Sunday, October 25, 2020

And this is why he is so confident he will win!

Well at least he is being honest. Have to give him this!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Is Botching His Election-Year Lies

He’s trying to fake compassion, bravery, and respect for science. And he’s failing.

OCT 24, 20203:40 PM

Why is Donald Trump struggling to close his deficit in the polls against Joe Biden? One reason is that Trump has done a bad job as president.

Another reason is that for five years, he’s been telling everyone outside his base to go to hell.

But there’s a third reason, and it’s undercutting his attempts at a comeback: He’s having trouble faking his way through another round of election-year lies.

Here are some of the themes Trump is trying to finesse, and why he’s failing.

1. Unity.
At the end of Thursday’s presidential debate, moderator Kristen Welker asked Trump what he would say, in a hypothetical 2021 inaugural address, “to Americans who did not vote for you.” Trump replied that before the coronavirus arrived, “the other side wanted to get together. They wanted to unify.” That’s a line he often uses on the campaign trail, as though he has been open to bipartisanship all along. But he immediately returned to the attack, warning that a Biden victory would trigger “a depression the likes of which you’ve never seen.”

Trump got elected by pitting red America against blue America, and he can’t stop. In rallies and interviews, he accuses “Democrat governors” of fomenting crime and conspiring to lock down their residents against the virus just to hurt him in the election. He claims to support aid to people who are suffering financially from the pandemic, but he opposes a package passed by the House, calling it a “bailout for badly run Democrat cities and states.” In effect, Trump has ceded the unity message to Biden.

“I don’t look at this … the way he does, blue states and red states,” Biden said in the debate. “They’re all the United States.”

2. Responsibility.
In March, in a Rose Garden press conference, Trump said of the government’s poor COVID response, “I don’t take responsibility at all.” On Thursday, when Biden pressed him about that abdication, Trump tried to clean it up. “I take full responsibility,” he said. But instead of owning up to failures or shortcomings, he immediately pleaded, “It’s not my fault,” and he passed the buck to governors. When Trump was asked why Americans were still waiting for the aid package, he replied, “Because Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to approve it.” Trump thinks he’s conveying that everyone else is to blame. What he’s actually conveying is that he’s a blamer.

3. Populism.
Trump won in 2016 by claiming to stand for the forgotten man and woman. At rallies, he denounces “wealthy donors, globalists, and special interests.” But he’s the wealthy globalist, and it shows. He gloats about the stock market, even as millions of Americans are out of work, and he seems unaware that most Americans don’t have a 401(k) . He can’t stop bragging about his wealth and connections. In Thursday’s debate, he ridiculed Biden for leaving Scranton, Pennsylvania, as a child—Biden’s dad had lost his job—and he boasted that he could vastly outspend Biden if he wanted to. “As president, and as somebody that knows most of those people, I could call the heads of Wall Street, the heads of every company in America. I would blow away every record,” Trump sneered. “I could blow away your records like you wouldn’t believe.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

4. Compassion.
Lately, Trump has been trying out a new word at his rallies: heart. It seems to be aimed at the suburban women he keeps talking about. He claims that he’d love to help everyone who wants to immigrate to America—we all “have a heart,” he says—but that we can’t afford it. It’s a sweet-sounding message, but Trump doesn’t believe it, and he has trouble hiding his callousness. In the debate, he was asked about hundreds of undocumented immigrant children who are in U.S. custody because our government, having deliberately separated them from their parents, now can’t find the parents. “They are so well taken care of,” Trump said of the stranded children, proudly. “They’re in facilities that were so clean.”

5. Science.
In speeches, Trump reads from a script that calls COVID lockdowns “unscientific.” He accuses Democrats of recklessly scaring people about vaccines. It’s part of a strategy to reposition him as a prudent, level-headed leader. But that’s not what he is, and he keeps blowing the act by attacking scientists. He snipes at Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, calling him an idiot, a “disaster,” and a Democrat.

In his first debate with Biden, Trump quarreled with other government scientists as well.
In his second debate, he fabricated a quote from Fauci: “This is no problem. This is going to go away soon.”
Trump’s lie was instantly exposed. He can’t win a war of credibility with Fauci, but he insists on fighting it.

6. Courage.
Trump poses as a tough guy who takes on powerful interests and foreign leaders. He frames his recent COVID infection as part of that persona, claiming that he braved the virus “as your leader.” But his cowardice shows through. He keeps suggesting that he may have caught the virus from Gold Star families—those whose loved ones served and died in military conflicts—at a White House event on Sept. 27. In Thursday’s debate, instead of apologizing for almost never wearing a mask, Trump tried to explain his infection by saying he “had to meet” with “Gold Star families and military families” that week. He implicitly blamed his needless, pointless risk-taking—which endangered others—on families who had paid the ultimate price to serve their country.

7. Equality.
Trump is losing badly to Biden among people of color. So he’s belatedly pretending to care about them. But it’s hard to keep up that pretense when, in every speech and interview, the president rails against “low-income housing projects” invading suburbs. Trump has told white crowds in Florida, Iowa, and Ohio that Cory Booker, a Black senator from New Jersey, is leading this plot. Trump also links it to President Barack Obama—whose middle name, “Hussein,” Trump always inserts with glee—and to Biden’s running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, whose first name Trump deliberately mispronounces.

8. Integrity.
Trump’s last-ditch gambit is to smear Biden as a corrupt politician who used his office to protect his son’s financial interests. It’s a lie, but it might help Trump, if he can get the media to focus on it. Instead, in rallies and debates, he continues to rage about his impeachment and the investigation into Russia’s ties to his 2016 campaign. “I was put through a phony witch hunt,” he fumed in Thursday’s debate. He baselessly denounced “FBI agents,” former special counsel Robert Mueller, and others who “spied on my campaign.” Every time Trump brings up these grievances, he reminds voters of his own alleged corruption, not Biden’s.

