Sunday, October 25, 2020

Too little, too late?

FBI continues investigation into Bidens by scheduling interview with Tony Bobulinski 

The FBI has agreed to interview former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski, Bobulinski's lawyers told the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which released a statement Friday.
The FBI has asked Bobulinski, who went on the record Thursday to accuse former Vice President Joe Biden of lying about his involvement with his son's business dealings, to turn over copies of his phones, according to the committee.
The FBI declined to comment "in keeping with our standard practice of neither confirming nor denying the existence of an investigation." A senior administration official told Fox News that Bobulinski or his lawyers reached out to the FBI about a meeting, not the other way around.

It's sort of amazing that the FBI is investigating the actual Democratic Presidential candidate and his family for possible international criminal behavior (because the FBI doesn't investigate non-crimes) and we have literally heard nothing about it.

Not that there is something "wrong" about this behavior, it's just that we are so used to the corrupt nature of our Federal law enforcement and intelligence community as it pertained to leaking to the media and even publicly making comments that they probably should not be making. 

In an objective non-political world, there would have been no need to ever know that either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton were under investigation during the last election cycle. After several months of investigating Clinton and several years of investigating Trump, the wide girth of our intelligence community failed to bring charges against either. 

As stated before, our constitution protects people from having law enforcement make public attacks or allegations against citizens who have not been charged with any crimes. You cannot (for instance) investigate John Doe for possible tax evasion, find nothing, but then hold a press conference as tell every one that while Mr. Doe did not break any tax laws, they found porn sites in his cookies and his private email suggests he might be having an affair on his wife. The only place you are allowed to make allegations publicly is in court and they have to in regards to provable crimes. 

The trouble here is the double standard. There is no question that if the shoe was on the other foot and it was Trump being investigated, that the NYT, WaPo, Politico, and others would have stories (based no-doubt on anonymous sources) that would have been dominating the news over the past few weeks. But since it is Biden, and everyone seems to be protecting him, we have heard nothing and will likely hear next to nothing until sometime after the election.


Commonsense said...

That would be by design.

Anonymous said...

That would be by design.

precisely. wray is going through the motions, in slow motion.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, you are getting nervous about the President and the election.

IMO, is that if the Rudy Giuliani allegations were credible, they would put it on the front page of the Washington Post and New York times.

You also believe that the FBI is a deep state conspiracy plot to defeat the evil Orange Monster.

That's how dictators have worked, discredit the institutions and claim that the media is an enemy of the country.

Anonymous said...

They had the laptop and associated info since 2019.

Anonymous said...


the alky's psychological projection never takes a day off.

Anonymous said...

Joe can't hide.

C.H. Truth said...

IMO, is that if the Rudy Giuliani allegations were credible, they would put it on the front page of the Washington Post and New York times.

Is anyone gullible enough to really believe this?

I mean how many stories did the Washington Post and New York Times put on the front page over Trump Russia collusion. Yet after three years plus, not a shred of criminal evidence was found by any of of five different investigations.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds?

everyone seems to be protecting him, we have heard nothing and will likely hear next to nothing until sometime after the election.

To conduct a conspiracy, it would take hundreds of people working together on a political coup against the sitting President???

If the Giuliani bullshit was credible it would be seen on far more credible sources, than an obscure blog post and Breitbart news and PJ media.

You really should step back and look at yourself and see if you are really thoughtful!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Talking point!!!



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The last couple weeks I have been watching the campaigns.

Trump knows that he's going to lose the election. It's obvious that he's not listening to his advisers. Because he thinks that he is the only person who knows what to do.

Biden has made it clear that he will be the President for everyone, whether you voted against him and will work with the Republicans and get over the worst medical crisis in a century.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fact that the early voting rates are far much higher than in history, may mean that a higher percentage of the younger generation voters are not happy about the President. His unwillingness to listen to scientists and his chaotic behavior may get them out to vote blue wave Tsunamis

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More evidence that he will not accept a peaceful transfer of power. His Facebook page

Pennsylvania Ballot “mistakes” made, in my opinion, on purpose by the Democrat Governor, puts Republicans, in particular Sean Parnell, at great risk. Corrupt politics in Pennsylvania must be investigated immediately. By the way, Philadelphia is out of control. The United States Department of Justice

He is trying to force Barr to investigate the allegations of voter fraud

Anonymous said...

