Monday, June 14, 2021

Let's talk nonsense, shall we?

This was a quote from some unhinged liberal making shit up to scare people 

Statutory changes in large key electoral battleground states are dangerously politicizing the process of electoral administration, with Republican-controlled legislatures giving themselves the power to override electoral outcomes on unproven allegations should Democrats win more votes. They are seeking
to restrict access to the ballot, the most basic principle underlying the right of all adult American citizens to participate in our democracy. They are also putting in place criminal sentences and fines meant to intimidate and scare away poll workers and nonpartisan administrators. State legislatures have advanced initiatives that curtail voting methods now preferred by Democratic-leaning constituencies, such as early voting and mail voting. Republican lawmakers have openly talked about ensuring the “purity” and “quality” of the vote, echoing arguments widely used across the Jim Crow South as reasons for restricting the Black vote.

This is so bad it's almost funny. First there is nothing that "allows" legislation the power to override election results anymore than legislations have always had some power to control the process. There certainly is nothing in any of these laws that just allows the legislation to determine (without any evidence) that an election was fraudulent and give the electoral college vote to the other Party. 

The issue (as it always seems to be) is an insistence that there is never any election fraud and if you actually found evidence of any said fraud, that it would obviously be an "allegation" and no matter what would remain in the eyes of liberals as "unproven". These laws are providing much more oversight with real manners to actually question potentially fraudulent situations, which replaces a system that simply does not allow any real means to question anything or get anything done before looming safe harbor days. Many of the election lawsuits filed (in any election) tend to eventually become moot as they past safe harbor days, meaning any questions can be stalled in court. That is wrong, no matter which side of the aisle you are on. Running out the clock should not be a strategy for avoiding transparency.

Meanwhile no election official who isn't already cheating or not following the laws is going to be scared away from being an election official because cheating and not following the law will actually have criminal consequence. The concept that local election officials (who are anything but non-partisan) should not be held criminally liable for cheating or breaking the law is mindboggling. Yet, in many ways that is how it works. How the law reads and how it is implemented many times bear almost no resemblance. 2020 was an extreme example where election officials across many of these states took it upon themselves to offer "guidance" not consistent with the law, or even just blatantly altering written law. This is, in fact, breaking the law. Nobody but the legislature or a Governor under emergency powers should ever, under any circumstances, offer any guidance or make personal decisions that do not directly follow the law. 

For instance, no government official is allowed to offer guidance to the general public that it will be okay to drive 30 miles over the speed limit this weekend. No driver is allowed to take it upon themselves to ignore traffic laws for any reason. We would never consider anything remotely like this to be acceptable. Likewise, no election official should be able to tell someone that they do not have to follow election laws and no election worker should be allowed to take it upon themselves to simply follow or not follow the law on their own discretion. If you are not willing to follow the law, then you should neither be an election official or election worker. 

But it is funny how this entire statement is simply a matter of saying that they believe that it's wrong that state legislatures are actually wanting transparency, honesty, and consistency in how these elections are run. Moreover, this statement strongly suggests that officials and workers should be allowed to break election laws without consequence. 

It's nonsense. Plain and simple.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is more evidence that Republicans from all over the country were invited to come bask in the glow of the Orange Florida Man worshipping Republicans.

The Big Lie is causing some state lawmakers are carefully writing Jim Crow II generation legislation that may surprise the conservative majority Supreme Court hearings.

The last election was the most secure election in history.

But despite that fact, they are following the orders for Donald Trump himself.

If he had been elected President by a minority popular vote, and if blue states had carefully crafted legislation, designed to reduce turnout in conservative regions, Thecoldheartedtruth would be making the same argument against the evil Democratic party.

Ypu have been nominated for the Hypocrisy award! S Scott Johnson!

And of course the Anglo Saxtion supremacist award!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I hereby nominate him for the UNnoble Prize.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The officials and workers, could be charged with committing crimes, are being supervised by party appointees to supervise the election results.

Previously they were elected officials.

It's a not so subtle ability to suppress Democratic turnout.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

Let me offer a similar line of logic to yours:

The earth is flat
There are 500 days in a year
Going 90 in 30 is not breaking the law

Just offering a few things that are obviously false.

Now here is where I would spend 2-3 paragraphs personally attacking nursing home Rog with unwarranted and stupid opinions.... etc... etc....

End of comment.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I second the nomination!

rrb said...

Oh noes!

The ivory tower academy sees election oversight as an impediment to their quest for permanent and perpetual one-party, democrat rule.

It is nice though to see all of these hacks as signatories to a document vehemently opposing integrity of our elections.

It's helpful when America's traitors self-identify.

Myballs said...

How the hell can the last election be the most secure in history when we had large amounts of mail ballots with broken chain of possession? Roger talking out his ass again.

C.H. Truth said...

The officials and workers, could be charged with committing crimes, are being supervised by party appointees to supervise the election results.

Breaking the law is breaking the law. Doesn't matter who your "supervisor" is. A "supervisor" doesn't get to decided if you are arrested, charged, or found guilty.

These election officials would get every benefit of the constitution if they were accused of crimes. Innocent until proven guilty. The right to a trial. Everything that anyone accused of a crime would get.

They just don't get to break election laws with impunity and the law codifies some additional regulations and procedures that are generally ignored and makes them a law.

This is simple Roger...

If these people were following proper procedures, regulations, and laws then there would be no need for any of this. If they have a problem following procedures, regulations and laws, then they have no business as election officials.

Replace them with people who do what the law states they are supposed to do. Not what they "think is right" for them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are the author of this post.

Criticizing the author is valid.

Because he was caught by Roger Amick, he said.

End of comment.

He just admitted defeat himself, unknowingly!

LMAO at you Scott.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A partisan "supervisor has the authority to report it to the law and agency.

It's that simple that the people were following proper procedures, regulations, and laws. Carefully crafted video sessions made false accusations of voter fraud.

You want to people who supervise the people who are incapable of those
who can't "think is right" under the law.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even in conservative states, not one supervisor has been indicted for vote fraud.

The new laws would require people to distort the outcome, under the threat of fraud by partisan supervisionist

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What do Republican attempts to pass new election laws really say?

(signed) The GOP

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

James, I wish that Mel Brooks could make a new Blazing Saddles.

It would start the day Obama was born in Kenya Africa, and on January 20th in 2009 when he was sworn in as President of the United, rrb would shout, we have a new President, but then when he actually saw Obama he would say we have a new President but he's a n****r!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I want to provide you with the BEST smoking gun evidence of why this is all BS on the part of Republicans.

I want to show you the Republican governors BRAGGING about how SECURE their elections were. And yet they are now signing into law voter suppression laws to deal with how INSECURE(?!!!!) their elections were!

Let's start with that tape; let's see that:

"People are actually looking at Florida and asking the question, Why can't these states be more like Florda? Florida was able to handle eleven million ballots. the way Florida did it I think inspires confidence. I think that's how elections should be run."

"Me signing this bill here says, Florida, your vote counts. Your vote is going to be cast with integrity and transparency."

'As I've said before, we do elections well here in Arizona. The system is strong, and that's why I have bragged on it so much."

"This bill is simple. It's all about election integrity."

"I mean, look at Texas, Florida, and Ohio -- we didn't have any problem counting all of our mail in ballots. We didn't have any problem."

"The bill is here because Americans no longer trust the system... [long pause while he tries to think up his next thought] and a country where voters do not trust the system is a country in peril."

I'm going to play that every day untill I get tired of it. These Republicans told everybody that their election results could be TRUSTED because THEY were in charge and they were so good that they were a MODEL Now they are signing laws based on lies that they KNOW are lies because they told the world they are lies.

Well, think about how fast this has accelerated since November. We thought that the country was divided and that we are a post-FACTS society, and it has now moved quite a distance from that because this has now become the heart and soul -- the beating heart of the Republican party is to embrace this BIG LIE,
to cast doubt on the election,
and to use that then as an excuse to change the laws.

And you know ... before we could roll our eyes and treat the Arizona audit as a joke, but a clown with a flame thrower still has a flame thrower.
And the danger of this is that this is spreading from state to state. And, as those sound bites illustrate, they don't actually need to have any EVIDENCE that there was a problem for the Republican governors and legislators to embrace the Big Lie, embrace the theory or to go in and begin to change things. We are post-evidence and there is no logical connection to it, except that this has now become gospel in the Republican party, and it is not just Arizona, I think that in the latest count you had legislators from seven states visit this Arizona audit. So what you're seeing here is aout to metasticize across the country.



anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAA!!!! I stopped reading this steaming pile of shit at unhinged liberal....!!!!!!! The GOP is unhinged supporting an adulterer lying fat white man who only gives a shit about himself.....No other rational or facts are needed as the party is circling the drain into irrelevance!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

I saw an interview of a nurse in Tx discussing the court ruling that she gets the vaccine or get fired!!!! Her comment was " IF YOU ARE VACCINATED AND SAFE, WHY SHOULD I BE FORCED INTO TAKING IT!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Trumpian logic at its best!!!!!

