Saturday, July 18, 2020

NFL fans, not the President, are the reasons why the NFL banned kneeling

‘They Realize the Bully Is Just Kind of an Empty Suit’

The kneeling policy from the NFL had been an obvious victory for him. It was Trump who had stoked the Colin Kaepernick-sparked controversy to make the 2017 season so contentious, and it was the volume of Trump’s voice, and its power, that had spurred the owners to adopt the stance they now were backing away from. Last month, then, instead of accepting the NFL’s decision to defer to its players—and to respect the dramatic, sweeping recent shift in public sentiment on matters of police brutality and racial justice—Trump opted to use his unmatched pulpit to double down. To attempt to vilify the NFL. Again.

Once again, your liberal media has determined that something is about Trump, when it really has little to do with him. Sometimes, actually many times, liberal policy or liberal rhetoric is actually not just unpopular with the President, but unpopular with the American public. A backup washed up black quarterback who was raised by white parents, kneeling during the national anthem was simply not a popular move... with fans of the NFL.

Now, in the wake of the recent racial unrest, we are looking at the NFL reversing policies and actually bending over backwards in favor of more racially motivated protests during NFL games. For some reason, the liberal media sees this as a "defeat" for the President. The reality is that until the NFL follows through, and until we see how the NFL fans, react... the winner or loser in all of this has yet to be determined.

It wasn't the "President" who won when the NFL banned kneeling during the national anthem. This was the NFL realizing that they could no longer afford to lose millions of dollars in the name of being socially receptive to disrespecting the flag. This was a policy move based entirely on ticket sales, television ratings, and NFL related product sales. The fact that the NFL was becoming just another political stage turned off the average NFL fan (who watch sports to get away from other things).

The NFL is obviously banking on the concept that times have changed and the average NFL fan will be receptive to things that they were unperceptive to in the past. Maybe they will be right, or maybe they will be wrong. But ultimately the only winners or losers will be the NFL and their fans.

My best guess is that the NFL will suffer because of Covid anyways. It will be hard to determine how much of their financial issues are related to anything else. But I also suspect that they will lose many die-hard fans, while gaining only a few casual fans. Ultimately, we will see a different NFL and probably different professional sports across the board. It will be hard to continue to pay millions for players if these leagues are no longer making billions. 

That will be the bottom line result.


James said...

The bottom line result is that neither you nor Trump can now depend on some people to be Confederate flag waving racists who boo a player for kneeling in protest of this nation's systemic racial injustice as it is most clearly seen in atrocities committed by some racist police officers against blacks.

Commonsense said...

The NFL will suffer from their own stupidity as usual. Mistaking America hating Marxist for the public at large.

I will refuse to watch the NBA until they apologized for being Chinese Communist shills and for taking blood money of the backs of Uyghur slaves.

No great sacrifice on my part. I hate the professional game anyway.

Anonymous said...

It was good to see the KC Chiefs win the Super Bowl in the last year of the NFL as it was founded.

RIP NFL 2020 died of stupidity.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Commensa will miss a lot of good games.
IF he holds to his resolve. Doubtful.

Commonsense said...

What the hell are you all doing, asked #CharlesBarkley as he condemns, @NickCannon @DeSeanJackson10 #StephenJackson and @icecube for assaulting and attacking the Jewish community and @kaj33. How does attacking the Jews help the fight for African American racial equality, he asks?

We can ask Roger or James, I'm sure one of them will have an answer. Since they support the anti-Semitic wing of the Democrat party.

Such a big tent the Democrat party is to include such diverse groups and the American Communist, American Nazis, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, and the Weathermen.

They do have one thing in common. They all hate America.

Commonsense said...

Commensa will miss a lot of good games.
IF he holds to his resolve. Doubtful.

Well James, there's no such thing as a good game in the NBA.

But I'm sure you're attached to your LeBron James' Nike sneakers made by Uyghur slaves. Hope you get blisters.

Myballs said...

So now we are told that it has nothing to with the national anthem. And yet, they refuse to find another vehicle to make their statement. So yes it is about the anthem. And many millions of Americans are sick and tired of being called racist because they don't see things as liberal Marxists do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Don't have Nike's.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, as they kneel in reverence for the anthem,
they kneel also in protest of systemic racial injustice.

Anonymous said...

Seeing James attempt to talk sports is like watching Alky attempt to talk about personal finance and Economics.

Anonymous said...

🏳No, as they kneel in reverence for the anthem,
they kneel also in protest of systemic racial injustice.🏳

Too stupid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THE GUARDIAN -- three months ago--

Southern Poverty Law Center warns of growing movement driven by ‘fear of demographic change’

White nationalist hate groups in the US have increased 55% throughout the Trump era, according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and a “surging” racist movement continues to be driven by “a deep fear of demographic change”.

