Friday, May 28, 2021

How will redistricting affect the 2022 race?

Obviously were are early into things - but this is telling
The University of Virginia Center of Politics released a report earlier this month showing that incumbent Democrats will already face an uphill battle in 2022 because of redistricting. According to the report, only two Republicans face toss-up races.
“What stands out here is the tiny number of Republicans in the Toss-up column, just two, versus the large number of Democrats there (19),” the report reads. “Overall, these ratings show 211 districts at least leaning to the Republicans, 203 at least leaning to the Democrats, and 21 Toss-ups (19 held by Democrats, two held by Republicans). Splitting the Toss-ups roughly down the middle – let’s say 11-10 Republican – would result in a 222-213 Republican majority, good for a nine-seat Republican net gain and a narrow majority the same size as the one Democrats elected in November.”

You can open up an interesting associated survey with this link. It looks at ten battleground districts and takes a look at what is and isn't popular. For instance, Joe Biden seems to be personally pretty popular. But his plans to increase taxes, add to the deficit, or pass a large stimulus are pretty unpopular.

For instance, in these swing districts the range was between 18% and 29% in terms of those who support a tax rate increase. Close to half in most of these districts would like to see taxes lowered. The rest would like them to remain the same. Large majorities suggest that a targeted plan to raise the taxes on just the rich will end up impacting more than just the rich. Somewhere between 58% and 68% say that raising taxes will negatively impact the economy.

Meanwhile there is overwhelming disapproval regarding the idea of spending 4 trillion dollars on infrastructure and a majority of voters in every district are non-supportive of any spending bill larger than 1 trillion. In fact only somewhere between 9% and13% supported anything over 2 trillion when asked to provide a range that they were comfortable with.

Meanwhile, a majority want any infrastructure bill to pass with bi-partisan support and a majority of people in these districts blame "both" sides for a lack of bi-partisanship. This does not suggest that the 2022 swing districts are going to be on board with the Democratic plans to bust up the filibuster so they can start passing bills 50-50 with a tie-breaker. 

It's early in the cycle folks and redistricting will shake things up. But at this point, it looks like Democrats would have to see things change in their favor over the next year or so to see this swing back to their side. 


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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is somewhat related. The Atlantic Magazine.

Republicans stepped forward in 1980 as optimistic warriors. Joined by some disaffected Democrats, they were certain that they had the intellectual and moral strength to claim victory over domestic chaos and foreign challenges. Reagan and the resurgent Republicans fought the narrative of an America in decline after years of “stagflation,” urban decay, and rampant Soviet aggression. (The Cold War was still raging then.) Republican solutions—including laissez-faire economics at home and a confrontational foreign policy abroad—were born from an ideological conviction that led a prominent liberal Democrat, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, to warn his colleagues in 1981 that the GOP “has become a party of ideas.”

The self-assurance of the Republicans who emerged from the post-Watergate wilderness might seem impossible to comprehend now that the modern GOP is rife with know-nothings and apocalyptic hysterics. But their confidence in their own ideas was unassailable—indeed, often to an unhealthy degree.

All of that is gone. Today’s Republicans exist only to stay in power, not least so that their elected officials can avoid what they dread most: being sent home to live among their constituents. The conservative writer George Will is right that the Republican Party in 2021 has become “something new in American history,” a “political party defined by the terror it feels for its own voters.”

Republican legislators should be scared. Their base is an angry white minority that cares nothing about government; its members want their elected officials to rule by hook or by crook, the Constitution and democracy itself be damned, and they don’t want any guff about namby-pamby ideas or policies. They want the elections controlled, the institutions captured, and the libs owned. The rest, to them, is just noise.

Scott, if the angry base is all they have, they have to limit the number of voters, to remain in power.

Do you really want this???

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yes, he obviously wants to limit the number of voters.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Things got a little too hot for
Scott in the last thread, so he put this one up.

He does that a lot lately.

Myballs said...

Things got too hot...from more taegan Goddard copy pastes? I think not.

Dems are in real trouble in 2022. Moderate Indy voters are tired of being called racist just because they don't agree with the left's socialist agenda.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Atlantic
It’s Not Complacency That’s Paralyzing Democrats

David Frum 5 hrs ago
Where Republicans control local power, they are building a new infrastructure of minority rule.
They are gerrymandering districts, raising barriers to voting, biasing election administration, and politicizing election certification.
There is nothing secret about this effort; everybody can see it happening.

Yet the members of the threatened, narrow Democratic majorities in Congress—the people who might seem to have the strongest motives to act—seem too paralyzed to respond. The 118th Congress has expended nearly a quarter of its term. It has enacted one huge spending bill already and seems poised to enact another. The Democratic majorities have flexed muscle—and are attempting to jam through a commission to investigate the January 6 attack on the Capitol over the opposition of Republican leadership.

But the voting-reform bills that got the powerful symbolic No. 1 in both the House and Senate order of business? They have stalled. Some observers marvel at the Democrats’ self-abnegation in the face of aggressive and blatant Republican schemes. Earlier this week, Luke Savage wrote in The Atlantic:

If you’ve followed recent Democratic messaging, you’ll have heard that American democracy is under serious attack by the Republican Party, representing an existential threat to the country. If you’ve followed Democratic lawmaking, you’d be forgiven for thinking that the threat is actually a rather piddling one. The disconnect, in this case, isn’t attributable to Democratic embellishment, but to inexcusable complacency.

But it’s not complacency that is paralyzing the Democrats. They know what’s being plotted against them. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer introduced the Senate version of the For the People Act on March 17, 2021, with these angry words: “Despicably, efforts to target … historically disenfranchised communities [have] become a central component of the electoral strategy of one of America’s major political parties.”

Two weeks earlier, Speaker Nancy Pelosi had spoken as fiercely when she introduced the House version. “Just last night, the Georgia House passed a draconian new voter-restriction bill, which would end weekend voting, slash the number of mail ballot drop boxes, [and] impose restrictive voter ID for mail ballots, among other actions,” she said.

So no, it’s not blithe inattention that has stalled the Democrats’ voting-rights bills. It’s self-harming overreach by party activists.

Here are two leading examples.

Republican gerrymandering works by stuffing as many as possible of a state’s Democratic-leaning voters, especially Black voters, into the fewest possible districts. Gerrymanders improve Republican election outcomes—but also deliver super-safe seats to minority officeholders. The reform bills would promote independent commissions in place of partisan gerrymandering. That project would boost Democratic prospects in general, but could threaten Black Democratic incumbents.

Here’s another example.

The House versions of the reform bills take aim at big money in politics by offering federal matching grants to campaign contributions of up to $200 in the amazing ratio of 6 to 1: Donate $200 to the congressional candidate of your choice, and you would also direct their way an additional $1,200 in federal money. That plan horrifies many mainstream Democrats, who interpret it as a massive windfall for unelectable left-wing insurgent candidates running primary campaigns against more electable centrists.

It’s squabbles among the passengers, not dilatoriness by the conductors, that have sidetracked the train.

Anonymous said...

Denny, the facts are known.
Inflation is on ,♨️, well over the "2%" target of Biden's "all-star team " target .

Real rate 3.1%.
Used/New Cars

The list is endless ...

Biden policies .

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

National Democrats are more vulnerable to such internecine squabbles than Trumpified state Republican parties. Both national Democrats and state Republicans want power, obviously. But their respective routes to power—and their goals for using it—vary enormously.

The Democratic coalition is a broad one; the Republican coalition is a narrow one.
The Democratic coalition has a long agenda; the Republican coalition has a short one.
Above all, the Democratic Party is divided by the many different things its members want to do;
the Republican Party is united by a shared determination to block the things that Democrats want to do.
A disparate majority loosely committed to diverging goals will have difficulty imposing its will on a cohesive minority strongly committed to a singular goal.

Democrats have two exits from this dilemma:
one higher effort, but with a higher reward,
the other lower effort, but with a lower reward.

The first path is for congressional leaders to rewrite the reform bills fast to please pro-Biden moderates and Black incumbents—and then to cram the modified bills through the House and Senate. That would require cajoling and appeasing pro-filibuster Senate Democrats such as Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, which in turn implies disappointing activist Democrats outside Congress.

Failing that, the second approach requires Democrats to engage in a radical rethinking of their reaction to voter suppression in Republican states. Remember, they still have some federal laws on their side. The U.S. Supreme Court weakened the Voting Rights Act in 2013, but it did not kill it. The Obama administration’s Justice Department won voting-rights cases in North Carolina before the 2016 election. Taking decisive action to fill the 80-odd federal judicial vacancies with pro-voting judges followed by turbocharging enforcement efforts at the Department of Justice may seem only second-best compared with new legislation. But if new legislation cannot be enacted, then second-best will have to do.

And maybe executive and judicial action need not be so second-best as all that. Federal civil-rights action can deter states even before its final adjudication. Republican state politicians may be ruthless in their pursuit of partisan advantage, but they are not the only power centers in their states. As the battle over voting rights in Georgia demonstrated, business interests can be mobilized against overt racial discrimination.

The CEOs of Cisco Systems, Coca Cola, and Delta Airlines—among others—took public stands against the voting law enacted by Georgia in March 2021. Major League Baseball shifted its All-Star Game in protest. These corporate actions did not alter the outcome in Georgia. They may have, however, altered the incentives of business elites in other states contemplating a Georgia path.

