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I so wanted there to be Russian collusion? |
The interesting thing about this declassification is how uninterested most of the media is about it. Of course, had the media reported anything about the previous investigations into the Russian collusion investigation, then none of this would be news, because 90% of it has already been exposed.
The truth is that there was never any actual justification for anyone to investigate the possibility of Trump Russia collusion, because they had no legitimate reason to believe it was real. Comey and the FBI used a fake dossier that they knew was fake as the pretense, and went on a classic witch hunt that lasted years and costed tens of millions of dollars.
Along the way they lied to judges to get FISA warrants, they withheld exculpatory evidence from people they charged, and allowed political partisans to take part and even oversee these politically charged investigations.
That used to be an accusation denied by those accused. But after multiple investigations and now the declassification of these materials, those denials no longer hold any credence. By their own account, the entire investigation was based on gross incompetence or gross malfeasance or a combination of both.
Of course since that is bad for Democrats, it has become fake news!
The 15 Most Notable Lies of Trump’s Presidency
9:47 am
Daniel Dale:
“Trying to pick the most notable lies from Donald Trump’s presidency is like trying to pick the most notable pieces of junk from the town dump.
“There’s just so much ugly garbage to sift through before you can make a decision.”
You can go to the link at politicalwire.com and see Donald Dale's nomination for the fifteen most notable lies Trump told, but I myself will nominate the following as
by the Rev. James Boswell:
1) While he was campaigning, Trump promised that he would raise taxes on the wealthy because rich people "should" be paying more in taxes.
He never did this, but his true believers never broke with him, continuing to believe he was for the middle class rather than for the selfish, self-serving wealthy who support the GOP. This was one of his very biggest lies, but his followers just slurped it on down.
This was the lie he began preparing his believers for a long time before the election, as polling made it clear that his chances of winning were slim: He was the only President in polling history whose aggregate approval rating had never gotten above 49%.
So, knowing that Democratic mail in votes would be counted after Republican votes, he began preparing for his BIGGEST LIE ever, and it is the lie for which he will be most remembered, for it led to a resounding disaster for him and for the GOP, not only their big defeats, but the assault on the Capitol building which at first delighted Trump but got him impeached for the second time and left the party in deep disarray.
Your descent into insanity is getting worse every day.
Russia interfered in the last election. 2016.
Coordination was never proven.
While he was campaigning, Trump promised that he would raise taxes on the wealthy because rich people "should" be paying more in taxes.
He never did this, but his true believers never broke with him, continuing to believe he was for the middle class rather than for the selfish, self-serving wealthy who support the GOP. This was one of his very biggest lies, but his followers just slurped it on down.
he most certainly DID do this pederast.
ask any of the millionaires and billionaires in NY who can no longer write off their SALT on their federal return.
Killer Cuomo and Clown Schumer were especially outraged at the tax hike.
you're a LIAR, PEDERAST.
And Lil Schitty once again proves his mind has been taken over by trump and the lies.....BTW.....Obama is no longer in charge so like trump losing his mojo and twitter, he too will suffer the same fate once he is arrested for tax fraud and obstruction!!!!
in case you missed this, pederast. now we know why you're such a fan of the the lil twinkies at Lincoln -
well whattaya know!
The founder of the Lincoln Project is a PEDERAST.
John Weaver — the co-founder of the anti-Trump super PAC Lincoln Project — addressed the “inappropriate” sexually charged messages that he has been sending to men, stating that he is gay.
“The truth is that I’m gay. And that I have a wife and two kids who I love. My inability to reconcile those two truths has led to this agonizing place,” said Weaver in a statement to Axios on Friday.
“To the men I made uncomfortable through my messages that I viewed as consensual mutual conversations at the time: I am truly sorry,” he added. “They were inappropriate and it was because of my failings that this discomfort was brought on you.”
Weaver recently fell under scrutiny after several men on social media alleged that the Lincoln Project co-founder sent them unsolicited and sexually charged messages, some of which included offers of employment and political perks.
Russia interfered in the last election. 2016.
Coordination was never proven.
alky logic -
russia interfered. but it was never proven.
Systematic racism will be proven here soon.
During his first days in office, President-elect Joe Biden plans to send a groundbreaking legislative package to Congress to address the long-elusive goal of immigration reform, including what's certain to be a controversial centerpiece: a pathway to citizenship for an estimated 11 million immigrants who are in the country without legal status, according to immigrant rights activists in communication with the Biden-Harris transition team. The vast majority are Hispanic.
no longer write off their SALT on their federal return.
A problem you never suffered but still think you are entitled to speak for others,......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
re 9:44
Perhaps someone should tell rat that according to the dictionary a pederast usually goes for little boys not "men."
U.S. Department of Justice
Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)
This report is submitted to the Attorney General pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 600.8(c), which
states that, “[a]t the conclusion of the Special Counsel’s work, he . . . shall provide the Attorney
General a confidential report explaining the prosecution or declination decisions [the Special
Counsel] reached.”
The Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and
systematic fashion. Evidence of Russian government operations began to surface in mid-2016. In
June, the Democratic National Committee and its cyber response team publicly announced that
Russian hackers had compromised its computer network. Releases of hacked materials—hacks
that public reporting soon attributed to the Russian government—began that same month.
Additional releases followed in July through the organization WikiLeaks, with further releases in
October and November.
In late July 2016, soon after WikiLeaks’s first release of stolen documents, a foreign
government contacted the FBI about a May 2016 encounter with Trump Campaign foreign policy
advisor George Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos had suggested to a representative of that foreign
government that the Trump Campaign had received indications from the Russian government that
it could assist the Campaign through the anonymous release of information damaging to
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. That information prompted the FBI on July
31, 2016, to open an investigation into whether individuals associated with the Trump Campaign
were coordinating with the Russian government in its interference activities.
That fall, two federal agencies jointly announced that the Russian government “directed
recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including US political
organizations,” and, “[t]hese thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election
process.” After the election, in late December 2016, the United States imposed sanctions on Russia
for having interfered in the election. By early 2017, several congressional committees were
examining Russia’s interference in the election.
Within the Executive Branch, these investigatory efforts ultimately led to the May 2017
appointment of Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III. The order appointing the Special Counsel
authorized him to investigate “the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016
presidential election,” including any links or coordination between the Russian government and
individuals associated with the Trump Campaign.
As set forth in detail in this report, the Special Counsel’s investigation established that
Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a
Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J.
Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence
service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers
working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents. The investigation also
identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although
the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump
presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit
For the wantonly ignorant and dumb fuck rat......suggest the following read that lays out the proof of russian election interferance!!!!!
What really Happened that Uncivilized James reacted to, violating his own standards, again.
KansasDemocrat January 14, 2021 at 6:36 PM
James, tell us your top 5 Policies Biden will put in effect in his first 100 days?
Will he keep the US out of Wars , like Trump Did?
You have the floor.
Nothing from James, on the issues.
KansasDemocrat January 16, 2021 at 8:10 AM
KansasDemocrat January 15, 2021 at 11:38 AM
JamesNewLeaf January 14, 2021 at 3:24 PM
Readers get bored by these constant personal insults and attacks made by people who are incapable of arguing the real issues.
JamesNewLeaf January 15, 2021 at 11:34 AM
Kansas Dimwit:
Nothing from James, on the issues.
James , I understand why.
LOL, no you do not understand why.
It is because you are an ignorant, insatiable troll and answering you is futile."
Very indecent
A GOP-led Senate panel released a report Tuesday that details extensive contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian intelligence in 2016.
CHT, is that Alky's Former Model Fiance in the photo at the top of this thread?
show your work, alky...
the mueller report. HA!
what the pederast calls a knee slapper
Biden says he will cure cancer and unify the country...
and this is the part of the show where the alky spams the comments with an
alky-lanche of shit that has been thoroughly debunked and disproven.
Catturd ™
There's 25,000 troops in Washington D.C.
That's 24,990 more than Joe Biden gets at a rally.
The final coup was successful.
And I see the 3 idiot libs here don't understand what the difference is between some interference and collusion.
China was a much bigger interferer as was big tech by a long shot.
And our courts refused to examine any evidence of election fraud.
What a BANANA REPUBLIC we have become.
The Russian Collusion investigation was an attempt to prove that the President and his team broke the law by conspiring with the Russians to steal the election.
The documents prove that this investigation had no legitimate reason to even be called for. The dossier they used was known to be largely disinformation when they not only used it to justify the investigation, but to justify FICA warrants into member of the Trump team.
Spin it however you want... A partisan FBI allowed Partisan FBI agents to start an investigation into a President that they didn't like. They used false documents to justify both the investigation and spying. Not sure why it is so hard for liberals to understand why this is wrong?
the biggest problem with the mueller report is that it relies so heavily upon the FBI. an FBI that we know for certain made shit up, followed a dossier they KNEW was false, and is corrupt from the Director to the janitorial staff.
copy/paste it all you want alky.
it's a lie. like your wife-beating denials.
Jimmy Hitler doesn't even believe a Republican lead investigation into the Russian interference in the 2016 election.
G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia
A nearly 1,000-page report confirmed the special counsel’s findings at a moment when President Trump’s allies have sought to undermine that inquiry.
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President Trump and President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia at the Group of 20 summit in Japan last year.Credit...Erin Schaff/The New York Times
By Mark Mazzetti
Published Aug. 18, 2020Updated Nov. 4, 2020
WASHINGTON — A sprawling report released Tuesday by a Republican-controlled Senate panel that spent three years investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election laid out an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Kremlin officials and other Russians, including at least one intelligence officer and others tied to the country’s spy services.
