Sunday, June 20, 2021

Oh by the way.... Happy Father's Day!

As of this weekend, I am an empty nester. My youngest graduated from High School, got a full time painting job, found an apartment, and moved out since the beginning of the month. My head is still spinning a little.  



rrb said...

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's around here.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Been there before. Almost 15 years ago when my daughter Charlee graduated from high school in Fullerton Ca and began taking secondary classes in Fullerton.

She would spend half of her time living with me.

I'm a happy father and grandfather of two beautiful girls.

I can't post their pictures.

Happy Father's Day Scott. When you become a grandfather, your age will start thinking about how short our lives are.

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's day to all that have been Blessed.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Happy Father's Day to You and all Yours.

Myballs said...

NYC DA Cyrus vancevjy has dropped charges against neatly a thousand rioting looters and criminals. Ehy? Do he can focus all his efforts on his phoney prosecution of the Trump Corp.

This is why the country is so divided. Is anyone interested in fair justice anymore?

My government cam kiss my ass.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It would be better if you would cooperate with your government to bring about a beter life for all our people.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Pelosi staffers are still haunted by insurrection: 'That was easily the worst day of my life'
Yahoo TV
June 21, 2021, 2:48 AM
Alisa La and Kelsey Smith,
two of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s staffers, appeared on a CNN special report chronicling the January 6 insurrection Sunday, where they spoke about hiding in an office as they could hear rioters hunt their boss.

“Just the way he was chanting her name. It haunts me,” Smith said. “He was not going to be nice if he found her or someone associated with her.” “It could have been multiple men that were doing that too,” La added. “I mean, we don’t know.”

It’s not just the sound of men searching for Pelosi that haunts Smith. She said she still thinks about the moment the insurrectionists found the office in which she and La, along with several others, were hiding.

“So we’re hearing it from behind us, and in front of our door, so it was completely — the sound surrounded us to the point we’re just hearing the shouting and the yelling and the banging and the crashing and shattering of glass,” Smith said. “But then once they started banging on the door, that’s all I heard. That’s what I still think about, the door sound.”

Smith also recalled having a conversation about what might happen to them if they were found.

“One of us said to the other, ‘They take us hostage, right?’ I said, ‘Yeah, I think.’ That was one of the few words I said out loud in the room,” Smith said, later adding, “That was easily the worst day of my life. The worst two hours of my life, easily.”*

But, despite their effort, as La pointed out, the insurrectionists failed to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden as the next president.

“We went back and did our job,” La said. “We fulfilled our constitutional duty, and they will never break us.”

*No, no, no, girls. You got much too much upset. It was just a peaceful demonstration. Ch/Scottie says so.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


How Tucker Carlson Courts the Mainstream Media

June 21, 2021 at 7:32 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Ben Smith
writes the New York Times on “one of Washington’s open secrets.

“Mr. Carlson, a proud traitor to the elite political class, spends his time when he’s not denouncing the liberal media trading gossip with them. He’s the go-to guy for sometimes-unflattering stories about Donald Trump and for coverage of the internal politics of Fox News (not to mention stories about Mr. Carlson himself).

“I won’t talk here about any off-the-record conversations I may have had with him. But 16 other journalists (none from The Times; it would put my colleagues in a weird position if I asked them) told me on background that he has been, as three of them put it, ‘a great source.’


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Colorado Lets Cities Set Their Own Gun Laws
June 21, 2021 at 7:26 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 5 Comments

“In response to a new state law allowing local governments to set their own gun regulations, city leaders in Boulder, Colorado want to reinstate a ban on the sale and possession of weapons such as the AR-15-style pistol used in a mass shooting at a supermarket in March,” the Wall Street Journal reports.

“Gov. Jared Polis (D) signed legislation Saturday making Colorado the first state to repeal what is known as a pre-emption law. Previously the state was one of 45 that banned cities from enacting firearms regulations.”

More at Green That Life:
The preemption law is an effective tool in stifling citizen engagement.


Oh. Wait a minute. This ain't the Feds.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Trump Wishes ‘Losers’ a Happy Father’s Day
June 20, 2021 at 11:25 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 178 Comments
“Former President Donald Trump sent out a bizarre Father’s Day message, taking aim at his political opponents and critics in a backhanded message marking the holiday,” Newsweek reports.

Said Trump: “Happy Father’s Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world. Hopefully, eventually, everyone will come together!”


You really are a uniter. AGAINST YOU.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

And here's a book that shows us just HOW BIG A LOSER he was and is.

