Monday, December 28, 2020

Fauci now admits that the percentages regarding herd immunity are all a "guesstimate" ?

This plays into everything that has gone wrong with society because of this pandemic..

So there is an article out today that suggest that disinformation about Covid, the election, and other 2020 issues forced Twitter, Facebook, and the internet to become "arbitrators of the truth". While this might sound on the surface to be a fine idea, the reality of the situation provides us with a fairly significant problem with that. Nobody really knows the truth and thus providing authority to social media to arbitrate or decide for is simply a matter of elevating certain opinions over others.

Take Dr Fauci for an example. His opinions have been all over the place and in many cases have directly disputed themselves. 

  • Claiming in March to not needing to change any travel plans, to advocating total lock downs a few weeks later.
  • Not wearing masks because they don't work to wearing masks everywhere, even while outside.
  • Herd immunity requiring as little as 60% versus now claiming it will take 90%.
  • Demanding that no vaccine would be available at least until next summer, fall, or even beyond that. Obviously wrong.
  • The entire thing being over by Memorial day, then suggesting 150,000 dead, and now saying that the worst is still to come, even as we passed up 300,000 deaths. 
Meanwhile the CDC projected 200,000 deaths in December due to a Thanksgiving day spike that never happened. Now they are projecting that might be even worse for January (due to a Christmas day spike that will likely never happen) in spite of overstating December deaths by about three times. 

If we cannot take Fauci or the CDC at their word (and obviously we cannot) then how are we supposed to arbitrate the "truth" when we are relying entirely on opinions from people who have largely gotten most everything wrong. We still have no evidence that much of what we take at face value is actually "the truth" and we likely will not know the real truth for some time.

This is the general reason why most every generation of the human species has understood that there is a difference between fact and opinion and allowed for a different manner to judge both. But in what seems to be a major shift in reality is that 2020 has helped usher in a growing sentiment that fact is less important than opinion and that the correct opinion might not always be what was once considered factual. 

What Facebook and Twitter are doing is not arbitrating "truth" in any conventional use of the term. Generally I would associate "truth" with "fact" much more than I would associate "truth" with "popular opinion of certain people". But that is exactly what social media is doing. They are simply picking and choosing which "opinions" can be considered "truth" while demanding that opposing "opinions" be censored and or otherwise flagged and called out as not being the correct "truth". 

Take the general issue of the vaccines. There was obviously a dispute between the President and Dr Fauci on the time period needed to create a working vaccine. The President said he was working closely with several private companies and expected a vaccine to be delivered by the end of the year. Dr Fauci demanded in a variety of media settings that such a vaccine would not be ready until at best next summer and possibly not until later in the fall. He demanded that the President was pretty much out to lunch and nothing short of a miracle would prove the good doctor wrong.

So who do you suppose was provided with the tags of "fact" or "truth"? 

Obviously not the President who was working closely with the private company people working on the vaccines. Rather the "fact" or "truth" was allocated to Dr Fauci, who in spite of getting most everything else wrong was provided the benefit of the doubt on something he was quite obviously woefully underinformed about. 

The actual "truth" or the "fact" in this case was that Trump was correct and Fauci was wrong.

The bigger truth or fact in this situation is that predictions were just that, predictions. They were opinions whose ultimate judgement would only be arbitrated when the vaccine was completed and provided. It was literally "impossible" by ANY and ALL standards for anyone to advocate that there was something factual or truthful about either opinion. But yet, they demanded that they as the arbitrators of truth and fact could find a truth and fact in this situation, because they would simply disagree with Trump in favor of someone "they" trusted more. More to the point, they apparently felt it necessary to tell us what opinion was ultimately the truth, as if we are not to be trusted to think for ourselves or do our own research on the subjects. 

But the bottom line was that they were wrong. Their arbitration of the facts and of the truth in this situation is that Trump was being factual and truthful, while Fauci was being unactual and may or may have not been totally honest in his assessment. 

