Saturday, March 27, 2021

Some more statistics that go against the narrative

Sorry folks, but Whitie is not the problem here!

I think the first graphic might actually be the most telling. Of all of the races, White people are the only ones who apparently do not see their own "superiority". All other races (Black, Hispanic, and Asian) all see their own particular race as better, while all three look down on White people. While this might draw some confusion with liberals, I think most people who are a little more objective and grounded on how the world works in 2021 would not be a bit surprised.

Nor would they be surprised that the largest amount of hate crimes are aimed not at people of color but of people of different religions. Jewish and Muslims are much more likely to be the victims of a hate crime than anyone of any color. In fact, 80% of all hate crimes are aimed at people of religion. Only 20% are aimed at people of color. Of course, this graph does not allow for the idea that either Christians or White people are even capable of being victims of a "hate crime" which is why most "hate crime" statistics are largely inaccurate and irrelevant.

Lastly, we see another statistic that shows that ultimately the people "most likely" to commit a violent hate crime are Black. This is hardly surprising considering that black people are responsible for the largest share of violent crimes in general, and the most violent interracial crimes to boot. Hard to lead both those categories without also leading in hate crimes. 


anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! White folks who think their shit don't stink are the root problem Lil Schitty no matter what BS you think you have found!!!!!

anonymous said...

It sure would be interesting to see how the jewish hate crime victims were attacked by white, most likely thinks it would virtually be 100% !!! And I wonder what percentage of hate crimes on blacks are made by blacks.....Me thinks, Lil Schitty that once again your simplistic analysis misses the real story!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...



The sound an unsuspecting male makes when being penetrated by another male's hardened genitalia

Houston, we have lift-off

rrb said...

About three-quarters of black adults say being black is very or extremely important to how they think about themselves; 15% of whites say the same about being white. Blacks are the most likely to say their race is extremely or very important to their sense of identity; 59% of Hispanics and 56% of Asians say the same about being Hispanic or Asian. In contrast, about two-thirds of whites say being white is only a little important (18%) or not important at all (47%) to how they think about themselves. Among both blacks and whites, those younger than 30 are less likely to place importance on their race as part of their overall identity.

So when your entire being revolves around your race, then of course everything is going to be fucking racist.

Us whites? We simply don't identify by race. At least I don't. I don't give it a second thought. Democrats discovered long ago the power of fostering racial division and unrest. 0linsky turned it into a fucking art form. And race hustlers like Al Sharpton, Joy Reid, Don LeMon, and Jesse Jackson have discovered just how much ca$h it will put in their pockets.

The smallest and most neglected and ignored minority has always been the individual. But democrats have no way to pander to the individual. Only to groups based upon how they can get us to hate each other. Race is perfect for that purpose.

rrb said...

Asian Woman Running For NYC Council Attacked In Hate Crime By Black Woman, Didn’t Want To Report It Because Attacker Wasn’t White…

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rrb said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

As you know we bought my wife a new 2021 Voodoo Blue Toyota Tundra.
I have ordered a " White Privilege Addition " chrome metal placard for it.

Very cool, KD. And I applaud your show of restraint by not getting her the truck in all white. The placard shows class.

I suspect she loves that truck. I'm seeing a lot more of them on the road.

I just turned 100,000 miles on mine and it's running like new. I'd love a new one but ponying up the $60K+ would be hard to justify with the current one running so well and in such great shape.

One problem - my truck is black, so I'm sure some asshole liberal somewhere will be happy to tell me I'm guilty of cultural appropriation.

Anonymous said...

As you know we bought my wife a new 2021 Voodoo Blue Toyota Tundra.
I have ordered a " White Privilege Edition " chrome metal placard for it.

Anonymous said...

"I suspect she loves that truck. I'm seeing a lot more of them on the road."RRB

She loves it. She says her goal is to join the "300,000" mile club.

Yours is running great, no need to trade her in. Just keep stacking up the enjoyable miles.

Anonymous said...

Sec. of transportation pete buttigieg to bend over forward all "EV" owners with his "mileage tax".

C.H. Truth said...

I see no chance on god's green earth of a "mileage tax" ever passing. Just the logistics of tracking who drove what where and for how many miles would be impossible to sort out. Not to mention that you could never feel easy buying a used car because the amount of people who would tamper with their odometer readings would increase exponentially.

Oh, and there is a little issue of privacy. I refuse to download one of those insurance apps to monitor my driving in spite of the fact it would likely save me money because I don't really appreciate the concept of someone else monitoring how I drive.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CNN (cited by T. G. at
Birx Says Majority of Deaths Could Have Been Prevented
1:10 pm EDT

Dr. Deborah Birx, who served as the White House coronavirus response coordinator for President Trump, told CNN that the number of coronavirus deaths could have been “decreased substantially” if cities and states across the country had aggressively applied the lessons of the first surge toward mitigation last spring, potentially preventing the surges that followed.

Said Birx:
“I look at it this way. The first time we have an excuse.
There were about a hundred thousand deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially.”

So now all you truth hating Trump supporters can start jumping all over her and criticizing everything she ever said or did as wrong.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, some is right about it but

The extreme far right wing media is acting like your states former Senator Eugene McCarthy.

Biden's anti racist rhetoric is not exactly surprising, coming from a president who has endorsed Marxist critical race theory. That ideology teaches that a hidden racism permeates American society, regardless of laws preventing discrimination.”

Racism does exist, and unfortunately it's in our DNA. When we migrated from Africa into Europe and Asia, the vast majority of wars were between different ethnic cultures. Greece and Persia, and hundreds more.