The report by the Senate Intelligence Committee, totaling nearly 1,000 pages, drew to a close one of the highest-profile congressional investigations in recent memory and could be the last word from an official government inquiry about the expansive Russian campaign to sabotage the 2016 election.
It provided a bipartisan Senate imprimatur for an extraordinary set of facts: The Russian government disrupted an American election to help Mr. Trump become president, Russian intelligence services viewed members of the Trump campaign as easily manipulated, and some of Mr. Trump’s advisers were eager for the help from an American adversary.
Jimmy Hitler believed the deep state controlled the FBI!
Cooooo cooooooooooooo
i know all about the senate panel report, alky. 1000 pages of complete and utter BULLSHIT
the study by Deven Nunes destroys it, root and branch, chapter and verse.
G.O.P.-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia
A nearly 1,000-page report confirmed the special counsel’s findings at a moment when President Trump’s allies have sought to undermine that inquiry.
The Republican controlled Senate investigation was fake news robotics according to Jimmy Hitler Sr!
The Republicans report
I don't expect you to be sane
the biggest problem with the mueller report is that it relies so heavily upon the FB
HOW IS THAT A PROBLEM YOU DUMB FUCK???????? The real problem is idiots like you who think there is a hidden cabal in spite of no evidence to support that BULLSHIT....!!!!!!!
i don't care if it was a GOP report alky. it has been proven to be bullshit.
just like your wife beating denials which resulted in restraining orders and divorce.
the study by Deven Nunes destroys it
hey wife beater,
make yourself useful and address THIS:
hey alky, here's a question you won't answer...
you keep bringing up your fictitious "systemic racism" as to why leftist rioting good, while rightist rioting bad...
considering the fact that in the 1950's and early 1960's systemic racism was REAL, as in actually happening, and was exponentially, by several orders of magnitude WORSE than it is today, MLK Jr. chose PEACEFUL protesting as a means to address the issue and open a national conversation about it.
so tell us, on the eve of the MLK Jr. holiday, why was peaceful protesting acceptable then when there was REAL ACTUAL SYSTEMIC racism, while Burning, Murderous, Looting is required NOW to address the same issue. the same issue where there is so much LESS of it today???
Roger, are you not going to have a list of goals like last years, you know, by some magic, own a real house, have money in the bank, date a super model and drive a Audi A8 (75 k).
You have none of those.
Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Roger, are you not going to have a list of goals like last years, you know, by some magic, own a real house, have money in the bank, date a super model and drive a Audi A8 (75 k).
You have none of those.
he may want to start small, and just get himself a toothbrush and some toothpaste.
Devin Gerald Nunes is an American politician and former dairy farmer ‐
The Senate Report had two sides to it Roger... the fact that it was "Republican led" didn't stop the Democrats from having their "say" in what they believed that the facts were.
The problem with a thousand pages of spin is that it is a thousand of pages of spin. All Congressional investigations are two sides providing competing rhetoric.
The FBI and Mueller investigations were legal criminal probes (not political spin rhetoric). What we have found (BASED ON FACT NOT SPIN) is that there was not even a "legal basis" to start the investigation. In other words there was no evidence or probably cause that there was any illegal activity.
Morever... only an idiot would take "contact between Trump campaign people and Russians" as proof of anything. Especially when one of their main allegations was against Paul Manafort sharing information with someone they identified as a Russian asset whom was actually an eight year employee of Manafort's political consulting firm.
So at one time, the FBI had suspicion that this person had "ties to Russian intelligence" - which makes in a "Russian asset" (for purposes of spin). Then if Paul Manafort has contact with his own employee, the "spin" becomes that he is interacting with a Russian agent.
When all was said and done, you had a three year criminal investigation that came up blank. Not a single person was charged with anything having to do with espionage, conspiracy, or anything at all related to the Russian investigation. Only decades old tax fraud charges against Manafort and gates, and a few process crimes.
The proof (or lack of such) is in the pudding and in the wasted forty million for this investigation.
For the first time in American history, the 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate than any other group, according to a new study by economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman at the University of California, Berkeley.
The startling data was brought to light on Monday in a New York Times column, and is based on an analysis by Saez and Zucman in their new book, The Triumph Of Injustice... The Trump administration’s tax cuts for the wealthy highlight the fact that policy is moving in the wrong direction. Especially when there’s worry of a potential recession.
Donor Backlash Fuels GOP Alarm About Senate
11:15 am
“Republicans are worried that a corporate backlash stirred by the deadly Capitol insurrection could crimp a vital stream of campaign cash, complicating the party’s prospects of retaking the Senate in the next election,” the AP reports.
“The GOP already faces a difficult Senate map in 2022, when 14 Democratic-held seats and 20 Republican ones will be on the ballot. That includes at least two open seats that Republicans will be defending because of the retirements of GOP Sens. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Richard Burr of North Carolina.”
