Thursday, February 11, 2021

Impeachment case going sour?

 At least according to some!

"The not-guilty vote is growing after today," he added. "I think most Republicans found the presentation by the House managers offensive and absurd. We all know what happened at the Capitol was terrible. I hope everybody involved that broke into the Capitol goes to jail, but I don’t remember any of these House managers saying a damn thing when they were trying to break into my house and going after Susan Collins and spitting on all of us.” 
Meanwhile, it's always good to misquote a juror!
The second day of former President Trump's impeachment trial ended in chaos after an effort by Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) to remove remarks by the House impeachment managers from the official record sparked widespread confusion. "Statements were attributed to me moments ago by the House impeachment managers. Statements relating to the content of conversations between a phone call involving President Trump and Sen. Tuberville were not made by me. They're not accurate, and they're contrary to fact. I move pursuant to Rule 16 that they be stricken from the record," Lee said.

From what it sounds like, the Democrats are attempting to "enflame" the situation by spending a lot of time talking about the violence at the Capital. Obviously the amount of violence (whether it be more or less than originally suggested) has no bearing on whether or not Trump "incited" it. This is a classic trial trick that generally causes a defense team to "object" under the grounds that showing excessive evidence of a crime does nothing to actually prove the guilt of the defendant. 

Since a large portion of the Senate have law degrees or people on their immediate staff with law degrees, the chances of a trial stunt like this working seems far fetched. But since the Democrats have no real actual legal ground to "prove" that the pre-planned riot was "incited" by Trump, they are stuck with the dual strategies of appealing to emotion and redefining the legal terms of "insurrection" and "incitement". 

Has any of this moved the needle? By the reaction of lion's share of Republicans, it may only be working to further cement opposition.   


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The new video
Before Tuesday’s proceedings, the House impeachment team sent word that its presentation would include never-before-seen video.
What they showed was harrowing, illustrating how close several lawmakers came to disaster. Vice President Mike Pence, Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) were all shown to have come very near harm’s way.
Pence was shown evacuating just across from where the Capitol rioters had penetrated. Schumer was shown heading one way and then quickly running in the other at the direction of law enforcement. Romney was walking through a rope line when he too was told to run by Eugene Goodman of the Capitol Police.
Other lawmakers were also shown evacuating just feet from a rioter being held at gunpoint on the floor.
We already knew that the rioters targeted lawmakers and chanted threats about Pence and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). We also knew that people died that day and in the aftermath. But until Wednesday, we didn’t have a full picture of how close some high-profile lawmakers came to the mob.
Whether that makes Trump’s conviction any more likely is yet to be seen.

But it became clearer that Jan. 6 could have been much worse if events shifted by just a few seconds or a few feet.

Even if they had a recording of the ex President shouting fire at Mike Pence, the Republicans are scared to death and him. 17 Republicans will follow his orders, just like you Scott and refuse to convict

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

The Dunning-Kruger effect (others will call it the rake effect):

Roger Amick said...Even if they had a recording of the ex President shouting fire at Mike Pence, the Republicans are scared to death and him. 17 Republicans will follow his orders, just like you Scott and refuse to convict

May be a bit confusing for you but if 17 Republicans refuse to convict and the Democrats all vote to convict he will be found guilty.


It's called math

rrb said...

Amazing. They can't even conduct a high-tech lynching without stepping on a rake. I'd laugh my ass off were it not for the weeping and rending of garments. I have no love lost for Mike Lee because of his record on a number of issues, specifically immigration and his general Trump aversion over the past four years. But what the Democrats are doing here is beyond the pale. Meh, what have they got to lose? They stole the 2020 election, are doing everything they can to keep in place the apparatus to steal every other election going forward and are now engaged, with the eager assistance of large swathes of the financial, information technology and business sectors, in structurally dismantling a free market based economy and open society, with the concomitant freedoms and individual rights of the citizens, and erecting in its place a monolithic, corporate/fascistic command and control state in its place.

Whatever the outcome of this garbage (and a conviction is highly unlikely), PIEOTUS Trump is at least going to be seen as a victim and, if they continue with the persecutions and smearing of not just him but of ordinary citizens who support him and in point of fact support the notion of America as founded, they will have created a martyr and energized a movement. The 75 million who voted for him and perhaps double that number who either support him or are scared shitless of what's happened to the country are going to be a force to be reckoned with. One way or another.

C.H. Truth said...

Keep in mind that Roger is not a well educated person (by his own account). Math might be difficult for him.

rrb said...

