Thursday, July 16, 2020

Why the Goya foods boycott is soooo stupid!

There are boycotts, firings, or cancelling being done because certain actions or certain statements could conceivably be seen as damaging. Sometimes those reactions are overreactions. Sometimes they are a generalized demonetization of larger groups based on the actions of one or a few. But if you dig deep enough, at least you can understand why these people might be upset, whether or not you agree with their logic.

But Goya foods is not only an iconic Hispanic company, but they are a company that has provided an enormous amount of goodwill, donations, giving, and community activism. They have provided large sums of relief to the victims of  Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. They recently provided truckloads of food to Venezuelans. They recently donated one million cans of food and one million pounds of of other products to food banks to assist in the Covid pandemic. They have continuously given to both Hispanics and simply to Americans throughout the company's history.

Now, there are toddlers out there who are bound and determined to shut all of this down. Not because someone from Goya killed an unarmed minority. Not because someone from Goya made racially intolerant remarks. Not because they were found to be non-inclusive in their hiring practices. Not for any reason what-so-ever that would appear on the surface to be harmful to anyone.

It's simply because their company's CEO actually said something nice about President Trump.

Let that sink in for a second.

Democrats would destroy a long standing Hispanic company that constantly engages in pro-Hispanic initiatives, and has provided an amazing amount of charity and goodwill to the entire country...

Because their CEO said something nice about Trump?

Talk about cutting off your own nose to spite your face...

Now as much as Democrats would like to demand that there is no such thing as Trump derangement syndrome, it would be hard pressed to continue that denial under these circumstances. To be clear, the entire idea of a derangement syndrome lies in the idea that someone's feeling regarding the President overrides anything and everything else.

Explain to me how you can justify a boycott of a longstanding Hispanic company with a history of charity and assistance to the Hispanic community... without it having 100% to do with your feelings about Trump and being upset that something nice was said about him... and then you can deny your TDS. Otherwise just own up!


Commonsense said...

This backfired so badly. It's embarrassing.

Myballs said...

Hispanic unemployment was historic low under Trump. Now dems prove they hate Hispanics.

Trump in a landslide.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

"Science should not stand in the way" of opening schools. Kayleigh McEnany, Press Secretary for trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We will remember this!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Science should not stand in the way" of opening schools. Kayleigh McEnany, Press Secretary for trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
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