Sunday, February 7, 2021

Over 62,000 Covid deaths on Biden's watch!

Liberals won't accept responsibility!

Liberals use the logic that even though Trump wasn't responsible for the virus, the deaths are his responsibility because he was President. Didn't matter if the virus spread from China, or that the UK, Italy, and other countries had more deaths per million, or that that millions were dying world wide. 

Nope. Our specific deaths were because of Trump. 

Bad orange man!

So what is fair is fair. If Trump was responsible because he was President, then Biden is equally responsible, just for being President today. Probably more so, because he spent the entire Presidential campaign telling Americans that he had a plan to not only slow, but to completely stop the virus. Now that he is President he states that there "nothing we can do" to stop the trajectory. 

So quick recap. Joe promised to fix it. He lied. He never had a plan, and now that he is elected, he admits as such

So far, he has come up with nothing other doubling down on the same strategies, using primarily the same experts that Trump did, while pretending it's something new. Strategies that largely haven't worked (because if they did work, we wouldn't have 470,000 dead). Strategies implemented largely unsuccessfully in most parts or the world.

At this current pace, we are 110 days from having more deaths under Biden than we had under Trump. How would that tie out with the concept that Trump left Biden with an infrastructure of support, along with multiple vaccines that have been created months prior to when experts said they could be done by?


Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Jesse McKinley

@NYGovCuomo is reopening indoor dining in restaurants in NYC, but much of the data is worse than when he shut that down in December, including hospitalizations and per-capita cases.

Democrats cratered out economy to hurt Trump.

Our country be damned

Biden's America

Banana Republic

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...


anonymous said...

Dayum lil schitty posting another turd sandwich to make you feel like a big man......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

BTW saw a even more interesting stat that in the month of January 29k left the GOP in the states of PA, NC, and AZ!!!!!!!! All on Bidens watch!!!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

anonymous said...

Could not agree more with this letter writer.....too bad you slurpers have your head up trumps fat white ass!!!!!

Sun, February 7, 2021, 6:00 AM
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., goes back to her office after speaking on the floor of the House Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) returns to her office after speaking on the House floor on Feb. 4. (Associated Press)
To the editor: The stunning contrast in the stories on the front page of The Times on Friday could not have been clearer or more heart-wrenching. The luminous, inspirational and utterly humbling story of Stephanie Contreras-Reyes, showing us the best of what we can be, versus the grotesque, dispiriting and utterly despicable story of the "gentlewoman from Georgia," should make us all stop in our tracks.

The choice, I pray, still lies before us. Will we be a country of grace, class, dedication to family and belief in a promising tomorrow, as Contreras-Reyes represents? Or will we be a country that is debased, crass, cynical and fear-mongering, as the Georgia lawmaker represents?

For my family and I, we cast our lot with Contreras-Reyes and her family — and all who, like she, demonstrate what true sacrifice and humility look like. May this country be guided by such examples.

Rabbi Shana Chandler, Reseda


To the editor: The search for the Republican Party continues.

I am mystified by the commentaries that followed the House of Representatives voting to strip freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) of all her committee assignments in the wake of escalating controversy over her past support of conspiracy theories, her violent rhetoric and other behavior.

There is much handwringing and thoughts of the establishment Republicans reclaiming the heart of the Republican Party. This speculation is analogous to generals preparing for the last war.

There is no longer a Republican Party. What exists is a Donald Trump personality cult that has captured the GOP and is exploiting its administrative skeleton.

Richard Nelson, Thousand Oaks

Anonymous said...

Oh no Nancy is Naked
"Calls for Pelosi to pay fine she imposed after bypassing metal detector intensify'Is this a rule that makes sense? No of course not. But that’s not the point, the point is they’re her rules"

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden is getting raped by the Teacher's union.

Both are ignoring Science at the Expense of the children.

Socialism is a Mental Disorder.

rrb said...

@NYGovCuomo is reopening indoor dining in restaurants in NYC, but much of the data is worse than when he shut that down in December, including hospitalizations and per-capita cases.



Caliphate4vr said...

