Saturday, October 2, 2021

When you lose independents..

Biden sees support from independents drop drastically
President Biden has lost support among a key bloc of voters that helped catapult him to the White House: independents. The current gridlock on Capitol Hill coupled with the messy withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan and his handling of the ongoing crisis at the Mexican border has contributed to the lag in support from independent and more moderate voters. Recent polls show Biden’s numbers falling drastically with the key demographic.
A Gallup poll last week found Biden’s approval rating among independents falling to 37 percent, the lowest it has been since Biden took office, and slipping 24 points below his 61 percent approval rating at the beginning of his administration. An ABC/Ipsos poll this week showed independents souring on Biden's handling of key issues, including the pandemic, infrastructure and the Afghanistan withdrawal. The poll found the president's approval on his handling of the pandemic dropped 7 percentage points from August to September among independents, and Biden saw a 9-point drop among independents on his handling of infrastructure. And an Associated Press poll released Friday found Biden’s approval rating among independents had dropped from 62 percent in July to 38 percent in September.

Just when everyone thought things had to start getting better for Biden, the Democratic party unity falls to the wayside. The problems with the last few months for Joe Biden is that everything that is happening is literally undercutting the reasons that people supposedly voted for him. He was supposed to stop Covid (he hasn't), he was supposed to be competent but his leadership with Afghanistan was off the charts bad, he was supposed  to be a unifying figure and he cannot even unify the Democrats. 

A typical Biden press conference will have the President claim things are are obviously not true to disguise what is going wrong, he then points fingers at everyone else for everything he doesn't lie about, and then scurries off without taking any questions. The amount of people seeing the President as honest is dropping fast. The amount of people who believe the President takes accountability is cratering. Eventually people will come to the conclusion that Biden really doesn't care about Americans because he refuses to answer any questions from anyone. 

This fiasco with these amazingly large bills that are sitting out there are certainly not helping. To the degree that this will be remembered if these bills eventually pass is up for question, but everyday they don't pass something is bad news for Biden and the Democrats. This is especially bad when Biden took the time out of his nap and mario cart schedule to go try to twist some arms. Not only did it not seem to help, but reports of Sinema sort of bailing on everything and reports of progressives digging in are not good. As it stands, Biden has appeared to put himself on the side of the progressives which means that Democrats will likely have to agree to some sort of reconciliation bill before these progressives will pass the infrastructure bill.  

Meanwhile this is giving time for Republicans to go on the offensive in regards to the cost of these bills. McConnell and others are now pushing for the CBO to make a real cost analysis of this 3.5 trillion reconciliation package. Obviously they are confident that the CBO will show that the bill costs just a little more than zero, adding to the list of big Biden lies over the past few weeks.

Things are not going well. When the projected deficit is going to reach 3 trillion in 2021 (and probably higher if these bills are passed into law) the Republicans will have a hard nail to hammer on for the 2022 election. Like most stimulus bills, Americans notice very little (other than when they literally send people money). So unless they see something fast, Republicans can hit them with the shock of cost.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democratic party represents the people of the United States.

The Republican party now is the party of Trump.

Unless the Republicans find a way out our country will not survive.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is far more liberal than before he ran for President.

Unfortunately the Republicans are trying to discredit our election system because of the big lie.

Unless the Democratic pass the two bills, your party of today will destroy the country forever.

We have survived many times but not now.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

At the end of August, police in China’s Hunan province came to the home of Zhang Jianping. They questioned him about why he had not been vaccinated against COVID-19, and took him by car to a hospital.

In a social media post that included photos and videos to back up his story, Zhang said he was very clear that he did not want to be immunized. “I am not informed. I do not consent,” he says he told the authorities. But they held down his arms and legs and forcibly injected him.

According to Yaqiu Wang, the researcher at Human Rights Watch who saw Zhang’s post, the local police and healthcare officials were acting in response to President Xi Jinping’s call for the vaccination of 80% of the country’s population by the end of October. Even though the central government in Beijing says that “informed consent” is the rule and injections must be voluntary, Wang says many such complaints of compelled vaccination have appeared on social media.

When I first heard about this, I was horrified. For government officials to burst into people’s homes to forcibly vaccinate them seemed, at the very least, like an extraordinary violation of personal liberty.


But am I being a hypocrite?

After all, I’m a supporter of vaccine mandates in this country to get recalcitrant Americans immunized. I think it’s reasonable to bar unvaccinated people from restaurants and sports arenas and even schools if they’re not vaccinated. The justification for that goes back to the 19th century philosopher John Stuart Mill’s harm principle, which says that although people should generally be free to behave as they want, constraining their behavior is justified when their actions cause harm to others.

Couldn’t it be argued that pinning people down and vaccinating them is just the logical extension of our own mandate policies? The Chinese and the U.S. governments have the same objective — to vaccinate the maximum number of people and stop the spread and mutation of the virus. The Chinese are just going a little further in their tactics, right?

