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Lake Street and Hennepin - Mpls "uptown" area |
I remember as kid in my early 20s spending a ton of time up in the "uptown" area. I had some friend who originally lived like 2 blocks off Lake street, but kept moving up to nicer places as they got further away (a couple of blocks at a time). Either way, it was the place to go to see up and coming cool bands. Remember seeing a band called Trip Shakespeare (later became Semisonic and had a couple of hits like "closing time) and even saw the Replacements at one time. Was a fun vibrant area, but now it is a cesspool of crime.
According to what we are hearing here locally, businesses like Target are literally closed off from the Public. People are either unable or unwilling to venture in. It's being said that the Mayor and City Counsel members are refusing to take calls from the local business owners. This has been a stain on everyone local, up to and including our Governor, Tim Walz.
Now keep in mind that it was liberals who demand that anyone who attempts to take on authority is committing an insurrection (an excuse to call the Jan 6th riot an insurrection), making everyone who is holding ground in Mpls insurrectionists. They are openly defying local authority, not listening to police, and attempting to destroy many of the businesses that are under the banner of the Boogie World autonomous zone.
I love it. Liberalism is on the march all across America, leaving nothing but a wake of despair and destruction.
And so it begins -
President Joe Biden’s administration announced their plans to create ways for Americans to report radicalized friends and family to the government, in an effort to fight domestic terrorism.
In a conversation with reporters, one senior administration official explained the importance of stopping politically fueled violence before it started.
“We will work to improve public awareness of federal resources to address concerning or threatening behavior before violence occurs,” the official said.
The official cited the Department of Homeland Security’s “If you see something say something” campaign to help stop radical Islamic terror as a domestic possibility.
“This involves creating contexts in which those who are family members or friends or co-workers know that there are pathways and avenues to raise concerns and seek help for those who they have perceived to be radicalizing and potentially radicalizing towards violence,” the official said.
Thanks to the way right-wing pundits and politicians have weaponized the term “cancel culture” to stir up the passions of their audiences and constituents, it is easy for people on the left to dismiss concerns that the campaign for equity and justice sometimes strays into an unforgiving, illiberal push for purity of thought. But, the fact is, good people are seeing their careers ruined for offenses that are forgivable human failings, not heinous acts of bias and hate.
The Republicans say that any demonstration protesting is the city where George Floyd was murdered for being a drug addicted black man is an attempt to overthrow the last election.
Alzheimers victims seem normal until they start speaking irrational diatribes.
It's not a Democratic hoax
I found out your plagiarised post.
Uptown was, until recently, one of Minneapolis’s principal entertainment and shopping areas. Now, in the wake of Winston Boogie Smith’s shooting by law enforcement–he apparently opened fire first–a chunk of Uptown has been closed off to traffic and turned into an “autonomous zone” that is referred to by some as Boogie World. The area encompasses Lake Street, one of the city’s principal roadways, from Hennepin Avenue–another principal roadway–to Fremont Avenue. At this point, Uptown is essentially dead:
Another autonomous zone created by peaceful protesters who are in rebelling against authority
They call it Boogie World
Lake Street and Hennepin - Mpls "uptown" area
I remember as kid in my early 20s spending a ton of time up in the "uptown" area. I had some friend who originally lived like 2 blocks off Lake street
I remember when Lil Schitty not long ago had a working brain and his bias was right and mostly neutral.....Sad, can't say he is relevant anymore with idiotic threads like this that again are a nothing burger of irrelevance!!!!! Plus stealing from others without attribution is become his norm rather than rare!!!!!
RRB, Roger is moving out of his assisted living "home". He is going to do it "$omeday"
Cough, cough
The Police Chief here in Albany is being recruited to go to Akron Ohio. I'll bet he takes it if offered.
Black on black shootings here are out of control, and the mayor's bright idea is more restrictive gun laws on the already-law abiding. Not helpful to a police chief who has basically run out of options to stem the violence.
Those of us watching from the cheap seats are treated to a few shootings per week, and as long as they keep their shit in the ghetto I say let 'em go at it.
Denny, yes or no.
Do you support CRT?
RRB, Roger is moving out of his assisted living "home". He is going to do it "$omeday"
He'll leave just like every other nursing home inmate in America -
Feet first, under a sheet and into a hearse.
What stage of Alzheimer's is delusions?
Delusions (firmly held beliefs in things that are not real) may occur in middle- to late-stage Alzheimer's. Confusion and memory loss — such as the inability to remember certain people or objects — can contribute to these untrue beliefs.
They often alter their behavior on delusional conclusions.
Over the last 19 years I have seen that here, almost every day.
We differ on political beliefs.
But in the last five years, something's gone.
After Lydia had me evicted I almost lost my mind.
And again highly intelligent people are the most likely to believe they know better than anyone else but themselves.
It took a year to figure out I needed help from psychologists who were able to get past irrational beliefs.
I'm done talking about this because I'm wasting my time. Because you can't change your mind. Objective people learn and change.
And here's your Howler of the Day:
Who would think that Detroit, also known as the nation’s murder capital, is a bad place to wear a $20K gold necklace in broad daylight?
A Detroit man identified as “Jamal” by local Detroit news WDIV, was relieved of the $20,000 gold chain he purchased after a $30,000 lottery win.
A video shows Jamal’s attackers scoping his mad bling as he pays for his gas in a Detroit neighborhood that neighborhoodscout.com rates number two out of 100 for safety, suggesting that this neighborhood is safer than only 2% of neighborhoods in the U.S.
“I was just like looking around making sure nobody was trying to get my chain,” Jamal told WDIV outside the Mobil gas station where he was assaulted and robbed. “They had grabbed me, tackled me down.”
The video then shows Jamal going back to his car as the three waiting attackers chase him down for his frippery. He attempts to run back into the gas station, a pointless gesture, as two women inside simply watch Jamal lose his doubloons as well as something in his pocket. Jamal gets punched and kicked until one of the brigands snatches the gold.
The Motown pirates are seen pulling up their pants as they make their escape. Another video shows one of the same attackers snatching a chain from another victim earlier this year, suggesting the plunderer lives nearby.
California electrical grid is already in deep trouble, prices are rising.
"The California ISO, which operates the state's power grid, said in a release that "It is still too early to know the precise impact that next week’s high temperatures will have on the electric grid."
But the ISO said it will notify the public if it needs to take steps to reduce electricity use, including a call for public conservation and if the grid becomes seriously stressed, rotating outages."
I agree 100%
If he actually has alzheimers disease there is no cure.
I personally saw two great people fade away.
I'm not a shrink but
I grew up near Detroit.
8 mile road in has always been a sewer .
Look at what he did with that lotto win.
Look at what he did with that lotto win.
The same thing the alky did with his Pomeranian bride's nest egg. And then he beat her ass when she found out.
California electrical grid is already in deep trouble, prices are rising.
BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Worse than texas????? Saw the ice storm cost over 300 lives due to power failure.....Another major reason the infrastructure bill needs to be implemented!!! I guess you support the GOP position that electric grid is not infrastucture which is abjectly stupid and typical for dumb fucks like you!!!
Out of nowhere, Fox News suddenly starts putting critical race theory in heavy rotation starting in March. Six weeks later, everyone else is following suit.
Among conservatives, this is nothing surprising. Fox News has built its brand since the beginning on stoking white fear of black (and brown) people. Conservatives have never objected to this—in fact, most of them won't even admit it—so it's perfectly natural that they're along for the ride.
But there are also well-meaning moderates and liberals out there who have gotten on the "let's hear them out" bandwagon. These are people who would insist that they aren't influenced by right-wing agitprop, but they are. It goes like this: Fox keeps up the noise long enough; a few Republican legislatures propose performative laws to "ban CRT"; the mainstream media takes notice; and now we're all talking about it.
But why? Are there a few schoolrooms where teachers have taken wokeness farther than they should? Sure. There are a couple of million schoolrooms in the United States and it would be shocking if there weren't a few of them doing stupid stuff. Even if that number is a minuscule 0.1%, that's 2,000 schoolrooms, more than enough to generate a couple of shocking stories per week.
But wait. How many schoolrooms are there who have taken wokeness to ridiculous levels? What's that? You don't know? And Fox News doesn't know? Then knock off the crap until you do. Teachers have been threatened by Trump supporters who have weapons. Their addresses are available on Google.
As long as you're worried about this based solely on the highly orchestrated daily anecdotes of Fox News, you're a sucker just like everyone else. This is the power of Fox News and you ignore it at your peril.
It might hurt yourself.
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Yes rat you are a major howler of an asshole!!!
