So far, my twitter followers have diminished from approximately 11,000 down to 6,000 during the Twitter QAnon purge. A purge, which of course, has nothing really to do with QAnon, and everything to do with purging conservative thought and conservative opinion. Every day I look at the suspended (and soon to be deleted/banned) accounts that pop up on my unfollower list, and every day I come away without a single tweet or reference to QAnon, or any tweets having anything having to do high society liberals involved with Satan worship, child sex rings, or cannibalism.
But this is the clever way that big tech, social media, the media, and Democrats are playing it.
- Start by defining QAnon in the worst possible terms: a debunked theory where Trump was elected with the help of the military to break up a liberal high society cabal of Satan worshipers who engage in sex with children, as well as cannibalism.
- Then start to look for ANY fringe reference to anything even loosely associated with QAnon, while simultaneously demanding that completely different issues (such as believing there was election fraud) has become part of the greater QAnon movement.
- Then lump any and all of these actions into one giant pile, until you are basically claiming that somewhere between 100-150 million Americans are part of QAnon.
- Go back to your original definition and demand that everyone "you" lumped into the conspiracy theory for completely different reasons must also believe in the Satan worship, child sex rings, and cannibalism. This provides you with the excuse you are looking for.
Now under normal circumstance, such a silly and obvious logical fallacy would be laughed at by anyone with an IQ over room temperature. But these are not normal circumstance, these are not normal times, and the concept of Americans being logical or even responsible with their attitudes, feelings, and thoughts is laughable. Moreover, this is not much different than how liberals have completely redefined things like "White supremacy" and "racism" to the degree that some unconscious racial trigger (that is always defined by the so-called victim) is now being treated by some as if it is the equivalent to an actual lynching.
There is a story out now where some people are accusing General Flynn of pushing QAnon. Of course, Flynn provides no reference to Satan worship, child sex rings, or cannibalism. Rather, Flynn is pushing some concepts surrounding election fraud, whether or not Covid-19 is being overreported, and the theory that Biden was elected as a puppet or holdover. These are general mainstream theories that involved tens of millions (if not hundreds of millions) of Americans and have zero to do with QAnon.
The problem with all of this is that Democrats and liberals in general have no real political arguments that do not deal with these sort of arguments. Nearly everything that goes wrong is blamed on White Supremacy, racism, and now QAnon. Every difference of opinion is chalked up by liberals as an obvious sign of White Supremacy, racism, and QAnon. It's gotten to the point where as a conservative, you cannot make ANY point about anything without being called a name in response.
It's a simple, but ultimately dangerous concept. You simply reject any and all disagreements to the liberal dogma as being driven by White supremacy, racism, and QAnon, and then you work to censor, crush, cancel, or ban any and all disagreement under those false pretenses. By the way... there is another word for this, and it's called fascism.
hey alky,
tell us more about the "authoritarianism" of the GOP...
A gun control bill that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D–Texas) recently introduced gives you an idea of what Democrats might do if they did not have to worry about the Second Amendment. The Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and Registration Act would establish a national database that is supposed to include every gun in the country, make it a felony to own a firearm or ammunition without a license from the Justice Department, ban magazines that hold more than 10 rounds and "ammunition that is 0.50 caliber or greater," and criminalize possession of a "military-style weapon" without a special license. Violating the bill's provisions would be punishable by hefty fines and long minimum prison sentences, which Lee ordinarily claims to oppose.
The registration requirement applies to both currently owned firearms and guns purchased after the bill takes effect. The bill would give current owners three months to report "the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored" as well as "the identity of any person to whom, and any period of time during which, the firearm will be loaned to the person." New buyers would have to report that information on the date of purchase. Failure to comply would be punishable by a minimum fine of $75,000, a minimum prison sentence of 15 years, or both.
Since 2010, the percentage of self-identified Democrats with a college degree has grown by 6 points, while the percentage without education beyond high school has declined by 7 points. On the Republican side, the story is reversed. The percentage with at least a college degree has declined by 5 points. The percentage without education beyond high school has climbed by 7 points.
It’s worth noting that a decline in college degrees within the GOP is going against the broader tide. It's happened as the number of college-educated Americans increased overall by 5 points. In fact, these numbers could be a warning sign for the Republicans. The party’s growth area in educational attainment, those with a high school diploma or less, is the one that is a shrinking percentage of the U.S. population.
