Friday, February 12, 2021

75,000 dead from Covid so far during Biden Presidency...

He had a plan not just to slow down Covid, but to stop it in his tracks!

Slow Joe campaigned on the idea that he would put an end to this thing!
He made that promise to the American people who apparently believed him?

There is little question that if not for Covid, President Trump would still be President Trump today. One of the major issues of the race was the belief from many Americans that we were simply not doing enough to stop the virus. Joe Biden made claim after claim after claim after claim after claim that HE had a plan to stop Covid in it's tracks (not just slow it down). Apparently the public believed him.

Then he was elected. Admitted that no such plan existed and that no such plan was coming forward. Just more rhetoric about mask wearing and social distancing. What has that gotten us? About 3300 dead Americans every single day on average since Dementia Joe became President.

Disaster with 75,000 dead to prove it.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Those are still Trump death statistics,
and you know it. ;-)

Biden has 200 million vaccinations on the way.

Trump left office promising twenty million, but provided only four.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Time for Biden to name Cuomo to lead his efforts.

and add Greta Thunberg

and AOC

We want this to be done right

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Biden has 200 million vaccinations on the way.

Trump left office promising twenty million, but provided only four.

Actually Biden said there wouldn't even be a vacine.

His top scientific adviser said it was impossible..

Thanks for making it happen President Trump

C.H. Truth said...

Good to see the Reverend admit that Biden lied about having a plan.