Saturday, October 23, 2021

All concerned parents are doing...

Is trying to cancel CRT and drive everyone who supports it into hiding. What's wrong with that?

The only difference here is who is attempting to "do" the cancelling and which side is "being" cancelled. The left has no objection to violent mobs, bullies, and the disruption of American citizens, as long as the citizens being targeted by the mob believe in or support something worthy of "cancellation".  They just don't like it when those same means (or less in your face means) are used against them and their ideas.

Does anyone remember when the angry mob, complete with baseball bats and throwing rocks worked their way around a gated community in St Louis looking for the Mayor's house so they could cause some trouble? It ended up with liberal crybabies getting upset because a couple stood in front of their house bearing rifles. Apparently back then, angry mobs were the good guys while the victims of the harassment were the bad guys. Hypocrisy at it's finest. Back then, the angry mob had every right to be angry and act accordly. Today, there should be no disagreement with liberal policies.

But let's be clear here folks. There is almost no actual real examples of anything that rises to the level that the left has used. Most of the allegations are not backed up by evidence, and what evidence they do have is simply parents at school board meetings being angry and letting the people in charge know that they are angry. 

If the left doesn't like that... then just think of it as someone cancelling someone else. After all, the left is all in on that means of settling political squabbles.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Lawmaker Backs Fundraiser for Rioters

Minnesota state Sen. Mark Koran (R) promoted a fundraiser for several constituents who are charged with participation in the deadly January 6 attack on the US Capitol, saying they come from a “good family,” The Guardian reports.

I believe it was reported that a lot of Hitler's Nazi supporters also came from "good families."

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

Alec Baldwin killed more people than the Jan 6 protesters did

banning protesters is what Hitler's supporters actually did

and bailing out deadly rioters is what VP Harris actually did and Biden supported

Banana Republic

FAKE "pastor"

Garland's storm troopers

state media

big brother


James's Fucking Daddy said...

GOP Lawmaker Backs Fundraiser for Rioters
October 23, 2021 at 11:34 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 133 Comments

what the plagiarizing POS "pastor" james boswell constantly leaves out

as he spouts out the garbage fed to him by his GODdard's political_lire

and his FAKE NEWS sources

James's Fucking Daddy said...

back on topic

Jesse Kelly


He got a letter. And he “read in the newspapers”.

That’s how the top law enforcement officer in America made the decision to sic the FBI on concerned parents.

storm troopers sent out by the AG Garland on the direction of Biden

without evidence

but a letter (later retracted after public outrage)

liberal privilege

it's Nazi-like


anonymous said...

So much for Lil Schitty's bullshit post on Floriduh's covid rate being one of the lowest in the country.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Florida’s lawmakers must not forget Florida’s abysmal COVID track record | Editorial

Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board, Tampa Bay Times
Sat, October 23, 2021, 5:30 AM
Gov. Ron DeSantis wants to make it hard for employers to require their workers
to get a COVID-19 vaccination. He’s so serious about his version of ensuring “personal freedoms” that he has called for the Legislature to meet in a special session next month to create laws to punish businesses that enact vaccine mandates. Among other proposals, DeSantis wants those businesses to be financially liable for any medical harm that results from mandatory vaccinations.

Conservatives like DeSantis usually bend over backward to support business and free enterprise. They talk about setting a fair playing field and then allowing the market to take its course. They usually abhor the intrusive and heavy hand of big government. Now DeSantis doesn’t seem to have any problem twisting businesses’ arm.

A bout of cognitive dissonance is far less important than this central fact: Florida’s record on controlling and containing COVID is abysmal. State lawmakers tasked with considering DeSantis’ proposals must remember that nearly 59,000 Floridians have already died from COVID — that’s more than the American death toll in Vietnam. It’s easy to see a number like this and forget that it represents real people like Dennis Bello, 74, of Brandon; Janet Israel, 66, of Largo; Garlynn

friends who loved them. By the time the special legislative session in Tallahassee rolls around, the number will be even higher.

