Saturday, July 11, 2020

Trump commutes Roger Stones prison sentence

The left freaks out!

Give how you continuously hear about people (like George Floyd) who have been arrested over and over and over and over and hardly ever serve any real time for crimes involving assaults, robberies, and possession with intent... it does seem rather odd that an old white guy charged with process crimes would be the one actually serving time.

It's even more ironic when you look at all of the recent violence, illegal rioting, and the fact that pretty much nobody is being charged, much less going to jail for any of it. But we all need protection from Roger Stone.

Moreover, if you asked 100 people what crime Roger Stone committed, you would likely get 99 wrong answers. Hint, he was not charged with any espionage, collusion, conspiracy, or anything actually associated with Russia or election fraud. Like pretty much everyone sent to jail by Mueller, he was charged for process crimes that never would have existed had Rosenstein, Mueller, and gang had followed normal rules and procedures.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

An Unforgivable Betrayal of His Office

The Washington Post editorial page:

“There are no doubt thousands of people in federal prison who deserved a presidential commutation more than Roger Stone. But after President Trump’s intervention on Friday, Mr. Stone will serve none of his prison sentence. The president may have had the power to help his longtime friend. But that does not make it any less a perversion of justice — indeed, it is one of the most nauseating instances of corrupt government favoritism the United States has ever seen.”

The Most Corrupt Act In Recent History

Jeffrey Toobin called President Trump’s granting of clemency to Roger Stone ― who was soon set to begin a 40-month sentence for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstructing the House investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election ― as “the most corrupt and cronyistic act in perhaps all of recent history.”

Anonymous said...

A new poll conducted by the Washington based Democracy Institute for the Sunday Express shows President Trump tied with his rival Joe Biden at 47 percent, but surpassing him in the electoral college 309 to 229.

These positive results for Trump come amid a constant drumbeat of negative media coverage in recent weeks that paints his electoral chances in November as virtually nil.

According to the shock poll, Trump is “on course to win the crucial swing states including Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin where he outpolls Vice President Biden by 48 percent to 44 percent.”

According to David Maddox, the political editor of the Sunday Express, the poll indicates that the Black Lives Matter riots have created a backlash that is helping Trump.


Anonymous said...

An Unforgivable Betrayal of His Office

The Most Corrupt Act In Recent History

liberal tears with my morning coffee.

what a delicious combination.

Thank You President trump.

and the best part? joe biden remains locked in the prison of severe cognitive decline, for which the only commutation is the big dirt nap.


Anonymous said...

oh, and did i mention that Dr. Fauci is a fraud?

i just wanted to make sure that the pederast didn't miss this -

I knew for sure that Anthony Fauci is a fraud after listening to him for about 10 seconds—as anyone who listens carefully would have known as well. President Trump had been charging the Chinese government with obscurancy and deception in its handling of the novel coronavirus outbreak. Fauci had dealt intimately with the Chinese on that matter. His National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control had partially financed the notorious Wuhan laboratory where Chinese scientists were researching the virus. Fauci knew a lot.

A reporter asked Fauci if he agreed with Trump that the Chinese have not been fully forthcoming about the scope of the pandemic. Fauci answered that although the Chinese had lacked candor in previous years, this time they had turned over “the sequence of the virus.” Spoken like a wily swamp reptile!

His words were factually correct. The Chinese had turned over all they knew about the virus’s “sequence”—namely, its genetic structure. But the reporter and the audience neither knew nor cared about that. They were interested in the Chinese government’s misrepresentations of the virus’s contagion, fatality rate, and so forth. That is what they had dissembled and lied about.

Fauci’s answer artfully deceived the audience into believing the opposite of the truth. Thus did Fauci help plant a dagger between Trump’s shoulder blades and help his party—the Democrats and the deep state—extort the American people’s compliance to their agendas.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

How many of your own words did you put in Fauci's mouth, forger rat?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just didn't want rat to miss this:

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Or this.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Tell Biden to Go Big

“In a series of phone calls, Democratic lawmakers and party officials have lobbied Mr. Biden and his top aides to seize what they believe could be a singular opportunity not only to defeat Mr. Trump but to rout him and discredit what they believe is his dangerous style of racial demagogy.