Trump Finishes with Worst First Term Approval Ever
11:12 am
Harry Enten: “A big question during the Trump presidency was whether anything could actually move the public opinion needle. It turns out that the insurrection at the US Capitol last week did exactly that.
“The result is that Trump’s final first term approval rating looks to be the lowest on record dating back since scientific polling began.”
During the chaos at the Capitol, overwhelmed police officers confronted and combated a frenzied sea of rioters who transformed the seat of democracy into a battlefield. Now police chiefs across the country are confronting the uncomfortable reality that members in their own ranks were among the mob that faced off against other law enforcement officers.
At least 13 off-duty law enforcement officials are suspected of taking part in the riot, a tally that could grow as investigators continue to pore over footage and records to identify participants. Police leaders are turning in their own to the FBI and taking the striking step of reminding officers in their departments that
They were all caucasians.
The FBI and Mueller investigations were legal criminal probes (not political spin rhetoric). What we have found (BASED ON FACT NOT SPIN) is that there was not even a "legal basis" to start the investigation
YOU HAVE FOUND NOTHING BUT FUCKING OPINION YOU SLURPING IDIOT!!!! Russians were complicit in 2016 no matter what you opine.....the FB, SM and all the other disinformation that came from russian bots is clear and unequivacable!!!!! Just idiots like you and rat question it and now support an insurrection to keep tyrant trump as the strong man you want !!!!!! Tell all of us...what good is that for you?????????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!
Scott, William Barr selectivity edited the final results.
The Russians interfered, but not sufficient evidence linked it to the Trump campaign.
"he may want to start small, and just get himself a toothbrush and some toothpaste." RRB
Yep, I mean after being hoodwinked out of her savings by a "scammer" in a get rich quick deal, he doesn't own the pot he pisses in.
They were all caucasians.
LOL. time to change the subject, eh alky?
Rogers Facebook page is void of friends and family pictures, No photos of his Fiance, Big House or new Audi A8.
Why is that Alky?
Devin Gerald Nunes is an American politician and former dairy farmer ‐
he's a CURRENT dairy farmer alky. the farm is still in the family and he's been interviewed there often.
shit, you can't even get THAT right.
What did the born and raised in the country Alky call them there folds, shucks , was it "Milk Ranchers ????
What did the born and raised in the country Alky call them there folds, shucks , was it "Milk Ranchers ????
Rat thinks "they were all Caucasians" is not significant.
Sort of like "the 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate than any other group" is also not significant, I guess.
'milk cattle ranchers' to be precise.
Ty, RRB.
Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
Rat thinks "they were all Caucasians" is not significant.
Sort of like "the 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate than any other group" is also not significant, I guess.
it's only significant to race baiters pederast.
you know what the smallest minority in the world is?
the individual.
oh, and about that tax rate... it happens to be the law. and your quote is a lie. fully half of all American adults pay NO taxes. NONE. it's tough to get a lower rate than ZERO, there sport.
Uncivil Idiot said
"Sort of like "the 400 wealthiest people paid a lower tax rate than any other group" is also not significant, I guess."
Keep giving us your wrong "guesses", like Alky you know nothing about taxes, who pays them, how money is treated in the economy and personal finance.
Will those Billionaire that told Biden they are willing to pay more in taxes be writing check to the US Treasury "Pay.gov".
The Audi thing was a game played on Facebook.
I never really wanted an Audi. Nice cars.
I never drove one.
The Wall Street Journal is a traitor now.
Latest: 42% of New U.S. Cases Are in South.
Off the rails.
Beginning on election night 2020 and continuing through his final days in office, Donald Trump unraveled and dragged America with him, to the point that his followers sacked the U.S. Capitol with two weeks left in his term. Axios takes you inside the collapse of a president with a special series.
Episode 1: Trump’s refusal to believe the election results was premeditated. He had heard about the “red mirage” — the likelihood that early vote counts would tip more Republican than the final tallies — and he decided to exploit it.
"Jared, you call the Murdochs! Jason, you call Sammon and Hemmer!”
President Trump was almost shouting. He directed his son-in-law and his senior strategist from his private quarters at the White House late on election night. He barked out the names of top Fox News executives and talent he expected to answer to him.
“And anyone else — anyone else who will take the call," he said. “Tell these guys they got to change it, they got it wrong. It’s way too early. Not even CNN is calling it.”
As the clock ticked over into the first minutes of Nov. 4, Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani ranted to top campaign aides: "There's no way he lost; this thing must have been stolen. Just say we won Michigan! Just say we won Georgia! Just say we won the election! He needs to go out and claim victory." Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien later told associates: "That was fucking crazy."
For weeks, Trump had been laying the groundwork to declare victory on election night — even if he lost. But the real-time results, punctuated by Fox’s shocking call, upended his plans and began his unraveling.