But I think that the law can make it illegal. Without suppression of free speech and free press.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Incorrect grammar in your headline, Scottie aka Ch.
Statistics takes a plural verb.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Whitie is evidence of Sleepy Scott dementia.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Very interesting on racist behavior.

According to biological determinists, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, author of Are We Born Racist? being among them, “Research shows that human beings have a natural proclivity to make distinctions between ‘us’ and ‘them’.”  This claim is not something that we can dismiss as negligible or superficial; it was precisely the human proclivity to identify and bond only with those who were ‘like us’ (i.e. the ‘in group”) that allowed us to survive as a species at the dawn of history when we needed to be self-sustaining and we relied on a tiny community or ‘clan’,  for nourishment, nurturing and protection. Those who weren’t  part of ‘our’ group were likely to be acting in the interest of their own group and in a world full of hazards, against ours. To meet up with a stranger implied the need to immediately decide if the encounter was safe or perilous. Getting it right or wrong meant either survival or death. Over the millennia our brains learned this process of judging and evaluating, and evolution reinforced that connection and transmitted it down the generations. Loosely put, with the help of natural selection, this is called hard-wiring.

Neuroscientist David Amodio calls our brains “survival machines” that evolved along this pattern and he implies that without this ability  to judge whether or not something or someone is a threat, our species would most probably have died out. Talah Bakdash suggests that people who claim to be “color-blind” are not being realistic. The fact “is that we do see color, and forgetting that is just hiding the issue, instead of actively working against it”.  Bakdash explains that there is indeed a scientific component to our perception of race and racial difference. There are “brain structures associated with fear, disgust, and, as some researchers propose, prejudice.” Nevertheless, this scientifically compelling reality is balanced by the fact that there are also “structures involved in suppressing these emotional impulses, like the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the inferior frontal gyrus.” Furthermore, another source explains that infants as young as 6 months can notice race-based differences.

While even in recent years a number of studies have reached the same thorny conclusion about human cognition–that when encountering a person for the first time, our brains automatically make note of the individual’s race–new research indicates that even if this is true, the issue is complicated by the complex interplay of nurture against nature. In short, while biology may play a supporting role, racism is primarily learned. 

Talk: Race and Intelligence. Photo:

It may be true that even 6-month-olds can notice racial differences, yet ultimately how this cognition develops in later years is taught. Children learn “from their first teachers—their parents—how to deal with and react to these differences.” Anderson equates this to learning the mother tongue as opposed to learning a new language: “Biology determines a critical early learning period as well as a later window where learning is much harder.” By age 12, the beliefs are set and anything different becomes more difficult to learn. The parents have the first decade to shape the child’s beliefs. According to this theory, racists are made, not born.

In the end, whether we are hard-wired by biology for racist behavior or not is not the real issue. As noted, there is convincing evidence on both sides. Let’s keep in mind that human beings are also predisposed to violence. Look at the history of the species. But just because our DNA may predispose us to murder and violence does not mean that we give in to those instincts. 

Racism is learned not DNA..

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT crying about Biden and his Hoe being unfairly treated.

God they are funny.

Anonymous said...

"Oh, and there is a little issue of privacy. I refuse to download one of those insurance apps to monitor my driving in spite of the fact it would likely save me money because I don't really appreciate the concept of someone else monitoring how I drive." CHT

I agree. I don't either. My agent really wants me to, I just respectfully tell her no.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CNN: It’s now illegal in Georgia to give food and water to voters in line.
Bonus Quote of the Day
“It has nothing to do with fairness, nothing to do with decency. They passed the law saying you can’t provide water for people standing in line while they’re waiting to vote? You don’t need anything else to know that this is nothing but punitive, designed to keep people from voting. You can’t provide water for people about to vote? Give me a break.”
— President Joe Biden,
quoted by Politico, on Georgia’s new voting law.

White Supremacy Hiding In Plain Sight
Will Bunch
notes that Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) signed the “hastily passed voter suppression law… surrounded by a half-dozen white men” and “in front of a painting of a plantation where more than 100 Black people had been enslaved.

“The portrait of the plantation was the starkest reminder of Georgia’s history of white racism that spans slavery, Jim Crow segregation, the rebirth of the modern Ku Klux Klan, and today’s voter purges targeting Black and brown voters — but it wasn’t the only one.

“At the very moment that Kemp was signing the law with his all-white posse, a Black female Georgia lawmaker — Rep. Park Cannon — who’d knocked on the governor’s door in the hopes of watching the bill signing was instead dragged away and arrested by state troopers, in a scene that probably had the Deep South’s racist sheriffs of yesteryear like Bull Connor or Jim Clark smiling in whatever fiery hellhole they now inhabit.”


Small Gun Reforms Can Lead to Bigger Ones
Adam Gopnik:
“The truth of reform is that it can begin anywhere, on any scale, and, once begun, it tends to be self-renewing. And, as reformers well know, it does not always matter where the reform starts—if it starts at all, it magnetizes other reforms toward it.

“The President’s proposed assault-weapons ban, for that reason, is a GOOD PLACE GO START. It may not lasso all or even the most dangerous weapons, and it will certainly not immediately end gun massacres or the psychic costs they exact. But it is a start. The gun lobby opposes it so irrationally because it understands this, too.”


How Will Trump Voters React to a Biden Infrastructure Plan?
[Storm the Capitol, maybe?]

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

The extreme far right wing media is acting like your states former Senator Eugene McCarthy.

Alky you could at least thank me for setting you straight in where McCarthy was from


C.H. Truth said...

I'll ask the Reverend the same question that I asked Roger (who didn't answer).

Why would anyone not working at the polling place or otherwise there to vote... be hanging around?