Inside Trump’s Response to the Pandemic
June 21, 2021 at 7:50 am EDT By Taegan Goddard
Out next week:
Nightmare Scenario: Inside the Trump Administration’s Response to the Pandemic That Changed History
by Yasmeen Abutaleb and Damian Paletta.

Washington Post:
“The book — which draws on interviews with more than 180 people, including multiple White House senior staff members and government health leaders — offers new insights into last year’s chaotic and often-bungled response, portraying
the power struggles over the leadership of the White House coronavirus task force,
the unrelenting feuds that hampered cooperation
and the enormous efforts made to prevent Trump from acting on his worst instincts.

“The book offers new insights about Trump as the president careened between
embracing miracle coronavirus cures in his quest for good news,
grappling with his own illness — which was far more serious than officials acknowledged —
and fretting about the outbreak’s implications for his reelection bid.”


Anonymous said...

Spam machine up and running already

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Pivots to Rising Crime
June 21, 2021 at 6:29 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 12 Comments
“Violent crime has been spiking across America for more than a year. [IT STARTED WHILE TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT.]

The issue has been at the top of the GOP agenda and constitutes a major portion of Fox News programming. [YET IT STARTED WHILE TRUMP WAS PRESIDENT.]

"We remember during the Democratic primaries that the Biden campaign was the most nimble when it came to defusing unpopular issues that titillated the progressive base of the party: abolish ICE, defund the police, decriminalize the border.

“The White House has been very reluctant to emphasize issues outside of
ending the pandemic,
reviving the economy
and passing its American Jobs Plan
and its American Families Plan.

"So we think it’s notable that on Wednesday, President Joe Biden will be devoting his public events to the issue of crime and how his administration is responding to the uptick in violence.

"Keep an eye on this one.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Hey, cowardly anonymous. Hold on to your semi machine gun.

Caliphate4vr said...

Shit no one reads is being churned out

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Cali is my most faithful reader.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wait till F'n shows up if you REALLY want to see an avalanche of spam.

Caliphate4vr said...

You’re delusional, pedo

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You're a liar, Cali.
You know I'm no pedo.
I don't eat children either.

anonymous said...

Sad yesterday travelled from floriduh to Ga cabin ,......515 uneventful miles with basically light traffic, minimal trucks until just north of atlanta on I 75.....!!!!! A hole in the road with a firetruck blocking most lanes absolutely brought traffic to a STOP!!!!!!! We we only 2 exits from out get off which took over an hour to go 3 fucking miles....Yeah right wing infrastructure for you!!!!!!!!! Amazing how one closure can create such a MESS!!! While you were bitching on someone disclosing things that could cripple the internet.....knock out a couple of overpasses on the interstate system and this country would come to a stop....I am sure more than the Russians know that!!!!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Enjoy your Ga cabin.

anonymous said...

Hey Shorty......I read all of James is usually enlightening and newsworthy....Speak for yourself since no one gives a shit about you whining like a little girl.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Caliphate4vr said...

I believe it, you’re as dumb as he is fatboi

anonymous said...

Hey shorty....I believe you to be drinking early today???????

anonymous said...

This idiot should move to Ga as many in Ga think he is the future of the GOP and would make a great fit for Greene's bigoted stupidity!!!!!

Mary Papenfuss
Sun, June 20, 2021, 1:54 AM
Relentlessly conservative Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) was roundly booed Saturday at Milwaukee’s Juneteenth celebration.

“We don’t want you here,” said a member of a “growing crowd” of constituents booing the senator, reported the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

The boos were so loud the senator was drowned out at one point as he spoke to a TV reporter on camera.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

Joe Biden would like to wish his daddy, Vladimir Putin, a happy Father’s Day.

Did the lying POS "pastor" wish me a happy Father's Day ?

Or is the idiot still looking into upgrading his Medicare into Obamacare ?


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden (never mind his son, Hunter) has compiled the most glaring rap sheet of racist quotes of any current modern political leader. He characterized Barack Obama as the first “clean and articulate” black presidential candidate. He told a group of accomplished black professionals that Romney would put “y’all back in chains,” as if they were helpless laborers. 

Biden’s rants about Indians and donut shops, the Corn Pop fables, his dismissals of black journalists with put-downs such as “you ain’t black” and invectives such as “junkie” would have disqualified any other candidate. His earlier treatment of Clarence Thomas during his Supreme Court nomination confirmation hearing, his idolization of fossilized racist kingpins in the Senate, his rhetoric on busing and black career criminals, were all couched in racial condescension. 

