Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Well congratulations! The protests have really worked to bring people closer together!

Horowitz: America has become one mass crime scene, and the victims are black children
  • Secoriea Turner, an 8-year-old girl, was murdered while in the car with her mother near the burned-out Wendy’s in Atlanta, the site of the Rayshard Brooks shooting, which has had the effect of sidelining the police. Three were killed and 20 injured in shooting stemming from the unrest in the area. According to Atlanta police, murders are up 86% over 28 days last month compared to the same time last year. Aggravated assaults increased by 22% and burglaries by 14%.
  • Royta Giles Jr., an 8-year-old boy, was murdered at a Birmingham mall while with his parents at the food court. Three other innocent people, including another child, were wounded in the shooting.
  • Jace Young, a 6-year-old boy, was watching fireworks Saturday night with his family in San Francisco when he was gunned down. No arrests have been made, but in a city that heralds criminals and criminalizes the police, I’d be shocked if the perpetrator wasn’t a career criminal let out of jail.
  • Philadelphia, just like San Francisco, has a leftist prosecutor who has released a number of criminals and refuses to prosecute gun felons. Just like in San Francisco, a 6-year-old was gunned down in a senseless murder over the weekend.
  • A 7-year-old Chicago girl was shot and killed on July 4 while playing in her back yard. In total, 70 were shot and 14 were killed over the July 4 weekend in the war zone we call Chicago.
  • Also in Chicago, last week, a career criminal was charged with shooting two teens to death at a candy store. The man was sentenced to probation 18 months ago for a gun felony, despite his prior record, and got no jail time, which allowed him to remain on the streets to allegedly commit this double murder.
  • On Friday, New York City police arrested a 35-year-old man for allegedly slashing a 2-year-old boy in the face while he was sitting in a stroller earlier last week in Manhattan.
  • On Saturday, Davon McNeal, 11, was visiting family in southwest Washington, D.C., when he was killed in a drive-by shooting.
  • Last week, a black mother and her unborn twins were killed when she was attacked by her former boyfriend in Mansfield, Texas, in a carjacking. The suspect had a criminal record.
  • Also, over the weekend, a black male was caught on camera in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, randomly getting out of his car and knocking out a 12-year-old boy. In this case, the boy was white. Yet, for some reason, there is no soft bigotry of low expectations in this country that everyone who happens to share his shade of skin will riot against anyone who happens to be of the same race as this criminal.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That's Joe.


(It's about us.)

C.H. Truth said...

Glad that Joe is supportive of killing children!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When did you change your stance on abortion, Ch? Weren't you once a "proud pro-choice" person like Trump?

Anonymous said...

“To a degree that no one could have anticipated even three or four years ago, the educated elite of the American middle class have come to detest their society, and their detestation is rapidly diffusing to youth in general. The effects of this profound movement of opinion will be with us for generations. . .

“What we are facing is the onset of nihilism in the United States…. The three most important points are that nihilists are almost entirely drawn from the educated, even upper classes. They are extremely idealistic, seeing themselves as agents of the purest charity. They are violent in the most extreme ways. . . Nihilist movements typically have led to political regimes of the most oppressive and reactionary qualities. . .

“I know there is an authoritarian Left in this country, and I fear it.

“It would be difficult to overestimate the degree to which young well-educated blacks detest white America.

“In the best universities the best men are increasingly appalled by the authoritarian tendencies of the left. The inadequacies of traditional liberalism are equally unmistakable, while, not least important, the credulity, even the vulgarity of the supposed intellectual and social elite of the country has led increasing numbers of man and women of no especial political persuasion to realize that something is wrong somewhere.

“The elite intelligentsia of the country are turning against the country—in science, in politics, in the fundaments of patriotism. How can we not pay for this?

“Are we then witnessing the ultimate, destructive working out of the telos of liberal thought?

- Daniel Patrick Moynihan; D-NY


"It may not be a pure coincidence that in many respects, Moynihan could be said to have been the first liberal “canceled” by the left in the 1960s (over his report on the black family), thus providing the template for today’s mass cancellations."

Moynihan - the very last democrat in America deserving of a shred of respect.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

For example, I remember how you once described the Methodist church's moderate stance on abortion as "reasonable."

Look in the mirror and ask yourself,
When did I sell out politically on abortion and gay rights?"


Josh Kraushaar

Spike in N.Y.C. Shootings Leaves 64 Shot and 10 Dead - The New York Times

Byron York

‘When you take basically half the population of Rikers Island and put it onto the street and then wonder what’s going on, it’s dumbfounding to me...’

Unbelievable what Dem politicians have done leading into 2020 election. Thank God there is an upcoming election.

Hopefully it is an honest one though we know how hard they are trying to make it fraudulent.


Lawrence B. Jones III

This has to stop. In front of his baby girl?? Evil.


C.H. Truth said...

When did you change your stance on abortion, Ch

Murdering 8 years olds is not an abortion, Reverend.

What does abortion have to do with this thread on the random gun violence that is killing children?