Blogger C.H. Truth said...

Keep in mind that Roger is not a well educated person (by his own account). Math might be difficult for him.

the alky, being the noted constitutional scholar, resident blog historian, and Sec. 320 juris doctor that he thinks he is, probably believes that Cum-Allah can break the 83 - 17 tie.



Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Whether a former President ought to be subject to an impeachment trial is a matter of constitutional debate. Whether it’s prudent, if acquittal appears likely, is a related question. But wherever you come down on those issues, the House impeachment managers this week are laying out a visceral case that the Capitol riot of Jan. 6 was a disgrace for which President Trump bears responsibility. Scott will never blame The ex President.

Long before November, Mr. Trump was saying that the only way he could lose the election was if it were rigged. On the night of the vote, he tweeted, “they are trying to STEAL the election.” In his speech that night, he called it “a fraud on the American public,” and said, “frankly we did win.” Is it a surprise that some of his fans took his words to heart?

Instead of bowing to dozens of court defeats, Mr. Trump escalated. He falsely claimed that Vice President Mike Pence, if only he had the courage, could reject electoral votes and stop Democrats from hijacking democracy. He called his supporters to attend a rally on Jan. 6, when Congress would do the counting. “Be there, will be wild!”< Mr. Trump tweeted. His speech that day was timed to coincide with the action in the Capitol, and then he directed the crowd down Pennsylvania Avenue.

Mr. Trump’s defenders point out that he also told the audience to make their voices heard “peacefully.” And contra Rep. Eric Swalwell, who argued the incitement to attack the Capitol was “premeditated,” it’s difficult to think Mr. Trump ever envisioned what followed: that instead of merely making a boisterous display, the crowd would riot, assault the police, invade the building, send lawmakers fleeing with gas masks, trash legislative offices, and leave in its wake a dead Capitol.

But talk about playing with fire. Mr. Trump told an apocalyptic fable in which American democracy might end on Jan. 6, and some people who believed him acted like it. Once the riot began, Mr. Trump took hours to say anything, a delay his defenders have not satisfactorily explained. Even then he equivocated. Imagine, Rep. Joe Neguse said, if Mr. Trump “had simply gone onto TV, just logged on to Twitter and said ‘Stop the Attack,’ if he had done so with even half as much force as he said ‘Stop the Steal.’”

Yes, there’s no defense for Mr. Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6 and before. Mitch McConnell is reportedly telling his GOP colleagues that the decision to convict or acquit is a vote of conscience, and that’s appropriate. After the Electoral College voted on Dec. 14, Mr. Trump could have conceded defeat and touted his accomplishments.

Now his legacy will be forever stained by this violence, and by his betrayal of his supporters in refusing to tell them the truth. Whatever the result of the impeachment trial, Republicans should remember the betrayal if Mr. Trump decides to run again in 2024.

Because you will never condem the ex President, it will be your disgraceful legacy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I spent almost 2 decades using excel spreadsheets on highly complex projects, for the largest HMO in the country.

Mathematical analysis was a major factor. Some of them were over 12 million dollars. I was given several awards for them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He was obliged to speak out and immediately told them to go home.

Instead he watched the Insurrection in glee.

The Democrats provide a body camera video of a police officer was beaten by the MAGA nutcases with bats and other weapons.

If you really was a law and order supporter, you would condemn Trump for the violence.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If this is true, it is a direct link to the people who invaded the Capitol building.

(CNN)The Justice Department is now making clear that a leader among the Oath Keepers paramilitary group -- who planned and led others in the US Capitol siege to attempt to stop the Biden presidency -- believed she was responding to the call from then-President Donald Trump himself.

"As the inauguration grew nearer, [Jessica] Watkins indicated that she was awaiting direction from President Trump," prosecutors wrote in a filing Thursday morning.

This is the most direct language yet from federal prosecutors linking Trump's requests for support in Washington, DC, to the most militant aspects of the insurrection.

C.H. Truth said...

He was obliged to speak out and immediately told them to go home.

Well Roger...

Let's assume this issue works the same way as every issue works under our constitution and legal system. Which is to say that only in rare circumstances do we hold one person accountable for the actions of others. Those cases are when there is a dual planning (accessory to a crime) or actual incitement (which requires specific instructions and immediate action by those incited).

Provide me "another" example where it would be considered a crime for one person to not make a public announcement for an action to stop?