PA requires NO signature and NO postmark.

i could drive to PA right now, open the first phone book i see, select ANY name and address in the book and cast a ballot using that person's name.

Trump is absolutely correct in pointing this out.

btw alky, will the new black panthers be manning the entrances to the polling places in philly with clubs and bats like they did for 0linsky in '08?

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The last couple weeks I have been watching the campaigns.

Trump knows that he's going to lose the election.

that's right alky.

biden draws a dozen while Trump draws 100,000.

proof positive that a Trump loss is guaran-fucking-teed.


several decades of non-stop, black-out drunk alcohol abuse has reduced your cognitive abilities to that of a 7 year old.

C.H. Truth said...


Are you drunk or have you not gotten it through your thick old man skull that the FBI and intelligence (not PJ Media, or Brietbart) are the ones confirming that they have the laptop, that the Bidens are under investigation, and that this is not either "fake news" or "Russian disinformation".

The FBI has confirmed. The Director of National intelligence on national television not only confirmed it, but states publicly that there is no evidence that the laptop (or any part of the story) is Russian disinformation.

It's actually happening.


That doesn't cease to exist simply because the NY Times or WaPo won't cover the story or make any sort of attempts to get more information.

As neither you or the Reverend, or the idiot Denny seem to understand. The FBI is not allowed to publicly comment on ongoing investigations. That doesn't mean that the media is immune from comment... but that "IS" the way it's being treated.


Because NYT and WaPo understand that to idiot liberals, what official sources say makes no difference if they don't cover it. And they also understand that any "anonymous source story" that they decide to toss out, will be immediately seen as true by the same liberal idiots who follow the LSM.

Anonymous said...

Biden has made it clear that he will be the President for everyone

which is exactly why he referred to the Trump supporters who showed up at his rally as "CHUMPS."


Anonymous said...

Because NYT and WaPo understand that to idiot liberals, what official sources say makes no difference if they don't cover it. And they also understand that any "anonymous source story" that they decide to toss out, will be immediately seen as true by the same liberal idiots who follow the LSM.

Here’s a clip from the interview that CNBC didn’t post on its Twitter feed. It’s only a minute and seventeen seconds … watch for the first minute as co-anchor Andrew Ross Sorkin tries to lecture Cotton on the “quote-unquote” Hunter Biden news, how news organizations aren’t ignoring it but investigating it (they aren’t — NPR specifically said it wouldn’t waste its listeners’ time reporting it), and how the Wall Street Journal exonerated Joe Biden of any wrongdoing (it didn’t). Then, exalt in Cotton dropping the bomb.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Do you believe anything Rudy Giuliani says?

He drinks too much and he does stuff for the President.

C.H. Truth said...

Democrats are still reeling from 2016 where they felt that James Comey announcement regarding the Clinton emails cost her the election.

To be fair, James Comey had no business making that statement any more than he had previously had businesses holding a Press Conference to tell the world that "no reasonable prosecutor" would charge her for her obvious crimes.

The excuse by Comey was that if he held back the information and it came out after the election that he would get heat for not providing it to the public, even though it was in complete violation of FBI protocol to publicly comment on ongoing investigations.

Comey believed himself to be something much larger than just an Director of the FBI. That was clear with the way he took it upon himself to make his relationship with the President something personal and by using the resources of his office to go after him.

Had Comey just shut up about all of it... as he should have. Then we wouldn't have spent all that time worried about emails and collusion. James Comey might still be Director and the FBI reputation would still be intact.

So in order to bend over backwards... the media is pretending that the Biden investigation is a big "nothing burger" apparently because nobody is leaking information that they want to print.