Nationally, there were 155 such groups counted last year, and they were present in most states. These groups were counted separately from Ku Klux Klan groups, racist skinheads, Christian Identity groups, and neo-Confederate groups, all of which also express some version of white supremacist beliefs.

Since the turn of the millennium, the report says, “American racists have fretted over what they fear will be the loss of their place of dominance in society” as its racial composition changes.

The report notes that the perpetrator of a massacre on 3 August 2019 in El Paso, Texas, where 26 were killed, and another man who attacked a synagogue in Poway, California, killing one woman and wounding three more, claimed to be motivated by the idea that white people were being replaced.

The increase in hate groups includes many which openly advocate violence, terrorism and murder, and “accelerationist” groups ”who believe mass violence is necessary to bring about the collapse of our pluralistic society”, including organizations like the Base, Atomwaffen Division, and Feuerkrieg Division, according to the report.

Seven members of the Base, six members of Atomwaffen Division, and one man, Richard Tobin, who is allegedly a member of both groups, have been arrested since last October on charges including firearms offenses, conspiring to vandalize synagogues and conspiracy to murder.

In January, the Guardian showed the inner workings of the Base, including the lead-up to the synagogue vandalism allegedly coordinated by Tobin, and also revealed that the group’s founder was a Russia-based former security contractor, Rinaldo Nazzaro.

According to the SPLC report, the arrests are evidence that federal agencies are finally “hearing the alarm bells” regarding violent white nationalism.

It points out that in the last year, “the FBI upgraded its assessment of the threat posed by racially motivated extremists to a ‘national threat priority’”, and the “Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a strategic shift toward countering racial hatred”.

But the report says that those efforts are hampered by senior members of the Donald Trump administration like Trump aide Stephen Miller, “who has long been allied with anti-immigrant hate groups”.

Miller’s attempts to insert white nationalist talking points into rightwing news website Breitbart’s coverage of the 2016 election were exposed last year, but the administration has retained him in his senior role.

While the report concludes the overall number of hate groups dipped 8% on 2018’s record numbers, it says that this “does not reflect a significant diminishment of the radical right”, and that other kinds of hate groups continue to grow in number.

Along with the increase in white nationalist groups, there was an increase in homophobic and transphobic organizations, with anti-LGBTQ groups increasing 43% in 2019. Many of those highlighted in the SPLC report are religious fundamentalists.

The report calls for a “national movement against hate violence in America” in defense of “inclusive democracy”.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Supporters, you NEED TO WTFU! It matters not how much you love Trump and how much you loathe #BLM or have delusions of Antifa.

This is the United States of America. We are still a democracy, although Trump/Barr are very much trying to change that. We don't do secret, unidentified, federal police, crushing skulls and snatching people off the streets. We are not a dictatorship.

If it does not bother you that Trump is making the U.S. resemble Nazi Germany with Hitler's Stormtroopers, then you are, a threat to this country. You actually threaten our democracy much more so than any of the groups you are being trained to fear.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


We can ask Roger or James, I'm sure one of them will have an answer. Since they support the anti-Semitic wing of the Democrat party.

Such a big tent the Democrat party is to include such diverse groups and the American Communist, American Nazis, the Nation of Islam, the Black Panthers, and the Weathermen.

They do have one thing in common. They all hate America.

Now go and read 1:52PM to see what's been going on during the Trump years
if you want to see a party with a REALLY big tent.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Amid Outpouring of Tributes, Trump Stays Quiet

“The Republican governor of Georgia said that the country will ‘never be the same’ without Rep. John Lewis, who died Friday at age 80. The Democratic speaker of the house called Mr. Lewis ‘a titan of the civil rights movement.’ The House minority leader said that Mr. Lewis ‘never stopped working to improve the lives of others,'” the New York Times reports.

“Aside from issuing a boilerplate proclamation for flags to be flown Saturday at half-staff at the White House and public buildings, President Trump said nothing.

“In the midst of an outpouring of bipartisan tributes that flowed late Friday evening and into the next day, Mr. Trump’s silence on the death of Mr. Lewis, one of his most prominent critics, grew more glaring as he posted a flurry of retweets.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fauci Holds Up New York as a Model

“White House health advisor Anthony Fauci has praised New York for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying the state responded ‘correctly’ to bring its outbreak under control,” CNBC reports.

Said Fauci: “We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York. New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly by doing the things that you’re talking about.”


Commonsense said...