Oh... and just so that you are aware. The President did release multiple statements during the riots for people to respect the police and to end whatever rioting was taking place. So it's actually a "lie" to say he didn't step up and condemn it up front or that he didn't ask people to stop.

Just a flat out basic lie.

C.H. Truth said...

believed she was responding to the call from then-President Donald Trump himself.

The Son of Sam believed he was taking orders from a dog. That just made him fucking nuts. It didn't make the neighbor's dog "Sam" liable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Three and a half hours after the invasion of the Capitol building he said go home and again that he loved them. Just like you love Donald Trump's mushroom penis

Caliphate4vr said...

The Son of Sam

I knew it wasn’t Berkowitz

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


The Justice Department is now making clear that a leader among the Oath Keepers paramilitary group -- who planned and led others in the US Capitol siege to attempt to stop the Biden presidency -- believed she was responding to the call from then-President Donald Trump. Someone else said she was waiting for a direct call from Trump. But you have lost your mind Scott, seriously you don't understand shit

If it is presented to the Senate hearing, it still won't change enough minds to convict Donald Trump.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

It didn't make the neighbor's dog "Sam" liable.

Wait, it didn't ???

I agree with alky, this a s gross miscarriage of justice.

Or as he would say a misconcobulationary by Trump.

It's like the dog who didn't bark.

Is CHT blind and therefor can't hear ???

Guilty, I'm now convinced. It hasn't reached reached the point of reasonable doubt as required.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Anonymous Caliphate4vr said...
The Son of Sam

I knew it wasn’t Berkowitz

I could have sworn it was actually Newman

C.H. Truth said...

Actually Roger...

There were official statements from the White House, Trump released a video to the media, and there were tweets (which have been deleted now since Trump's entire account was deleted) all that took place "during" the riots.

The fact that some believe that he needed to "go on television" is only as good as the fact that most networks were not willing to carry anything that the lame duck President was saying. They had a video, why wasn't it played?

Caliphate4vr said...

Always the postman

C.H. Truth said...

Well we know that the Son of Sam is not guilty of his crimes.

The neighbor's dog is responsible.

According to Roger!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The video was played by the enemy of the people free press.

I saw it myself

rrb said...

the alky is using the same logic on this that he used on Trump not wearing a mask.

according to alky logic, thousands died because Trump didn't set a good example and mask up 24/7. and now the imbecile wants to hold him responsible for the panty raid.

geezus, Stage IV TDS really warps the ability to think.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You use analogies because you can't make your own points.

Gaslighting has side effects on your thoughts.

"Son of Sam: is evidence.

C.H. Truth said...


Son of Sam was found guilty because our system rejects the notion that the actions of one person can be blamed on other people (or in this case a dog)

But is doesn't require any "analogies" to follow the law and prove fairly conclusively that there was no "insurrection" and that the President didn't commit any "incitement".

Otherwise you wouldn't have Democrats actually telling their faithful followers that impeachment is not about the "law" - but rather it's about what Congress determines it to be.

So even the Democrats prosecuting this case are not arguing that any "laws were broken" by the President. They admit fully that this is political theater for sake of political theater and that "impeachment" is no longer an issue of law, but an issue of politics.

The fact that we accepted for 230 years that "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" meant that a criminal act must have been committed... but now because of the "bad orange man" certain people now "reject" that concept and say it's all about whatever Congress wants... is proof positive of what you would call "gaslighting".

After changing the definition of impeachment... is it any wonder that we "doubled" the amount of times it has been used against a President in less than one term?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Wall Street Journal has been gaslighted according to Scott.

Yes, there’s no defense for Mr. Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6 and before. Mitch McConnell is reportedly telling his GOP colleagues that the decision to convict or acquit is a vote of conscience, and that’s appropriate. After the Electoral College voted on Dec. 14, Mr. Trump could have conceded defeat and touted his accomplishments.

Now his legacy will be forever stained by this violence, and by his betrayal of his supporters in refusing to tell them the truth. Whatever the result of the impeachment trial, Republicans should remember the betrayal if Mr. Trump decides to run again in 2024.

Yes, there’s no defense for Mr. Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6 and before.
Yes, there’s no defense for Mr. Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6 and before.

Yes, there’s no defense for Mr. Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6 and before.

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia

There is no excuse for anything he said or did before January 6th According to the gaslighted Wall Street Journal according to you

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The hearsay excuse is ridiculous

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There are some interesting questions about impeachment of a one term President.

I don't find a problem, because impeachment is quite unusual. Donald Trump is a unique figure in history.

