Monday, October 26, 2020

Senator Collins will be the only Republican to vote against Barrett

Will this be the end of Susan Collins?

Collins made a tough vote for Kavanaugh, but won't do it for Barrett

I find it almost impossible to believe that Senator Collins believes she will help herself by voting against Amy Coney Barrett today. However this started off, Coney Barrett has now gained approval of the majority of Americans, including a majority of the Independent voters that Collins would need to secure her reelection. Not sure how bucking what your constituents (or voters in this case) wants will help you win an election.

Perhaps she is too far behind to be worried about reelection and figures this is another chance to prove herself to be a "maverick" who doesn't vote strict party lines. Sort of a legacy thing. Of course, there is another word for a maverick Senator.... and that would be "ex-Senator". Outside of Joe Manchin and possibly Collins, there are very few "independent" Senators left on either side. The idea of maintaining your independence is a forgotten art and not one that is rewarded much (if ever).

Either way, it looks like Barrett will be confirmed and sworn in before the election, thus eliminating the possibilities of anymore 4-4 USSC decisions moving forward. This might be important, if the election proves closer than most anticipate.


Anonymous said...

it's a last ditch effort to keep a seat she probably loses. she needs to retire anyway and Maine's ranked choice voting is essentially a death sentence for her career.


I haven't heard her public comment (if any) but I would suspect she comes out and says she is strongly for Barrett but against the process that was used.

She knows her state and that may appeal there but I agree with you, although she wouldn't have lasted as long as she has without being politically savvy.

Still any Senator who votes against Barrett is really just playing politics and politicizing the supreme court.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

She was done before

Anonymous said...

She is a coward, vote her out.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CH: Will this be the end of Susan Collins?

JAMES: I hope so.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Down the line, voting for Barrett will hurt a lot of Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Which many open minded free thinking Socialist Democrats will vote for Amy Barrett.

They tell us they are the likeness embodied, they tell us they are inclusive and bring us all together, so vote like it.

Anonymous said...

James, why is the lock step Liberals not hurt by the same "down the line" voting?

Anonymous said...

Claim: Kamala Harris failed the bar exam on her first attempt, while Amy Coney Barrett graduated at the top of her law school class

Claimed by: Social media user

Fact check by USA Today: True

C.H. Truth said...

According to Politico polling, only 28% say that the Senate should not confirm her.


One has to be curious as to why the Reverend believes it will hurt Republicans who follow the majority, but not hurt the Democrats who will side with the small minority.

But I am sure that the Reverend, as he always does will simply duck the question by either asking a different question in return, or changing the subject with some cut and pasting that everyone (but him) will ignore.

Caliphate4vr said...

Donald Trump’s lonely victory in the Middle East
The US president has trampled over the conventional wisdom of the whole foreign policy establishment

Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan, an old adage says. An exception is the peace agreement among Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, likely to be followed by several other Arab states. Added to this is Kosovo’s decision to move its embassy to Jerusalem in the context of normalized relations with Israel, the first Muslim-majority country to do so.

America’s boisterous president trampled over the conventional wisdom of the whole foreign policy establishment in the United States as well as Europe, and in both the “left” and “right” wings of American policymaking.

The Europeans and most of the Democratic Party insisted that a resolution of the Palestinian statehood issue was a precondition for peace, while the Bush-McCain-Romney wing of the Republican party insisted that American influence required massive military deployment in the region.

How wrong they were, and how right Trump was. The neo-conservative, interventionist wing of the Republican Party has been wrong-footed as much as his Democratic opponents.

When Trump announced the withdrawal of the tiny contingent of American troops in Syria in September 2019, a paroxysm of protest went through the Republican foreign policy Establishment. Defense Secretary James Mattis resigned shortly afterwards.

Mark Dubowitz of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies called Trump’s decision “a complete debacle.” The Hudson Institute’s Michael Doran, a former National Security Council official, declared that Washington had no choice but to back Turkey in Syria. Michael Makovsky of the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs complained that “Israel now faces more pressure and threats from Iran.”

But Trump did not lean on Turkey. Nor did he leave the field open to Iran. On the contrary: He let Russia contain Turkey’s ambitions in Syria by containing the Sunni jihadists backed by Ankara. That was a courageous thing to do in the midst of a witch-hunt against supposed “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia, a charge concocted out of thin air by Trump’s political opponents.