The simple concept of real actual factchecking would never allow a factchecker to every be wrong in this manner (or any manner). In a real factchecking situation only widely known, established, and universally recognized realities that were static and unchanging would be considered facts. No "opinion" (regardless of who it came from) could ever be considered a "fact" because the simple definition creates a difference between the two words (fact vs opinion).

Our media and especially our social media needs to get out of the fact checking business, since they are obviously more interested in choosing opinions over actually checking facts. We are supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. A society where people come to America for freedom and hope and opportunity. We should be mature enough to handle an opinion we disagree with and we should be smart enough to make up our own minds about these opinions. 

If social media wants to flag someone who says 2+2=5 or that the Holocaust never happened, I have no problems with that. But to flag an unpopular opinion or even a popular opinion that is disliked by certain people is not what our country is about. In fact, I might go so far as to say that it's not what the human species in general is about. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Take Dr Fauci for an example. His opinions have been all over the place and in many cases have directly disputed themselves.

Your ignorance on science is unbelievable.

When the virus first came out, scientists didn't know shit. But they spoke out about what they assumed at that time.

One they understood how it was transmitted, they changed the recommendations. But you made it political! Because of your ignorance about science.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Our right wing media and especially our right social media needs to get out of the fact checking business, because they have a political agenda. Thecoldheartedtruth doesn't exist anymore.

Anonymous said...

Phony Fauci has also now told us that one cannot become infected by an asymptomatic person.

so why am I wearing a mask if I feel fine?

good question...

and hey alky - "fact checkers" didn't exist until the truth started getting out.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Troll squad asshole

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's difficult to understand people who believe that COVID is real but refuse to mask-up, citing their “freedom.” With freedom comes responsibility, so how responsible is it to carelessly contract the virus while passing it on to friends and family? Others won’t mask because they hold that COVID is just another concocted conspiracy hoax. Some have even denied the virus while on their own deathbeds with the scourge.

Belief in wacky conspiracy theories, stoked by social media, is on the rise among folks on both the far left and right, though the latter group holds a decided edge. Among their greatest fringe conspiracy hits: Obama is a Muslim foreigner; the Sandy Hook School shootings never happened; many other mass shootings have been staged; the United Nations is trying to take over your children’s home schooling and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was taken-out by an Obama hit job. Perhaps the freakiest of all fomented conspiracy theories is the current Q-anon craze, which has been described as a secret cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles who are running a global child sex-trafficking ring while plotting against Donald Trump (aka, “the Chosen One”) who’s been battling the cabal toward a day of reckoning (known as “The Storm”) when he’ll take down the perps. It’s not at all clear, however, whether Trump, who recently faced his own day of reckoning and lost, still remains in a position to hold Q-anon to account. Of course, this just brings up the latest conspiracy madness that calls out Venezuela (Venezuela??) for having stolen the Don’s rightful victory through its heinous installation of hundreds of rigged voting machines!

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One might indignantly maintain that “you just can’t make this stuff up.” Most folks grounded in reality, however, would likely opine that this is exactly what’s been going on all along.

The left posted photos of an older white guy wearing a MAGA hats said he was the bomber. Facebook took them down.

Caliphate4vr said...

A letter to the editor in the Bristol Herald Courier, wow Alky that means a lot

C.H. Truth said...

When the virus first came out, scientists didn't know shit. But they spoke out about what they assumed at that time.

Then why is what they say considered "fact" rather than an opinion from "someone who doesn't know shit" according to your own definition?

The reality is that they know little more today than they did several months ago. They still believed that Thanksgiving get togethers would lead to 200,000 deaths in December.

But yet, that "opinion" would be considered a "fact" and someone who disagreed would have been flagged as providing an untruthful statement that actually turned out to be correct.

Are you still missing the point, Roger?

It's not up to social media or the media at all to take sides on opinions and call them fact or to take issues with people who provide opinions that they do not agree with and flag them as "untruthful" "disputed" or otherwise "incorrect". When in fact, they haven't a clue which opinion will turn out correct.