Commonsense said...

James, I wish that Mel Brooks could make a new Blazing Saddles.

Not today the woke crowd would ride Brooks on a rail. He would lampoon all their sacred cows.

C.H. Truth said...

A partisan "supervisor has the authority to report it to the law and agency.

So does "MY" supervisor if I am using my company to break the law.

Any supervisor has authority to do so.

But the truth shall set you free Roger. If these people are following the laws, rules, and regulations... then they have nothing to worry about.

Why do you encourage lawbreaking by our election officials?

Is that the only way you think Democrats can win?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott wants him released today!

A woman was killed and another person was injured after a car drove into protesters in Minneapolis late Sunday night, according to police.

Minneapolis Police said in a statement that the driver, who protesters pulled from the car after the collision, was taken into police custody. He also received treatment at an area hospital.

Because he tried to kill drug addicted black people.

anonymous said...

How the hell can the last election be the most secure in history when we had large amounts of mail ballots with broken chain of possession

I cannot figure who the dumber fuck is with this steaming pile of or cramps??? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The US Mail is the chain of custody and secure!!!!! We used US mail for transmission of classified documents and communication as a routine!!! The codes required proper enclosures a stamp and bingo....And you fucking assholes opine that ballots are a problem....based on what, the opinion of fox news and fat assed trump????????? God you are stupid beyond words!!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The only way Republicans can win is to reduce turnout.

You think Democrats can win if turnout can win for decades, unless the Republicans depress turnout.

You are afraid of the basic right to choose our leaders.

It's very typical in history.

C.H. Truth said...

I cannot figure who the dumber fuck is with this steaming pile of misinformation. The US Mail is the chain of custody and secure!!!!!

Not a one of those ballots that went into the "drop boxes" went through the US mail. Not to fact check you or anything.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the Republicans actually tried to keep the election system safe from cybersecurity issues I would support them..

But they are afraid of the people.

C.H. Truth said...

If the Republicans actually tried to keep the election system safe from cybersecurity issues I would support them..

Cybersecurity is not the problem Rog...

The problem is that we have ultra-partisan local election officials who are more interested in their candidates than a transparent count.

Ask yourself a simple question.

Why is there not a single election official from a Republican county who is upset that they will now have to start following the rules, regulations, and the law? Why is it that only the election officials from Democratic counties are up in arms?

If this was truly an infringement on election officials properly doing their jobs, then every election official would be upset.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The number of drop off locations was increased astronomicaly in highly minority neighborhoods, because they didn't have access to vaccine injection and the high death rates among African Americans.

The new drop off location cover minority neighborhoods, cover neighborhoods with 100,000 voters. They also reduced the number of days you are allowed to vote.

It's carefully crafted to reduce turnout in minority neighborhoods.

In the largely white and conservative neighborhoods, the number of voting locations, access to public voting location is much easier.

Turnout scared Trump. Because the highest turnout in history happened on November election day.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

With the exception of two or three locations that you keep bringing up, are not credible evidence of fraud.

Scott, there not a single elected election official from a Republican countywide states believe The Big Lie.

The Republican states are replacing elected officials with unqualified conservative people.

The Department of Justice is getting rid of unqualified employees, appointed by Trump.

It's good that you were a computer geek, because if you had become a lawyer, you would suck.

Even Bill Barr said that there was enough evidence of sufficient credible evidence of fraud to reverse the election.

Anonymous said...

Notice how quickly Roger ran from the failures of "$reen Energy".


By Cyril Widdershoven - Jun 13, 2021, 6:00 PM CDT

In its latest Monthly Oil Report, the IEA called on OPEC+ to increase production in order to counter higher demand in 2022

 latest Monthly Oil Report, the IEA called on OPEC+ to increase production.

The agency claimed that, based on current global economic growth expectations, demand for crude oil and petroleum products will be reaching pre-COVID levels by 2022. The Paris-based energy watchdog, which has come under fire after its shocking Net-Zero by 2050 report called for no more investments in oil and gas, stated that “OPEC+ needs to open the taps to keep the world oil markets adequately supplied”.  At the same time, the IEA has also reiterated that market realities are at odds with its proposed strategies to reach net zero-emission levels by 2050. Criticism will likely be harsh for the “former” leading oil and gas agency, as the agency has called upon the world to double down on renewables and commit to the Paris Agreement while admitting that the global economy continues to demand vast amounts of hydrocarbons."

Joe gave away our production Stratigic Advantage.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Off topic kputz shut the fuck up.

rrb said...

Why is there not a single election official from a Republican county who is upset that they will now have to start following the rules, regulations, and the law? Why is it that only the election officials from Democratic counties are up in arms?

And why do democrats have to lie about the disparate impact of voter ID requirements which requires that they infantilize minorities?

I love how the left celebrates "turnout" when they have to muster "turnout" from cemeteries and old incorrect voter registration rolls, and ballot "harvesting" is like religion to them.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If the Democrats get the story out loud enough in neighborhoods where the women turnout elected President Joe Biden, in the next election, they have a chance to increase the majority in both sides.

C.H. Truth said...

The number of drop off locations was increased astronomicaly in highly minority neighborhoods, because they didn't have access to vaccine injection and the high death rates among African Americans.

Which allowed for a much less secure situation in the name of emergency medical reasons.

By 2022 there will be no more medical emergency, therefor the very excuse/reason you give for having a less security situation no longer exists?

So be honest Rog...

You appear to be saying that you admit that drop boxes are less secure and were in place because of Covid... but you want to continue being less secure in spite of no longer having a medical emergency?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My problem I said, you have ignored.

The reduction of them because of the pandemic is valid. But as usual your ignored the real problem.

First there is no credible evidence of fraud from the drop off locations.

Second autopsy of the Republican party now.

The new drop off location cover minority neighborhoods, cover neighborhoods with 100,000 voters. They also reduced the number of days you are allowed to vote.

It's carefully crafted to reduce turnout in minority neighborhoods.

In the largely white and conservative neighborhoods, the number of voting locations, access to public voting location is much easier.

Provide reasonable doubt Scott Johnson

Not American Greatness!

Anonymous said...

Lol@ 4F-Alky.

Roger you are wrong on every topic.

Bit, unlike you I like you posting because you are a brain-dead fucktard socialist.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The last time that actually happened was before you were born in 1964.

The Democratic governor of Illinois had the dead voted for LBJ.

Nixon was aware, but he conceded defeat.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lol@ 4F-Former President Trump.

He got the deferment in the last year of drafting.

We eliminated the draft in 1975 at the end of the Vietnam war.

Shut up kputz.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

In many Republican states have reduced the number of Post Drop off locations. Because the Post Department verifies mail ballots.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

California’s Mammoth Economic Recovery
June 14, 2021 at 1:20 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard
Matthew Winkler:
“No one anticipated the latest data readout showing the Golden State has no peers among developed economies for expanding GDP, creating jobs, raising household income, manufacturing growth, investment in innovation, producing clean energy and unprecedented wealth through its stocks and bonds. All of which underlines Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement last month of the biggest state tax rebate in American history.

“By adding 1.3 million people to its non-farm payrolls since April last year — equal to the entire workforce of Nevada — California easily surpassed also-rans Texas and New York. At the same time, California household income increased $164 billion, almost as much as Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania combined.”

House Democrats Lay Groundwork for Reconciliation Bill

June 14, 2021 at 12:30 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 34 Comments
“As the bipartisan group continues to educate their respective members on their $1.2 trillion infrastructure proposal, Democratic leadership and key chairs will crank up the work on a potential Democratic-only infrastructure bill this week, paving the way for Democrats to go it alone if they choose to do so,” CNN reports.

Commonsense said...

First there is no credible evidence of fraud from the drop off locations.

This is the rhetorical equivalent to "you ain't got nothing on me!!"

rrb said...

White Liberal Shocked As Black Man Gets ID

Anonymous said...

4F-Alky, simple task.
Why are you so spectacularly wrong on so very many subjects?

Like Bidenomics, he gave away the USA Stratigic Advantage on Oil, why?

Those are great union high paying jobs.

C.H. Truth said...


You cannot prove that there wasn't fraud. It's impossible.

But we managed to maintain a Democracy for over 24 decades without "drop boxes" which exist in almost no laws. In Georgia (where they are codifying them in) they are simply making sure that they are in secure locations where there they can be monitored and watched.