Awareness of voter suppression can actually become its own source of political power. In 2018 and 2020, anti-Trump voters endured queues precisely because they understood that pro-Trump legislators had created the lines intentionally to deter them. The queues were interpreted by anti-Trump voters as a confession by pro-Trump politicians: They knew they could not win a fair fight, and so they had engineered an unfair one. That proved as motivating to the anti-Trump coalition as anything else that happened in 2018 or 2020.

Nobody should be romantic about any of this. Voter suppression works. Gerrymandering works. The drift of U.S. politics away from democratic ideals over the past 20 years is real. The first option—fix the laws—remains the better one. To achieve it, the people who need to mend their ways are not the supposedly complacent Democrats of the center—but the overambitious faction of the activist left.

Anonymous said...

Jamie, Biden enambled Putin to restart and finish there pipelines to Germany.

Yet, Biden Stopped the completion of the XL keystone pipelines in the USA.

Gave the US Energy market to putin.

Anonymous said...

Roger, good post on Bidenomics.

Can you explain how this is stimulative  ?
"Households have saved about $2 trillion more than they would have absent the pandemic and federal relief efforts"

Jamie and Denny failed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The GOP does not want democracy.
It wants oligarchy.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Government of and by the few
for the few.

Government of and by the many
for the many.


of, by, & FOR the rich
of, by, & FOR the people

Anonymous said...

Jamie moves to lying projecting.

Very Alky of you Jamie.

Anonymous said...

We are a Republic.

Anonymous said...


The one we have always been, free, independent, self-sufficient and a Republic.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Everybody who has any honesty knows that SOMEBODY in this nation has got to pay more in taxes.

Who's it gonna be?

the poor?
the lower middle?
the middle middle?
the upper middle?
the wealthy?
the very wealthy?
the very, very, very wealthy?

Anonymous said...


"Personal income April -13.1%"

Anonymous said...

Dishonest , economically stupid and 💯% flawed premise.

"Everybody who has any honesty knows that SOMEBODY in this nation has got to pay more in taxes"

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
Jamie moves to lying projecting.

Very Alky of you Jamie


I just finished debunking the "pastor's" lies on the previous thread, didn't realize a new one was open

Well have better things to do and everyone here realizes what he does.

Except maybe the "pastor" himself


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Democracy Dies in Darkness
Economic Policy

Donald Trump thinks the rich should pay more in taxes than everyone else

By Max Ehrenfreund
August 24, 2015

...Donald Trump said Monday morning that the rich should pay more in taxes than the middle and working classes.

He criticized the idea of taxing all Americans at the same rate, an idea endorsed by some of his rivals for the GOP presidential nod. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has proposed levying the same tax on all forms of income and on businesses, which would be able to write off their expenses under his plan. Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas, has called for taxing sales instead of income, but also at a single rate. Other Republican plans, such as the one put forward by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), have more than one rate, but fewer than the seven brackets in the current system.

Getting rid of the separate, higher tax rates for the wealthy would allow them to pay less in taxes on additional income, which proponents say would encourage them to work and contribute to the economy. A tax system with fewer brackets would also be simpler.

Simplifying the tax code is a goal that Trump said he shares, but he also believes that rich Americans should pay more on every dollar of additional income.

"The one problem I have with a flat tax is that rich people are paying the same as people that are making very little money," Trump, who is worth an estimated $2.9 billion, said Monday morning on "Fox & Friends." "I think there should be a graduation of some kind."

The Republican front-runner also advocated higher taxes on hedge-fund managers, a position shared by his Democratic opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Managers at hedge funds are able to count their income as returns on investments, allowing them to pay less in taxes than they would if they reported their earnings as a salary or a wage. It's known as the carried-interest loophole, and while it's difficult to know how much it costs the government, one estimate puts the price tag at a whopping $180 billion over 10 years.

Clinton said she'd close the loophole, and while Trump didn't mention carried interest specifically, he did say that hedge-fund managers should pay more in taxes.

"They should be taxed a fair amount of money," he said, without offering details. "They're not paying enough tax."




Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Myballs said...

Funny thing about budgeting. There are two ways to balance it. Tbe other is to spend less. Everyone knows this too.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Funny thing about lying.
It becomes very clear when you're doing it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When does the debunking begin?

Anonymous said...

"Funny thing about lying.
It becomes very clear when you're doing"

We see yours Jamie.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

President Trump voiced his opinion.
In the arena of ideas.
It is what us grown ups do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

When does the debunking begin?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

He was not President.
He was running.

When does the debunking begin?

Anonymous said...

Jamie, are you asking us Adults to "debunk" the Opinion of President Trump?

That is idiotic.

Anonymous said...

This is not working out at all for Jamie as he planned.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, that's the idea.
Knee slapping funny.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

LOL Oh yes it is.

Anonymous said...

✔The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.8 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than six times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (4.0 percent).Feb 25, 2020✔

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Economic Policy

Donald Trump thinks the rich should pay more in taxes than everyone else

By Max Ehrenfreund
August 24, 2015

...Donald Trump said Monday morning that the rich should pay more in taxes than the middle and working classes.

Anonymous said...

$May 28, 2021 - 09:11 AM EDTKey inflation measure comes in at 0.6 percent, above expectations$

Bidenomics is crushing the low and mid-middle income tax payer.

Punitive fuel and food and Meat shortages.

Anonymous said...

"Donald Trump thinks the rich should pay more in taxes than everyone else"

He is right, they do.

✔The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.8 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than six times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (4.0 percent).Feb 25, 2020✔

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

also believes that rich Americans should pay more on every dollar of additional income.

"The one problem I have with a flat tax is that rich people are paying the same as people that are making very little money," Trump, who is worth an estimated $2.9 billion, said Monday morning on "Fox & Friends." "I think there should be a graduation of some kind."

When does the debunking begin?

Anonymous said...

Under Biden his policies have done the single most destructive thing to retirees and low income earners.

Bidenomics unleaded inflation.

Anonymous said...

Jamie , is non responsive, again, monofocused.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

KD runs away.

Anonymous said...

You are so dull Jamie.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump thinks the rich should pay more in taxes than everyone else"

He is right, they do.

✔The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (38.5 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (29.9 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.8 percent average individual income tax rate, which is more than six times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (4.0 percent).Feb 25, 2020✔

Anonymous said...

Under Biden his policies have done the single most destructive thing to retirees and low income earners.

Bidenomics unleashed inflation

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A New Plan By The Biden Administration Will Speed Up Court Cases For Families Crossing The Border - 3 hours ago

The Biden administration is launching a new effort Friday at immigration courts in 10 cities across the US to speed up cases for immigrant families who are picked up by agents after crossing the southern border, according to internal Department of Justice documents and administration officials.

The plan, which will begin in Denver, Detroit, El Paso, Los Angeles, Miami, Newark, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle, comes as a growing number of families have been able to cross the border and remain in the US. Unlike single adults, who have been predominantly turned around by border agents under a Trump-era order, many families have been able to cross into the US after Mexican officials passed a law prohibiting undocumented immigrant children from being held in detention centers.

Biden administration officials view the effort as a way to make the court process more efficient for immigrant families.

“Families arriving at the border who are placed in immigration proceedings should have their cases decided in an orderly, efficient, and fair manner,” said Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas in a statement to BuzzFeed News. “Families who have recently arrived should not languish in a multi-year backlog; today’s announcement is an important step for both justice and border security.”

The so-called dedicated docket plan will apply to certain immigrant families who are arrested after crossing the border on or after Friday. The families will not be detained but will be monitored by immigration officials through the alternatives to detention program. The Biden administration has largely moved away from keeping families in detention facilities.

The Biden administration selected the cities, officials said, because of the number of available judges to handle the cases, along with a robust network of legal providers available to help the arriving immigrants. Officials say they will provide the families services to help them understand the immigration system and find possible representation. The courts will attempt to issue a decision within 300 days of an initial hearing.

Only judges who have time on their dockets will be scheduled to take on these cases, according to a policy memo sent to immigration court staff Friday morning.

“The mission of the Department of Justice’s immigration courts is to decide the cases that come before them promptly and fairly,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland in a statement to BuzzFeed News. “This new program for certain newly arriving families will help achieve that critically important goal.”

Plans to speed up the case processing for families and unaccompanied children have been attempted by previous administrations. The Trump administration also implemented a quicker docket, however, officials expected judges to complete the cases in one year or less. By 2019, 80% of families had “in absentia” deportation orders or when families were not present in court, according to the Migration Policy Institute.

Biden administration officials claim that the plan is different from the Trump administration’s efforts because they will not only make a concerted effort to help families who are thrust into this program with support services, but they “will work closely with pro bono legal services providers to maximize legal representation,” according to a DHS official. In addition, they emphasized that while they anticipate that judges will make decisions 300 days after initial hearings, they won’t be subject to strict timelines.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Elsewhere, the policy memo sent to court staff on Friday says that judges retain the discretion to push back cases for good cause as they consider the immigrant family’s right to counsel and due process.

The ability for immigrants to obtain representation is often key in the ultimate outcomes for their court cases. In 2014, Obama officials created a process for courts to quickly hear cases of children and families, which also faced criticism for the program over due process concerns. That program, however, did not put a deadline on when the cases must be completed.

“Under the Obama rocket docket, 81 percent of those without counsel failed to attend their hearings and were ordered removed as a result, while just 8 percent of those with counsel received such in absentia removal orders,” wrote Sarah Pierce, a former Migration Policy Institute researcher. “And those with counsel were ten times more likely to be granted some sort of relief from removal.”

The immigration court system has struggled to deal with a growing backlog of over a million cases and it often takes years for cases to be heard in front of a judge. The Trump administration forced judges to follow case completion quotas and took away their abilities to close certain cases.