Anonymous said...

Lydia the Pomeranian could still be doing that for you if you hadn't banged her around like a screen door in a hurricane."


Roger, put that in his "Win" folder.

Anonymous said...

Fauci/Biden follow one Science.
Political Science.

C.H. Truth said...

My favorite part of the article I referenced was their backslapping of social media for limiting access to the Hunter Biden story about his laptop and FBI investigation.

They literally suggest in the article that this was a good thing, even though as a matter of fact checking it quite literally was a true story. Now that the election is over and there is no potential harm to Biden electoral support, the story has been confirmed as true and is no longer really being censored (although it isn't exactly a top story for most outlets).

But they still felt that social media did a great job in "Limiting the article's spread" mere "weeks before the election" even though the article turned out to be largely true. I am not sure how this is considered fact checking or anything other than censorship of a story that they felt might be bad for Biden "mere weeks before the election".

It's like the idea that the story "may" have possibly been false was the overriding factor in deciding to stop the spread and label it as though it was false.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scientific opinions evolves as information is provided.

I think that goes beyond your abilities to comprehend science.

Anonymous said...

In the Beginning of the year Roger publically announced his Four Goals for 2020.
1, Date/Get Married to a Super Model
2, Own outright a Fabulously Huge New Home
3, Have a large bank account.
4, Buy a Audi A8 ($85,000)

How ya doing on that List Alky?

I say you have None ✔ off.

The greatest lie ever posted in this Blog.
Alky's "I have a guaranteed 6 figure income for life"

You don't and never did. You posts here and Your Facebook page prove it.

Alky = Beggar

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Off topic asshole

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Has Unfinished Business
12:36 pm
Fintan O’Toole:
“This is his legacy: he has successfully led a vast number of voters along the path from hatred of government to contempt for rational deliberation to the inevitable endpoint: disdain for the electoral process itself.

“In this end is his new beginning. Stripped of direct power, he will face enormous legal and financial jeopardy. He will have every reason to keep drawing on his greatest asset: his ability to unleash the demons that have always haunted the American experiment – racism, nativism, fear of ‘the government.'

“Trump has unfinished business. A republic he wants to destroy still stands. It is, for him, not goodbye but hasta la vista. Instead of waving him off, those who want to rebuild American democracy will have to put a stake through his heart.”

Wow. Now that's rather strong.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fintan O’Toole

A drama critic, perfect for you pederast

C.H. Truth said...

Scientific opinions evolves as information is provided.

Sure... which is why Scientists themselves refer to their best guesses as hypothesis. Something you should have learned in remedial high school science.

Only after they adjust a hypothesis (generally many multiple times) and eventually are able to test and prove it, does it become an accepted scientific theory.

So not even a good scientist would suggest that their early ideas or guesses are "facts" or should be relied on as being considered the ultimate truth. If they do demand that their "opinions" be treated as fact before those opinions are proven, then they are not real scientists.

Science is all about testing, adjusting, and eventually proving something.

The reality is that if someone wants to trust one particular scientist's opinion on something, then that is their prerogative. Many other medical doctors had different takes on the virus (and how best to treat it) than epidemiologists would have (as they are practicing different types of medicine and have different expertise). Perhaps someone else will trust the doctor whom they worked with for 20 years over an epidemiologist whom they have no relationship with. That should be their prerogative.

At the end of the day, nobody (especially not media fact checkers) knows whether the epidemiologist or a medical doctor will be best equipped to know how to deal with a virus. One is more of a scientist in the abstract and one is more of a Doctor in the real world.

Moreover, we won't know until much later whether much of what is being suggested by one epidemiologists will be correct over another epidemiologist or other doctors (because they certainly do not all agree).

We don't get to take one person. Rise them up, place them on a pedestal, and assume everything they say is fact. It's stupid, silly, and downright dangerous to do so.

But it seems to be what you are advocating.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Science is non partisan.