Theoretically, Trump could still win the election. There’s good reason, however, to believe he won’t. He’s peddling lies and pretending, unsuccessfully, to be someone he never was. In 2016, he got away with it. But it’s hard to pull off the same con twice.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is a coward. He hides from COVID. He refuses to confront Putin about the alleged bounties. He refuses to criticize assailants and killers who support him. He won’t even talk to a Black family about a loved one shot by police. He’s afraid of the family’s lawyer. Lots of people are cowards, but you can’t give them this kind of responsibility. When the president is a coward, people die.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James, this should scare the shit out of CH

a total of 58.6 million ballots cast so far, more than the 58 million that The Associated Press logged as being cast through the mail or at in-person early voting sites in 2016.

Higher turnout has historically favored the Democrats.

I have been seeing stories about thousands of people are working to get people registered to vote, get them motivated by their dislike of the President.

They are the silent majority the Republicans believe in.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On Sunday, for the first time in over 100 years, the Union Leader’s editorial board endorsed Democratic candidate Joe Biden for president. Saying that while they do not believe that Trump is “always 100 percent wrong … he is 100 percent wrong for America.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They are one of the most conservative newspaper in the country.
Scott, you should open your eyes.

This year’s general election ballot presents the voter with a dilemma. We have wrestled with this year’s choices, as we imagine many voters have. Up and down the ticket we are faced with choices in political ideologies, personalities, backgrounds and governing styles.

Some choices are easy. We can wholeheartedly recommend Chris Sununu be elected to another term as governor. He has proven himself a capable leader when faced with an extreme and occasionally hostile legislature. During the COVID-19 crisis, he has deftly handled a situation that left many leaders flustered and swinging from one extreme reaction to the next.

In the race that has dominated political discourse for the past four years the choice is murkier. There is no love lost between this newspaper and President Donald J. Trump. The Union Leader was very quickly dismissed by then-candidate Trump after we failed to bestow on him our endorsement in the Republican primary four years ago.

We were hopeful with Trump’s win that he might change, that the weight and responsibility of the Oval Office might mold a more respectful and presidential man. We have watched with the rest of the world as the mantle of the presidency has done very little to change Trump while the country and world have changed significantly.

President Trump is not always 100 percent wrong, but he is 100 percent wrong for America. Trump has many admirable accomplishments from his first term in office. We can find much common ground with Trump supporters, including judicial appointments, tax policy, support for gun rights, even inroads to Middle East peace. Trump has been able to accomplish this despite many in the media and Congress working to stop him at every opportunity.

Since Trump took over, the national debt has exploded by more than 7 TRILLION dollars. While the last several trillion was in response to the COVID-19 economic crisis, at least the first three trillion was on the books well before the pandemic, while Trump was presiding over “...the best economy we’ve ever had in the history of our country.” (Trump’s words.)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The layman would expect that the best economy in history would be a time to get the fiscal house in order, pay down debt and prepare for a rainy day (or perhaps a worldwide pandemic). The real tragedy of this scenario is that the runaway spending under the Trump administration has flashed dollar signs in the eyes of Capitol Hill Democrats. Trillions in unchecked spending has them clamoring to birth the social programs of their dreams.

Federal spending is on an unsustainable path. The fact that it has continued under an allegedly conservative president is unbelievable.

Mr. Trump rightly points out that the COVID-19 crisis isn’t his fault, but a true leader must own any situation that happens on their watch. We may be turning a corner with this virus, but the corner we turned is down a dark alley of record infections and deaths. Mr. Trump is a self-proclaimed expert on a wide variety of topics, but when pushed on basic topics he doesn’t want to discuss, he very quickly feigns ignorance.

Donald Trump did not create the social-media-driven political landscape we now live in, but he has weaponized it. He is a consummate linguistic takedown artist, ripping apart all comers to the delight of his fanbase but at the expense of the nation. America faces many challenges and needs a president to build this country up. This appears to be outside of Mr. Trump’s skill set.

Building this country up sits squarely within the skill set of Joseph Biden. We have found Mr. Biden to be a caring, compassionate and professional public servant. He has repeatedly expressed his desire to be a president for all of America, and we take him at his word. Joe Biden may not be the president we want, but in 2020 he is the president we desperately need. He will be a president to bring people together and right the ship of state.

Biden is not perfect. We are not satisfied with his responses about his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings. His understanding of gun rights leaves a lot to be desired (Joe says we only need shotguns). He suggests cops faced with a deadly threat should “shoot them in the leg.” He also seems to be copying more pages out of the “Green New Deal” than we would like.

Our policy disagreements with Joe Biden are significant. Despite our endorsement of his candidacy, we expect to spend a significant portion of the next four years disagreeing with the Biden administration on our editorial pages.

Biden was among the most moderate in the crowded 2020 Democratic primary field, proposing some of the lowest new spending among that increasingly left-leaning group. We are hopeful that this is a sign of the thoughtful and pragmatic public servant President Joe Biden will be. Sadly, President Trump has proven himself to be the antithesis of thoughtful and pragmatic; he has failed to earn a second term.

Our endorsement for President of these United States goes to Joe Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This will be the next post here.

Hello… Cleveland?

Sen. Kamala Harris was caught on a hot mic asking an aide what city she was in before greeting supporters at a campaign stop in Ohio on Saturday.

Footage captured by C-SPAN showed the Democratic vice presidential candidate turning to a staffer and asking, “Are we in Cleveland?”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

100 percent wrong for America.
That's a lot of wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This will thrill Scott and the other truthers.

