Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Would you believe that NY 22 congressional race is still being counted?

But the vote count of Tenney leading Brindisi by 29 is still standing for now.

From what it would appear, there was some votes (approximately a thousand votes) that were rejected due to the fact that the voter was not registered. But apparently these voters had believed that they had registered with the DMV during other transactions, but these registration applications were never actually processed. This all, coincidently, took place in one county, a county that almost split down the middle (with Tenney the Republican winning 50-48). 

So the Judge has apparently ruled (from what I can gather) that if it can be shown that the voter did register before the election, but that the DMV simply did not process the registration, that these votes must be counted. That seems to make sense. 

However, the Brindisi camp originally sought to have 69 voters that they identified (mostly Democrats) added to the count and then actually fought against any recanvassing of the additional voters that might have been affected. But that plea was rejected for obvious reasons and apparently any rejected votes from voters who had their registration held up by the DMV will be counted. 

Still no actual word on when this will be complete, but the Judge in this case has more rulings to make on other votes that are pegged to take place later in the week . Once that is complete, all the votes are counted, all of the rulings have been made and a final vote count is presented. 

Then it will be time for the appeals process. Hopefully it is completed by next November when the next election is slated to be held.


Myballs said...

NY is working hard to be more f*cked up than CA and MN. It's a tough climb, but we can do it.

Anonymous said...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said on Tuesday that President Biden’s plan to ramp up distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine was "not enough," as the Empire State faces a shortage of doses."

Anonymous said...

China Investment in Slow Joe is paying dividends.

Pres. Biden lifts sacutions on china and investing in them and their stocks.

Caliphate4vr said...

The Virginia Board of Elections rule allowing officials to count ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the election was illegal, a state judge ruled.

Virginia Circuit Court Judge William Eldridge ruled the state’s late mail-in ballot law violated state statute and permanently banned the law in future Virginia elections, the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) announced Monday. PILF sued the state’s board of elections in October on behalf of Thomas Reed, a Frederick County, Virginia election official.

“This is a big win for the Rule of Law,” PILF President and General Counsel J. Christian Adams said in a statement. “This consent decree gives Mr. Reed everything he requested – a permanent ban on accepting ballots without postmarks after Election Day and is a loss for the Virginia bureaucrats who said ballots could come in without these protections.”

Anonymous said...

""Last week, President Biden signed an executive order canceling the Keystone pipeline, destroying 11,000 jobs including 8,000 union jobs. If you were confirmed as secretary of commerce, what would you say to those 11,00 construction workers whose jobs have been destroyed by the stroke of a pen?" Cruz asked."

😣"I would say, we're going to get you to work," Raimondo replied. "I would say that climate change is a threat to all of us, and that we will make sure that you have jobs, that you have the skills you need to have a job, and by the way as we meet the needs of climate change, there will be many jobs created, good-paying jobs, union jobs. And should I be the commerce secretary I will fight every single day for every American to have a decent paying job and a chance to compete.😣

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Proud Boys Leader Was Informer for Law Enforcement
10:24 am EST
“Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012,” Reuters reports.

Dead man walking?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Sets Bold Timeline for Return to Normalcy
7:53 am EST
“President Joe Biden’s pledge that there will be sufficient vaccines for 300 million Americans by the end of summer represents a bold and politically risky response to criticism his pandemic plan lacks ambition,” CNN reports.

“In effect, the President is putting a date on a return of a semblance of normal life — with no guarantee that he can deliver.”

All he has to do is keep trying and be open and honest and not lie about any difficulties he may have.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
The Virginia Board of Elections rule allowing officials to count ballots that arrived without a postmark up to three days after the election was illegal, a state judge ruled.

SO FUCKING WHAT!!!!!!!! Do you remember in floriduh when Lieberman allowed all military ballots be counted no mater when received or properly executed!!!!!! So sad mouth of the south don't give a shit about voting!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

300,000,000 vaccinations new , new, new Goal.
Ok, in 7 months, x 30 days in each month
gives us a daily vaccination rate lower then our current 1.5 million a day rate.