In specific cases, they come to a conclusion. Because this virus is still evolving, it will take time

But when politicians and their enablers like you, distort scientists comments to fit their agenda, no matter how many people die.

Your bullshit on masking could be costing lives.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mr. President

You had every right to investigate the election. But let’s be clear: Those efforts have found nothing. To take just two examples: Your campaign paid $3 million for a recount in two Wisconsin counties, and you lost by 87 more votes. Georgia did two recounts of the state, each time affirming Biden’s win. These ballots were counted by hand, which alone debunks the claims of a Venezuelan vote-manipulating Kraken conspiracy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Doctor Fauci has been correct most of the time.

Trump chose a radiologist. Because he had seen him on Fox news

Anonymous said...

But it seems to be what you are advocating.

Nobody is advocating that. But it seems the one person you want to raise (not rise) up onto an infallible pedestal is named T.R.U.M.P.

And we have not had to wait until "much later" to clearly see how wrong Mr. Infallible was about saying we could safely pack the churches for Easter and that cases of infections and deaths would be near zero within a few days or might be treated by injections of bleach or infusions of light or recently saying we had turned the corner on it -- none of which reputable scientists and doctors were saying and all of which were wrong.

C.H. Truth said...

Doctor Fauci has been correct most of the time. Trump chose a radiologist.

Fauci and Birx were chosen by Trump to lead the task force medical team. Fauci has a batting average that would make the late inning utility infielder embarrassed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A baseball analogy is fucking stupid

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The experts said that herd immunity would have cost millions of lives.

You took his comment of context

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your batting average is .01%

C.H. Truth said...

You do realize Denny...

That there was no real Easter increase in cases... we had a rise in cases that flattened out in mid April around 35,000 or so and actually went down slightly in May, June, and July.

You also should realize that the "model" that the CDC and task force was using suggested that the virus would be almost gone sometimes shortly after Memorial day (June).

That was the model that Fauci and Birx were relying on as much as the President or anyone else were relying on. It's just revisionist history at this point that everyone (other than the President) was expecting 300,000 deaths.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
C.H. Truth said...

The experts said that herd immunity would have cost millions of lives.

Not all of the experts... just the ones the media fact checkers allow you to hear from.

and we can hardly suggest that "we" did it right with a vast majority of our Governors setting policy straight from Fauci. We have had one of the worst performances of any nation on earth with some of the tightest restrictions anyone is seeing anywhere. Still have 320,000 dead and your own state (with the tightest restrictions in the world) is leading the way.

You had 60,000 new cases in one day, Roger?

Isn't anyone in California wearing their masks?

C.H. Truth said...

In March the election said that it's just going to disappear.

The election?

Well whoever said it was simply looking at and trusting the IHME modelling at the time. It showed that we would be down to single digit cases by mid June and it would be totally gone by mid summer.

So that error would not be on "the election" or anything other than the IHME modelers.

Do you blame "the election" for what the IHME modelers were showing?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The social media era may have caused the Christmas bombing.

REVEALED: Nashville bomber Anthony Warner 'targeted AT&T after his father who worked for subsidiary died of dementia - fueling his conspiracy theory that 5G is killing people' 

Warner's father died of dementia. His father had worked for a company installing 5G hardware.

The FBI is investigating that he bombed the AT%T business in Nashville.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The infections not election. I miss typed

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In March the President said that it's just going to disappear. And that doesn't bother you because you are a cultist

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The death rate among African Americans is 50% higher than caucasians.

The death rate among Hispanic people is 35% higher than caucasians. They make up 40% of the population in California.

Both of them are also infected at a higher rate than people like me!

If you put in a racial percentage in your spreadsheets. I know how to use Excel spreadsheets

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's funny when you use a mistake to call me crazy mothrfucker alky

C.H. Truth said...

The social media era may have caused the Christmas bombing.

Perhaps they should have been more concerned with flagging 5G conspiracy theories and less concerned with preventing the spread of stories about Hunter Biden's FBI investigation.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You do realize Denny...
That there was no real Easter increase in cases.