There is literally no reason for anyone for any reason to be around a polling station who has no legal business to be there. Keeping in mind that it is entirely against Federal laws to be campaigning explicitly or implicitly within 150 feet of a polling statio.

It is not illegal for the people in line to have water or food or to even offer it to other people in line. If the poll workers themselves want to provide water or what not to people voting, that is also perfectly legal.

What is being made to be illegal is people who are not workers and are not voting to be coming to polling stations and offering people anything while they are voting or in line to vote.

It is illegal to offer someone something to do anything in regards to voting. There is no distinction between paying someone and then taking them to a polling station, offering someone something to vote, or even offering someone food or goods in exchange for "remaining" in line to vote if the person has decided to go home.

This part of the law is because certain advocacy groups had been hanging around polling stations in clear violation of the laws (because they had no business being there). They claim not to be campaigning, but rather just there to offer food and drink? Makes absolutely no sense when you really think about it.

More to the point... are these same advocacy groups going to every polling station and offering food or drink for people waiting in line or are they picking and choosing areas where they believe most of the people will vote for their candidate. If it the latter then they are still breaking the Federal law with their actions of encouraging certain voting in exchange for food or beverage.

This is clearly a dishonest political argument. Unfortunately some people are dumb enough to fall for it.

Caliphate4vr said...

Cold when I was young it was illegal to sell alcohol on Election Day in GA until 7pm

Because democrats were notorious for rounding up voters getting them hammered and then off to the polling booths

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Creating situations in areas where there are heavy black populations where people must stand in line literally for hours upon hours for them to vote, and then passing laws that no one, Dems or Repugs, can provide food or especially water for those standing in line, is quite simply discriminatory.

It's backfiring and will continue to backfire.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I notice the graph Ch aka Scottie has up there is dated 2017, the year Trump's presidency FIRST got underway. It overlooks the following, which I got just by googling:

Hate crimes under Trump surge nearly 20% says FBI report

The number of hate crimes spiked to record levels under Trump

Hate crimes increase in the USA since Trump's election

Hate crimes increased 227% in places Trump held campaign events

Myballs said...

Ordinary crimes called hate crimes waaaaaaay up.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hate crimes against Asian Americans jump during coronavirus pandemic

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY:
Asian Americans report biggest increase in serious incidents of online hate and harassment during COVID-19 pandemic

Advocates for the Asian American community have warned for months that inflammatory online rhetoric about COVID-19 from political leaders including Trump could lead to violence.

Hate crimes against Asian Americans rose 149% from 2019 to 2020, even though hate crimes overall decreased 7% during the pandemic, according to findings released in early March by the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University.

Stop AAPI Hate, a group that tracks discrimination and xenophobia against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, received nearly 3,800 reports of hate incidents during the year-long pandemic.

These numbers are probably a fraction of actual incidents. One in 4 Americans, including nearly half of Asian Americans, in recent weeks have seen someone blame Asian people for the coronavirus epidemic, a USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll found.

Recent attacks include multiple violent assaults on elderly people of Asian descent.

"Racially motivated violence and other incidents against Asian Americans have reached an alarming level across the United States since the outbreak of COVID-19," a United Nations report released last year found, citing sharp rises in vandalism, physical assaults and robberies against Asian American people, businesses and community centers.

President Joe Biden denounced the attacks as un-American in his first prime-time address. During his first week in office, Biden condemned racially motivated harassment and violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and directed federal agencies to explore ways to counter the attacks.

Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said Tuesday that the Senate will take up legislation on anti-Asian hate crimes.

The ADL survey of 2,251 individuals also found:

Nearly 6 in 10 African Americans reported a sharp rise in racially motivated online harassment, up from 42% last year.

American adults who were harassed said they were exposed to the most harassment on Facebook, the world's largest social media platform, (75%), followed by Twitter (24%), Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, (24%) and YouTube, owned by Google, (21%).

More than a quarter – 27% – experienced severe online harassment over the past year which includes incidents of swatting, in which false police reports are made in hopes of getting a SWAT team sent to someone's home, and doxing, which is leaking personal information online.

Overall, 41%, of Americans said they had experienced some form of online hate and harassment.

A third of those surveyed attributed the harassment to an identity characteristic, which was defined as sexual orientation, religion, race or ethnicity, gender identity, or disability.

LGBTQ respondents reported disproportionately higher rates of harassment than all other identity groups, at 64%.

Twenty-eight percent of respondents say they were targeted because of their race or ethnicity.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, seriously, in Georgia elections, people have to stand in lines for hours, especially in minor districts.

Keeping them from getting a drink of water or a snack is obvious voter suppression
Especially when older voters, who are not white are afraid to vote or die

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mr. Manchin has expressed willingness to support a “talking filibuster,” in which lawmakers have to actually hold the floor, perhaps for many hours, to block a vote.

The filibuster is not in the Constitution, and unfortunately it enables a minority to stop legislation from the majority of American citizens

C.H. Truth said...

Creating situations in areas where there are heavy black populations where people must stand in line literally for hours upon hours for them to vote

Well a person can do three days without water, Reverend. Food is even longer. Not like anyone is in medical danger because they have to wait in line. When I was just a teen child we used to work farms (detassling corn or walking beans) for hours in the hot sun without any advocacy group there to provide us food and water. We fended for ourselves.

Are you saying that minorities are incapable of providing their own food and drink or possibly not smart enough to plan ahead? I guess midwestern children in the 12-16 age group are better equipped?

Can you provide us with the death rate of a minority person standing in line to vote? Maybe a chart that shows dehydration vs starvation?

