Thursday, October 1, 2020

State of the Race approximately 30 days out

Debate one is in the books with a mixed result that conventional wisdom states didn't push the needle much (if any) one way or the other. I am willing to defer to conventional wisdom on the unconventional debate, since I don't really believe anyone knows for sure what to make of that shit show.

After adding in some additional factors into my spreadsheet (accounting for undecideds and projecting some sort of break to them) the numbers are still showing Joe Biden with a lead about about 4.6 percent. This has been rather consistent even as the polling has moved up and down, which is how this went during 2016 as well.

In 2016, Clinton maintained a lead on my spreadsheet between 2-3 points throughout the last several weeks of the election, even as that election polling swung back and forth like a pendulum that went out of control.

The major difference (as mentioned before) is with Independents. In 2016, Trump won independents by about 4 percent and the average polling did reflect a Trump lead in that demographic. In 2020, Biden is maintaining about a 4-6 point lead with Independent, which is being driven largely by a group of pollsters showing him with a massive leads that are approaching 20 points. As of right now, there are only two pollsters (from the 14 pollsters in my average) that show Trump leading with Independents. In 2016, pollsters were more split on who was winning Independents, with Trump having an advantage. 

From every objective standpoint, there is little reason to question a tangible and significant Biden polling lead in general, even if there might be ever reason to question the size of some of those leads. There is no question that he is up (at least) in the 4-5 point range right now, and given the consistency of my spreadsheet in 2016, there is little reason to believe that this will move all that much. I don't really believe that millions of people shift their vote every other week (as polling often suggests). I believe much of that is statistical noise that reflects things other than people actually changing their mind about who they will vote for. 

While I appreciate that the national polling got closer towards the end of 2016 race, and large Hillary leads appeared to just vanish into thin air, none of that really affected my polling spreadsheet. While the top lines were changing dramatically, the general underlying demographic breakdowns only moved marginally down the stretch. This caused my spreadsheet to sort of "settle in" at the lower end of the range at right around 2.2 percent (Hillary won by 2.1).  

What does this mean? 

Well it means that the most likely scenario in my mind is that Biden will win the popular vote by somewhere between four and five points, which almost certainly pushes him over the top in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, that Trump won (unexpectedly) in 2016. This would turn Florida and Ohio into toss up status, and likely put some other states Trump won in 2016 into play. Trump would be drawing to the proverbial inside straight as it were, and the card he needs might have been been already mucked. 

So there is no doubt that Trump is (by all accounts) the underdog at this point and probably needs something to happen within the next thirty days to change this. While most of you will not completely understand the hows and whys of what I am doing, what I can tell you is that even if there is a significant shift in top line polling towards Trump down the stretch, it may not really shift the race that much based on my spreadsheet.

If you put a gun to my head, I would say that polling will "settle" in at the end (as it always does) and you will see more consistency along the lines of a 4-6 point Biden lead in your RCP and other Polling averages. My spreadsheet might settle down in the lower edge of the range as it did in 2016. But that will still mean that Biden will beat Hillary's popular vote percentage win by approximately double and put him on track to win the Electoral College vote. 

Is there any hope for Trump?

The only thing that makes me doubt that Biden is actually rolling along towards a comfortable victory (other than my personal disbelief that people would vote for him) is that some of the most accurate state pollsters from 2016 have remained consistent outliers so far in 2020. 

In other words, the same pollsters that picked up on the closeness of the 2016 race in states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan and others (when everyone else had giant Clinton leads) are also showing better results for Trump in these same battleground states in 2020. That doesn't necessarily change the idea that Biden is polling better than Clinton on a national front nor does it change the overall dynamics that much. But it does provide for the very distinct possibility that all of these state polls showing Trump well behind are just as inaccurate as they were in 2016. 

I've long maintained that it's possible that Biden could win the popular vote my a larger margin than Clinton did in 2016, and still lose the electoral college vote. So perhaps a three point Biden popular vote win in 2020 garners him the same electoral college results as the two point Clinton popular vote did in 2020. So we shouldn't discount the changing of certain demographics still being in play and I would offer that Biden supporters should not feel too comfortable with any national popular vote polling lead that drops below five points.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another version of the state of the race approximately 30 days out as Iowa is just this morning declared leaning toward Biden,
making it

BIDEN 379 vs Trump 159

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A lot of Republicans feared Trump’s conduct would inevitably make the election a referendum on him and inflict carnage on other GOP candidates with voting groups already deeply distrustful of the party: women, moderates, suburban voters and people of color.

On MSNBC live the poll geek showed that Trump's support among non college educated men has fallen to 5% margin from 12% in 2016.

I wish I had my laptop and use Excel.

But Scott take a look at the white suburban women who have chosen to believe Biden. His tweets are not helpful.

Trump's debate didn't help him with the undecided voters.

I think that the popular vote margin is going to higher than you think.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The electoral college map looks a lot better than you think.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Re: 9:49

No, I don't think Biden's eventual win will be THAT much, but I do think Trump is in such deep, deep electoral trouble that it seems nearly impossible for him to surmount it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Iowa, Ohio and Georgia are available to Biden

Unless there is another October surprise, landslide is very likely

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Could very well be, actually.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"There is no joy in mudville."


You may be right but I don't buy your premise that the polling will "remain" about where it's at. I think substantial numbers of minorities and others will switch to Trump for the same reason the BET president just inferred, it's better to vote for the devil you know than the one you don't.