That's only because Fauci and Birx managed at last to get it through Trump's thick skull that if he carried through on his recommendation that churches be packed for Easter, it would have led to a SIGNIFICANT increase, so he stopped advocating it.

BTW 1:02 was posted by me, not Denny.
I somehow hit Anonymous by mistake.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Will Ignore Trump’s Edits to Relief Bill
2:55 pm
President Trump said he will send Congress a list of items in the coronavirus relief and spending bills that he would like rescinded, Bloomberg reports.

Democrats immediately responded that they will ignore his request.



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Group of Republicans Sue Mike Pence Over Election
2:51 pm
“A group of Republicans including Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas and Kelli Ward of Arizona is suing Vice President Mike Pence in a desperate, last-ditch attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election,” the Daily Beast reports.

“The Electoral College is scheduled to certify the win on Jan. 6, a procedural task overseen by the sitting vice president—in this case, Pence, who has not yet publicly acknowledged the fact that Trump lost his bid for a second term.”

“Though the lawsuit itself is unlikely to gain legal traction, it does put Pence in the position of having to either contest the suit — putting him on the opposite side of Trump and his GOP defenders — or support it and lay bare the intention to subvert the will of the voters in the 2020 election.”

Caliphate4vr said...

Oh look pedo is back spamming shit no one reads

More thoughts from an Irish drama critic

Stupid fucking old man

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The death rate among African Americans is 50% higher than caucasians.

The death rate among Hispanic people is 35% higher than caucasians. They make up 40% of the population in California.

Both of them are also infected at a higher rate than people like me!

If you put in a racial percentage in your spreadsheets. I know how to use Excel spreadsheets

Yet The continent of Africa has largely been spared except South Africa, I wonder why?

Maybe they take a malaria drug called hydroxychloroquine, regularly?

Anonymous said...

"The death rate among African Americans is 50% higher than caucasians.

The death rate among Hispanic people is 35% higher than caucasians. They make up 40% of the population in California.

Both of them are also infected at a higher rate than people like me!"

Why are those two ethnicities so deficient in all areas of life?

Poor Genes?

C.H. Truth said...

In March the President said that it's just going to disappear. And that doesn't bother you because you are a cultist.

In March the IHME modeling said it was going to effectively disappear. It would basically start dwindling significantly after memorial day and disappear all together by mid-June.

Are you saying that the President should have known (back in March) that the IHME modeling (that our task force was also basing their response from) was going to be wrong?

Or what exactly is your point... other than to call me names?

Because if you want to go back to getting personal and throwing around personal insults, that generally doesn't go too well for you.

C.H. Truth said...

The death rate among African Americans is 50% higher than caucasians.

The death rate among Hispanic people is 35% higher than caucasians. They make up 40% of the population in California.

The US population as a whole:

60% White
20% Hispanic
13% Black

The population of California

59% White
37% Hispanic
6% black

Death by 100,000

Black 128
Hispanic 98
White 76

So technically speaking Roger... your lack of black population should more than make up for a larger share of Hispanics (who are about 1.29 more likely to die from Covid).

But your amount of White People is about the same as the national average.

Try again.

C.H. Truth said...

It's also interesting Roger that California has about double the amount of Asians, which actually are way less likely to die from Covid as Whites. So that also should work in California's favor.

Overall... California's racial make up is probably more of a help than a hindrance, and if you have any local politicians providing racial make-up as their excuse for 60,000 cases in one day...

Well they are pulling your you know what.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Vice President Pence was sued Sunday by Rep. Louie Gohmert (Faxcist-Texas) and several other Republicans in a far-fetched bid that appeared aimed at overturning President-elect Joe Biden's election win.

The lawsuit focuses on Pence’s role in an upcoming Jan. 6 meeting of Congress to count states’ electoral votes and finalize Biden’s victory over President Trump. Typically, the vice president’s role in presiding over the meeting is a largely ceremonial one governed by an 1887 federal law known as the Electoral Count Act.