But, this President made the most dangerous attack on the United States of America.

If he had succeeded, he would be the President of the Confederate States of America.

The American dream would be gone forever.

Democracies are fragile, because we have the freedom speech, because words matter.

But, a few hundred police officers saved the lives of the Vice President Pence and the Speaker of the house and the next line of succession.

Yet from January 6th, you said that it was not an Insurrection. Because you have been gaslighted by Donald Trump. Even Mitch McConnell said 

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Just proving.

There is stupid.

There is very stupid.

And then there is alky stupid.

The Dunning-Kruger effect on steroids.

Apparently has no cure either so therefore the alky's frustration.

Good thing he's by himself and can't take it out on anyone else.

Or perhaps he has found a dog to kick.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Yeah, Roger did you read this you sniviling little Effeminate coward.

"C.H. TruthFebruary 11, 2021 at 9:11 AM

Roger continues to lie about me over and over while threatening to sue others for retelling the same stories he told us here.

Reality. Nobody "made up" the idea that Roger was taken away by the police, that his ex-wife made allegations against him that he got physical, that he yelled profanities and scared his ex with his "loud voice", and that there might have been some sort of order or protection against him.

Repeating what Roger has already admitted is not grounds for a lawsuit."

Bring on your lawsuit Roger, you bitch.

rrb said...

But, this President made the most dangerous attack on the United States of America.

this is highly insulting to every American who watched in horror as radical islamists murdered close to 3,000 Americans, just like it's insulting to Jews when one of you drama queen assholes compares something to the Holocaust.

the only gaslighting that's going on right now is being done by the left. you desperately NEED this to be a much bigger deal than it really is because you desperately NEED a political victory over the guy you couldn't touch while he was in office.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Trump is an execesentia person.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rrb said...

Or perhaps he has found a dog to kick.

not since his 'pomeranian princess' threw his drunk ass out.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is an existential threat to the United states of America

rrb said...

alky, the word you're looking for is "existential."

Learn to pronounce

relating to existence.


concerned with existence, especially human existence as viewed in the theories of existentialism.

(of a proposition) affirming or implying the existence of a thing.



Anonymous said...

Roger AmickFebruary 11, 2021 at 10:31 AM

I spent almost 2 decades using excel spreadsheets on highly complex projects, for the largest HMO in the country"

The above never happened.

Nor do you have a "6 figure income guaranteed for life ".

Your own statement proves you lied.

Anonymous said...

"not since his 'pomeranian princess' threw his drunk ass out.


Careful, Roger will sue you.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm not going to respond to the racist rodent bastard or kputz

Caliphate4vr said...


His alkyfill is off

Anonymous said...

Roger told us he has a "6 figure income guaranteed for life ".

Yet, he told us he has received both Trump payments of $1,200 & $600.

And will receive the Biden $1,400.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you can bully and abuse us like you do women.
No one believes your abuse of women started and ended with little Lydia.

You are a effeminate gurl.

Anonymous said...

"Roger AmickFebruary 11, 2021 at 12:24 PM

I'm not going to respond to the racist rodent bastard or kputz"

Alkyfill ® Cali

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump is a bigot.

Donald Trump is a demagogue.

Donald Trump is a sexist, misogynist, chauvinist pig.

Donald Trump is a bully.

Donald Trump is a cheat.

Donald Trump is a pathological liar.

Donald Trump is a nativist.

Donald Trump’s campaign proved too attractive to anti-Semites, Nazis and white nationalists, and on some level the campaign courting that constituency.

rrb etc.

rrb said...

Roger Amick said...

I spent almost 2 decades using excel spreadsheets on highly complex projects, for the largest HMO in the country.

Mathematical analysis was a major factor. Some of them were over 12 million dollars. I was given several awards for them.

suuuuuuuuuuure you did, alky.

and then you proceeded to lose your second wife's nest egg to a nigerian prince e-mail scam.

and your "award" (LOL) for that was a fucking restraining order and lock down in a group home for the disabled.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

12:53 p.m. Protesters, led by the group in tactical gear and including individuals associated with the Proud Boys, knock down the first row of barricades and the crowd begins pushing up the stairs toward a second line of barricades as thousands of protesters stream in from the rally on the National Mall. Within minutes, the small number of Capitol Police guarding the barricade retreat up the stairs and up the lawn, giving protesters unrestricted access to the lower stairs and the west lawn of the Capitol.

