infections, and also had asthma, diabetes and lupus. Her doctor gave her antibiotics and steroids and on June 13, she went to the emergency room, according to her husband, Jesse Byrd Sr.

She never should have been outside her home

C.H. Truth said...

Let me ask you a simple question, Ch. Why did so many of Trump's own advisers plead with him not to pardon or commute if what Stone did was so innocent as you claim?

Another example of the dishonest tactic of answering a question with a question, rather than actually addressing it.

But we both know that "IF" advisors told him not to do it, it would for the same reason that I would have told him not to do it if I was his political advisor... it it bad politics.

The reason he commuted the sentence rather than Pardon him was that it was a nearly four year sentence for a 67 year old man with no prior criminal history who committed a process crime.

Now... I would appreciate it if you actually ANSWERED the questions I posed to you... since I was good enough to provide you with very simple and obvious answers to your questions (which you could have probably answered yourself if you put 30 seconds of thought into it).

Or are you not up to actually answering my questions?

An admission that you actually have no good answers?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It was not a fake investigation into the Russian intervention into the election cycle

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You mean she didn't catch the virus from the kids you said could not transmit it to her?

C.H. Truth said...

It was not a fake investigation into the Russian intervention into the election cycle

Did you not just read the story?

Richard Steele just lost a defamation lawsuit... which means that there was literally no factual evidence to what he put forward with these particular Russian businessmen.

If you even read a "little bit" about all of this Roger, you would know by now that not only was the FBI and Special Counsel investigation tied directly to the Steele dossier, that there was more than enough evidence that the FBI and Special Counsel knew it to be bad intelligence from the start.

But at the end of the day, the proof is in the pudding.

There was literally no conspiracy or collusion found and most certainly the old man Stone was not part of anything other than bragging on Twitter that he might know something (that he actually never did).

There was never even a bad reason, much less a good reason, for Congress to investigate Roger Stone for anything. Once it was determined by Special Counsel that he had no ties what-so-ever to either Assange or any of the hackers, they should have put it to bed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

More important:

Texas is now considered a toss up.

The toss up map used to be

It has now changed to AZ, FL, NC, TX, GA, OH, IA.

Caliphate4vr said...

Link me up where she caught it from a kid pederast.

All just say 3 teachers caught Covid doesn’t say where they caught it

Also, why do you ignore the co morbidities?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sounds like according to Ch, Trump did not welcome Russian interference into our election and did not try to get Ukraine to interfere.

I don't think history will agree.

C.H. Truth said...

Sounds like according to Ch, Trump did not welcome Russian interference into our election and did not try to get Ukraine to interfere.

Well Reverend...

Since all you want to do is deflect and blatantly lie about what I am stating.... it's obvious that it's just a waste of time to engage you.

Someday maybe you will be man enough to actually debate...

But that day is obviously not today.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You dance around every issue, Ch.

C.H. Truth said...

I dance around every issue, Ch.

Yeah, we know Reverend!

Which is why you still won't answer my questions!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I know nothing will satisfy Cali, but---

Three Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died
CNN Wire

Updated: Jul 12
Three teachers who shared a summer classroom at a school in Arizona all contracted coronavirus last month, leaving one of them dead.

Kimberley Chavez Lopez Byrd, 61, died June 26, less than two weeks after she was hospitalized. The other two teachers — Jena Martinez and Angela Skillings — said they’re still struggling with the effects of the virus that has killed nearly 135,000 people nationwide.

All three teachers wore masks and gloves, used hand sanitizer and socially distanced, but still got sick, according to school officials at the small community in the eastern part of the state.

Kimberley Byrd had worked at the Hayden Winkelman School District for 38 years — so long that she’d started teaching the children of her former students.

“Losing Mrs. Byrd in our small rural community was devastating. She was an excellent educator with a huge heart,” said Pamela Gonzalez, principal of Leonor Hambly K8. “We find comfort in knowing her story may bring awareness to the importance of keeping our school employees safe and our precious students safe in this pandemic.”

The infection started in June
Kimberley Byrd started feeling unwell in June. She was prone to sinus infections, and also had asthma, diabetes and lupus. Her doctor gave her antibiotics and steroids and on June 13, she went to the emergency room, according to her husband, Jesse Byrd Sr.

She was admitted to the hospital and immediately put on oxygen, but her husband was not allowed to be with her. The next morning, she called him to say doctors were putting her on a ventilator. That was the last time they spoke.

“I just had this horrible gut-wrenching feeling just knowing how much of a struggle this was going to be because I knew her lungs were compromised even before this … fear, just the worst fear that you could feel,” Byrd said. “I knew it was going to be rough on her.”

Days later, Jesse Byrd, his daughter, son, daughter-in-law, 4-year-old granddaughter and several other relatives contracted Covid-19. His wife’s brother also tested positive and has been on a ventilator for over 27 days, he told CNN Saturday night.