“This election, the officials argue, offers the provocative possibility of a new path to the presidency through fast-changing states like Georgia and Texas, and a chance to install a generation of lawmakers who can cement Democratic control of Congress and help redraw legislative maps following this year’s census.”

Anonymous said...

NBC Guest Doctor Who Was Suffering from Coronavirus in Hospital in TV Interviews — NEVER HAD CORONAVIRUS!

huh. liars and the lying lies they can't resist telling to forward a lying narrative.

Trump is right. The MSM truly is an enemy of the people.

Anonymous said...

...but to rout him and discredit what they believe is his dangerous style of racial demagogy.

the lowest level of black/minority unemployment EVER.

man, how much more dangerous can racial demagogy get???

democrats - "we can't be letting these coloreds off the plantation to be free! how dare they get good paying jobs and discover that democrats have been lying to them for basically fucking EVER."

"LBJ promised us he'd have them ni@@ers voting democrats for the next 200 years, and Trump could fuck that all up!"

translation: dangerous racial demagogy = FREEDOM

Myballs said...

Obama issued over 1700 commutations. By comparison, bill clinton issued 61 and w bush 11. Oh my.


well since the lying POS "pastor" keeps at it (as always)...







Anonymous said...

liberals. they put the "progress" in progressive.

the next SI swimsuit edition will feature a chick with a dick.



I knew for sure that Anthony Fauci is a fraud after listening to him for about 10 seconds—as anyone who listens carefully would have known as well.

I think he is someone swayed by the mob and without a scientific basis for a lot of what he talks about such as Hydroxychloroquine, masks and social distancing.

Guess you could call that a fraud, as is the left.


Will Chamberlain 🇺🇸

James Clapper was never prosecuted for this blatant lie to Congress

Exactly what Roger Stone was prosecuted for

Stone is bankrupt, Clapper is on CNN


and while a lie is a lie Clapper's was MUCH more CONSEQUENTIAL. And he was not a political target being set-up

Now that Stone is "ungagged" (I would assume) it will be interesting to hear what he has to say and what evidence/actions of misconduct by the DOH/FBI was hidden from him.

Unless it takes 3 or 4 years to surface...

Or is hidden by a new corrupt Biden administration.

Anonymous said...

I think he is someone swayed by the mob and without a scientific basis for a lot of what he talks about such as Hydroxychloroquine, masks and social distancing.

DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”

Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

Published online 2005 Aug 22.

the whole fucking thing was a lie, and just the latest effort to take out "Bad Orange Man."

Anonymous said...

The case brought by Team Mueller in the name of the United States against Michael Flynn constitutes a sidebar to the biggest political scandal in American history by far. While the United States now seeks to dismiss the case, Judge Sullivan resists. His resistance now extends to the The D.C. Circuit opinion granting Flynn’s petition for a writ of mandamus ordering him to dismiss the case.

While the D.C. Circuit mulls over Sullivan’s petition for en banc review of the court’s mandamus order, the government continues to produce previously undisclosed exculpatory material to General Flynn. Reminder: Attorney General Barr assigned United States Attorney Jeffrey Jensen the task of reviewing the government’s file in the Flynn matter. Jensen’s review has resulted in several productions of exculpatory evidence that prosecutors acting on behalf of the United States should previously have turned over to Flynn.

What we have here is a sickening disgrace from which the press averts its eyes like Victorians confronting a public display of sex. At every step along the way, the press acted as a co-conspirator with the perpetrators inside the FBI and the Obama administration. You can understand why they might not be inclined to look back or confess and repent their wrongdoing. They look forward to the Biden Ministry of Truth depositing it down the memory hole.