12:57 p.m. The first group reaches the west side of the Capitol and begins to clash with officers, shoving and yelling “Traitors!”

1 p.m. Vice President Mike Pence and senators walk to the House chamber to begin the joint session convened to certify the Electoral College result. Mr. Pence releases a letter saying he won’t interfere in the count as Mr. Trump had demanded.

Vice President Mike Pence arrived at the Capitol around 1 p.m. for a joint session of the House and Senate.

Meanwhile, thousands of people are on the Capitol lawn and many are packed onto a landing in front of the Capitol, where staging and scaffolding had been constructed for the coming inauguration. Capitol Police form a line at the foot of the stairs leading to the Capitol building, pushing back angry protesters. Clashes between the police and protesters break out. A few people climb the scaffolding, waving Trump flags from the top. Over the next 40 minutes, protesters continue to scuffle with officers. A man with a bullhorn calls out for the protesters to push forward. Capitol Police on the balconies of the west Capitol steps unload tear gas, projectiles and what appear to be flash grenades. The crowd isn’t deterred.

1:11 p.m. Mr. Trump concludes his speech at the Ellipse.

1:13 p.m. Additional officers arrive at the Capitol wearing gas masks and face shields. Smoke and tear gas waft through the crowd.

Police tried to retrieve a barricade during a scuffle with Trump supporters at the U.S. Capitol.PHOTO: JULIO CORTEZ/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Around 1:40 p.m. A group of a couple dozen protesters push up the left side of the west front stairs of the Capitol, wedging themselves between the left railing of the stairs and the scaffolding. As the area is just a few feet wide, only a handful of officers can fit into the space to stop them from advancing. Officers douse the group with a chemical irritant, but the protesters—now using found objects as makeshift shields—don’t budge and begin advancing. Protesters throw objects and appear to spray some kind of chemical irritant at the officers. Dozens of people begin climbing the scaffolding.

1:35 p.m. In Senate deliberations over the Arizona result, then-Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) warns that refusing to certify the results of the presidential election under false pretenses would push American democracy into a “death spiral.”

1:52 p.m. Alex Jones, a far-right conspiracy theorist, stands on a vehicle parked on the west lawn for more than 10 minutes, praising rioters but telling them not to attack police and to move to the east side of the building, where he said organizers had a permit to gather. Others encourage some in the crowd to circle around to the east side of the Capitol in an effort to form a circle of protesters around the whole building. At roughly the same time, protesters begin ripping down the white plastic sheeting covering the scaffolding.

Anonymous said...

True and Funny.

"suuuuuuuuuuure you did, alky.

and then you proceeded to lose your second wife's nest egg to a nigerian prince e-mail scam.

and your "award" (LOL) for that was a fucking restraining order and lock down in a group home for the disabled."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This timeline of events on Jan. 6 in Washington, D.C., is based on public statements, eyewitness accounts from Wall Street Journal reporters, authenticated videos, testimony at the Senate impeachment trial and interviews with participants.

1 a.m. President Trump tweets: “If Vice President @Mike_Pence comes through for us, we will win the Presidency. Many States want to decertify the mistake they made in certifying incorrect & even fraudulent numbers in a process NOT approved by their State Legislatures (which it must be.) Mike can send it back!”

8:17a.m. Mr. Trump tweets: “States want to correct their votes, which they now know were based on irregularities and fraud, plus corrupt process never received legislative approval. All Mike Pence has to do is send them back to the States, AND WE WIN. Do it Mike, this is a time for extreme courage!”

Midmorning Before the rally of Trump supporters at the Ellipse, which would culminate in a 70-minute speech by Mr. Trump, a man with a bullhorn is walking around the National Mall telling people that protesters plan to march to the Capitol after the president finishes his speech. Others are spreading the word as well.

Thousands of Trump supporters, fueled by his unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud, flooded the nation's capital Jan. 6th

Around 10 a.m. A man wearing military tactical gear, standing with a group of people similarly kitted out, says within earshot of Journal reporters that he wants to forcefully enter the Capitol. The group engages in a minor scuffle with police after approaching the entrance to the Washington Monument.

11:35 a.m. A group of Proud Boys are already gathered on the east side of the Capitol, according to videos of the scene. One of them, Joe Biggs, can be seen equipped with a radio and coordinating with members of the far-right group. Dan Scott, another Proud Boys member known as Milkshake, can be heard shouting “Let’s take the f—ing Capitol!” only to be chastised by another: “Let’s not f—ing yell that, all right?”