This is like when Democrats demand a 10% increase in some spending, have to settle for 5% and then demand that Republicans are "cutting spending". Georgia will have actual drop boxes in the law for the first time ever, and liberals are demanding that allowing for drop boxes is Jim Crow and Restrictive... because they will no longer be sitting out on a street corner unmonitored (which nobody in their right mind should want to see).

Anonymous said...

4F-Alky too spectacularly stupid.
"Fact check: Biden received multiple draft deferments from Vietnam

Claim: Lifeguard/football player Joe Biden got five draft deferments for asthma during Vietnam

Claimed by: Marietta Mitchell

Fact check by USA Today: True"

C.H. Truth said...

In many Republican states have reduced the number of Post Drop off locations.

Proof of what I just stated.

There is no law in any state that allows for drop boxes. If none of these stated updated their voting laws, there would be ZERO drop boxes in 2022.

Drop boxes exist solely because of Covid emergency measures.

How can going from Zero to an actual number be "reducing" anything.

Anonymous said...


Again, another unpresided 9-0 USSC ruling out today.

Supreme Court rejects retroactive sentence reductions for small amounts of crack cocaine

JOHN FRITZE | USA TODAY | 2 hours ago


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I'm waiting my time on this case because you have been gaslighted by Trump.

Remember when you supported Trump's isolationist philosophy, and said that Sleepy Joe is soft spoken about China .

It's changing today.

NATO Live Updates: Leaders Focus on China’s Military Ambitions

President Biden is taking part in his first NATO summit as president. Topping the agenda as the 30 member nations meet are the challenges of a more aggressive Russia and a rising China.

rrb said...

‘There it is!’ AOC said the quiet part out loud about why Dems ‘cannot rely solely on a wish of winning elections’

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have to do an investigation into the actual details.

For decades in the past, the number of voting locations in minority neighborhoods, had fewer locations per
person, so like in last November, the lines would take hours until they could sign up and go to the secure election boxes. And nobody else could give them drinks.

Unfortunately unless the Congress passes the voting security act, the the Republican may be in control for years. despite being the minority.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

But they can apply for a reduced sentence.

Before this decision three shots and you couldn't apply for a reduced sentence.

I agree with the Supreme Court decision today

Commander-in-Thief Biden said...

So Joe has approved a Russian pipeline, killed a US pipeline and removed tariffs on a large Communist Chinese company.

But now he is going to talk tough.

While being scared to answer questions from reporters his handlers haven't approved and given him notes for his answers.




Putin would have scrubbed the floor with him side by side.

And his handlers know it.

anonymous said...

There is no law in any state that allows for drop box

I guess you ignore the fact that every post office is a drop box.......or is that beyond your ability ?????? Why do you think there are no laws for them???? Me thinks this is another red herring of right wing stupidity...... And please as far as I am concerned every external mail box that letters can be dropped by law is a drop box that can't be fucked with under penalty of law........

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Supreme Court has denied the good people on both sides, appeal to avoid prosecution.

SCOTUS Declines to Hear the Cases of Charlottesville White Supremacists Who Were Convicted Under Federal Anti-Riot Law

MARISA SARNOFFJun 14th, 2021, 12:22 pm



The Supreme Court of the United States has denied the certiorari requests of Michael Miselis and Benjamin Daley, members of a California-based white supremacist group who travelled to Virginia to participate in the deadly 2017 white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, essentially upholding their convictions as well as the lower court’s narrowing of the federal anti-rioting act under which they were convicted.

In March 2017, Miselis and Daley, at the time members of the now-defunct white supremacist group Rise Above Movement (RAM), traveled from California to Charlottesville to attend the “Unite the Right” rally, according to federal prosecutors. Once there, the two men, who had wrapped their hands in white athletic tape in apparent preparation for hand-to-hand violence, were part of a group of at least 40 people who “collectively pushed, punched, kicked, chocked [sic], head-butted, and otherwise assaulted several individuals resulting in a riot,” the DOJ said.

They were prosecuted under the 1968 federal Anti-Riot Act, which provided that anyone engaging in interstate commerce may not “organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot,” among other provisions. The men both struck plea deals; in 2019, Miselis was sentenced to 27 months in prison, while Daley was sentenced to 37 months. When the two were sentenced, U.S. Attorney Thomas Cullen called Miselis and Daley “white supremacists” and said they were “motivated by hateful ideology.”

“These defendants, motivated by hateful ideology, incited and committed acts of violence in Charlottesville, as well at other purported political rallies in California,” Cullen said. “They were not interested in peaceful protest or lawful First Amendment expression; instead, they intended to provoke and engage in street battles with those that they perceived as their enemies. I am grateful for the diligence and hard work of the FBI and Virginia State Police in bringing these violent white supremacists to justice.”

Anonymous said...

"There it is!’ AOC said the quiet part out loud about why Dems ‘cannot rely solely on a wish of winning elections’"

We have always said, listen to the Neo-socialist , they will tell you what they are all about.

Anonymous said...

Oh oh, has Neo-socialist Joe lost CNBC .


Americans' inflation fears reach a fever pitch as consumer prices rise

PUBLISHED MON, JUN 14 2021 12:56 PM EDT"

4F-Alky dazed and confused and Spectacularly wrong but entertaining, here you stupid inbred mutt, fetch.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Affirmative action may not survive the conservative Supreme Court.

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday gave the Biden administration the chance to weigh in on Harvard’s use of race in the university’s admissions process, inviting the acting U.S. solicitor general to file a brief arguing whether the high court should take up the case in its next term.

The justices’ invitation, which was not issued with a filing deadline or a mandatory order, effectively postponed the court from making a decision on the hot-button affirmative action issue at the center of the long-running litigation initially brought by the group Students For Fair Admissions (SFFA).

SFFA is led by conservative legal strategist Edward Blum, known for his decades-long battle against affirmative action. Though he’s been a part of several race-related federal lawsuits, he is perhaps best known for his work with Abigail Fisher, who claimed that her rejection from the University of Texas Austin was due to her being white.

This is going to be interesting because is original intent is going to apply.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

C.H. Truth said...

I guess you ignore the fact that every post office is a drop box.......or is that beyond your ability ??

Actually no...

The drop boxes for ballots that these laws are referring to are not the same thing as Post Office drop boxes. But thanks for playing.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

However, the court held, the convictions of Miselis and Daley were still valid, as “the record … establishes conclusively that the defendants’ substantive offense conduct falls under the statute’s surviving purposes[.]” (Notably, in 2020, then-Attorney General Bill Barr indicated that the DOJ may use the Anti-Riot Act to prosecute people participating in racial-justice protests following the murder of George Floyd.)

Anonymous said...

This USSC has more cases in which they have decided cases 9-0.

They are not a liberal court or a conservative court.
They are The USSC.

4F-Alky dazed and confused and Spectacularly wrong, this time on this court.

Biden court packing scheme is dead.

Anonymous said...

I get no pleasure in pointing out how incompetent the Neo-socialist are that control Bidenomics.
"Overall, the expectation is that the inflation rate will be up to 4% one year from now — a new high for one-year-ahead inflation expectations — and at 3.6% three years from now, the highest level since August 2013, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York's Survey of Consumer Expectations for May."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There is no law in any state that allows for drop boxes. If none of these stated updated their voting laws, there would be ZERO drop boxes in 2022.

Scott Johnson schizophrenia MD

Drop boxes exist solely because of Covid emergency measures.

You are 100% incorrect.

Stand up for the facts!

Misinformation isn't going away just because it's a new year. Support trusted, factual information with a tax deductible contribution to PolitiFact.

Ballot drop boxes were popular in 2020. Then they became a GOP target


Robert Mabe inserts his ballot into a drop box, Monday, Nov. 2, 2020, in Salt Lake City. (AP)

By Amy ShermanMay 19, 2021


Ballot drop boxes have been used for many years across the country and without controversy as a convenient way for voters to drop off their ballots without relying on the mail.

Amid the pandemic, ballot drop boxes grew in popularity in 2020.

Despite this, Florida, Georgia and Iowa lawmakers passed new laws in 2021 to add restrictions on ballot drop boxes.

As the U.S. Postal Service struggled and COVID-19 raged, millions of 2020 voters chose to return their mail ballots using official ballot drop boxes rather than risk unreliable mail delivery or crowded spaces.

These drop boxes — often big, sturdy, slotted, steel receptacles — had been used in blue and red states for about two decades without controversy. But in the heat of 2020 politics, they became a flashpoint for partisan bickering as then-President Donald Trump described them as a "voter security disaster."

Now, debate over drop boxes has spilled into the halls of state legislatures, where Republicans have sought to rewrite laws after Democrats benefitted from a surge of voting

Drop boxes are secure boxes often located outside of polling sites or government buildings where voters can drop in their completed mail ballots. They enable voters to bypass the U.S. mail system and deposit absentee or mail-in ballots at secure locations to be collected later by election officials. 