Now go and read 1:52PM

Well thank you James, I forgot the KKK was also part of the Democrat party.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Inside the Rush to Abandon Leadership on the Virus

“Each morning at 8 as the coronavirus crisis was raging in April, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, convened a small group of aides to steer the administration through what had become a public health, economic and political disaster,” the New York Times reports.

“Seated around Mr. Meadows’s conference table and on a couch in his office down the hall from the Oval Office, they saw their immediate role as practical problem solvers. Produce more ventilators. Find more personal protective equipment. Provide more testing.

“But their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the White House to the states. They referred to this as ‘state authority handoff,’ and it was at the heart of what would become at once a catastrophic policy blunder and an attempt to escape blame for a crisis that had engulfed the country — perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations.”



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well thank you James, I forgot the KKK was also part of the Democrat party.

Ever try to convince a black person of that?

Commonsense said...

Fauci Holds Up New York as a Model

Another reason to be suspect of Fauci.

It's more likely New York has reach heard immunity the hard way than anything they have done right.

He can't hide this statistic. In New York the were 1200 COVID-19 deaths per million in population.

No other state is even comes close.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How Ohio Became a Battleground

“During a background briefing with reporters in December, President Trump’s reelection campaign team gave only passing mention of Ohio.
Certainly no one suggested a full-scale fall advertising strategy for the state he carried convincingly in 2016,” the AP reports

“But less than four months until this November’s election, Trump is facing an unexpectedly competitive landscape in Ohio because he has lost ground in metropolitan and suburban areas, threatening the overwhelming advantages he has in rural areas, state data show.”

My, if he loses OHIO....

But the same can be said of so many formerly "safe" states were he's now in trouble.

Commonsense said...

Ever try to convince a black person of that?

Don't have to. All they have to do is read history.

Just as long as it's not the bullshit New York Times version of history,

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The BS theory of history is in your mind.

Commonsense said...

There's going to be a lot of experts shocked come November 3rd.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Like you said I would be absolutely DEVASTATED by Obama's defeat?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump didn't say anything about the death of John Lewis until he finished playing golf in Virginia

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

COMMENSA QUOTES: "Fauci Holds Up New York as a Model"

Another reason to be suspect of Fauci.
It's more likely New York has reach heard immunity the hard way than anything they have done right.

He can't hide this statistic. In New York the were 1200 COVID-19 deaths per million in

No other state is even comes close.

Fauci does not want or need to hide ANYthing,
least of all what a colossal FAILURE Trump has been in no protecting our country from all this.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

*not protecting


How Ohio Became a Battleground
July 18, 2020 at 2:57 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

I see the cowardly lying POS "pastor" has run and hid without defending his latest lie so I figured I'd follow. Let me remind him:

james said:
At least Taegan Goddard is respected by both conservatives and progressives

That is what he says about himself !!!

then he lists a bunch of lefties.



guaranteed silence by the lying POS "pastor". Or at best a weasel attempt.


and I see he is using the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center. same type of organization as BLM, they both should be defined as hate groups.

Commonsense said...

The BS theory of history is in your mind.

Not theory, fact.

It's a fact the Democrat party is the party of slavery.
If's a fact that all the "traitors" who formed the Confederate States of America were Democrats.
It's a fact that all the politicians who passed the Jim Crow laws were Democrats.
It's a fact that Nathen Bedford Forrest founded the KKK and was a Democrat.
It's a fact that the KKK was the military wing of the Democrat party charged with enforcing Jim Crow and white superiority.
It's a fact the only member of the KKK elected to the US senate was a Democrat.
It's a fact the filibuster against the civil rights act was a Democrat filibuster lead by the same KKK senator.
It's a fact that the current Democrat presidential nominee called the KKK senator a great friend and mentor at his memorial service.


Fauci Holds Up New York as a Model
July 18, 2020 at 2:59 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z shut the fuck up.

America can best honor John’s memory by continuing his journey toward liberty and justice for all,” Bush wrote.

Read his full statement:

"Laura and I join our fellow Americans in mourning the loss of Congressman John Lewis. As a young man marching for equality in Selma, Alabama, John answered brutal violence with courageous hope. And throughout his career as a civil rights leader and public servant, he worked to make our country a more perfect union. America can best honor John's memory by continuing his journey toward liberty and justice for all."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democratic party has been reborn by the Civil rights era and since then the Republicans have become cultists and KKK supporters who were "Good people on both sides "


Commonsense said...
The BS theory of history is in your mind.

Not theory, fact.