You knew that James?

C.H. Truth said...

Dead man walking?

Sure... all 26 of the other members of the "Proud Boys" will no doubt be upset.

Anonymous said...

James, math is so hard for you and Roger.

I forgive you two , often.

C.H. Truth said...

politically risky response to criticism his pandemic plan lacks ambition

Well he did offer that he could increase from 965K to 1 million a day. That seems to be a 6% ambitious figure! Perhaps if he was better informed or didn't actually believe all of the lies that have been being told about what was not getting done...

he would not have set a plan that was already basically being accomplished.

But at the end of the day, Biden already has the blood of over 20,000 dead Americans on his hands and all of his liberal buddies are reopening their economies. Perhaps this was not quite as simple as some made it out to be, huh?

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!~ You really are a moron Lil Schitty......trump has killed close to a half million old farts that deserved it.....Sad you have gone soooooo low and now blame biden for trumps crimes.....You are nothing but a spineless asshole who only cares about himself and his child bride!!!!!!! BTW,,,,,all trump asked for was a miracle for the trump flu to go away.....or have you conveniently forgotten that gem??????

Caliphate4vr said...

when Lieberman allowed all military ballots b

That was Lieberman’s call, huh

Fucking idiot

The Washington Post Fake News said...

The Pinocchio Test.

Now that Biden is President, he cannot continue to rely on campaign math. He has the resources of the federal government at his fingertips to provide solid facts.
The FPDS numbers are difficult to obtain and analyze, and the data is not considered to be especially useful for policymaking. The president should use statistics that are easily verifiable for reporters.

It turns out that the Defense Department issues an annual report that tells a somewhat different story. These reports show that, within the nation’s biggest federal contractor, real progress has been made in reducing reliance on contracts with foreign companies — and that the percentage of foreign contracts, as part of overall spending, has declined steadily. Moreover, the actual dollars spent are relatively small.
The percentage of Defense Department contracts receiving waivers, however, has jumped. Such waivers are a key target of Biden’s executive order. If Biden had used those statistics, sourced to the department, he would have been on more solid ground to make his point.

Biden earns Three Pinocchios.

anonymous said...

Fucking idiot

Yep you really are!!~!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! You obviously can't find your own ass in the dark!!! IOW's no R has any guts to allow what may be legal votes.....typical iidiot R says fuck the voter and file suit!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You said the same things when President Obama took over an economic crisis almost as bad as today. The economy was losing 800,000 jobs a month. He lead the longest economic recovery in history, even though it was as robust as it should have been.

Biden inherited the worst economic and medical crisis in history.

Until his policies are implemented, the deaths are on Trump's mushroom penis.

When DeSantis opened up the economy in Florida, despite the infections were going up rapidly. You cheered out loud and again and again and

In 3 to 6 months, then you can accurately blame Biden for his failures.

But unlike you, I am praying for success, instead of hoping he failed so you can blame Biden for his failures.

Caliphate4vr said...

It’s the flu Alky, only the old and sickly need worry.

So you, fatty and pedo need to be in lockdown, the rest of us not so much

The Washington Post Fake News said...

Analysis | Biden’s jab that foreign company contracts went up 30% under Trump.
By Glenn Kessler

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu It’s the flu 

The biggest lie in history asshole

Caliphate4vr said...


rrb said...

In 3 to 6 months, then you can accurately blame Biden for his failures.

oh no, alky.

that's not how this works. *Biden owns this shit just like every republican president has owned this shit.


deal with it, and EMBRACE THE SUCK that is your dementia clown.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding obtained by Reuters.

In the Miami hearing, a federal prosecutor, a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and Tarrio’s own lawyer described his undercover work and said he had helped authorities prosecute more than a dozen people in various cases involving drugs, gambling and human smuggling.

Tarrio, in an interview with Reuters Tuesday, denied working undercover or cooperating in cases against others. “I don’t know any of this,” he said, when asked about the transcript. “I don’t recall any of this.”