Out of nowhere, Fox News suddenly starts putting critical race theory in heavy rotation starting in March
It is the latest wedge issue that the GOP has made since they got nothing else to complain about....Look at the goat fuckers harangue on the subject since he is just another follower of fox stupidity!!!
Plagiarizing Kevin Drum, right after complaining about the plagiarism of Powerlline...
LOL. Smooth, alky.
Gee Roger...
I hope both CNN and MSNBC are not talking about the Mpls Boogie World..
Because then you would not know which to accuse of plagiarism?
Texas sells electricity at a very high rate to California.
I would love to see Texas cut off California for , oh, two days.
Just for laughs.
More than 18.4 million people have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 in California, according to the CDC. That’s about 47% of the state’s population.
4F-Alky Biden.
Are nursing homes exempt from.rolling -blackouts?
I would love to see you eat the end of your double barrel !!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! And once again the goat fucker avoids discussing his support of the GOP position that electric grid is not infrastutre Just another weak and stupid comment proving his fealty to the loser party and ignorance!!! thanx for playing jag off!!!!
Because then you would not know which to accuse of plagiarism?
BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Lil Schitty got caught!!!!! LOLOLOLOL
They are not going to draw irrational parallels between a peaceful protest vs an Insurrection on the Capitol building of one of the three branches of the.
Because they aren't irrational.
Dose the goat fucker support funding electoral grid upgrades in the infrastructure bill
Yes or No asshole!!!!
Amazing the duo of rat and goat fucker are up in arms over CRT which is only in the curriculums at the college level.....Amazing they think teaching reality is a bad thing....Oh well and Ill say it again you can't fix stupid that is sooooo deeply rooted!!!!!! BWAAAAAAA
I will stay in California because
Officials with Texas' power grid operator pleaded with residents Monday to limit their electrical usage amid soaring temperatures and a series of mechanical problems at power plants.
The appeal, from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or ERCOT, comes four months after deadly blackouts during a winter storm left millions of people without power — and weeks after state legislators passed a package of measures aimed at fixing some of the problems exposed by the storm.
Officials with the nonprofit group, which oversees 90 percent of Texas' energy production, asked residents to set their thermostats higher, turn off lights and avoid using larger appliances until Friday.
A spokeswoman for the group told reporters that the outages accounted for more than 12,000 megawatts, enough to power 2.4 million homes. Some areas of the state, including Dallas and Tarrant counties, were warned about poor air quality and potentially dangerous heat, with the heat index approaching 110 degrees.
The index in Houston also topped 100 degrees.
A senior official with ERCOT, Warren Lasher, said it wasn't clear why there were so many unplanned outages. But he said that the group is "deeply concerned" about the plants that are offline and that a thorough investigation is being conducted to better understand the problems.
The best States are not red states
Is that the same critical race theory that you called "Bonkers" Roger?
California is not in any way a green State.
Pure bullshit.
I said before that I got better educated about CRT and changed my mind because I can be objective when evidence teaches me more than I knew beforehand.
"C.H. TruthJune 15, 2021 at 4:03 PM
Is that the same critical race theory that you called "Bonkers" Roger"
Roger is a weather vane , his core beliefs changes with the smallest of political wind change.
Boogie World is just another talking point.
Cancel culture
Birther theory
Good people on both sides
Roger is a weather vane
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! And the goat fucker has the acumen of a fucking caterpillar and the intellect of a slug!!!!!!!!
“I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But guess what? They’re not competition for us,” he added."
Yes, they are bad people because they murder millions of their people.
Yes, they our are competition, the fact you didn't see that is wierd.
Crickets from the goat fucker about the GOP elimination of funding for electric grids because it is not really infrastructure and does not need fixing.....No wonder why this country is going down the trump shit hole of no return!!!!!!
Off topic.
Temperatures in Las Vegas will reach at least 113 degrees [on Tuesday], and highs are forecast to be at or above 113 degrees through Saturday,” wrote the Weather Service office in Las Vegas. “A five-day stretch of max temperatures at or above 113 has only occurred five times in Las Vegas for the period of record dating back to 1937.”
I think it was in 1993 when I was working on the project to enlarge the sewer treatment facility. One day it was 115°. I was a union carpenter. Wearing a helmet.
They told us that you can't drink enough water, so you had to drink several glasses of water.
I wasn't drinking alcohol then.
I fell off the wagon later on after then
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
CHIRP CHIRP CHIRP,,,,,,,As the goat fucker continues to avoid the answer!!!!!!
Tomorrow is going to be much better than in Helsinki.
BRUSSELS — President Joe Biden is placing a big bet that he can do what his immediate predecessors couldn’t: forge a relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin based on skepticism and stability.
Biden isn’t overly optimistic about what can be accomplished when the two world leaders get together on Wednesday. But according to interviews with six current and former administration officials, he plans to take a tough line with Putin while maybe even eliciting a concession or two from the Russian leader. Such benefits, his team has calculated, are well worth the incoming flak from Republicans that they are getting for agreeing to the meeting in the first place.
“He sees it as kind of a calculated risk and isn't that concerned about it,” a former Biden aide said. “If it turned into some huge scandal or something, that's one matter, but just the meeting in itself, I'm not sure he's that worried about a couple days of people on Twitter.”
Biden unlike Trump, has been preparing for the highly-anticipated meeting while in Europe — speaking to other world leaders and consulting Secretary of State Antony Blinken, national security adviser Jake Sullivan and other policy experts. Biden has gotten solid reviews for his discussions with other world leaders, many of whom have welcomed him following four years of a disruptive Donald Trump. And his team is hoping to use the restrengthening of international cooperation and institutions as a cudgel against Putin.
What to expect from the Biden-Putin summit
Biden also has some experience to lean on heading into his Putin one-on-one. He has gone out of his way to meet and push back on authoritarian figures throughout his decades-long career. In 1993, he confronted Slobodan Milosevic, the former leader of Serbia and Yugoslavia, telling him: “I think you’re a damn war criminal and you should be tried as one.”
You can bet that he won't worship Putin's asshole.
Ok, I will feed the troll Denny.
Show me the quote about Republican leadership and what is infrastructure.
Biden already gave a rim job to Putin by allowing Putin's pipelines and killing off ours.
Republican Pledges to Make Biden a ‘Half-Term President’
June 15, 2021 at 5:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 120 Comments
Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) vowed to make President Joe Biden a “one-half-term president” by toppling Democrats’ congressional majorities in the 2022 midterms, Politico reports.
Said Barrasso: “Mitch McConnell’s come under a lot of criticism for saying at one point he wanted to make sure that Barack Obama was a one-term president. I want to make Joe Biden a one-half-term president. And I want to do that by making sure they no longer have the House, Senate and White House.”
The Fed watches core personal consumption expenditure inflation. The inflation forecasts that are being watched most closely are those for 2023, since it makes sense the Fed would expect to raise interest rates then if inflation persists. The Fed, so far has said the rise in inflation is temporary and results from disrupted supply chains and pent-up demand.
"It may become increasingly difficult for Powell to dismiss [inflation] as expected," said Cabana. "He's likely to say 'We're monitoring it. ... We still believe it will be transitory, but we're going to be monitoring the data very closely.'"
Cabana expects to see increases in growth and inflation forecasts for this year and next. Fed officials currently expect core PCE inflation at 2% in 2022 and 2.1% in 2023.
"How much spills into 2023 will be the real tell. Are any of these inflation pressures persistent? Do they last a couple of years? Probably not, but we'll see," he said. "Will the Fed pencil in a rate hike in 2023 or not? It only takes three Fed officials to shift to the rate hike camp to see that happen. We think it's a close call, but they probably will not shift."
The Fed presents its inflation forecast on a "dot plot," with anonymous entries for each Fed official. In March, the dot plot showed a split of 11 to 7 against a 2023 hike. JPMorgan economists expect several Fed officials to change their position and support a 2023 hike. They also changed their own rate forecast to a rate hike in 2023.
Bank of America strategists, however, do not expect officials to agree on a 2023 hike. "We think they'll remain in the 'on hold' camp, but that will be one of the key focuses of the market," said Cabana. "The market is pricing in 2, 2.5 hikes by the end of 2023. The Fed is currently not expecting any."
The goat fucker applies a rim job o himself as he tries to wiggle out of trumps ass!!!!! Funny he like Lil Schitty's plagiarism got caught in his own web of stupid!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!1
If he raises the rate it could slow economic growth.
He has a tough job.
The costs of lumber was a great deal, copper too
But he might be cautious right now.
Denny, got quote?