I also think the constant flow of document dumps implicating the Obama administration as crooked and dems as lying will get traction. As will the Supreme Court fight putting ugly dem tactics on display.

And people will demand Biden take a stand on the biggest issue of where he stands on court packing and filibuster.

And people will look at Harris who so far has remained in the shadow and won't like what they see.

Finally there is enthusiasm and no democrats are enthused about Biden. Many are just anti-Trump and will simply ignore voting unless there is a local issue they are interested in. Trump had very enthusiastic followers versus lukewarm in 2016.

But Biden does have FAKE NEWS and Big Tech and their billionaire owners putting their thumbs on the scale. May be our last chance to save America from becoming the next Valenzuela. So I hope you are wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

RCP Average 9/17 - 9/30 49.7 43.1 Biden +6.6
YouGov 9/27 - 9/30 50 42 Biden +8
Reuters 9/25 - 9/29 51 42 Biden +9
Rasmussen 9/23 - 9/29 51 43 Biden +8
Monmouth* 9/24 - 9/27 50 45 Biden +5
JTN/RMG* 9/24 - 9/26 51 45 Biden +6
USC 9/17 - 9/30 51 43 Biden +8
The Hill 9/22 - 9/25 45 40 Biden +5
NYT/Siena 9/22 - 9/24 49 41 Biden +8
Harris 9/22 - 9/24 47 45 Biden +2
Emerson 9/22 - 9/23 48 44 Biden +4
ABC/WP 9/21 - 9/24 54 44 Biden +10


Eddie Zipperer

In the 2012 VP debate, Biden interrupted Paul Ryan 82 times, made faces the entire time, and dropped a steady stream of insults on Ryan. The media LOVED it.

In 2020, he came out and tried to use the same tactic on Trump.


And you can see the huge decline in Biden from then to now.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

People like this troll is an example of Russian intervention into the election cycle.

False accusations that try to discredit the election cycle

This fool should be banned from Thecoldheartedtruth

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

F'n finally starts talking like someone with some sense now that the gravity of the situation is hitting him.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

One thing you didn't mention is that the President is running for a second term, not an election between two non Presidential candidates.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I made that last post in reference to 10:04 and before I saw 10:08.

F'n is back at it.


Eddie Zipperer

Of course, it was all fun and games when Biden brought us this style of debate in 2012. Here's how SNL saw it:

just a smidgen of difference...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

People like this troll is an example of Russian intervention into the election cycle.

False accusations that try to discredit the election cycle

This fool should be banned from Thecoldheartedtruth

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

People like this troll is an example of Russian intervention into the election cycle.

False accusations that try to discredit the election cycle

This fool should be banned from Thecoldheartedtruth


Scott Adams

In a week, the only thing the general public will remember about the debate is that Trump dominated Biden in a bullshit contest.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

For my money, Trump could have made all the faces he wanted to, just as long as he DIDN'T INTERRUPT, according to the rules agreed on.



Why is Joe Biden obsessed with white supremacy?

It's freaking 2020.

He misses his racist friends he eulogized.

Apparently so does racist roger

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Trump dominated Biden."

Not what the polls are saying.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why is Joe Biden obsessed with white supremacy?

1) It's wrong.
2) The GOP has a candidate running on it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Did Scott get his talking points from the President?

WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News.

In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."

Another set of talking points distributed to Homeland Security officials said the media were incorrectly labeling the group Patriot Prayer as racists after clashes erupted between the group and protesters in Portland, Oregon.

It is unclear whether any of the talking points originated at the White House or within Homeland Security's own press office.

NBC News

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden raised $21.5 million dollars yesterday!



Wow Joe, how do you explain this?

“Richard Spencer Reiterates Support for Biden, Disavows 'Useless' and 'Traitorous' GOP”

Racists stick together

cc: racist roger


James Woods

Joe Biden’s friend and mentor, #KKK leader Robert Byrd. He even eulogized this racist piece of garbage at his funeral. No reasonable person can vote for Joe Biden based on this personal history with a Klan leader. It can no longer be swept under the rug. Period. Answer, Joe!


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Super PAC Moves to Rescue Graham
[He's been on FOX begging for money.]

“A Republican super PAC is preparing a massive ad blitz in South Carolina, hoping to boost Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) in a re-election campaign that has become unexpectedly competitive despite the state’s rightward lean,” McClatchy reports.

“Senate Leadership Fund plans to spend $10 million over three weeks starting Saturday on TV and radio ads in the state, an enormous late push into the state the group’s leader says is reflective of the massive spending disparity between Graham and his Democratic opponent, Jaime Harrison.”


It's not just all money. Jaime Harrison happens to be a black man. And a Democrat. And anti-Trump.


Katie Pavlich

As soon as @JHoganGidley started bringing up Joe Biden’s real record with actual white supremacists and a KKK member, who Biden praised and worked with, Berman tried to cut him off.

J. Hogan Gidley

"Do you have any idea, John, what an 'Exalted Cyclops of the KKK' is?

Because Joe Biden sure does.

He spoke at a funeral for one and PRAISED HIM PROFUSELY."


Everything dems accurse you of they have actually done themselves


* accuse


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

AS I POINTED OUT EARLIER (from a different source):

New Forecast Pushes Biden Over 270 Electoral Votes

Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball moves four states towards the Democrats in their forecast, pushing Joe Biden over the 270 electoral votes he needs to win the presidency.