But the Republican lawsuit, which was filed against Pence in his official capacity as vice president, asks a federal judge in Texas to strike down the law as unconstitutional. The GOP plaintiffs go further: They ask the court to grant Pence the authority on Jan. 6 to effectively overturn Trump’s defeat in key battleground states..

No court would let him overturn the election

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That last proves Trumpian insanity is spreading.

Trump Hasn’t Called Nashville Mayor

Nashville Mayor John Cooper (D) said that he has not spoken directly to President Trump since the intentional detonation of an RV in the city’s downtown on Christmas, The Hill reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Accuses Trump of Obstructing Transition
4:50 pm
“President-elect Joe Biden on Monday accused President Trump and his political appointees of obstructing the transition of power to his incoming administration, particularly on national security issues, an escalation in tone after reports of isolated difficulties in the transition process last week,” the Washington Post reports.

Said Biden:
“Right now, we just aren’t getting all the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas. It’s nothing short, in my view, of irresponsibility.”

He added: “My team needs a clear picture of our force posture around the world and our operations to deter our enemies. We need full visibility into the budget planning underway at the Defense Department and other agencies in order to avoid any window of confusion or catch-up that our adversaries may try to exploit.”

Unlike decent outgoing Presidents,
Trump is just acting like Trump.

C.H. Truth said...

“Right now, we just aren’t getting all the information that we need from the outgoing administration in key national security areas. It’s nothing short, in my view, of irresponsibility.”

Maybe it would be better if this Administration did what Obama did. Just act all warm and fuzzy to his face, while they ordered the DOJ and FBI to investigate him as a possible foreign spy behind his back!

You know, set things in motion so Biden faces a Special Counsel for the first couple of years of his Presidency. That would better, huh?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, professor and chair of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California-San Francisco, noted that low-wage workers also tend to live in densely crowded households. In other words, she said, it is often hard to isolate yourself if you are poor.

"If somebody has a positive test, I advise them that they should not be living with other people in their household; or, if they have to stay in the same household, that they separate to a separate room, a separate bathroom, ideally, and that people wear masks in the house," she said.

"You can see that if their normal living environment is doubled up, tripled up, quadrupled up, that those strategies won't work."

Bibbins-Domingo called on community and business leaders to embrace policies that ensure essential workers get paid time off if they contract COVID-19. Legislators at the federal and state level have passed laws intended to expand the ranks of employees guaranteed paid sick leave for COVID-19, but many small businesses are exempt. She said public agencies also should consider paying for hotel rooms so people who live in crowded households can quarantine.

She praised California's decision to tie COVID-related restrictions on activities in each county to a "health equity metric," which ensures infection rates are low in all neighborhoods, not just wealthy ones.

"What the failure has been is to recognize that poor communities always have higher transmission during a pandemic; that we sort of expect to happen," she said. "Knowing that is going to happen, it's the responsibility of policymakers to actually put protections in place, to help the communities with the least resources to address the needs in the pandemic."


Phillip Reese is a data reporting specialist and an assistant professor of journalism at California State University-Sacramento.


Data for this article came from 12 county health departments and the U.S. Census Bureau's five-year 2014-18 American Community Survey. The Census Bureau creates geographies called ZIP Code Tabulation Areas that are based on ZIP codes but may not exactly match ZIP code boundaries. For most counties, a ZIP code is the smallest geography available for infection data released online. Infection data was obtained from county websites on Nov. 23. All counties appear to update their ZIP code data frequently but some may lag more than others. When available, the analysis used confirmed infection rates and population data provided by counties; otherwise, census data was used to calculate infection rates. The analysis excluded ZIP codes, cities and neighborhoods with fewer than 5,000 residents.

Caliphate4vr said...

Show your work, Alky

Still doesn’t support your claims, BTW

C.H. Truth said...

She praised California's decision to tie COVID-related restrictions on activities in each county to a "health equity metric," which ensures infection rates are low in all neighborhoods, not just wealthy ones.