President Trump already has plans to fire several top officials in the national security sphere should he win reelection in November, according to a new report. Among those the president plans to fire are Defense Secretary Mark Esper, CIA Director Gina Haspel and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

He is getting rid of the deep state conspirators.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sadly, President Trump has proven himself to be the antithesis of thoughtful and pragmatic; he has failed to earn a second term.

Our endorsement for President of these United States goes to Joe Biden.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

AXIOS reports:
Trump Plans to Fire Heads of CIA, FBI and Defense

October 25, 7:06 pm
If President Trump wins re-election, he’ll move to immediately fire FBI Director Christopher Wray and also expects to replace CIA Director Gina Haspel and Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

“The list of planned replacements is much longer, but these are Trump’s priorities, starting with Wray.

“Wray and Haspel are despised and distrusted almost universally in Trump’s inner circle. He would have fired both already, one official said, if not for the political headaches of acting before Nov. 3."

White House Signals Defeat In Pandemic
8:42 pm
“The presidential campaign was roiled this weekend by a fresh outbreak of the novel coronavirus at the White House that infected at least five aides or advisers to Vice President Pence, a spread that President Trump’s top staffer acknowledged Sunday he had tried to avoid disclosing to the public…

“The outbreak around Pence, who chairs the White House’s coronavirus task force, undermines the argument Trump has been making to voters that the country is ’rounding the turn,’ as the president put it at a rally Sunday in New Hampshire.

“Further complicating Trump’s campaign-trail pitch was an extraordinary admission Sunday from White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows that the administration had effectively given up on trying to slow the virus’s spread.”

New York Times:
Infection of Pence’s aides raises new questions about Trump’s virus response.

Trump Claims He Gave 60 Minutes His Health Care Plan
9:05 pm
While Lesley Stahl waited to see if President Trump would return to finish his 60 Minutes interview, his press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, came in with a hand delivery.

McENANY: Lesley, the president wanted me to deliver his health care plan, it’s a little heavy.

STAHL: Oh my god. This is his health care plan?


STAHL: Okay. Kayleigh, thank you.

McENANY: You’re welcome and the Vice President will be with you shortly.

STAHL: Okay. And the president’s not coming back?

McENANY: The president’s given you a lot of time.

It was heavy. Filled with executive orders, congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive health plan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows has just made one of the most revealing comments to emerge from Trump’s inner circle about the president’s historic mishandling of the coronavirus crisis. On a Sunday political talk show, Meadows admitted that the federal government was not focusing on trying to control the pandemic.

“We’re not going to control the pandemic,” he told Jake Tapper on CNN’s State of the Union. “We are going to control the fact that we get a vaccine, therapeutics and other mitigation.” Tapper pressed Meadows to explain why the administration was not going to control Covid-19, given the massive surge that is pummeling the Midwest and mountain states. He replied: “Because it is a contagious virus.”

They're just giving up!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Florida Republicans are pouring out of the trenches.

After weeks of Democrats outvoting them by mail, Republican voters stormed early voting precincts in person this week, taking large bites out of their opponents’ historic lead in pre-Election Day ballots.

The Democratic advantage was still huge as of Saturday morning: 387,000 ballots. But that’s a 21 percent reduction from Democrats’ high water mark, set three days prior. The election is in 10 days.

who's supposed to be scared again, alky?

Anonymous said...

Rasmussen Reports
Morning Reader Data Points:

National Daily Black Likely Voter Job Approval For

- October 19-23, 2020

Mon 10/19 - 25%
Tue 10/20 - 24%
Wed 10/21 - 31%
Thu 10/22 - 37%
Fri 10/23 - 46%

7:45 AM · Oct 23, 2020·Twitter Web App
Quote Tweets

Anonymous said...

when you're so desperate that since no one will come to one of your "rallies" (LOL), you have to resort to illegal campaigning at a polling place:

Anonymous said...

The Hoe was asked.
Are you a socialist?

She didn't answer.

Anonymous said...

Beverly Hills CA:

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker was asked why he likes sucking on trumps fat old white ass!!!!!!1 Rat applauds!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

The white house plan for covid.....WHITE FLAG AND GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!

Pence’s office
With Nov. 3 just eight days away and coronavirus cases surging in many states, the outbreak around the vice president, who chairs the White House’s coronavirus task force, undermines the argument President Trump has been making to voters that the country is “rounding the turn,” as he put it at a rally Sunday in New Hampshire.

And Lil Schitty worries about Hunter.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This year’s general election ballot presents the voter with a dilemma. We have wrestled with this year’s choices, as we imagine many voters have. Up and down the ticket we are faced with choices in political ideologies, personalities, backgrounds and governing styles.

Some choices are easy. We can wholeheartedly recommend Chris Sununu be elected to another term as governor. He has proven himself a capable leader when faced with an extreme and occasionally hostile legislature. During the COVID-19 crisis, he has deftly handled a situation that left many leaders flustered and swinging from one extreme reaction to the next.

In the race that has dominated political discourse for the past four years the choice is murkier. There is no love lost between this newspaper and President Donald J. Trump. The Union Leader was very quickly dismissed by then-candidate Trump after we failed to bestow on him our endorsement in the Republican primary four years ago.

We were hopeful with Trump’s win that he might change, that the weight and responsibility of the Oval Office might mold a more respectful and presidential man. We have watched with the rest of the world as the mantle of the presidency has done very little to change Trump while the country and world have changed significantly.

President Trump is not always 100 percent wrong, but he is 100 percent wrong for America. Trump has many admirable accomplishments from his first term in office. We can find much common ground with Trump supporters, including judicial appointments, tax policy, support for gun rights, even inroads to Middle East peace. Trump has been able to accomplish this despite many in the media and Congress working to stop him at every opportunity.