Not right. Flat wrong. What these local officials in China are doing is entirely unacceptable.

But unlike you said, we are not Communist China.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

Where did Joe's "Economic Boom" go?

Anonymous said...

Alky Word Salad

"But unlike you said, we are not Communist China."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Covid deaths are decreasing.

The new pill may be the first thing to change the mindset of the people.

Anonymous said...

The Spectacularly wrong and bold face lying of Alky.

Roger AmickOctober 2, 2021 at 12:00 PM

The Democratic party represents the people of the United States🤣

Bidenomics is crushing the middle income and low income earners, August 2021 , less disposable income.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday Biden's China Birus plan failed to keep 2,441 Americans alive.

Anonymous said...

Health Concerns about the Affirmative action VP.

Harris flies to California for medical treatment.

White House doesn't know why.

Rogers'sRacistsuppremecist said...

The President has a plan to helping Black and Brown immigrants to invade America and replace white people. 

Like rrb said the truth about beaners and Mooslimbs!

I hope you are right!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Democrats have two sides now.

The moderate is liberal Democrats.

Right now the Republicans are so scared of Trump that even Romney has shifted to the far right wing.

That's why I said before

The Democratic party represents the people of the United States.

The Republican party now is the party of Trump.

I actually hope that Mike Pence runs for President President against Trump

C.H. Truth said...

Well Rog...

Right now the Democrats are the Party of incompetence. From top to bottom, they are all fuck ups.

C.H. Truth said...

So yeah Roger...

Democrats are the Party of Americans who love incompetence.

Republicans will have to settle for the rest of America!

Commonsense said...

The Democratic party represents the people of the United States.

They no longer represent "the people". The represent the elite ruling class (and also labor unions but not their members)

The Republican party now is the party of Trump.

Trump struck a chord with working class and upper middle class the makes up the base of the Republican Party. The country club Republican is a thing of the pass.

Both parities lost the white working class when they were condescendingly told to "learn to code" when manufactures move good paying jobs to China. They receive no help from the elites in Washington.

As we found out during the COVID pandemic, it was a mistake to outsource to China. China has far too much influence in out politics and culture.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



it's growing

Commonsense said...

Couldn’t it be argued that pinning people down and vaccinating them is just the logical extension of our own mandate policies? The Chinese and the U.S. governments have the same objective — to vaccinate the maximum number of people and stop the spread and mutation of the virus. The Chinese are just going a little further in their tactics, right?

Sounds like that is what he arguing. And if you think that can't happen here, one only needs to look at restrictions for unvaccinated people that would been unthinkable mere months ago.

Anonymous said...

Unless the Democratic pass the two bills" Alky level stupid

Unless your team spends $5.7 Trillion more your team doesn't get re-elected.

Odd kind of politics .

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

He pledged to do more to educate the public about the plan's new and expanded programs, which he contended have the support of the vast majority of the electorate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They will delay a final vote on a $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill and scale back his $3.5 trillion social spending package to around $2 trillion range if either is to pass.

A $3.2 trillion total is a major difference for t $5.7 trillion.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another 1800 deaths...

Yeah, it really is time and long past time for all unvaccinated people finally to go ahead and get vaccinated, as Biden and Trump have requested them to.

(Trump got booed when he said it.)

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Samuel Bravo

HEWITT: "Is there a point where you will say: 'I have done more harm than good because people don't listen to me anymore' and step aside?"

FAUCI: "No. Absolutely, unequivocally no."


Fauci needs to go

He puts his job before science

and is constantly wrong

kind of like being Biden's twin brother

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

While the $2 trillion range is far less than what progressives wanted, it's more in line with what Senate holdouts Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) might agree to accept..

Almost 40 years of experience matters

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

...the plan's new and expanded programs ... have the support of the vast majority of the electorate.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Another 1800 deaths...yesterday

Over 4,000 on January 20th

Plus hundreds of million injections

Caliphate4vr said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

On Friday, deaths from COVID-19 in the United States topped 700,000, a grim milestone that makes the outbreak more deadly than the pandemics of 1918 and 1919.

"I thought it would have been gone long before now," the former president told Yahoo Finance.

Yeah, we know. That's what you TOLD us
a long, long, long time ago.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


Is there any reasonable person who refuses to admit what must me true:

- 80% of Americans are vaccinated or have natural immunity.

We were told 80% was herd immunity, which doesn’t mean no one gets covid. It means there aren’t mass contagion events. Which clearly is true now.


and fuck his "scientists"

political scientists

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


He sits at a desk named Resolute.

C.H. Truth said...

...the plan's new and expanded programs ... have the support of the vast majority of the electorate.

The bipartisan infrastructure bill got 70 votes in the Senate. If Pelosi wanted to make the move, she might convince enough Republicans in the House to pass it if they were willing to abandon the 3.5 trillion.