Show me the quote about Republican leadership and what is infrastructure
BTW Lake Mead reached its lowest level ever!!!!!! GW is a hoax and the goat fucker is a troll......BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
ESAD asshole.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Your game is transparent and indicative of a losing argument again......I love kicking your old white ass into next week.....LOLOLOLOL
The Wall Street Journal reported that inflation will probably reach 3%+ for the next few months.
Rising wages are typically a sign of a tight labor market that draws more workers into the labor force. Not this time. Enhanced unemployment benefits, the virus and changed priorities are keeping them out. In May, the labor force actually shrank.
The Fed can’t do anything about supply shocks. Higher interest rates won’t produce more used cars or expand the labor force, but would slow the jobs recovery and perhaps cause a recession. The Fed has argued the rise in inflation is transitory; for example, the expiration of enhanced unemployment insurance and a receding pandemic should bolster the labor force later this year. In any case, it wants inflation to temporarily overshoot 2% to make up for years of undershooting.
Kputz said he wanted higher interest rates to destroy Sleepy Joe Biden and cost millions of non white people their jobs
The costs of lumber was a great deal"
Do tell, what was lumber price on Jan 20, 2021 vs Today?
Kputz said he wanted higher interest rates to destroy Sleepy Joe Biden and cost millions of non white people their jobs"
Why are gas prices increasing???? Gee still haven't answered that one have you Mr Masters of Idiocy LOLOLOLOLOL BTW, I know what infrastructure is, I doubt you do!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!
We still believe it will be transitory...
If so, you wouldn't be considering raising interest rates.
The inflation we're experiencing now is not fleeting, it's durable. And it's moving on core CPI ...that is INCLUDING food and energy. That's a fucking problem. And we've elected the dumbest, dimmest fuck in all the land to fix it. Which means the problem doesn't get fixed.
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
You said that kputz
You said that kputz
Link up that comment, alky. We KNOW you're a serial liar. So produce the evidence to back your claim or go back to plagiarizing Kevin Drum and shut the fuck up.
The Fed has argued the rise in inflation is transitory; for example, the expiration of enhanced unemployment insurance and a receding pandemic should bolster the labor force later this year. In any case, it wants inflation to temporarily overshoot 2% to make up for years of undershooting.
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
"You said that"
Yes I did.
I did not say the following you lied Roger.
Kputz said he wanted higher interest rates to destroy Sleepy Joe Biden and cost millions of non white people their jobs"
Let's go alky...
Kputz said he wanted higher interest rates to destroy Sleepy Joe Biden and cost millions of non white people their jobs
No goat fucker you are rooting for a rate increase for precisely th reason Roger posted!!!!!!! Sorry dummy.....you are a transparent trump slurper who is against everything biden which includes wanting a tanking economy!!!!
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
Kansas Dem's blogger profile, alky?
You fucking moron.
"The inflation we're experiencing now is not fleeting, it's durable. And it's moving on core CPI ...that is INCLUDING food and energy. That's a fucking problem." RRB
Is correct.
It is a core inflation problem.
Senate Votes to Make Juneteenth a Federal Holiday
June 15, 2021 at 5:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 22 Comments
The Senate passed legislation establishing Juneteenth as a federal holiday after Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) asked for unanimous consent and no objections were heard.
The bill heads to the House next.
Lina Khan Named Chair of FTC
June 15, 2021 at 4:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 50 Comments
“President Biden has named Lina Khan, a prominent critic of Big Tech, as the chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission, a move that signals that the agency is likely to crack down further on the industry’s giants,” the New York Times reports.
Earlier in the day, the Senate voted 69 to 28 to confirm Khan to a seat at the agency. She does not need to go through additional Senate confirmation to take the role of chair.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) celebrated Khan’s appointment in a statement.
Taegan Goddard comments:
'Khan’s appointment as Chair was not widely expected.'
Schumer Will Trigger Budget Reconciliation Process
June 15, 2021 at 3:21 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 87 Comments
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) “says he will convene a meeting with all 11 Democratic members of the Budget Committee Wednesday to begin the process for passing a budget resolution,” The Hill reports.
“That would set the stage for passing a massive infrastructure investment bill WITH ONLY DEMOCRATIC VOTES after the August recess.”
GOP Lawmaker Struggles to Define Critical Race Theory
June 15, 2021 at 3:13 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 112 Comments
Alabama state Rep. Chris Pringle (R) was asked to define “critical race theory,” which he seeks to make illegal to teach in schools.
Said Pringle:
“It basically teaches that certain children are inherently bad people because of the color of their skin, period.”
When asked for an example, Pringle replied: “These people, when they were doing the training programs — and the government — if you didn’t buy into what they taught you a hundred percent, they sent you away to a reeducation camp.”
Candidate Claims Rival Wants to Murder Her
June 15, 2021 at 3:06 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 61 Comments
Anna Paulina Luna (R), a candidate in the Republican primary for Florida’s 13th congressional district, “has obtained a stalking injunction against one of her soon-to-be opponents, saying he and two other potential candidates conspired to kill her,” the Tampa Bay Times reports.
Said Luna: “I received information yesterday regarding a plan to murder me made by William Braddock in an effort to prevent me from winning the election for FL-13.”
Braddock responded: “This woman is off her rocker and she does not need to be representing anyone.”
Trump Struggles to Clear Senate Primary Fields
June 15, 2021 at 3:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 11 Comments
“A growing number of GOP Senate contenders are spurning former President Donald Trump’s wishes with campaigns that defy his criticism or ignore his support of a rival, as the Republican Party debates his role in its future,” CNN reports.
McConnell Wants ‘Actual Consequences’ for Tax Leak
June 15, 2021 at 2:11 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 84 Comments
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said that the Department of Justice and FBI need to investigate the disclosure of confidential tax information to ProPublica and bring criminal charges against those who are responsible, The Hill reports.
Said McConnell:
“Actual consequences. As a matter of justice, and as a practical deterrent. The federal government owes taxpayers nothing less.”
Lawmakers Compare Vaccine, Gun Policies to Holocaust
June 15, 2021 at 2:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 58 Comments
“Three Wisconsin lawmakers in seven days compared the German Nazi Party’s system of murdering millions of Jewish people
to COVID-19 vaccine rules and potential gun restrictions —
weeks after passing legislation to bolster Holocaust education in the state,” the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports.
Texas Governor Wants Donations to Build Border Wall
June 15, 2021 at 1:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 90 Comments
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) says he plans to ask for public donations to pay for the Texas border wall, CNN reports.
FBI Warns QAnon Could Turn Violent
June 15, 2021 at 12:49 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 136 Comments
“The FBI said this month that QAnon adherents could turn to violence as some of the conspiracy theory’s major predictions,
including that Democrats would be subject to mass arrest and detention,
have not come to pass,” the New York Times reports.
“The conspiracy theory holds that
a corrupt cabal of global elites
and career government employees
who run a Satan-worshiping,
child sex-trafficking ring
will soon be rounded up
and punished for their misdeeds;
and that former President Donald Trump
will be restored to the presidency.”
As soon as pigs can fly.
On Cali's behalf, I just want to say that no one is reading my posts.
And you’d be right, pedo
No one does
Blogger rrb said...
Kansas Dem's blogger profile, alky?
You fucking moron.
I was like WTF???
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
And I wholeheartedly agree. Powell keeps saying the inflation is transitory, temporary, etc. If so, then a hike in interest rates would not even be on the table.
Inflation is impacting CORE CPI alky. CORE CPI = Food & Energy. That's a serious development which warrants a serious response. A rise in interest rates is probably the best course of action, ECONOMICALLY speaking. All you're worried about is the POLITICAL impact to your imbecile president. And to that I say - fuck him.
And fuck YOU.
The inflation we're experiencing now is not fleeting, it's durable.
BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Yours and the goat fuckers opinion are BULLSHIT!!!!! Gas prices are transitory as are the main drivers of used cars and wood products!!!!! Sorry assholes frick and dumb fucks saying so is most amusing!!!!
Lumber prices are falling back to earth.
Futures for July delivery ended Tuesday at $1,009.90 per thousand board feet, down 41% from the record of $1,711.20 reached in early May. Futures have declined 14 of the past 16 trading days.
Cash lumber prices are also crashing. Pricing service Random Lengths said Friday that its framing composite index, which tracks on-the-spot sales, dropped $122 to $1,324, its biggest ever weekly decline. The pullback came just six weeks after the index rose $124 during the first week of May, its most on record. Random Lengths described a chaotic rout in which sawmill managers struggled to provide customers with price quotes.