Election officials

Election officials

Election officials


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

These drop boxes — often big, sturdy, slotted, steel receptacles — had been used in blue and red states for about two decades without controversy. But in the heat of 2020 politics, they became a flashpoint for partisan bickering as then-President Donald Trump described them as a "voter security disaster."

Now, debate over drop boxes has spilled into the halls of state legislatures, where Republicans have sought to rewrite laws after Democrats benefitted from a surge of voting

Drop boxes are secure boxes often located outside of polling sites or government buildings where voters can drop in their completed mail ballots. They enable voters to bypass the U.S. mail system and deposit absentee or mail-in ballots at secure locations to be collected later by election officials. 

Election officials

Election officials

Election officials



Roger AmickJune 14, 2021 at 1:59 PM

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I guess you ignore the fact that every post office is a drop box.......or is that beyond your ability ??

Actually no...

The drop boxes for ballots that these laws are referring to are not the same thing as Post Office drop boxes. But thanks for playing.



Roger AmickJune 14, 2021 at 2:01 PM

These drop boxes — often big, sturdy, slotted, steel receptacles — had been used in blue and red states for about two decades without controversy. But in the heat of 2020 politics, they became a flashpoint for partisan bickering as then-President Donald Trump described them as a "voter security disaster."

Now, debate over drop boxes has spilled into the halls of state legislatures, where Republicans have sought to rewrite laws after Democrats benefitted from a surge of voting

Drop boxes are secure boxes often located outside of polling sites or government buildings where voters can drop in their completed mail ballots. They enable voters to bypass the U.S. mail system and deposit absentee or mail-in ballots at secure locations to be collected later by election officials. 

Election officials

Election officials

Election officials



Roger AmickJune 14, 2021 at 1:59 PM

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


You need help Scott Johnson.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


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Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Looney tunes

Anonymous said...

Roger replies to Roger


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott are you an isolationist? Trump is.

"…I think it's great to have a US President part of the club and very willing to cooperate," said French President Emmanuel Macron.


This was a quote by the President of France. He and many other Leaders before him, in France and throughout Europe, were ripping off the United States like never before. We were treated very unfairly with horrible trade deals, and paying for a large portion of their defense. They were taking advantage of the United States and therefore, of course, they like Biden because now they will be allowed to return to their old ways of ripping off our Country. If I were a leader of these countries, I too would like Biden far better than President Trump. They will now get very rich off the United States just like they have in the past until a change is made. I am for AMERICA FIRST

Anonymous said...

Roger old broke and broke mental dwarf.

A simple truth.
You read and post economic and financial stuff.

But you don't have the education to comprehend it nor debate it.

I told you three months ago Bidenomics would led to high inflation.

It is not transitory, it is "$ystemic".

Anonymous said...

Most of the G-7 are glad that Biden gave them a US EBT card.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

Alky 1 GA county has never had a drop box, with the new law, they must now provide a drop box

Anonymous said...

Today is Flag Day.

Did you put yours out today Roger?

rrb said...

Blogger Caliphate4vr said...

Alky 1 GA county has never had a drop box, with the new law, they must now provide a drop box

LOL. Don't let the facts interfere with one of the alky's masturbatory conspiracy theories.

Anonymous said...

Roger, please , tell us how the US Federal reserve can lower rates, to help Bidenomics?

Deep State Detective said...

We must break up the traitors in Facebook and Twitter and Google.

Today, one of the precious commodities imperiled by Big Tech’s market power is conservative speech, which is downstream from antitrust. Google, Facebook, and others can throttle conservatives because they have the market power to do so. It’s the same market power that allows Big Tech to crush small businesses. And it’s the same market power that allows Big Tech to deplatform a sitting President of the United States not long after they blocked the New York Post -- one of our nation’s oldest newspapers -- from circulating the most important news story in last year’s presidential election cycle.

The only way to tackle this market power is through antitrust. The time to act is now. Just like Franklin Roosevelt

Mike Davis is founder and president of the Internet Accountability Project (IAP), a conservative grassroots advocacy organization that opposes Big Tech and seeks to hold them accountable for their bad acts.

Anonymous said...

The 9-0 ruling on crack cocaine was a beat down on Biden.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

NATO was there during soars Yahoo !

President Joe Biden on Monday called NATO’s Article 5 – which states an attack on one member nation is an attack on all – "a sacred obligation," and NATO was poised to update how it will respond jointly to cyberattacks.

"I constantly remind Americans that when America was attacked for the first time on its shores since what happened back at the end of World War II, NATO stepped up,” the president said in a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, referencing the 9/11 

"I just want all of Europe to know that the United States is there. The United States is there."

The United States is back to normal!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., denounced the "politicization" of government under former President Donald Trump on Thursday after The New York Times reported that the Justice Department targeted records of the communications of key Democratic lawmakers, their aides and family members.

He also called for an inquiry into what he said amounted to a “terrible abuse of power.”

"It violates, I think, the separation of powers, but it also makes the Department of Justice a fully owned subsidiary of the president's personal legal interests," Schiff, who was targeted in the subpoena, said in an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Schiff, the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, did not name who else had been targeted, and he said he did not know whether Republican members were included, adding that the subpoenas were "extraordinarily broad."

In a separate statement, Schiff said: "President Trump repeatedly and flagrantly demanded that the Department of Justice carry out his political will, and tried to use the Department as a cudgel against his political opponents and members of the media. It is increasingly apparent that those demands did not fall on deaf ears. The politicization of the Department and the attacks on the rule of law are among the most dangerous assaults on our democracy carried out by the former President."

Schiff said that although the inquiry appears to be closed, there should be an internal investigation.

A closed inquiry can subpoena Barr and again the wannabe dictator Trump. Because it's a closed hearing they can't plead the fifth amendment rights. If they refuse to testify, they can be arrested and held until they testify.

We are defending the United States of America and for which it stands.

rrb said...

Schiff said that although the inquiry appears to be closed, there should be an internal investigation.


Just as soon as Schiff is dragged across the fucking coals for accessing Devin Nunes' cell phone records.

Schiff is the biggest fucking crook in the house, bar none. Fucking scumbag.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The former President had cost thousands of union jobs in California.

President Biden is bringing us back together.

A $929-million federal grant for the California bullet train project was restored Thursday, reversing a decision by the Trump administration to terminate the funding.

The grant was restored under a settlement of a suit brought by California, asserting the U.S. Department of Transportation acted improperly in taking away the money in May 2019.

The action was widely anticipated in recent weeks after statements by President Biden’s administration that it was working on a settlement. The Federal Railroad Administration formally announced the settlement Friday morning.

In a written statement, the agency said the settlement “reflects the federal government’s ongoing partnership in the development of high-speed rail” and “is an important step in advancing an economically transformational project in California.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If Sleepy Joe's DOJ had got the phone call information on Sean Hannity I would have said stop stealing from the free press

Anonymous said...

What does an idiot post

Roger AmickJune 14, 2021 at 4:14 PM

"A $929-million federal grant for the California bullet train project was restored"

Anonymous said...


Has it taken a passenger yet?
When will it be profitable?

"The price tag of the massive project to build a Los Angeles -to- San Francisco high-speed rail system has shot up from an original estimate in 2008 of $33 billion with service starting in 2020 to at least $100 billion with an uncertain start date.Feb 22, 2021"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trumpism vs Putinism 

They share a governmental style.

Putin blockes elections.

Trump doesn't believe them.

On January 6th he tried to block the election results.

Biden made it clear that he admired Putin and Kim Jong Ung.

Trump has replaced the party symbol of Lincoln with the symbol of Trump.

Anonymous said...

So Roger, is the .CA. train yet again an issue you are unable to debate?

Your topic .

C.H. Truth said...

You are correct Roger...

Prior to 2020 eight states had used drop boxes. Not sure if these were covered under the law or not. 34 states used them in 2020 - almost none had laws that codified them.

But the fact that some states "used" them - doesn't mean that there was any law that codified them.

I had previously stated:

Roger... You cannot prove that there wasn't fraud. It's impossible. But we managed to maintain a Democracy for over 24 decades without "drop boxes" which exist in almost no laws.

I later mistakenly stated that no states had such laws, which I am not sure about. All I know if that the States who are passing new laws (Georgia, Texas) are replacing laws that existed and those laws did not have any codification for the right to use "drop boxes".

Again.. the fact that states used them, doesn't mean that there was a law to allow it.

At this point there are no laws that I am aware of that are reducing or removing drop boxes from the previous law. If the laws did not necessarily provide for or forbid drop boxes, then it's questionable if the use of them is legal or not.

Either way, now that they were used in 2020 - it becomes important for each state to write laws that include how (or even if) to use them moving forward. Most of the drop boxes in many states were monitored. Some just had them willy nilly all over the place.