11:57 a.m. Mr. Trump takes the stage at the Ellipse and begins his speech.

Anonymous said...

Roger has the math skills of a child that has "a room,a tv and wifi".

All real life goals if you are 11.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Around 2:10 p.m. The crowd on the left side of the stairs on the west side of the Capitol storms past police. Within minutes, dozens and then hundreds of people begin pushing up the stairs. With the police having retreated, people start climbing the walls of the Capitol and flooding onto balconies.

2:12 p.m. Video shows rioters breaking a window outside the Capitol with a police shield.

A security video showing rioters entering the Capitol on Jan. 6 was presented as evidence during the second impeachment trial of former President Trump.PHOTO: SENATE TV

Around 2:13 p.m. Sen. James Lankford, an Oklahoma Republican, is interrupted mid-speech as the Senate debates the electoral votes. “Protesters are in the building,” an aide is overheard telling him. Mr. Pence is removed from the Senate chamber to a nearby office and the Senate goes into recess; a minute later, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) is removed from the House chamber.

Around 2:20 p.m. Live video feeds from protesters posted on social media show rioters entering the Senate side of the Capitol, taking staff, reporters and Capitol Police inside by surprise. Minutes later, explosive-like concussions are heard inside the Capitol.

2:24 p.m. Mr. Trump tweets: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

2:25 p.m. Rioters in the building open the east-side doors of the Capitol Rotunda, letting in more rioters. At the same time, one floor below, more rioters push through police and enter the building. House members are told to be prepared to use gas masks.

2:26 p.m. Mr. Pence is evacuated to a secure location.

A still from Capitol Security video shows Vice President Mike Pence and his family being evacuated at 2:26 p.m. as rioters gathered outside the Senate chamber.PHOTO: SENATE TV

2:30 p.m. The House is abruptly adjourned, and House lawmakers are told to be prepared to hide under their chairs. The Senate chamber is evacuated.

2:35 p.m. Hundreds of people crowd onto the Capitol steps in the center of the east side of the building, singing the national anthem and “We’re Not Gonna Take It” by Twisted Sister. Some yell at a line of police on the Senate side of the Capitol.

Demonstrators entered the U.S. Capitol after breaching security fencing on Jan. 6.PHOTO: GRAEME SLOAN/BLOOMBERG NEWS

2:35 p.m. Many lawmakers in the House chamber are evacuated.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

2:38 p.m. Trump tweets: “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”  As protesters break into the Senate side of the Capitol, another group charges up the steps of the House side, smashing a window and pushing through a doorway into the building.

2:44 p.m. An officer fires a shot outside the House chamber at a woman who was trying to climb through a glass entryway. The woman falls to the ground. Authorities later confirm Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran from San Diego whose social-media posts include angry video rants urging fellow Trump supporters to act, has died from gunshot injuries sustained there.

2:45 p.m. Rioters enter the Senate chamber.

2:50 p.m. Staff, journalists and remaining lawmakers in the galleries above the House chamber are evacuated

2:50 p.m. Rioters enter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office. One rioter, Richard Barnett, left a note: “We will not back down.”

2:51 p.m. Rioters are seen in the Senate chamber, one sitting in the seat from which Mr. Pence had been presiding.

A pro-Trump mob gathered inside the Senate chamber in the Capitol.PHOTO: WIN MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES

2:56 p.m. Video shows rioters fighting with police inside the House side of the Capitol.

Around 3 p.m. Many of the people who stormed the House side of the Capitol begin emerging, some pouring water in their eyes to alleviate the effects of the chemical agents deployed by law enforcement. Others are crying and expressing anger about the shooting of the woman later identified as Ms. Babbitt.

3:13 p.m. Mr. Trump tweets: “I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. And I love you! Thank you!”

He ldirectly insisted the Insurrection and should be convicted.

C.H. Truth said...

But, this President made the most dangerous attack on the United States of America.

If he had succeeded, he would be the President of the Confederate States of America.

Wow... less than 200 people have been arrested in this so called insurrection and none of them have been charged with any sort insurrection. To say that this particular "riot" was the "most dangerous attack on the US" is ridiculous.

To actually be sooooo fucking stupid as to believe that a crowd of 200 led by a shirtless man in a Viking hat was actually ever in danger of taking over the United States Government...

Is pure gaslighting at it's stupidest.

History will look at this and laugh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The people who were arrested for possession of firearms, breaking and entering were involved in the Insurrection. Claiming that they were not arrested for Insurrection is fucking stupid trolling.