While more families have been able to cross the border, thousands have been turned back every month under a public health order, known as Title 42, that officials say is aimed at curbing the spread of the coronavirus. Immigrant advocates have criticized the policy, saying it violates the law and does not provide the ability for those fleeing persecution to seek protection in the US.

The ACLU has challenged the use of the policy against families in a federal lawsuit.

The organization represents six families who fled their countries and were seeking safety in the US. Prior to the policy, the group contends, the families would have had a chance at seeking asylum at the border.

Instead, under the Title 42 policy, immigrants and families at the border must “affirmatively” state they are fearful of being tortured in their home country in order to get the chance at a screening for protections.

The case, which is being heard by the same judge who blocked the use of the policy against children, has been in a holding pattern in recent months as both the government and the ACLU have discussed a potential resolution. The judge has held off any decision until sometime in June.

The beaners are going to take your jobs!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trumpward news big lie

Fox News once devoted its 7 p.m. and 11 p.m. time slots to relatively straightforward newscasts. Now those hours are filled by opinion shows led by hosts who denounce Democrats and defend the worldview of former President Donald J. Trump.

For seven years, Juan Williams was the lone liberal voice on “The Five,” the network’s popular afternoon chat show. On Wednesday, he announced he was leaving the program, after months of harsh on-air blowback from his conservative co-hosts. Many Fox News viewers cheered his exit on social media.

Donna Brazile, the former Democratic Party chairwoman, was hired by Fox News with great fanfare in 2019 as a dissenting voice for its political coverage. She criticized Mr. Trump and spoke passionately about the Black Lives Matter movement, which other hosts on the network often demonized. Ms. Brazile has now left Fox News; last week, she quietly started a new job at ABC.

Onscreen and off, in ways subtle and overt, Fox News has adapted to the post-Trump era by moving in a single direction: Trumpward.

rrb said...

Grotesquely ugly, fat pig, welfare queen, grifter and BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors RESIGNS as executive director over 'right wing attacks' - after her $3 million housing portfolio was revealed

Maybe she can afford to go see Dr. Pimple Popper and get that gob of shit removed from her sloped forehead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Grotesquely ugly, fat pig, welfare queen, grifter and BLM co-founder Patrisse"

BLM A cash cow.

Anonymous said...

Roger is confused by math, finances and economics.

He is safe when cut n pasting.
But, is in over his head on his own.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Here are the heroic Republican senators who voted to advance the bill:

Sen. Bill Cassidy (La.)


Sen. Susan Collins (Maine)

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)

Sen. Rob Portman (Ohio)

Sen. Mitt Romney (Utah)

Sen. Ben Sasse (Neb.)

35 Republican traitors voted against a fair and bipartisan investigation into the Insurrection act on January 6th, 2021

rrb said...

BLM A cash cow.

Just like CRT. All part of the same con.

No one can afford to be called ray-ciss, so the BLM/CRT grifters literally hold them hostage and make them pay a ransom...

...and an industry is born.

I know an employer who gave $10 MILLION to the Urban League and Sharpton's National Action Network grift.

And that's how a ray-cisst cunt like Cullors amasses a $3 MILLION real estate portfolio.

Shit birds like her and every other scumbag peddling BLM/CRT deserve a baseball bat to the face. Several dozen times.

Anonymous said...

"Just like CRT. All part of the same con."

And the Democrats own both.

Anonymous said...

"Shit birds like her and every other scumbag peddling BLM/CRT deserve a baseball bat to the face. Several dozen times."

I did see one BML did get shot in the head.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bottom Up Economics reverses the Trickle Down Economic disaster since Ronald Reagan's era economics.

WASHINGTON — President Biden’s $6 trillion budget bets on the power of government to propel workers, families and businesses to new heights of prosperity in a rapidly changing economy, by redistributing income and wealth from high earners and corporations to grow the middle class.

It's not socialistic.

It's regulated capitalism .

rrb said...

I did see one BML did get shot in the head.

A good start, and definitely the good news story of THAT day.

Anonymous said...

Roger, good post on Bidenomics.

Can you explain how this is stimulative  ?
"Households have saved about $2 trillion more than they would have absent the pandemic and federal relief efforts"

Jamie and Denny failed.

Anonymous said...

Socialism. "redistribution"

Roger has gotten $1,800 from .CA free money faucet and $3,400 from the Fed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another Bonus Quote of the Day
May 28, 2021 at 2:22 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

“This vote has made it official. Donald Trump’s Big Lie has now fully enveloped the Republican party. Trump’s Big Lie is now the defining principle of what was once the party of Lincoln.”
— Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), quoted by Axios.

Schumer Will Force Vote on Election Overhaul
May 28, 2021 at 1:36 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 48 Comments

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) said Friday he is planning to force a vote next month on a sweeping bill to overhaul elections, setting the stage for a high-profile clash over the filibuster, The Hill reports.

“The sprawling voting reform and anti-corruption legislation is viewed as a top priority for Democrats, who are seeking to combat the wave of restrictive voting bills making their way through Republican state legislatures across the country.”

Anonymous said...

Hi Jamie

Anonymous said...

The White House is having some big problems.

Leakers,, unauthorized.

I Like it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bipartisan” has become the GOP word for “Sucker!”

That’s especially true when it comes to negotiations on the infrastructure proposal.

In last month’s rebuttal to the president, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, a potential 2024 Republican presidential or a vice presidential contender, dismissed Biden’s plan with this announcement: “Democrats want a partisan wish list. They won’t even build bridges to build bridges.” (Fact check: That’s false; Biden’s plan includes plenty of money for bridge building.)

In case anyone missed Scott’s point, the Republican senator went out of his way to mislabel the jobs plan as “a liberal wish list of big government waste.”

What do the Republicans—and Democrats who are excited to compromise with them—identify as “a partisan wish list” and “big government waste”? Caring for the elderly and saving

The Biden infrastructure plan is not perfect. But it is realistic about the challenges this country faces, and about how they must be addressed. That realism led the president to embrace a 21st-century definition of infrastructure that recognizes the full potential of federal investment to shape a more functional future for working Americans. As such, the president’s $2.25 trillion proposal, as it was outlined in late March, included a credible down payment on meeting the nation’s long-neglected physical infrastructure needs—$621 billion for roads, bridges, public transit, rail, ports, waterways, airports, and electric vehicles. It nodded in meaningful ways to the climate concerns raised by campaigners for a more ambitious Green New Deal. It highlighted vital ideas for investing in clean drinking water, housing, and high-speed broadband Internet services. And, in its most practical section, it committed to spending $400 billion to fund the care infrastructure of a just and humane society—a necessary component of a modern jobs plan, because it provides essential support for workers with elderly parents and disabled family members.

It's not welfare queen economics kputz and the racist rodent bastard Jimmy Hitler Jr.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back I didn't mean to squash you like a bug.

Anonymous said...

Roger is confused again he posted "100 % of stimulas received by individuals is being spent".

Yet, he also posted
"Households have saved about $2 trillion more than they would have absent the pandemic and federal relief efforts"

Saving is not spending.

Anonymous said...

21st-century definition of infrastructure:
New green deal

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Savings accounts are a great way. You can use it later or a 401 K retirement plan

Anonymous said...

Roger, good post on Bidenomics.

Can you explain how this is stimulative  ?
"Households have saved about $2 trillion more than they would have absent the pandemic and federal relief efforts"

Jamie, Roger and Denny failed.

They just can't debate.

Anonymous said...

Anyone , anyone at all have the Joe Biden to Alky to English coherent thought translator.

"Savings accounts are a great way. You can use it later or a 401 K retirement plan"

American Greatness said...

We are entering a period of political persecution unlike anything we’ve seen in American history, all premised on the lie that “fascist, white supremacist, terrorist insurrectionists” attempted a “coup” on January 6—a lie constructed using words that no longer have an agreed-upon meaning. 

It can only end badly.

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About Peter D'Abrosca

Peter D'Abrosca is a conservative campaign strategist, author, and columnist. A proud law school dropout, he is not a decorated member of the fancy credentialed class, and that's just the way he prefers it. He considers himself a political outsider who seeks to give a voice to the long-forgotten American working class.

Commonsense said...

The founding fathers were quite concerned about a tyrannous government and felt a well armed citizenery in well regulated militias was best check against it. That's why the constitution bans confiscation of fire arms from law abiding citizens.

The Second Amendment does, however, reinforce the rule of law and anti-tyranny structure of the US Constitution, by ensuring the government cannot disarm the people. In the 2008 case District of Columbia v. Heller, all nine Justices agreed that the amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms for service in the militia. (The justices disagreed about whether the right includes other purposes, such as personal self-defense or hunting.) Why did the founding generation believe that a well-regulated militia was necessary? One reason, observed Justice Antonin Scalia: "when the able-bodied men of a nation are trained in arms and organized, they are better able to resist tyranny."
Explaining the proposed Second Amendment, Madison’s ally Tench Coxe, a delegate to the Continental Congress for Pennsylvania, wrote: "As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow-citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms."

Anonymous said...

Come on Roger display for us your massive economic intelligence and command of the subject and answer the question.

Roger, good post on Bidenomics.

Can you explain how this is stimulative  ?
"Households have saved about $2 trillion more than they would have absent the pandemic and federal relief efforts"

C.H. Truth said...

Everybody who has any honesty knows that SOMEBODY in this nation has got to pay more in taxes.


Because we have tax and spend lunatic in office?

Anonymous said...

CHT , Jamie didn't really want to debate his question, he did it to set up his quote from Canidate Trump.