Anonymous said...


it looks like the bozo's post wants to be buzzfeed or gawker or something -

Twelve signs Trump would try to run a fascist dictatorship in a second term

Anonymous said...

voter fraud by mail is going to be fucking awesome -

ATLANTA - It's a presidential election year and there's a big push to get people registered to vote.

Some people are even getting flyers in the mail to register. One Atlanta family says despite what some people think, their family pet won't be going to the polls.

When Ron Tims checked his mail Wednesday he found something addressed to Cody Tims. Cody doesn't get much mail. Cody is a cat. He died 12 years ago. The family keeps his ashes in a green container.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BREAKING: GOP Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah) on Saturday sharply condemned President Trump's commutation for longtime ally and political confidant Roger Stone, labeling it "historic corruption." Romney, a vocal Trump critic, was one of the first Republican lawmakers to weigh in on the president's commutation for Stone, who was sentenced to more than three years in prison for lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstruction of official proceeding.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Fauci started working on our nation health care system when Ronald Reagan was the incumbent President of the United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Breaking News!

New study confirms that remaining Trump supporters have their heads so far up their asses they don't need a mask!


Adam Schiff

Trump just commuted Roger Stone’s sentence.

Stone lied and intimidated witnesses to hide Trump’s exploitation of the Russian hack of his opponent’s campaign.

With Trump there are now two systems of justice in America:

One for Trump's criminal friends and one for everyone else.

Sidney Powell ⭐⭐⭐

You obstructed justice and lied to the country for 3 years while you hid testimony of witness after witness there was no collusion with Russia & @GenFlynn was wrongfully prosecuted on Gov't lies. Your conduct is despicable & criminal

Whatever the dems accuse you of they are doing themselves.

Schiff is the biggest liar in Congress and that says a lot.

And he receives immunity for his lies so he blatantly continues with the dems full support.

Another piece of shit for what has become a totally shit party

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"At the 1788 convention where Virginia decided to ratify the Constitution, one of the delegates suggested that the pardon power was too broad and should be narrowed. “What if the president engaged in a criminal conspiracy and pardoned his co-conspirators?” the delegate asked. “And James Madison answered, ‘Well, that could never happen, because a president who did that would be instantly impeached.’” Tonight [July 10 ], Trump stepped in to save a man convicted of lying to Congress to cover up for the president."

anonymous said...

Another piece of shit for what has become a totally shit party

Yep fucked up daddy....that sure describes you, trump and what is left of the GOP perfectly!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!


Rudy W. Giuliani

A first decisive attack on the Double Standard.

Everyone around Hillary was immunized.

Everyone around Trump was persecuted &/or prosecuted.

Hillary was guilty. Trump was innocent.

The commutation was justice.

there definitely is a different system of "justice" based on what party you are in. And people who were given immunity for Hillary need to be placed under oath again, even if they have immunity. Though I suspect they will "remember" nothing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Good News
BREAKING: Authorities in St. Louis have executed a search warrant at the home of the couple who made national headlines when they brandished a pair of guns at Black Lives Matter protestors as they marched towards Mayor Lyda Krewson's house and were seen in viral footage retweeted by President Trump.

anonymous said...

a cat. He died 12 years ago. The family keeps his ashes in a green container.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! You really are a joke rat you dumb fuck......!!!!!!!1 Delusions like trumps are signs of mental illness !!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In his push to get schools and colleges to reopen this fall, President Donald Trump is again taking aim at their finances, this time threatening their tax-exempt status.
Trump said on Twitter on Friday he was ordering the Treasury Department to re-examine the tax-exempt status of schools that he says provide “radical indoctrination” instead of education.

“Too many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Education,” he tweeted. “Therefore, I am telling the Treasury Department to re-examine their Tax-Exempt Status and/or Funding, which will be taken away if this Propaganda or Act Against Public Policy continues. Our children must be Educated, not Indoctrinated!”