“Trailing nationally and in more than 270 electoral votes’ worth of states, Donald Trump needed more help from Tuesday night’s debate than Joe Biden did. We don’t think Trump did help himself, and it is possible that he actually made his path to a second term harder by demonstrating the poor behavior that seems to turn off so many voters.

“Trump’s performance was so outrageous that it made us ponder whether we should make him a significantly bigger underdog in our ratings than he already has been.”

Good News! Chariot's a-comin'!


GOP Super PAC Moves to Rescue Graham
October 1, 2020 at 10:53 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

the lying POS "pastor" james keeps worshipping his GODdard.


and is too afraid to even credit him.

What a fucking coward


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Joe Biden for president. McChrystal famously mocked Biden in a controversial interview in 2010.

McChrystal was one of the nation's most senior military commanders, leading the Joint Special Operations Command under President George W. Bush and briefly serving as head of the the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan under President Barack Obama.

He spoke to MSNBC's Morning Joe on Thursday morning and offered his endorsement of the Democratic presidential candidate. He also discussed the famous interview.

McChrystal said Biden as president "would surround himself with an effective team of good people."

"I think he would set a tone in which he brings out the best of people," he said.

Not one of the people who have worked for the President have endorsed him in the election,

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another Poll Suggests Biden Won First Debate

A new Morning Consult poll finds those who watched the first presidential debate think Joe Biden did a better job than Donald Trump by 50% to 34%.

Just 37% of voters who watched the debate said Trump is a good debater, down 10 points from a poll taken just before the moderated discussion.

Meanwhile, Trump tweets:
“I won the debate big, based on compilation of polls etc. Thank you!“



New Forecast Pushes Biden Over 270 Electoral Votes
October 1, 2020 at 11:19 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

It just keeps coming to the POS "pastor" from his GODdard

Amazing how he worships at that altar


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McChrystal Endorses Biden

Retired four-star General Stanley McChrystal told MSNBC that he supports Joe Biden for president, saying the former vice president is “someone that you can trust.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Many Americans endorse that.
So that could mean,
in whom does God trust?
In Trump?
In Biden?


Barrett Publicly Supported Anti-Abortion Group
October 1, 2020 at 10:21 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Another Poll Suggests Biden Won First Debate
October 1, 2020 at 11:28 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

It's a fucking GODdard spam avalanche

won't even try to keep up with the lying POS "pastor"


hide your kids when he stops spamming


McChrystal Endorses Biden
October 1, 2020 at 10:40 am EDT By Taegan Goddard


at least the kids are still safe

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

New Battleground State Polls

From ALG Research:
Biden 48%, Trump 46%
Biden 50%, Trump 44%

From Data for Progress:
Biden 50%, Trump 46%

From American Research Group:
Biden 53%, Trump 44%


Go Trump

Here we go again. C-SPANS Steve Sculley, who will moderate the next debate, interned for then Senator Biden as a college student and he worked on Senator Ted Kennedy's re-election campaign in 1980.

Are there ever republicans that moderate these debates?

Actually I think this helps Trump by showing how biased the media actually is


New Battleground State Polls
October 1, 2020 at 10:07 am EDT By Taegan Goddard


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
“The night of the debate, you saw what keeps me up at night.”
— Speaker Nancy Pelosi, quoted by Politico.

You'll be sleeping a lot better, Nancy, as the polls keep improving and improving. ;-)


Dash Riprock Flag of United States

Joe Biden is a proven racist.

Trump is a fictional racist, courtesy of the MSM.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, the President just tweeted this

I won the debate big, based on compilation of polls etc. Thank you!

He's delusional



Quote of the Day
October 1, 2020 at 11:07 am EDT By Taegan Goddard

Amazing how mind control works on braindead dems.

You can see it here on display !!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar, but--

McEnany Falsely Claims Barrett Is a Rhodes Scholar

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany incorrectly claimed that Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is a Rhodes Scholar at her briefing.

When a reporter challenger her on that, she initially shot back: “Well, that’s what I have written down.”

McEnany eventually admitted Barrett is actually a graduate of Rhodes College in Tennessee.



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A new poll finds President Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden statistically tied in South Carolina, which has not gone for the Democratic nominee in more than 40 years.

The Quinnipiac poll found Trump at 48 percent and Biden at 47 percent among likely voters in South Carolina, down from the president's 6-point advantage in the same poll from two weeks ago.

The survey from Quinnipiac University also finds Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) tied with Democrat Jaime Harrison in a race that could have enormous consequences for which party controls the Senate next year.

"There hasn't been a Democrat elected to the Senate from South Carolina since 1998," said Quinnipiac University pollster Tim Malloy. "Outspent and labeled by critics as an apologist for President Trump, Lindsey Graham is facing the fight of his political life."

anonymous said...

It's a fucking GODdard spam avalanche

Mr fucking twitter calling the kettle black!!!! B WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Stupid even in your world!!!!!!!


James Woods

Out of 325,530 votes

Telemundo gave Trump a slightly lower margin than CSPAN

BOTH show Trump winning BIG as did movement on Rasmussen.

Haven't checked FAKE NEWS


WATCH: @HerschelWalker says it was “strange” Trump was asked to denounce white supremacy since he’s denounced it many times.