The problem, Reverend...

and for anyone who isn't a child.

Is that there is no free lunch.

I can provide you a list of things that would be popular, starting with sending every American a check for $1000/month. People would overwhelmingly support such a measure. Give them free daycare! Yeah! Free post secondary school! Boom! In fact, the Government could lease every American with a driver's license the car of their choice!

All would be wildly popular ideas... until you tell them what it costs and how much they will ultimately pay for it all. Because it's never free.

We have not figured out how to pay for the first 2.6 trillion dollars we spent on Covid relief. We have no clue how to pay for the 1.2 trillion dollar plan. Now Democrats are treating us like idiots trying to blatantly lie and say that the 3.5 trillion is free of cost.

U'huh. Tell me you don't believe them.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


He shits at a desk named Resolute.

fixed it for you

no stopping it now



you know you know the tune

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

tedfrank 💉

That masks are now largely hygiene theater is shown by the fact that it’s socially acceptable for speakers to wear masks before an unmasked audience when The Science #actually says the reverse is safer since the most spread comes from singing, shouting, or speaking.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Project Syndicate
The Strange Death of Conservative America

American conservatives once sought to ride the waves of markets and innovation toward ever-greater wealth and prosperity, but now they cower in fear. And, as the trajectory of today's Republican Party shows, that makes them a threat to democracy.

BERKELEY – If you are concerned about the well-being of the United States and interested in what the country could do to help itself, stop what you are doing and read historian Geoffrey Kabaservice’s superb 2012 book, Rule and Ruin: The Downfall of Moderation and the Destruction of the Republican Party, from Eisenhower to the Tea Party. To understand why, allow me a brief historical interlude.

Until roughly the start of the seventeenth century, people generally had to look back in time to find evidence of human greatness. Humanity had reached its peak in long lost golden ages of demigods, great thinkers, and massive construction projects. When people did look to the future for promise of a better world, it was a religious vision they conjured – a city of God, not of man. When they looked to their own society, they saw that it was mostly the same as in the past, with Henry VIII and his retinue holding court in much the same fashion as Agamemnon, or Tiberius Caesar, or Arthur.

But then, around 1600, people in Western Europe noticed that history was moving largely in one particular direction, owing to the expansion of humankind’s technological capabilities. In response to seventeenth-century Europeans’ new doctrine of progress, conservative forces have represented one widely subscribed view of how societies should respond to the political implications of technological and social change. In doing so, they have generally gathered themselves into four different kinds of political parties.

THE FIRST comprises reactionaries: those who simply want to stand “athwart history, yelling ‘STOP,’” as William F. Buckley, Jr. famously put it. Reactionaries consider themselves to be at war with a dystopian “armed doctrine” with which compromise is neither possible nor desirable. In the fight against this foe, no alliance should be rejected, even if it is with factions that would otherwise be judged evil or contemptible.

THE SECOND kind of party favors “Whig measures and Tory men.” These conservatives can see that technological and social change might be turned to human advantage, provided that the changes are guided by leaders with a keen appreciation of the value of our historical patrimony and of the dangers of destroying existing institutions before building new ones. As Tancredi explains to his uncle, the Prince of Salina, in Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s The Leopard, “If we want things to stay the same, things will have to change.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

THE THIRD type of conservative party is found primarily (but not exclusively) in America. It emerges as an adaptation to a society that sees itself as overwhelmingly new and liberal. It is not a party of tradition and inherited status, but rather of wealth and business. In its ranks are conservatives who want to remove government-imposed hurdles to technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and enterprise. Confident that the free market holds the key to generating wealth and prosperity, they breathlessly tout the merits of surfing its waves of Schumpeterian creative destruction.

LASTLY, there is the home of the fearful and the grifters who exploit them. This constituency includes all those who believe it is they who will be creatively destroyed by the processes of historical change. They feel (or are led to believe) that they are beset on all sides by internal and external enemies who are more powerful than they are and eager to “replace” or “cancel” them.

What I have learned from Harvard University political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt’s 2018 bestseller, How Democracies Die, is that democratic countries can be governed well only if their conservative parties fall into the second or third of the four categories above. When conservatives coalesce around reaction or fear, democratic institutions come under threat.

Levitsky and Ziblatt offer many examples to demonstrate this, but let me add one more. A little over a century ago, Great Britain experienced an astonishingly rapid decline from its position as the world’s political and economic hyper-power. This process was accelerated significantly by the transformation of its Tory Party into a party combining types one and four. This was the party of Mafeking Night (Boer War) celebrations and armed resistance to Irish constitutional reform. In the 1910-14 period, George Dangerfield later recalled, the world witnessed the “strange death of liberal England.”