Economists and investors have wondered if sky-high prices for wood products would doom the booming housing market. Builders raised home prices and many stopped selling houses before the studs were installed, lest they misjudge costs and sell too cheaply. Lumber became central to the inflation debate: whether a period of runaway inflation was afoot or high prices were temporary shocks that would ease as the economy continues to increase astronomicaly by Sleepy Joe
The rapid decline suggests a bubble that has burst and the question now is how low lumber prices will fall. Even after tumbling, lumber futures remain nearly three times what is typical for this time of year. Lumber producers and traders expect that prices will remain relatively high due to the strong housing market, but that the supply bottlenecks and frenzied buying that characterized the economy’s reopening and sent prices to multiples of the old all-time highs are winding down.
I was like WTF???
Your posts are always WTF shorty.......again just adding a shot without a cogent thought!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAA!!!
Curtis Houck
Listen to these questions from CNN's Jeff Zeleny and then President Biden's attempt to answer them.
This isn't some sort of stuttering thing. He's totally lost here. He's not with it at all.
elder abuse
President Biden appears confused as he speaks at US-EU summit:
“I'm going to get in trouble. But, anyway, we'll get back to that. But we, you know.. there’s a lot that, that is — It’s happening. I used to always..."
more elder abuse
well at least he finally made it
Blogger Roger Amick said...
Lumber prices are falling back to earth.
That's nice alky.
It's also not relevant. This is about CORE CPI. Not everyone is building a fucking house, but everyone needs food and transportation. Families need to feed themselves and get to a job each day. So whatever good news you're trying to scrape together to make your drooling imbecile look good is meaningless in the face of the FACTS.
Nice try, and exactly what I would expect from you and your non-existent knowledge of basic economics.
Tell me Roger what part of CRT is;
Pro-racial reconciliation.
said before that I got better educated about CRT and changed my mind because I can be objective when evidence teaches me more than I knew beforehand
Max Abrahms
After the 9/11 attack, there was a big effort to convince the public that international terrorism means Islamist terrorism.
Since the January 6th attack on the Capitol, there has been a big effort to convince the public that domestic terrorism means right-wing terrorism.
A primary goal of the establishment is for the American public to equate domestic terrorism with the political right in this country.
After 9/11, the US government really emphasized how the perpetrators differed from the vast majority of Muslims.
After the Jan 6th attack, officials did the opposite by suggesting that the perpetrators are representative of the entire Republican Party.
divider-in-chief Biden wants war
Joe Biden's America
Big Brother
turn in your neighbor
North Korean Defector After Attending Ivy League School: Even North Korea Was ‘Not This Nuts’
Famed North Korean defector Yeonmi Park offered a chilling account of her time at Columbia University, saying that not even North Korea went to the level of brainwashing that she witnessed.
Speaking with Fox News, Park became increasingly dismayed with the cost of an education that amounted to little more than what she described as indoctrination.
“I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” she said. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.”
Like in North Korea, Park said she witnessed example after example of anti-Western sentiment and guilt-tripping. During her orientation, for instance, a staff member scolded her for liking classic literature.
continues: https://www.dailywire.com/news/north-korean-defector-after-attending-ivy-league-school-even-north-korea-was-not-this-nuts
She probably liked 1984
but didn't realize that is now America
'Pure insanity':
Emails show DOJ response to Trump election fraud claims
The former president’s aides and emissaries pressed Justice Department leaders to join legal challenges to the vote.
Former President Donald Trump stands before a crowd at the NCGOP state convention.By Josh GersteinJune 15, 2021
Top Justice Department officials derisively dismissed a series of last-ditch efforts by then-President Donald Trump’s aides and emissaries to get DOJ lawyers and the FBI to investigate outlandish election fraud claims in the waning weeks of Trump’s presidency, newly-released emails show.
The emails — made public by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee — detail the Justice Department’s response to attempts by Trump’s chief of staff Mark Meadows to get investigators to look at bizarre allegations in a YouTube video where a former intelligence officer named Brad Johnson asserted that individuals in Italy were manipulating votes in the U.S. through satellites.
“Pure insanity,” then-acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue wrote in response to one New Year’s Day email from Meadows relaying the Italy theory.
That exchange appeared to put then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen into a defensive mode, recording events in writing for posterity and the very kinds of investigations congressional committees are now pursuing.
“Yes,” Rosen replied. “After this message, I was asked to have FBI meet with Brad Johnson, and I responded that Brad Johnson could call or walk into FBI’s Washington Field Office with any evidence he purports to have.”
Rosen goes on to relate that Johnson was collaborating with Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani. The acting attorney general seems to revel in his refusal to engage with Giuliani.
“On a follow up call, I learned that Johnson is working with Rudy Giuliani, who regarded my comments as ‘an insult.’ Asked if I would reconsider, I flatly refused, said I would not be giving any special treatment to Giuliani or any of his ‘witnesses’, and re-affirmed yet again that I will not talk to Giuliani about any of this,”
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
"You said that"
Yes I did.
I did not say the following you lied Roger.
Kputz said he wanted higher interest rates to destroy Sleepy Joe Biden and cost millions of non white people their jobs"
Nice try, and exactly what I would expect from you and your non-existent knowledge of basic economics.
He’s so completely clueless and out of his league, it’s pitiful
It said that increasing interest rates could cause of recession
Read it kputz squad asshole
Chris Buskirk
“Videos not only show some USCP officers ushering protesters toward the building & allowing them to enter but, as American Greatness exclusively reported last month, USCP officers also cautioned several protesters how they should behave.”
No wonder Big Brother is hiding the videos they control
Amanda Milius
The lesson of the latest Revolver News story on 1/6- pay really close attn to the Unindicted Co Conspirators.
“curious lack of indictments filed against the entire gamut of Persons referenced as playing leadership roles…raises red flags… Person 2, Person 3, Person 10, Person 14, Person 15, Person 16, Person 19 and Person 20, along with many co-conspirators listed only as “an individual.”
This thing looks filled with so many undercover FBI & informants the better description of it would be ‘The FBI’s Insurrection’.
very disturbing
Higher interest rates won’t produce more used cars or expand the labor force, but would slow the jobs recovery and perhaps cause a recession.
A recession can millions of jobs. Usually in lower income households.
Natalie Winters
The Zuckerberg-backed group that funneled millions into election infrastructure to secure a Joe Biden victory also sent six-figure grants to gain-of-function research advocate and Wuhan Institute of Virology "longtime collaborator" Ralph Baric.
Fauci-Zuckerberg were involved with more than censorship and Covid origins.
No wonder they did what they did
Trump would have held everyone responsible who was.
And that would definitively include both of them
Nursing home Rog (as a White CRT advocate) believes he is a racist who must atone for his sins and take responsibility for the lives of all minorities.
So Rog... tell us all?
What are you doing to atone?
A recession can millions of jobs.
Personally I think that Trump is the modern Benadict Arnold. But the way things are going he could be the next Al Capone, who died in prison for tax evasion.
The New York Times reported.....
The Manhattan district attorney’s office appears to have entered the final stages of a criminal tax investigation into Donald J. Trump’s long-serving chief financial officer, Allen H. Weisselberg, setting up the possibility he could face charges this summer, according to people with knowledge of the matter.
In recent weeks, a grand jury has been hearing evidence about Mr. Weisselberg, who is facing intense scrutiny from prosecutors as they seek his cooperation with a broader investigation into Mr. Trump and the Trump Organization, the people with knowledge of the matter said. The prosecutors have obtained Mr. Weisselberg’s personal tax returns, the people said, providing the fullest picture yet of his finances.
Even as the investigation has heated up, it remains unclear whether the prosecutors will seek an indictment of Mr. Weisselberg, which would mark the first criminal charges stemming from the long-running financial fraud investigation into Mr. Trump and his family company.
The investigation into Mr. Weisselberg focuses partly on whether he failed to pay taxes on valuable benefits that Mr. Trump provided him and his family over the years, including apartments and leased cars as well as tens of thousands of dollars in private school tuition for at least one of his grandchildren. In general, those types of benefits are taxable, although there are some exceptions, and the rules can be murky.
If Mr. Weisselberg agrees to testify in the case of tax evasion against Trump, and gets a reduced sentence or because of his age, he might get zero jail time.
Trump Executive Could Face Charges as Soon as This Summer https://nyti.ms/3gsjQ5t
Mr. Weisselberg has stayed in the Trump organization.
A recession can cost millions of jobs. Usually in lower income households.
Because I am a White CRT advocate.
You believe that in order to atone for my ancestors, and atone for slavery and convert the United States into a Marxist-style government. In order to put them into poverty or prison camps like Auschwitz.
The Republicans don't have an agenda, so all they have are talking points.
It's a typical example of gaslighting.
Experts disagree on how close we are to crossing the line. Levitsky, for example, thinks that Republicans could fatally undermine the democratic system as soon as 2024, using a combination of state-level interference with vote counts and congressional action to illegitimately block a Democratic victory.