I would bet my house that both the NYT and WaPo have sources with information about this investigation that will not see the light of day before the election. They believe that is "fair" because of how 2016 went down.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are the one who needs help.

A conspiracy of that proposition would have leaks from inside the conspiracy.

You have signs of early alzheimers

C.H. Truth said...

Do you believe anything Rudy Giuliani says?

I don't care what Rudy Giuliani says, Roger.

I care what the Director of National Intelligence and FBI spokespeople say.

They both say that there is an FBI investigation going on, that the FBI has the Biden laptop, and that the stories are not "Russian disinformation".

Do you suddenly not believe anyone in our intelligence community anymore?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have signs of early alzheimers

I'm laughing at you

A concealed conspiracy of this dimension is impossible.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Do you believe anything Rudy Giuliani says?

one does not need to heed a single word coming out of rudy's mouth to understand that the biden's - all of them - are up to Slow Joe's hairplugz in corruption and payoffs from both china and ukraine.

giuliani has become a bit of a pain in the ass, and only has value to the left, as you have exhibited here alky.

"But Giuliani..." is a diversion.

the shit found on the laptop is authentic. so authentic that hunter's lawyer requested in writing that it be returned.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You just contradict yourself.

Do you suddenly not believe anyone in our intelligence community anymore?

You chose to believe that Comey was a conspiracists when the President fired him.

But you trust them now.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The scope of the conspiracy is getting bigger!!!��������������������

I would bet my house that both the NYT and WaPo have sources with information about this investigation that will not see the light of day before the election. They believe that is "fair" because of how 2016 went down.

Time for some football games

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, Ch, if the FBI has credible information that Joe Biden did something really wrong, would they not feel compelled to reveal that rather than run the risk of seeming even more political than Trump has tried to make them seem.

And if Giuliani or anyone else had a viable October surprise they thought would really work, why did they wait till this late date to try to spring it?

It all sounds like Trump desperation to me. A Trump attempted last ditch Hail Mary throw.

Anonymous said...

You chose to believe that Comey was a conspiracists when the President fired him.

But you trust them now.

comey was as dirty a dirty cop that ever walked the earth.

and alky, i don't "trust" the FBI as far as i could throw a city bus. but radcliffe has confirmed that the FBI is in possession of hunter's laptop and are investigating its contents.

there's no leap of faith required to believe those two details.

regarding "trust," i do not "trust" the FBI to do anything with what they find except bury it. there could be verifiable snuff films on that laptop showing hunter murdering several hookers and nothing will come from that at all.

all that's required for tis 'conspiracy' as you call it to perpetuate is for the media to remain silent and change the subject. they control the narrative and they know it, and this doesn't see the light of day unless they let it.

the MSM is the steno pool for the DNC.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Getting back to reality:

Conservative Newspaper Backs Biden
11:25 am
The conservative New Hampshire Union Leader endorsed Joe Biden for president:

"Building this country up sits squarely within the skill set of Joseph Biden.

"We have found Mr. Biden to be a caring, compassionate and professional public servant.

"He has repeatedly expressed his desire to be a president for all of America, and we take him at his word.

"Joe Biden may not be the president we want, but in 2020 he is the president we desperately need.

"He will be a president to bring people together and right the ship of state.”

In other words, right the ship of state that Trump is so imperiling.

Anonymous said...

Well, Ch, if the FBI has credible information that Joe Biden did something really wrong, would they not feel compelled to reveal that rather than run the risk of seeming even more political than Trump has tried to make them seem.


the shoe is now squarely on the other foot, pederast.

credible information that Trump colluded with Russia - zero

credible information that Gen Flynn did anything illegal - admittedly zero by the FBI.

so if the FBI can brazenly investigate and accuse and basically try to frame those who did nothing illegal, it stands to reason that they would just as brazenly bury evidence against a political ally who DID do something illegal.

Anonymous said...

The last one ran by Obama/Biden/Hillary
took 8 of the leadership.