Wow fatty two letters or the editor in LATimes from Californians worried about house district 14 in Georgia

Fuck them clean the needles and feces off the streets of California before worrying about us

And have a pie fatman

rrb said...

BTW saw a even more interesting stat that in the month of January 29k left the GOP in the states of PA, NC, and AZ!!!!!!!!

and even here in NY BWAA. I just received my updated voter registration from the board of elections.

the GOP is dead to me.

Myballs said...

Cuomo is doing this because he sees Newsom about to be recalled and because he is losing lawsuits vs restaurants.

rrb said...

why we need more and more and MOAR! government...

The city’s 15 vaccination hubs were ghost towns last Saturday, and the city Department of Health is refusing to reveal just how bad distribution went.

One DOH staffer stationed at the Hillcrest High School hub in Queens on Jan. 30 said he did nothing all day.

“You cannot imagine how much nothing it was,” he said of the demoralizing day.

He said there were about 70 workers on hand — some earning overtime pay for 12-hour shifts — and about 10 people to vaccinate.

The worker said several appeals were made to DOH officials to be able to vaccinate people without appointments, and they were denied. He said the hubs had about 400 to 700 doses.

“We could have used that day to vaccinate thousands of people … and we just blew it,” he said.

Anonymous said...

Everyone getting the Vaccination must prove who they are, photo ID.

anonymous said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
Wow fatty two letters or the editor in LATimes from C

And the mouth of the south still cannot find his shriveled white ass in the dark!!!!!!!! Sorry sport but Marjorie is like your sales carrier.....doomed to go no where but drag the GOP down with her and anyone anywhere in the country who is conservative should be concerned.....except for dumb fucking losers like you!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

worried about house district 14 in Georgia

What is most amusing and telling of you, the mouth of the south,, is the stink you and your cohorts have raised about those 3 little women who Greene had targeted with her AR 15 ad......God you really need to take your head out of your ass and realize Marjorie is your pied piper of the GOP demise!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Over 400,000 died under the ex President.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden has been in office for... how many days... and suddenly he is responsible for Trumps months and months and months of gross lies and mismanagement?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I will be getting my first vaccination soon. It was not easy. I tried and tried and finally I got a local health department LIVING person talking to me on the phone. She took my information and promised I would hear back from her. A few hours later, I did, and my appointment is now scheduled.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nationally, the overall percentage of respiratory specimens testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, decreased from 11.2% during week 3 to 9.7% during week 4. Percent positivity decreased in all ten Health and Human Services (HHS) regionsexternal icon and decreased among all age groups.

From week three, when the ex President was in office the symptoms decreased 2.5%

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I didn't have to provide a photo id

Anonymous said...

Joe is that you?
:"regionsexternal icon"?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Biden has been identified as a successful President in just three weeks,

Rates of new coronavirus cases overall in the US have been dropping. The country has averaged about 136,900 new cases a day over the last week -- the lowest average since November 12, according to Johns Hopkins University data.3 days ago

Myballs said...

No he hasn't. He's already getting hammered from the left for his cabinet, from the right for his disastrous executive orders, from the e,edgy unions for his energy policies and from middle class for backing the teachers union against the kids. And that doesn't even speak to his universally disliked foreign policy.

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT have to paint The Dark Winter President as a "success" .

They are 100% Socialist , the party demands it, they deliver.

Myballs said...

Reading the tea leaves...

Pelosi has said this would be her last term ad speaker

Schiff is out warning the country of how horrible a speaker McCarthy would be

Schiff is also lobbying to become CA attorney general and leave DC.

Dems are very worried that they lose the house in 2022. They know that the country does not want this 2nd impeachment that their hatred pushed onto us all.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Saw Biden interview pre super bowl. He was disappointed that Trump admin didn't have more vaccines ready to go. Wtf? Did anyone tell him that they were just approved mid december?

Yes, but Trump said he would have 20 million Americans vaccinated by the end of 2020, and only a little more than 4 million vaccines had been administered by then.
The order of magnitude in this shortfall in vaccine distribution was characterized by
*inadequate leadership from the Trump administration,
*a lack of coordination among federal, state and local authorities,
*and inadequate communication.

Biden has every right to be "disappointed" by the available supply.