Law-enforcement officials and the court transcript contradict Tarrio’s denial. In a statement to Reuters, the former federal prosecutor in Tarrio’s case, Vanessa Singh Johannes, confirmed that “he cooperated with local and federal law enforcement, to aid in the prosecution of those running other, separate criminal enterprises, ranging from running marijuana grow houses in Miami to operating pharmaceutical fraud schemes.”

Tarrio, 36, is a high-profile figure who organizes and leads the right-wing Proud Boys in their confrontations with those they believe to be Antifa, short for “anti-fascism,” an amorphous and often violent leftist movement. The Proud Boys were involved in the deadly insurrection at the Capitol January 6.

The records uncovered by Reuters are startling because they show that a leader of a far-right group now under intense scrutiny by law enforcement was previously an active collaborator with criminal investigators.

Washington police arrested Tarrio in early January when he arrived in the city two days before the Capitol Hill riot. He was charged with possessing two high-capacity rifle magazines, and burning a Black Lives Matter banner during a December demonstration by supporters of former President Donald Trump. The D.C. Superior Court ordered him to leave the city pending a court date in June.

Though Tarrio did not take part in the Capitol insurrection, at least five Proud Boys members have been charged in the riot. The FBI previously said Tarrio’s earlier arrest was an effort to preempt the events of January 6.

The transcript from 2014 shines a new light on Tarrio’s past connections to law enforcement. During the hearing, the prosecutor and Tarrio’s defense attorney asked a judge to reduce the prison sentence of Tarrio and two co-defendants. They had pleaded guilty in a fraud case related to the relabeling and sale of stolen diabetes test kits.

rrb said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...


i would like to see a *Biden covid death tracker and a *Biden job killer tracker running side by side.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The prosecutor said Tarrio’s information had led to the prosecution of 13 people on federal charges in two separate cases, and had helped local authorities investigate a gambling ring.

Tarrio’s then-lawyer Jeffrey Feiler said in court that his client had worked undercover in numerous investigations, one involving the sale of anabolic steroids, another regarding “wholesale prescription narcotics” and a third targeting human smuggling. He said Tarrio helped police uncover three marijuana grow houses, and was a “prolific” cooperator.

In the smuggling case, Tarrio, “at his own risk, in an undercover role met and negotiated to pay $11,000 to members of that ring to bring in fictitious family members of his from another country,” the lawyer said in court.

In an interview, Feiler said he did not recall details about the case but added, “The information I provided to the court was based on information provided to me by law enforcement and the prosecutor.”

An FBI agent at the hearing called Tarrio a “key component” in local police investigations involving marijuana, cocaine and MDMA, or ecstasy. The Miami FBI office declined comment.

There is no evidence Tarrio has cooperated with authorities since then. In interviews with Reuters, however, he said that before rallies in various cities, he would let police departments know of the Proud Boys’ plans. It is unclear if this was actually the case. He said he stopped this coordination after December 12 because the D.C. police had cracked down on the group.

Tarrio on Tuesday acknowledged that his fraud sentence was reduced, from 30 months to 16 months, but insisted that leniency was provided only because he and his co-defendants helped investigators “clear up” questions about his own case. He said he never helped investigate others.

That comment contrasts with statements made in court by the prosecutor, his lawyer and the FBI. The judge in the case, Joan A. Lenard, said Tarrio “provided substantial assistance in the investigation and prosecution of other persons involved in criminal conduct.”

As Trump supporters challenged the Republican’s election loss in often violent demonstrations, Tarrio stood out for his swagger as he led crowds of mostly white Proud Boys in a series of confrontations and street brawls in Washington, D.C., Portland, Oregon, and elsewhere.

The Proud Boys, founded in 2016, began as a group protesting political correctness and perceived constraints on masculinity. It grew into a group with distinctive colors of yellow and black that embraced street fighting. In September their profile soared when Trump called on them to “Stand back and stand by.”

Incited an Insurrection.

Anonymous said...