To conduct a conspiracy, it would take hundreds of people working together on a political coup against the sitting President?"Alky

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, who do you choose to believe?

U.S. intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani was the target of an influence operation by Russian intelligence, according to four former officials familiar with the matter.

The warnings were based on multiple sources, including intercepted communications, that showed Giuliani was interacting with people tied to Russian intelligence during a December 2019 trip to Ukraine, where he was gathering information that he thought would expose corrupt acts by former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

You have chosen to believe that Giuliani and the Harddrive be, instead of thinking that the Russians are trying to discredit our election system. Why????








The conspiracy to impeach the President.





Myballs said...

Roger. Most of us know someone struggling with Alzheimer's. Your petulant use of the debilitating disease is classless. Piss off you prick.

Anonymous said...

Trump Winning.

"China has substantially increased purchases of U.S. farm goods and implemented 50 of 57 technical commitments aimed at lowering structural barriers to U.S. imports since the two nations signed a trade deal in January, the U.S. government said on Friday.

In a joint statement, the U.S. Trade Representative's (USTR) office and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) said China had bought over $23 billion in U.S. agricultural goods to date, or about 71% of the target set under the so-called Phase 1 deal."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Alkylache, of spam.

Always comes after he losses yet another debate.

C.H. Truth said...

Once again...

I regret thinking it's ever a good idea to engage in dialogue with any of the three stooges. Because it's like talking to a rock.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why Trump Is Going to Deep Red Districts
New York Times:
“In this final sprint of the campaign, Mr. Trump is now holding up to three rallies a day to try to ‘juice’ his base, in the words of advisers, as he bleeds support among the suburban voters who helped fuel his victory in 2016. His trip to this bedrock Trump county, and to Wisconsin and Ohio suburbs and exurbs on Saturday where his once-solid support is sliding, reflect his need to energize as much of his base as he can since many swing voters are now behind former Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and there are few undecided voters left.

“Mr. Trump’s appearance in this town of 77,000 on Wednesday night —
where he referred to President Barack Obama by his middle name, ‘Hussein,’
and claimed, inaccurately, that the virus was ‘rounding the corner’ —
was not intended to win back the suburban women voters who have drifted away from him over the past four years. That is a hill too steep to climb at this point, in this state: Some internal polls show Mr. Trump trailing Mr. Biden by double digits in the suburbs.

"The rally’s purpose, campaign aides said, was to activate his base.

"There was the added practical matter of simply securing a friendly venue in the middle of a pandemic that would allow him to hold a mass gathering for more than 20,000 fans.”
No matter how many of them may contract the same Covid that
careless Trump contracted.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Unlike you. I have had several mental exams since the liver transplant and I don't have alzheimers

Anonymous said...

U.S. intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani was the target of an influence operation by Russian intelligence, according to four former officials familiar with the matter.

ok, let's amuse ourselves for a moment and take your anonymously sourced bullshit at face value.

one question -

why has Giuliani NOT been indicted and arrested for said crimes?

Gen Flynn did NOTHING illegal and he was ruined. why not Rudy?

Myballs said...

Trump spent yesterday on OH and WI. Deep red?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I accept your surrender!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Well, rat, if the FBI is actually protecting Biden, maybe it's because someone with intelligence in the FBI has determined to act against even Barr and Trump and protect Biden FOR THE SAKE OF THE NATION.

Think that might be the case?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He went to Ohio because he is in danger

C.H. Truth said...

I mean seriously...

The story we are commenting on is a public and open admission that the FBI is interviewing Tony Bobulinski as confirmed by Bobulinski's attorney and the Homeland Security Committee.... in regards to the ongoing Biden investigation.

And Roger and the Reverend feel that this is not evidence that an investigation is going on... because there are no NYT or WaPo stories regarding "anonymous sources".

You simply cannot argue with this sort of stupid.

It's a level of stupid way beyond my capabilities of dealing with it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James, have you seen that when we destroyed Scott asshole, he says that we are brick walls he can't destroy???