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

BS, Scottie.

Now tell us Asian Americans haven't exponentially suffered more during the Trump administration.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And the new GA voting laws are about a WHOLE LOT more than giving someone a sip of water as they stand in line:

Anonymous said...

California is drought-free for the first time in nearly 8 years

Kimberly Veklerov | on March 18, 2019"

2021 California is entering a drought .

Anonymous said...

Look at how frail and needy the black person is depicted by Jamie and Alky.

C.H. Truth said...

received nearly 3,800 reports of hate incidents during the year-long pandemic.

Now tell us Asian Americans exponentially suffered more during the Trump administration.

First argument regarding advocacy groups hanging around polling stations goes to Coldheart after the Reverend concedes by changing he subject.

Second argument is simple.

I just provided statistics showing that in 2019 there were 138,000 violent incidents committed against Asians by other races, which was about typical for most years.

You just cited the number 3800 and called it an exponential increase.

Sounds to me like you have zero clue as to whether or not there is actually an increase to the 138,000 violent incidents that we generally see or if someone has just made a determination to "label" a small subsection of those to be something different.

Unless you can prove that there has not been a change in definition of what is labeled a hate crime, the statistic is largely irrelevant. Something you would understand if you had any background in math or statistics.

So I will guess that you will just concede that as well by changing the subject again.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What Does Georgia’s New Voting Law Do?

Georgia’s new voting law is 98 pages and alters virtually every facet of the state’s elections. Georgia Public Broadcasting has a must-read explainer on everything it does, from controversial absentee ballot changes to a lot of things you’ve never heard of.

link above at 2:14

C.H. Truth said...

And btw Reverend...

You also cited a statistic that was in regards to the time period of Covid (which currently crosses over from Trump to Biden) and then suggested that hate crimes rose during the "Trump administration".

The Trump administration was four years... and the hate crime statistic you cited wasn't. Your evidence doesn't even fit your allegation.

Also, I can point to several laws and such where a variety of states have determined to "expand" their hate laws. California is in the process right now of "expanding" what constitutes a hate crime, meaning that hate crimes will likely go up, even as there may or may not be an increase in actual interracial or other types of attacks.

If every state expands their hate laws to include new behavior, leading to a large increase in reported hate crimes... will you then hold Joe Biden responsible for cultivating an increase in hate crimes?

just curious...

Anonymous said...

Look at how frail and needy the black person is depicted by Jamie and Alky.

Caliphate4vr said...

Keeping them from getting a drink of water or a snack is obvious voter suppression

No one is stopping them Alky

Quit lying

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"I just provided statistics showing that in 2019 there were 138,000 violent incidents committed against Asians by other races, which was about typical for most years."


I don't know where Ch aka Scottie gets his "STATISTICS"

More than 2,100 anti-Asian American hate incidents related to COVID-19 were reported across the country over a three-month time span between March and June, according to advocacy groups that compile the data. The incidents include physical attacks, verbal assaults, workplace discrimination and online harassment.

Anonymous said...

Now, IF I was going somewhere (as Jamie and Alky know) and I was going to be without food/water for "hours" , I would take some with me.

Anonymous said...

I go to Chiefs games, I am there to tailgate early and after the game to let traffic clear and discuss the game.

I take food and water there.
Now is this "Fan Suppression " because no one provides me free drink and food?

Anonymous said...

"according to advocacy groups that compile the data." Oldfrailleaf

Cool name those groups.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"I just provided statistics showing that in 2019 there were 138,000 violent incidents committed against Asians by other races, which was about typical for most years."



The FBI report on ALL hate crimes committed against ALL TYPES of people during 2019 is not that high a number.

Anonymous said...

I am so Green.

"burning wood for power isn’t a climate threat—it’s actually a green climate solution. In Europe, “biomass power,” as it’s technically called, is now counted and subsidized as zero-emissions renewable energy. As a result, European utilities now import tons of wood from U.S. forests every year—and Europe’s supposedly eco-friendly economy now generates more energy from burning wood than from wind and solar combined."
Cite: Politico

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lincoln in history.

"A house divided against itself, cannot stand."

I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.

I do not expect the Union to be dissolved — I do not expect the house to fall — but I do expect it will cease to be divided.

It will become all one thing or all the other.

Either the opponents of slavery will arrest the further spread of it, and place it where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in the course of ultimate extinction; or its advocates will push it forward, till it shall become lawful in all the States, old as well as new — North as well as South.:9

Sleepy Joe,s goals are to differentiate himself from the former who supports Jim Crow 2.0

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

According to the truthers they are communist party leaders

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism found that anti-Asian American hate crimes reported to police rose 149% between 2019 and 2020.

Stop AAPI Hate received reports of nearly 3,800 hateful incidents during the first year of the pandemic. Those racist incidents are not just limited to crimes.

Experts say that hate crimes are underreported for a variety of reasons. 

As pandemic shutdowns and fear flooded the United States last spring, it brought with it a wave of hate crimes and incidents targeting Asian Americans.

Some were prosecuted as hate crimes, such as a woman in the Bronx who was hit on the head with an umbrella as her assailants used anti-Asian comments. Other incidents may not have resulted in official charges, such as the hurling of racist slurs.

Researchers say they have seen a trend of increasing hate crimes and hateful incidents targeting Asian Americans during the pandemic, shortly after he called it Chinese virus, documented by community members and journalists over the past year. A mass shooting at Atlanta-area spas on March 16 resulted in eight deaths, the majority of the victims Asian American women. The AP reported that South Korea’s Foreign Ministry said that four of the victims who died were women of Korean descent.

Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism data on hate crimes

The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism is a longtime respected source of expertise on hate crimes. Researchers used public records from local and state police agencies to gather hate crime reports in 2019 and compare them with 2020. 

They focused on anti-Asian hate crimes reported to police in 16 of the largest U.S. cities. 

The center found anti‐Asian hate crimes rose from 49 crimes in 2019 to 122 in 2020, an increase of 149%. Researchers faulted negative stereotyping of Asians during the early rise of COVID-19 cases last spring for the first spike.

The spike in hate crimes against Asian Americans was even more glaring because overall hate crimes dropped 7% overall, amid pandemic-driven closures of businesses, schools and public gatherings.

The report doesn’t mention former President Donald Trump. However, it does show that Google searches found spikes for racist terms such as "China virus" and "Kung Flu" spiked throughout 2020. Trump used those terms multiple times that year — including "China virus" as recently as a March 16 interview on Fox News, 

United we stand divided we fall.

Anonymous said...

Who is Jim Eagle?

Anonymous said...

Cum-alla test Joe" No fucking way are you saddling me to the shit show of a dumpster fire we set at the Southern Border ".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Jim Eagle is Jim Crow's son by gay marriage.

anonymous said...

So when your entire being revolves around your race, then of course everything is going to be fucking racist.

Which certainly explains your pathetic and menial life rat!!!!!!!!!! BWAQAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! Proud Boy advocate and member!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

The California drought that is projected is going to be disastrous to the newly minted Black Farmers just starting out.

All 2,322 of them in that state alone.

C.H. Truth said...

I don't know where Ch aka Scottie gets his "STATISTICS"

Reverend - I wrote a post on this the other day citing statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics

You literally commented on the post with more spam proving that you obviously pay attention to nothing.

So if you are not bright enough to even read what you comment on, I guess that tells us why you lose pretty much every argument. I think it's time to simply going back to ignoring you, as you pretty much ignore anything that doesn't come from politicalwire.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cable News Ratings: MSNBC Poised to Win Quarter in Total All-Day Viewers for First Time

Lindsey Ellefson

March 23, 2021, 10:51 am

There was plenty of news for the cable networks to cover in the first quarter of 2021, which gave MSNBC some news of its own: The channel is poised to win the quarter in total all-day viewers for the first time ever while Fox News remains poised to win in primetime viewership.

According to Nielsen Media Research ratings data, MSNBC averaged 1.404 million viewers for the full day in the first quarter. CNN averaged 1.398 million and Fox News averaged 1.324 million. During the quarter — which will end this coming Sunday, but for which there is sufficient data to call an early win for MSNBC — the news networks have been the top three cable channels overall. For comparison, HGTV was in fourth place with an average of 669,000 total viewers.

Fox News remains the current leader in primetime viewership for the quarter, averaging 2.489 million viewers so far, though both MSNBC (2.289 million) and CNN (2.001 million) have narrowed the gap considerably.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Declaring superior intelligence, is admitting defeat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is very ambitious but even if they use reconciliation procedure to avoid the filibuster, even with a majority, including the Vice President Harris, I don't think it will happen..darn it

March 27, 2021 Taegan Goddard 61

“Democrats have spent the last several years clamoring to raise taxes on corporations and the rich, seeing that as a necessary antidote to widening economic inequality and a rebuke of President Donald J. Trump’s signature tax cuts,” the New York Times reports.

“Now, under President Biden, they have a shot at ushering in the largest federal tax increase since 1942. It could help pay for a host of spending programs that liberal economists predict would bolster the economy’s performance and repair a tax code that Democrats say encourages wealthy people to hoard assets and big companies to ship jobs and book profits overseas.”

The 1947 bill rescued the economy after the Second World war.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The constitutional arguments for the nondelegation doctrine are quite weak.

This consolidation of power within a conservative judiciary could happen despite the fact that the nondelegation doctrine rests on the thinnest of constitutional reeds.

But in the Supreme Court of the United States, history and constitutional text matter little if a party has five votes. And the nondelegation doctrine almost certainly has five votes.

President Biden will hardly be the first president to face lawsuits challenging his administration’s regulations. But he is likely to be the first president since Roosevelt to face a judiciary that’s so eager to rein in agency power.

I will provide the link. But if this is correct, the three Justices appointed by the former, could change the course of history.

Scott it's an interesting story.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The nondelegation doctrine (sometimes hyphenated as non-delegation doctrine) is a principle of constitutional and administrative law that holds that legislative bodies cannot delegate their legislative powers to executive agencies or private entities. In other words, lawmakers cannot allow others to make laws

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This story is related to the previous two posts

In the wake of two mass shootings in the United States in a single week, the White House said Friday that President Biden is prepared to issue executive orders to enact gun reform, circumventing the need for a divided Congress to pass legislation.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters at a briefing that she couldn’t offer an “exact time frame” on when those orders would move off Biden’s desk, but said they were “one of the levers that we can help address the prevalence of gun violence and address community safety around the country.”

Biden, however, made clear during his Thursday afternoon press conference that his next legislative priority was infracture, rather than gun reform, which led to complaints from gun-control activists and progressive Democrats.

Psaki said Biden “understands their frustration” and suggested that their ire be directed toward those members of Congress who are voting to block gun control legislation.

If it goes to the Supreme Court, it will be interesting

Anonymous said...

The California drought will tax the management of the State to distribute water to food producing farmers.

The fire season is going to be especially rough, what has California done in the last year to mitigate the fires?

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Declaring superior intelligence, is admitting defeat.

Just fucking wow

Anonymous said...