Florida has the eighth-highest death rate among the states since the start of the pandemic, at 272 deaths for every 100,000 residents. That’s worse than California. Worse than Ohio. Worse than Minnesota. Worse than Nebraska. More than twice the death rate of Colorado, four times the death rate of Hawaii.

C.H. Truth said...

I believe it was reported that a lot of Hitler's Nazi supporters also came from "good families."

The good Reverend earlier posts about unity.. then demands that conservatives are Nazis. Not hard to figure out why people cannot get along.

C.H. Truth said...

Florida has the eighth-highest death rate among the states

Actually after yesterday they dropped to 9th and will continue to fall as other states are going through what Florida has already gone through. They will probably be out of the top ten by the end of next week.

At the end of the day, Florida has not riddled their citizens with costly Covid restrictions and yet they are only 20% above the national average in deaths per million (and the national average is growing much faster than Florida).

They could be New York or New Jersey or Louisiana or any of the liberal states that have death rates way higher.

but I leave it to Denny to not understand the difference between where Florida is at today (lowest Covid rates in the continental United States) (something that is current) and the overall rates (which are cumulative).

Anonymous said...

"The good Reverend earlier posts about unity.. then demands that conservatives are Nazis" CHT

YEP, lost4everJames is angry.

Anonymous said...

The Town Hall that Biden rigged was still a flaming dumpster fire.

When asked about high gas prices he said they may come down in late 2022, he failed to say how he makes it happen.

He is eyeing the release of US Stratigic Oil supply.

After choking down US Domestic production.

anonymous said...

s the eighth-highest death rate among the states

Actually after yesterday they dropped to 9th

Great catch asshole!!!!!! That trumpetist DeSantis sure did his best to kill his citizens!!!!!! Your commentary about costs is your fucked up opinion!!!!! Wonder how many lives only 20% above average were lost... Sad your dementia about lives don't matter as long as your party wins......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! You really are s sick fuck Lil Schitty in which lives are only for political gains.....

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans has NO objection to violent mobs, bullies, and the disruption of American citizens, as long as the citizens being targeted by the mobs on January 6th believe in support something worthy of Trump's actions and the big lie.

The NO culture is the Republican party now.

They have NO agenda except to finish the coup.

Anonymous said...

Town Hall Dumpster Fire.

"Biden said. “I don’t see anything that’s going to happen in the meantime that’s going to significantly reduce gas prices.”

We know clueless Joe.

Begging Joe pulls out the Alky begging move.

"OPEC and allied oil-producing countries — including Russia — have rebuffed the administration’s calls to boost oil production"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
anonymous said...

DeSantis and Lil Schitty are moronic assholes!!!!!!! Yeah......Lil Schitty has a high probability of premature ejaculation again.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

Kirby Wilson
Thu, October 21, 2021, 9:42 AM
Florida’s governor has declared war on mandatory COVID-19 vaccination.

At a Thursday news conference in Clearwater, Gov. Ron DeSantis laid out a litany of legislative policy priorities that would undermine federal requirements that workers be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Among the laws DeSantis wants to see passed:

▪ A proposal making businesses liable for any medical harm that results from a mandatory vaccination


▪ An addendum to the 2021 law protecting businesses from coronavirus-related liability undoing those protections if businesses mandate vaccination for their employees

▪ A measure allowing parents to collect attorney’s fees if they win a lawsuit against a school district for enacting illegal coronavirus restrictions

▪ A law making it clear that it’s illegal for governments to mandate the vaccine for government employees

DeSantis said he’s planning to call a special session in November so the Republican-controlled Legislature can consider these and other measures that he said would protect employees from an overreaching government.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republican party of Trump is a non anti-semitic Nazi party now.

And you are one of the good people who went along with his coup in 1933 or 33

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sleepy Joe Biden is the President no matter where he is and he just killed a al Qaeda commander.

The U.S. military says it killed a senior al-Qaida leader in an airstrike Friday in northwest Syria.

Army Maj. John Rigsbee, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, said in a statement that Abdul Hamid al-Matar was killed by a drone strike.