“When people start calling the president of the United States a racist, a man that I’ve known for 37 years, I’m gonna get involved...He’s not a racist.”


wait till the old white men here tell you to shut up and get back on your plantation

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany incorrectly claimed that Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett is a Rhodes Scholar at her briefing.

When a reporter challenger her on that, she initially shot back: “Well, that’s what I have written down.”

McEnany eventually admitted Barrett is actually a graduate of Rhodes College in Tennessee.

Bill Clinton is a Rhodes scholar.

Trump had a friend take his SAT! He's a stable genius. his own mind.

The troll is a f**** idiot

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Amy Coney Barrett Signed Letter Urging End of ‘Barbaric’ Roe v. Wade


The letter may be in line with conservative thinking.
But it could complicate her Supreme Court fight.

Sam Stein
Politics Editor Updated Oct. 01, 2020 10:57AM ET

Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett signed a letter in 2006 that included a call for the end of Roe v. Wade, denouncing the seminal court decision that provided a legal right to abortion as “barbaric.”

The letter came in the form of an advertisement from the anti-choice group St Joseph County Right to Life which was based in South Bend, Indiana.

“The Supreme Court’s 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion for any reason,” the ad read. “It’s time to put an end to the barbaric legacy of Roe v. Wade and restore laws that protect the lives of unborn children.”

At the time of the ad, Barrett worked as a law professor at the University of Notre Dame. The views expressed in the letter reflect the thinking of a vast majority of conservatives and many Catholics. But they present potential political problems for Barrett now that she is President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court.

Trump, on Tuesday night, tried to downplay the notion that Barrett’s confirmation could result in the overturning of Roe, saying that there was no way to know that abortion rights could be impacted by her taking the seat of the recently deceased Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


The letter from St Joseph County Right to Life was first reported by The Guardian, which reported that the group also believes that “discarding of unused or frozen embryos created in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process ought to be criminalized.”

Coming to Barrett’s defense, Ramesh Pannuru, a writer for the National Review, argued that she only signed on to one-half of the letter—the part that called for ending “abortion on demand’—and not the adjoining page, which called Roe “barbaric.” Both sides were run in the paper by St Joseph County Right to Life.


Anonymous said...

McEnany eventually admitted Barrett is actually a graduate of Rhodes College in Tennessee.

Bill Clinton is a Rhodes scholar.

Clinton = lost his law license.

Barrett = headed to the USSC.





Linda Suhler, PhD

Wow! Sleepy Joe tried to play slick games with the wrong man when he approached the President of Brazil with a “deal.” He got taken to the woodshed...


Anonymous said...

the left:

"Amy Coney Barrett's First Amendment rights must be suspended immediately!!!"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McEnany Won’t Denounce White Supremacy

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany declined to denounce white supremacy on behalf of President Trump at her press briefing.


Ned Ryun

A real moderator would have turned to @JoeBiden and asked, Did you suggest using the Logan Act to target General Flynn?

VIDEO of Biden squirming when Trump accused him:

his face gave him away though

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Donald Trump claimed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden "will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp,"

Trump won't condemn white supremacist, because he is a white supremacist.

Anonymous said...


the Proud Boys white supremacist group (LOL) admits BLACKS!


Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

President Donald Trump claimed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden "will turn Minnesota into a refugee camp,"

A week after Minneapolis officials dismantled a large homeless site at Powderhorn Park, officials cleared another encampment on the city’s South Side on Wednesday.

As police looked on, residents broke down their tents and crisscrossed the encampment on a city-owned lot at E. 26th Street, between S. 15th and 14th avenues, with pushcarts piled high with clothes, pillows and other belongings. A group of social service providers and volunteers were also on the scene to provide assistance. City workers hung back for a while, before moving in to clear trash with a small front-loader.,health%20concerns%2C%20on%20July%2020.&text=It%20was%20the%20latest%20encampment,executive%20order%20passed%20by%20Gov.


James said...

Thanks "pastor".

We all know where to look to see what you are going to "think" even if you are too scared to provide that yourself.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Video of McEnany squirming?
(Maybe she did denounce it, but why the run around?)

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden calls former KKK member Robert Byrd a friend, mentor & guide





rrb said...


the Proud Boys white supremacist group (LOL) admits BLACKS!


the old white racists here won't like that.

And they HATE any blacks who actually know Trump that say Trump isn't a racist.

they just believe the FAKE NEWS narrative

Anonymous said...

Biden lid: 11:23 AM this morning.


long day burning the mid-morning oil!


nappy time.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here's an update just for Ch and for F'n
(since they both earlier emphasized how important the betting odds are):

latest betting odds that Biden beats Trump or that Trump beats Biden:

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My Uncle Lynn Amick fought fascism in WWII, and died in combat in Italy. Was he antifa?

Absolutely true!


Steph PhilipHerb

“We’ve got to stop calling these gaffes...
stop calling these ‘insensitive statements’...
They’re racist, & it’s exposing Joe Biden’s long history.

starting to be a lot of people standing up for Trump and denouncing Biden

Maybe he doesn't OWN blacks anymore

anonymous said...

32K airline workers out in the great trump economy......Airline traffic down 72% Any one think that will improve soon and the travel industry will get better before Covid is under control like trump says will happen??????



“Proud Boy member in Portland:

“They (PB) believe in God, freedom & the Constitution... That’s what I believe in & why I’m a member.”


old racist white dems here - Sit down boy, shut-up and go back to the democrat plantation you belong on. Biden OWNS you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

anonymous said...

