Saturday, October 2, 2021

Another day of the foolproof plan and another 1800 deaths from Covid...

Over 307,000 deaths on his watch



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another 1800 deaths...

Yeah, it really is time and long past time for all unvaccinated people finally to go ahead and get vaccinated, as Biden and Trump have requested them to.
(Trump got booed when he said it.)


Biden Floats $2 Trillion Reconciliation Bill
October 1, 2021 at 9:45 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 358 Comments

“President Biden, meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill on Friday, indicated they must further delay a final vote on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and scale back his $3.5 trillion social spending package to around $2 trillion range if either is to pass,” Axios reports.

Biden Re-Links Infrastructure and Reconciliation Bills
October 1, 2021 at 4:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 751 Comments

President Biden told the House Democratic caucus that bipartisan infrastructure package “ain’t going to happen until we reach an agreement on the next piece of legislation,” Punchbowl News reports.

Said Biden to reporters: “It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks. We’re going to get it done.”

He sits at a desk called Resolute.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Sanity last night from


President Biden, meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill on Friday, indicated they must further delay a final vote on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and scale back his $3.5 trillion social spending package to around $2 trillion range if either is to pass, lawmakers told Axios.

Why it matters: Biden made clear he wants to keep the two packages linked together and that he is optimistic there can be an agreement.

"It doesn't matter if it's six minutes, six days or six weeks, we're going to get it done," the president told reporters on his way out of the meeting.Two lawmakers told Axios they anticipated it could be another month before both bills can be passed.While moderates don't want to wait on the infrastructure vote and progressives don't want to spend less on the social programs, the pause likely moves the fragile Democratic coalition closer to ultimately securing major portions of the president's agenda ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Between the lines: This was Biden's first-ever meeting with the full House Democratic caucus since becoming president.

His appearance comes as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been working to balance the different demands of the caucus and navigate a path forward toward compromise.

What they're saying: “He is the President of the United States and he says that he wants to get this done, and he basically linked them together,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), a moderate Democrat, told Axios.

“He basically said it's not going to be $3.5 (trillion). It could be $1.9 trillion-$2 trillion. The president threw out some numbers, so I assume there was a reason why.”The president discussed a range that went as high as $2.3 trillion, other sources in the room said.“The president said we're gonna get both bills done, and in order to get the best done, we have to get this agreement on the reconciliation,” Rep. Pramila Jaypal (D-Wash.), chairwoman of the Progressive Caucus, told reporters."We've got to figure out kind of where our red lines are," Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), also progressive, told Axios, adding that she didn't anticipate votes today or over the weekend.

While the $2 trillion range is far less than what progressives wanted, it's more in line with what Senate holdouts Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) might agree to accept.

October 1, 2021 at 6:02 PM

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The utter radicalness of Joe Biden's presidency

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 2 hours ago Oct 1, 2021

(CNN) - Joe Biden has been president of the United States for a little over eight months now. And he may well be on the verge of radically overhauling the relationship between the federal government and the average American in ways that will linger well beyond his first (or even second) term.

Consider this:
* Congress passed -- and Biden signed into law -- the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.

* The Senate passed -- and the House is debating -- a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal that would fund much-needed repairs and updates on roads and bridges (and the like).

* Senate and House Democrats are considering a budget bill that is likely to total somewhere between $1.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion -- probably closer to the lower number, if I had to make an educated guess -- in additional spending.

Add it up and, on the conservative end, you get almost $4.5 trillion in additional government spending in the first year of Biden's first term, to be disbursed over a decade.

And it will add massive sums to the federal budget deficit. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the bipartisan infrastructure bill will add more than $250 billion to the deficit. In March alone, the federal government spent $660 billion more than it took in -- largely due to provisions of the American Rescue Plan.

Here's some context for those massive sums: In October 1981, after two centuries of deficit spending, the national debt hit $1 trillion. The current national debt is more than $28 trillion.

Biden and his allies will insist that this massive outlay of federal spending is necessary as the country seeks to get back on its collective feet following almost two years of shutdowns and slowdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic.

