The "resignation" of star New York Times science writer Donald McNeil Jr. has sparked a furious back-and-forth among Times staffers, many of whom are outraged over the Gray Lady’s handling of his departure.
McNeil’s ouster came nearly two years after the incident that precipitated it. While chaperoning high school students on a pricey trip to Peru, the science reporter responded to a question from a student about whether one of her classmates should have been suspended for using the n-word. In the process, he uttered the offending syllables himself. An internal Times investigation found his judgment wanting but stopped short of firing him.
Only after the Daily Beast published an account of the incident, thrusting it into the public realm for the first time, was McNeil pushed out. "We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent," Dean Baquet, the paper’s executive editor, told staff in an email.
Baquet’s statement in particular came in for scathing criticism in the Facebook discussion. "‘We do not tolerate racist language regardless of intent’ might be the most racist statement I’ve ever read," said Lawrence De Maria, an award-winning crime and finance reporter. "It demeans ALL races."
So I would think that nearly everyone agrees that the person using the "n-word" in response to a question about the use of the "n-word" was not intended to offend anyone and certainly was not used in the context of a racial slur. To be fired over an event that took place two years ago is bad enough, but to be fired simply because a media account of the events was aired is even worse.
This is getting almost as bad as those zero tolerance school policies that ended up justifying things like suspending grade schoolers for having a plastic silverware package that included the butter knife. There comes a time when the backlash is more powerful than the push for political correctness.
The Republican party is betraying the Constitution of the United States, instead of being loyal to one man.
The Republican version of political correctness is fear of one person.
If they speak out in opposition to the ex President, they face scorn and ejection from office.
The Reporter should not have been fired.
Poor Roger , lost again.
Let me once again smack you daffy.
"Trump signs off on $600 stimulus checks, but a vote on $2,000 direct payments is still happening
Forbes January 4th, 2021
"Biden referenced $2000 stimulus checks three times during his short speech in Atlanta, Georgia on Monday, claiming the debate about direct payments isn’t some “abstract debate,” it’s about “real lives.”
If Georgians send Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler back to Washington, Biden said, “those checks will never get there.”
Joe Biden and the Democrats have STOLEN AN ELECTION
they are attempting a permanent coup through EO's, followed by destroying the constitution with it's protections of minority rights by eliminating the filibusterer and packing the Supreme court.
THIS IS AN EXCELLENT VIDEO explaining how the stolen election was done.
watch it, big tech won't let you see it on major platforms.
The MSM won't report on it.
Scares the hell out of democrats
Be a shame if Trump defense team showed something like this, but Kangaroo Court Leahy would probably try and stop him.
But I hope he does
The Dark Winter President is failing across the board.
The GOP is burning down and Lil Schitty posts a string about a science writer for the NYT's!!!!!! The sad part is Lil Schitty don't give a shit about science or the NYT's but starts a discussion on it!!!!! Must suck having nothing to post about with trump's trial about to start......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
The case that House Democrats have built against former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial, which kicks off Tuesday afternoon, will resemble a "violent crime criminal prosecution," a senior aide on the impeachment manager team said.
The House managers also plan to use evidence against Trump that hasn't been seen before, aides told reporters ahead of the start of proceedings, although they did not provide any details.
In their presentation, the managers will attempt to show that Trump spent weeks laying the groundwork for the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, and that after he saw what was happening "he incited it further,"
NBC news
Has been debunked by the Republican controlled Senate, prior to the transfer of power.
Right wing social media is full of pedophiles and cannibals.
The House managers also plan to use evidence against Trump that hasn't been seen before, aides told reporters ahead of the start of proceedings, although they did not provide any details.
LOL. just like the evidence that lil adam schitt kept telling us was "in plain sight" regarding russia collusion.
"LOL. just like the evidence Powell" and Rudy presented in the 60 cases brought to court and lost!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!! God yo are s stupid fuck!!!!!!!
It's Official: Linguistic Intent No Longer Matters at The New York Times
McNeil, 67, went as a representative of the Times on a 2019 trip with American high school students in Peru. There, according to his farewell note to colleagues—which, tellingly, was the first time the context of his career-ending comments had ever been reported during the 8-day life cycle of this journalism-world controversy—McNeil "was asked at dinner by a student whether I thought a classmate of hers should have been suspended for a video she had made as a 12-year-old in which she used a racial slur. To understand what was in the video, I asked if she had called someone else the slur or whether she was rapping or quoting a book title. In asking the question, I used the slur itself."
So the use of the magic word is now prima facie evidence of racism, and requires the harshest response from the powers that be. What is so pathetic about the mob's calls for the unbelievers' heads is that they embrace exactly the orthodoxy and statism that they should be fighting. The unholy alliance of corporations and the state will grind them up and spit them out, but their ignorance of history is such that they believe, truly and unalterably, that their cause is just and pure and they will ride into history as leaders of a new world.
Ernst Röhm thought the same thing.
As for McNeil? I have no sympathy. He is being chewed up because the machine needs victims to function. Does anyone doubt that he was an enthusiastic participant in the purges of the past, or that his recent reporting on Wuhan Flu ignores the reality and simply follows the conventional wisdom as handed down by Anthony Fauci, murderer of homosexuals and facilitator of the AIDS epidemic? Yeah, McNeil did some reporting on AIDS back in the day, so he should know better than most what a craven and awful man Fauci is.
Hopefully his brownstone in Brooklyn is paid for, because he is going to have a tough time finding another gig that pays as well as the NYT.
Has been debunked by the Republican controlled Senate, prior to the transfer of power.
No it hasn't.
Rat again posts a trifecta of fucking stupidity!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Do you really know anything but others opinions????? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!
racist roger the rake said:
Has been debunked by the Republican controlled Senate, prior to the transfer of power.
The only think that has been debunked around here is you
If it actually had been debunked than the democrats should have eagerly done that in public with the election audit called for by Ted Cruz. Point by point. Then we could have had a united nation.
Instead they refused.
Something a guilt party would do.
Of course you are welcome to try and debunk it point by point. Please keep the sequence the same and include the text points at the end. You appear to have lots of time and the work has already been done for you if you are to be believed
Joe Biden's America
Banana Republic
Animal Farm
VERY lo iq anonymous said...
"LOL. just like the evidence Powell" and Rudy presented in the 60 cases brought to court and lost!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!! God yo are s stupid fuck!!!!!!!
Well that is addressed in the video but you are welcome to address the points also. Fact-by-fact.
You do believe in science right ?
Though you obviously do not have any ability to display any.
Joe Biden's America
Animal Farm
Raskin cited some of "the nation's most prominent conservative legal scholars," including former 10th Circuit Judge Michael McConnell, Federalist Society co-founder Steven Calebresi, Washington lawyer Charles Cooper and hundreds of others who have said it is constitutional to impeach and try an official after they've left office.
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