Anonymous JAMES'S FUCKING DADDY said...
Steph PhilipHerb

Consummate spam artist fucked up posting more gibberish from the POS twitter his life revolves around......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!


Damani Felder

If people actually paid attention, they'd know that the Proud Boys are MORE diverse than BLM & Antifa, groups overwhelmingly made up of narcissistic virtue-signaling white liberals.

Joe don't know, wonder why he shouted out their name ???

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Joe Biden’s most surprising, and possibly important, answer of the debate
by Ezra Klein
President Donald Trump’s performance at the first debate was bizarre, cruel, and at times, truly dangerous. For all those reasons, it probably had the net effect of making it likelier that Joe Biden wins the presidency — that’s certainly what the betting markets thought, and what the snap polls suggest — and Democrats take back the Senate. So it’s worth noting a particularly surprising and consequential answer Biden gave early on Tuesday night, one that may shape the course of his presidency.

Throughout the debate, Trump demanded Biden decry things he has already decried, or disavow policies he has already disavowed. And Biden did so eagerly. Asked to say “law and order,” he said it. Challenged to speak positively of law enforcement, he did. Pushed to denounce violent protesters, he called for their prosecution. Attacked for his plans to defund the police, pass a $100 trillion Green New Deal, and abolish private insurance, Biden said he opposed all of those ideas. “He just lost the left,” Trump muttered angrily.

Which made it all the more notable that when moderator Chris Wallace asked Biden to “tell the American people tonight whether or not you will support either ending the filibuster or packing the court,” Biden refused. “Whatever position I take on that, that will become the issue,” he replied.

On the merits, this is a dodge. Those are consequential questions of governance, and Biden is running for president. His views are supposed to become flashpoints in the election.

But in the context of all the sharp positions Biden did take, both for and against controversial policies, it was telling. Biden could have dismissed both ideas. At another time, he doubtlessly would have dismissed both ideas. That he refused to do so now reflects how far he’s moved, how far he believes his party has moved, or both.

Biden’s answers track what you’re hearing from moderate Senate Democrats these days. The conservative National Review, for instance, has been trying to get moderate Democrats on the record on both issues, and finding that the voices who were once reliable opponents to these ideas are increasingly leaving the door ajar.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Asked about filibuster reform, for instance, Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), once a strong opponent, said, “I still support the filibuster, but, like I said, we’ll see what happens with the other side. Who knows what’s going to happen?”

Asked about court-packing, Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) said, “I think we’ve got to wait to get through the election.”

Biden’s refusal to foreclose his options for making ambitious legislative governance possible again, both by returning to a Senate where a simple majority can pass legislation and to a Supreme Court balanced between liberal and conservative justices, reflects a sea change occurring among Senate Democrats more broadly. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has disabused even moderate Democrats of their more hopeful notions of how governance might work, and there’s a growing recognition that polarized parties can no longer furnish the bipartisan coalitions necessary to pass even modest legislative agendas. Democrats face a choice between their agenda or the Senate’s current rulebook, and increasingly, they know it.

The question shadowing Biden’s campaign is whether his oft-voiced nostalgia for the Senate that was will render him paralyzed by the Senate that is; whether he will be too attached to a past era in American politics to make the decisions necessary to govern well in this one. Early in the campaign, I was reasonably sure it would. I’m less so now.

IOW, we have now reached such an impasse in governing, that it may be incumbent on the Democrats finally to take some severe positions they would prefer not to have to take. But the GOP, in its callous unprincipled actions, may have pushed them to it.

Biden was smart to refuse to answer.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That last should be rich reading for Ch. He at least still displays a few signs of intelligence.



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another way of putting it might be: You Republicans better reconsider this rush to confirm this Supreme Court Justice, for a lot of reasons.

Anonymous said...

Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.

- Joe Biden


Anonymous said...

question -

is an injury caused by knee slapping covered by 0linsky-care?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Law and Order isn't working.


A big majority of likely voters in South Carolina (71 percent) think they will vote in person on Election Day, while 25 percent say they will vote early by mail or absentee ballot.


Harrison receives higher scores than Graham when it comes to honesty, empathy, and likely voters' overall opinions about the candidates.

Likely voters give Harrison a positive favorability rating, 48 - 35 percent, while Graham's favorability rating is negative, 51 - 43 percent.

When it comes to honesty, likely voters say Harrison is honest 51 - 25 percent, with 24 percent saying they don't know. For Graham, likely voters say 50 - 40 percent that he is not honest.

Harrison gets another positive score on whether or not he cares about average people, as likely voters say he does, 59 - 25 percent. Graham gets another negative score on whether or not he cares about average people, with 50 percent saying he does not and 44 percent saying that he does.

Twenty-one percent of voters name the economy as the most important issue in deciding who to vote for in the Senate race, and 20 percent say law and order.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Jack Murphy

Joe Biden been running a country with systemic racism for 47 years.

Never mentioned it until now.

well he did call blacks "predators" so he was just fitting in to the world as he saw it.


Comfortably Smug

Joe Biden will defund the police and make your children dance like Cuties

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let me get this straight Republicans have the time to rush through a scotus nomination but yet they don't have time to pass a stimulus package that would actually help millions of hurting Americans.

Because they don't care about the average income people

Anonymous said...

Blogger James said...