The attempted gambit Jamie tried failed.

Anonymous said...

The purely bullshit US Senate vote on the 1-6 trespass.
"two Democrats didn't vote on the January 6 commission."

C.H. Truth said...

You know how completely sad and depressing it must be to be part of a Party that has been in complete control of both chambers of Congress and the White House...

and the best they have is complaining about Donald Trump and trying to rehash the great misdemeanor trespassing of Jan 6th?

Must suck to have such little faith in your own accomplishment!

Commonsense said...

35 Republican traitors voted against a fair and bipartisan investigation into the Insurrection act on January 6th, 2021

Nancy Pelosi is launching an investigation on her own. If there was any doubt that this was a partisan exercise aimed at the GOP all along it has been removed now.

McConnell is a smart man and he can smell a Democrat rat.

Anonymous said...


Two US Senators of the Democrat party were allowed to not vote.

Probably to protect their asses.

Commonsense said...

It's not welfare queen economics

It is corporate welfare for Biden's cronies and an unprecedented interference in the free market in support of disastrous climate policies.

Anonymous said...

Educating The Three Neo-socialist Stooges of CHT .
However, that spending pattern changed for the second and third round of stimulus checks. While many households reported that they still used, or planned on using, part of those latter payments for expenses like food and rent, only about one-fifth of households indicated that they used the money primarily for those purposes — opting to either save the payments or use them to pay off debt instead."

So, Roger, they didn't "spend 💯%", they saved $2 trillion and paid off debt.

Anonymous said...

CS us right.

"unprecedented interference in the free market in support of disastrous climate policies."

.CA is doing everything wrong.
Mismanagement water, depending on wind and solar and now here comes the drought and blast furnace wild fires.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Capitalism vs Socialism 101 for kputz.


Capitalism is unconcerned about equity. It is argued that inequality is essential to encourage innovation and economic development.

Socialism is concerned with redistributing resources from the rich to the poor. This is to ensure everyone has both equal opportunities and in some forms of socialism – equal outcomes.


Capitalism – Private businesses will be owned by private individuals/companies

Socialism – The state will own and control the main means of production. In some models of socialism, ownership would not be by the government but worker co-operatives.


Capitalism. It is argued that the profit incentive encourages firms to be more efficient, cut costs and innovate new products that people want. If firms fail to keep up, they will go out of business. But, this business failure allows resources to flow to new more efficient areas of the economy. Something known as ‘creative destruction’

Socialism. It is argued that state ownership often leads to inefficiency because workers and managers lack any real incentive to cut costs.

One joke under Soviet Communism was ‘They pretend to pay us. We pretend to work.’


In capitalist economic systems, the state doesn’t directly provide jobs. Therefore in times of recession, unemployment in capitalist economic systems can rise to very high levels, e.g. 20% + in Great Depression

Employment is often directed by the state. Therefore, the state can provide full employment even if workers are not doing anything particularly essential.

The Democrats are not socialist.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

 misdemeanor trespassing of Jan 6th

Insanity squared

C.H. Truth said...

The Democrats are not socialist.

And January 6th was not an "insurrection".

What is your point?

C.H. Truth said...

What is insane, Roger...

Is that the Feds are running around the country arresting and charging people for misdemeanor charges and even holding some in jail with enormous bail or no bail.

Meanwhile the Antifa in Portland just attacked a Federal building, burned some things down, and got into another armed conflict with the police. Nobody is being arrested, charged, or held in jail.

Anonymous said...


Biden's budget blowout predicts years of Obama-level tepid growth

Some analysts suggested that the administration is essentially admitting that its proposed surge in federal spending won’t actually boost the economy much at all."


anonymous said...

Biden's budget blowout predicts years of Obama-level tepid growth

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Which was exacerbated by donnie ineptitude!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What Is Capitalism?

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods. The production of goods and services is based on supply and demand in the general market—known as a market economy—rather than through central planning—known as a planned economy or command economy."

There , corrected your glaring mistake


anonymous said...

Meanwhile the Antifa in Portland just attacked a Federal building, burned some things down,

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Another example of Lil Schitty and his false equivalency argument!!!!!!! How many known Anifa members were arrested in portland???????

anonymous said...

Capitalism is an economic system in which private individuals or businesses own capital goods

And you support the party that wants to eliminate that! with authoratiatrian rule!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

rrb said...

Therefore, the state can provide full employment even if workers are not doing anything particularly essential.

FDR's New Deal, that ensured that a plain old depression became GREAT.

Easily one of the stupidest fucking things we've ever done as a nation, and Paste Eating Joe is poised to do it AGAIN, and for no good reason at all.

anonymous said...

Gee 6 R's voted for the 1-6 panel!!!!!!!! The filibuster worked again to hide the GOP's fuck up!!!!!

rrb said...

It is corporate welfare for Biden's cronies and an unprecedented interference in the free market in support of disastrous climate policies.

Precisely. It's the same money laundering scheme 0linsky pulled with Solyndra and the UAW bailouts.

Democrat cronies get rich and cycle the $$$ right back through the DNC.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Anonymous said...

Lol, dame, can't make this up.

Roger's lame, sad and wrong definition of Capitalism comes from
A weblog for economic retards.
The site motto .
"Helping to simplify economics"🤣

Anonymous said...

A week ago the Biden "all-star team " said they don't see inflation.

"Surging prices: Key inflation metric just hit a 29-year high

By Anneken Tappe, CNN Business

Updated 3:34 PM EDT, Fri May 28, 2021"

rrb said...

Memorial Day gas prices expected to be highest since 2014: AAA

Taking to the road over Memorial Day weekend? Experts say gas prices will be around $3.00 per gallon – the highest since the 2014 holiday weekend, according to AAA.

According to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA), the average gas price across the United States for the week of May 17 was $3.11 per gallon. The week before that, prices averaged out at $3.05 per gallon.,17%20was%20%243.11%20per%20gallon.

Since the halcyon days of 0linsky.

anonymous said...

And the key stupidity of the goat fucking idiot hits another yearly high with more bullshit he cannot explain or prove!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger rrb said...
Memorial Day gas prices expected to be highest since 2014: AAA

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Shocking for dumb fucks like you who ignores that the biden economy is finally taking off, people are traveling after a year of trumps flu !!!!!!!! .....Dayum tough to discern who the real dumb fuck or the goat fucker!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Denny, the source is CNN.

"Surging prices: Key inflation metric just hit a 29-year high

By Anneken Tappe, CNN Business

rrb said...

A weblog for economic retards.

The blogs owner is a Keynesian, so there you go.

anonymous said...

It is corporate welfare for Biden's cronies and an unprecedented interference in the free market in support of disastrous climate policies.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Quoting the HS drop out cramps is most amusing.......What is disastrous is the GOP doing nothing but saying no instead of making the country great again....what a bunch of douche nozzles!!!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Denny, the source is CNN.

And you are just a dumb fuck with no brains!!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!! Still haven't answered the question or explained shit in your own words proving you are a zero moronic idiot!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Senate Democrats Prepare to Go It Alone on Infrastructure
May 28, 2021 at 3:55 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 50 Comments

“Senate Democrats plan to forge ahead with crafting a massive infrastructure package next month — regardless of whether Republicans get on board — as they push to pass a bill this summer,” CNBC reports.

“Senators will be out of Washington next week for the Memorial Day holiday. When lawmakers return, Democrats aim to write an infrastructure plan that touches on everything from transportation to broadband, utilities and job training.”

Commonsense said...

Memorial Day gas prices expected to be highest since 2014: AAA

They are the highest because we are experiencing a domestic supply shortage.

West Texas crude is up to $67.00 a barrel. Up from a pre Biden low in the 30's.

My be Biden can his Russian friends he's helping build the pipeline for to sell their oil at a discount.

Anonymous said...

Roger , you blog author had a book.
Best Sellers Rank


Anonymous said...

Joe's economic troubles are of his own doing.

anonymous said...

“Senate Democrats plan to forge ahead with crafting a massive infrastructure package next month — regardless of whether Republicans get on board — as they push to pass a bill this summer,

Good!!!!!! I guess even Manchin finally is on board after the GOP again voted no on the panel!!!!! The GOP is nothing more than a group of radicals who want power for themselves without regard for the country!!!!! THEY ARE FLAGRANTLY RACIAL WITH THE VOTER SUPPRESSION THEY EMBRACE!!!!!! Their end cannot come quickly enough!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

James said:
Everybody who has any honesty knows that SOMEBODY in this nation has got to pay more in taxes.

Ch asked:

Because for too many years now the very wealthy have not been paying anything like a fair share of the tax burden on us all.

Warren Buffet admitted that. He said that class warfare has been going on in this country for years and the wealthy have been winning it.

It is time for that to change, Buffet said.

Trump pretended to agree, but he lied.

Commonsense said...

Senate Democrats Prepare to Go It Alone on Infrastructure

1. It would have to go through budget reconciliation and there is no guarantee in the senate rules that it will qualify.

2. If it does it's not going anywhere unless Manchin, Simina and the more conservative senate Democrats are on board.

If it is too radical and reckless they will be punished in the 2022 midterms.

Commonsense said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
James said:
Everybody who has any honesty knows that SOMEBODY in this nation has got to pay more in taxes.

I think James should pay more taxes.

Anonymous said...

Simpilton Jamie , believe the best thing Neo-socialist Biden can do now is rally his blackbooted troops in house and Senate and pass a $2.5 Trillion in additional spending for green deal and "human infrastructure" make believe term.
6 trillion Budget.
And 3 trillion more on fairy dust.