Cali, Roger never is self-aware.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Read up about debate techniques

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lord knows you white nationalists make plenty of mentions on a small number of attacks on Asians by mentally unstable black folks.  One would believe this is the major discrimination against Asian Americans.  In reality, it is just a small share of aggressions and attacks.  Most of them committed by white people. 

The statistics back me up.

Caliphate4vr said...

I’m alone, in my room with a TV and want attention

Anonymous said...

🤣Roger AmickMarch 27, 2021 at 6:36 PM

Read up about debate techniques'"

You have the "stage". You are a award winning debate his school legend.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Roger Amick said...

Declaring superior intelligence, is admitting defeat.

Read up about debate techniques

The statistics back me up.

OK superiorly intelligent 186 IQ I'll bite. So lying is a debate technique and that's why you didn't post your statistics ?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Earlier this month, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters that while “there isn’t a package yet”, Biden’s next proposal will aim to fulfill components of his “Build Back Better” agenda from the 2020 presidential campaign trail.

And keeping in mind his promises last year, Psaki added the tax increase will only impact those households making $400,000 or more.

Sources told Bloomberg that in addition to raising the corporate and high-earner tax rates, Biden’s team is currently considering an increase in the capital-gains tax rate for those who earn more than $1 million a year.

Also under consideration is expanding the estate tax and “paring back” tax preferences for pass-through businesses, which are not currently subject to corporate taxes.

If Biden manages to fit in all of his promises from the campaign trail, they would collectively increase federal revenues by $2.1 trillion over the next decade, according to analysis from the Tax Policy Center.

Many of the changes being mulled over by Biden and his administration would reverse some tax changes made in President Donald Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Because of that, Biden is likely to receive pushback from both Republicans and the more moderate members of his party.

Well, I don’t make $400K. What about me?

Psaki recently clarified that the $400K threshold will be for households, not individuals. So if you’re making $200K and your partner brings in the same amount or more, you could be in for a tax hike in the near future.

For families that fall within that income bracket, Biden’s plans include raising their top tax rate to 39.6% from its current 37%. And it will also see their itemized deductions capped at 28%.

On the bright side, there’s a possibility that Biden could add more tax cuts for lower-income families, like he did in the relief bill with the expanded Child Tax Credit. Welfare queens?

The maximum Child and Dependent Tax Credit could rise from $3,000 to $8,000, capped at $16,000 for more than one dependent. That means parents may soon expect to receive even more money for their kids, whether they need it for immediate household expenses or educational purposes.

This extra cash infusion could free up some parents to use the funds to get something like a safe and secure kid-friendly debit card, or an easy to manage investing app, to help teach children important lessons about managing money.

It’s not just families who’ll benefit

Biden has plans for relief for lower-income households in general, not just families.

If you’re still working on paying down your student loans decades after leaving school, proposals for student loan debt forgiveness, could grant borrowers like you more generous forgiveness and payment-deferral rules.

The most-recent relief bill saw a tax benefit where loans would be forgiven without imposing any tax liability.

Affordable health insurance access would also be expanded, offering refundable tax credits on healthcare insurance premiums to limit families’ spending on premiums to no more than 8.5% of their income.

And finally, Biden wants to reinstate the first-time homebuyer tax credit, which provides first-time buyers with a maximum of $15,000 as a refundable and advanceable credit when they purchase their home — meaning you wouldn’t have to wait until you file your taxes the following year to get it.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Your IQ is 186?

Einstein would be jealous

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Albert Einstein's IQ has been estimated to sit anywhere between 160 and 180. That would firmly place the physicist in the genius territory.

You said you have 186.

You wouldn't be posting anything here fucking stupid trolling asshole

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Hey alky I never posted my IQ, but was referring to you. Go ahead and fill in your IQ, I thought you had posted 186 but I never believed whatever you posted it was. So here:

Roger Amick said...

Declaring superior intelligence, is admitting defeat.

Read up about debate techniques

The statistics back me up.

OK superiorly intelligent ___ IQ I'll bite (you fill in your IQ in the blank alky). So lying is a debate technique and that's why you didn't post your statistics ?

(hope this doesn't go over your head again)

(and you still haven't provided your statistics...)

Anonymous said...

Roger, tell us what you know about "pass-through businesses"?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democrats Poised to Raise Taxes on Business and the Rich

“Democrats have spent the last several years clamoring to raise taxes on corporations and the rich, seeing that as a necessary antidote to widening economic inequality and a rebuke of President Donald J. Trump’s signature tax cuts.

“Now, under President Biden, they have a shot at ushering in the largest federal tax increase since 1942. It could help pay for a host of spending programs that liberal economists predict would bolster the economy’s performance and repair a tax code that Democrats say encourages wealthy people to hoard assets and big companies to ship jobs and book profits overseas.”



JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Democrats Poised to Raise Taxes on Business and the Rich
March 27, 2021 at 4:51 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

I see the POS "pastor" still hasn't learned how to post his source


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* POS - Piece of Shit

Anonymous said...

James, tell us what you know about "pass-through businesses"?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

How many children have the Bide-Harris administration been responsible for killing at the border today ?

Who is in charge of the border crisis ?

What is the absolute maximum capacity of a cage there ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


In August 2015, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was disinvited from the annual RedState gathering following controversial statements he made about American journalist Megyn Kelly; Kelly was invited to the gathering instead. RedState was then one of the main centers of conservative opposition to Trump's campaign for the Presidency, with most of its writers and editors vocally opposing Trump.

In March 2018, a RedState contributor posted a story questioning whether David Hogg, a 17-year-old survivor in the Parkland school shooting, was actually in the school during the time of the shooting. RedState backtracked later and the writer of the story apologized. RedState added an "update" to the story, but did not provide a "correction". RedState's update also blamed the story on confusing reports by other news organizations. The false RedState story was shared widely by prominent conservatives, including Erick Erickson.