Another way of putting it might be: You Republicans better reconsider this rush to confirm this Supreme Court Justice, for a lot of reasons.

here's why we will absolutely make sure she gets confirmed pederast -

if Trump wins we get 4 more years, and if he loses we get a drooling retard and a cum dumpster whore...

but with Barrett we get 30+ years of her on the USSC. the significance of that cannot be overstated.

confirming Barrett forces you clowns to pass your agenda via legislation. your path to using the court to do your dirty work is blocked for perhaps a generation.

now THAT is knee slapping fucking FUNNY!


The Progressive Left Is Becoming Blatantly Racist

By and large, conservatives have taken a nuanced approach to the progressive attempt to redefine racism. This new definition crafted over the past few decades, mainly in the academy, states that racism is not a question of animosity or feelings of superiority towards a racial group but rather a matter of privilege and systems. Under this rubric racism is not about individual actions, but rather support for “systems of oppression.”

But there is a key difference in the way that the left and the right have engaged in this dialogue. Progressives have no trouble at all saying that people who reject their newspeak version of racism are in fact racist. Up until now conservatives have largely resisted reaching the logical conclusion of their definition of racism, which is essentially discrimination based on skin color. That has to change now. The blatant racial bigotry of the left must be called out. It is no longer an esoteric academic debate; it is a crisis that threatens to tear the country apart. continues

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight Republicans have the time to rush through a scotus nomination but yet they don't have time to pass a stimulus package that would actually help millions of hurting Americans.

pay attention, fuckstick. it's your denture sucking cunt peloshee who's blocking it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


C.H. Truth said...

pay attention, fuckstick. it's your denture sucking cunt peloshee who's blocking it.

It's one of those deals where the GOP holds the Presidency and the Senate. The two most powerful portions of our Government, while Democrats hold on chamber of Congress.

But people believe that the President and Senate should bow to the House to get this done?

If this was reversed, everyone would be blaming a Republican House.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Off topic.

The legal team for 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse has called him a member of the “militia” and a “minuteman,” referring to the patriot forces that fought the British at Lexington and Concord in 1775. This terminology, though archaic, is fairly common in gun circles, with more and more radicals acting as if the U.S. Constitution deputized them to form paramilitaries.

In the case of Rittenhouse, before he allegedly shot three protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, with an AR-15-type rifle on the last Tuesday of August, he was reportedly patrolling the city streets with members of the radical Boogaloo Bois militia.

We need to step back from this militia nonsense. These private paramilitaries are illegal and should be treated as such by the authorities.

The FBI Wray should have them arrested for treason.

rrb loves people who kill non whites!


Paul Sperry

"Will you shut up, man!"

"Keep yapping, man"



"this clown"

"You're the worst president that America's ever had!"

So much for Biden being the "decent" & "honorable" candidate in the race. His handlers are worried Trump's gonna bait him into even worse crudity.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Law and Order isn't working.

Twenty-one percent of voters name the economy as the most important issue in deciding who to vote for in the Senate race, and 20 percent say law and order.

law and order is NOT working yet it IS statistically TIED with the economy in the poll you cite.

pro tip alky -

read the shit you copy/paste BEFORE you copy/paste it.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Proud Boys remark echoes Charlottesville
The Associated Press
Oct 1st 2020 11:26AM

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Wednesday tried to walk back his refusal to outright condemn a far right fascist group during his debate with Democrat Joe Biden, but the inflammatory moment was far from the first time the president has failed to denounce white supremacists or has advanced racist ideas.

Trump's initial refusal to criticize the Proud Boys — instead saying the group should “stand back and stand by” — drew fierce blowback before he altered his message in a day-later effort to quell the firestorm.

“I don’t know who Proud Boys are. But whoever they are they have to stand down, let law enforcement do their work,” Trump told reporters as he left the White House for a campaign stop in Minnesota.

The new flareup over Trump's messaging on race was playing out just weeks before the election, leaving the president to play defense on yet another issue when he’s already facing criticism of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and under new scrutiny over his taxes.

And even after saying the Proud Boys should “stand down,” Trump went on to call out forces on the other end of the political spectrum and tried to attack Biden. It was an echo of the way he had blamed “both sides” for the 2017 violence between white supremacists and anti-racist protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia.

“Now antifa is a real problem,” Trump said. “The problem is on the left. And Biden refuses to talk about it.”

In fact, FBI Director Christopher Wray told a congressional panel last week that it was white supremacists and anti-government extremists who have been responsible for most of the recent deadly attacks by extremist groups in the U.S.

Proud Boys leaders and supporters took to social media to celebrate the president’s comments at the debate, with more than 5,000 of the group’s members posting “Stand Back” and “Stand By” above and below the group’s logo.

And when Trump was directly asked Wednesday if he “would welcome white supremacist support,” he ignored the question and again stressed the need for “law and order.”

Trump built his political career on the back of the racist lie of birtherism — the false claim that Barack Obama was not born in the United States — and his business and political lives have long featured racial rhetoric and inflammatory actions. The president has rarely condemned white supremacists when not pressed to do so, and his refusal to criticize the fascist group was denounced by Democrats on Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

rrb loves people who kill non whites!


everyone Kyle Rittenhouse shot was WHITE.





Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, if President Hillary Clinton had the same situation, with a Democratic majority Senate and a Republican majority house, you would be posting 500 word diatribes!