And that may be true! But it doesn't change the fact that if Biden gets anything close to what he wants out of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the budget package, he will have remade the role government plays in the lives of its citizens.

The Point:
Biden campaigned as a return to normal business in the 2020 election. But his expansive domestic agenda -- and its mighty price tag -- is anything but vanilla.

This story has been updated with additional detail on the spending proposals.

TM & © 2021 Cable News Network, Inc.
A WarnerMedia Company.
All Rights Reserved.

Myballs said...

Biden should be spending this time fixing his border policies.

rrb said...

Killer Joe...

...stopping human life "in its tracks."


anonymous said...

Yes Lil Schittyl......700 k dead americans from the trump flu and HIS FUCKING INACTION AND IGNORANCE!!!!!! Keep post your tripe on how biden is responsible for the 60 million white asshole trumpists that refuse to do the right thing....instead choose to die and thing the herd!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

rrb said...

Anonymous Myballs said...

Biden should be spending this time fixing his border policies.

What's to fix? According to Killer Joe and the democrats, his border policies are working like a fucking charm, producing millions of new-found democrat votes.

If anything he's probably trying to figure out a way to INCREASE the flow of illegals.

Never let a crisis go to waste, as they say.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump is hoisting himself on his petard. Let him.

Bring on the audits.
Really. As a Republican election lawyer who has participated in more than 30 post-election recounts, contests and audits, I am extremely confident: They won’t find anything. The massive fraud that former president Donald Trump claims tarnished the 2020 election has been and will remain illusory — because it didn’t exist.
But audits, I believe, can be the friend of sanity, helping everyone in the political process, especially the Republicans who understand that convincing their voters that elections are hopelessly rigged is no way to win elections.
Denying reality is not a successful electoral strategy. My argument to Republicans is simple: In the end, Trump’s elections-are-rigged message is going to hurt not only our democracy but also Republicans more than it hurts Democrats.
So to the extent that some of those who have bought into Trump’s delusional claims of a stolen election can be dislodged from this view by the repeated conclusions of the audits he himself has called for, my advice is: Bring it on. Welcome them with open arms. The furies have already been unleashed. And if there’s a better plan to dispel the “big lie” out there, no one’s described it.
The status quo is not sustainable, Trump is corroding American democracy with his unproven charges of fraudulent elections. Almost 30 percent of the electorate — and an astonishing 66 percent of Republicans — say they buy into Trump’s “big lie.” Constant fact-checking and reprobation by mainstream media outlets and good-government groups have not budged that number.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

That was conducted by Cyber Ninjas loyal to Trump yet unable to come up with anything more than 360 additional votes for Joe Biden and easily refutable charges about illegal voters. Let’s have more: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania — even states Trump won comfortably such as Ohio and Texas (especially puzzling since Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton already spent more than 22,000 staff hours fruitlessly searching for fraud).
The hope here isn’t to convince the entire 30 percent that they’re being bamboozled. As a realistic matter, that isn’t going to happen, but it’s a mistake to see them as a monolithic group.
Belief in the myth of the rigged election has persisted for months — for years, actually. But every time Trump has had the opportunity to prove fraud, he’s failed.
[Opinion by Bob Bauer and Benjamin L. Ginsberg: Election officials need our legal help against repressive laws and personal threats]
Trump failed through his 2017 Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, which could document no fraud and dissolved in early 2018 without even issuing a report. Through the more than 60 court cases that Trump supporters lost after the election. Through the Michigan Senate committee, led by Trump supporters, that comprehensively rejected Trump’s allegations of election fraud. Through the FBI and Justice Department post-election investigation.
If the audits that Trump himself has demanded keep coming up empty, maybe, just maybe, some true believers in Trump’s falsehood will recognize he’s been feeding them snake oil.
These proceedings run by Trump supporters at least present that opportunity. Reducing that 30 percent number will be good for everyone, Republicans included.
Challenging election outcomes when one party doesn’t like the results is a door Republicans need to realize swings both ways. Having two-thirds of your voters not trusting election results will over time injure Republicans more than Democrats. Why should Republican voters turn out? It’s a lethal path for a party that has already seen depressed turnout in some elections, such as the Georgia Senate runoffs and California governor’s recall.
Moreover, if a state’s elections are so flawed that Democratic victories should be reversed, that will also be fodder for Democrats to challenge the certifications of Republicans who ran on the same ballots.
Something has to change, and the key to that change is to convince some portion of the 30 percent that Trump has failed to deliver on his bombast. Trump is hoisting himself on his petard. Let him.

anonymous said...