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics,,,, Inflation is ♨️.

Only liars and idiot hacks believe it is transitory.

"The prices of gasoline and crude oil both moved higher on Monday, squeezing U.S. consumers in the grip of the strongest inflation in over a decade.

A barrel of Brent Crude rose to $72.88, the highest price since October of 2018. West Texas crude was trading around $70.90, also the highest since October of 2018."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


But we differ on the methods of increasing secure elections.

Looking back to the systems in history were designed to reduce turnout. Unfortunately the Republicans of Trump believe in The Big Lie. By putting unqualified supervisors in charge of counting votes, who believe The Big Lie, doesn't increase security.

Would you like me to count votes?

Most of the drop boxes in many states were monitored. We agree on increasing security. But take your analytical skills to investigate why the number of drop off locations, in minority neighborhoods vs the more affluent areas.

And again why is it more difficult to prove voter ID cards among African American Christians who have been voting after church services for decades. People who were born in poor neighborhoods don't have birth certificates because they were born in their homes.

My oldest sister Marilyn was born in my grandmother's ranch in South Dakota. Back in the 30s it was a different story.

Caliphate4vr said...

In a written statement, the agency said the settlement “reflects the federal government’s ongoing partnership in the development of high-speed rail” and “is an important step in advancing an economically transformational project in California.”

Nothing says economically transformational like 300 year old technology

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At this point there are no laws that I am aware of that are reducing or removing drop boxes from the previous law.

But again, in the past, the number of boxes per person was much lower in African American neighborhoods.

C.H. Truth said...

But again, in the past, the number of boxes per person was much lower in African American neighborhoods.

Can you tell us which eight states used it, the number of drop boxes used in each state, and then the number or drop boxes by county?

Then we could research whether this assertion is valid or nonsense.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

We don't know his race.

An Asian American woman was assaulted early Monday morning on Washington Boulevard, in an attack that Culver City police are calling a possible hate crime.

Around 1 a.m. on June 14, the victim was walking to work on westbound Washington Boulevard when a man asked her for a cigarette, police said in a statement. Fearful of the man, she told him she did not have a cigarette and attempted to walk away.

The man then allegedly "approached her from behind, yelled a racial slur and hit her on the right side of her head with an unknown object causing her to fall to the ground."

He then fled on foot, westbound on Washington Boulevard, according to police.

That happened today not far away!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's going to take some time.

But historically it happened since the end of Reconstruction. The Jim Crow era

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Caliphate4vr said...

Can you tell us which eight states used it, the number of drop boxes used in each state, and then the number or drop boxes by county?

Then we could research whether this assertion is valid or nonsense.

Yeah, right

he’ll be long dead before that happens

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The new railroad doesn't use coal fueled Engines.


China has a huge railroad system

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LMAO LMAO because I know how to use Google

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott, the hill

What's more, those drop boxes won't be available in the last four days of an election, when drop boxes become particularly useful because of potential postage delays that could cause the ballot to arrive late to elections offices.

The law mandates at least one drop box per county. But it also limits additional drop boxes to either one per 100,000 registered voters or one per voting location, depending on which is fewer.

Trump railed against the use of drop boxes last year, claiming that they were vulnerable to tampering and voter fraud despite the fact that drop boxes have been used without incident for years in many jurisdictions.

It gives state lawmakers sweeping control over elections

State lawmakers and the Georgia State Elections Board are set to gain new powers under the law, while the secretary of state will be stripped of one of its key roles.

The law allows the State Elections Board to temporarily suspend county elections directors and boards that it deems in need of review. At the same time, the secretary of state will be removed as chair of the state board and will be made an ex-officio, nonvoting member.

Those provisions have raised particular concerns among Democrats, who say that it will give far-reaching control over state and local elections procedures to partisan legislators and allow them to determine, for example, which ballots to count.

The provision stripping the secretary of state of its top role on the State Elections Board comes after the current secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, repeatedly rejected former President Trump's requests to overturn his loss in the 2020 presidential election in Georgia.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Quote of the Day
June 14, 2021 at 4:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 231 Comments
“It’s the single most consequential thing I’ve done in my time as majority leader of the Senate.”
— Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, on blocking Barack Obama from appointing a new Supreme Court Justice to fill the late Antonin Scalia’s seat.

Taegan Goddard comments:
"McConnell is taunting Democrats with this statement — and betting they won’t do anything to retaliate."

McConnell Would Block Biden Supreme Court Pick In 2024
June 14, 2021 at 10:20 am EDT
By Taegan Goddard
“Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) signaled that Republicans, if they win back control of the chamber, wouldn’t advance a Supreme Court nominee if a vacancy occurred in 2024, the year of the next presidential election,” The Hill reports.

Said McConnell:
“I think it’s highly unlikely — in fact, no, I don’t think either party, if it were different from the president, would confirm a Supreme Court nominee in the middle of an election.”

Taegan Goddard comments:
"McConnell blocked Merrick Garland
8 months before election
but confirmed Amy Coney Barrett
8 days before election.

C.H. Truth said...

Scott, the hill

Doesn't answer my question.

I trust nobody who refuses to provide the statistics and objective facts.

Anonymous said...

James your team has been hounding Justice Breyer to "retire".


Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
The new railroad doesn't use coal fueled Engines.

It’s still a fucking train that’s 300 yr old tech

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“As we’re seeing across the country this year, hundreds of bills that chip away at voter access are being advanced at an alarming rate,” said Chantal Stevens, ACLU of North Carolina executive director. “The bills being considered in our General Assembly come from this national playbook.”

Speakers at a news conference Monday criticized three Senate bills

Senate bill 326 would set a deadline of 5 p.m. on election day for mail-in ballots, eliminating the three-day grace period for ballots postmarked by election day.Senate bill 724 would require the State Board of Elections to set up an online voter registration system, even though the state Division of Motor Vehicles already has one. The news conference organizers said the proposal would “needlessly complicate online voter registration.”Senate bill 725 would prohibit the State Board of Elections and county boards from accepting private donations to help fund elections. Last year, the State Board and county boards applied for grants from nonprofits to help fund elections in the pandemic, Policy Watch has reported. The State Board used the money for two mailers to voters, single-use pens, and bonuses for workers at one-stop voting sites. The legislature appropriated $100 bonuses for election day workers, but left out workers who staffed early voting sites. Those who worked at early one-stop early voting sites received $19.56 for each day they worked. The State Board and 35 counties received grants from the Center for Tech and Civic Life, funded by Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan. The USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy gave elections grants to 10 counties. Conservative commentators jumped on the grants financed with Zuckerberg money, and states including Georgia and Arizona are banning outside elections donations.

“Voter suppression is about control – the ability to keep certain groups from exercising our fundamental right to choose how we are governed,” Stevens said. “Although these bills may appear to make small changes, they would have a big impact on voters and weaken our democracy.”

For more than 10 years, North Carolina has had a three-day grace period for mail-in ballots that are post-marked by election day to arrive at county elections boards.

At a Senate committee meeting last week, Sen. Paul Newton, a Republican representing District 36 in Cabarrus and Union counties, said counting ballots after election day “causes distrust in the process.”

For the 2020 elections, about 11,000 mail-in absentee ballots arrived in the three days after election day. Trash bags filled with paper were placed beside the speakers’ stand Monday to symbolize ballots that would be thrown out if the three-day window had been closed for last November’s election.

“This is called an Election Integrity Act, but there’s no integrity in it,” said La’Meshia Kaminski, Advance Carolina deputy political director. “We’ve seen this Jim Crow,” she said. “This is 2.0.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The only 200 year old tech is the railroad tracks.

In Blazing Saddles let the n****a do it

Anonymous said...

The cost of the train to nowhere has tripled in co$t from the beginning cost projection.
It will never, ever be profitable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is no time to build back to the way things were. This is a moment to reimagine and rebuild a new economy.

The American Jobs Plan is a historic investment that will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s infrastructure, and position the United States to out-compete China.

It will invest in America in a way we have not invested since we built the interstate highways and won the Space Race—positioning the United States to lead in infrastructure and innovation once again.

For a full overview of what’s in the plan, click here.

President Biden’s plan will:

Fix highways; rebuild bridges; and upgrade ports, airports, and transit centers.

Rebuild clean drinking water infrastructure, a renewed electric grid, and high-speed broadband to all Americans.

Modernize homes, commercial buildings, schools, and federal buildings.

Create caregiving jobs and raise wages and benefits for essential home care workers.

Revitalize manufacturing, ensure products are made in America, and invest in innovation.

Create good-paying union jobs and train Americans for jobs of the future.

Alongside the American Jobs Plan, President Biden is releasing a Made in America Tax Plan to make sure corporations pay their fair share and encourage job creation at home. The plan will ensure that corporations won’t be able to get away with paying little or no tax by shifting jobs and profits overseas. It will reward investment at home, stop profit shifting, and ensure other nations won’t gain a competitive advantage by becoming tax havens.