Trump had planned for Americans to go to bed on Nov. 3 celebrating — or resigned to — his re-election. The maps they saw on TV should be bathed in red. But at 11:20 p.m. that vision fell apart, as the nation’s leading news channel among conservatives became the first outlet to call Arizona for Joe Biden. Inside the White House, Trump's inner circle erupted in horror.
Over the next two months, Trump took the nation down with him as he descended into denial, despair and a reckless revenge streak that fueled a deadly siege on the U.S. Capitol by his backers seeking to overturn the election. This triggered a constitutional crisis and a bipartisan push to impeach Trump on his way out the door, to try to cast him out of American politics for good.
But in four years, Trump had remade the Republican Party in his own image, inspiring and activating tens of millions of Americans who weren’t abandoning him anytime soon. He’d once bragged he could shoot another person on Fifth Avenue and not lose his voters. In reality, many of them had eagerly lined up to commit violence on his behalf.
As Trump prepared for Election Day, he was focused on the so-called red mirage. This was the idea that early vote counts would look better for Republicans than the final tallies because Democrats feared COVID-19 more and would disproportionately cast absentee votes that would take longer to count. Trump intended to exploit this — to weaponize it for his vast base of followers.
His preparations were deliberate, strategic and deeply cynical. Trump wanted Americans to believe a falsehood that there were two elections — a legitimate election composed of in-person voting, and a separate, fraudulent election involving bogus mail-in ballots for Democrats.
In the initial hours after returns closed, it looked like his plan could work. Trump was on track for easy wins in Florida and Ohio, and held huge — though deceptive — early leads in Pennsylvania and Michigan.
But as Bill Hemmer narrated a live "what if" scenario on his election telestrator from Studio F of Fox’s gargantuan Manhattan headquarters, the anchor sounded confused. "What is this happening here? Why is Arizona blue?" he asked on camera, prodding the image of the state on the touch screen, unable to flip its color. "Did we just call it? Did we make a call in Arizona?" Because of a minor communication breakdown, Hemmer's screen had turned Arizona blue before he or the other anchors, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, found out that Fox’s Decision Desk had called it.
Trump was steaming and he wanted to see his top aides immediately. His son-in-law Jared Kushner, chief of staff Mark Meadows, campaign manager Stepien, senior strategist Jason Miller, and data cruncher Matt Oczkowski took the elevator up to the third floor of the residence at the White House. They met Trump and the first lady halfway between his bedroom and the living room at the end of the hall. Trump peppered them with questions. What happened? What the hell is going on at Fox?
Oczkowski told Trump that based on the campaign’s modeling he thought Fox was wrong and “we’re going to narrowly win” by maybe 10,000 votes or less, “razor close.” But the reality was, hundreds of thousands of votes were outstanding in Maricopa County and the picture was too cloudy to be sure. Then Trump told Kushner to call the Murdochs.
The team had been cautiously optimistic that they were watching a repeat of Trump’s poll-defying 2016 victory. In the West Wing, mid-level staffers congregated in the hallways buzzing with nervous excitement and anticipation. At the residence about 200 guests — donors, Cabinet secretaries, White House physician Sean Conley, TV boosters Diamond and Silk, and other VIPs — gathered for the official election night party. They munched on beef sliders. Most did not wear masks.
Giuliani was stationed at a table amid the party, laptop open, watching the results come in, as if he were Command Central. His son, White House official Andrew Giuliani, sat at his right. Trump's tight inner circle — children Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka, plus his long-time adviser Hope Hicks, White House deputy chief of staff Dan Scavino and a few others — gathered separately in the Old Family Dining Room to watch the returns on TV. Trump's core campaign team monitored precinct-level results from down in the Map Room on the ground floor, the same room where FDR had once tracked fighting during World War II.
Trump had spent a bellicose summer and early autumn railing against mail-in ballots. After a toxic Sept. 29 election debate with Biden, Trump's internal poll numbers nose-dived. He started choreographing election night in earnest during the second week of October, as he recovered from COVID-19.
His former chief of staff Reince Priebus told a friend he was stunned when Trump called him around that time and acted out his script, including walking up to a podium and prematurely declaring victory on election night if it looked like he was ahead.
White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller's speechwriting team had prepared three skeleton speeches for election night for all the possible scenarios: a clear victory, a clear loss, and an indeterminate result. But the speechwriters knew that if Trump was facing anything other than a resounding victory, the words would be his alone. This president would never admit defeat or urge patience.
The top officials tried to force Fox to retract its call. Kushner called Rupert Murdoch, who said he would see what was going on. Hicks, a former Fox executive, texted current Fox executive and ex-White House staffer Raj Shah. Hicks also gave Fox News president Jay Wallace's phone number to top Trump campaign officials. The Trump campaign's senior-most officials aggressively texted anchors MacCallum and Baier. Throughout the night, a number of Fox commentators friendly to Trump — including Tucker Carlson — questioned the Arizona call on the air. But the call stood.