Aron, by contrast, thinks we’re still quite far from the point of no return — that American democratic institutions are far more vibrant than their Hungarian peers were just before their collapse.
But even Aron, a longtime skeptic of the idea that America is on the path to authoritarianism, is rethinking her views in light of the GOP’s increased commitment to anti-democratic politics since January 6.
“I can’t say anything good” about Republican behavior, she tells me. “They want to stay in power and they want to change the system so it will benefit them as much as possible.”
This view is approaching a consensus among experts. A recent letter by 100 leading scholars of democracy warned that “Republican-led state legislatures across the country have in recent months proposed or implemented what we consider radical changes to core electoral procedures. ... Collectively, these initiatives are transforming several states into political systems that no longer meet the minimum conditions for free and fair elections. Hence, our entire democracy is now at risk.”
Yet many of our elected officials — including key Democrats — do not recognize the urgency of the crisis.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) told Forbes last week that “if democracy were in jeopardy, I would want to protect it. [But] I don’t see it being in jeopardy right now.” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), in an op-ed justifying his decision to vote against the democracy reform bill HR 1, equated the bill with Republican efforts to undermine democracy.
“Today’s debate about how to best protect our right to vote and to hold elections, however, is not about finding common ground, but seeking partisan advantage,” Manchin writes. “Whether it is state laws that seek to needlessly restrict voting or politicians who ignore the need to secure our elections, partisan policymaking won’t instill confidence in our democracy — it will destroy it.”
This is why it’s vital to be open about what’s happening — to raise the specter of authoritarianism. Because the slide toward competitive authoritarianism is incremental, it’s easy to fall into complacency, to overlook what’s happening in front of our eyes.
Blogger Roger Amick said...
A recession can cost millions of jobs. Usually in lower income households.
Opiate boy it’s not not my fault you can’t express yourself is a readable form. That’s on you Alky
*in a readable….
The US Constitution devolved election administration to the states, giving local legislatures control over the rules around elections and the process of actually tallying up the votes. State governments are what political scientist Phil Rocco calls “the infrastructure of democracy” — the place where the terms of political competition at the national level are set.
In theory, this should serve as a bulwark against the emergence of competitive authoritarianism, preventing one faction from rewriting the rules in their favor in one fell swoop. Historically, Rocco points out, it’s often worked the opposite way: The decentralized system enabled the creation of Jim Crow, which turned Southern states into authoritarian enclaves marked by one-party Democratic rule for decades.
“Racial apartheid in the South constructed a ‘Jim Crow Congress’; insulated from electoral competition, Southern committee chairs became the fulcrum of national policymaking — foreclosing the New Deal’s social democratic aspirations,” he writes in a 2020 essay. “Episodes of democratic collapse at the state level have had profound reverberations for national politics.”
As for where we’re heading, Levitsky and many other experts are not optimistic:
Experts disagree on how close we are to crossing the line. Levitsky, for example, thinks that Republicans could fatally undermine the democratic system as soon as 2024, using a combination of state-level interference with vote counts and congressional action to illegitimately block a Democratic victory.
Aron, by contrast, thinks we’re still quite far from the point of no return — that American democratic institutions are far more vibrant than their Hungarian peers were just before their collapse.T
But even Aron, a longtime skeptic of the idea that America is on the path to authoritarianism, is rethinking her views in light of the GOP’s increased commitment to anti-democratic politics since January 6.
“I can’t say anything good” about Republican behavior, she tells me. “They want to stay in power and they want to change the system so it will benefit them as much as possible.”
This view is approaching a consensus among experts. A recent letter by 100 leading scholars of democracy warned that “Republican-led state legislatures across the country have in recent months proposed or implemented what we consider radical changes to core electoral procedures. … Collectively, these initiatives are transforming several states into political systems that no longer meet the minimum conditions for free and fair elections. Hence, our entire democracy is now at risk.”
James thank God for this blog
The Face Of Maga
He had several dui.
I never got arrested driving under influence of alcohol or anything ever.
I never got arrested driving under influence of alcohol or anything ever.
Opiate addiction and ‘roid rage cost you a marriage
Trish Regan
Hunter Biden the artist:
Hunter's painting will rage from $75K to $500K... Would you buy one?
I bet the Chinese will appreciate Hunter's new amazing talent and load up.
Got to give him credit that is it different from previous scams and things like the Clinton Foundation
That Biden signature by itself is sure worth a lot of money.
Daily Caller
AG Merrick Garland: “In the FBI’s view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethically motivated violent extremists specifically those who advocate for the superiority of the white race.”
Notice they never provide any specific names, identifying information, or statistical data.
This is agenda-driven fear mongering, not fact-based.
Starting to look like Garland is a lot like Biden and previously Mueller. Someone else is doing the writing and policy making and he's just doing the reading.
New York Post
Black suspect's shooting spree that wounded 5 was motivated by race: detective https://trib.al/WHasRcU
Merrick Garland won’t give a speech about this
So where are the statistics for what Garland is claiming
Looks a lot like the AsianHate narrative that quickly got snuffed when the perpetrators didn't match the narrative
Federal Reserve chairman Powell has a chance to be a Leader.
He can increase Fed Rates , announcing it tomorrow afternoon.
Or will he be a coward.
"You said that"
Yes I did.
I did not say the following you lied Roger.
Kputz said he wanted higher interest rates to destroy Sleepy Joe Biden and cost millions of non white people their jobs"
Not All RINOS are Endangered Species.
Georgia’s Secretary of State, RINO supreme Brad Raffensperger, stated Monday that there would be a “probe” after an election official said forms verifying the chain of custody for some mail-in ballots “went missing.”
“New revelations that Fulton County is unable to produce all ballot drop box transfer documents will be investigated thoroughly, as we have with other counties that failed to follow Georgia rules and regulations regarding drop boxes. This cannot continue,” Raffensperger, a “Republican,” said in a statement.
He should be lynched by James rrb!
Non-existent economic knowledge base of 4F-Alky.
"Higher interest rates..... but would slow the jobs recovery and perhaps cause a recession.
A recession can millions of jobs. Usually in lower income households."
Uhm, nope.
President Trump Economy and Fed Rates.
Obama leaves office Federal reserve rate 2016 year end = 0.55%
Trump in Office Federal Reserve Rate hikes 2018 year end = 2.40%
Cite :Macrotrends.com
The Summit Meeting
What can we expect from the summit meeting between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin?
That is the expectation that Biden is setting. There will be no grand pronouncements, no reset, maybe not even a perfunctory statement of agreement on a minor point. That is part of the reason that Biden plans to hold a press conference by himself. The other part, of course, is in contrast with Donald Trump’s disastrous showing at Helsinki.
But the meeting is necessary and important. Russia is a major country, with a nuclear arsenal equivalent to America’s. Russia is adjacent to our allies in Europe and supplies energy to many of them. It has a long land border across which untoward things can happen. Those are reason enough for the leaders to meet.
The meeting is important because tensions between the two countries have increased during the 21st century. The United States has pulled out of treaties that stabilized the relationship rather than try to resolve problems. Russia has acted as an international spoiler. Both sides need to show reliability in their actions. That can only be done through meetings.
Many issues might be discussed – the situation with those treaties and how to go forward, the situation in Ukraine, American sanctions on Russia, Russia’s attacks on dissidents inside and outside Russia, the situation in Syria, America’s return to the Iran nuclear agreement, relations with China, the uses of the Arctic, and more. Both men have their own lists of priorities. It’s likely that their aides have exchanged those lists and are working to pare them down to fit in the time available.
Those aides have also been gaming out something like a SWOT analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. I’ll do a bit of that here. Obviously, I’m coming at it from an Americentric viewpoint.
The real strength internationally today is in dealing with the pandemic. The pandemic hinders economies and military strength. Biden understands this and has made controlling the pandemic his first priority, with some success. In contrast, Russia is going into another wave of disease. Its people are more reluctant than Americans to be vaccinated, and its vaccine may be less effective than others. Brazil and Slovakia have raised questions about quality control in its manufacture.
Russia’s willingness to take risks to upend other countries’ expectations in terms of invading its neighbors and willingness to kill individuals seen as dissidents both inside and outside Russia is a strength. It keeps opponents off guard and makes the most of capabilities that are weaker than others’.
Russia’s role as a supplier of natural gas to Europe is a strength in dealing with Europe, to be used as leverage against the formal alliances of NATO and the EU. Both of those alliances are strengths, emphasized during Biden’s visits these two weeks.