The Made in America Tax Plan would fully pay for the American Jobs Plan within 15 years, if passed alongside one another.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You have never proven your college degree because you have never actually written detailed analysis of anything

Caliphate4vr said...

OK 200 year old tech.

Thanks for confirming my point

Anonymous said...

The train to September 19,1868.

Cite : Los Angeles Times
"A revised business plan for the project estimates that the total cost of building the full system connecting the two major California cities could reach $100 billion, up from an estimated $98 billion a year ago. Meanwhile, the rail authority has projected it will be completed sometime in the mid-2030s. However, a funding gap of $80 billion remains."

Anonymous said...

The facts are known.

The cost of the train to nowhere has tripled in co$t from the beginning cost projection.
It will never, ever be profitable.

AND , at that there is still a " $80 Billion " funding that has to be laid on the tax payer.

This is again a failure of the G$een bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Waiting H.S. Diploma Roger

Has it taken a passenger yet?
When will it be profitable?

Anonymous said...

Yep, yet another topic 4F-Alky brought here that he knows so little about, he can't answer the most basic of business model questions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Conservatives, tell me again how you want to train young Americans to look uncritically at history, and then get back to me.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cotton’s legislation would put an end to a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race, which has become common practice in many CRT training programs.

The Republicans who block CRT would resegregare the armed forces.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Commonsense said...

Teaching CRT is uncritical marxist indoctrination. If they were teaching critical thinking, they would know what a load of shit CRT is.

Commonsense said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
Cotton’s legislation would put an end to a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race, which has become common practice in many CRT training programs.

The Republicans who block CRT would resegregare the armed forces.

Segregation is just Jim Crow. Where was the military going to set up separate drinking fountains.

Cotton's is probably not needed since segregation has been illegal for over 50 years.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It would put an end to a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race. President Truman put an end of segregation.

His law would restore segregation.

But it eludes your mind.

Commonsense said...

It would put an end to a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race

No it wouldn't, it would put an end to segregated CRT class. You completely misstated the purpose of his bill.

It was a rather stupid and dishonest thing to do.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new federal intelligence report warns that adherents of QAnon, the conspiracy theory embraced by some in the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol, could target Democrats and other political opponents for more violence as the movement’s false prophecies don’t come true.

Many QAnon followers believe former President Donald Trump was fighting enemies within the so-called “deep state” to expose a cabal of Satan-worshipping cannibals operating a child sex trafficking ring. Trump’s loss to President Joe Biden disillusioned some believers in “The Storm,” a supposed reckoning in which Trump’s enemies would be tried and executed. Some adherents have now pivoted to believing Trump is the “shadow president” or Biden’s victory was an illusion.



The report was compiled by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security and released Tuesday by Sen. Martin Heinrich, a New Mexico Democrat. It predicts that while some QAnon adherents will pull back, others “likely will begin to believe they can no longer ‘trust the plan’ referenced in QAnon posts and that they have an obligation to change from serving as ‘digital soldiers’ towards engaging in real world violence.”

As major social media companies suspend or remove QAnon-themed accounts, many followers have moved to less well-known platforms and discussed how to radicalize new users on them, the report says.

The report says several factors will contribute to QAnon’s long-term durability, including the COVID-19 pandemic, some social media companies allowing posts about the theories, societal polarization in the U.S., and the “frequency and content of pro-QAnon statements by public individuals who feature prominently in core QAnon narratives.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You obviously failed English

Commonsense said...

You obviously failed logic and rhetoric. Go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Roger.

Good that you used your walker to get away from your train to nowhere post.

anonymous said...

Why do the morons of Ohio keep electing this idiot to congress???? Other than having a big mouth and asking stupid questions, what else has he done other than support the fat asssed trump????????

Business Insider
GOP Rep. Jim Jordan rips into Joe Biden for attending the same G-7, NATO summits with US allies that Trump went to multiple times
John L. Dorman,John Haltiwanger
Mon, June 14, 2021, 2:36 PM·3 min read

Joe Biden

Donald Trump
Rep. Jim Jordan sits at a microphone.
Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio. Graeme Jennings-Pool/Getty Images
Rep. Jim Jordan appeared to criticize Biden on Monday for attending diplomatic summits in Europe.

"While Biden pals around with his buddies in Europe, the border crisis rages at home," he tweeted.

Conservatives have sought to make immigration at the US-Mexico border a rallying cry against Biden.

Sign up for the 10 Things in Politics daily newsletter.

GOP Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio on Monday appeared to criticize President Joe Biden for attending the Group of Seven and NATO summits in recent days, saying that the president should instead focus his energies on the US-Mexico border.

"While President Biden pals around with his buddies in Europe, the border crisis rages at home," Jordan, a conservative lawmaker and staunch ally of former President Donald Trump, wrote on Twitter. This, despite Biden attending the same diplomatic summits that Trump did during his single term in office.

Biden attended the 47th G-7 summit in the English county of Cornwall this past weekend.

While at the summit, Biden joined the leaders of the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan in signing a joint communiqué that addressed topics varying from strategies to end the coronavirus pandemic to a guideline for fighting climate change and an examination of international law regarding online safety and hate speech.

anonymous said...

I guess half an apology from this moron for Georgia is a start.....!!!!

She added: “But there is no comparison to the Holocaust. And there are words that I have said, remarks that I have made, that I know are offensive, and for that, I want to apologize.”

anonymous said...

And the heat goes on....especially out west!!!

May 2021 was the sixth-warmest May since global record-keeping began in 1880, 0.81 degrees Celsius (1.46°F) above the 20th-century average, NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, NCEI, reported June 14. NASA rated the month the seventh warmest May on record. The relative coolness of May, by recent standards, was partially the result of a La Niña event in […]

anonymous said...

More from above

January-May ranked as Earth’s eighth warmest such period on record, falling behind 2010 and also the six years of extreme warmth from 2015 to 2020. According to NCEI’s annual temperature outlook, the year 2021 is virtually certain to rank among the 10 warmest years on record, and more than 90% likely to fall in the range of sixth- to seventh-warmest on record. NCEI gives 2021 less than a 1% chance of becoming the warmest year on record, reflecting the modest cooling influence of the La Niña event in the Eastern Pacific early this year.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...
It would put an end to a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race. President Truman put an end of segregation.

His law would restore segregation.

But it eludes your mind.

You're an imbecile, alky...

The bill also includes a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race, which has become common practice in many CRT training programs.

It actually OPPOSES segregation by race. The same segregation that has become all the rage on college campuses across the nation.

CRT divides and foments hatred. Hatred that is not known among small children of all races, but is only known when it is TAUGHT, encouraged and sought to assuage the guilt of white liberals who have never amounted to much, often living out their days in an opioid haze, locked down in a nursing home.

anonymous said...

Gee guess what state is the first to reach 80% vaccinated??????

Dayum liberal dairy farmers have more brains than Kansas dirt farmers......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

Gee guess what state is the first to reach 80% vaccinated??????

Dayum liberal dairy farmers have more brains than Kansas dirt farmers......BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Today has a lot of good economic news coming as Bidenomics real get to going, like a train.

anonymous said...

The bill also includes a provision against segregating members of the armed forces by race, which has become common practice in many CRT training programs.

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Seems the opinion of Uncle Tom Cotton is probably about as credible as yours!!!!!! Sorry sport....WTF does common practice mean since CRT is not a curriculum any where yet????? It is your common practice to complain about everything!!!!

Anonymous said...

Roger is 100 % all in for CRT, he always was.

anonymous said...

BTW rat.....I was incorrect about it not being in the curriculum,,,,,,It is being offered in 200 colleges and universities accordion to the NY Post.....I guess that should be concern for you since you flunked out of Ag school......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

anonymous said...

The most corrupt administration ever...Toss in Jowls McConnell now threatening to reject any Biden supreme court nomination if they take back the senate.....the more the GOP heads down the shitter of irrelevance!!!!!

Tue, June 15, 2021, 7:19 AM
WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Justice detail efforts by then President Donald Trump, his chief of staff and other allies to pressure the department to challenge the 2020 presidential election results, a U.S. House panel said on Tuesday.

The House Oversight and Reform Committee, which sought the records from the Justice Department, outlined a series of overtures from Trump, top aide Mark Meadows and an outside private attorney pushing the department to act on the former Republican president's false election claims.

The documents come as U.S. lawmakers continue to investigate the Jan. 6 deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump supporters seeking to thwart Congress' certification of Democrat Joe Biden's win.