Jesse Byrd said his wife’s condition started improving and the doctors woke her up to see if she could tolerate being intubated while semiconscious. When she woke, she had a panic attack and started regressing.

“We just prayed for a miracle, and we put her in God’s hands and we said either he’s gonna work a miracle in her and save her or he’s gonna take her home,” Jesse Byrd said. “She didn’t make it … It’s been devastating for us here in our home.”

She died just short of their 24th wedding anniversary.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Husband warns about reopening schools

Kimberley Byrd loved the outdoors, said Jeff Gregorich, the superintendent of Hayden Winkelman Unifed School District. “One of my fondest memories was every time I would see her, she would show me [pictures of] her last weekend fishing at the lake,” he said.

“Kim… led her life based on her faith,” Martinez, who shared a classroom with Byrd, told CNN. “She was what I would call a giver — giver of knowledge, a giver of kindness — [a] compassionate person, a strong person who stood by her values. And she was bold when she needed to speak up when there was an injustice or something that needed to be heard, especially when it came to children. … She was fun, she was adventurous. She was just a true loving person all the way around,” Martinez remembered.

Jesse Byrd said his wife had a passion for teaching and cared for her students. “A lot of her classroom rules were based around kids respecting each other and being kind to each other and not bullying — that was really important to her,” he said.

Gregorich reiterated the three teachers were careful and still got Covid-19.

“I think that’s really the message or the concern that our staff has is we can’t even keep our staff safe by themselves … how are we going to keep 20 kids in a classroom safe? I just don’t see how that’s possible to do that,” he said.

Byrd said reopening schools will put people in their small community at risk and he does not want to see other families go through a similar experience.

“Many grandparents wind up being caretakers to kids when they get off school — mom and dad are working and a lot of grandparents are even raising their grandchildren. So, many of these grandparents fall into this high-risk category of being older with more health issues,” he said.

“They have no business opening the schools to try and get back to a traditional classroom … let’s get through this pandemic first before we try to get back to normal.”

Skillings, who taught alongside Kimberly Byrd, told CNN that when it comes to reopening schools, we need to think of our children’s emotional state.

“Children that like to touch things, like to share — they’re socializing,” Skillings said.

“What are we going to do to them emotionally if they take that virus home and give it to a family member or daycare worker or someone they are close to, and that person passes away?”

A month after they caught the virus that killed their colleague, Martinez and Skillings are still struggling.

Martinez says fatigue is lingering, she still has a cough, and she continues to take breathing treatments to relieve tightness in her chest. She recently tested negative and retested.

Skillings says she thought she was getting better, but recently her cough returned full force. She tested a week ago and it came back positive again.

Caliphate4vr said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Just a little bit of planning that might want to go in to opening schools.

Why are our elected officials, who are charged with the Constitutional duty to promote the public welfare, not asking these questions, not doing the simple long range planning any responsible head of a household would do?

A few questions:
If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19 are they required to quarantine for 2-3 weeks? Is their sick leave covered, paid?
• If that teacher has 5 classes a day with 30 students each, do all 150 of those students need to then stay home and quarantine for 14 days?
• Do all 150 of those students now have to get tested? Who pays for those tests? Are they happening at school? How are the parents being notified? Does everyone in each of those kids' families need to get tested? Who pays for that?
• What if someone who lives in the same house as a teacher tests positive? Does that teacher now need to take 14 days off of work to quarantine? Is that time off covered? Paid?
• Where is the district going to find a substitute teacher who will work in a classroom full of exposed, possibly infected students for substitute pay?
• Substitutes teach in multiple schools. What if they are diagnosed with COVID-19? Do all the kids in each school now have to quarantine and get tested? Who is going to pay for that?
• What if a student in your kid's class tests positive? What if your kid tests positive? Does every other student and teacher they have been around quarantine? Do we all get notified who is infected and when? Or because of HIPAA regulations are parents and teachers just going to get mysterious “may have been in contact” emails all year long?
• What is this stress going to do to our teachers? How does it affect their health and well-being? How does it affect their ability to teach? How does it affect the quality of education they are able to provide? What is it going to do to our kids? What are the long-term effects of consistently being stressed out?
• How will it affect students and faculty when the first teacher in their school dies from this? The first parent of a student who brought it home? The first kid?
• How many more people are going to die, that otherwise would not have if we had stayed home longer?
30% of the teachers in the US are over 50. About 16% of the total deaths in the US are people between the ages of 45-65.
We are choosing to put our teachers in danger.
We're not paying them more.
We aren't spending anywhere near the right amount to protect them. And in turn, we are putting ourselves and our kids in danger.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


CHT said:Well Reverend...

Since all you want to do is deflect and blatantly lie about what I am stating.... it's obvious that it's just a waste of time to engage you.

Someday maybe you will be man enough to actually debate...

But that day is obviously not today.

the "pastor" is not only a lying POS plagiarizing waterboy he is also dishonest. Guess that's his good point.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Texas is at risk for the President