Since Trump took over, the national debt has exploded by more than 7 TRILLION dollars. While the last several trillion was in response to the COVID-19 economic crisis, at least the first three trillion was on the books well before the pandemic, while Trump was presiding over “...the best economy we’ve ever had in the history of our country.” (Trump’s words.)

The layman would expect that the best economy in history would be a time to get the fiscal house in order, pay down debt and prepare for a rainy day (or perhaps a worldwide pandemic). The real tragedy of this scenario is that the runaway spending under the Trump administration has flashed dollar signs in the eyes of Capitol Hill Democrats. Trillions in unchecked spending has them clamoring to birth the social programs of their dreams.

Federal spending is on an unsustainable path. The fact that it has continued under an allegedly conservative president is unbelievable.

Mr. Trump rightly points out that the COVID-19 crisis isn’t his fault, but a true leader must own any situation that happens on their watch. We may be turning a corner with this virus, but the corner we turned is down a dark alley of record infections and deaths. Mr. Trump is a self-proclaimed expert on a wide variety of topics, but when pushed on basic topics he doesn’t want to discuss, he very quickly feigns ignorance.

Donald Trump did not create the social-media-driven political landscape we now live in, but he has weaponized it. He is a consummate linguistic takedown artist, ripping apart all comers to the delight of his fanbase but at the expense of the nation. America faces many challenges and needs a president to build this country up. This appears to be outside of Mr. Trump’s skill set.

Building this country up sits squarely within the skill set of Joseph Biden. We have found Mr. Biden to be a caring, compassionate and professional public servant. He has repeatedly expressed his desire to be a president for all of America, and we take him at his word. Joe Biden may not be the president we want, but in 2020 he is the president we desperately need. He will be a president to bring people together and right the ship of state.

Anonymous said...

The Hoe was asked.
Are you a socialist?

she gave quite the cringe worthy interview on '45 minutes' last night. cackling laughter in response to softball questions exposed the fact that she's not a serious candidate for anything other than being Willie B's concubine.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden is not perfect. We are not satisfied with his responses about his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings. His understanding of gun rights leaves a lot to be desired (Joe says we only need shotguns). He suggests cops faced with a deadly threat should “shoot them in the leg.” He also seems to be copying more pages out of the “Green New Deal” than we would like.

Our policy disagreements with Joe Biden are significant. Despite our endorsement of his candidacy, we expect to spend a significant portion of the next four years disagreeing with the Biden administration on our editorial pages.

Biden was among the most moderate in the crowded 2020 Democratic primary field, proposing some of the lowest new spending among that increasingly left-leaning group. We are hopeful that this is a sign of the thoughtful and pragmatic public servant President Joe Biden will be. Sadly, President Trump has proven himself to be the antithesis of thoughtful and pragmatic; he has failed to earn a second term.

Our endorsement for President of these United States goes to Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

The Hoe was asked.
Are you a socialist?

she gave quite the cringe worthy interview on '45 minutes' last night. cackling laughter in response to softball questions exposed the fact that she's not a serious candidate for anything other than being Willie B's concubine.

Anonymous said...

Our endorsement for President of these United States goes to Joe Biden.


they list several reasons why they disagree and several problems they have with the guy...

...but their TDS wins the day and they endorse the drooling dementia patient.


cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance

the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

and here's the link you left off, alky plagiarist:

anonymous said...

Yep......she avoided the question asshole.....Just like trump walking on the 30 minute interview like the little child he is an having Mark Meadows surrender to Covid......great leadership you fellate there sport......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Confused Whore said...

Kamala Harris was campaigning in Ohio on Saturday. There’s been a lot of buzz about her hot mic moment when she asked an assistant “Are we in Cleveland?” before addressing the crowd.

As amusing as that moment was, it was another moment during her campaign stop that should be getting all the buzz.

On Saturday night, Kamala Harris’s Twitter account posted video of the vice-presidential nominee outside of the Cuyahoga County election office in Cleveland, where voters were waiting in line to vote early. In the video you can clearly see she’s using a microphone to speak directly to voters.

“Thank you for voting and voting early. Your vote is your voice, your voice is your vote. There is so much at stake. Don’t let anyone ever take your power. The power of your voice is so important. You are going to make the difference,” she began. “You are going to make the decision about your future, about your family’s future. It is through the voice of your vote. And you have the power. The power is with the people, and you know that. That’s why you’re standing in this line today. and I just came to say thank you.”

anonymous said...

cog·ni·tive dis·so·nance see picture of trump......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Fixed it for you asshole

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Union Leader has not endorsed a Democrat for 100 years

Anonymous said...

Federal spending is on an unsustainable path. The fact that it has continued under an allegedly conservative president is unbelievable.

and the fact that this only matters when the GOP occupies the White House is unbelievably hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The Union Leader has not endorsed a Democrat for 100 years


all they've proved is that they're as susceptible to TDS as you are, alky.

you've never given a detailed and comprehensive set of reasons why you hate Trump. you've never detailed the harm that he has visited upon you and your family. you seethe with rage over the guy while lacking the self-reflective ability to examine and understand why.

you keep telling us that he's a direct threat to democracy while never giving a single example. you insist he's a totalitarian dictator while not providing a single objective example, and THEN you proceed to insist that he issue unconstitutional mandates in response to covid, making him the dictator that you claim to abhor.

the guy has crushed ISIS, killed terrorist leaders, given us the best economy since i was in grade school, sent minority unemployment to their lowest levels EVER, kept more campaign promises than any post-war President, negotiated trade deals that favor us, is winding down endless wars as promised...

...and to a psychotic alcoholic confined to a nursing home he's Hitler personified.

you're a mess, alky.

Sarah Palin said...