That same month, a RedState contributor wrote an article criticizing Tammy Duckworth's defense of an undocumented immigrant Army veteran who was deported. The RedState article said that Tammy Duckworth "really doesn't have a leg to stand on"; Duckworth is a veteran who lost both her legs in Iraq in 2004. RedState's Assistant Editor, Andrea Ruth, who is also a double amputee, revised the statement.

In April 2018, there were mass firings of staff at RedState, including the managing editor, Caleb Howe. CNN reported that multiple sources claimed that those who were fired were targeted for removal because they were insufficiently supportive of President Trump. One of those writers fired was Patrick Frey, who alleged that all of those fired were "Trump critics". Former RedState founder Erick Erickson also stated that it "seems the dividing line was loyalty to the President".

In January 2019, three senior contributors for RedState resigned, after they noticed that articles for RedState critical about President Trump were not promoted via social media. In an article for, Kimberly Ross and Andrea Ruth stated that "it’s hard not to note the irony that Salem Media, a company that targets “audiences interested in Christian and family-themed content and conservative values,” threw its full support behind Donald Trump, a thrice-married lying philanderer who utilized bankruptcy laws and debt to con tenants and contractors out of their money. Salem now promotes anyone who is pro-Trump, even if those people gleefully flout Christian principles."

In June 2019, RedState published an article that promoted murder of Seth Rich conspiracy theories. RedState deleted it on the same day.

In September 2020, it was revealed that a pseudonymous RedState writer, "streiff", worked as a public affairs specialist for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but wrote RedState pieces attacking White House coronavirus task force member Dr. Anthony Fauci. Bill Crews, "streiff", called Fauci a "mask nazi", and described him as "attention-grubbing and media-whoring." He also suggested that government officials involved in the coronavirus response deserved to be executed.

After the storming of the U.S. Capitol in January 2021, RedState published an article claiming that no "riot", "storming" or "insurrection" took place. RedState later retracted the article.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

How many children have the Bide-Harris administration been responsible for killing at the border today ?

Who is in charge of the border crisis ?

What is the absolute maximum capacity of a cage there ?

questions needing answers

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* How many children have the Biden-Harris administration been responsible for killing at the border today ?

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...


Police said the girls, 13 and 15, assaulted an Uber Eats driver with a Taser while carjacking him, which led to an accident in which he was fatally injured.

Jack Posobiec

An Asian man was murdered on camera and CNN won't say that because the murderers don't fit the narrative


Appalling footage of the carjacking near Nationals Park in Washington D.C. on Tuesday that resulted in the death of Pakistani immigrant & Uber Eats driver Mohammad Anwar. The teenage girls who police say used a Taser to steal the car face murder charges.


Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

and the person who posted the video received this text:

Washington DC is a third world country at best

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"I just provided statistics showing that in 2019 there were 138,000 violent incidents committed against Asians by other races, which was about typical for most years."



I don't know where Ch aka Scottie gets his "STATISTICS."
The FBI report on ALL hate crimes committed against ALL TYPES of people during 2019 is not that high a number.





C.H. Truth said...
Reverend - I wrote a post on this the other day citing statistics from the Bureau of Justice Statistics

You literally commented on the post with more spam proving that you obviously pay attention to nothing.

So if you are not bright enough to even read what you comment on, I guess that tells us why you lose pretty much every argument. I think it's time to simply going back to ignoring you, as you pretty much ignore anything that doesn't come from politicalwire.

My comment above was based on my own googling and research and had nothing to do with politicalwire.

I ask you again, simply show us an actual source where we can clearly find this stated:

"in 2019 there were 138,000 violent incidents committed against Asians by other races, which was about typical for most years."

I don't find it anywhere in your thread article.
I don't find it anywhere in FBI statistics.

SHUT UP!!!!!


I'm sure it's in the link CHT provided and he responded but for a fucking serial plagiarist to demand a link while continuously not providing them himself is beyond the pale.

Why don't you provide a source to what you say the number is?

And grow up


Oh, and good night asshole.


Cum A La said...

I'm cumming to the Oval Office with a Trojan condom.

New White House Directive Suggests They're Preparing for Kamala's Takeover

Joe Bide

There is no Biden administration. Officially, it’s the Biden-Harris administration, and federal agencies have been instructed to include Kamala Harris’s name in a directive sent to all federal agencies from “a top White House communications team member.”

“Please be sure to reference the current administration as the ‘Biden-Harris Administration’ in official public communications,” read the directive, which was provided to Outspoken by “an employee of a federal government agency.”

And yes, “Biden-Harris Administration” was in bold in the email.

According to Outspoken,

The highly specific language also appears on the websites of all 15 executive departments. Press releases and other communications from the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, and the Attorney General all exclusively refer to the Biden-Harris Administration, in lieu of only naming the president, which has been customary until now.

Similarly, signage at the Biden inauguration on January 20th read “Biden Harris Inauguration”

This was seen as highly unusual at the time, and it still is. Similarly, the official Twitter accounts of

Though it is not clear when the directive was sent, the report comes in the wake of Biden’s infamous fall on the stairs to Air Force One, which followed his most recent reference to Kamala Harris as “President Harris.” Kamala Harris has also reportedly taken calls from world leaders without Biden.

Ric Grenell, the former ambassador to Germany and former acting director of national intelligence, told Outspoken that Harris’s elevated role is unsettling. “World leaders expect to hear from the President of the United States, not the Vice President,” he said. “There are certainly times when the Vice President has to step in but not for the introductory call.”