That brings us back to Kabaservice’s book, which tells the story of how the US Republican Party put itself on an analogous course. When I look out at the current political scene, I see very few elements of categories two and three in the Republican Party. And any that are left are fast disappearing.

Republican politicians today are desperate to pick up the mantle of Donald Trump, undoubtedly one of the worst presidents in American history. Obviously, this dangerous and embarrassing trend needs to be reversed as rapidly and as completely as possible. But I, for one, am at a loss to see how that might be done.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


no wonder democrats are so desperate.

There tyrannical dreams are getting push back

They are failing like Joe


JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


"15 days to slow the spread" is now "fire the healthcare workers!"

has anyone been interviewing the highly informed healthcare workers why they are refusing the vaccine ?

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

LivePDDave 🇺🇸 🚨 🥊

Truth Bomb!


I don't think he's using a teleprompter ?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Another 1800 deaths...

Yeah, it really is time and long past time for all unvaccinated people finally to go ahead and get vaccinated, as Biden and Trump have requested them to.

(Trump got booed when he said it.)

"I thought it would have been gone long before now," the former president told Yahoo Finance.

Yeah, we know. That's what you TOLD us
a long, long, long time ago.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Raheem J. Kassam


One of my favourite moments of Hunter Biden’s book was when he described driving through the Arizona desert high off his tits and then a giant owl led him into Prescott.

smartest guy Joe knows

and the best artist

explains everything

did Hunter S. Thompson reincarnate ?

probably reads this to his kids at night

if any still are with him

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

"I thought it would have been gone long before now," the former president's adviser told Yahoo Finance.

"Anyways Joe still has faith in me" said Fauci

"And Big Pharma has made me rich"

Trump was wrong in elevating Fauci.

a HUGE mistake

Fauci is a war criminal with what he has brought upon America

including his initial funding of the research

and much more

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...


The ever changing science.

thanks CDC

Anonymous said...

Hi James, you lying piece of sub-human shit.

Biden has failed .

Unfortunately he still has over 3 years to continue to fuck up this country.

C.H. Truth said...

Well Reverend....

These are liberal writers projecting their own influences and concepts onto conservatives. Who is working off from "fear" right now? Who is demanding mandates and vaccine passports because 4 in 10 of their constituency falsely believe that 50% of people who test positive end up in the Hospital? Almost all of them believe it's at least 20-25% (when the real number is closer to 1%).

Where are they getting these ideas? Not from conservatives.

But because liberal leaders and the liberal media has convinced liberals that Covid is 20-50 times worse than it is... they live in fear. Fear that makes them demand that everyone else conform to their ideas of how to combat it.

Then when someone comes along with a proven treatment... The left and the media tell us stories about people drinking aquarium cleaner or taking horse dewormer. Why? To make them fear it, so they attempt to stamp it out. Go back to lock downs, mandates, passports and control...

All out of fear?

Why is there a "cancel culture"? Not because they want a back and forth and exchange of ideas... but because liberals FEAR ideas. They literally are too scared of anyone who doesn't think like them that they JUST MUST MAKE THEM GO AWAY!

Because they are afraid!!!

Biden didn't win because anyone wanted Biden. Biden won because the left convinced you that Trump was someone TO FEAR!!! That he was literally Hitler.

Tell me I am wrong, Reverend!

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

oops, noticed I left this link off earlier...


a multi-million dollar author too

amazing what people "pay" for

such talent

Anonymous said...

CHT , A bridge too far for James.

Tell me I am wrong, Reverend!"

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

9/11 was a deep state conspiracy.


'Stop the Steal' lawyer Lin Wood says ‘we got played’ on 9/11-- and that George W. Bush should be in jail

Bob Brigham

October 02, 2021

Former Donald Trump lawyer L. Lin Wood has expanded the list of crazy conspiracy theories he's pushing.

Wood came to prominence pushing Donald Trump's "Big Lie" of election fraud. But he then quickly began pushing other conspiracy theories.

Two days before the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol, Wood pushed the QAnon conspiracy theory. In April, he bizarrely claimed he roamed the White House and Trump was still there.

By September, Wood was claiming the "Illuminati is real."

And on Friday, Wood went full 9/11 truther, as Boing Boing reported on Saturday.

"Nine eleven. You want to talk about that? Let's talk about CGI. You know what that is? Computer graphics generated images. You know what CGI is? You know what deep fake videos are? I know you know what Photoshopping is," Wood said.

He went on to allege it was all a plot to cover-up the theft of $3.5 trillion.

"And then all of a sudden, on 9/11, what appeared to be a plane hit one building, what appeared to be a plane in another building. Then, later that night, another building failed, and I wasn't hit by a dadgum thing. It was the building that went down, Building Seven, that had all the paperwork in it with respect to the missing money," he argued. "And the Pentagon got hit by a missile. There were no plane fragments found anywhere on any of the sites — New York, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon. And they just happened to hit where the papers were about the missing money."