I don't have a college degree but I am much more informed than you believe
more authoritarianism from the left -
In yet another stunning “quiet part out loud” moment, a New England government official revealed the left’s endgame in fighting the climate in an online meeting he assumed would remain private. Massachusetts Undersecretary for Climate Change David Ismay participated in a meeting with the Vermont Climate Council back in January, where he admitted that when it comes to the big climate “offenders” in their region, there are no bad guys left to break. Ismay went on to say that now the only ones left to “break” are the people.
I know one thing that we found in our analysis is that 60% of our emissions come from – as I have it started to say you and me, except you guys are in Vermont – 60% of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles. Let me say that again …60% of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you, the person on your street, the senior on fixed-income. Right now there is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at and turn the screws on and no break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you . We have to break your will.
If you are shocked that a public official would not only admit out loud that they happily broke the back of a job-producing industry in their state, but that they now need to break the back of the average American, you’re not alone. Ismay himself seemed surprised at the words coming out of his mouth, and in a stunning admission told attendees that he knew that was not something he could say out loud in public.
I don't have a college degree but I am much more informed than you believe
But the shit you think you are informed on are always wrong
It's gotten to the point where as a conservative, and you don't suck Trump's mushroom penis, you're own political party will sanction you, like Liz Cheney and Sasse in Nebraska.
Both of them are Reagan Republicans, not Trumpets.
They cannot make ANY point about anything without being called a name in response.
It’s worth noting that a decline in college degrees within the GOP is going against the broader tide. It's happened as the number of college-educated Americans increased overall by 5 points. In fact, these numbers could be a warning sign for the Republicans. The party’s growth area in educational attainment, those with a high school diploma or less, is the one that is a shrinking percentage of the U.S. population.
LOL. so much ignorance and elitism in one paragraph. those of us on the right have discovered the diminishing value of a college degree alky. especially degrees in the various worthless "studies" programs. programs designed to enrich the indoctrinators, and impoverish those duped into paying hundreds of thousands of dollar$ for the worthless degree. so one can "bariste" at starbucks. LOL.
yeah, college degrees are so fucking cherished, the left needs everyone else to pick up the fucking tab for them.
I cannot make ANY point about anything without being called a name in response. Alky alky alky etc.
Highly educated people baffle you
Both of them are Reagan Republicans, not Trumpets.
both of them are Peloshee - Schumer republicans.
they're the poster children for why i fucking LEFT the GOP alky.
two stars of the GOP never-award winning "Failure Theatre."
mavericks like that piece of shit Pappy McStain, may he burn in the hottest corner of hell.
Highly educated people baffle you
Well you ain’t one
Emerald Robinson
Twitter has suspended the account of @gatewaypundit.
Luckily he is on Gab
site continues to improve but not capable of handling volume surges such as when the mypillow video hit.
But big tech suppression of free speech continues despite their supposed "public forum" protections. They are acting like a private company, not a public forum.
Joe Biden's America
A much higher percentage of people with college degrees tend to be more moderate Democrats, because they are able to be more objective than others because they are able to think for themselves
yeah, college degrees are so fucking cherished, the left needs everyone else to pick up the fucking tab for them.
especially their "inferiors"
Joe Biden's America
Banana Republic
Animal Farm
Scott is a White supremacist, racist, and QAnon troll.
Oh and alky don't bother telling us about how you read Orwells books while you were in the womb. You obviously didn't understand anything he was talking about.
Must have been an alcoholic even then
Joe Biden's America
Animal Farm
The data shifted because Trump created jobs and lifted wages for blue collar democrats as well as minorities. M7ch of America does not support what were getti,g fro, the coastal elites.
or at least commit yourself
you sound like you are near the end
Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) on Sunday said she stood by her vote to impeach then-President Donald Trump last month after her state’s GOP censured her over the move on Saturday.
“The oath that I took to the Constitution compelled me to vote for impeachment,” said Cheney, the third-ranking Republican in the House. “And it doesn’t bend to partisanship. It doesn’t bend to political pressure. It’s the most important oath that we take.”
Cheney was one of 10 Republicans to vote to impeach Trump following the deadly insurrectionist mob attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6.
People like her ,could save the Republican party but as a conservative, she cannot make ANY point about anything without being called a name in response.
rrb called Senator John McCain, a war hero who actually ran for President as a Republican, a traitor.