Did she praise the 60,000 cases in one day for California?

Funny how results don't seem to matter to liberals. It's just whether or not your dictator masters follow the Nazi Fascist Utilitarian methods of mind, thought, and physical control over their "subjects" (aka you).

The more they control you (while ignoring their own orders) - the more you believe that they are doing "a" wonderful job. It's like a weird political domination submission game that liberals are apparently loving more than Dakota Johnson in fifty shades.

Oh please, oh please... yes, yes... lock me down for another month and make me wear two masks at once!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

House passes bill for $2,000 stimulus checks – leaving it up to GOP-controlled Senate

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The government has the right to require you to keep you from hurting others

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

‘Trumptalk’ May Outlast Trump
4:55 pm
“President Trump’s brash communication style — combined with a societal shift towards streaming, where there are no regulatory restrictions on speech — has forced the entire media industry to present information in a more candid and less polished way,” Axios reports.

“It’s no longer uncommon to hear cable anchors use foul language or for TV or radio personalities to make indecent remarks on air. Now that the standard has been set, it’s hard to see how networks and news outlets could go back to their postured presentations of the past.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

There's a little secret hiding here at Chtruth, which is that those who defend Trump here actually hate his guts for unnecessarily being such a loser.

Caliphate4vr said...

Have you EVER had an original thought, pedo?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

That was original.
This isn't:

NEW YORK POST (bears repeating):
“... Consider this. You came out of nowhere to win the presidency,” the paper continued. “You took on the elites and the media who had long lost touch with average working people. You changed politics, which is something few in American history can say. If Georgia falls, all that is threatened.

“... Democrats will try to write you off as a one-term aberration and, frankly, you’re helping them do it. The King Lear of Mar-a-Lago, ranting about the corruption of the world. Securing the Senate means securing your legacy,” the Post added. “If you insist on spending your final days in office threatening to burn it all down, that will be how you are remembered. Not as a revolutionary, but as the anarchist holding the match.”

Caliphate4vr said...

That was original.

Ok an original thought that isn’t mind numbingly stupid?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

House Votes to Override Trump’s Veto of Defense Bill
7:40 pm
“The House of Representatives on Monday voted to override President Trump’s veto of the sweeping defense bill known as the National Defense Authorization Act, delivering a bipartisan rebuke to the President,” CNN reports.

“The bill initially passed both the House and Senate with veto-proof majorities, but amid Trump’s continued opposition, it had been unclear if the override attempt would be successful or if the veto would be sustained.

Sanders to Delay Defense Bill Veto Override
7:42 pm
“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will filibuster an override of President Trump’s defense bill veto unless the Senate holds a vote on providing $2,000 direct payments to Americans,” Politico reports.

“McConnell and the Senate want to expedite the override vote and I understand that. But I’m not going to allow that to happen unless there is a vote, no matter how long that takes, on the $2,000 direct payment.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Where cases per capita are highest













Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

8 Red states

3 Blue states.

Shove it up your spreadsheets

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Where cases per capita are highest

Now erroneously state only one is led by a donk like you did 2 days ago, before I blew your senile ass up

Doctor Trumpet Jr. said...


Fauci Admits He’s Been ‘Deliberately’ Moving the COVID-19 Goalposts—Partly Based on His Gut.

Welcome to Christmas 2020. In case you missed it, Washington, D.C.’s, lunatic mayor turned Christmas Eve into a new holiday. Muriel Bowser decided that on the day many of us are contemplating the birth of Christ or wrapping that huge surprise for a wide-eyed child is now Dr. Anthony Fauci Day. And she wasn’t alone:

This takes the Ruth Bader Ginsberg bobblehead to a whole new level. There is a cautionary lesson in all of this about worshipping false idols that these truly unimpressive people will probably miss. Because, just as they are encouraging you to join in their childlike adoration of St. Anthony Fauci, the Patron Saint of Remdesivir, he blithely tells The New York Times that he will lie to you in the absence of evidence.