The Republican president did not explain what prompted the remark or which schools would be reviewed. But the threat is just one more that Trump has issued against schools as he ratchets up pressure to get them to open this fall. Twice this week Trump threatened to cut federal funding for schools that don't reopen, including in an earlier tweet on Friday.

It's unclear, however, on what grounds Trump could have a school's tax-exempt status terminated. It was also not clear what Trump meant by “radical indoctrination” or who would decide what type of activity that includes. The White House and Treasury Department did not immediately comment on the president's message.

Previous guidance from the Internal Revenue Service lays out six types of activities that can jeopardize a nonprofit organization's tax-exempt status, including political activity, lobbying and straying from the organization's stated purpose.

But ideology is not on the IRS's list, said Terry Hartle, senior vice president of the American Council on Education, which represents university presidents. Any review of a school's status would have to follow previously established guidelines, he said.

“It’s always deeply troubling to have the president single out schools, colleges or universities in a tweet,” Hartle said. “Having said that, I don't think anything will come of this quickly.”

In his latest threat, Trump revived his oft-repeated claim that universities are bastions of liberalism that stifle conservative ideas. He used the same argument last year when he issued an executive order telling colleges to ensure free speech on campuses or lose federal research funding.


Hey lo iq joins the "party"!!!

Let me borrow Biden's record player just for you:


Cohen sure is jealous !!!


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

His interest in colleges' finances appears to have been renewed as several schools sue the Trump administration over new restrictions on international students. Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology sued to block the policy earlier this week, followed by Johns Hopkins University on Friday. The University of California system has said it also plans to sue.

The universities are challenging new guidance issued by Immigration and Customs Enforcement saying international students cannot stay in the U.S. if they take all their classes online this fall. The policy has been viewed as an attempt to force the nation's universities to resume classroom instruction this fall.

Under the rules, international students must transfer schools or leave the country if their colleges plan to hold instruction entirely online. Even if their schools offer a mix of online and in-person classes, foreign students would be forbidden from taking all their courses remotely.

The lawsuit from Harvard and MIT argue that the policy breaks from a promise ICE made in March to suspend limits around online education “for the duration of the emergency.”

Until Friday, Trump had mostly focused his efforts on reopening elementary and secondary schools as millions of parents wait to find out if their children will be in school this fall. He has insisted that they can open safely, and in a Friday tweet argued that virtual learning has been “terrible” compared with in-person instruction.

“Not even close! Schools must be open in the Fall. If not open, why would the Federal Government give Funding? It won’t!!!” he wrote. Trump issued a similar warning on Twitter on Wednesday, saying other nations had successfully opened schools and that a fall reopening is “important for the children and families. May cut off funding if not open!”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump has not said what funding he would withhold or under what authority. But White House spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany has said the president wants to use future coronavirus relief funding as leverage. McEnany said Trump wants to “substantially bump up money for education” in the next relief package, but only for schools that reopen.

“He is looking at potentially redirecting that to make sure it goes to the student,” McEnany said at a Wednesday press briefing. She added that the funding would be “tied to the student and not to a district where schools are closed.”

But Trump's control over school funding is limited. The vast majority of funding for public elementary and secondary schools comes from state and local sources, and nonprofit colleges are more likely to rely on tuition or state aid than federal money.

His threats to withhold funding have been denounced by a growing array of education and health groups, including a medical association that the White House has repeatedly cited in its press to reopen schools.

In a joint statement with national education unions and a superintendents group, the American Academy of Pediatrics on Friday said decisions should be made by health experts and local leaders. The groups argued that schools will need more money to reopen safely during the coronavirus pandemic and that cuts could ultimately harm students.

“Public health agencies must make recommendations based on evidence, not politics,” the groups wrote. “Withholding funding from schools that do not open in person full-time would be a misguided approach, putting already financially strapped schools in an impossible position that would threaten the health of students and teachers.”