...stopping human life "in its

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Too funny even for you.....LLOOLOLOLOL

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Don’t be afraid of the election audits — they may be our only ticket out of this mess

anonymous said...

What's to fix? According to Killer Joe and the democrats, his border policies are working like a fucking charm, producing millions of new-found democrat votes.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Keep thinking that rat as you and your kind disappear into the annals of shitstains of history!!!!!

rrb said...

Killer Joe is too is too stupid and too frail to be allowed to take questions from fellow democrats.

Think about that.

He might as well be pushing a walker like the alky.

anonymous said...

Another reason I find the GOP abhorrent and only out for themselves with this anti patriotic bullshit!!!!!

Koch-backed group fuels opposition to school mask mandates, leaked letter shows
A template letter circulated by Independent Women's Forum........

The party of Lil Schitty and the fucking dopes!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Both can't think for themselves.


" Killer Joe is too is too stupid and too frail to be allowed to take questions from fellow democrats.

Think about that.

He might as well be pushing a walker like the alky."

rrb said...

And THIS is why the GOP is dead to me -

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics Sucks
"Key inflation gauge watched by the Federal Reserve hits another 30-year high"

No more talk from the radicalized Three Socialist Stooges of CHT about "Transitory Inflation", why Not?

rrb said...

The White House’s new contention is that there is no “cost” to this mammoth proposal because it would add nothing to the national debt.

That is nonsense, of course. No independent analysis supports the Democratic Party’s largely conjectural claim. It is only feasible insofar as it relies on the idea that economic growth will offset its costs, and a future Congress may turn off the spending spigot this bill would unleash.

If Democrats were so secure in its projections, its members would not have conspicuously avoided submitting their plan to the Congressional Budget Office to determine its impact on the debt and deficit before they hope to vote on it.


So democrats intentionally did not allow the CBO to score it.

A level of deception that is pure fucking EVIL.

Commonsense said...

"It doesn't matter if it's six minutes, six days or six weeks, we're going to get it done," the president told reporters on his way out of the meeting.Two lawmakers told Axios they anticipated it could be another month before both bills can be passed.While moderates don't want to wait on the infrastructure vote and progressives don't want to spend less on the social programs, the pause likely moves the fragile Democratic coalition closer to ultimately securing major portions of the president's agenda ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Who writes this crap? Progressives score a victory over Pelosi. They are not about to compromise now. Like all Leftists they would rather burn it all to the ground the take half a loaf.

Commonsense said...

He sits at a desk called Resolute.

Biden is not worthy to sit behind that desk.

Commonsense said...

The White House’s new contention is that there is no “cost” to this mammoth proposal because it would add nothing to the national debt.

They really think we're that stupid. That we could be stringed along.

rrb said...

They really think we're that stupid. That we could be stringed along.

WE can see through it, but WE are not the audience.

Imbeciles like the alky are. The audience for this idiocy is the democrat's BASE. And they ARE that stupid.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

Killer Joe is too is too stupid and too frail to be allowed to take questions from fellow democrats.

Think about that.

and imagine what the transcripts must look like when he talks to foreign leaders...

when he is forced to

a fucking disaster

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Michael McAdams


This is what Democrat leadership has gotten the American people.


great advice

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Rep. Chip Roy: Biden lying about 'closed' border, as hundreds of dead migrants are found in Texas

"This is the state of the border under Democratic control," Rep. Chip Roy said.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) blasted the Biden administration on Thursday for lying about the southern border being closed, as migrants are flooding into the U.S. and Border Patrol is being "overrun."

