Wednesday, February 10, 2021

So the "one mask" we have been wearing for nearly a year now...

Is basically worthless, huh? So now we should trust them when they say two masks will work? 

Of course, the study in question has absolutely no empirical statistical data to back it up. The study is another one of those robotic studies where one "dummy" emits large quantities of material similar to a sneeze at another "dummy" located directly in front of the first "dummy". 

Either way, this certainly appears to be a rather blatant admission that wearing "one" mask obviously doesn't help much if adding a second increases the effectiveness by 95%.  


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I knew you were going to say that.

You spent a year saving that masking is a Democratic hoax

Cooooo Coooooooo

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Washington Examiner the epitome of fake news robotics

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Lead impeachment manager Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) opened by stating that the evidence his team will present demonstrates that Trump was "no innocent bystander"— and that he "assembled, inflamed and incited his followers" on his way to the "greatest betrayal of the presidential oath in the history of the United States."Raskin warned that because the video clips in the presentation will show "shocking violence, bloodshed and pain in the nation's Capitol ... we do urge parents and teachers to exercise close review of what young people are watching here.

"Rep. Joe Neguse (D-Colo.) presented a figurative “roadmap” for senators to follow over the next two days, laying out the managers' intention to prove Trump is guilty of inciting insurrection in three distinct parts: "the provocation," "the attack" and "the harm.

"Neguse asked senators to remember three phrases echoed by Trump when they consider his provocation: "The election was stolen," "Stop the steal" and "Fight like hell to stop the steal.

"Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) zoomed in on Trump's attempts to discredit the election before it even occurred, stating: "He told his supporters that he actually won the election and that the whole election is a fraud. He said that on Nov. 4 and he has never recanted that statement since."The managers displayed statements from riot participants who have said — in court filings, interviews and on social media — things like, "our president wants us here," and, "I thought I was following my president."Rep. Madeleine Dean (D-Pa.) showed a map of Trump and his allies' 61 failed legal challenges, and detailed play-by-plays of Trump's efforts to pressure election officials in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia.

C.H. Truth said...

Wow... it sounds an awful lot like Democrats are arguing that it is a crime to question election results. Unless, of course, you have three congressional investigations and a politically motivated special counsel to chase "actual" conspiracy theories, which led to violent riots on more than one occasion.

Perfectly acceptable if you are accusing the "bad orange man" of stealing an election, huh?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

as the recorded U.S. death toll from COVID-19 approaches 500,000 you try to discredit masking.

rrb said...

Wow... it sounds an awful lot like Democrats are arguing that it is a crime to question election results.

it also sounds like the alky is too fucking stupid to follow a thread and stay on topic.


this thread is about Phony Fauci's mask-querade.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

as the recorded U.S. death toll from COVID-19 approaches 500,000 you try to discredit masking.

states with the most cases and deaths have the most mask compliance.

why don't you square THAT little circle for us Dr. Alky?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, they showed the timeline from even before election day, until January 6th.

They used his own words directing the mob to attack the our Capitol building and threatened to hang Mike Pence.

His first tweet on December 19th directly directed them to march on the Capitol.

You probably are not watching the hearing but you depend upon the right wing media.

I can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Caliphate4vr said...

states with the most cases and deaths have the most mask compliance.

why don't you square THAT little circle for us Dr. Alky?

They are red states with no urban areas and no minorities



That got a double

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

North and South Dakota have the highest per capita infection rates.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Donald Trump's third impeachment lawyer Michael van der Veen 'called him a f***ing crook' and sued him last year arguing the president was trying to suppress mail-in voting

By Harriet Alexander For

C.H. Truth said...

as the recorded U.S. death toll from COVID-19 approaches 500,000 you try to discredit masking.

Actually Roger...

The fact that we have been "masking" for months and the death toll is approaching 500,000 sort of "discredits" masking in and of itself. Wouldn't you agree?

Thanks for pointing that out.

Anonymous said...

"approaches 500,000 you try to discredit masking."

Roger's prima facie case they work.

C.H. Truth said...

North and South Dakota have the highest per capita infection rates

Currently North Dakota sits at 5.4 cases per 100K - which is "literally" the lowest rate in the nation. South Dakota sits at 15.7 per 100K, which is bottom 20%.

California on the other hand is at 30.3 per 100K while New York is at 39.8. Of the stupid things you have claimed today, this one takes the cake!

But thanks for playing anyways.

Anonymous said...

The Idiot Alky ,is always so wrong.

"The government can't censor anything except shouting fire in a crowded room."

Anonymous said...