Anonymous said...

🤣I think James should pay more taxes🤣

Nicely done CS.

Anonymous said...

Jamie posted 5 hours ago so she could say this.

"Trump pretended to agree, but he lied."

It all went very badly today for Jamie.

anonymous said...

Yep......we should all pay our fair share of taxes which cramps and the goat fucker think everything should be free for them!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

guarantee in the senate rules that it will qualify.

The parliamentarian has already said the D's get one more when they approved the bailout plan!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

May 28, 2021 at 3:44 PM
anonymous quoted:
“Senate Democrats plan to forge ahead with crafting a massive infrastructure package next month — regardless of whether Republicans get on board — as they push to pass a bill this summer..."

Good!!!!!! I guess even Manchin finally is on board after the GOP again voted no on the panel!!!!! The GOP is nothing more than a group of radicals who want power for themselves without regard for the country!!!!! THEY ARE FLAGRANTLY RACIAL WITH THE VOTER SUPPRESSION THEY EMBRACE!!!!!! Their end cannot come quickly enough!!!!!!

They are something even worse than racial, Anonymous.

They are pro Rich
and anti everyone else.

They are not for the working class or the middle class or any other class
other than the wealthy class, whether white, black, brown, or any other race or ethnicity.

They are for mollifying and keeping satisfied the self centered, self interested, selfish wealthy, no matter how much it costs and harms the vast majority of our citizenry.

Rather than seeking to serve the public interest, they seek only to serve the selfish self interest of the very wealthy.

And that is why the biggest criminals, con men, and exploiters of everyone else like Trump are Republicans.

rrb said...

Warren Buffet admitted that. He said that class warfare has been going on in this country for years and the wealthy have been winning it.

Buffett is a massive hypocrite.

For starters, he could've sent a multi-billion $$$ check to the US Treasury. Instead be bequeathed his massive fortune to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to keep it from the government.

On the topic of taxes, Buffett is a massive fucking tool.

Caliphate4vr said...

What a fucking idiot

Kamala Harris tells woke joke about a female Marine
at the Navy Academy - IT BOMBS.
Cadets groan as Kamala cackles awkwardly alone onstage.
Kamala also told the cadets to use "wind energy" for "combat power."

The Biden humiliation of our Military continues.

rrb said...

Income Category 2017 AGI Percent of Income Taxes Paid

Top 10% Over $145,135 70.1%

Top 25% Over $83,682 86.1%

Top 50% Over $41,740 96.9%

Bottom 50% Below $41,740 3.1%

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

They don't want government of, by, and for the people.

They want government of, by, and for the very wealthy.

Unfortunately, they fool many who are of the working class and the middle class into thinking they are for them when they are not.

anonymous said...

I guess rat the dumb fuck can't figure out that people with the most money should be paying the most in taxes!!!!!!! Gee I can see why he flunked out of Ag school!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

rrb is one of their true believers who falls for their lies.

anonymous said...

Shorty again shows all why he is a loser salesman!!!!!!! He bombs with every link he posts!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

A federal appeals court struck down racist provisions in President Joe Biden’s partisan $1.9 trillion COVID-19 spending package that designated billions of priority financial aid to restaurants largely owned by minorities.

In the 2-1 ruling issued on Thursday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decided that showing favoritism to small restaurants at least “51 percent owned and controlled by women, veterans, or the ‘socially and economically disadvantaged” is a violation of the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause which prohibits states from making or enforcing laws that “abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

In the majority opinion, Judge Amul Thapar expressed concerns that the 21-day period slapped on the limited Small Business Administration money distribution did not offer equal opportunity to those hurt by government-mandated lockdowns including the plaintiff, Jake’s Bar and Grill which is owned by Antonio Vitolo, and his wife, who is Hispanic but did not qualify for the financial handout.

“The Small Business Administration has injected explicit racial and ethnic preferences into the priority process,” Thapar wrote. “Under a regulation that predates the pandemic, the agency presumes certain applicants are socially disadvantaged based solely on their race or ethnicity…If you are in one of these groups, the Small Business Administration assumes you qualify as socially disadvantaged. Indeed, the only way not to qualify is if someone comes forward ‘with credible evidence to the contrary.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Popular support for raising taxes on the rich reflects public dissatisfaction with inequality. Two-thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with “the way income and wealth are distributed in the U.S.,” with 43 percent being very dissatisfied, and 23 percent being somewhat dissatisfied.


Based on classical democratic theory, we would expect that government would be responsive to the public’s preferences for higher taxes on the rich. Indeed, in their classic work, Meltzer and Richard (1981) predicted that increasing inequality would lead to higher taxes on the rich.

But that hasn’t been the case. In fact, average federal tax rates on the top one percent have remained stable since 1979, ranging from 25 to 35 percent.

More recent work suggests that elected officials are more responsive to economic elites and business interest groups compared to mass-based interest groups and the average citizen. Policymaking is much more responsive to the views of those at the 90th percentile of the income distribution compared to those at the median or the 10th percentile. This phenomenon is even more powerful when these groups disagree. Rising inequality combined with policymaking that is unresponsive to the average voter suggests a disturbing cycle in which inequality begets more inequality.

How do we reconcile the public’s desire for higher taxes on the wealthy with lukewarm support for a top rate of 70 percent? In her recent book, Read My Lips: Why American are Proud to Pay Taxes, our colleague Vanessa Williamson finds that Americans see taxpaying as a civic duty. She notes that come tax season, deductions and credits are at the forefront of tax filing, not marginal tax rates.

As such, Americans think that corporations and upper-income Americans don’t “pay their fair share” because they can take advantage of more, and larger, “loopholes.” In fact, many of Williamson’s respondents supported the idea of a flat tax rather than higher rates on the wealthy not because they want to maintain low rates on the rich, but because they see the flat tax as a means to eliminate loopholes for the wealthy, thus increasing their tax burden, on net.

What they do not realize is that moving to a flat tax would lower taxes on the rich and raise taxes on the poor and middle class.

In sum, Americans want a simple and transparent tax system to ensure that the rich are paying taxes on the money they make, rather than using loopholes and tax shelters to reduce their tax liability. Of course, there are large tax expenditures that favor the rich, such as the new pass-through deduction for small businesses and reduced rates on dividends and long-term capital gains. However, there are also large tax expenditures that benefit the middle and upper-middle classes, such as the exclusion for employer-sponsored health insurance and tax benefits for retirement plans.

While base-broadening and raising taxes on the rich are worthy policy goals, we are pessimistic about the politics. Regardless of how well a given policy polls, American democracy is more responsive to the affluent and business interest groups. So, will Americans get their wish and see raised taxes on the rich? We seriously doubt it.


Commonsense said...

Unfortunately, they fool many who are of the working class and the middle class into thinking they are for them when they are not.

They are not fooled. The Trumps tax cuts lead to the greatest economic boom since the Reagan administration with the lowest minority unemployment in history.

Everybody standard of living got better. You're just too stupid to see it.

Also the GOP represent more traditional American values rather than the leftest, divisive degeneracy represented by the Democrats.

No small consideration when it come time to vote.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A Government Under Duress
May 28, 2021 at 5:16 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 5 Comments

Dan Balz:
“Nearly five months after a pro-Trump mob of rioters stormed the Capitol, Senate Republicans have delivered another blow to the country, blocking creation of an independent commission to investigate the attacks. It was a partisan act and another reflection of democracy under stress.

“Republicans had their reasons, or so they said, for doing what they did. There were, for example, aspects of the bipartisan agreement that led to the legislation to create the commission that they didn’t like. But the most important reason was their fear that Democrats would use the independent commission’s work against Republican candidates in next year’s elections by keeping alive former president Donald Trump’s role in the Jan. 6 attacks and his misdeeds ahead of it.”


Anonymous said...

Inflation is here now, it hurts the poor and middle income earners the most.

Anonymous said...

God help the Three Neo-socialist Stooges.

Commonsense said...

Funny, James's idea of being unselfish is not giving more of your hard earn money to the government. This as abject stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Joe bastardisation of a economic term "Investing" is spending.

I invest in I bonds.

Commonsense said...

blocking creation of an independent commission to investigate the attacks.

if you're going to have a partisan witch hunt, it better if it is not under the veneer of an "independent commission".

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rrb said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...

rrb is one of their true believers who falls for their lies.

I like rich people pederast. A lot. I've worked for several. They've done well by me and me by them.

And this is why I'm convinced you're no pastor. I've never known a man of God to covet or bear false witness. You do both every day around here.

You're a piece of shit pederast. A cult leader perhaps. But no pastor.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The RINO list is getting bigger every day asshole.

Donald J. Trump aka CH"s love of his life.

9:23am May 28, 2021

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin, and was the single biggest factor, other than Romney himself, for the monumental Romney/Ryan loss in the Presidential race of 2012 (I got more votes by far, 75M, than any sitting president in history!), and he is now speaking to other Republicans telling them how to win elections. Interestingly, I was in the Great State of Wisconsin when they booed him off the podium—I literally had to come to his rescue.

Ryan should instead be telling them how to stop the cheating of elections and that we would have won if Republican leadership fought the way the Democrats did.

It was the day that Ryan went on the board of Fox (Fox will never be the same!) that Fox totally lost its way and became a much different place, with millions of its greatest supporters fleeing for good. Paul Ryan has been a curse to the Republican Party. He has no clue as to what needs to be done for our Country, was a weak and ineffective leader, and spends all of his time fighting Republicans as opposed to Democrats who are destroying our Country.