COVID-19 tyranny that captured America is but a preview of what awaits America should the Democrats win this November 2020. Additionally, the teenager Kyle Rittenhouse who defended himself against certain death at the hands of BLM/Antifa rioter is in jail accused of murder. And the McClosky’s of Saint Louis were indicted on felony weapon charges for defending their home from BLM/Antifa trespassers.

These are harbingers of Police State America should the Democrats win or steal control of the government this November 3. Even if President Trump is reelected, reigning in the control freak sexual fetish possessing nearly every elected politician will take time.

If the Democrats win, justice will always be to their advantage. That means all opposition to them will disappear one way or the other. Americans will be forcibly subjected to their governing agenda which is but a collection of myths: climate change and the Green New Deal, systematic racism, white privilege, LGBTQ doctrine, social justice, Krugman economics.

Americans will only hear or see or be permitted to speak, doctrine approved by the Democrat Party. And worst of all, the Democrat Party will hand America over to the Red Chinese, in exchange for privilege and lucre. Thank you Joe Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have provided multiple examples of how dangerous the President is.
He has refused to accept the outcome of the election and the peaceful transfer of power, that is the very foundation of our republic.

I could list 10 more examples, but you just call me names and exhibit your complete lack of intelligence and knowledge of history.

anonymous said...

and the fact that this only matters when the GOP occupies

HORSE SHIT YOU FUCKING LOSER!!!!!!! You did nothing but bemoan the Obama deficits and economy as he fought his way out of the busch recession!!!!!! Now trump with a 3.1 trillion deficit in a single year which is more than the last 4 years under Obama as it is nothing!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Even simple things fly over your impaired mind.......

Myballs said...

Lesley Stahl's interview with Trump was rude, argumentative and combative to the point of disdainful arrogance. Little wonder Trump told her she was finished.

Donald Trump said...

We have made tremendous progress with the China Virus, but the Fake News refuses to talk about it this close to the Election. COVID, COVID, COVID is being used by them, in total coordination, in order to change our great early election numbers.Should be an election law violation!

Lock up CNN!

Barack Hussein Obama said...

My administration created more jobs in the one and a half years than the Trump administration created in the three years before the covid-19 pandemic.



Steve Guest

Joe Biden confuses President Trump with George W. Bush: “because of who I’m running against…George, ah, George”


Joe had ONE thing to do yesterday away from his resting.

Opening remarks for a virtual fund-raising concert.

He shows again he is incapable of handling the simplest of assignments.

WORST CANDIDATE EVER. just a trojan horse for the Chinese with their slave labor and the radicals who support them. A new world order. Unforgivable.



Joe Biden is lying.

He can't say China is the biggest threat to America, because China is the biggest threat to him ending up in prison. They know everything he has done. China owns Biden.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lesley Stahl confronted him with his exaggeration and out right lies, and he is incapable of being honest.

anonymous said...

Same question for Lil Schitty and his disingenuous pile of shit theory!!!!!!!!

I'm going to say that the FBI had a hard drive—if I may,” he declared. “Don’t mean to interrupt, but let me ask you, the FBI has had the hard drive since December, why haven’t they come up with any evidence?”

McDaniel shrugged off Wallace’s question, noting that she was not involved in the “internal aspects of that investigation”

Yes the FBI has been sitting on this POS for 10 fucking months and Lil Schitty is still BSing his way through life!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The China hoax isn't selling to the people who are going to throw him out on November 3rd or a few days after.


60 Minutes

Which country is the biggest threat to America?

Russia, says Joe Biden. But China is our biggest competitor.


The 80's called. They want their foreign policy back.

I'm surprised he didn't say Germany and Japan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

An interesting thing,is that Kamala Harris is going to do a campaign event in Texas on Thursday. The new polls show the Biden is ahead by 2% among likely voters.

If the Biden campaign gets Texas, Tsunami warnings.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Not Much of a Horse Race
David Wasserman:
“A few days out, the picture of this race is pretty clear.”

Biden’s lead (52% to 43%) is larger and more stable than
Clinton’s in 2016.

Far fewer undecided or third party voters than 2016.

District-level polls (which showed big problems for Clinton in 2016) back up national and state polls.

“If you’re looking for a horse race narrative right now, you’re not going to find it here. There was a time when it was easy to imagine this race going much differently. Eight days out, it’s much, much harder. I’ve seen…almost enough.”

Biden Holds Huge Lead Among Young Voters
7:50 am
A new Harvard Institute of Politics poll of voters aged 18 to 24 years finds 63% of respondents indicated they will “definitely be voting,” which remains consistent with the turnout measured in our September 2020 survey, and in contrast to 47% during this same time in 2016.

Young voters prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump by a large margin, 63% to 25%.

Biden Flips Script on Trump In Final Week
6:53 am
“Donald Trump is chasing every possible opening across the electoral map. Joe Biden is sitting on his lead, carefully surveying the landscape for states that might serve as insurance policies.

“It’s a jarring flip of the script for an incumbent president and his challenger eight days before Election Day. Trump, in the last gasp of his campaign, is barreling across the country, hoping large rallies and bets placed across the board will pay off for his underdog campaign. Biden is doing fewer and smaller events — and even peering past the election toward governing.”

New Battleground State Poll
6:32 am
From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:
Biden 47%, Trump 46%

Both Georgia Senate Races Look Headed to Runoffs
6:57 am
A new Atlanta Journal Constitution poll finds Sen. David Perdue (R) is essentially tied with Jon Ossoff (D), with the Republican incumbent at 45% and his challenger at 46%. About 4% back Libertarian Shane Hazel, and 5% are undecided. The close margins raise the possibility the race could head into a January runoff.

“Another round of voting is almost certain in the special election for U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler’s seat, where the 21-candidate race makes it extremely difficult for anyone to win the majority-vote necessary to avoid the runoff.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Business Sees Biden as a Relief
6:20 am
“Joe Biden is running for president on the sort of platform that usually makes business sweat: higher taxes on corporations and investors, aggressive action to phase out fossil fuels, stronger unions and an expanded government role in health care.