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Desperate Trump Team Bets on Local Coverage
12:41 pm
“The cash-hungry Trump campaign has turned to a cheaper strategy to try to remain on the airwaves, flooding TV and radio through local media bookings and back-to-back-to-back rallies.

“But the gambit has been challenged by a trail of negative headlines that have followed the president:

articles about rallies that eschew pandemic guidelines,

news of people sickened by coronavirus afterward,

spats with local officials that dominate regional coverage before and after a visit.”
Poor, poor pitiful Trump campaign.

GOP Senators are saying, "Look out for yourself. That's what we're trying to do, no thanks to you."

Myballs said...

He Was In OH and WI because they're swing states dumb fuck. Meanwhile Biden has to srnd obama into Philadelphia.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the FBI finds solid evidence of criminal activity in regards to Joe Biden and his son Tucker Biden, I will believe it.

But if they find zero evidence, you will say that they are trying to get the Orange monster!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If this was to be Trump's October surprise, Ch, he shouldn't have waited this long to have unveiled it.

This time the FBI isn't going to allow itself to be used that way right before an election.

Happened last time, they ruefully admit.

Not this time!

(I mean, if this really is what is going on, of which I am not sure.)

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden knows that if he doesn't win in Pennsylvania he can't get the electoral votes to win.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the FBI finds solid evidence of criminal activity in regards to Joe Biden and his son Tucker Biden, I will believe it.

But if they find zero evidence, you will say that they are trying to get the Orange monster!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

11:23 am
White House chief of staff Mark Meadows was interviewed on CNN by Jake Tapper:

MEADOWS: So, here’s what we have to do. We’re not going to control the pandemic. We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigation areas.

TAPPER: Why aren’t we going to get control of the pandemic?

MEADOWS: Because it is a contagious virus. Just like the flu, it’s contagious.

TAPPER: Yes, but why not make efforts to contain it?

MEADOWS: Well, we are making efforts to contain it.

Anthony Scaramucci:
“Mark Meadows just got destroyed on CNN by Jake Tapper. So much so that Trump had someone call into the control room and pull him. Hard to see a guy that once had integrity lie like that.”

Health Agency Halts Coronavirus Ad Campaign
11:01 am
“A federal health agency halted a public-service coronavirus advertising campaign funded by $250 million in taxpayer money after it offered a special vaccine deal to an unusual set of essential workers:
Santa Claus performers.

“As part of the plan, a top Trump administration official wanted the Santa performers to promote the benefits of a Covid-19 vaccination and, in exchange, offered them early vaccine access ahead of the general public, according to audio recordings. Those who perform as Mrs. Claus and elves also would have been included.”

Those poor elves!

Isn't it encouraging that this set of incompetents are soon going to get thrown out of office?

New Battleground State Polls

From University of Texas at Tyler:
Biden 48%, Trump 45%

From CBS News:
Biden 50%, Trump 48%
Biden 49%, Trump 49%
Biden 51%, Trump 47%

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You didn't notice that Hillary Clinton didn't claim that the FBI story on her emails, a week before the election day, that probably lead to her defeat was a giant conspiracy against her??????

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden knows that if he doesn't win in Pennsylvania he can't get the electoral votes to win.

Actually, Roger, PA is indeed important.

But Biden could still win without it if he gets, in addition to the solidly dark blues, NV, AZ, CO, MN, NM, WI, MI, and VA.

He would still win even without PA, GA, FL, TX, and NC (--NC he may get).

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is very upset, because, unless there is a repeat of the last election October surprise, the Republicans and the President are probably going to get defeated in epic proportions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If Biden wins in Florida, the state election system will have the results fairly early, the networks will declare Biden is the President elect

Caliphate4vr said...

Tucker Biden, I will

No dementia you fuck this up every day

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And of course, without FL, Trump is doomed.

As Republicans well know. That's why:

Republicans Crash Florida Early Vote
2:00 pm
“After weeks of Democrats outvoting them by mail,
Republican voters stormed early voting precincts in person this week, taking large bites out of their opponents’ historic lead in pre-Election Day ballots.