The American Academy of Pediatrics has supported a fall reopening, saying in June guidelines that schools should strive to start the academic year with their students “physically present in school." Vice President Mike Pence, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and McEnany have repeatedly, and as recently as Wednesday, cited the group in defense of Trump’s approach.

But Friday’s statement acknowledged that it may be best for some schools to stay online. School leaders, health experts, teachers and parents should be at the center of reopening decisions, the groups said, “taking into account the spread of COVID-19 in their communities and the capacities of school districts to adapt safety protocols to make in-person learning safe and feasible.”

Some districts have already announced plans for only a partial reopening, with a mix of in-person and online instruction. New York City’s public school district, the nation’s largest, said students will be in classrooms two or three times a week and learn remotely between. DeVos has opposed that kind of approach, saying it fails students and taxpayers.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump supporters have their heads so far up their asses they don't need a mask!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump supporters have their heads so far up their asses they don't need a mask!


Tim Young

Why would California need to release prisoners because of COVID if masks work?

C.H. Truth said...

BREAKING: Authorities in St. Louis have executed a search warrant at the home of the couple who made national headlines when they brandished a pair of guns at Black Lives Matter protestors as they marched towards Mayor Lyda Krewson's house and were seen in viral footage retweeted by President Trump.

The real problem here is that according to Missouri laws, this couple did not do anything illegal.


House Judiciary GOP

#BREAKING: Read Ranking Member @Jim_Jordan’s statement on President Trump’s decision to commute Roger Stone’s sentence.


Well said. Obama/Biden targeted actions need to be corrected to overcome their misconduct and bring fairness to justice.

anonymous said...

s, this couple did not do anything illegal.

You mean just like Roger Stone?????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Keep slurping Lil Schitty and keep riding that Crazy Train!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Hey fucked up daddy and tim young.....Airborne is not the only method of transmission for the virus you dumb fucks!!!!!


Richard Grenell

@AdamSchiff publicly said he had overwhelming evidence of Russian collusion but because of classified information, he couldn’t share the evidence.

He lied. Completely lied. I saw everything. He should resign in total disgrace.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If rrb was working for Fox News he would suffer the same damn thing.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s top writer, Blake Neff, has resigned after CNN Business discovered that he had been posting racist and sexist material in an online forum under a pseudonym.
A Fox News spokesperson confirmed to TheWrap on Friday that Neff had resigned but did not elaborate on the reason why.
According to CNN Business, Neff disparaged Black and Asian people and derided a woman for being a “megashrew” in multiple pseudonymous posts. Comments include, “Black doods staying inside playing Call of Duty is probably one of the biggest factors keeping crime down,” which CNN said Neff wrote last month. In another post made this week, CNN reported that Neff said that he “wouldn’t get LASIK from an Asian for free” in response to an email thread with the subject line, “Would u let a JET BLACK congo n—– do lasik eye surgery on u for 50% off?”
Related: Tucker Carlson calls Sen. Duckworth a 'moron,’ ‘coward'


*** TWEET JUST FOR lo iq ***


If you're triggered by a can of beans because someone said one nice thing about the president, you should reexamine your life.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They had sufficient evidence to get a warrant.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We will see!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH has his head up Trump's ass that he can't see the real world!


Roger Amick said...
CH has his head up Trump's ass that he can't see the real world!

Everything dems accuse republicans of they are actually doing. What's the smell like up there roger? Who's ass are you using ??? Must be your own...


Anonymous said...

1860 US Population 32 million, 4 million Slaves that "built this Nation"
Utter Liberal nonsense

The Facts are always different then the Liberal Fairy tale.

Anonymous said...

Putting Alky in his small place, again.

KansasDemocrat July 10, 2020 at 7:42 PM

"logger Roger Amick said...

He inherited a ranch. "

I did? well that is I interesting.

I can't make you answer.

But here is my question.
Where is that ranch located?

Now go hide

Roger AmickJuly 10, 2020 at 7:57 PM

Kansas state"

No Roger, wrong.
You know nothing about me.
I know a lot about you.
Because you post your sad life online😊

anonymous said...

