Sunday, January 24, 2021

This is just downright scary!!!

The man cannot function for more than a few hours at a time... 

(Isn't he supposed to be curing cancer and ending Covid?)



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump dissapeared for days until he flew back to Florida.

Geez you getting worse every day

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Seriously Scott, I'm getting worried about you.

You can't debate politics, you just keep pushing the mental illness bullshit.

If he was mentally disabled the Democratic party would have requested his wife to get him help, not let him endanger the country.

Unless you still believe that aliens are in control!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Keep this up and James and I will leave you with kputz and ballsless and rrb and Cali to post ridiculous questions about Olinski!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Oh, how terrible! After days and days and days of activity, Biden rests on a Saturday!

No, he's ill! He's mentally unstable! His sick, sick, sick! He's hiding in the White House! He has run out of ideas! He is not a true leader!
--Scott BS Adams

Myballs said...

Not in the first friggin week

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Mitt Romney says Trump Impeachment Trial Important For 'Unity,' 'Accountability'
11:01 AM

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Sunday called the upcoming impeachment trial of former President Donald Trump important for “unity” and “accountability,” breaking with some Republicans who argue the trial would further divide the country.

“If we are going to have unity in our country, I think it’s important to recognize the need for accountability, for truth and justice,” Romney said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday,” adding that he hopes the trial will move “as quickly as possible.”

“It is pretty clear that over the last year there has been an effort to corrupt the election in the United States and it was not by President Biden; it was by President Trump,” Romney added.

He wouldn’t say whether he will vote to convict Trump. He was the only Republican to do so during Trump’s first impeachment trial in 2020.

from a Fox video:

Chris Wallace:
Senator, it sure sounds like you're going to vote to convict.

Senator Romney:
Well, there's no question but that the article on impeachment that was sent over by the House suggests impeachable conduct. But we have not yet heard either from the prosecution or from the defense. I'll get a chance to hear from them, and I will do my best as a Senate juror to apply justice as well as I can understand it."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NOW FORMING: The Trump Patriot Party.

The Trump Patriot Party is being formed to allow those Republicans, who are pissed at the Republican Party for stabbing Donald Trump in the back, a Political Party that will be sympathetic to their views.

Forty Republican Senators chose to put the U.S. Constitution over Donald Trump, by certifying the Election for Joe Biden. This is unacceptable behavior, and these Republicans must pay for this outrageous act.

The Trump Patriot Party is a perfect venue for people from Maga and QAnon to promote their Fake Conspiracy Theories.

The objective of the Trump Patriot Party is to:

1:Remove Republicans for the House and the Senate

2:Destroy Democracy in America.

3:Replace the U.S. Constitution with the Trump Patriot Party Constitution #TPPC.

4:Advance Misinformation Campaign created by the Russian Security Services.

5:Propel Fake Conspiracy Theories.

6:Make America White Again #MAWA

C.H. Truth said...


I promise you I will have just as many nice things to say to you about Biden as you had to say about Trump.

But it would certainly be liberal/hypocritical of you to get upset that people are criticizing the President and go retreat to your room and sulk about it. What is good for the goose (hating the bad orange man for four years) is apparently not good for the gander (criticizing Biden).

So go ahead...

Prove us all correct about liberals.

Run along and go circle jerk somewhere else. I expect James and Bwaaaa will do the same once they have to "defend" someone rather than just attack every day. Liberals are soooooo predictable!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump's greatest achievement may be the creation of a new party for his fanatic fringe.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, when I criticized Trump for playing golf for hundreds of days. You said I have TDS.

You never criticized Trump for golfing during tough days!

Your hypocrisy makes you look foolish.

When I thought Obama made mistakes, I talked about it


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal. We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts, if we show a little tolerance and humility.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Joe Biden attended Mass for the first time since taking office, worshipping Sunday at the church he frequented when he was vice president.

What You Need To KnowPresident Joe Biden attended Mass for the first time since taking office at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown, where JFK often went to mass
Biden frequented the church as Vice President 
The president's motorcade also stopped at Call Your Mother, a renowned bagel shop near the church

White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Friday that Biden had not yet settled on a home church in the nation’s capital

Biden, the nation’s second Catholic president, picked Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Washington’s Georgetown neighborhood, a few miles from the White House. It’s where the nation’s only other Catholic president, John F. Kennedy, often went to Mass.

Biden entered through the front entrance, where a Black Lives Matter banner was hanging on one side and a banner with a quote from Pope Francis was on the other: “We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.”

The president, in a brief exchange with reporters, said the service was “lovely.” Biden was accompanied to church by his son, Hunter, and two of his grandchildren, Finnegan and Maisy.

His motorcade made a brief stop on the way back to the White House to pick up food from Call Your Mother, a renowned bagel shop near the church. The president remained in his armored vehicle with his granddaughters, who also attended the service, while his son picked up the order.

rrb said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...


I promise you I will have just as many nice things to say to you about Biden as you had to say about Trump.

same here. *Biden can go fuck himself. each and every day of his presidency.

his supporters can die in a fire.

unity? healing? after being called a fucking nazi every day for 5 years?

uh, no.

these people have decided I am their sworn enemy and they want me dead.

the feeling is mutual.


rrb said...


Hours after taking office, President Joe Biden handed Texas a huge gift that went mostly unnoticed, overshadowed by more controversial moves on climate, public health and the border wall.

He reversed Donald Trump’s policy of excluding unauthorized immigrants from the census count used to carve up the country into congressional districts.

Texas has almost 2 million such residents out of nearly 30 million — enough extra people to bring billions in federal largesse over the next decade, and add considerably to its clout in the U.S. House.

“Don’t get me wrong, I support President Trump and I appreciate what he was trying to do, but this is good for Texas,” said state Rep. Phil King, a Weatherford Republican who chaired the redistricting committee the last two years. “It probably means the difference between getting one and three new congressional seats.”

Lloyd Potter, Texas’ state demographer, took it a step further.

Biden’s new policy isn’t just a gift for Texas. It’s a gift especially for Texas Republicans, since they control the Legislature and Governor’s Mansion and wield the knife that cuts the growing pie.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

BIDS Biden Is Demented Syndrome. #BIDS