Roger's inferiority complex comes out again by telling us how smart and informed he is.
There's an old chinese proverb that says those who say, don't do and those who do, don't say.
Highly educated people baffle you
Well as someone who has multiple college degrees, I can assure you that I do not baffle myself.
Tell us again, Roger... what was your degree in?
Now Roger is concerned about name calling after every Republican in the country has been called a racist white supremist for the past four years.
Some highly educated people can be gaslighted, you are a prime example!
I'm laughing out loud at you Scott.
Ditto coldheartedtruth post. I have four college degrees and three professional certifications. I'm not baffled by myself.
I haven't called Cheney or Sasse or Thrun or many other Republicans racist or white supremacist.
The ballsless is the dumbest highly educated person I ever met.
I'm laughing out loud at you Scott.
And just think of what the nurses in your lockdown ward are thinking about you laughing out loud at your computer screen. If we don't hear from you for a while, we should assume straight jacket and rubber room!
Im not talking about just you dumb fuck.
Myballs said...
Now Roger is concerned about name calling after every Republican in the country has been called a racist white supremist for the past four years.
and he is concerned about resistance after 4 years of his parties resistance.
But he wants to throw peaceful protesters in jail. ALL violent protesters should face charges and jail but not peaceful ones. And many violent ones have been allowed to not face consequences for 4 years and have emboldened others.
The lies about Trump and Americans are truly despicable by a party filled with many with no morals and just out to lock in their agenda.
* Party's
If I disagree about this you have to insult me again we should assume straight jacket and rubber room!
I enjoy mocking you with your own words.
The Democrats should deny the teacher's unions and open up the schools within 90 days. It is important that the teachers should have given the injections immunity.
Someone has been telling LIES about Trump?
3,578 lies and misleading statements, perhaps, for all those he told in his four "presidential" years?
Regarding the thread topic
Lawsuits Take a Lead In the Fight Against Disinformation
12:40 pm
New York Times: “In just a few weeks, lawsuits and legal threats from a pair of obscure election technology companies have achieved what years of advertising boycotts, public pressure campaigns and liberal outrage could not: curbing the flow of misinformation in right-wing media.
“Litigation represents a new front in the war against misinformation, a scourge that has reshaped American politics, deprived citizens of common facts and paved the way for the deadly Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.
"… But the use of defamation suits has also raised uneasy questions about how to police a news media that counts on First Amendment protections — even as some conservative outlets advanced Mr. Trump’s lies and eroded public faith in the democratic process.”
Finding a more correct balance will not be easy, but the avalanche of outright untruths, lies, and downright dangerous misleading statements cannot continue as it has.
Freedom of speech includes freedom to push back on the speakers and hold them accountable.
Radio stations that do not allow people to call in locally and dissent should lose their licenses.
Finding a more correct balance will not be easy, but the avalanche of outright untruths, lies, and downright dangerous misleading statements cannot continue as it has.
Russian Collusion HOAX, White Supremacist HOAX, Trump hates our troops HOAX, Ukraine pressured HOAX etc need to stop. Probably hundreds of thousands of false and misleading posts, stories and "fact checks" involved just those.
The coordinated coup veiled as election "fortification" and the failure to prosecute top democrat operatives like Comey, Strzok McCabe etc is a failure of democracy.
Outright lies and leaks by people like Schiff, Brennan and Clapper need to have recourse.
Having the criminals running the henhouse... what can possibly go wrong ???
Joe Biden's America
Banana Republic
A reporter forces himself to watch the Trump network OAN (One America News) for a full day.
Treason has the death penalty!
"We have to take a really hard look at who we are and what we stand for, what we believe in," Cheney told "Fox News Sunday." "I think that when you look at both [Trump's] actions leading up to Jan. 6, that he was impeached in a bipartisan fashion, the fact that he lost the presidency, the fact that we lost the Senate. We have to be in a position where we can say we stand for principles, for ideals."
"We should not be embracing the former president," she added.
Hang Liz Cheney!
"Trump hates our troops HOAX"
Yeah, those fact checker HOAXsters who showed that Trump really did call McCain a loser for getting shot down and captured in 'Nam,
[that one was easy, he denied it, but had said it on video!]
and the reporters (including even a reporter from FOX) who confirmed that Trump had indeed called dead of World War One "losers" and "suckers"
and confirmed that about troops who did not plead bonespurs but went to Vietnam and were killed there, Trump asked, "What was in it for them?"