Rigsbee said the killing of al-Matar will disrupt al-Qaida’s “ability to further plot and carry out global attacks threatening U.S. citizens, our partners, and innocent civilians.” He said al-Qaida “uses Syria as a base for threats reaching into Syria, Iraq and beyond.”

The drone strike came two days after a U.S. military outpost in southern Syria was hit by a coordinated attack that included drones and rockets. U.S. officials said no American troops stationed there were injured or killed.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin killed a woman .

He must be in jail, right?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The same thing happened in the early 20th century when the Communist party took over the country of Russia and the brownshirts attacked the government of Germany in the early 1930s

“What we know historically is that a failed coup is a trial run for a successful coup. Usually when you fail in a coup, something happens to you— and Mr. Trump, nothing has happened to him.”

— Yale history professor Timothy Snyder,

History has repeated itself many times in history.

Since the Report found him not guilty of impeachment charges, he is still in charge of the Republican party now.

Anonymous said...

39 % Approval

Let's go Brandon

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Very different shit

Myballs said...

Calling it a coup still doesn make it one. Who stages a coup without any guns?

anonymous said...

n make it one. Who stages a coup without any guns???????

Trump supporters like you!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Alec Baldwin had more guns the the peaceful protestors .

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker has less brains than a fucking squid.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"The good Reverend earlier posts about unity.. then demands that conservatives are Nazis" CHT

No, the good reverend didn't "demand" that,
just suggested that insurrectionists being from "good families" does not absolve them of their actions.

C.H. Truth said...

The U.S. military says it killed a senior al-Qaida leader in an airstrike Friday in northwest Syria.

Army Maj. John Rigsbee, a spokesman for U.S. Central Command, said in a statement that Abdul Hamid al-Matar was killed by a drone strike.

Sure they did. Just like the last time, when it turned out to be a family with seven children whom they blew up in a residential neighborhood.

You fuck up like you did and nobody is going to believe you in the future when you claim something similar.

C.H. Truth said...

just suggested that insurrectionists being from "good families" does not absolve them of their actions.

Pretty sure you compared January 6th protesters to Nazis.

But if you want to take back your own words, please do.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

GOP Lawmaker Backs Fundraiser for Rioters

Minnesota state Sen. Mark Koran (R) promoted a fundraiser for several constituents who are charged with participation in the deadly January 6 attack on the US Capitol, saying they come from a “good family,” The Guardian reports.

I believe it was reported that a lot of Hitler's Nazi supporters also came from "good families.

I didn't say that "protestors" (your word) ARE Nazis. I just suggested that being from a good family doesn't absolve you of illegal activity, whether you are a Nazi insurrectionist or any other kind.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Obama Gives Fiery Speech for Terry McAuliffe

Former President Obama delivered a fiery address campaigning for Terry McAuliffe, urging Democrats to flock to the polls and taking a number of swings at Republican nominee Glenn Youngkin, The Hill reports.

Said Obama:
“Go out there and fight and work because you’re going to decide this election and the direction of Virginia and this country for generations to come. Don’t sit this one out.”

He added:
“We ain’t got time to be tired. What is required is sustained effort.”

Commonsense said...

just suggested that insurrectionists being from "good families" does not absolve them of their actions.

Again reverend lying you ass off there was no insurrection. Nobody was charge with insurrection and the DOJ has tempered it's language about the riot.

Misdemeanors no felonies. The only one murdered was a protester by a police officer and he wasn't charged.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

shhh joes sleeping

James's Fucking Daddy said...


The CDC is as corrupt as the FBI, DOJ, and every other federal agency that serves the ruling class.


James's Fucking Daddy said...

New York Times journo: ‘For those [children] without a serious medical condition, the danger of severe Covid is so low as to be difficult to quantify’

But that goes against Biden's political science

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Obama Gives Fiery Speech for Terry McAuliffe
October 23, 2021 at 5:09 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 41 Comments

If only the POS "pastor could learn to not plagiarize

of course neither could Biden