“The fact that the White House is instructing federal agencies to replace ‘Biden’ with ‘Biden-Harris’ after less than 60 days is indicative of the struggle Joe Biden is already having being President,” Grenell added. “This is a signal that he can’t do the job alone.”

Conservatives have long believed Biden’s purpose in the 2020 election was that of a puppet or a Trojan Horse. He was perceived as being more electable than the other Democrats running in the primaries, and claimed to be a centrist who wanted to unify the country. His selection of Kamala Harris, a San Francisco liberal, as his running mate, made this theory seem even more credible. Further, Biden’s selection of radical nominees for his cabinet and other positions, as well as his radical executive actions, have contrasted his public pledges for unity and working with Republicans. Perhaps Biden was lying, or perhaps he’s not really running show. Regardless, this directive is the most blatant suggestion we’ve had so far that the administration seems to be already bracing for its inevitable transition to the Harris administration

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

All Ch has to do is give us a link that will take us to what he said.

Namely, "...statistics showing that in 2019 there were 138,000 violent incidents committed against Asians by other races, which was about typical for most years."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Someone, ANYone,
us a link that will take us to the claim
that in 2019 there were
138,000 violent incidents
committed against Asians.

We would like to see that
with our very own eyes.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The FBI report on ALL hate crimes committed against ALL TYPES of people during 2019 is not as high 138,000.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

FBI’s hate crime data shows that anti-Asian hate crimes declined in the late 1990s and started to climb in recent years. In 2019, there were 7,314 hate crime incidents overall, according to the FBI, including 158 that were against people of Asian descent.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

CH will not respond. He will post the Sunday Funnies and again say Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Biden Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe Sleepy Joe

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The former chief of staff to ex-President Donald Trump on Saturday pushed back against his former boss’ recent attempt to whitewash the history of the January 6 Capitol riot.

Mick Mulvaney, who stepped down as Trump’s special envoy to Northern Ireland after the insurrection, called Trump’s comments that his supporters were “hugging and kissing” police officers and posed “zero threat,” despite widespread violence, “manifestly false.”

“I was surprised to hear the President say that. Clearly there were people who were behaving themselves, and then there were people who absolutely were not, but to come out and say that everyone was fine and there was no risk, that’s just manifestly false — people died, other people were severely injured,”

Sleepy Scott Whiti Johnson said...

Remarks by President Biden in a Virtual Fundraiser for Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms


Via Teleconference
Wilmington, Delaware

(March 26, 2021)

5:37 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Well, look, Mayor — can you hear me now?  I truly apologize to everybody, especially on a Friday afternoon, as the Mayor said. 

I want to thank the Mayor for her leadership, and more importantly, I want to thank her for her friendship.  And for everyone on this call, you should know that Keisha endorsed me, as I said, very early in my campaign, back when most folks didn’t think I had a chance.  She stuck with me when things were bad and (inaudible).  But through it all, she believed in me, and I’m forever grateful. 

But maybe the person I should be thanking most is Keisha’s mom.  Keisha often tells me stories about how her best polling source is her mom, and what her mom is hearing about at the bridge club every Saturday.

Well, when Keisha’s mom said she believed in me, I guess that was good enough for Keisha.  And just like she had my back, I have hers.

And we need her, and Atlanta needs her.  You know, we saw it just weeks after — just weeks after we found ourselves (inaudible) to the mass shooting.  When the Vice Pres- — when I — when the Vice President and I traveled to Atlanta, we met with the Mayor and saw her strength keeping the city together, especially for the Asian Amer- — the Asian American community that remains in fear and is hurting right now.

And we’ve seen her leadership during this pandemic — believing in science and leading a city that’s home to a tremendous public servant, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — the CDC. 

We saw her stand tall and speak out during the summer of protests and pain.  And during the campaign that tested our very democracy, she was always there.  So many of you stepped up as well. 

And if anyone ever doubted that voting matters, Georgia just proved that it did.  If anyone ever wondered if one vote can make a difference, Georgia proved it 11,779 times.  And if anyone ever wondered if voting can change a country, Georgia just proved that.  And if you’re wondering whether Republican officials will finally stop their attacks on the right to vote and actually try and win over votes, they just proved yesterday they won’t.  It’s (inaudible) America and what they’re doing — that it cannot stand

So, above all, Keisha knows democracy is not just about winning elections.  It’s about governing, making government work.  It’s about making government work for working families, for the people who are — who are the backbone of this country.

And that’s why we fought so hard to pass the American Rescue Plan.  It’s making a difference.

Just last week, we passed 100 million shots in arms in the first 58 days in office.  We’re going to get (inaudible) 200 million in my first 100 days.  That includes a $10 billion investment to make sure we reach the hardest-hit and highest- risk communities.

And, yesterday, we reached 100 million checks for $1,400 into people’s pockets and their bank accounts.  By the time this money is distributed, 88 percent of all adults and children in Georgia will receive such a check.  That’s going to change their lives.

The American Rescue Plan will cut child poverty literally in half, including for 171,000 Georgia children.  It provides $4 billion for Georgia’s schoolchildren, in grades K through 12, to keep them open and keep them open safely.

And one of the biggest things for Georgia and the Atlantic — and Atlanta: Georgia is now eligible for about $2 billion in expanded Medicaid.  That means another 500,000 Georgians will be covered all across the state with Medicaid that they don’t have right now.  And that’s on top of the lower premiums and expanded coverage, if you have a plan through Obamacare. 

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

or at least
the form of it
that is now being
in the United States
and in Russia,
is indeed