It's a fact the Democrat party is the party of slavery.
If's a fact that all the "traitors" who formed the Confederate States of America were Democrats.
It's a fact that all the politicians who passed the Jim Crow laws were Democrats.
It's a fact that Nathen Bedford Forrest founded the KKK and was a Democrat.
It's a fact that the KKK was the military wing of the Democrat party charged with enforcing Jim Crow and white superiority.
It's a fact the only member of the KKK elected to the US senate was a Democrat.
It's a fact the filibuster against the civil rights act was a Democrat filibuster lead by the same KKK senator.
It's a fact that the current Democrat presidential nominee called the KKK senator a great friend and mentor at his memorial service.

Kind of useless explaining things to the "pastor". He gets his constant instructions from whatever his GODdard posts at his blog political_lire and then he copies it over here.



He bends his knee to GODdard and says praises to his name.

His true God.


I'm old enough to remember roger saying Bush was Hitler.

Now he embraces him.

TDS or dementia ???

still going with the lie that Obama didn't spy on Trump ???


Joe Biden's Plagiarism Is a Danger to America

Presumptive Democratic Party presidential nominee Joe Biden has a serious problem: His compulsive plagiarism has gotten out of control.

As is clearly evident from his new policy platform, the former vice president just can't stop stealing original ideas from other politicians—a rather worrying sign for someone whose mental fitness for the pressures of the presidency has already come under serious scrutiny.

Biden's "Made in America" doctrine—which calls for increased government purchases from U.S. producers—is strikingly similar to President Trump's own America First economic platform. In fact, it's almost identical to the executive order the president signed a full year ago prioritizing the purchasing of American-made products and the hiring of American workers by government agencies.

plagiarism... someone else here has that problem

Commonsense said...

The Democratic party has been reborn by the Civil rights

You mean the "reborn" white Democrat nominee for president who told black people "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black". That sounds awfully plantation overseer like for a "reborn Democrat". Of course he's proud of his black people because they are "clean and articulate".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This next election is going to be like the 1932 when FDR was elected to get a New Deal and the creation of a racially diverse country that is a rejection of Trump as the President of the Confederacy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm old enough to remember the civil rights era and how the Democratic party stood up to the Constitution and the voting rights act and the civil rights movements.

The Dixiecrats of the southern states voted against the civil rights act. But the Democrats pushed them out of office. Since then the Republicans have become more radical racist.

My mother told me to watch it happen because it was history in the making.

People shouting No more Jews and Muslims were according to the President who said that" There were good people on both sides "

The country is changing and you don't I why because you have Trumpism stage four brain cancer


Andy Ngô

The 50th day of violent protests in Portland.

Antifa & BLM attack the front of the boarded-up federal courthouse. Whenever law enforcement responds, mayor, senators & gov calls it incitement to violence against “peaceful protesters.” Video by @FromKalen:

People will be voting to eliminate this, nothing like 1932 other than these thugs looking like future brownshirts.


What the election of 2020 will be about


Anonymous said...

😆Fauci Holds Up New York as a Model😆

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The United States just recorded more than 77,000 new cases of Covid-19, the most ever in a single day. But President Donald Trump wants to talk about dishwasher reform.

Commonsense said...

I'm old enough to remember the civil rights era and how the Democratic party stood up to the Constitution and the voting rights act and the civil rights movements.

You can say that again. They stood up TO the Constitution and TO the civil rights act with a month-long filibuster.

BTW there was never a political party called the Dixiecrats. They were Democrats, one and all. And they continue to be Democrats to this day.

Anonymous said...

I hope you all understand what a 🖕 piece of human shit Dr. Fauci really is.

You take medical advice from him is like taking Medical advice from Dr. Jack Kevorkian.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The United States just recorded more than 77,000 new cases of Covid-19

That was yesterday on 800,000 new test which is a positivity rate of 9.6%. Well within the CDC guidelines.

The more you fear monger the more you get tripped up by the facts.

Commonsense said...

This next election is going to be like the 1932 when FDR

The only thing Biden has in common with FDR is that they are both racist.

Commonsense said...

I'm old enough to remember roger saying Bush was Hitler.
Now he embraces him.
TDS or dementia ???

With Roger I don't think it's either/or.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Republicans were the party of Lincoln and thus the party opposing slavery.

How, then, did they lose what today are more than 90% of blacks to the Democrats?

The Democrats were predominant in the white, racist, lynching, Jim Crow, KKK south,
so what happened to cause blacks to give the Democrats so much loyalty?

Historians can explain that. Can you?

Give us your answer in a few sentences, laying it out as I have here.

Commonsense said...

The Republicans were the party of Lincoln and thus the party opposing slavery.
How, then, did they lose what today are more than 90% of blacks to the Democrats?

GOP biggest mistake was allowing Elenor Roosevelt (it wasn't Franklin, that's for damn sure) steal the black vote away.

The Democrats were predominant in the white, racist, lynching, Jim Crow, KKK south,
so what happened to cause blacks to give the Democrats so much loyalty?