As a Republican, having Paul Ryan on your side almost guarantees a loss, for both you, the Party, and America itself!

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Donald J. Trump

9:03am May 28, 2021

Ronald Reagan would not be happy to see that the Reagan Library is run by the head of the Washington Post, Fred Ryan. How the hell did that happen? No wonder they consistently have RINO speakers like Karl Rove and Paul Ryan. They do nothing for our forward-surging Republican Party!


Anonymous said...

I need some help. Who was the main designer of obamacare how said they lied to get it passed.
I think he may have landed on Biden Econo.ic team.

Anonymous said...

Fact ✔ checked as true
"And this is why I'm convinced you're no pastor. I've never known a man of God to covet or bear false witness. You do both every day around here.

You're a piece of shit pederast. A cult leader perhaps. But no pastor."

Anonymous said...

Roger you economics for 5th graders is a fun site.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Capitalism – Private businesses will be owned by private individuals/companies

Socialism – The state will own and control the main means of production. In some models of socialism, ownership would not be by the government but worker co-operatives.

You got an F in economic classes.

The Democrats are not coming to talk your home away.

The Republicans party created the EPA. Some of went crazy because they required automobiles to be far less polluting the air.

In California we got smog warning that said the air is toxic smog alerts.

Not now

Regulated capitalism is a great deal

anonymous said...

sDemocrat said...
I need some help.

YOU SURE DO GOAT FUCKER!!!!! Nothing but a bullet can fix your monumental stupidity!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I like rich people too, rrb.
Rich people like FDR and his wife who cared for ALL Americans,
not just the super rich.

The Atlantic
The GOP Now Stands for Nothing
[but holding on to power]
by Tom Nichols 8 hrs ago
The Republicans in Congress are blocking a bipartisan investigation into the January 6 insurrection.

Their spines crushed by years of obedience to Donald Trump, the members of the GOP have once again retreated from civic responsibility, with one more humiliation of those last few in the party who thought that the Senate Republicans might mimic something like statesmanship.

However, this effort is more than the usual cynical mendacity and crass careerism (or, as one might say, “Elise Stefanik”) that characterize the current Republican Party.
This latest insult to the rule of law and the Constitution was possible only because the Republicans have already lost confidence in their own principles.

The GOP now stands for nothing.

The party of Lincoln has become, in every way, a political and moral nullity.

American conservatism once meant something definite and tangible.
You could fight those beliefs and policies;
you could argue with them,
admire them,
or hate them.
But they existed.

Strom Thurmond, Ronald Reagan, Howard Baker, and Edward Brooke were not necessarily deep thinkers, and they didn’t all agree on everything. But the GOP held clear lines of thought that stood as alternatives to liberalism.

Most of those ideas were predicated on some basic beliefs about human beings themselves,
including the conviction that human nature is fixed rather than malleable,
that intellect is a better guide to action than emotion,
that tradition is valuable,
and that religious faith is a cornerstone of a healthy society.

On policy, too, the conservatives moved along broad but common lines. They believed that incrementalism is better than sudden change, that America is exceptional, that patriotism is honorable,
and perhaps most important, that government is a necessity to be controlled, rather than a teacher to be revered.

These principles gave the Republican Party several decades of an almost preternatural self-confidence in the eventual triumph of their ideas. After all, if human nature is eternal and rationality is unassailable, then emotional schemes and government overreach that deny these realities are bound to fail.
America is exceptional, and therefore America can do what its citizens believe they can do—especially if they treat government as an instrument rather than a master.

This confidence once attracted young voters
(such as me, back in the late 1970s)
to the party.
The country then seemed to be falling apart
—faced with riots,
political assassinations,
bombings overseas and at home.

My colleague David Frum has called the ’70s “strange, feverish years,” a time of “unease and despair, punctuated by disaster.”

The liberal Columbia University professor Mark Lilla would later write about how difficult it is “to convey to anyone who wasn’t alive and politically aware at the time what a dreary place America seemed in the late 1970s, how lacking in direction and confidence.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Do you believe that anyone who stormed the Capitol on January 6th was a HERO?

If not, you are a RINO.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Republicans stepped forward in 1980 as optimistic warriors.
Joined by some disaffected Democrats, they were certain that they had the intellectual and moral strength to claim victory over domestic chaos and foreign challenges.
Reagan and the resurgent Republicans fought the narrative of an America in decline after years of “stagflation,” urban decay, and rampant Soviet aggression. (The Cold War was still raging then.)
Republican solutions—including laissez-faire economics at home and a confrontational foreign policy abroad—were born from an ideological conviction that led a prominent liberal Democrat, Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, to warn his colleagues in 1981 that the GOP “has become a party of ideas.”

The self-assurance of the Republicans who emerged from the post-Watergate wilderness might seem impossible to comprehend
now that the modern GOP is rife with know-nothings and apocalyptic hysterics.
But their confidence in their own ideas was unassailable—indeed, often to an unhealthy degree.

All of that is gone.

Today’s Republicans exist only to stay in power,
not least so that their elected officials can avoid what they dread most:
being sent home to live among their constituents.

The conservative writer George Will is right that the Republican Party in 2021 has become “something new in American history,”
a “political party defined by the terror it feels for its own voters.”

Republican legislators should be scared.
Their base is an angry white minority that cares nothing about government;
its members want their elected officials to rule by hook or by crook,
the Constitution and democracy itself be damned,
and they don’t want any guff about namby-pamby ideas or policies.
They want the elections controlled,
the institutions captured,
and the libs owned.
The rest, to them, is just noise.

The survival instinct that this white-minority rage has triggered in craven Republican politicians
is how the GOP mutated from a party championing individual liberty
into a movement pushing monstrously statist authoritarianism.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It is how the party of limited government
began agitating for government truth ministries.
It is how the party of exuberant free marketeers
became a cabal of crony capitalists and knee-jerk protectionists.
It is how the party that once fought Kremlin expansionism
provided top cover for Russian intelligence attacks against U.S. institutions.

Republicans have tried to argue that if they are not in power,
the Democrats and their ultraliberal allies will destroy our system of government and create a majoritarian nightmare.

We must stay in power, they mewl,
so that democracy itself will survive long enough to outlive the encroaching authoritarianism of the left.

These defenses are risible nonsense in the wake of Trump’s constitutional mayhem
and the GOP’s descent into conspiratorial lunacy.

But even on their own terms, Republican excuses are little more than lightly veiled defenses of minority rule [BY THE SUPER WEALTHY.]

The GOP long ago abandoned any effort to convince women, people of color, immigrants, and others that the party had a place for them.
Instead, Republicans in Congress have surrendered to the ignorance and racism of their most extreme voters
in exchange for a continued life of privilege inside the comforting embrace of the Capital Beltway.

The Republicans,
facing an investigation into an insurrection provoked by their own leader,
have armored up and gone into armadillo mode.
They will protect their own—
rather than their nation and the Constitution they swore to defend.
This behavior should serve as a warning:
A party that doesn’t believe in anything ends up believing only in its right to rule.
And a movement that believes only in its own power
is a deadly enemy of constitutional democracy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Democracy was Defeated, 35–54 today. And a movement that believes only in its own power is a deadly enemy of constitutional democracy.

anonymous said...

Great Posts James!!!!! Keep up the good work as you tweek the right wing idiots with every one!!!!

Anonymous said...

89 votes.

It never was going to pass.

2 Democrats did not vote.

Anonymous said...

Roger summed up the Neo-socialist Biden Party.

"a movement that believes only in its own power is a deadly enemy of constitutional democracy."

Anonymous said...


Dumb dumb roger.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
--the apostle Paul, in 2nd Timothy

I am fighting the good fight so that when I have finished, I will have helped keep this nation honorable and democratic with a government of, by, and for the people, of, by, and FOR all the people.
--Pastor James Boswell

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Some people think they have existed long before mankind evolved on earth.

Others said they are actually from Mars!

Or that our five senses can understand them

Encounters of which kind?

The government has slowly been opening up about UAP sightings for more than a year. In April 2020 the Pentagon released three short videos showing such objects, and earlier this year Reid said the footage “only scratches the surface of research and materials available".

Reid called for further investigation. “The US needs to take a serious scientific look at this and any potential national security implications,” he said. “The American people deserve to be informed.”

French officials went public with stories of similar sightings decades ago. In 1999 a group of a dozen retired French generals and other experts issued a report called “UFOs and Defence: For What Must we Prepare Ourselves?”

What officials and scientists aren’t saying is that these are aliens coming from another planet to visit us. They simply don’t know what these objects are, they say. The discussion is still largely couched in distinctly concrete terms and centers around the concern that these craft may represent a threat from enemies here on earth.

At least one official has been willing to go further, though. In December 2020, Haim Eshed, the former head of the space directorate of the Israeli Defence Ministry, told the Yediot Aharonot newspaper that humans have been in contact with extraterrestrials and have signed a co-operation accord with them. 

“There is an agreement between the US government and the aliens,” he told the newspaper. "They signed a contract with us to do experiments here."

Former president Donald Trump was in on the secret, he said, and had been “on the verge of revealing” it but was asked not to due to fears of “mass hysteria”.

Eshed’s assertion doesn’t seem to represent the consensus view in Israel. The chairman of the country’s Space Agency, Isaac Ben-Israel, told the Times of Israel that while the scientific community thinks the chances that there is life in outer space is “considerable, not small,” he doesn’t believe “there were any physical encounters between us and aliens".

NBC News followed up on Eshed’s statements about the agreement with aliens with the White House, Israeli officials and the Pentagon, but were unable to get a comment from any of them. A NASA spokesperson told NBC that the agency was searching for life in the universe, but had not yet found it.