“Yet many business executives and their allies are greeting the prospect of a Biden presidency with either ambivalence or relief. Credit that not to who Mr. Biden is, but who he isn’t: Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders, senators with a much more adversarial approach to business who lost to Mr. Biden in the Democratic primary, or President Trump, whose administration has been marked by economic-policy unpredictability.”

A Promised Land
6:40 am
The New Yorker has published the first excerpts of Barack Obama’s memoir, A Promised Land.

The excerpt recounts the 2009-2010 health care reform fight.
Obama, Barack (Author)
11/17/2020 (Publication Date) -

Pelosi Maintains Firm Grip on Power
6:30 am
“Nancy Pelosi may be the most powerful congressional leader in modern U.S. history,” Politico reports.

“In the 22 months since she’s returned to the speaker’s chair — an enormous achievement in itself — Pelosi has centralized power in an unprecedented way. It’s due not just to her own maneuvering, but to a variety of circumstances: a chaotic president, a paralyzed Senate, and a national health emergency that’s spurred the most serious economic crisis in decades.”

“For many Democrats, Pelosi is the face of the resistance to President Donald Trump. From clashes over government shutdowns to impeachment to yelling matches in the White House and publicly tearing up a copy of his State of the Union address, Pelosi has been Trump’s chief antagonist. There have been acrimonious relationships between presidents and House speakers before, but never one so public or so bitter. It’s been over a year since the two have spoken.”

Staffers Flee Health Agency
6:26 am
“At least 27 political appointees have exited the embattled Health and Human Services department since the start of the Covid-19 crisis in February and senior leaders are bracing for dozens more officials to depart swiftly if President Trump loses re-election,” Politico reports.

“Such a wave of departures would leave only a shell staff shepherding the department through a uniquely challenging winter of coronavirus outbreaks and drug and vaccine authorizations until Inauguration Day on Jan. 20, according to interviews with 17 current and former HHS officials, some of whom requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive issue.”

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

I have provided multiple examples of how dangerous the President is.

no you haven't. you've generalized by saying he's the biggest threat to our democracy since...

He has refused to accept the outcome of the election and the peaceful transfer of power, that is the very foundation of our republic

nice psychological projection. he can't refuse to accept the outcome of something that hasn't happened yet. meanwhile we have demonstrable proof, starting on the day after the election and 19 minutes after his Presidency began (WaPo article on impeachment) that your team has YET to accept the outcome of 2016.


Rogan O’Handley

Trump supporters are holding rallies across the US *without* Trump while Biden can’t get enough people to a rally with him speaking

Hey Kamala (as she pronounced it vs. cum allah as you are supposed to pronounce it) drew about 20 flies in Detroit the other day.





LMAO. Joe Biden called a lid for the rest of the campaign. Nobody wants to attend his events.

Makes Hillary look like an amateur.


John Hayward

The difference between reasonably focused Biden during the two debates, and doddering, confused Biden during every one of his other rare public appearances during the 2020 campaign, is astounding.

It's really a TDS anti-Trump vs. Trump election

With big tech, the MSM and election fraud trying to pull a barely breathing Biden over the finish line.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Exchange of the Day
8:17 am
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was interviewed by Jonathan Swan on Axios on HBO:

CRUZ: I’m very worried about the debt…Now, to be fair, Trump didn’t campaign on cutting the debt.

SWAN: He did. He said he was gonna eliminate the national debt in 8 years.

Ha ha ha HA HA HA

Trump Doesn’t Have a Second Term Plan
8:08 am
“President Trump has not laid out an economic agenda for his second term, despite the election being just eight days away.

“This is unprecedented in modern presidential campaigns, and makes it harder for undecided voters to make an informed choice.

“Trump’s campaign website doesn’t include a section on forward-looking policies, including the economy. Instead, it only lists first-term accomplishments.”

New Battleground State Polls
8:02 am

From the Atlanta Journal Constitution:
Biden 47%, Trump 46%

From YouGov:
Biden 51%, Trump 42%
Biden 51%, Trump 44%
Biden 51%, Trump 43%

Anonymous said...

Why I Voted Trump: A Coming Out Story

Candy Mercer

4 hours ago·20 min read

I will not live in a closet for any reason.

I voted Republican almost a straight ticket for the first time in my life.
I am a progressive artist/writer/activist with an impressive 25+ year record of fighting the good fight on a plethora of issues including abortion clinic escort, rape crisis counselor, regular crisis counselor, a decade in Palestinian Solidarity, holding local police accountable in the shooting of two young black men, homelessness, cannabis and chronic pain advocacy.

In this “stunning and brave” essay I will tell you why I made this decision.




What a bizarre year 2020 has been. We’re dealing with a global pandemic and Lil Pump, who is one of the most popular musicians on the planet, is out here on Instagram cussing out Joe Biden as he endorses Donald Trump.

If you don’t find this incredibly entertaining, then you simply don’t have a sense of humor.

Must have seen Joe with his phonograph dance "moves"


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump is working SO hard and SO desperately to cut into Biden's lead in Pennsylvania.

How's it going for him?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

Lesley Stahl's interview with Trump was rude, argumentative and combative to the point of disdainful arrogance. Little wonder Trump told her she was finished.

i read an interesting piece the other day referencing the media in general and Stahl's interview in particular. the gist of the article was this:

as far as the media is concerned, every GOP President is Nixon and every GOP administration is watergate. the media's first obligation to to take out a sitting Republican President by any means necessary. they really believe this. and i cannot disagree.


WOW the lying POS "pastor" james is REALLY WORRIED !!!