"Secretary Mayorkas and the president are effectively lying on a daily basis about the state of the border," Roy told the John Solomon Reports podcast.

"Mayorkas was actually in Texas, saying that Del Rio border was closed at the literal moment that he knew and had just talked to people about Haitian refugees going — or migrants — going back and forth across the river," he said. "They were across, they'd go over and get a taco in Mexico, and then come back."

Roy noted that even former President Barack Obama, "who was horrible on the border," acknowledged in a "Good Morning America" interview that aired Tuesday that having open borders is "unsustainable."

The Biden "administration is now just stepping on the gas," Roy continued, "being run by radical leftists, a bunch of university academic types sitting around and, you know, pontificating about how these open borders are good for migrants and good for America."

During a press briefing on Tuesday, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki whether Biden agreed with Obama's statement on open borders.

"We don't have open borders," Psaki replied. "So, yes, he agrees."

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* Roy linked the administration's open border policy to the deaths of migrants, noting "several hundred" dead bodies have been found "across the entirety of the border in South Texas, when ranchers have to go find a carcass literally picked apart by vultures and animals because a migrant died in South Texas."

thanks Joe

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Techno Fog

New report by IG Horowitz shows more FBI FISA abuses:

"400 instances of non-compliance" with FISA Woods Procedures.

"at least 179 instances in which the Woods File required by FBI policy was missing in whole or in part”

Our summary:

A crooked Biden

a crooked FBI

a crooked DOJ

a FAKE NEWS media

and an out of control "government"

we are fucked

until 2022

anonymous said...

Fucker Daddy......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Completely taken over by laughable ideas.......the only fake thing he reposts is everything twitter....the go to source of morons...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

MAGA is fascim

A Republican Senate candidate's remarks reveal the party's slide into authoritarianism

John Stoehr

October 02, 2021

JD Vance is an author, former Wall Street trader and current senate candidate in Ohio. He was a guest on Tucker Carlson's white-power hour. He railed against people he doesn't like. "The basic way this works is that the Ford Foundation, the Gates Foundation, the Harvard University endowment — these are fundamentally cancers on American society, but they pretend to be charities, and so they benefit from preferential tax

He continued: "Why don't we seize the assets of the Ford Foundation, tax their assets, and give it to the people who've had their lives destroyed by their radical open borders agenda?"

Jay Nordlinger was shocked. Or at least demonstrated shock on Twitter when he quoted Vance before adding: "If this is conservatism — conservatism is going to need a new name, at least in America."

It is conservatism. And it isn't. But explaining all that history is better left to historians. Anyway, it's better to set aside the old ways of thinking. The most constructive way of viewing Vance, and today's Republicans, is through the lens of authoritarian collectivism.

That might sound strange. Collectivism is tied to socialism and communism. The Republicans accuse liberals of being communists for merely wanting to use the government to help people. But collectivism is complex. There are left-wing strains, like Soviet Russia and Communist China, and right-wing strains, like the Nazi Party. If you prefer something more contemporary, like Afghanistan's Taliban. The common thread is the belief that power is about us against them.

To wit, JD Vance identified an enemy who, as the enemy, is no longer entitled to the rights, liberties and privileges of the in-group, i.e., the Republicans. The enemy deserves whatever's coming to it. In this case, "asset forfeiture," a violation of the sacred right to property, as conservatives in the past would have understood it. In this, Vance is helpfully describing how the Republican Party has changed from a party elevating the interests of the individual to a party elevating the interests of the collective at the expense of the individual. If we insist on it being a conservative party, we're actually misunderstanding it.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Gavin Newsom

BREAKING: CA will require our kids to get the COVID-19 vaccine to come to school.

This will go into effect following full FDA approval.

Our schools already require vaccines for measles, mumps and more. Why? Because vaccines work.

This is about keeping our kids safe & healthy.

J.D. Vance

In 2018, the flu killed more children than COVID did in 2020. The flu shot is still not mandatory in CA schools. This is about taking power away from parents, not the health or safety of kids.