Making the situation even more awkward, several high-profile Fox News personalities, including "Judge" Jeanine Pirro, were at the White House while their own network spoiled what was supposed to be a victory party.
It was shortly after 1 a.m. on Nov. 4 when Trump finally came down from his living quarters to the main corridor on the second floor of his private residence. His inner circle met him halfway. This was the first time most of them had seen the president that night. About a dozen aides and relatives huddled around Trump as he dictated an improvised speech. Stephen Miller sat on a couch furiously typing the president's stream-of-consciousness thoughts. Aides rushed to print out screenshots of cable news graphics showing Trump's illusory early leads in the key Midwest states. By 2 a.m., Trump wanted to know why he couldn't just say he had won and be done with it.
The speechwriters sent a draft to Trump’s longtime teleprompter operator, stationed at his laptop in a small room adjoining the East Room. The draft did not include the words that became the most infamous line of his speech: “Frankly, we did win this election.”
At 2:20 a.m., maskless aides and supporters in the East Room held up cellphones to record Trump, the first lady, Vice President Mike Pence and his wife walking out to waiting cameras as "Hail to the Chief" played. Dozens of American flags lined the backdrop behind them.
Trump declared victory — and announced that Democrats were perpetrating a giant fraud on the American people.
Both claims were lies.
About this series: Our reporting is based on multiple interviews with current and former White House, campaign, government and congressional officials as well as direct eyewitnesses and people close to the president. Sources have been granted anonymity to share sensitive observations or details they would not be formally authorized to disclose. President Trump and other officials to whom quotes and actions have been attributed by others were provided the opportunity to confirm, deny or respond to reporting elements prior to publication.
"Off the rails" is reported by White House reporter Jonathan Swan with reporting and research assistance by Zach Basu. It was edited by Margaret Talev and Mike Allen. Illustrations by Sarah Grillo, Aida Amer and Eniola Odetunde. Our podcast on the series is called "How it happened: Trump's last stand."
He's lost his mind, I said that four years ago that he is not qualified to be the President of the United States.
He did succeed in the middle east situation.
But history will show the Reality Show Presidency was the most dangerous in history.
The Republican party is deeply divided between Trumpets like Scott and balls etc., and Mitch McConnell who is trying to divorce Trump.
Sure it was.
"Roger AmickJanuary 16, 2021 at 11:32 AM
The Audi thing was a game played on Facebook.
I never really wanted an Audi. Nice cars.
I never drove one."
For good reason.
And the other 3 Goals for 2020?
1, Big home.
2, Big bank acct.
3, Super model GF/Wife
Give us those updates?
It happened as predicted.
"rrbJanuary 16, 2021 at 10:02 AM
and this is the part of the show where the alky spams the comments with an
alky-lanche of shit....."
It's the dem party deeply divided. The lefty socialists vs the deep staters.
Like newt said, 197 to 10 is not deeply divided.
Rat thinks "they were all Caucasians" is not significant.
at least one of the people arrested was black?
the drooling imbecile is bringing all of 0linsky's old shitbirds back. tell me with a straight face that ol skeets ain't really running the show.
President-elect Joe Biden will tap Anita Dunn, an Obama-administration alumna who praised Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong’s political philosophy, for senior White House adviser, Axios reported Friday.
Dunn’s last stint in the White House ended after just seven months, when she resigned after former Fox News anchor Glenn Beck aired a clip of the then-communications director saying Mao was one of her "favorite political philosophers."
Dunn worked as senior adviser for the Biden campaign from 2019 until last spring when she took over its operations following a disastrous Iowa caucus showing. She then became co-chair of Biden’s transition team after his victory in November.
If the investigation into the members of Congress, who allowed the people who participated in the Insurrection, reveals their names, they should be expelled from the Congress under the 14th amendment to the Constitution of The United States of America.
One out of over 100 people is irrelevant
CNN is in full blown Excuse Making mode.
"(CNN)President-elect Joe Biden unveiled a $1.9 trillion relief package Thursday that included more stimulus payments and other direct aid, but don't expect to see those funds in your bank account anytime soon."
Biden is failing left and further left.
The Browns are position to Beat The Chiefs tomorrow.
They are playing great ball, the Chiefs are not.
Scott, William Barr selectivity edited the final results.
Roger has issues getting most any fact correct?
People were not upset because Barr edited the "final report". They were upset because they thought that his summary of the report was not reflective of what was in the report.
The full unedited Mueller report was not only made available but we had congressional hearing regarding the results.
Either way, what has been declassified proves without a doubt that the pretense for the entire investigation was false and likely corrupt.
The 14th Amendment Section Three
A person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
It would take a 2/3 majority.
It's unlikely to happen.
But the 2022 election should be a transitional process of the destruction of the Party of Abraham Lincoln.