As Trump told a September 3 campaign rally, “If I get along with Russia, is that a good thing or a bad thing?” To get US troops out of the Middle East, there is no choice but to get along with Russia. One might mention China as well. I will return to that issue later.

American backing for Sunni jihadists during the Syrian Civil War required Russia to intervene in 2015. A top Israeli security official told me of a conversation with Putin in which the Russian leader explained that Syria had become a magnet for Russian Muslim jihadists from the Caucasus, such that Russian security demanded a solution to the conflict.

Both the George W Bush Administration under Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and the Obama Administration under Hillary Clinton and her European chief Victoria Nuland wanted to cut Putin off at the knees. Putin responded by deploying Russian fighter aircraft and ground troops in Syria.

Anonymous said...

Obama/Biden had 8 lost years, got nothing positively done in the Middle East.

Pres. Trump has.

Anonymous said...

Socialist Democrats "Gas Jews"
"A Jewish family was left traumatized after their car was attacked with pepper-spray by counter-protesters as a “Jews for Trump” caravan rolled through New York City on Sunday.

The caravan of some 1,000 vehicles proceeded from various points in the city and suburbs to Marine Park in Brooklyn..."

Anonymous said...

"One has to be curious as to why the Reverend believes it will hurt Republicans who follow the majority, but not hurt the Democrats who will side with the small minority." CHT


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump’s lonely victory in the Middle East
The US president has trampled over the conventional wisdom of the whole foreign policy establishment

great piece. and for the coup de grace, i give you the lurch:

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I just now saw this:

One has to be curious as to why the Reverend believes it will hurt Republicans who follow the majority, but not hurt the Democrats who will side with the small minority.

You know good and well that the main reason Barrett has been nominated is to cast a vote against freedom of choice by overturning Roe vs. Wade, which you once said you favored.
The MAJORITY of Americans do not believe the government, at either the state or the local level, should interfere with a woman having the right to make this difficult choice.

So farther along, this could hurt the Republicans.

Now, tell me where I am wrong in saying this.

Caliphate4vr said...

i give you the lurch:

2 days after Lurch’s statement Israel agrees to send $5 in wheat to Sudan

This is why so many top generals are against Trump he doesn’t want us wasting blood and money in the ME. They want their never ending wars. I wonder where Cindy “the bitch in the ditch” Sheehan is?

Anonymous said...

You know good and well that the main reason Barrett has been nominated is to cast a vote against freedom of choice by overturning Roe vs. Wade, which you once said you favored.

if only there was a case before the court that challenged roe.

The MAJORITY of Americans do not believe the government, at either the state or the local level, should interfere with a woman having the right to make this difficult choice.

actually pederast, abortion polls about 50-50 and has for quite some time.

honest Americans, regardless of their opinion on roe will acknowledge that it has no constitutional basis, and was created out of whole cloth.

you seem quite overzealous with this practice which finds its roots in eugenics.

Caliphate4vr said...

Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project is probably a big hit with the Alky as well

Anonymous said...

One has to be curious as to why the Reverend believes it will hurt Republicans who follow the majority, but not hurt the Democrats who will side with the small minority."

James, answer the question.

You haven't yet.

Anonymous said...

Biden is cancelling public appearances, to many Trump voters flooding them.

Anonymous said...

Let's take Slow Joe at his word, he said he is running against Bush.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project is probably a big hit

The racism from the mouth of the south indicative of his roots of hatred.....

anonymous said...

pederast, abortion polls about 50-5

The lying fucker rat continues making shit up 70% or so think Roe should remain !!!!! You really should look shit up before posting crap and looking like an abject dumb fuck that you always are!!!!!!! Asshole like trump!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

11:19 is answered at 10:28

I asked Ch to tell me where I'm wrong in what I said there.

He hasn't.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rrb (self named republican rat bastard) SAYS

actually pederast, abortion polls about 50-50

and has for quite some time

Reminder: The Majority of Americans Support Abortion Access

It’s not just Democrats either: A strong majority of independents and a plurality of Republicans say they want to keep Roe v. Wade around.

Anonymous said...

James, why is the lock step Liberals not hurt by the same "down the line" voting?