"There are no coincidences. We got played. We got played by people that are so evil that for money they killed 2,800 Americans on that day, including policemen and firefighters," he argued.

Wood went on to say that former Republican President George W. Bush should be in jail.

anonymous said...

Facts and logic.....a bridge too far for the goatfucker and all members of the GOP!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He won't read it.

When I posted for Peril he said that Woodward was just making money.

He refused to debate anything but as usual nursing home old TDS infected liberal arts.

When people debate about stuff like that, the judges said he failed.

Commonsense said...

I am wondering how bad the backlash at the polls will be for the Democrats. Normally the party in power during the first midterm lose about 20 seats in the house. The record was 60 seats (Obama's first term).

The people have been lied to by Biden and the Democrats. That is not easily forgotten or forgiven. Could be a huge landslide.

Or the country is divided to such an extent that very little seats change hands. That is a possibility.

anonymous said...

se anyone wanted Biden. Biden won because the left convinced you that Trump was someone TO FEAR!!! That he was literally Hitler.

Speaking out your old white ass again, Lil Schtitty....pushing your own false narrative why trump had his ass kicked is most amusing and BULLSHIT!!!! Trump was and remains a pariah to society that continues to infect your mind.....BWAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

When I posted for Peril he said that Woodward was just making money.

Well Woodward is just making money from the book and his appearances on CNN and MSNBC.

Commonsense said...

While the $2 trillion range is far less than what progressives wanted, it's more in line with what Senate holdouts Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) might agree to accept..

Well that's the rub. The Progressives don't want it and they will burn it to the ground rather than accept anything less than 3.5 trillion.

AOC may get her wish of being in charge of the mostly progressive Democrat caucus as moderate go down to defeat in swing districts.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans addiction to deep state conspiracies website is growing rapidly.

The replacement for the Drudge report posted this today.

Big Pharma’s captured puppets are not looking out for the best interest of the American people and the American taxpayer. In fact, the more expensive the drug or treatment, the more they get paid.

The casual observer may by now be asking the question, why did Twitter go to the wall for Pfizer on this occasion? It makes no sense, until one realizes that Big Tech and Big Pharma are ultimately two heads of the same foul hydra—that ghastly, stinking, foul beast we’ve dubbed the Globalist American Empire. One hand washes the other, if you’ll kindly allow us to mix our metaphors. Over the course of the past few decades, power has become more and more concentrated in the same stale, rotting managerial ruling class clique that is illegitimately occupying the ruling heights of our great nation. And therein lies the very problem waiting to be solved.

The same thing as just a minute ago
senseless said

Well Woodward is just making money from the book and his appearances on CNN and MSNBC..

The deep state conspiracy is not going away because they don't have a plan for anything except for TLS

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden Throws In With Left
October 2, 2021 at 4:08 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 156 Comments

“For well over a year now, President Biden’s vaunted negotiating style largely boiled down to this: I’m with you,” the New York Times reports.

“After he vanquished Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont in the Democratic primary, he brought the liberal icon’s ardent supporters into the fold by embracing much of the senator’s platform even as he ran on unifying the country. When moderate Democrats came to call, he used the tones of centrism to assure them of his conciliatory bona fides.

“But when Mr. Biden ventured to the Capitol on Friday to help House Democrats out of their thicket, he had to choose sides. He effectively chose the left.”


Sinema Slams Delay of Infrastructure Vote
October 2, 2021 at 4:06 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 144 Comments

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) on Saturday slammed the decision to delay a vote this week on the bipartisan infrastructure deal that she helped negotiate, calling it “inexcusable,” The Hill reports.

Said Sinema: “Over the course of this year, Democratic leaders have made conflicting promises that could not all be kept — and have, at times, pretended that differences of opinion within our party did not exist, even when those disagreements were repeatedly made clear directly and publicly.”

She added: “Canceling the infrastructure vote further erodes that trust.”

Pelosi Sets New Deadline for Infrastructure Bill
October 2, 2021 at 4:04 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 87 Comments

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Saturday set a new deadline of Oct. 31 for the House to pass the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, The Hill reports.

Myballs said...

Sinema not taking any more shit from fellow democrats. Good for her.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American Thinker believes that the Democrats are going to castrate the people in order to stay in power.

The War on Masculinity Will End Badly

By J.B. Shurk

Top Articles By American Thinker

Read More

Medical Experimentation and Collective Punishment Are War Crimes

I have long believed that one of the most dangerous mass movements gripping the West today is the suicidal drive to emasculate, and even infantilize, men.  History is not filled with examples of prosperous and peaceful civilizations made up of men apologizing for their strength and promising to be less stoic and more tearful in battle.  "For he to-day that sheds his blood with me / Shall be my brother," Henry V proclaimed to his far-outnumbered soldiers in Shakespeare's recounting of the king's St. Crispin's Day speech that rallied his men to victory near Agincourt in 1415.  Six hundred years later, and Henry's exhortation would surely be deemed "toxic," "patriarchal," and Heaven forbid! "cis-normative."  Talk of blood and honor and manhood has no place in a society committed to trampling boys' self-esteem and shaming men into constantly "checking their privilege."  Woe to any nation, though, that thinks turning men into women will protect either.  