Roger just took the "rake".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rate of U.S. coronavirus (COVID-19) cases as of February 8, 2021, by state

Published by John Elflein, Feb 8, 2021

 As of February 8, 2021, the state with the highest rate of COVID-19 cases was North Dakota, followed by South Dakota. Around 27 million cases have been reported across the United States.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are fucking wrong again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and

Rate of U.S. coronavirus (COVID-19) cases as of February 8, 2021, by state

Published by John Elflein, Feb 8, 2021

 As of February 8, 2021, the state with the highest rate of COVID-19 cases was North Dakota, followed by South Dakota. Around 27 million cases have been reported across the United States.

rrb said...

start by using an accurate data source, alky.

Update Feb. 10 2021 1:26 PM.

I wish NY looked HALF as good as ND & SD.


rrb said...

This shows the number of COVID-19 cases for every 100,000 people over the last 7 days, allowing you to compare areas with different population sizes.​

US COVID-19 Average Daily Case Rate in Last 7 Days, by State/Territory (cases per 100K)


C.H. Truth said...

Roger doesn't trust the CDC, Rat...

He is constantly telling us the Fauci and gang are wrong about mask wearing and that we should never listen to the CDC.

What do they know anyways!

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act

...a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot.

I'm no genius but 1600% does appear to be a tad of an overstatement.


Joe Biden's America

Political Science


rrb said...

Statista's COVID-19 content is compiled from various sources. Although all of these sources are reliable, this may result in discrepancies in figures among different statistics, graphs, and charts.

and you have to pay a subscription fee to see their sources.

quite the fucking racket.

where did you find THESE assholes, alky?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

New masking doesn't mean it was a Democratic hoax asshole.

Fit matters when it comes to your mask protecting you against the virus that causes COVID-19, and layering a well-fitting cloth mask over a surgical mask is likely to prove beneficial, according to new findings released Wednesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC asshole

The findings were not expected to lead to new mask recommendations by the CDC. The public health agency maintains that everyone age 2 and older should wear a face covering when outside their home.

It also doesn’t change the recommendation that primarily medical workers in high-risk environments should rely on N95 masks, which act as a strong filter against any contaminants but is notably tougher to breathe in and withstand for long periods of time.

Still, the experiment touches on some of the big questions Americans have on how best to protect themselves when mixing in public, such as grocery stores and airplanes.

MORE: 'The mutants are here': US vaccines in a race to box out virus

The research suggests that when a person “double masks” -- wearing a polypropylene surgical mask with a cloth mask on top -- and the people around them did the same, the risk of transmitting the virus falls more than 95%.

Researchers, who used two mannequin-like forms to test exposure, found a similar benefit with tightening a single surgical mask around the ears to improve its fit. Using a hack known as a “knot and tuck,” the researchers ensured the surgical mask fits closely around the face without gaps.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


The research suggests that when a person “double masks” -- wearing a polypropylene surgical mask with a cloth mask on top -- and the people around them did the same, the risk of transmitting the virus falls more than 95%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CDC was put in a difficult position with the ex President who's dick you suck and swallow everything.

rrb said...

Roger Amick said...


The research suggests that when a person “double masks” -- wearing a polypropylene surgical mask with a cloth mask on top -- and the people around them did the same, the risk of transmitting the virus falls more than 95%.

NO, ABC News:

The research suggests that when a person “double masks” -- wearing a polypropylene surgical mask with a cloth mask on top -- and the people around them did the same, the risk of transmitting the virus falls more than 95%.

it also said -

Researchers, who used two mannequin-like forms to test exposure, found a similar benefit with tightening a single surgical mask around the ears to improve its fit. Using a hack known as a “knot and tuck,” the researchers ensured the surgical mask fits closely around the face without gaps.


The CDC has struggled with its public message on masks. Early in the pandemic, health officials urged the public not to wear masks because of concerns about dire shortages for health care workers. They also believed the virus would behave like other respiratory viruses and mostly transmit when a person shows symptoms like a cough and fever.

fucking "mannequin-like forms to test exposure"


Anonymous said...

Roger Lost the Debate, Clearly, Again.
He losses his temper so easily.

Anonymous said...

The Idiot Alky ,is always so wrong.

"The government can't censor anything except shouting fire in a crowded room."

It is so easy to show, Again, Roger knows nothing.
Fighting words are, as first defined by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in Chaplinsky v New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568 (1942), words which "by their very utterance, inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. ... Fighting words are a category of speech that is unprotected by the First Amendment."

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

In a similar note

Debbie Aldrich’s ‘Dr. Bill’ Outlines The Hypocrisy Around HCQ And Trump, Highlights American Journal Of Medicine Admission Of Effectiveness Against CCP Virus

The American Journal of Medicine (AJM) published an article in January essentially admitting, after Biden was in office of course, that hydroxychloroquine works very well in the treatment of the CCP virus. To be precise, the article was released THE DAY AFTER Biden was inaugurated.

Joe Biden's America


Deaths overstated

Treatments not allowed


Lockdowns stays in effect