To push you to get vaccinated against a virus that healthy people under the age of 50 have very little reason to fear, he will just say things that aren’t based on the secular religion of science:

Recently, a figure to whom millions of Americans look for guidance — Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, an adviser to both the Trump administration and the incoming Biden administration — has begun incrementally raising his herd-immunity estimate.

In the pandemic’s early days, Dr. Fauci tended to cite the same 60 to 70 percent estimate that most experts did. About a month ago, he began saying “70, 75 percent” in television interviews. And last week, in an interview with CNBC News, he said “75, 80, 85 percent” and “75 to 80-plus percent.”

In a telephone interview the next day, Dr. Fauci acknowledged that he had slowly but deliberately been moving the goal posts. He is doing so, he said, partly based on new science, and partly on his gut feeling that the country is finally ready to hear what he really thinks.

To be clear, I have not cared about Fauci’s gut feelings in quite some time. In part, because he has reversed positions many times when it was politically convenient. Also, because of his lies of omission, which have Americans believing things that just aren’t true. A few examples:

A positive test is a “case” of COVID-19. A New York Times analysis pointed out in August that our tests are too sensitive, and only 10% of the positive tests may result in an actual illness or ability to transmit the virus.New York Governor Andrew Cuomo managed the height of the early pandemic correctly. In reality, Cuomo’s policies killed thousands of nursing home residents, and then he used his authority to cover it up.Fauci’s well-publicized flip-flop on mask-wearing.A less publicized flip-flop on the asymptomatic spread of COVID-19. In January, he said it was not a significant factor with respiratory viruses. A recent JAMA meta-analysis of 52 studies backs this up, noting that asymptomatic and presymptomatic spread accounts for 0.7% of transmissions among household contacts. Yet Fauci tells us we need to wear masks indoors and out and socially distance for the foreseeable future. The JAMA paper says that only about one in four spouses will contract COVID-19 from their symptomatic partners. But you need a mask alone in the park.Outdoor and surface transmission are not really a thing. Surface transmission of COVID-19 was noted to be unlikely by the CDC in May. The New York Times reported a growing consensus that outdoor transmission was not likely in May. Even indoor restaurants are reportedly responsible for about 2% of COVID-19 transmission.

That is my very short list of grievances with the Fauci. Don’t even get me started on his silence on low-cost, generic drugs to treat COVID-19 in an outpatient setting. I probably should have put them into a thread on Festivus, as the annual airing of grievances is a far more valid holiday designation than Dr. Fauci Day.

anonymous said...

This nut job is nuttier than the mad hatter and sadly gets covered by all the media!!!!!! Was watching fox earlier and the major controversy was Alec Baldwins accent!!!!! No wonder why viewers are going to another POS network!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Sanjana Karanth
Sanjana Karanth·Reporter, HuffPost
Mon, December 28, 2020, 5:12 PM EST

A Republican congressman from Texas has teamed up with Arizona’s would-be GOP electors to sue Vice President Mike Pence in a long-shot effort to reverse President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) filed the lawsuit on Sunday with 11 Arizona residents whom the state’s Republican Party had nominated to serve as electors if Trump had won there. The lawsuit filed in Texas federal court asks a Trump-appointed judge to throw out the rules that govern how Congress will count the electoral votes next week.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Despite for attention

“A group of Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say 200,000 more votes were counted in the 2020 Election than voters (100% went to Biden). State Representative Frank Ryan said they found troubling discrepancies after an analysis of Election Day data.” Fox News - This is far more votes than is needed by me to win Pennsylvania, not to mention hundreds of thousands of votes in other categories which increase my already big lead into a landslide. All other Swing States show likewise. WE NEED NEW & ENERGETIC REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP. This can not stand. Can you imagine if the Republicans stole a Presidential Election from the Democrats - All hell would break out. Republican leadership only wants the path of least resistance. Our leaders (not me, of course!) are pathetic. They only know how to lose! P.S. I got MANY Senators and Congressmen/Congresswomen Elected. I do believe they forgot!'