"These documents show that President Trump tried to corrupt our nation’s chief law enforcement agency in a brazen attempt to overturn an election that he lost," Chairwoman Carolyn Maloney said.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Trump Pressured Incoming Attorney General on Election

June 15, 2021 at 7:55 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 12 Comments

“An hour before President Donald Trump announced in December that William Barr would step down as attorney general, the president began pressuring Mr. Barr’s eventual replacement to have the Justice Department take up his false claims of election fraud,” the New York Times reports.

These emails “are also the latest example of Mr. Trump’s frenzied drive to subvert the election results in the final weeks of his presidency, including ratcheting up pressure on the Justice Department. And they show that Mr. Trump flouted an established anticorruption norm that the Justice Department acts independently of the White House on criminal investigations or law enforcement actions, a gap that steadily eroded during Mr. Trump’s term.”



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fighting Inflation Less Important to Voters
June 14, 2021 at 5:00 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 72 Comments

A new Data for Progress poll shows voters prioritize
the economy in general (25%),
jobs and unemployment (17%),
and the national debt (13%)
over fighting inflation (9%).

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Senate Confirms Biden Nominee to Powerful Court
June 14, 2021 at 7:02 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 156 Comments

“The Senate approved the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the federal appeals court in the District of Columbia, 53 to 44, confirming President Biden’s first nominee to the U.S. appellate courts,” CBS News reports.

“Jackson is considered a contender for the Supreme Court if a vacancy arises during Mr. Biden’s presidency, especially since the president has pledged to name the nation’s first Black woman to the high court if there is an open seat.”


Biden and EU Resolve Trade Dispute on Aircraft
June 15, 2021 at 7:21 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 29 Comments
“President Biden and European Union leaders on Tuesday reached a deal to put to rest a 17-year-old trade dispute about subsidies for aircraft manufacturers, a significant step in calming trade relations after the fury of the Trump years,” the Washington Post reports.

“The five-year truce, which was announced at the outset of a Tuesday meeting in Brussels between Biden and the top leaders of E.U. institutions, was the latest effort in a transatlantic reconciliation tour that the new president started last week at the Group of Seven summit in Britain.

“At each stop, including at NATO on Monday, Biden has tried to mend ties that were damaged by President Donald Trump, who often
sidled up to traditional American adversaries
and targeted longtime allies with vitriol.”


Publishers Snub Trump

June 15, 2021 at 6:44 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 67 Comments

Politico: “Almost five months after leaving office, major publishing houses still are wary of publishing a book by Trump, even though a post-White House memoir would almost assuredly be a best-seller. Their reluctance is driven by several factors, though the underlying fear is that whatever Trump would write wouldn’t be truthful.

“It’s unheard of for a former U.S. president to struggle to score a major book deal after leaving office. And the absence of Trump’s own words from the literary world is made even more pronounced by the fact that several of his top aides and former Cabinet officials are writing books of their own.”

Bernie Sanders Slams Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan
June 14, 2021 at 10:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 130 Comments
“Progressive Democrats working on a bipartisan infrastructure deal hardened their position on the legislation after tense talks Monday,” NBC News reports.

“Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), a member of the Senate Democrats leadership team, came out against a bipartisan agreement Monday night after meeting with a bipartisan group of 10 senators.”

Said Sanders: “I wouldn’t vote for it. The bottom line is, there are a lot of needs facing this country. Now is the time to address those needs, and it has to be paid for in a progressive way, given the fact that we have massive income and wealth inequality in America.”

Taegan Goddard thinks a bipartisan infrastru cture bill is still very unlikely.


Anonymous said...

Newleaf sounds like Denny, ugly , angry, cursing.

Anonymous said...


JPMorgan Chase has been "effectively stockpiling" cash rather than using it to buy Treasuries or other investments because of the possibility higher inflation will force the Federal Reserve to boost interest rates, Dimon said Monday during a conference."We have a lot of cash and capability and we're going to be very patient, because I think you have a very good chance inflation will be more than transitory," said Dimon, longtime JPMorgan CEO."

Newleaf posted that very, very few are concerned at all about "inflation"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Anybody want to list all the curse words in my post above? There are none.

Polls, not Newleaf, indicate that American voters are less concerened about inflation than other mattes.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Anonymous said...

Bidenomics has a huge problem, it sucks.
"Retail sales unexpectedly plunged
Retail sales May -1.3"

Anonymous said...

Jamie posts something vitally important to him and his core economic beliefs.

Then, after I challenge her on it, he back tracks.


Myballs said...

Data for progress executive director and founder is Sean McElwee. First line in his bio on Wikipedia says he is an American progressive activist.

So his polls shoyld be taken with a grain of salt.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No back tracking. Just pointing out what I really posted.

California’s Mammoth Economic Recovery
June 14, 2021 at 1:20 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 159 Comments

Matthew Winkler: “No one anticipated the latest data readout showing the Golden State has no peers among developed economies for expanding GDP, creating jobs, raising household income, manufacturing growth, investment in innovation, producing clean energy and unprecedented wealth through its stocks and bonds. All of which underlines Gov. Gavin Newsom’s announcement last month of the biggest state tax rebate in American history.

“By adding 1.3 million people to its non-farm payrolls since April last year — equal to the entire workforce of Nevada — California easily surpassed also-rans Texas and New York. At the same time, California household income increased $164 billion, almost as much as Texas, Florida and Pennsylvania combined.”

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...
Anybody want to list all the curse words in my post above? There are none.

No one cares, no one reads your spam, pedo

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Capitol Riot Was Prologue.

Donald Trump’s battle cry of insurrection—“If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore”—didn’t strike me at first as a four-horsemen moment for American democracy. This was a failure of imagination on my part. To be fair, I was busy trying not to catch the coronavirus. For most of Trump’s January 6 speech I was 100 yards or so from the stage, and my best guess is that only 5 percent of his supporters were masked. In my eagerness to be near the action, I had worked myself into the densest part of the crowd, a cul-de-sac of berserk anti-maskers. They were angry at Joe Biden, exceedingly angry at Mike Pence, and also a bit peeved at me.

“You don’t have to wear it,” one man said, pointing to my mask. “It’s not a mandate.”

“No, I do.”


“There’s a pandemic.”

“Yeah, right,” he said.

Trump’s speech, which was interminable (the truest thing he said was “I could just go on forever”), was also hard to fathom, pre-riot. Even after four years of his mad-king hijinks, it still didn’t seem likely that Trump would go so far as to threaten his own vice president. But this is what he said: “Mike Pence, I hope you’re going to stand up for the good of our Constitution and for the good of our country. And if you’re not, I’m going to be very disappointed in you. I will tell you right now. I’m not hearing good stories.”

It was finally time, per Trump’s instructions, to march down Pennsylvania Avenue. The rest you know all about, despite efforts by most Republicans in Congress to hide the truth of January 6.

At least from where I sit, the most important and most relevant truth of the riot is that it was not the culmination of the insurrection, but its prologue. If the Republican Party, as currently constituted, takes back the House and Senate next year (an outcome that is not only plausible but, history tells us, likely), and if a Democrat wins the presidency in 2024, it doesn’t seem likely that Congress will certify the victory. And then the four horsemen will most certainly ride.

The January 6th attacks were just the first battle against the Constitution.

anonymous said...

one cares, no one reads your spam, pedo

And why the fuck are you such a worthless troll......shorty......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Between you and the ball less wonder, all you do is bitch and moan about others posts!!!! Don't you have someone to sell your worthless product to???????? LOLOLOL

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

8:10 sounds scary, but I don't think the GOP strategy will succeed.

Meanwhile, faithful reader Cali constantly reveals he reads everything I write.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Capitol Riot Was Prologue.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration says it will enhance its analysis of threats from domestic terrorists, including the sharing of intelligence within law enforcement agencies, and will work with tech companies to eliminate terrorist content online as part of a nationwide strategy to combat domestic terrorism.

The National Security Council on Tuesday released the strategy plan, which comes more than six months after a mob of insurgents loyal to President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol as Congress was voting to certify Joe Biden’s presidential win.

“Domestic terrorism — driven by hate, bigotry, and other forms of extremism — is a stain on the soul of America,” Biden, who’s traveling in Europe, said in a statement. “It goes against everything our country strives for and it poses a direct challenge to our national security, democracy, and unity.”


A report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence found that domestic violent extremists posed an increased threat in 2021, with white supremacist groups and anti-government militias posing the highest risk, officials said.

The new strategy includes enhancing the government’s analysis of domestic terrorism and improving the information that is shared between local, state and federal law enforcement agencies. Administration officials said the Justice Department had also implemented a new system to “methodically track” domestic terrorism cases nationwide within the FBI.

The Justice Department was also evaluating whether the administration should recommend Congress pass a specific domestic terrorism law, which does not currently exist. In the absence of domestic terrorism laws, the Justice Department relies on other statutes to prosecute ideologically motivated violence by people with no international ties.