Scott, you keep shouting
Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia
For four years to justify supporting him, despite the fact that he is not a conservative. He is an authoritarian man, who has been trying to destroy the American dream.
yeah, that's it alky. 14th amendment, 25th amendment, blocked from facebook, twitter, parler, etc. lives ruined, careers ruined, and for what?
notice your theme? all you strive for is to harm, hurt, de-platform, silence and destroy.
and all of this is driven by a searing irrational hatred.
you're a sick, petty and stupid man alky. and you deserve every single minute of your pathetic existence.
so Peloshee, the denture-sucking cunt, is threatening GOP congressmen with prosecution for helping the rioters, is her self help the CCP by putting shitstain Swalwell on the Homeland Security committee.
Europe Shuts Schools Again
1:50 pm
“As U.S. authorities debate whether to keep schools open, a consensus is emerging in Europe that children are a considerable factor in the spread of Covid-19—and more countries are shutting schools for the first time since the spring,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
“Closures have been announced recently in the U.K., Germany, Ireland, Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands on concerns about a more infectious variant of the virus first detected in the U.K. and rising case counts despite lockdowns.”
I believe it is becoming apparent that the "more infectious variant" is now loose in the U.S.
Does this mean that irresponsible people like Scott need to shut up about criticizing the "ineffectivness" of shutting down and masks and distancing, and follow instead
1) scientific and actual evidence
2) common sense?
One of the most ridiculous comments ever said here.
dem party deeply divided. The lefty socialists vs the deep staters.
The deep state conspiracy theory is fucking ridiculous.
It would mean that almost every person who has decided to protect and defend the United States are trying to destroy the Orange Monster!
The FBI CIA etc.
You drank Bush's bathwater for years before!
It is irresponsible for either Democrats or Republicans to base what we do on political considerations rather than on what is actually happening.
Racial Reckoning
By Janell Ross
To countless scholars, advocates and political actors, the violent mob that stormed the halls of Congress on Jan. 6 was not exactly surprising. To some, it wasn’t a matter of whether a mob inspired by Donald Trump would kick down the doors of the Capitol, but when.
“This situation, in this moment, for me feels something like the mythical Cassandra,” said Carol Anderson, author of the book “White Rage.” Anderson was referring to the character in Greek myth cursed with the gift of accurate prophecy that is not believed.
“I and many others, we have been hollering Trump is a racist,” she said. “Trump is a dangerous racist who stokes and speaks to those impulses in his most ardent followers. This isn’t economic anxiety that he appeals to, that he speaks to in his voters. It’s white supremacy. And, until this nation really deals with white supremacy and how dangerous we ought to know that it is, there will be another demagogue who eventually rises in his place.”
To Anderson and others, the warning signs have been clear all along.
“Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?”
In March of 2011, Donald Trump sat in the middle of a long yellow couch, flanked by the co-hosts of ABC’s “The View.” The daytime gabfest was developing a reputation as a kind of key stop for those who want to test how well they and their ideas play to average Americans. And Trump, a celebrity with no policymaking experience, used his appearance to effectively lay out the terms on which he would run. The nation, three years into President Barack Obama’s first term, he said, was a mess, and had been “ripped off” by every country imaginable.
Then, he doubled down on the baseless conspiracy that he had been perpetuating throughout Obama’s rise.
“Why doesn’t he show his birth certificate?” said Trump, then the star of NBC’s “The Apprentice.” “If you are going to be the president of the United States,” the Constitution “says very profoundly that you have to be born in this country.”
President-elect Donald Trump, left, and President Barack Obama arrive for Trump's inauguration ceremony at the Capitol on Jan. 20, 2017.J. Scott Applewhite / Pool via Reuters file
The comedian Whoopi Goldberg pointed out that such demand would never be made of any white man who is president. The facts were already clear: Obama, born in Hawaii to an American mother, was always a natural-born citizen. But it didn’t matter. Trump’s insinuations spun a tale. They helped bolster a chorus whose primary argument was not consistent and rational disagreement with Obama’s policies but disdain for who Obama was and the very idea of someone like him occupying the White House.
To question Obama’s citizenship implied that he was ineligible to sit in the Oval Office. It also harked back to a time when Black Americans were also excluded from every benefit and feature of what it allegedly means to be American.
To someone like Nsé Ufot, a political organizer and CEO of the New Georgia Project, Trump’s so-called birtherism telegraphed a lust for clear white supremacy, waged through nationwide anger and division.
“It was the kind of disinformation I had seen in nations around the world,” Ufot said. “Today, the average government- or power-seeker knows that hot war is hella expensive — in the cost of lives and weapons and fighter planes. Countries are less and less inclined to spend in that way when you can destabilize a country by pushing disinformation and misinformation and attacking people's faith in institutions they need to be able to trust. We were on that in 2011, 2012 and for sure by 2014.”
It is irresponsible for either Democrats or Republicans to base what we do on political considerations rather than on what is actually happening.