It was an Insurrection that is Thecoldheartedtruth according to the law.

Anonymous said...

Every time poor retarded Alky is called out on his stupidity he goes into spam mode.

What a brain dead man-child.

Anonymous said...

Roger told us the Bidenomics will have the US Economy back to pre-pandemic levels across the Board by April 30th, 2021.

Roger and James, good news.
The Democrats have stopped arguing what level of income get the revised lower and promise breaking $1,400.

You still get it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If shirtless man in a Viking hat actually succeeded in murdering the Vice President Pence and the speaker of the house and the stopped the certification of the electoral college votes, Trump would be the President of the United States.

My previous comment was sarcastic.

You have lost your mind Scott

Caliphate4vr said...

And if you had a brain, you’d still be dumb as fuck

Anonymous said...

The thing missing from Rogers face book page is extremely telling.

There is no photos of his friends, wife, kids , or family. A fitting way to end a life of zero accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

Cali, don't be so hard on Roger.

His so called life is filled with "a room, tv. and wifi".

That will for ever make me laugh.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Ohio (FOX19) - Two Ohio residents are facing federal charges related to the violent Jan. 6 protest at the U.S. Capitol building in which five people, including a Capitol police officer, died, according to court documents obtained by FOX19 NOW.

Jessica Watkins, 38, and Donovan Crowl, 50, were arrested by federal agents early Monday in Champaign County. They are being held at the Montgomery County Jail.

Crowl is reportedly a former Marine.

Both are members of the Ohio State Regular Militia, according to an FBI investigation, with Watkins claiming at the top of her Parler account page to be the militia’s commanding officer.

The militia is a dues-paying subset of the Oath Keepers, which FBI agents describe as a “large but loosely organized collection of militia who believe the federal government has been corrupted by a shadowy conspiracy that is trying to strip American citizens of their rights.” aka Thecoldheartedtruth

The FBI says the Oath Keepers explicitly focus on recruiting current and former military, law enforcement and first responder personnel. It also says members have been arrested previously in connection with “a wide range of criminal activities” including conspiracy to impede federal workers, possession of explosives and threatening public officials.

Affidavits signed by FBI special agents, together with the criminal complaints against Watkins and Crowl, were filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Jan. 16.

The affidavits allege both Watkins and Crowl traveled to D.C. for the protest event, where they “knowingly and willfully joined and encouraged a crowd of individuals who forcibly entered the U.S. Capitol and impeded, disrupted and disturbed the orderly conduct of business by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.”

Fox news has been gaslighted! Lolololololololololol

rrb said...

“knowingly and willfully joined and encouraged a crowd of individuals who forcibly entered the U.S. Capitol and impeded, disrupted and disturbed the orderly conduct of business by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.”

translation: panty raid.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump is a dime-store Mussolini.

His incompetent insurrection failed.

Even the conservative vice President Pence would not participate in the Insurrection, because he is a patriot American.

People like Scott are unable to think beyond their views, that were provided by Donald Trump.

Anonymous said...

That Bill on Covid Relief was promised by The Dark Winter President on Day 1.

Failure , 22 days so far.
Why is Biden so inept?

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Donald Trump is a dime-store Mussolini.

my next door neighbor is 85 and grew up under the real Mussolini alky. and he fears the Biden* regime a fuckton more than Trump.

you're talking out your old nursing home ass again.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is what the Trump lawyers will post during the trial tomorrow morning.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump ‘Can Do This Again’ if He Is Not Convicted' I said that several times before!

House managers used the words and video of the rioters at the Capitol to argue that the attack was carried out at the behest of former President Donald J. Trump.

He attacked Pence after he left the Senate floor to hide his family and staff.

The timeline escapes Scott's mind.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is what Scott will post during the trial tomorrow morning or tonight.

anonymous said...

Impeachable conduct in office escapes ALL THE SLURPERS as they turn a blind eye to the evidence and time lines presented....It is a sorry state that truth eludes the spineless senators who will bend over and let trump fuck them up the ass again and enjoy it!!!!!!!! I wonder how much traction those GOP operatives will get if they get the money and start another party that fractures the GOP forever!!!!! That is the only good thing I see coming from the chickenshit senators who think this is a waste of time!!!!!! Cruz et al are in lock step with the megalomaniac who will do anything to have power!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Psychological disord infections are transmissible. The Republicans lies are the root of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, anorexia and lack of empathy .