Liberalism is fascism

A Democrat governor's actions reveal the party's slide into authoritarianism and totalitarianism.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

* whatever democrats accuse you of they are doing themselves

proven once again

anonymous said...

: CA will require our kids to get the COVID-19 vaccine to come to school.

Good for them for making the correct decision!!!!! It will save lives and suffering something fucked daddy does not have the brains to care about.....BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Covid may well be the end of the democrat party or the end of our country

the party of "science" has abandoned science for totalitarianism

children be damned

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Senator Ron Johnson
@POTUS says this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed.

Data from England show 63% of Delta deaths in last 7.5 months were fully vaxxed.

Why won’t @CDCgov share US data with the American people?

What is the justification of mandates and refusal to recognize natural immunity?


Why no actual transparency ?

Why is the US government and its agencies lying ?

Anonymous said...

Where did Joe's "Economic Boom" go?

Anonymous said...

Middle and low income earners had less disposable income in August.

C.H. Truth said...

Yeah, it really is time and long past time for all unvaccinated people finally to go ahead and get vaccinated, as Biden and Trump have requested them to.

Or perhaps we should treat it, like the other 80% of the world is doing successfully... instead of Biden attempting to limit antibody treatments to red state Governors.

But yeah, Reverend...

Leave it to you to back up the one point plan to stop the worst pandemic in our lifetimes. Just one thing. Pound on it till you are blue in the face. Reject every other idea. Attack anyone who tries anything different. Point fingers.

Great plan, hey Reverend.

It's only killed aout 308,000 people under his watch.

C.H. Truth said...

Koch-backed group fuels opposition to school mask mandates, leaked letter shows
A template letter circulated by Independent Women's Forum......

Why don't we listen to science, huh?

We still have twice as many children who have died from pneumonia than have died from Covid since the beginning of the pandemic. Have we ever masked our children because a few hundred children a year catch a virus and die from pneumonia?

C.H. Truth said...

But I keep forgetting....

Idiot Liberals believe that 50% of those who catch covid end up in the Hospital. When you believe crap like that, no wonder you go off the deep end in support of medical fascism.

Interesting that the more people actually understand about Covid (that there is about a 1% chance that you will be hospitalized if you catch it) the less they are in favor of fascist Government mandates for people to be allowed to live and breath the air.

Commonsense said...

J.D. Vance

In 2018, the flu killed more children than COVID did in 2020. The flu shot is still not mandatory in CA schools. This is about taking power away from parents, not the health or safety of kids.

I take it he's the front runner we in his race ot the left would go all out trying the trash is reputation.

Funny, he use to be the darling of the liberal elite when he wrote Hillbilly Elegy. He fed right into their prejudices.

Commonsense said...

Ben Sheperio was asked how do you spell the most southeastern state in the union.

His answer was '"Freedom".

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine antibodies disappear in many by 7 months

Six months after receiving the second dose of the two-shot vaccine from Pfizer Inc and BioNTech SE, many recipients no longer have vaccine-induced antibodies that can immediately neutralize worrisome variants of the coronavirus, a new study suggests

no wonder the rush to make them mandatory on children

Big Pharma

your lobbyist money at work

end the liability shield and we will see how soon they will change their mind


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden to Host Lawmakers at White House
October 2, 2021 at 12:28 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 193 Comments

“President Biden will host congressional lawmakers at the White House next week after a visit to Capitol Hill failed to yield any clear breakthrough on how to pass two key pieces of his economic agenda,” The Hill reports.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another 1800 deaths...

Yeah, it really is time and long past time for all unvaccinated people finally to go ahead and get vaccinated, as Biden and Trump have requested them to.
(Trump got booed when he said it.)


Biden Floats $2 Trillion Reconciliation Bill
October 1, 2021 at 9:45 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 358 Comments

“President Biden, meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill on Friday, indicated they must further delay a final vote on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and scale back his $3.5 trillion social spending package to around $2 trillion range if either is to pass,” Axios reports.