You will have to ask the black voters. It's a mystery to me.

Commonsense said...

I do know one thing. Trump will attract more black voters to cross party lines than any GOP candidate since WWII.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

COMMENSA "It's a mystery to me."

Knee slapping funny.

An amazingly poor understanding of history.

Oh, and by the way, all of 3:27 came right out of my own head, my own brain, only.

So now F'n will really want to answer, since none of it came from Taegan Goddard, but strictly from me.

Commensa failed. So will F'n, I'm sure.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I fear Commensa will be DEVASTATINGLY disappointed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It took many, many Democrats AFTER Eleanor Roosevelt to convince blacks that the Democrats, not the Republicans, were THEIR party.

Myballs said...

This election is 1996 repeated. Incumbent presides over good economy while having questionable personal habits running against a candidate too old To be president but has been in Washington 50 years so he gets his lifetimr achievement award. Polls are missing the Trump vote, some deliberately.

Commonsense said...

COMMENSA "It's a mystery to me."
Knee slapping funny.
An amazingly poor understanding of history.

Well I do know this bit of history. For all the talk about Martin Luther King's socialist tendencies, he was still a registered Republican.

And many black families were still register republicans including Clarence Thomas and Condoleezza Rice.

Myballs said...

Historic low black and Hispanic unemployment under Trump. Wages rose dramatically under Trump. He was up to 35% of the minority vote.

Anonymous said...

2006 saw the death of the Moderate Democrats.

Anonymous said...

"CommonsenseJuly 18, 2020 at 3:21 PM

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The United States just recorded more than 77,000 new cases of Covid-19

That was yesterday on 800,000 new test which is a positivity rate of 9.6%. Well within the CDC guidelines.

The more you fear monger the more you get tripped up by the facts"

anonymous said...

(it wasn't Franklin, that's for damn sure) steal the black vote away.

Now that is an interesting bit of fucking stupid cramps.......It is a mystery to me how you have made it to your current age without being beaten to death!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

of 9.6%. Well within the CDC guidelines.

For exponential growth you goat fucking idiot...!!!!!!! The number they want to see is 2% or less!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, Commensa, maybe you better look into this, since you want to give all the credit to Eleanor.
This is so basic it's even in Wiki:

In June 1941, Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802, which created the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC). It was the most important federal move in support of the rights of African-Americans between Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The President's order stated that the federal government would not hire any person based on their race, color, creed, or national origin[citation needed]. The FEPC enforced the order to ban discriminatory hiring within the federal government and in corporations that received federal contracts. Millions of blacks and women achieved better jobs and better pay as a result. The war brought the race issue to the forefront. The Army had been segregated since the Civil War and the Navy since the Wilson administration. But by 1940, the African-American vote had largely shifted from Republican to Democrat, and African-American leaders like Walter Francis White of the NAACP and T. Arnold Hill of the Urban League had become recognized as part of the Roosevelt coalition. In June 1941, at the urging of A. Philip Randolph, the leading African-American trade unionist, Roosevelt signed an executive order establishing the Fair Employment Practice Committee and prohibiting discrimination by any government agency, including the armed forces. In practice, the services, particularly the Navy and the Marines, found ways to evade this order—the Marine Corps remained all-white until 1942. In September 1942, at Eleanor's instigation, Roosevelt met with a delegation of African-American leaders, who demanded full integration into the forces, including the right to serve in combat roles and in the Navy, the Marine Corps and the United States Army Air Forces. Roosevelt agreed, but then did nothing to implement his promise. It was left to his successor, Harry S. Truman, to fully desegregate the armed forces.

Which Truman did, and I can remember white southern racists in my home state (NC) strongly condemning him for that.

Commonsense said...

It took many, many Democrats AFTER Eleanor Roosevelt to convince blacks

At the end of a hangman's noose.

the Democrats, not the Republicans, were THEIR party.

Or you find a bunch of people in white sheets at the end of your driveway.

Democrats vote our way or else.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Very early along, blacks had figured out that Roosevelt's love for and concern for ordinary white, working class people (not just the rich) would also benefit them.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If you think blacks voted Democratic because they felt threatened by KKKers if they didn't,

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

should win the reward
for the absolutely STUPIDEST post here
in a long, long, long, long time.

And that's saying a lot but putting it mildly.


No james I can't answer why black voters vote 90% democrat except that people who act like plantation owners like Biden think they own blacks so I assume it has to do with financial reasoning. Democrat policies have destroyed black families so it may have to do with fear also. Imagine if they have to fill in ballots in front of others in settings away from voting booths, it could only get worse. Or maybe from the prominent KKK democrats and they figured they better vote that way. I'm not black so I really can't answer.