Hypocrisy squared again and again Scott

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


“My message to the Proud Boys and every other white supremacist group is cease and desist,” Biden said during a post-debate train tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania. “That’s not who we are. That’s not who we are as Americans.”

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer pressed his Republican colleagues: “How are you not embarrassed that President Trump represents your party? How can you possibly, possibly, support anyone who behaves this way?”

In an ugly debate marked by angry interruptions and bitter asides, Trump’s remarks about the Proud Boys stood out. He was asked by moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News if he would “be willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia groups” and demand that they “stand down” and not add to the violence that has erupted in places like Portland, Oregon, and Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The president said “sure,” but did not offer any actual words of condemnation, instead pivoting to blame the violence on left-wing radicals like antifa supporters. When pushed by Wallace, Trump asked for the name of a group to condemn — and Biden suggested Proud Boys.

“Proud Boys, stand back and stand by,” Trump said.

Few Republicans publicly commented upon the president’s remarks and fewer still criticized them.

GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy insisted Trump did agree when asked if he would condemn the groups, and the California Republican sought to equate the white nationalist groups and the KKK with extremists like antifa.

GOP Sen. Mike Rounds, R-S.D., went only so far as to say, “I was hoping for more clarity."

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, the only Black Republican in the Senate, said he believed Trump “misspoke."

“He should correct it,” Scott added. "If he doesn’t correct it I guess he didn’t misspeak.”


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You can't analyze anything because you don't have the ability!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They opposed the President, so that's legal in your minuscule brain.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Biden called Trump a “racist” during the debate. It's a charge that has dogged Trump since his early days as a developer, when he called for the death penalty for the Central Park Five — a group of Black men accused of rape but later cleared — and when he fought charges of bias against Black people seeking to rent at his family-owned apartment complexes.

He became a star in the Republican field after promoting the racist idea that Obama wasn't born in the U.S. And earlier this year, he briefly wondered if Biden running mate Sen. Kamala Harris, whose mother was Indian and father is Jamaican, was eligible to serve as vice president.

There have been any number of other troublesome moments in recent years:

In his first moments as a presidential candidate, Trump suggested Mexicans were “rapists.” He proposed temporarily banning Muslims from the United States. He retweeted posts from accounts that appeared to have ties to white nationalist groups. He was slow to reject the endorsement of former KKK leader David Duke. And, perhaps most notably, he blamed “both sides” for the violence in Charlottesville that left an anti-racist demonstrator dead.

The debate left some Black Americans dismayed.

“I think he has continued to embolden white supremacists," said Anne Susen, a 60-year-old out-of-work antiques dealer who lives just outside Charlottesville. “He just wants to sow the seeds of division in this country.”

Tori Silver, 22, said there was “no excuse” for Trump not immediately disavowing white supremacist groups.

“It’s kind of like, wow, what is that saying to me as a Black man?” Silver said outside the Albemarle County, Virginia, office where he voted early Wednesday for Biden.

Proud Boys members are ardent Trump supporters known for their violent confrontations with antifascists and other ideological opponents at protests, often drawing the largest crowds in the Pacific Northwest. Members have been spotted at various Trump rallies, including earlier this month in Nevada.

In 2018, police arrested several Proud Boys members and associates who brawled with antifascists after the group’s founder, Gavin McInnes, delivered a speech at New York’s Metropolitan Republican Club.

McInnes, who co-founded Vice Media, has described the group as a politically incorrect men’s club for “Western chauvinists” and denies affiliations with far-right extremist groups that overtly espouse racist and anti-Semitic views. McInnes sued the Southern Poverty Law Center last year, claiming it defamed him when it designated the Proud Boys as a “hate group.”

In response to the federal suit, which is still pending in Alabama, the law center said McInnes has acknowledged an “overlap” between the Proud Boys and white nationalist groups. “Indeed, Proud Boys members have posted social media pictures of themselves with prominent Holocaust deniers, white nationalists, and known neo-Nazis,” law center lawyers wrote in a court filing.



Kunzelman reported from College Park, Md. Lemire reported from New York. Additional reporting by AP writers Will Weissert in Alliance, Ohio, Gillian Flaccus in Portland, Ore., Sarah Rankin in Charlottesville, Va. and Lisa Mascaro and Darlene Superville in Washington.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

#FT and his whole damned administration. Vote him out, then fire anyone who is not automatically out of a job during admin changes.

"Internal document shows Trump officials were told to make comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse

In prepping DHS officials for questions about Rittenhouse, the document suggests they say he took a gun to Kenosha "to help defend small business owners."

Four former Homeland Security officials, two of whom worked for Republican administrations, said it was unusual for law enforcement officials to be instructed to weigh in on a case involving a particular group or individual before investigations had concluded."

Caliphate4vr said...

pay attention, fuckstick. it's your denture sucking cunt peloshee who's blocking it.

That was insult to compare Booger McFarland to the Alky

Anonymous said...

"Internal document shows Trump officials were told to make comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse

written by senior white house officials close to the president who have requested anonymity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vladimir Putin is drinking wine in celebration because the President has never imposed sanctions on Russia

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny used his first interview since recovering from a suspected poisoning by a Novichok nerve agent to say he believes Vladimir Putin is responsible for the attack that left him fighting for his life.