Both countries have weaknesses in their domestic political situations. America has a major political party that is sympathetic to and influenced by Russian organizations. Russia’s poor economic situation and repression of dissidents have led to demonstrations, which repression may damp down. Putin is not grooming a successor, which is not a problem now but will become one at some point. America’s last president contines to try to undermine the succession.
The summit itself is an opportunity for Putin personally. He wants Russia to be seen as an equal to America, and a summit provides favorable optics. But that doesn’t improve Russia’s economy or pandemic status. And Russia is an equal in nuclear destructive power.
Not much
Alky how much is your ingrezsw
Ingrezza fuac
Documents show Trump, allies pressed DOJ to overturn 2020 election -U.S. House Oversight panel
Reuters June 15, 2021
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Justice detail efforts by then President Donald Trump, his chief of staff and other allies to pressure the department to challenge the 2020 presidential election results, a U.S. House panel said on Tuesday.
The House Oversight and Reform Committee, which sought the records from the Justice Department, outlined a series of overtures from Trump, top aide Mark Meadows and an outside private attorney pushing the department to act on the former Republican president's false election claims.
The documents come as U.S. lawmakers continue to investigate the Jan. 6 deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump supporters seeking to thwart Congress' certification of Democrat Joe Biden's win.
"These documents show that President Trump tried to corrupt our nation’s chief law enforcement agency in a brazen attempt to overturn an election that he lost," Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney said.
Their release comes ahead of the committee's hearing later on Tuesday with FBI director Christopher Wray, who testified before another House panel earlier this month, and General Charles Flynn, brother of former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who has also advanced Trump's election conspiracy theories.
Representatives for Trump could not be immediately reached for comment.
The wheels of justice grind slowly but exceedingly fine." It will all come out in due time and everyone will eventually be held accountable. RICK
No Rick there is enough evidence to hang a noose around the neck of those involved in the poorly executed coup d' etat... what we need is enough intestinal fortitude and a strong spine in those public officials who now can bring justice to our nation for the threat to our National Security. and our democracy. PRONTO...
Accountability will never be a word associated with the prior administration and his followers. In 4 years, not one single thing was ever his fault. Never seen anything quite like it, not in my lifetime anyways.
The peaceful transfer of power after a presidential election is a hallmark of the representative republic we live in, and was a wonder to the world as it was entirely unique. No president of either party has refused to concede the election when they lost, until now. The untold damage to citizens' confidence in our electoral system, which has worked very well for nearly 250 years with the support of BOTH parties, is reprehensible in the extreme. And all due to one demagogue who wants to hold onto his power and does not care what harm it does to America.
After January and the months that followed, does this honestly surprise anyone? Sad thing is, this pertains to the prior so 25% of American will automatically turn a blind eye. Our problem in a nutshell...
Look at the defense attorney for Powell. His defense for her in the law suit by the company that made the voting machines is "No reasonable person would ever believe her claims". Those claims are what Trump and his allies had said about the election. That alone should tell people how valid Trump's claims of election fraud are.
And several sit in a jail cell right awaiting sentencing for most likely will be a longer prison sentence, all based on the false propaganda spewed by DJT. All based on a lie, SCOTUS denied his motion and closed the case.
Thank God Trump was not able to overturn the 2020 election. But the voter suppression laws and especially the laws enabling election officials to choose the electors they want, instead of who the people voted for, indicates that Republicans are only interested in finding more ways to cheat.
As President Donald Trump delivered his inaugural address on the steps of the U.S. Capitol in January, his new national security adviser, Michael Flynn, sent a text to a former business associate telling him that a plan to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East in partnership with Russian interests was “good to go,” according to a witness who spoke with congressional investigators.
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets" Donald Trump JR, 2008
"We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia." Donald Trump JR, 2014
Trump's businesses went bankrupt so many times in the 1990s that many legitimate banks wouldn’t lend to him anymore. He turned to Russian oligarchs -- Putin’s ruling clique -- to bankroll his projects, and launder their dirty money for them. This was, and continues to be, a huge part of his business. He’s a Russian money launderer.
Trump’s financial broker and “Senior Adviser” was a Russian convicted felon named Felix Sater, helped set up shell companies & arranged funding for Trump's projects including plans for Trump Tower Moscow. He’s also part of Putin’s inner circle.
For months we have been hearing that the real proof of fraud will be revealed tomorrow. I guess the old adage is right..........tomorrow never comes.
Still waiting for Trump to present the Durham Report, his tax returns and his beautiful, perfect healthcare plan.
IT is not a stretch to state Trump took a wrecking ball to everything established, sacred and traditional in an attempt to consolidate power for himself. When it did not work out quite as planned, he and his associates decided they would lie, cheat, misinform & steal their way to victory including the shameful attempt at an insurrection which they all deny but the paper trail and video will prove these criminal acts to be matter of fact.
Fortunately the American people expressed their displeasure of his methods and voted him out.
Unfortunately for Trump, Meadows, Giuliani & the rest of the team involved in and whom continue to be involved in such a diabolical plan the American people have spoken and justice should soon follow. The threat they pose to our democracy can not be side stepped and should not be excused or overlooked.
If this is a land of laws, they should have an appointment with a judge.
God Bless this country.
What goes around comes around! Trump will have to pay the piper along with his cronies and those involved in his corruption. It will include a big fine, some probation, but I doubt jail time. The 14th Amendment is the only way that we can keep him from ever running for public office again, and the names on that ruling should include ANY elected official who participated in this hoax and insurrection.
100 years ago, in 1921, a little-known Austrian man with a funny moustache was elected to lead an extremist fringe group that no one took seriously until it had caused the death of multi millions of people in the following decade. Let's not make the same mistake. Extremism from either party is DANGEROUS and we must move politics back to a common sense center and insist both parties obey the rules and laws of our nation.
Yes and he started by changing history and burning books and encourage protests-sound familiar? It should because it's happening here if people would wake up.
And we can look forward to schemes such as these as Republican state legislators throughout the United States pass laws making such schemes legal and easier to put into action.
This is the age in which we live. Democracy was, and is, under attack.
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What Biden Can Expect from Putin
June 15, 2021 at 11:18 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 71 Comments
Glen Johnson:
“From his timing to his baiting techniques and his postgame spin, Russia’s president commands an array of tactics aimed at putting U.S. leaders on the defensive and in response mode — and has decades of experience fine-tuning them.
“President Biden’s arrival may be the last thing he fully controls when he and Putin meet Wednesday for their summit in Geneva.
“The Russian is famous for trying to assert his authority by showing up late and then airing his nation’s grievances. Biden has been counseled not to fall for Putin’s trap.”
Johnson wrote about Putin’s tactics in his book, Window Seat on the World.
The New York Times lays out some expectations.
In Moscow, wounds are still raw from the tumult of the previous administration, when hopes for a thaw in U.S.-Russia relations stemming from President Donald J. Trump’s friendly approach were dashed by mounting sanctions and rising tensions. Now, Russian officials hear Mr. Biden’s emphasis on predictability and stability, and see a renewed opportunity for changing the course of a relationship that is plumbing its post-Cold War depths.
“We see a desire on the part of the United States to emphasize a kind of positive agenda — it’s been a long time since we’ve seen that,” said Tatiana Stanovaya, the founder of a political analysis firm, R.Politik. “This summit has huge meaning.”
There is little expectation that the Geneva summit will radically reframe the relationship between Russia and the United States. But there is hope in Russia among both supporters and critics of Mr. Putin that it will at least stop its downward spiral. Russian officials and analysts say the talks could open the door to wider negotiations on arms control and cybersecurity, and perhaps yield concrete results in the form of Moscow and Washington lifting some restrictions on each other’s diplomatic missions.
Cyberwarfare is probably going to be the major issue to be addressed.
The images of the January 6th are all over Russian media, showing how unstable the world sees the United States.
The Bulwark. Republicans! RINO aka Ch
Biden only offered the summit after a massive Russian military build-up along the Russian-Ukrainian border and in illegally occupied Crimea in April, which coincided with the rapidly deteriorating condition of imprisoned Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny. Putin subsequently pulled back some of his forces, reducing tensions with Ukraine at least briefly. Navalny, who had gone on a hunger strike to protest his abysmal treatment, was finally allowed to see reputable doctors. Biden’s offer to meet with Putin appeared to have worked, at least in keeping worse things from happening.
Putin, however, took more than a month to formally accept Biden’s invitation. In that time, Russian authorities cracked down even more on political opponents, journalists, and civil society ahead of September’s parliamentary elections. Russia is ramping up pressure on Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, making it impossible for the outlet to maintain a physical presence in the country. Russia-based hackers executed a successful ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline. In an effort to target NGOs, including human rights groups, Russia’s SVR spy agency hacked into a computer system used by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Two weeks ago, Russian hackers targeted the world’s largest meat processor, forcing a temporary halt in production at all the company’s U.S. facilities, in what is starting to look like a Russian hack-a-week, if not more, against the United States. This led FBI Director Christopher Wray to compare the hacking and ransomware threats, most coming from Russia, to 9/11.