"We know only too well that war comes not when the forces of freedom are strong, but when they are weak.  It is then that tyrants are tempted."  That was the essence of President Reagan's "peace through strength" diplomacy that finally toppled an Evil Empire still suffocating half of Europe forty years after the official end of WWII.  "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far," Theodore Roosevelt urged when noting how imperative it is to a nation's survival never to bluff but to be always ready for swift, decisive action.  Doing otherwise, such as when the mom jeans–wearing Obama publicly barked at Syria's Assad about chemical weapons "red lines" not being crossed while lacking the strength to bite forcefully when the time came, only serves to make America more vulnerable and less safe.  As if to remind the world that the ignominious Obama Doctrine of "slaughter through weakness" had slunk back into the White House, our "woke" military and "asleep" president showed quickly with their Afghanistan retreat how lethal to both civilians and military personnel emasculated leadership is.  

Much as Western nations have irrationally decided to demonize hydrocarbons and keep coal and natural gas buried so as not to offend the green priests and their global warming religious scriptures, those same nations have irrationally decided to demonize masculinity and bury natural strength and manliness under the thick sludge of gender identity delusions.  Every sexual orientation and gender-bending self-idolization is encouraged and celebrated as some magical, revelatory personal truth.  For men, however, everything about their nature must be denied.  Young boys play-fighting are punished.  Aggression is labeled "toxic."  Competition and rivalry are derided.  When war comes, however — and it always does — Westerners won't be praying for "men" in skinny jeans or recuperating from surgical castration to come to their rescue.  They'll be hoping that somehow, even after decades of enduring cultural emasculation from every angle, enough real men still exist to beat back with a vengeance whatever threat is charging forward from the horizon.  When men whose masculinity has been harnessed for the benefit of their countries arrive to conquer those frivolous nations that have sidelined masculinity for metrosexualism, the West's survival will depend upon how resilient manliness is despite the efforts of leaders such as Trudeau, Obama, Biden, Macron, and Johnson to remake their countries' men into their own images.  

Climate change regulations and reducing carbon dioxide emissions is castration.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Or maybe make you gay

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Four types of conservatives m..

The first comprises reactionaries: those who simply want to stand “athwart history, yelling ‘STOP,’” as William F. Buckley, Jr. famously put it. Reactionaries consider themselves to be at war with a dystopian “armed doctrine” with which compromise is neither possible nor desirable. In the fight against this foe, no alliance should be rejected, even if it is with factions that would otherwise be judged evil or contemptible. Eisenhower even Nixon

The second kind of party favors “Whig measures and Tory men.” These conservatives can see that technological and social change might be turned to human advantage, provided that the changes are guided by leaders with a keen appreciation of the value of our historical patrimony and of the dangers of destroying existing institutions before building new ones. As Tancredi explains to his uncle, the Prince of Salina, in Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s The Leopard, “If we want things to stay the same, things will have to change.”

The third type of conservative party is found primarily (but not exclusively) in America. It emerges as an adaptation to a society that sees itself as overwhelmingly new and liberal. It is not a party of tradition and inherited status, but rather of wealth and business. In its ranks are conservatives who want to remove government-imposed hurdles to technological innovation, entrepreneurship, and enterprise. Confident that the free market holds the key to generating wealth and prosperity, they breathlessly tout the merits of surfing its waves of Schumpeterian creative destruction. Reagan era to Bush

Lastly, there is the home of the fearful and the grifters who exploit them. This constituency includes all those who believe it is they who will be creatively destroyed by the processes of historical change. They feel (or are led to believe) that they are beset on all sides by internal and external enemies who are more powerful than they are and eager to “replace” or “cancel” them.

Trump era

James it's on RCP page

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Ads Distort How Much Biden’s Tax Plans Could Cost ‘Your Family’

By Robert Farley

Posted on September 24, 2021

The 2022 budget proposed by President Joe Biden would redistribute income, hitting high-income earners with tax increases and providing refundable tax credits to low- and middle-income Americans.

Ads from the conservative Club for Growth targeting nine vulnerable Democrats and one centrist Republican in the House, however, distort the impact of the Biden plan on taxpayers, warning that Biden’s plan “could cost your family” thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars. It could, but it probably won’t.

In the first year of Biden’s proposed budget, 2022, nearly nine out of 10 households would see a tax cut, according to the Tax Policy Center. By the 10th year, 2031, only a quarter of households would be getting a tax cut, but still, most households would, on average, see a tax increase of $430 or less.