"The Democratic advantage was still huge as of Saturday morning:
387,000 ballots.

"But that’s a 21 percent reduction from Democrats’ high water mark, set three days prior.

"The election is in nine days.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


When I type sometimes I make a mistake

Tucker Carlson is a total asshole

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But the older voters are not anti Biden

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James, CH said that we were not capable of trusting the FBI if they found evidence against Hunter Biden? But after I said this, he has disappeared!

If the FBI finds solid evidence of criminal activity in regards to Joe Biden and his son Tucker Biden, I will believe it.

But if they find zero evidence, you will say that they are trying to get the Orange monster!

When you destroy him, he does the same thing!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Kamala Harris to Campaign In Texas
2:48 pm
Sen. Kamala Harris will campaign in Texas on Friday.

Pence’s Body Man Tests Positive
2:45 pm
A personal aide to Vice President Mike Pence — known informally as a “body man” who accompanies the Vice President throughout his day — has also contracted the novel coronavirus.

Pence is regularly in sustained close contact with the aide, who travels with him on Air Force Two and accompanies him for much of his day in the White House complex.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hillary Clinton Calls Republicans ‘Spineless Enablers’
2:52 pm
Hillary Clinton told Kara Swisher that most Republicans “have been cowards, spineless enablers” of President Trump.

Said Clinton:
“Most Republicans are going to want to close the page. They want to see him gone as much as we do, but they can’t say it publicly.”

Commonsense said...

If the FBI finds solid evidence of criminal activity in regards to Joe Biden and his son Tucker Biden, I will believe it.

They have and you won't believe it. Your record on invincible ignorance is solid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If, as you say, they have, why have they not let us know?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Putin Rejects Trump’s Criticism of Biden’s Son
3:24 pm

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he saw nothing criminal in Hunter Biden’s past business ties with Ukraine or Russia, marking out his disagreement with one of Donald Trump’s attack lines in the U.S. presidential election.

So even Pooty is desperately trying to get ready for a Biden presidency.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Kamala Harris, Joe Biden’s running mate and the California U.S. senator, will be visiting Texas on Friday, according to an email Biden’s campaign sent to Democratic lawmakers in Texas on Sunday.

Harris will be the highest-profile representative of the Biden campaign to visit Texas in person during the general election, though his campaign was already set to spend millions of dollars on TV ads in Texas.

“Allow me to provide as a courtesy, the below in person travel notification for Sen. Kamala Harris which will be publicly released momentarily,” the email reads. “Sen. Kamala Harris will be personally traveling to Texas on Friday - October 30. 2020.”

Her visit comes as polls project a tight presidential race in Texas. According to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune poll, Trump leads Biden in the state by 5 percentage points. Trump won Texas by 9 points in 2016.

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign has long dismissed the notion that the state is in play.

Though Texas GOP Chair Allen West expressed hope that the president would visit North Texas before Election Day, campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh and former Secretary of Energy Rick Perry told supporters on a press call Sunday that Trump would not visit the state in the lead-up to Nov. 3.

If he loses Texas we will see a landslide

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Under Director Wray, I will believe what ever he finds.

If he finds nothing, you will not accept his invitation. Because you are a cultist

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Lawmaker Says Republicans Have ‘Lost Our Way’

4:01 pm

Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA) told NBC News that he believes that the Republican Party’s endorsement of a candidate who supports the QAnon conspiracy theory and its misinformation shows the GOP has “lost our way.”

Said Riggleman:
“I might as well just piss everybody off, Chuck. So I think if we’re doing this, if we’re looking at the spread of misinformation as part of something just to pander to a certain subset of voters, I think we’ve lost our way.”

He added:
“When we start to actually represent ourselves as a party that’s part of this anti-Semitic conspiracy theory that believes there’s some kind of pedophilic cabal on the Democratic side of the House, I think we’re in for a rough ride.”

Yeah, throwing pedo and pederast around resonates only with a subset of the lowest of the low.

We have them here.