Russian support for the murderous Assad regime continues unabated. And Russian authorities continue to back Belarusian dictator Aleksandr Lukashenko, even after he forced down a Ryanair flight over Belarusian airspace to arrest (and coerce a bogus confession from) a journalist critical of his regime. In the span of a month, the idea of a Biden-Putin summit has lost much of its already meager appeal.
Despite these developments, and barring some last-minute cancelation, the two leaders still plan to meet this Wednesday. Putin will try to turn the summit into a propaganda bonanza—
Since it won't be another Helsinki embarrassing event, the image of the United States has been restored.
How very sad this happened. Lost lots of money and now regrets being stupid!!!!! Wonder how many deep south R's who could die will see the correlation to their own idiocy.....
Yahoo Sports
Jon Rahm wishes he had received his COVID-19 vaccine earlier after his Memorial Tournament fiasco
Ryan Young
Ryan Young·Writer
Tue, June 15, 2021, 4:46 PM·5 min read
In this article:
Jon Rahm
Spanish professional golfer
Explore the topics mentioned in this article
Looking back on it now, just 10 days after he was forced to withdraw from the Memorial Tournament with a massive lead due to a positive COVID-19 test, Jon Rahm wishes he had gotten vaccinated much, much sooner.
Rahm, speaking ahead of the U.S. Open this week at Torrey Pines, said he was partially vaccinated when he was pulled off Muirfield Village with a positive coronavirus test. He wasn’t out of the 14-day window required after receiving his final dose.
“I guess I wish I would have done it earlier, but thinking on scheduling purposes and having the PGA and defending Memorial, I was just — to be honest, it wasn't in my mind,” he said. “I'm not going to lie, I was trying to just get ready for a golf tournament.
"If I had done it in a few days earlier, probably we wouldn't be having these conversations right now. It is what it is. We move on.”
Jon Rahm had 6-shot lead when he tested positive
Though a positive coronavirus test and a forced withdrawal is bad for anyone on the PGA Tour, it was especially bad for Rahm.
Vladimir Putin;
Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin said, referring to Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as she tried to climb through a window that led to the House floor
Going to be a fun summit.
You were used by Vladimir Putin has killed multiple people who have opposed him.
America is back from Helsinki.
GENEVA—Fresh from days of meetings with the U.S.’s closest allies, President Biden is set to raise a number of thorny issues with Russian President Vladimir Putin during their summit Wednesday, from Moscow’s aggression toward Ukraine to alleged cyberattacks against the U.S.
Both sides have played down the prospects of a thaw in relations, although U.S. officials have suggested some headway could be made on sticking points such as nuclear arms control.
Throughout his first visit overseas as president, meeting Group of Seven and European leaders and the U.S.’s partners at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Mr. Biden has signaled that he wants to show that the U.S. and its allies won’t tolerate what it regards as provocative actions by the Kremlin and will counter the growing influence of autocratic powers.
The Wall Street Journal.
Biden said that Putin is a murder.
Once again, Trump was the root source of the virus originating in a lab without a shred of proof.....1 year later and we still don't know but the slurpers are certain where it came from because they believe everything Trump.....very sad...
Peter Weber, Senior editor
Wed, June 16, 2021, 2:20 AM
Wuhan Institute of Virology
Wuhan Institute of Virology Hector Retamal/AFP/Getty Images
The Trump administration launched several separate investigations into the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic, and former President Donald Trump and other senior officials pressed hard for evidence the virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Politico and The Washington Post reported Tuesday. But nobody was able to find more than inconclusive and circumstantial evidence. President Biden ordered a new 90-day review of the intelligence last month.
By Feb. 1, 2020, the U.S. government's top scientists and medical experts had determined China did not engineer the new coronavirus, National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins tells the Post. "I am not at all convinced that a natural origin is the only explanation; I've never been convinced," he said, but unless new evidence emerges, the coronavirus wasn't designed by humans.
On April 30, 2020, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence codified that view, saying in a statement the intelligence community "concurs with the wide scientific consensus that the COVID-19 virus was not manmade or genetically modified," and would continue working "to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan."
That statement "angered some officials in the State Department who had wondered whether the virus was designed as part of a secretive Chinese bioweapons program," the Post reports. Trump immediately told reporters he was highly confident the virus came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, but he was "not allowed" to say why. Privately, Trump "told aides that he believed the intelligence agencies had concluded that the virus came from the lab," the Post reports. "The agencies had never reached that conclusion."
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed three days later there was "enormous evidence" COVID-19 came from a lab, stoking "confusion elsewhere in the administration among some officials investigating COVID-19's origins," Politico reports. "He wanted a smoking gun, and we couldn't give it to him," one former official told the Post. Pompeo told the Post last week he became convinced of the virus' lab origins by "the cumulative amount of evidence" and "the absence of evidence for other theories."
Going to be a fun summit.
BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Cramps gets trolled by Putin again!!!!!
President Biden is arriving on time.
Vladimir Putin is arriving now.
Sad Trump tried but failed to confirm the virus source.....and failed just like his casinos.... BTW....600k US dead from the trump flu hoax!!!!
Trump-era hunt for pandemic ‘lab leak’ went down many fruitless paths
The quest by spy agencies and public health officials relied on public reports and intelligence from foreign governments. Now President Biden has reinvigorated the search, ordering a fresh intelligence review.
By Yasmeen Abutaleb and Shane Harris
Russian support for the murderous Assad regime continues unabated.
As does democrat support for the murderous Biden regime, as Ashli Babbitt's homicide goes unaddressed and unresolved.
...the image of the United States has been restored.
Yep. Restored to our position of weakness, of vulnerability, of hostility to Israel, and to a status of being the world's bitch, but 'woke' this time around.
"America is back!" The prodigal son has come home. The bad old days of The Donald are over. We are united again and agreed we must stand together and raise our differences behind closed doors, not raucously in open forums.
Going to be a fun summit.
Slow Joe will be heavily reliant upon his "Trump's fault" flash cards.
LOL. Poor bastard.
You neglected to plagiarize the best part, alky -
And what are the geopolitical realities largely left unaddressed?
Russia continues to hold Alexei Navalny in prison, to stand behind the dictator Alexi Lukashenko in Belarus and to support the pro-Russian rebel resistance in the Donbas.
China is not surrendering any of the reefs it claims in the South China Sea. Beijing continues to squeeze the political life out of Hong Kong, and its persecution persists in Xinjiang. And the Chinese military exercises in the Taiwanese waters and air space will continue and grow more aggressive.
Wednesday’s meeting between Biden and Putin is the event toward which these preliminary meetings — the G7, NATO and EU gatherings — have been pointing.
And from the signals Putin has been sending, he intends to disagree firmly and frankly with Biden.
Wrong again.
Slow Joe will be heavily reliant upon his "Trump's fault" flash cards.
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! While you rely of the lies of Trump and your own innate stupidity as an Ag school drop out!!!! Yeah you are north of 150 k.....LOLOLOLOL
Pat Buchanan
President Biden has spent hours preparing for the meeting.
Trump spent hours watching Fox news.
President Biden is arriving on time.
Vladimir Putin is arriving now.
Making Biden wait Putin sends the message that he's in charge of this summit.
Keep going Joe.......nominate as many as you can to undo the trump disaster !!!
President Biden and the Democrat-led Senate have moved quickly to boost minority and female representation on the federal courts following Donald Trump’s four-year push to remake the judiciary, in
which he nominated a large share of White, male justices.
Biden’s early judicial slate represents a departure from his recent predecessors; his initial picks are more diverse, and Biden rolled out more nominations earlier in his presidency than others.
Fifteen of his 19 nominees so far are women, including 11 women from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. The Senate confirmed U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson — widely considered a Supreme Court contender — to the influential U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on Monday. Additionally, it gave final approval to Zahid Quraishi, a magistrate judge from New Jersey and the first Muslim confirmed as a federal judge, in a bipartisan vote on Thursday.
They have both arrived.
In contrast to President Trump's 2018 meeting with Putin in Helsinki, which included a meeting accompanied only by interpreters, Biden and Putin aren't expected to have any solo dealings.
Biden will push Putin to stop meddling in democratic elections, to ease tensions with Ukraine and to stop giving safe harbor to hackers carrying out cyber and ransomware attacks. Aides believe that lowering the temperature with Russia will also reinforce U.S. ties to democracies existing in Moscow’s shadow
It is an honor to see the President of the United States confronting a brutal dictator, instead of Helsinki.