I saw he had a whole string of his political_lire posts last night and he's back already with a shitload more.

What a fucking idiot. And a plagiarized single-source one.

Has he figured out that the Nobel Peace Prize nominations are for 2021 yet ???


Well he also keeps clinging to his polls like 2016

anonymous said...


BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! That's about as impressive as fucked up endorsing the fat ass white man in the WH!!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess F'n Daddy would like for us to look at the latest Betting Odds:

anonymous said...

a is concerned, every GOP President is Nixon and every GOP administration is watergate

And trump lowered the bar even lower asshole!!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Jack Posobiec

The Hunter laptop is the biggest story in the country and we aren’t allowed to talk about it

Well the pedophile porn staring Hunter on it is sweeping the internet even though possessing it is a crime and so is accessing it. Guess suppressing that part is a good thing.

Except for the democrat pedophiles who want to see it.



Remso W. Martinez (Parler: @remso)

Twitter right now dealing with #HunterBidensLaptop situation.



Gordon Chang: China Likely Has Compromising Material to Blackmail Joe Biden

Wonder what kind of things that could be ???



Anonymous said...

The crisis comes from the greatest source of the monies involved. Hunter Biden and the Bidens received millions from the Ukraine, millions from Russia, and millions even from Iraq. But they received more than $1 billion from our greatest enemy, Communist China.
China isn't just another country. It isn't our ally, our friend, or even our "competitor." It is a nation that has vowed to replace America as the most powerful nation in the world. It has declared its plan to do so under its "Belt and Road Initiative," and it has even revealed the unconventional forms of attack and subversion it is using to do so under the banner of "Unrestricted Warfare."

Now, the government of our most strategically significant adversary is on the cusp of potentially seeing a man who they have essentially "bought" take the White House, a man whose family has been enriched with blood money generated by a regime that still maintains labor camps and where the one-party system crushes or "disappears" anyone who dissents.

As such, the presidential candidacy of Joseph Robinette Biden represents the gravest of national security threats to the United States of America.

anonymous said...

A must read especially Lil Schitty on why the WSJ due diligence shot down the Hunter BULLSHIT story.....something even in his altered state of mind he can understand why even the FBI after 10 months has produced less guano than Lil Schitty prayed for!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gordon Chang: China Likely Has Compromising Material to Blackmail Joe Biden

hell yeah. mountains of compromising info.

if Biden wins, china owns his ass on inauguration day and every day thereafter.

anonymous said...

US Voter.....Putin probably has something compromising about trump!!!!! Cry me a yellow river.......>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Isn't Joe trending downwared on the Real Clear Politics aggregates for the Top Battleground States?


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

We still don't know what Putin has on Trump.



WASHINGTON ( - A whistleblower is claiming there are multiple videos on Hunter Biden's laptop showing him raping and torturing underage Chinese girls, and that the Chinese Communist Party is using these videos as blackmail against Democrat presidential contender Joe Biden.

DingGang Wang, a member of Miles Guo's team, which has worked with Steve Bannon and Rudy Giuliani for many months, said in a Sept. 24 broadcast for Lude Media — two weeks before the New York Post bombshell — that he has reviewed the contents of a laptop owned by Hunter Biden.

"So what about Hunter Biden? Sex tapes, pedo tapes, one by one — Hunter Biden," said Wang. "Extremely disturbing and obscene ..."

Indicating extreme abuse, he continued, "Not treating the Chinese as human beings."

Much more credible than any golden shower Russia 2016 "leaks"

Very disturbing for normal Americans at the least.

James said...

no comment.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Meanwhile Hillary and a coterie of Democratic pedophiliacs are torturing and cannabalizing children.


Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

We still don't know what Putin has on Trump.

mueller does. weissman does. comey does. brennan does. clapper does.
schiff most certainly does.


slap that knee, pederast. slap that knee.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Georgia’s Legacy of Voter Suppression Drives Turnout
8:49 am
“Almost every Black Georgia voter queuing up at the polls has a story about 2018,” Politico reports.

“Most waited for hours in lines that wrapped around their voting locations. Some were removed from the voter rolls arbitrarily, forcing them to fill out confusing provisional ballots on Election Day. Others stayed home altogether and — after watching Democrat Stacey Abrams lose the gubernatorial race by fewer than 60,000 votes — regretted that decision.

“Now, voter enthusiasm among all races is at an all-time high in one of the most consequential battleground states in the country. So is voter anxiety.”

Suppressing the Black vote in 2018 is biting you in the bohunkus now, GOP. And Kamala is gettin' 'em to the polls.


last night...

Sean Parnell

US House candidate, PA-17


Tonight we scored a huge victory in federal court regarding the 29k incorrect ballots sent in Western PA. The election here in #PA17 will be free & fair thanks to our lawsuit.

An order from a federal judge will be forthcoming tomorrow.


Nevada fraud appears out of control, Pennsylvania has other issuers but a good step.


* issues

(like in the lying POS "pastor" james)

Anonymous said...

— after watching Democrat Stacey Abrams lose the gubernatorial race by fewer than 60,000 votes —

lose? LOSE???

she didn't lose. just ask her.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“Systemic racism is when it’s easier to vote in space than it is to vote in a Black or Latino neighborhood on Earth.”
— Virginia congressional candidate Qasim Rashid observing astronaut Kate Rubins casting her vote from the International Space Station this weekend.


Trump Falsely Blames Rising Infections on Testing

President Trump once again falsely claimed that coronavirus infection numbers are rising because of the high level of testing.

Daniel Dale:
“While the number of daily tests has indeed been rising, there is no doubt there has been an increase in the actual spread of the virus, not just that more cases are being captured. One telltale sign is that hospitalizations are also rising, setting records in some states. Also, the percentage of US tests coming back positive has also been rising since late September. And deaths have started to rise again, too, after the usual lag following the spike in cases.”