But that has made it harder to track how often extremists driven by religious, racial or anti-government bias commit violence in the U.S and complicates efforts to develop a universally accepted domestic terror definition. Opponents of domestic terrorism laws say prosecutors already have enough tools.

The government’s new plan also includes an effort to identify government employees who may pose a domestic terrorism threat, with a number of federal agencies working on new policies and programs to root out potential domestic extremists in law enforcement and in the military.

Caliphate4vr said...

Fat Ali I read you less than pedo. Your contributions are nonsensical gibberish and bleats

Caliphate4vr said...

Stay delusional pedo.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Keep reading me, Cali. Thanks.

anonymous said...

Wow really are an awesome troll who has anger issues. are you a wife beater also.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Four pillars

The Biden strategy is based on what it calls four pillars, designed to understand, prevent, disrupt and address long-term drivers of domestic terrorism. Although it involves new government scrutiny of what Americans say on social media, officials say they have been careful to avoid any move that infringes on political speech.

"We are not targeting speech. We are not attacking speech," Mayorkas said. "We are working with the social media companies to be able to better identify the false narratives, to be able to identify disinformation and misinformation and really educate the American public."

On the intelligence and analysis front, the strategy calls for improving information-sharing among federal agencies about domestic terrorism. That may sound bureaucratic, but even within the FBI, there hasn't been good data about the extent of the problem, former FBI agents say. The Department of Homeland Security, meanwhile, has already begun mining public social media posts for intelligence, as first reported last month by NBC News.

Part of the prevention strategy includes $77 million in grants to state and local governments. And officials say they will work with social media and tech companies to combat disinformation and

To boost disruption, U.S. attorney's offices and FBI field offices across the country "have formally made domestic terrorism a top priority and are tracking comprehensively domestic terrorism-related cases, reallocating or requesting appropriate funding and resources as needed to target the threat," the White House fact sheet says.

President Joe Biden's fiscal year 2022 budget calls for more than $100 million in additional resources for the Justice Department, the FBI and Homeland Security "to ensure that the federal government has the analysts, investigators, prosecutors, and other personnel and resources it needs to thwart domestic terrorism and do justice when the law has been broken."

In places, the White House fact sheet about the strategy expresses goals without detailing how to achieve them.

"The U.S. Government will also work to find ways to counter the polarization often fueled by disinformation, misinformation, and dangerous conspiracy theories online, supporting an information environment that fosters healthy democratic discourse," it says, without explaining how that might happen.

"The U.S. Government, in close partnership with civil society, will address the long-term contributors that are responsible for much of today's domestic terrorism," it says, including "reducing and protecting Americans from racial, ethnic, and religious hatred, and stemming the flow of firearms to individuals intending to commit acts of domestic terrorism."

They are very careful in regards to first amendment rights.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

8:26 Sounds good. Sounds very, very good.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The following story shows that even before the January 6th insurrection, he was trying to overturn the election.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He started the Insurrection in December!

WASHINGTON — An hour before President Donald J. Trump announced in December that William P. Barr would step down as attorney general, the president began pressuring Mr. Barr’s eventual replacement to have the Justice Department take up his false claims of election fraud.

Mr. Trump sent an email via his assistant to Jeffrey A. Rosen, the incoming acting attorney general, that contained documents purporting to show evidence of election fraud in northern Michigan — the same claims that a federal judge had thrown out a week earlier in a lawsuit filed by one of Mr. Trump’s personal lawyers.

Another email from Mr. Trump to Mr. Rosen followed two weeks later, again via the president’s assistant, that included a draft of a brief that Mr. Trump wanted the Justice Department to file to the Supreme Court. It argued, among other things, that state officials had used the pandemic to weaken election security and pave the way for widespread election fraud.

The draft echoed claims in a lawsuit in Texas by the Trump-allied state attorney general that the justices had thrown out, and a lawyer who had helped on that effort later tried with increasing urgency to track down Mr. Rosen at the Justice Department, saying he had been dispatched by Mr. Trump to speak with him.

The emails, turned over by the Justice Department to investigators on the House Oversight Committee and obtained by The New York Times, show how Mr. Trump pressured Mr. Rosen to put the power of the Justice Department behind lawsuits that had already failed to try to prove his false claims that extensive voter fraud had affected the election results.

They are also the latest example of Mr. Trump’s frenzied drive to subvert the election results in the final weeks of his presidency, 

He still hasn't conceded. When Al Gore conceded after the Florida court decision, the ch etc. Went out of control.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump Pressed Official to Wield Justice Dept. to Back Election Claims

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Benedict Arnold of American Presidents.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Good morning.

At midnight, it became official: California is open.

Of course, the coronavirus pandemic isn’t over, and life isn’t back to the way it was before most of us had heard of the mysterious, deadly illness we now call

Latest Updates

But the lifting of nearly all of the state’s remaining pandemic restrictions is a significant emotional and psychological milestone for residents of a state that has experienced some of the nation’s most enduring lockdowns.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And is doing a breathtakingly effective recovery
See my 8:09.
(But Cali won't read it.)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The Coming Arizona Shitstorm

June 15, 2021 at 9:42 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 20 Comments

Tim Miller: “Sometime soon the results of the Arizona audit will be brought forth. It seems quite likely, given the participants, that the auditor ninjas will claim that Donald Trump won Arizona. Or probably won Arizona—who can say! Or would have won Arizona, if not for those meddling kids.

“And if this happens, the former president and his MAGA media echo chamber will once again stoke the flames of insurrection. Q-adherents will convince themselves that one of the seven seals has been revealed. Millions (tens of millions) of Republicans throughout the country will believe it. And some of them will demand action.

“So when the Arizona audit bell tolls, what exactly is McConnell and McCarthy’s plan?”


FAKE Election Officials Are Going Door-to-Door in Arizona
June 15, 2021 at 9:33 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 16 Comments

Arizona Republic:
“People are knocking on the doors of Yavapai County residents and asking how they voted in the last election, while falsely claiming to represent the county recorder’s office.

“The mysterious door-to-door survey, which has alarmed local officials, comes after the U.S. Department of Justice warned the Arizona Senate against plans to canvass voters’ homes as part of an unprecedented review of November’s election.”

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
Good morning.

At midnight, it became official: California is open.

WOW, maybe the first state to lockdown

The last to re-open

The nations highest unemployment rate

The nations highest poverty rate

The nations highest homeless rate

Imagine how many deaths India would have from Covid if they had California's death rate.... Over 10 times more

clueless libs say success !!!

Well I guess the governor doesn't have to sneak out to defy his own rules now

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

July 4th Will Mark Independence from Covid
June 15, 2021 at 9:34 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 14 Comments

“President Joe Biden wants to imbue Independence Day with new meaning this year by encouraging nationwide celebrations to mark the country’s effective return to normalcy after 16 months of coronavirus pandemic disruption,” the Associated Press reports.

“As COVID-19 case rates and deaths drop to levels not seen since the first days of the outbreak, travel picks up and schools and businesses reopen, Biden is proclaiming ‘a summer of freedom’ to celebrate Americans resuming their pre-pandemic lives.”



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And is doing a breathtakingly effective recovery.
See my 8:09 AM above.

Caliphate4vr said...

Blogger JamesNewLeaf said...

No one will

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

The Associated Press

U.S. retail sales fell 1.3% in May as Americans bought fewer cars, furniture and electronics. Also, wholesale prices, boosted by rising food costs, increased 0.8% in May, and are up by a record amount over the past year.

Staggering how bad this is when you realize this is compared to a prior year when much of the country was in lockdown

And inflation is surging

Welcome back Carter

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fighting Inflation Less Important to Voters

A new Data for Progress poll shows voters prioritize
the economy in general (25%),
jobs and unemployment (17%),
and the national debt (13%)
over fighting inflation (9%).

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No one will.
Is Cali a comedian?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Stephen L. Miller

Am I to understand that a Washington Post reporter asked Biden a question about the Republican Party at the NATO conference, but not one about China?


Fake news conferences

a president unable to handle real questions from a real press


Of course the owner of the Washington Post has made a staggering fortune and became the world's richest man because of China

and so has the "big guy"

FBI is apparently desperately trying to figure out who he is.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Why hasn't the Washington Post attacked Amazon for benefiting from a country who derive much of its wealth from stealing American technology and utilizing slave labor?


But their founder is a democrat in good standing

what's a genocide among friends, after all the democrats loved the KKK

anonymous said...

But their founder is a democrat in good standing

what's a genocide among friends, after all the democrats loved the KKK
What is even more puzzling is how no one has killed you being the stupid obnoxious fuck you are!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

anonymous said...

Am I to understand that a Washington Post reporter asked Biden

Am i to understand that stephen miller and fucked up daddy are nothing more that trump slurping losers??????? BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!