Hey james you skipped over the respected conservatives you say trust Goddard's site. You've repeatedly stated that and it would only take seconds to provide so I'm sure that must have been an oversight.

You've provided many thousands, probably tens of thousands of uncredited blog postings from that site so I must assume you know what you are talking about.

So why are you afraid to answer???

Beginning to think you are a coward

Or continuing to lie.

Hard habit for a pathological liar to break

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It was the KKKers who tried to keep them FROM voting, genius.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Thanks to F'n for confessing that he has absolutely NO understanding of something that is quite clear to all earnest students of American history.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Trying to Block New Funding for Testing
3:27 pm EDT

“The Trump administration is trying to block billions of dollars for states to conduct testing and contact tracing in the upcoming coronavirus relief bill,” the Washington Post reports.

“The administration is also trying to block billions of dollars that GOP senators want to allocate for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and billions more for the Pentagon and State Department to address the pandemic at home and abroad.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Surging Democrats Expand the Senate Map
4:01 pm EDT

“It’s come to this for Republicans straining to defend their Senate majority in November’s elections:
They’re air-dropping millions of dollars into races in Alabama, Kentucky and other RED STATES where Donald Trump coasted during his 2016 presidential election triumph,” the AP reports.



Trump Trying to Block New Funding for Testing
July 18, 2020 at 3:27 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

While continuing to plagiarize from Goddard I see james is unable to account for his, what must now be described as BLATANT LYING, about his followers.

And unlike james I don't assume to speak for black Americans. He does speak like a plantation owner himself so I guess he feels entitled. Maybe has some of that blood mixed in with his NAZI ROOTS.

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

By Taegan Goddard

James said...


Surging Democrats Expand the Senate Map
July 18, 2020 at 4:01 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

hot off the political_lire press





Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




The pathological lying POS "pastor" PROVES MY POINT !!!



Aaron Maté

Mueller in @washingtonpost: "By late 2016, FBI had evidence that the Russians had signaled to a Trump campaign adviser that they could assist..."

Peter Strzok, early 2017: "We are unaware of ANY Trump advisors engaging in conversations with Russian intelligence officials."

So why did "Mueller" lie ?

And why did the Washington Post not question him on his lie.

And why did Adam Schiff lie about this ?

Real Americans want to know. The MSM and left not so much.

Their whole foundation is built on lies. Might be a biblical passage about that. Something the "pastor" is probably not familiar with either.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It was the KKKers who tried to keep blacks FROM voting, genius.

Today it's the GOP who're trying to do that.

Commonsense said...


On Blacks:

A topic as sensitive as the private racial attitudes of a president must be approached with all due caution. Obviously one should not make too much of Franklin Roosevelt’s casual use of the “n-word” in his teenage correspondence, or his characterization of African-Americans as “semi-beasts” in a college essay. Adolescent foolishness usually gives way to more enlightened attitudes in adulthood.

In FDR’s case, however, one finds such language much later in life—for example, in a reminder note he wrote to himself in the margin of a speech he gave as a New York State Senator; and, even worse, in a private conversation with a close political ally in 1939, during Roosevelt’s second term as president.

Some of Roosevelt’s most sympathetic biographers, who doubtless would never forgive such attitudes among other political leaders, have been bent over backwards to rationalize FDR’s. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., for example, wrote that if Roosevelt can be considered to have had a closed mind regarding blacks, he “had no more a closed mind on this than on another subjects.”

Schlesinger also characterized Roosevelt as “a man fairly conventional in his racial attitudes.” In other words, lots of other people felt the same way. Which is true, as far as it goes. But there also many other Americans—including the First Lady—who felt and acted very differently. Racism, even in the pre-World War II era, was not an inevitable result of growing up in the United States

On Asians:

He also weighed in on the hot button topic of Asian immigration. In a series of articles from 1923 to 1925, FDR railed against “non-assimilable” immigrants from the Far East. “Japanese immigrants are not capable of assimilation into the American population,” Roosevelt claimed. “Anyone who has traveled in the Far East knows that the mingling of Asiatic blood with European or American blood produces, in nine cases out of ten, the most unfortunate results.”

On Jews:

FDR’s private comments about Jews were far from genial. He boasted of not having “Jewish blood” in his veins, and was proud to have helped institute a quota on the admission of Jews to Harvard. He claimed Jews in Poland were to blame for provoking antisemitism by dominating the local economy. He complained—at a cabinet meeting—that there were too many Jews among federal employees in Oregon. He wanted quotas imposed on Jews in Allied-liberated North Africa, lest they “overcrowd the professions,” a phenomenon he said led to “the understandable complaints which the Germans bore towards the Jews in Germany.” The solution to the danger of Jewish prominence, Roosevelt said in 1943, was “to spread the Jews thin all over the world,” permitting just small handfuls of Jews to settle in various locales such as rural Georgia.