This explains why the Republicans will follow Trump to the ground.

He's a pathological liar and he has infected people Scott.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump criticized Mike Pence on Twitter just minutes after being told his vice president was being led out of the Senate chamber by security amid riots at the U.S. Capitol, according to a republican senator.

Will this be the breaking point? If the former Vice President Pence, states that Trump should be convicted, would this be the John Dean moment, that made Nixon to resign?

If Mitch McConnell and Senator Thune and a few others will be enough to convince 17 Republicans to vote to convict Donald Trump???

Scott will never recover from Trumpism stage four brain cancer.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

your psychological projection is on FIRE today, alky!



anonymous said...

While rat's inate stupidity and refusal to open his eyes trumps all logic and facts......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
God you are a worthless pile of dog shit!!!!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive craving for admiration, and struggles with empathy.

People with NPD often spend much time daydreaming about achieving power and success, and the perceived injustice of failing to do so.

This is a pattern of obsessive thoughts and unstable sense of identity, " I'm a very stable genius."
This description of Trump is spot on.

rrb said...

Senate Republicans should offer to convict Donald Trump in return for Democrats agreeing to fund the wall.

Trump is not going to run again anyway. In four years, he will be as viable a presidential candidate as Hillary was in 2020. You wouldn’t have guessed that, either, from all the gnashing of teeth about the MOST QUALIFIED WOMAN EVER TO SEEK THE PRESIDENCY immediately after she lost.

The reason elected Republicans, Fox News, OAN, Newsmax and a hundred talk radio hosts are terrified of supporting conviction is that they don’t want to look like Mitt Romney and incur the wrath of the Trump base (whatever remains of it).

Trading conviction for a wall solves that. It will remind Trump loyalists that he betrayed them on his central campaign promise, and also will actually fulfill that promise.

Democrats, if they have half a brain, will leap at the offer. They are about to destroy Biden’s presidency by defining themselves — as The New York Times’ Frank Bruni put it — as “antonyms to Trump.” Trump was for a wall. Ipso facto, Democrats are for open borders.

Trump was lying, liberals! Even President Obama was for border security. Great socialist hope Bernie Sanders has denounced open borders as a gift to the Koch brothers.

They don’t care. Trump supporters wanted a wall, so we’re going to punish them by throwing open the border!

If Biden continues with his tsunami of open border executive orders: 1) COVID-19 cases will multiply, as untested, unvaccinated third-worlders pour in at breakneck speed; 2) Black and Hispanic unemployment will go through the roof; and 3) crime — already reaching mind-blowing proportions — will become as potent a political issue as it has ever been.

Good luck in 2022, Democrats!

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a long-term pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive craving for admiration, and struggles with empathy.


we lived through 8 years of that with your preening, jug-eared, fuck stick 0linsky, alky.

so what's your point?

you no longer need to show off your copy/paste prowess. we get it. and without it, you'd have nothing at all to say.

rrb said...

hey alky, you're in good company. no lesser man than Bruce Springsteen is a nickle-dick, garden-variety drunk like you.

Caliphate4vr said...

“The Boss” should’ve been hawking Uber

anonymous said...

And you rat have nothing to show for your pathetic existence except stupidity !!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

anonymous said...

Funny now the boss and W have something in common!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Breitbart is still dead you fucking loser!!!!!!!

rrb said...

Insufferable, Denture-Sucking CUNT Banned Congresswoman’s Military Officer Son From Attending Her Swearing-In

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would not allow Republican New York Rep. Claudia Tenney to have her son present in the gallery for her swearing-in Thursday, Tenney told the Daily Caller.

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer sent out a tweet Thursday morning with the news that Pelosi denied Tenney’s request to let her son, a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, watch her get sworn in from above the floor in the gallery. The Daily Caller contacted Tenney about the news, to which she confirmed it was true.

“I guess he’s considered a risk,” Tenney told the Caller. Tenney said that Pelosi told her the news about her son not being allowed to watch from the gallery in a “text from staff and in person,” adding that there were “several exchanges.”

Tenney’s son received a phone call from former President Donald Trump before he deployed to Iraq in 2017.

anonymous said...

Daily caller the only legacy from fox news that rat still enjoys......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!! God you are an insufferable fucking idiot!!!! Sad Marjorie lives soooo far away from you....she'd be your perfect cunt!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Tenet’s son received a phone call from former President Donald Trump before he deployed to Iraq in 2017.