Flying saucer watchers who are hoping for clear answers from the government are likely to be disappointed. While the report presented to Congress is expected to be detailed, the public will be given only the unclassified version, which is likely to be far less complete.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Democracy was Defeated, 35–54 today. And a movement that believes only in its own power is a deadly enemy of constitutional democracy.

Show your plagiarism alky...

LOL. Never Trumper Tom Nichols. The clown who considers himself the expert on expertise.

I wonder if he was raping little boys at the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Association too.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Do you believe that anyone who stormed the Capitol on January 6th was a HERO?


Ashli Babbitt.

A military veteran. And yes, a HERO.

Her death was ruled a homicide.

Where is her murderer?

Why is he being protected?

In the midst of all the nickledick misdemeanor trespass a murder was committed.

Word on the street is that the shooter was BLACK. Makes sense.

Where is he? We need answers.

Anonymous said...

President Sleepy Pedophile Biden

Biden was addressing the family of Major Nathanial Bean who is deployed to Afghanistan: Wife Brittany Bean and their children Nathan, Jordan and Margaret Catherine when he made a flirtatious comment to young Margaret Catherine.

“I’m especially honored to share the stage with Brittany, and Jordan and Nathan and Margaret Catherine. I love those barrettes in your hair, man, I’ll tell you what, look at her, she looks like she’s nineteen years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"show your plagiarism, ally"

He was quoting from my article, just ahead of what he wrote, and the ENTIRE attributed article is at 5:13-5:15, with a nice little note at the beginning just for you.

Not exactly plagiarism.

And my 5:30 was a fitting answer to your 4:44 comment.

Sorry you are such a miserably unhappy individual, but that's what comes when you abandon all idealism and decency.

Anonymous said...


"But the budget plan the White House unveiled on Friday projects economic growth of 2 percent or less per year for most of the next decade..."


Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
"show your plagiarism, ally"

He was quoting from my article, just ahead of what he wrote, and the ENTIRE attributed article is at 5:13-5:15, with a nice little note at the beginning just for you.

Not exactly plagiarism

More proof no one reads you, we just scroll on by

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Audit? Audit? We don't need no stinkin' audit!"

Arizona Senate Republicans Want Another Election ‘Audit’
May 28, 2021 at 7:06 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 31 Comments

Arizona Republic:
“The Arizona Senate, apparently not satisfied with one recount, is close to signing a deal for its second review of Maricopa County’s 2020 general election ballots.

“The effort would expand the ongoing audit and is expected to use a new and largely untested technology.”

Meanwhile, a new HighGround poll finds Arizonans oppose the auditing of Maricopa County ballots from 2020, 55% to 40%.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Proof Cali is one of my most devoted readers.
Knee slapping hilarious.

rrb said...

Sorry you are such a miserably unhappy individual, but that's what comes when you abandon all idealism and decency.

I'm completely happy and content, pederast.

I do not prey on young boys for sex - YOU DO.

I do not covet the wealth of the rich - YOU DO.

I do not pass myself off as someone I am not, like a man of the cloth - YOU DO.

All 10 Commandments remain firmly intact in my life, pederast. You cannot say the same.

Demanding the wealth and property of others is neither an ideal to be admired or a decency to be declared.

You seek to bring harm to others to satisfy your greed and coveting of what is not yours to demand nor take.

You're a liar, a fraud, a charlatan, and despicable human being.

rrb said...

"But the budget plan the White House unveiled on Friday projects economic growth of 2 percent or less per year for most of the next decade..."


Yep. But the dumb fuck considers himself the next FDR. In a way he is. FDR hid his frailty from the American people too.

Ironically, the very best thing Stairmaster Joe could do for America right now is absolutely fucking nothing. More than anything else, Americans are resilient. Left to our own devices we can return this economy to it's pre-covid state by the end of the year. But the dumb fuck just can't help himself. He'll blow the $6 TRILLION, and we'll have nothing to show for it but a smoldering ruin where our economy used to be. Massive runaway inflation and zero growth in an economy that could be returning 3% GDP if given the chance.

"Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

- Skeets Hussein 0linsky

Anonymous said...

Well said both RRB and Cali.

There was chaff in between .

Anonymous said...

JOE tells Obimbo to hold his 🍺.

"Tavis Smiley: Black Americans Have ‘Lost Ground’ Under Obama

“Black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A Nobel Prize winning vs kputz.



The Economy Is Spinning Its Wheels, and About to Take Off!

You’re driving to an appointment, but you’re running late, and you’re stuck at a red light. Being a law-abiding citizen, you won’t run the light, but you floor the gas pedal the second it changes.

And for a sickening instant — maybe because the pavement is a bit wet — your tires spin uselessly before they gain traction and your car lurches forward.

You say that this has never happened to you? Yeah, right. Anyway, wheelspin is a common phenomenon, and usually harmless. A few minutes after your awkward jack rabbit start you’re driving normally, having mostly forgotten the whole incident.

Which brings me to the current state of the U.S. economy. The business news these days is full of anxiety. Raw material prices are soaring! Businesses can’t find workers! It’s the 1970s all over again

Chill out, everyone. Mostly we’re just experiencing the economic equivalent of a moment of wheelspin.

OK, there are some real issues involving current events that need discussing — and some of the continuing discussions, shockingly, involve serious debates among serious people. How much are closed schools and lack of child care keeping mothers out of the paid labor force? Are enhanced unemployment benefits making workers reluctant to take low-paying jobs?

And there are genuine questions about where we’ll be next year. Might the economy start to overheat, forcing the Fed to tap on the brakes to head off longer-term inflation? I don’t think that’s the most likely outcome, but it’s certainly a possibility.

Most of the scare headlines right now, however, reflect what you’d expect to see in an economy that’s trying to go from 0 to 60 in seconds flat.

At the beginning of this year, the United States was still very much in the depths of the pandemic. Daily deaths were higher than ever, with Covid-19 taking more than 3,500 lives in the country every day. Parts of the economy that depend on close physical contact were largely frozen: According to the restaurant booking service, there were about 60 percent fewer seated diners than there had been during the comparable period prepandemic.

Then came an extraordinarily successful vaccination campaign. Deaths have plunged more than 85 percent and are still dropping. As fear recedes, the economy is surging, in what may end up being the fastest recovery ever. For example, restaurant bookings are already almost back to normal.

Why would anyone imagine us able to achieve that kind of sudden acceleration without leaving a few skid marks, and maybe even burning some rubber?

So yes, sawmill operators, who expected a longer slump, got caught short, leading to sky-high lumber prices. Rental car companies, which sold off a large part of their fleets last year, are now scrambling to buy vehicles again, helping to send used-car prices soaring. And so on.

What about those reports of labor shortages? Some of this is what always happens after a period of high unemployment: Businesses grow accustomed to having job applicants lined up at their doors, and get cranky when the buyers’ market ends. Small businesses surveyed in early 2015 reported a severe shortage of qualified workers; strange to say, the employment boom that began in 2010 still had another five years to run.

It is, let’s say, hard to shed tears over employers complaining about potential hires who ask, “How much do you pay?”

Still, there is some real evidence, like the number of job openings, that employers are having trouble hiring workers fast enough to meet soaring demand. And issues like child care are probably playing a role. There may also be a certain amount of “you can take this job and shove it” — some workers, especially those already close to retirement, may just not want to go back to the unpleasant, poorly paid work they had before.

Anonymous said...

The Three Neo-socialist Stooges of CHT, neither don't care or don't understand.

Joe Biden's sky rocketing inflation is a tax on the poor, middle income and retirees.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Mainly, however, we’re just seeing the problems you’d expect when the economy tries to roar ahead from a standing start, which means that we’re calling on suppliers to ramp up production incredibly fast and expecting employers to quickly attract a large number of new workers. These problems are real, but they’ll mostly resolve themselves in a few months.

So what do these probably temporary problems say about the longer term, and in particular about President Biden’s economic plans? That’s easy: nothing. Politicians gonna politician, and Biden’s opponents are seizing on every negative bit of news as proof that his entire agenda is doomed. But none of it should be taken seriously.

Yes, labor supply issues may have held back April’s job growth, although more recent data suggest a possible rebound. April inflation surprised on the upside, largely because of used car prices. None of this tells you anything at all about how much we should worry about overheating, let alone how much more we should be spending on infrastructure and family support (answer: a lot) or how we should pay for these initiatives (answer: tax corporations and the rich).

So as I said, chill out. There is some bad news out there, but most of it is a temporary byproduct of extraordinary good news: The virus is losing, and the economy is winning.

The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here’s our email:

Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography. @PaulKrugman

Kputz was fucking his cow girl Daily

Caliphate4vr said...

Krugman LMAO

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

So as I said, chill out. There is some bad news out there, but most of it is a temporary byproduct of extraordinary good news: The virus is losing, and the economy is winning.

Anonymous said...

Roger just admitted he can stand on the same stage as me and debate me .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

 He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography. @PaulKrugman

Compared to a drunk old bigot.

Anonymous said...

What Joe , the bad news is a by product of good news??

"There is some bad news out there, but most of it is a temporary byproduct of extraordinary good news"

Commonsense said...

RINO Paul Ryan, who became a lame duck Speaker of the House, lost all vote-getting capability with the people he represented in Wisconsin

Ryan was a big loser. Along with Romney. Those two disasters more than anything made Trump possible. Now it's his party.

Commonsense said...