Commonsense said...

Today it's the GOP who're trying to do that.

Well the GOP is for allowing anyone who is legally qualified to vote, vote.

But they have to be qualified and prove they are qualified and can only vote once per election.

Commonsense said...

It was the KKKers who tried to keep blacks FROM voting [Republican]


Commonsense said...

Very early along, blacks had figured out that Roosevelt's love for and concern for ordinary white, working class people (not just the rich) would also benefit them.

More likely they saw Roosevelt slam Japanese-Americans into interment camps and were wondering "I'm I next?".

Commonsense said...

It's a funny thing no FDR statues were toppled over.

anonymous said...

Even funnier is your desperation in attacking ELenor Rosevelt since trumps tenure is going so well you need to change the subject....More amusement lindsey graham now going after the 2016 election again which shows even more desperation of the right.....Very sad!!!!


Arthur Schwartz

With Politico now referring to the #ObamaGate developments as “very, very stunning stuff,” will @jaketapper finally admit that @RepAdamSchiff knowingly lied to Jake and his viewers for years on end?


OBAMAGATE - Friday FOIA dump. Guess about half those supposed "Trump lies" now become "WP lies". At least for their anonymous sources. At this point shouldn't the WP/NYT/CNN at least say if they exist and if so who repeatedly lied to them ??? Supposedly multiple sources including high level officials. Why are news outlets defending now proven liars?

And how about the effects of these lies on the 2016 and 2018 elections ? some people believed these lies.

At the VERY LEAST Comey should be going to jail over this based on the FBI document dump and his actions/inactions.

And Schiff should resign or his party hold him accountable. He has immunity from lying but that doesn't give him the right.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sen. Marco Rubio mistakenly tweets a photo of himself with Rep. Elijah Cummings while posting a tribute to Rep. John Lewis the day after the civil rights activist died from his fight with pancreatic cancer

Caliphate4vr said...

Rubio can take Chris “tweety bird “ Matthews place

Commonsense said...

Even funnier is your desperation in attacking ELenor Rosevelt

Funny thing is. I didn't attack Elenor Roosevelt shit for brains.

Commonsense said...

Sen. Marco Rubio mistakenly tweets a photo of himself with Rep. Elijah Cummings while posting a tribute to Rep. John Lewis

Opps bad staff work. He finally got it right.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Trump administration is trying to block billions of dollars for states to conduct testing and contact tracing.

Anonymous said...

Two Racists asshole
Rep. Elijah Cummings
Rep. John Lewis"

Anonymous said...

Roger, you were posting workdwide cases.
Fetch this .
"Iran estimates up to 25 million coronavirus cases since outbreak; nearly doubling the total worldwide caseload: reportPresident Hassan Rouhani said he believes an additional 30 to 35 million people could be infected in the coming months"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ted Cruz tells Texas GOP convention:

"Texas is the key to national domination for years to come. If the Democrats win Texas, it's all over."

They are on thin ice...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump said he will have an announcement next week on action he's taking against cities run by 'liberal, left-wing Democrats'

Seig Heil Mr. Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Chad Wolf, Department Homeland Security, has, right now, unnamed, unmarked soldiers on the streets of Portland beating medics who are out there helping people who they, the soldiers, have injured.

We have 420 m unemployed
3.68 m Americans confirmed Covid
141k dead
US passports not honored outside US

The President is playing golf.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Against the wishes of state and local officials, unmarked federal agents in combat gear have invaded parts of Portland, Oregon. This is what a police state looks like. These troops must be withdrawn immediately. We must defend the Constitution. We must defeat Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Won’t Support National Mask Mandate
8:40 pm

President Trump said he would not consider a national mandate on mask wearing in a new interview with Fox set to air on Sunday, CNN reports.

Said Trump: “No, I want people to have a certain freedom, and I don’t believe in that, no.”

He didn't believe the virus was going to be anything serious, either.

Wall Street Journal: Face masks really do matter. The scientific evidence is growing.v=vHBH5hWqJdI&

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Nobody does walls better than me, believe me.

Anonymous said...

James , you got another one wrong.

"Host Judy Woodruff asked, “Are you convinced that the White House is not trying to discredit you, Dr. Fauci?”