Spectacularly wrong.

"Biden inherited the worst economic and medical crisis in history."

Anonymous said...

Roger, please delete your post or I will be compelled to discredit you, again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Death Clock


Estimated U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Due To POTUS Inaction

In January 2020, the Trump administration was advised that immediate action was required to stop the spread of COVID-19. According to NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, “there was a lot of pushback” to this advice. President Trump declined to act until March 16th. Experts estimate that, had mitigation measures been implemented one week earlier, 60% of American COVID-19 deaths would have been avoided. (For further reading, click here).

Anonymous said...

Roger, running away from this stupid statement.
""Biden inherited the worst economic and medical crisis in history."

Roger again, I have you fair warning.
"The deadliest event in U.S. history was the 1918 flu pandemic, which is estimated to have killed 675,000 Americans."

rrb said...

you LIED about the link you plagiarized, alky...

geezus. you lie on every fucking comment these days.

just like you lie about beating Lydia's ass.

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Roger...

These are all 100% Dr Fauci deaths.

Every last one of them !!!

Anonymous said...

300,000,000 vaccinations new , new, new Goal.
Ok, in 7 months, x 30 days in each month
gives us a daily vaccination rate lower then our current 1.5 million a day rate.

You knew that James?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Total Estimated U.S. COVID-19 Cases:25,181,513Total Estimated U.S. COVID-19 Deaths:423,823Estimated Deaths Due to POTUS Inaction:254,294* Source:

Anonymous said...

RRB is right, The Dark Winter President told is he was Ready on "Day One"

Alky is so damn dumb.

Anonymous said...

Roger desperately attempting to distance himself from his spectacularly wrong statement .

rrb said...

I wonder how big the number is/was on the "Alky beating Lydia/restraining order" tracker.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In 1918 we didn't have the medical expertise we have today.

But thanks to Doctor Fauci and the rest of the team for saving 250,000 lives despite the ineptitude of Donald Trump himself

Anonymous said...

Roger, is admitting he was wrong and I am right, again.

Too funny.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of funny.

😁rrbJanuary 27, 2021 at 11:17 AM

I wonder how big the number is/was on the "Alky beating Lydia/restraining order" tracker.



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Statement by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on International Holocaust Remembrance Day


Today, we join together with people from nations around the world to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day by remembering the 6 million Jews, as well as the Roma and Sinti, Slavs, disabled persons, LGBTQ+ individuals, and many others, who were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators during the Shoah. We must never forget the truth of what happened across Europe or brush aside the horrors inflicted on our fellow humans because of the doctrines of hatred and division.

I first learned about the horrors of the Holocaust listening to my father at the dinner table. The passion he felt that we should have done more to prevent the Nazi campaign of systematic mass murder has stayed with me my entire life. It’s why I took my children to visit Dachau in Germany, and why I hope to do the same for each of my grandchildren — so they too would see for themselves the millions of futures stolen away by unchecked hatred and understand in their bones what can happen when people turn their heads and fail to act.

We must pass the history of the Holocaust on to our grandchildren and their grandchildren in order to keep real the promise of “never again.” That is how we prevent future genocides. Remembering the victims, heroes, and lessons of the Holocaust is particularly important today as Holocaust deniers and minimizers are growing louder in our public discourse. But the facts are not up for question, and each of us must remain vigilant and speak out against the resurgent tide of anti-Semitism, and other forms of bigotry and intolerance, here at home and around the world.

The horrors we saw and heard in Charlottesville in 2017, with white nationalists and neo-Nazis spewing the same anti-Semitic bile we heard in the 1930s in Europe, are the reason I ran for president. Today, I recommit to the simple truth that preventing future genocides remains both our moral duty and a matter of national and global importance.

The Holocaust was no accident of history. It occurred because too many governments cold-bloodedly adopted and implemented hate-fueled laws, policies, and practices to vilify and dehumanize entire groups of people, and too many individuals stood by silently. Silence is complicity.
As my late friend and Holocaust survivor Tom Lantos so frequently reminded us: “The veneer of civilization is paper thin. We are its guardians, and we can never rest.”