Those with very high incomes, specifically the less than 1% of Americans making over $1 million per year, would bear the majority of the tax increases. Those people could, on average, see tax increases in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The ads from Club for Growth also cherry-pick data from the pro-business Tax Foundation, pointing in some cases to projections for average statewide tax increases when the same analysis shows thousands of dollars in average tax savings in the congressional districts of the legislators being targeted by the ads. In some other cases, when the average tax increase in a congressional district is larger than the state average, Club for Growth cites the higher figure.

The Club for Growth ads blame Democrats’ COVID-19 relief spending for driving up inflation and claim they are now “pushing a scam they call reconciliation” that amounts to a “$3 trillion tax hike” that “could cost your family” thousands. The group told Fox Business it spent $300,000 to run the ads on TV and digital media for one week starting in mid-September, part of a $2 million campaign to oppose the Democrats’ social spending package.

The figures cited in the ads for how much Biden’s plans “could cost your family” are individualized for the legislator being targeted, based on an analysis by the Tax Foundation of how the Biden plans would affect the taxes of people in various states and congressional districts over 10 years. Although the ad calls the Biden proposal a “$3 trillion tax hike,” the Tax Foundation says it is a net $1.3 trillion tax increase. Specifically, it says the Biden fiscal year 2022 budget “would levy $2.3 trillion in new taxes on high-income earners and businesses and provide $998 billion in refundable tax credits to low- and middle-income households.”

And, the report says, “The resulting redistribution of income would involve many winners and losers, not only across different types of taxpayers but also geographically across the country.” So, how would it affect “your” family’s taxes, as the ad says?

Anonymous said...

CHT , A bridge too far for James.

Tell me I am wrong, Reverend!"

Crickets from James, so sad.

Anonymous said...

How has the CBO SCORED the two bills?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott is the biggest cherry picker in the history of them
Cherry-Picking the Data

In the case of ads targeting Democratic Texas Reps. Filemon Vela, Vicente Gonzalez and Henry Cuellar, the ads claim the plans “could cost your family $6,800.” A graphic on the screen reads, “$6,800 higher taxes on your family.”

The $6,800 figure comes from the Tax Foundation’s June 30 analysis, “The Impact of the Biden Administration’s Tax Proposals by State and Congressional District.” According to its analysis of the Biden proposal as it existed at that time, the average tax filer in Texas would pay an additional $6,818 in federal taxes over the next 10 years.

But that’s not the case in the congressional districts of the three legislators targeted in the ads.

According to Tax Foundation estimates, the average effect of the Biden budget for tax filers in Vela’s 34th Congressional District would be a cumulative $5,700 tax cut over 10 years. In Cuellar’s 28th District, the Biden plan would amount to a $5,360 tax reduction over 10 years. And in Gonzalez’s 15th Congressional District, the average tax cut would come to $4,700 over 10 years.

That’s right, in the markets where those ads ran against incumbent Democrats in southern Texas, the Tax Foundation estimated the tax burden would — on average — drop by thousands of dollars, rather than increase by thousands, as the ads say.

Similarly, a version of the ad from Club for Growth run against Democratic Rep. Jared Golden of Maine claims the Biden tax plans “could cost your family over $2,300.” The Tax Foundation concluded that under Biden’s plans, tax filers in Maine overall could pay $2,370 more over 10 years on average. But not in Golden’s congressional district. In the 2nd Congressional District that Golden represents, the Tax Foundation estimates tax filers would realize an average $2,548 tax reduction over 10 years.

There are only two congressional districts in Maine, so how is that possible? It’s simple, there are more high-income earners in the 1st Congressional District, which includes Augusta and Portland. In the 1st District — which has a median income of $67,392, more than $16,000 higher than in the 2nd District — tax filers would, on average, pay $6,370 more over 10 years, according to the Tax Foundation.

Interestingly, in instances where the Tax Foundation estimated the average tax increase was higher in the targeted candidate’s congressional district than in the state in general, Club for Growth cited the higher congressional district number.

So, for example, in an ad targeting Rep. Josh Gottheimer, the ad says Biden’s plans could result in a $25,000 tax increase for “your family.” That’s the 10-year tally in Gottheimer’s 5th Congressional District in northern New Jersey, according to the Tax Foundation, where the median household income tops $110,000. Statewide, the average tax increase is $13,147 over 10 years, according to the Tax Foundation.

Similarly, an ad targeting Democratic Rep. Susie Lee in Nevada says the Biden plan “could cost your family $19,000.” That’s the Tax Foundation’s tally for the 10-year average in Lee’s 3rd Congressional District; it is $11,698 statewide.

But even in those congressional districts with high average tax increases, the chance that those amounts would fall on “your family” is statistically unlikely.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Anonymous said...