Fauci responded, “I think you’ve got to be careful when you say the White House, there are — the White House, in general, is not trying to. Certainly, the president is not. I certainly believe that Mark Meadows is not. What happened with Peter Navarro and that editorial, I can’t even comment on that. That just is beyond my comprehension why he did that. But I do not believe that the White House is trying to discredit me, no I don’t.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That's RIGHT. Trump is afraid to come right out and contradict Fauci directly. He knows Fauci is trusted more than twice as much as Trump is on the virus. Fauci is playing Trump like a violin.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

4:36 FDR's racism

Even Lincoln said he did not regard the Negro as his social equal "as to color" whatever that might mean. He said he did not believe in interracial marriage.

Lincoln had to say that because in the debates Stephen Douglas was calling him a n-lover who was for total equality of the races in all respects, including marriage, and in that day, at that time, Lincoln could not have been elected President if that were true.

Lincoln even believed that blacks would be happier if they were returned to Africa, with compensation. But he decidedly gave up that idea when a black delegation met with him at the White House let him know in no uncertain terms that they considered America, not Africa, to be their homeland, a homeland where they were born and into which they had poured so much sweat, toil, blood, and tears. (They could no longer even speak their native African langusges and dialects.)

Frederick Douglass, self educated freed slave, met with Lincoln more than once in the White House and stated that Lincoln was the only white man who had ever talked to him as to an equal.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Everyone agrees that FDR was far from perfect on race. Still, his anti Semitism was not as rampant as was that of many people in his day, and Eleanor tried to get him to undo the harm done to Japanese Americans in internment camps, pointing out that some of their sons were fighting against the Nazis in Europe.

By the way, I knew a Jewish couple in my NC hometown whose son lost his life fighting the Germans in Europe, and they sure did not hate Roosevelt.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It was the KKKers who tried to keep blacks FROM voting [Republican]

Congratulations, Commensa.
You just posted another post that competes FOR THE STUPIDEST POST POSTED HERE IN A LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG TIME
and that's saying a lot, but still putting it mildly.

Let Me Fix That For YOU:

As even you know,

IF KKKers thought blacks would vote for Republicans,



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess according to KansasDimwit
there would have to be

Three racist assholes
1) Rep. John Lewis
2) Rep. Elijah Cummings
3) Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

because if the first two were that,
then the third, their beloved brother King,
would also have to be that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sunday Biden Plans to Troll Trump’s Fox Interview

Joe Biden’s campaign bought ads in swing states tomorrow during Chris Wallace’s feisty “Fox News Sunday” interview with President Trump, Axios reports.

The minute-long ad, “Tough,” will air in the major markets in the six core swing states — Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida and North Carolina.

The ad (see above) never mentions Trump’s name, but the intention is a stark, dramatic contrast in approach to the virus, laced with a positive, hopeful message.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...


nice 🏳 Flag.

anonymous said...

This can't be good news for the goat fucker......I keep hearing that wearing a mask is a no brainer????? That certainly must be true for the basement living bottom dweller from kanas.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

umptive Democratic presidential nominee and former vice president Joe Biden speaks at a campaign event in Wilmington, Del., on July 14, 2020. (Patrick Semansky/AP)
Dan Balz and
Scott Clement
July 19, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. EDT
Add to list
President Trump faces a significant challenge in his bid to win reelection in November, with former vice president Joe Biden holding a double-digit lead nationally and the president’s approval ratings crumbling amid a spreading coronavirus pandemic and a weakened economy, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The survey portrays an embattled president whose fortunes have declined markedly since the coronavirus arrived in the United States months ago. Trump’s prospects for winning in November appear to depend heavily on his ability to rally an enthusiastic core base of supporters and on convincing a broader swath of a largely skeptical public that he is dealing effectively with the pandemic.
Biden leads Trump 55 percent to 40 percent among registered voters. That compares with a 10-point Biden lead in May and a two-point edge in March, at a time when the pandemic was just beginning to spread rapidly in parts of the country. Among those who say they are certain to vote, Biden’s lead stands at 11 points.

Myballs said...

Hiding is not presidential. Ask Hillary.


What a beautiful morning !!!

and I see the lying POS "pastor" continued his insane devotion to his true God Taegan Goddard well into the night.

When even Goddard is sleeping the waterboy is ready and able to carry even more water. Even if the buckets are empty.

And when a bucket is empty and no one hears it sloshing what does this waterboy do?

Just continues.

Has more TDS than roger



Myballs said...
Hiding is not presidential. Ask Hillary.

Perhaps she comes out in blackface so Biden can put her on the ticket as VP.

Who knows she may have done a DNA test and had more Indian blood than Pocahontas.

anonymous said...

What a great day for trump.....another poll with him down by 15, new record virus counts and fucked up daddy thinking he is winning!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Joe's campaign of letting trump do all the talking appears very successful at this time....Does anyone think trump will change is ways anytime soon???????LOLOLOLOLOL