You mean THOSE fact checking hoaxes?
"MyballsFebruary 7, 2021 at 1:46 PM
Reading the tea leaves...
Pelosi has said this would be her last term ad speaker
Schiff is out warning the country of how horrible a speaker McCarthy would be
Schiff is also lobbying to become CA attorney general and leave DC.
Dems are very worried that they lose the house in 2022. They know that the country does not want this 2nd impeachment that their hatred pushed onto us all"
and the reporters (including even a reporter from FOX) who confirmed that Trump had indeed called dead of World War One "losers" and "suckers"
And the 25 witnesses that were there say it’s a fucking lie, which is why you peddle it, pedo
When will Trump stop Owing the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT?
Trump actual did a great Job.
Top 10 countries by cumulative solar PV capacity in 2019
China: 204,700 MW (32.6%)United States: 75,900 MW (12.1%)Japan: 63,000 MW (10.0%)Germany: 49,200 MW (7.8%)India: 42,800 MW (6.8%)Italy: 20,800 MW (3.3%)Australia: 14,600 MW (2.3%)United Kingdom: 13,300 MW (2.1%)"
Will The Dark Winter President move us into the number one position.
Josh Caplan
FRANCE 24: France guilty of failing to meet own Paris climate agreement commitments, Paris court finds
China and India pumping out gazillions of carbons so Biden kneecaps us.
WTF is he or his followers thinking?
Kerry will probably fly to California to pick up Pelosi and then fly to Paris to "join" .
America Last
Biden's America
Animal Farm
**Impeached one-term former president Donald J. Trump is thinking of starting his own social media company. What should he call it?
Blogger Roger Amick said...
**Impeached one-term former president Donald J. Trump is thinking of starting his own social media company. What should he call it?
Living rent free in Alky’s head
What should he call it?
Truth or Trumpisms....!!!!!!!!
McCarthy Told Cheney to Apologize for Impeachment Vote
2:53 pm
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) tried to get Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) “to apologize for voting to impeach former President Trump before last week’s highly anticipated House GOP conference meeting — a request she refused,” Axios reports.
“Cheney rolled the dice, refusing her leader’s request and counting on her supporters to keep her as conference chair, the party’s No. 3 post in the House. Newly empowered, she’s now embracing her role as the Republicans’ Trump critic-in-chief.”
New York Times: Spurning calls to resign, Liz Cheney says GOP must move past Trump.
AB-so-LUTEly. If the GOP doesn't get past Trump, he will doom it.
Impeached one-term former president Donald J. Trump is thinking of starting his own social media company. What should he call it?
That's easy:
LIES, Inc.
Coronavirus Variant Spreading Rapidly Thru U.S.
1:19 pm
“The coronavirus variant that shut down much of the United Kingdom is spreading rapidly across the United States, outcompeting other mutant strains and doubling its prevalence among confirmed infections every week and a half,” the Washington Post reports.
Big Majority Approve of Biden’s Pandemic Response
5:51 pm
“Two in 3 Americans approve of President Biden’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic, according to a poll by ABC News-Ipsos, with widespread support for his efforts to pass a relief bill.”
“Biden’s 67% approval on handling the coronavirus contrasts sharply with how Americans felt President Donald Trump handled the pandemic.
In October, 61% said they disapproved of Trump’s response to the coronavirus.”
Top Conservative Lawyer Says Trump Can Stand Trial
6:37 pm
“One of Washington’s leading conservative constitutional lawyers publicly broke on Sunday with the main Republican argument against convicting former President Donald J. Trump in his impeachment trial, asserting that an ex-president can indeed be tried for high crimes and misdemeanors,” the New York Times reports.
“In an opinion piece posted on The Wall Street Journal’s website, the lawyer, Charles J. Cooper, who is closely allied with top Republicans in Congress, dismissed as illogical the claim that it is unconstitutional to hold an impeachment trial for a former president.”
Well of course he can stand trial. He won't be convicted but he and the GOP sure will look BAD.
And history will not let the GOP forget.
QAnon is not a conspiracy theory. It’s a fascistic political movement which predicts and advocates mass violence against liberals (and everyone else outside its definition of true Americans,like Nancy Pelosi.)
See the article about Liz Cheney I just put in the next thread up.
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