Biden Re-Links Infrastructure and Reconciliation Bills
October 1, 2021 at 4:48 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 751 Comments

President Biden told the House Democratic caucus that bipartisan infrastructure package “ain’t going to happen until we reach an agreement on the next piece of legislation,” Punchbowl News reports.

Said Biden to reporters: “It doesn’t matter when. It doesn’t matter whether it’s six minutes, six days or six weeks. We’re going to get it done.”

He sits at a desk called Resolute.

Sanity last night from


President Biden, meeting with House Democrats on Capitol Hill on Friday, indicated they must further delay a final vote on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and scale back his $3.5 trillion social spending package to around $2 trillion range if either is to pass, lawmakers told Axios.

Why it matters: Biden made clear he wants to keep the two packages linked together and that he is optimistic there can be an agreement.

"It doesn't matter if it's six minutes, six days or six weeks, we're going to get it done," the president told reporters on his way out of the meeting.Two lawmakers told Axios they anticipated it could be another month before both bills can be passed.While moderates don't want to wait on the infrastructure vote and progressives don't want to spend less on the social programs, the pause likely moves the fragile Democratic coalition closer to ultimately securing major portions of the president's agenda ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Between the lines: This was Biden's first-ever meeting with the full House Democratic caucus since becoming president.

His appearance comes as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has been working to balance the different demands of the caucus and navigate a path forward toward compromise.

What they're saying: “He is the President of the United States and he says that he wants to get this done, and he basically linked them together,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), a moderate Democrat, told Axios.

“He basically said it's not going to be $3.5 (trillion). It could be $1.9 trillion-$2 trillion. The president threw out some numbers, so I assume there was a reason why.”The president discussed a range that went as high as $2.3 trillion, other sources in the room said.“The president said we're gonna get both bills done, and in order to get the best done, we have to get this agreement on the reconciliation,” Rep. Pramila Jaypal (D-Wash.), chairwoman of the Progressive Caucus, told reporters."We've got to figure out kind of where our red lines are," Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), also progressive, told Axios, adding that she didn't anticipate votes today or over the weekend.

While the $2 trillion range is far less than what progressives wanted, it's more in line with what Senate holdouts Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) might agree to accept.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


The utter radicalness of Joe Biden's presidency

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large
Updated 2 hours ago Oct 1, 2021

(CNN) - Joe Biden has been president of the United States for a little over eight months now. And he may well be on the verge of radically overhauling the relationship between the federal government and the average American in ways that will linger well beyond his first (or even second) term.

Consider this:
* Congress passed -- and Biden signed into law -- the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.

* The Senate passed -- and the House is debating -- a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure deal that would fund much-needed repairs and updates on roads and bridges (and the like).

* Senate and House Democrats are considering a budget bill that is likely to total somewhere between $1.5 trillion and $3.5 trillion -- probably closer to the lower number, if I had to make an educated guess -- in additional spending.

Add it up and, on the conservative end, you get almost $4.5 trillion in additional government spending in the first year of Biden's first term, to be disbursed over a decade.

And it will add massive sums to the federal budget deficit. The Congressional Budget Office estimated that the bipartisan infrastructure bill will add more than $250 billion to the deficit. In March alone, the federal government spent $660 billion more than it took in -- largely due to provisions of the American Rescue Plan.

Here's some context for those massive sums: In October 1981, after two centuries of deficit spending, the national debt hit $1 trillion. The current national debt is more than $28 trillion.

Biden and his allies will insist that this massive outlay of federal spending is necessary as the country seeks to get back on its collective feet following almost two years of shutdowns and slowdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic.

And that may be true! But it doesn't change the fact that if Biden gets anything close to what he wants out of the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the budget package, he will have remade the role government plays in the lives of its citizens.

The Point:
Biden campaigned as a return to normal business in the 2020 election. But his expansive domestic agenda -- and its mighty price tag -- is anything but vanilla.

Biden to Host Lawmakers at White House
October 2, 2021 at 12:28 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 193 Comments

“President Biden will host congressional lawmakers at the White House next week after a visit to Capitol Hill failed to yield any clear breakthrough on how to pass two key pieces of his economic agenda,” The Hill reports.