2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences

Which is about as meaningful as the peace prize. It's quite obvious that the Nobel commission with bestow any prize on a person as long as he promotes socialism

Anonymous said...

,��Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Thursday “high annual rates of inflation” will persist through the end of the year��

Info Wars Alex Jones said...

Joe Biden’s son Hunter was caught bragging about smoking crack with disgraced DC Mayor Marion Barry in audio allegedly leaked from his infamous laptop.

Obtained by “The Stew Peters Show,” the recording reveals Hunter laughing about how he “smoked crack with Marion Barry.”

Talking with a friend who brought up Marion Barry, the former DC mayor who was caught smoking crack while in office, Biden chuckled, “I actually smoked crack with Marion Barry. I swear to fucking God.”

“When I was in Georgetown he used to go to a place right next to the Guards when I was a sophomore I guess… a junior when that happened, but he used to come in and drink late, late and I would be in there and he would go to the bathroom, but anyway,” Hunter said.

The recording only adds to the trove of incriminating photos, emails, audio and video recordings released from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop so far.

The laptop also recently made it known that former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100 thousand dollars to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Roger just admitted he can stand on the same stage as me and debate me .


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The United States currently has a Mary Sue on our hands. Her name is Kamala Harris. 

Harris isn’t actually perfect. Far from it, in fact. Powerful Democrat pol Willie Brown has admitted that Harris slept with him while he was married to another woman, and that he rewarded her by advancing her political career. There’s a character flaw or two in that story for any reporter who cares or dares to look into it, as well as a note about the true state of the California Democratic Party. But none have bothered. Bill Clinton faced a barrage of questions when he ran for president for doing the same thing. Harris’s personal life has been ruled out of bounds by the press. You cannot question Vice President Mary Sue. 

Deep State Detective said...

Fascist Democrats

Glynn Wilson –

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Vietnam Army veteran and Trump supporter from Lacon Mountain in Falkville, Alabama who got caught and arrested in the nation’s capital on Jan. 6 wonderful non Insurrection demonstrations with 11 Molotov cocktails and a cache of guns and ammunition was denied bond this week by a federal judge.

In a 24-page ruling, issued without a hearing and first obtained by The Washington Post, U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly denied 71-year-old Lonnie Leroy Coffman’s request for release on bond, citing sealed government filings she said “convincingly demonstrate” his planned intentions to disrupt Congress in potential coordination with right-wing, anti-government militia groups to plan and carry out attacks against members of Congress.

The judge, first appointed to a court by Republican President Ronald RINO Reagan back in the 1980s, reveals in the redacted ruling that prosecutors showed Coffman had approached Texas Senator Ted Cruz at his D.C. residence and office to discuss “election fraud,” and that had been part of an anti-immigration militia camp along the Texas-Mexico border. The FBI identified Coffman as a participant at Camp Lonestar, an encampment set up in Brownsville, Texas back in 2014 by armed citizens, some wearing military fatigues, with the stated goal of pushing back illegal immigrants crossing the border.

“This evidence indicates that Mr. Coffman had potential plans to coordinate with other members of the January 6, 2021 riots at the United States Capitol,” Kollar-Kotelly wrote.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

potential plans to coordinate

in other words he did not coordinate.

Another funny thing is he didn't bring his weapons to the Capitol protest.

FAKE "insurrection" alky

REAL fascism and totalitarianism keeping him locked up in solitary confinement

Joe Biden's America

FAKE insurrection





rrb said...

Blogger Caliphate4vr said...

Krugman LMAO

Paul Krugman’s WORST Economic Predictions

Krugman is a Keynesian Klown

rrb said...

in other words he did not coordinate.


He didn't even have PLANS to coordinate.

He had "potential" plans for fuck's sake.

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

The recording only adds to the trove of incriminating photos, emails, audio and video recordings released from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop so far.

The laptop also recently made it known that former FBI Director Louis Freeh gave $100 thousand dollars to a private trust for Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

Like Hunter says, he's not sure the laptop is his but it may be.

If the contents are true (and actually no one is any longer disputing) Biden should be facing a barrage of questions anc charges

Except we have a FAKE NEWS media

swooning over ice cream

and an FBI who is decidedly partisan.

Animal Farm

worse than Hoover

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...




Kamala Harris tells woke joke about a female Marine
at the Navy Academy - IT BOMBS.
Cadets groan as Kamala cackles awkwardly alone onstage.
Kamala also told the cadets to use "wind energy" for "combat power."

The Biden humiliation of our Military continues.

What a fucking joke she is

Whoever is writing Joe's lines is also writing hers

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The biggest joke on line is the dumb ass thief who thinks he is funny!!~!!!!! What a pathetic trump loser he is!!!!!!

Paul Krugman’s WORST Economic Predictions]

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! And your ACA predictions worked out for whom?????? BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Bongino a bigger asshole than you shorty!!!!!!!!

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

John Cardillo

Hunter Biden smoked crack with Marion Barry, Iran is going nuclear, sanctions are being lifted on Russia with nothing in return, and we now know that China unleashed a biological weapon on the world.

The US corporate media asked Joe Biden which flavor of ice cream he ordered.

and swooned

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Lisa Abramowicz


The measure of inflation most watched by the Fed surges to the highest since 1992. U.S. personal consumption expenditure core price index

inflation is the largest tax increase possible on Americans

And destroys quality of life on those living on fixed incomes

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

Congressman Greg Steube

Over 130 police officers have died in the line of duty in 2021 already, and hundreds of officers have been violently attacked while they put their lives on the line to keep us safe.

We need to remember them too

And the left's policies and actions that have produced such tragic results

As Joe Biden said in the past, there is only one president and what happens under his watch is his responsibility

anonymous said...

We need to remember them too

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! While you and the asshole GOP ignore the cops of 1-6 god you are a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

CARLEY SHIMKUS (FOX NEWS ANCHOR): And you know, I was just thinking, about a year, a year-and-a-half ago, we weren't talking about this. Nobody really knew what critical race theory was, and it was — that's because it wasn't really called that. It was called “diversity” or “anti-racism training,” and if you speak out against that, well, then you’re racist.

And then certain things started to happen under the name of diversity and anti-racism training. And it was like getting rid of schools named after our Founding Fathers, or silly little things like Dr. Seuss being — no longer being a part of, you know, Read Across America Day. And then more divisive things like reimagining our history, and never looking at the positives that America has done to overcome all the racism of our past.

So, it’s definitely become a very big debate, and you can see that the more people — the more parents are opening up to this idea — the more pushback you’re starting to see unfold.

It did not seem to occur to either Shimkus, nor to co-anchors Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino, that the idea of “looking at the positives that America has done to overcome all the racism of our past” must by definition involve acknowledging “the racism of our past” from which the country had to grow — which would then open up the question of how much work might still remain.

Later that day, in a segment warning of schools teaching “Reading, Writing, and Racism,” America Reports co-anchor John Roberts clearly established in an interview with Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) that the goal for congressional Republicans was to “get on the record, lay the groundwork for November 2022.”

“President Biden, he’s reversed almost every good decision that President Trump and his administration did, including defunding critical race theory in our country,” Mace said. “And it's important for Republicans to stand up, have their voices heard in 2022 — we have a lot to run on.”

Video file

Video Player




CitationFrom the May 24, 2021, edition of Fox News America Reports with John Roberts & Sandra Smith

And on the Monday night edition of his radio show, Fox News host Mark Levin tied this wave of political opposition to media efforts such as his own, while promoting his upcoming book: “Meanwhile, in more Republican areas, critical race theory is under attack, as it should be. In these various school districts here and there, it’s sporadic — we’re going to help unite these forces, that’s the whole point of the book — well, one of the whole points of the book.”

“And by the way, nobody is saying segregation and slavery shouldn’t be taught,” Levin added. “What we’re saying is, we should not be adopting American Marxism, which uses race to destroy the country. There’s a difference. There’s a big difference. So now we’re going to have ideologically segregated school systems.” (Of course, the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s also faced repeated accusations by white supremacist political forces of being linked to communism.)

Anonymous said...

Joe now promised to "end shortages" and, oh, yes, and " reduce the costs of essential goods".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

"Krugman is a Keynesian Klown"

Any of the Three Neo-socialist Stooges of CHT able to give us the definition of "Keynesian economics ".

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Plagiarism squared troll squad asshole

rrb said...

Any of the Three Neo-socialist Stooges of CHT able to give us the definition of "Keynesian economics ".

Inflation is at a 29 year HIGH, and your paycheck is worth 3.1% LESS than it was last year.

Yet BWAA, the pederast and the alky defend this. Living proof that they're economic imbeciles.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The real source troll squad asshole.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb said...

Plagiarism squared troll squad asshole

YOU of all people calling out plagiarism around here alky?


How quaint. Without plagiarism you'd have nothing to contribute.

Anonymous said...

It Saturday. A new day . A day that will see spectacular failures on economic topics by, Jamie and Roger.

IF, they attempt to debate .

Anonymous said...

RRB, correct they are economic retards.

The idea that Biden's policies are improving the lives of the poor, middle income and retirees is laughable.

rrb said...

The idea that Biden's policies are improving the lives of the poor, middle income and retirees is laughable.

It is an undisputed FACT that inflation always, always, ALWAYS hits the poor and those on fixed incomes the hardest. Disproportionally so.

rrb said...

What a disgusting fucking pig...

Joe Biden looks at a little girl in the audience, the daughter of a veteran, and says "I love those barrettes in your hair. Man I’ll tell you what, look at her she looks like she's 19 years old sitting there like a little lady with her legs crossed."

Fucking child molesting piece of shit.

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