Making Biden wait Putin sends the message that he's in charge of this summit.
BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! They were both on time numb nutz....WTF are tim watching Fantasy Island????????
John Bolton is on Morning Joe, he said that he is that Trump, like I said, he watched Fox instead of the consulting with experts in foreign policy issues.
Probably watching Newsmax aka Pravda
The Latest: Biden and Putin open summit with a handshake.
The picture is great news
rrb said...
Going to be a fun summit.
Slow Joe will be heavily reliant upon his "Trump's fault" flash cards.
LOL. Poor bastard.
Did Biden bring his lapdog press with him ?
Towards a Renewed Transatlantic Partnership
The United States and the European Union represent 780 million people who share democratic values and the largest economic relationship in the world. We have a chance and a responsibility to help people make a living and keep them safe and secure, fight climate change, and stand up for democracy and human rights. We laid the foundations of the world economy and the rules-based international order after World War II based on openness, fair competition, transparency, and accountability. Some of the rules need an update: to protect our health, our climate and planet, to ensure democracy delivers and technology improves our lives.We, the leaders of the European Union and the United States, met today to renew our Transatlantic partnership, set a Joint Transatlantic Agenda for the post-pandemic era, and commit to regular dialogue to take stock of progress.Together, we intend to: (i) end the COVID-19 pandemic, prepare for future global health challenges, and drive forward a sustainable global recovery; (ii) protect our planet and foster green growth; (iii) strengthen trade, investment, and technological cooperation; and (iv) build a more democratic, peaceful, and secure world. We are committed to uphold the rules-based international order with the United Nations at its core, reinvigorate and reform multilateral institutions where needed, and cooperate with all those who share these objectives.
The left seems as excited as little girls at the prospect of Slow Joe fellating Pooty Poot today.
Fucked up daddy adding more inanity than cramps!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Cramps can't tell time and fucked daddy seconds his stupidity as usual.....!!!!! Maybe his lap dog can relieve his frustration!!!!!!
Did Biden bring his lapdog press with him ?
Is there any other kind?
The WH press corps probably enjoyed heaping bowls of Slow Joe's runny shit on the way over on AF1.
Even better than Cum-Allah's "pearl necklace" cookies.
The left seems as excited as little girls at the prospect of Slow Joe fellating Pooty Poot today.
BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!! Like you slurp on trumps fat white ass??????? God you are a pathetic useless asshole!!!!
Funny how all the righties are rooting for biden to fail.....the start was most encouraging as rat and company are already spreading the bullshit propaganda of trump who failed miserably at EVERYTHING , he did!!!!!! Keep posting rat, your foolish hope that biden fails is typical of Ag school drop out losers!!!!
rrb said...
Did Biden bring his lapdog press with him ?
Is there any other kind?
The WH press corps probably enjoyed heaping bowls of Slow Joe's runny shit on the way over on AF1.
Even better than Cum-Allah's "pearl necklace" cookies.
I see VERY lo iq Denny is drooling as always, providing nothing,
and bleating
We know what that means
President Joe Biden’s attendance at early morning Mass with Pope Francis was nixed from an early plan for the first meeting of both leaders, a reliable Vatican source told CNA.
President Biden is currently in Europe for several high level meetings, offering a potential opportunity to meet with Pope Francis. According to Vatican sources June 15, there is no meeting currently scheduled between the two men.
The President’s entourage had originally requested for Biden to attend Mass with the pope early in the morning, but the proposal was nixed by the Vatican after considering the impact that Biden receiving Holy Communion from the pope would have on the discussions the USCCB is planning to have during their meeting starting Wednesday, June 16.
The meeting will take about four hours
Jimmy Hitler Jr. Will spew racist comments
Nobody will respond
Funny how all the righties are rooting for biden to fail.....
On the contrary BWAA, this drooling fucktard is still my president, and I'm rooting for him to NOT get his dementia-addled clock cleaned TOO fucking badly by Putin.
In the annals of American history, no politician has been MORE WRONG on foreign policy than Slow Joe. NO ONE. And it's not even close.
Steve Scalise
Unbelievable. Andrew McCabe says the FBI isn't sure why we were attacked playing baseball.
- The gunman came with a list of Republicans
- He verified we were Republicans before shooting
- He was in the Facebook group "Terminate the Republican Party”
A real mystery.
Just like not being able to determine who "the big guy" is.
The FBI must be filled with partisan imbeciles like roger and VERY lo iq.
m rooting for him to NOT get his dementia-addled
BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Sure asshole as your idol trump shits his pants waiting for the shoe to drop and for Biden to embarrass the living shit out of him with a productive meeting. As to your claim of being wrong........what specially do YOU OBJECT TO??? Seems to me he has gotten Europe back together in a unified voice.....making NATO stronger and getting BiBi out like trump....Seems to me nothing but success.....LOLOLOLO
Peter J. Hasson
Hunter Biden's art is selling for up to $500k. His art dealer tells @HoustonKeene that buyers will remain anonymous
Oilfield Rando
Literally everyone knows what’s happening here in broad ass daylight
Potential future Washington Post Headline: Republicans are attacking artists to stifle opposition
This bitch needs a good fucking....Maybe she's rats type.....ugly and stupid......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Marjorie Taylor Greene leads conspiracy-heavy attack on Fauci
Yahoo News
June 15, 2021, 6:36 PM
0:35 2:42
Greene introduces bill to oust Fauci
and their children's education.
WASHINGTON — One after another, some of the most conservative members of the House of Representatives took to the stage at the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday to denounce Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical adviser to President Biden, and to air other pandemic-related grievances.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., who was introducing a bill to reduce Fauci’s salary to $0 and have him account for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic, led the attacks. The proposed legislation, called the Fire Fauci Act, stands no chance of passage in a House controlled by Democrats.
Nevertheless, the highly vituperative affair — replete with reminders that Fauci was an “unelected bureaucrat” — was indicative of how the bespectacled, Brooklyn-born immunologist continues to be at the center of every ongoing debate related to the coronavirus, including the economic costs of lockdowns (low, says a new study, though there are, of course, social and psychic costs to isolation) and the efficacy of wearing masks (exceptionally high, the discomfort of masking aside).
Never forget. The Biden DOJ is not fighting election fraud--it's fighting the audits.
Potential future Washington Post Headline: Republicans are attacking artists to stifle opposition
NYT article:
The NY Times is running CCP propaganda lines to demonize those asking for the truth on COVID’s origins
Utter filth
New York Times
China's bitch
Stephen L. Miller
Hunter Biden can drop N-Bombs & Chuck Schumer can use the r-word but random teenagers college admissions get tanked over years old tik toks because of the New York Times
New York Times
Correct, the Power is Putin's.
Roger would not know he has never been in charge .
CommonsenseJune 16, 2021 at 6:22 AM
President Biden is arriving on time.
Vladimir Putin is arriving now.
Making Biden wait Putin sends the message that he's in charge of this summit."
The gibberish of the right extremist fucked up continues without a single truth.....just twitter opinions that are complete BULLSHIT just like trump!!!!!! The root cause of the GOP failure to attract new blood to the fold and the mass exodus of registered R voters!!!!!!
Ryan Saavedra
In the last week:
Biden shows up 3 hours late to a news event and answers 5 questions from pre-selected friendly reporters and struggles
Putin sits down for a 90-minute NBC News interview where he is grilled and he plays mind games with the reporter, running circles around him
If Biden emerges with a grin and an ice cream mustache it will be Kamala's turn next
And Russia will probably have the US pay to finish their pipeline
Fucked up daddy again posts sloppy seconds to mask his inferior intellect.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Tim Young
Who does Joe Biden keep saying he's going to be "in trouble" with? Surely the people who give him his pudding can't be that threatening...
No head to head post meeting with the Press?
Putin's idea?
Seems very strange that Biden would have requested no post meeting presser.
Why does fucked up keep posting unverified tripe of stupidity ?????? Why doesn't he go kiss trumps white fat ass!!!!!!!
As Putin and OPEC celebrate.
You stupid, stupid fucktard.
HE gave away the US oil production advantage
Got gas prices⬆️♨️
Oil prices up, up, up.
Reporter Releases Undercover Video EXPOSING Media Bosses
FOX gets ripped and biases exposed !!!
John Hayward
Three factors behind a genuine political revolution in the making:
1. Rising inflation, middle class realizing it's under attack
2. Wuhan lab leak story shows people how relentlessly they were lied to in 2020
3. Grassroots pushback against Critical Race Theory insanity
that's really just a small part
of an avalanche
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