And the goat fucking moron trying to rewrite history to fit his own brand of stupidity!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sen. Mitt Romney Calls Trump's Decision to Commute Roger Stone's Sentence 'Historic Corruption'

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kput'z shut the fuck up

anonymous said...

Funny now the goat fucker denies he inherited his mommy's home!!!!! IOW's nothing I post can be trusted as true since the mommy ranch and me being a LEO, teacher and tomato hiller are all lies!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! Sad your life is nothing but a LIE!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city's prosecutor, said that she would be investigating the matter.

"My office is currently working with the public and the police to investigate these events," she said June 29. "Make no mistake: We will not tolerate the use of force against those exercising their First Amendment rights, and will use the full power of Missouri law to hold people accountable."

Missouri has a slew of laws that could potentially protect the McCloskeys from criminal charges, including Stand Your Ground, the Castle Doctrine and Open Carry.

No charges of any kind have yet to brought against the couple.

Anonymous said...

Roger and Denise know nothing about me and it kills them. Denise has attempted to gain info about me.

Roger, You need to examine your continued life failures.

"guaranteed 6 figure income" to "home" in a old folks lockdown home.



Robert Mueller did not prosecute a single American for conspiring with Russia during the 2016 election. It was all a farce.

And Roger Stone was a victim.


The St. Louis prosecutor is too busy persecuting a couple for defending their home to prosecute looters, rioters, and arsonists.


WOW. The St. Louis police did not arrest the mob who trespassed on private property. They just served a search warrant on the couple who defended their home.



Hold on a second. Democrats right now are releasing child molesters and rapists from prison but are enraged Roger Stone isn't serving time for a hoax?


Total clemency petitions granted:

Trump: 11

Obama: 1,715


If anyone deserves prison related to Roger Stone--it's the prosecution team.

I know lo iq loves thebradfordfile !!! just not good at expressing his emotions.

Anonymous said...

No Bias.

"Dr. Robert Epstein, the senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology, joined Breitbart News’ Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on Breitbart News Daily to discuss how Google hopes to shift 10 percent of the voting public away from Trump to fulfill a company executive’s stated goal of making populism nothing more than a “blip in history.”

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Sen. Mitt Romney Calls Trump's Decision to Commute Roger Stone's Sentence 'Historic Corruption'

poor baby.

pierre defecto has his panties in a twist over the stone commutation.

hey alky, is ol' pierre still giving people cancer and not paying his taxes?


poor pierre. still smarting over getting beat by a magic negro.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Commonsense said...

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city's prosecutor, said that she would be investigating the matter.

This is a flagrant abuse of power. She knows she doesn't have a case. She's just trying to intimidate two citizens trying to protect their life and property which is their NATURAL RIGHT.

Shame on the judge that signed off on that piece of shit search warrant. He should pay a political price too.

Commonsense said...

Sen. Mitt Romney Calls Trump's Decision to Commute Roger Stone's Sentence 'Historic Corruption'
poor baby.
pierre defecto has his panties in a twist over the stone commutation.

Someone is floating a rumor that Biden is considering Romney for his VP running mate. (why not, he's practically a Democrat already).

I will say getting Mitt out of the senate and replacing him with a more conservative senator from Utah does have it's attractions.

Commonsense said...

Good News
BREAKING: Authorities in St. Louis have executed a search warrant at the home of the couple who made national headlines when they brandished a pair of guns at Black Lives Matter protestors

The delicious irony about Roger's "Good News" is that the McCluskeys were nominal Democrats who would have likely voted for Biden. Now it's pretty safe to say they went into the undecided column.

Calling abuse of power by a vicious, vindictive, and authoritarian prosecutor (she would have been quite happy working for Vladimir Putin) "Good News" is total idiocy in the extreme.

Roger should really take off his partisan blinders, it's his rights she is eroding too.