Democrats created the Russia hoax, then investigated their own creation.

Think about that.

And the most TDS affected still cling to it.

Immoral frauds as they are.

Anonymous said...

btw pederast, tank abrams was invited to participate in the DNC governor's forum.


delusions run deep within the democrat party.


Abigail Marone

It's 8 days until the election and Joe Biden has NO public events scheduled.

Not a real important election for him.

Nancy must have sent some gourmet vanilla ices cream to the basement.

And he can listen to his phonograph in peace and quiet.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


It's true that Trump never said the virus was a hoax.

He said that the Democrats warning that it was very, very dangerous was a hoax.

Anonymous said...

It's 8 days until the election and Joe Biden has NO public events scheduled.

his newest nickname is "Joe Lid"



btw pederast, tank abrams was invited to participate in the DNC governor's forum.


delusions run deep within the democrat party.

just look at the lying POS "pastor" james himself.

He supports pedophile pornography.

And calls himself a "pastor"


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A very long time ago Dr. Antony Fauci warned that if any nation opened up too quickly in an attempt to help their economy, it could not only hurt their health, but eventually be even more harmful to their economy as well, because they would be forced to shut back down.

He was dead right, as we are now experiencing all over our land and throughout the world.

Trump was dead wrong.


Hunter raping Chinese underage girls ???

No wonder the MSM refuses to look at the laptop

They'd have to report on it



Donald Trump Jr.


Keep a zombie out of the White House!


(NOT video of Hunter raping underage Chinese girls.)


Raheem Kassam

There’s now a lot of digital activity that suggests the Biden camp knows what’s on the drive and what a lot of it implies in the medium to long term.

Endless investigations.

Folks are locking their accounts.

But I thought it was russian disinformation ???

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cowardly F'n, you just put your legal name and address on any accusation that I am or ever have been a pederast or a pedophile or supported child or any other kind of pornography, and I will see you in court, LOL.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

PS How much are you worth? I could dedicate it all to the Democratic Party.

anonymous said...

There is a tremendous amount of BULLSHIT information that Kassam and fucked up are spreading.....FBI has laptop for 10 months.....wonder why they have never charged anyone??????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hope for Vote on Virus Relief Fades
9:11 am
“The three months of squabbling over a new round of virus relief moved no closer to a resolution over the weekend, all but extinguishing the prospects of a stimulus bill being written, voted on, and signed into law by President Trump before the election,” Bloomberg reports.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she’s waiting for another counteroffer Monday from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, as she and White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows accused each other of ‘moving the goalposts’ in negotiations.”

Trump is BEGGING the GOP to agree to something, to help him with the vote, but the Senate is telling him, "Why should we? You're toast anyway."


James said...
Cowardly F'n, you just put your legal name and address on any accusation that I am or ever have been a pederast or a pedophile or supported child or any other kind of pornography, and I will see you in court, LOL.

James Boswell
Normal, Illinois.

Sue me, but I really thought you were supporting Biden.

anonymous said...

7 days until the trump promised vaccine is available.......wonder when it will really appear?????????


Bill O'Reilly

Lesley Stahl on 60 Minutes says President Trump’s accusation that his campaign was “spied on” is unverified. The Inspector General in the Justice Department reported a pattern of unethical federal behavior in surveilling the Trump campaign. That’s verification.

anonymous said...

Gee, fucked up has the amount of ballz trump has.....NONE!!!!!!!!!! wimp assed trumpite.....all action!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Bill O Reilly as usual full of shit!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Your last desperate attempt to change the covid problem the country and trump has!!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Caliphate4vr said...

Virginia congressional candidate Qasim Rashid observing astronaut Kate Rubins casting her vote from the International Space Station this weekend.

Did he say that in blackface makeup? This is VA


Trump War Room

James Clapper said last year that what the Obama Administration did to the Trump campaign "meets the dictionary definition of SPYING"


Was he lying then or is he lying now?

He lies like he is a "pastor"


anonymous said...

Did he say that in blackface makeup?

You can never take the racism out of a southern big mouth drunk......>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sue me.

Just provide me with your legal name and address attached to a clear accusation and and I will. I really, gladly will.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...



WOW !!!

President Trump Job Approval

Rasmussen Reports

Approve 52, Disapprove 46 Approve +6

MUCH BETTER than in 2016 !!!

explains all the faux yawning and hair on fire desperation.

Guess Biden is going to be Hillary 2.0


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




Liz Peek: Biden's very bad week shakes up race against Trump

We will soon know whether the 2020 campaign went on one week too long for candidate Joe Biden

Welcome to the final week of one of the most vengeful and acrimonious elections in our country’s history. Very soon we will know whether Establishment Elites have succeeded in defeating a president who broke some glass in order to make our country great again.

We will also know whether the campaign went on one week too long for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

New revelations that Biden apparently lied when he claimed no knowledge of his son Hunter’s shady business dealings in China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and elsewhere and that the candidate may in fact have been entangled in those activities, has rocked the campaign.

Biden said recently: “Our characters are on the ballot; look at us closely.” Perhaps he should add: “But not too closely.”



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Rasmussen in context:

outlier. yawn.


Found Hunters laptop videos and pictures yet ???

Or are you saving them for a "special" occasion like Toobin ???

anonymous said...

Fucked up still peddling fucked up fake news......,.BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!


Rasmussen Reports

Trending: Trump tops Biden, 48%-47%, at 52% approval

I thought Rasmussen correctly had Hillary slightly ahead in 2016 (like she ended) with the popular vote.

Now they gave Biden behind in 2020 ???

Who has the momentum? We could ask Joe but he's in his basement.


* have