When hatred goes unchecked, and when the checks and balances in government and society that protect fundamental freedoms are lost, violence and mass atrocities can result. The United States will continue to champion justice for Holocaust survivors and their heirs. We are committed to helping build a world in which the lessons of the Holocaust are taught and in which all human lives are valued.

Welcome back reality. Not "good people on both sides"

Anonymous said...

🤣""Biden inherited the worst economic🤣

Roger is clinically brain dead when it comes to Economic and we all know that's To CHT what a flaming dumpster fire Alkys personal finance are.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I said ""Biden inherited the worst economic and medical crisis in history."

Words matter kputz

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Romney Tells Republicans to STOP PERPETUATING THE 'BIG LIE’
12:18 pm
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) told the Deseret News that former President Donald Trump will never admit that he lost a fair election, but every elected Republican ought to be telling voters that as a step toward bringing the country together.

Said Romney: “You have many of the Trump supporters in elected office, senators, congresspeople, governors, continuing to say the same thing, that the election was stolen.”

Romney said elected Republicans need to go on Fox News and say, “You know what, I was a big Trump supporter, I was really pulling for Donald Trump, but he lost fair and square.”

Sorry, but the GOP has lost the capability of being even THAT honest.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

11:22 Biden's comments on the Holocaust are
"altogether fitting and proper" as are his condemnations of white supremacy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rrb said...

The passion he felt that we should have done more to prevent the Nazi campaign of systematic mass murder has stayed with me my entire life.

and your hero, FDR, the guy you watched on TV, hated the JOOS and abandoned them.

nice rhetoric, Slow Joe, but we know better.

Democrats hate the fucking JOOS.

Anonymous said...

," ""Biden inherited the worst economic and medical crisis in history."

Yes, Roger , I know and you are spectacularly wrong.

No matter the facts I use to teach you.

I will continuously teach you, it is, like I told my College Student, it is up to YOU to learn.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Thecoldheartedtruth has become


With kputz, the racist rodent bastard and staring S. Scott Johnson cultist extraordinaire!

Anonymous said...

Oh cookie.

IMF all of sudden sees the sunshine in the World , again.

"Global output is projected to grow 5.5% this year..."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here are five numbers that show what the new president will be up against in his first 100 days. 

10 million

That’s how many people are unemployed, meaning that the economy has only regained about half of the 22 million jobs it had lost at the peak of the pandemic. The unemployment rate in December was 6.7%, significantly lower than its eye watering peak of 14.7% in April but still much higher than the historical lows of 3.5% unemployment the labor market saw as recently as February. 

14 million

That’s how many people were behind on their rent in December, according to Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. That’s nearly 20% of all adult renters in the United States, and the share is higher for renters of color. 28% of Black renters said they were behind on rent in the same survey. 


That’s the share of households with children that reported that they didn’t get enough to eat during one week in December, according to Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. 11% of households without children said the same. According to the Department of Agriculture, 10.5% of households (both with and without children) were food insecure for “at least some time” during 2019. 

0.9% per year

That’s how much real GDP has grown on average during Trump’s term, according to Moody’s Analytics. The economy grew 1.6% per year under President Obama and 3.9% per year on average under President Clinton. 


That’s how much retail sales fell in December, according to data from the Census Bureau. It was the third straight month of declines—another worrying sign that the economic recovery is shaky. 

Follow me on Twitter. Send me a secure tip.

Sarah Hansen


Anonymous said...

Roger, you are embarrassing yourself, again.

The Dark Winter President promised he had the answers.

Caliphate4vr said...

Romney Tells Republicans to STOP PERPETUATING THE 'BIG LIE’

The Big Lie now Pierre Defecto is emulating the Nazi’s

Police Officer said...

But thanks to Doctor Fauci and the rest of the team for saving 250,000 lives despite the ineptitude of Donald Trump himself

Have you stopped beating your wife?