Speaking to German newspaper Der Spiegel in an interview published on Thursday, Navalny said: "I believe that Putin is behind the crime, and I see no other version of the crime. I am not saying this to flatter myself, but on the basis of fact. The most important fact is Novichok. The order to use or produce it can only come from two men - the head of the [Federal Security Service] FSB or of the foreign intelligence service SWR.” Those men “cannot make such a decision without Putin's instruction,” he said.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov was quick to deny the “insulting” accusations, describing them as “baseless and unacceptable.” He also claimed that specialists from the CIA were now working with Navalny, an anti-corruption campaigner and one of Putin's fiercest critics inside of Russia.

MORE: Russian opposition leader suspected of being poisoned, slowly recovering

Navalny fell ill on a flight in Siberia on August 20 and, after initially being treated in Russia, was flown to Berlin a few days later where German doctors confirmed he had been poisoned by a Novichok nerve agent. The Russian government and doctors treating him at first denied there was any evidence of poisoning. Navalny spent weeks in an induced coma before recovering.

“I think they were determined not to let me leave the country, and that's why they publicly declared that I was not fit for transport,” Navalny said when asked why he was allowed to leave Russia for treatment if Putin was behind the attack. “They were waiting for me to die. But thanks to the support for me and thanks to the efforts of my wife, the whole thing threatened to turn into a kind of reality show called ‘Nawalny dies in Omsk.’”

Navalny thanked German Chancellor Angela Merkel, as well as the staff at the University Hospital of Berlin for saving his life, and says he is now able to exercise and carry out limited work on the computer.

FILE PHOTO: Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny delivers a speech during a rally to demand the release of jailed protesters, who were detained during opposition demonstrations for fair elections, in Moscow,

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Alexei Navalny delivers a speech during a rally to demand the release of jailed protesters, who were detained during opposition demonstrations for fair elections, in Moscow, Russia September 29,
MORE: Navalny's team says nerve agent used to poison him found on hotel room water bottle

“Not returning [to Russia] would mean that Putin had achieved his goal,” he said. “And my task now is to remain the guy who is not afraid. And I am not afraid! If my hands tremble, it is not from fear, but from this stuff. I will not give Putin the gift of not returning to Russia."

Novichok is the name of a series of nerve agents developed by scientists in the Soviet Union, and development of the Novichok program continued after the USSR collapsed. In the interview, Navalny described the use of the nerve agent as like “dropping a nuclear bomb on a person.”

MORE: What is Novichok, the nerve agent used to poison Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny?

The poisoning of Navalny bears many similarities to an attack on former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the U.K. in 2018, when they were poisoned in the town of Salisbury. Officially, however, the Russian government have repeatedly denied the existence of the Novichok series of nerve agents.

Several countries in the EU are now reportedly weighing up new sanctions on Russia in the aftermath of the attack. But as he faces a long road to recover himself, Navalny admits that "nobody really knows" what the long term effects of the poisoning on his health will be.

"I'm something of a guinea pig. There aren't that many people you can watch living after being poisoned with a nerve agent ... the Russian leadership has developed such a penchant for poisoning that it will not stop so soon."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Brave, brave man. Stands up to Putin; something that our president is afraid to do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

McMaster Says Trump Is ‘Aiding and Abetting’ Putin

Former national security adviser H.R. McMaster said that President Trump is “aiding and abetting” Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to sow doubt about the American electoral system, Politico reports.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If she is confirmed by the Senate, eventually birth control pills would be illegal.

Amy Coney Barrett, the Trump administration’s supreme court nominee, publicly supported an organization in 2006 that has said life begins at fertilization. It has also said that the discarding of unused or frozen embryos created in the in vitro fertilization (IVF) process ought to be criminalized, a view that is considered to be extreme even within the anti-abortion movement.

The revelation is likely to lead to new questions about how Barrett’s personal views on abortion may not only shape reproductive rights in the US for decades to come if she is confirmed by the Senate, but how her appointment could affect legal rights for women undergoing fertility treatment, as well as their doctors.

Religious group scrubs all references to Amy Coney Barrett from its website
In 2006, while Barrett worked as a law professor at Notre Dame, she was one of hundreds of people who signed a full-page newspaper advertisement sponsored by St Joseph County Right to Life, an extreme anti-choice group located in the city of South Bend, which is in the region know as Michiana.

Even in the case of incest and rape all abortions would be available.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You believe that the reporters make up the story to get dirt on the President.

You don't understand how the Constitution works for the country!

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You believe that the reporters make up the story to get dirt on the President.

every fucking day, alky.

You don't understand how the Constitution works for the country!

sure i do. it allows the press to lie every fucking minute of every fucking day with impunity.

but it also allows me to dismiss what they report out of hand. it does not provide the press with the power to force me to believe their LIES.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is winning the voter registration battle against Biden in key states
It may not be enough to erase the former VP's polling lead but could boost the president if the race tightens.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You believe that they are traitors and liars.

Idiot squared

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

You believe that they are traitors and liars.

very, very few are traitors, but most are liars.

as someone who clings to an ideology that relies upon lying to forward their agenda, i can see your dismay with folks like me alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

South Dakota Covid Map and Case Count
By The New York Times
Updated October 1, 2020, 12:41 P.M. E.T.

Cases 22,389 392

anonymous said...

as someone who clings to an ideology that relies upon lying to forward their agenda,

Hey asshole.....I thought you supported trump and his antics.....Obviously you miss spoke......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!