At a time when the current incarnation of Biden is siccing the federal government—and the Pentagon in particular—on a mythical, nationwide white supremacist conspiracy, the president’s own son is revealed to have habitually used the N-word and emulated what he thought was a backward black patois. Was Joe warning America about Hunter, when he charged that white supremacy reigned and must be dethroned?

While Joe Biden is also pointing fingers at white America with despicable false accusations of anti-Asian hate crimes (in truth, these attacks disproportionately are committed by black males), the press is quiet about Hunter Biden’s exchanges with his cousin Caroline Biden over set-up “dates.” In one, Caroline warns Hunter “I can’t give you f—ing Asian sorry. I’m not doing it.” Hunter trumps her racist slurs with his own agreement: “No yellow.” 

That story was buried by mainstream journalists who have long ago fused with the progressive cause.

anonymous said...

CAT TURDS......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire........LOLOLOOLOLOLOLO

Anonymous said...

As senator, vice president, and presidential candidate Joe Biden was often caught—and occasionally even apologized for—habitually touching, smooching, squeezing, hugging, and breathing on women, some of them preteens, in a manner that can only be called creepy, with all of the females recoiling at his advances. When the intrusions became too great to ignore, the would-be president said only he would be “mindful” of invading the private space of women. 

Tara Reade, a former assistant in Senator Biden’s office, replayed the role of Christine Blasey Ford with charges of sexual assault—but with far greater credibility and detail (“There was no exchange, really, he just had me up against the wall . . . I remember it happened all at once . . . his hands were on me and underneath my clothes.”). Reade provided corroborating evidence, and explicit details of assault, yet the same journalists and politicians—again so often joined at the hip—who had sought to destroy Brett Kavanaugh gave Biden a pass, absurdly citing the statute of limitations, and even questioning the sanity and stability of Reade herself.

As far as presidential health goes, even Donald Trump’s enemies have remarked on his almost unnatural stamina and energy, characterized by 20-hour work days and near inexplicable rapid recovery from COVID-19. No matter. By mid-2017 there was a nonstop journalist mantra that Trump was “crazy” and “unhinged,” and too “sick” to remain president. The clamor continued until Trump himself took the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and aced the exam’s questions. A Yale psychiatrist achieved mini-celebrity status by unprofessionally diagnosing Trump in absentia as mentally challenged and in need of a forced intervention—unhinged charges that nonetheless enhanced reporters’ frenzied calls for invocation of the 25th Amendment. 

Contrast this with Joe Biden. He has trouble walking up the steps of the Air Force One. He forgets names and events. His days are short and his attention span shorter, his press conferences rare—and scripted. At the recent G-7 summit he displayed a mishmash of bizarre interruptions, “get off my lawn” temper tantrums at reporters, slurred words, incomplete thoughts and sentences, cognitive freezes, and general fragilities. His own administration, or more likely those around Vice President Kamala Harris, habitually leak to their lackeys in the media portentous “worries” that Biden’s infirmities are such that they can longer be successfully hidden. And yet the ruse continues.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Alex Berenson

Update on India, home of the terrifying Delta Delta Delta Helpya Helpya Helpya India India India variant.

Yeah, so cases are down 80% in a month. I guess they’re gonna squeak by.

Must be the vaccines saving them?

They’re at 4% of the population fully vaccinated.


they are using some cheap generic that is was pretty much banned by the MSM and big tech...

Deaths are a small fraction compared to the US

anonymous said...

That story was buried by mainstream journalists who have long ago fused with the progressive cause.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!! Very easy to believe since that is not a story, it is abject bullshit, just like you posting it!!!!!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Jon Levine


On June 12 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocked out maskless at an indoor concert fundraiser for Maya Wiley

On June 14 she told the House Clerk she was "unable to physically attend proceedings in the House Chamber due to the ongoing public health emergency"

no mask or distancing, big smile


she must enjoy killing people

Anonymous said...

Roger, you belief that Frictional unemployment is a true forward looking indicator is odd.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Tim Young

It's way easier for Democrats to make a holiday to celebrate the end of slavery in 1865 instead of dealing with the current slavery and sex trafficking on the border in 2021.

and to deal with the slavery in China

benefiting billionaire democrats

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Philip Schuyler

Of course the FBI staged January 6th to blame Trumpers.
No one does a real insurrection in such a half-assed way or deliberately in front of cameras.
A real insurrection you do quietly, at 4am, in the guise of something legal, like an election.

becoming more and more obvious