You mean like suggesting that a simple riot is akin to an attempt to take over the Government and then suggesting that a speech where the President told the crowd to march peacefully and patriotically is being treated as a crime?
Poor Roger...
The hate just continues... he cannot stop it.
The bad orange man no longer just lives rent free in his head, he now owns it and charges Roger rent to use it. Obviously Roger are behind in his payments and has lost the privileges of use.
1; Birtherism.
2; Mexican asylum seekers are murderers and rapists.
3: Good people on both sides
4; The Mooslimb entry ban.
5: Voter suppression still exists, because he needed it to win reelection!
1; Birtherism.
2; Mexican asylum seekers are murderers and rapists.
3: Good people on both sides
4; The Mooslimb entry ban.
5: Voter suppression still exists, because he needed it to win reelection!
1) Hate
2) Hate
3) Hate
4) Hate
5) Hate
Hey Roger...
If you are allowed to continue to push the debunked lie that Trump called White Supremacists good people...
Does that mean others are allowed to continue to call you a wife beater?
Scott Trumpism stage four brain cancer, causes you to insult people who don't agree with you.
Look in the mirror! Your blog has been used to defend him every single day!
I come here to have fun, and keep my mind active.
I know too many people who quit reading the news and just quit being active.
Using my mind is fun!
"Voter suppression still exists" Alky
Really in what country?
Surely , not the USA.
Hey stupid, pedo
I have read that from the day he said it.
I was watching it live!
Some people think that it's taken out of context. I don't agree with you or them. His own chief of staff, rolled his eyes. He eventually quit because of the good people on both sides statement .
Well Roger...
I don't know how you can read this any other way than he said it:
"Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name."
And you had people -- and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
"Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."
Trump: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves -- and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.
So Roger...
What about:
and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
Can you explain what he meant there...
Give it some time... think it over...
let us know?
Or don't... and then stop complaining when people call you a wife-beater.
to be clear Roger...
The issue isn't whether he made the statement about good people on both sides... because he did.
The issue is that he used that statement as a means to say that neo-Nazis and White Nationalist are fine people.
Which of course he didn't. He LITERALLY said the opposite.
Underneath everything is the coldheartedtruth is that he is a racist.
1; Birtherism.
2; Mexican asylum seekers are murderers and rapists.
3: Good people on both sides
4; The Mooslimb entry ban.
5: Voter suppression still exists, because he needed it to win reelection!
1) the coldheartedtruth
2) the coldheartedtruth
3) the coldheartedtruth
4) the coldheartedtruth
5) the coldheartedtruth
It's your opinion.
I disagree.
It's your opinion.
Actually it's the real quote... but if you say it's opinion....
Then whether or not you are a wife beater is also just an opinion....
And this is a free country, right? Free to lie and call it an opinion!
I never hit or shove or anything like that.
Divorces are difficult, she had me ejected, and and to get the police to enforce the allegations, her lawyer wrote that.
But charges were never filed so I am not guilty.
Because charges were not filed, your accusations could be subject to a civil suit.
I'm not going to do that, but you know that I'm correct.
I never hit or shove or anything like that.
Well different people read what you said and are allowed different opinions as to what that means...
If Donald Trump can literally say " I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally."
and you say it's your opinion that he meant the opposite.
Then why should WE believe your explicit suggestion that you didn't hit her?
Either explicit words mean what they say...
Or you can argue that they are a matter of opinion... and if you simply dislike someone and want to make them look bad, then you can twist their words to mean what you want them to and call it "opinion".
So in my mind... the idea that Donald Trump called neo-Nazis good people is about the same as the idea that you told people that you beat your wife.
Wait... sorry... I keep saying wife. I mean "ex-wife".
Scott, nobody tells me what to think.
I look at the evidence and come to my own decisions.
Part of the "evidence" Roger is this:
and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists -- because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.
Please explain how you make this out to be Trump saying neo-Nazis and white nationalists are "fine people".
I know of nobody who still believes this other than you.
Which is why I am curious as to how you mind works?
How do you read that quote and take it for the opposite?
Over 81 million Americans disagree with you.
You are very good at taking words out of context. Rational people can agree to disagree.
That's what bugs me about your opinion.
You think that I am demented.
My medical experts disagree about you.
Because I'm a liberal Democrat I'm not sane???
I don't agree with your conclusion on the meaning of his words.
You are very good at taking words out of context. Rational people can agree to disagree.
Those are the exact words they aren’t out of context, you idiot
Before the football game!
Scott, I don't hate Trump.
I love the United States of America and for which it stands.
We have the longest established government on earth.
I seriously believe that he was the most dangerous President ever elected.
He doesn't understand the Constitution. We're blessed with a system that has survived Donald Trump.
Because he has refused to concede, he has caused the most dangerous situation in history. Even the civil war.
I really hope that you and most Republicans will turn around and move forward without Trump. McConnell is doing the same thing!
Go Rams
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