The worthless EV green wet dream.
They account for 2 % of ALL US vehicle sales.
The Dems want 60 billion for charging stations, nonsense spending.

They refuse to address the real flaw.
Electricity, where goes it come from IF more EV hit the roads?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Tax Increases for Typical Families

On the individual tax side, proposed changes in Biden’s budget include raising the top marginal income tax rate from 37% to 39.6%, which the Tax Foundation says would “apply to income over $452,700 for single filers, $481,000 for head of household filers and $509,300 for joint filers.” The plan also calls for taxing long-term capital gains “as ordinary income for taxpayers with adjusted gross income above $1 million.”

The Biden budget also proposes corporate tax increases, including raising the top corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% and imposing a 15% corporate minimum tax on companies with over $2 billion in net income.

While most of the tax increases would fall on very high-income earners, the Tax Policy Center’s Leonard Burman notes that a proposed corporate tax increase or a financial transaction tax would raise taxes on shareholders and would affect “millions of middle-class people who own 401(k) plans.”

“Biden’s plan targets direct tax increases on those earning more than $400,000, and that’s what we see, but others are affected indirectly through impacts on the broader economy,” William McBride, vice president of federal tax and economic policy at the Tax Foundation, told us in an email.

So, for example, the Tax Foundation’s analysis of the impact of Biden’s budget assumes that in the long run, corporate taxes are split evenly between capital and labor income.

Still, the tax increases cited in the Club for Growth ads are unlikely to be so high for the typical taxpayer.

“‘Could’ some family pay $25,000 more in taxes? Sure,” Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow in the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told us via email. “But would a typical family pay anything like that? Not at all.”

In the first year of Biden’s budget plan, 2022, the average tax increase would be $1,190 (including the effects of corporate tax increases on workers and shareholders), Gleckman said, citing a Tax Policy Center analysis published on June 9. But the higher taxes would mostly hit very high-income earners. People making less than $200,000 would, on average, see an overall tax cut. That’s 88.4% of all taxpayers. Those making more than that would, on average, see a tax increase. And the country’s top earners — those making more than $1 million a year — would see their tax burden increase an average of nearly $270,000. That's just 27%!

More people would see a tax increase after the proposed temporary expansions of the child tax credit expire in 2026. By 2031, only about a quarter of households — those making less than $30,000 — would see a tax cut, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis. The increase for middle-income people would range from an extra $10 in taxes, on average, for people making between $30,000 and $40,000 to an extra $860 for those making between $100,000 and $200,000. $10 more or up to $860!

Again, the biggest increases would be borne by taxpayers with the highest incomes, with those making over $1 million paying an average of $234,130 more. The roughly 2% of households making more than $500,000 would shoulder 72.6% of the tax increase.

“Beware of the average: If I owe $200,000 in taxes and you owe nothing, our average tax bill is $100,000,” Gleckman noted.

With a little help from a non partisan website I found out the you are a cherry picker

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This why people like you should get a defined benefit pension instead of a 401(k) plans. If I live to be 90 I will still get my Social Security benefits and again the carpenter's union pension benefits.

While most of the tax increases would fall on very high-income earners, the Tax Policy Center’s Leonard Burman notes that a proposed corporate tax increase or a financial transaction tax would raise taxes on shareholders and would affect “millions of middle-class people who own 401(k) plans.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

“If you ignore the corporate tax increases and just look at the effects of individual income and payroll tax changes, the average tax increase is less than $500 [in 2022]. But households making $500,000 or less would pay less in tax on average than under current law.”

That’s a little over 98% of households on average seeing tax cut in 2022, according to a TPC analysis. Even by 2031, only those making more than $200,000 (12.8% of households) would, on average, see a tax increase, under that scenario.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Even by 2031, only those making more than $200,000 (12.8% of households) would, on average, see a tax increase, under that scenario.

Bring it on kputz.

Anonymous said...

So Roger, the tax increase does hit middle income earners.

Thanks for making that clear.

Anonymous said...

Biden said those effected are "$400,000".

Roger says "$200,000".


Anonymous said...

"“Anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase. If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”

—President Biden, in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, March 16, 2021

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden is going to get it done

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), the leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus — which has refused to go along with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to pass the infrastructure bill until the larger social spending measure is passed in the Senate — acknowledged that “we’re gonna have to come down” from their topline request of $3.5 trillion for the spending plan.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On the individual tax side, proposed changes in Biden’s budget include raising the top marginal income tax rate from 37% to 39.6%, im which the Tax Foundation says would “apply to income over $452,700 for single filers, $481,000 for head of household filers and $509,300 for joint filers.”

You cherry picked it

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

By 2031! Ten years later their taxes go down

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A network of health care providers pocketed millions of dollars selling hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, and online consultations, according to hacked data provided to The Intercept. The data show that vast sums of money are being extracted from people concerned about or suffering from Covid-19 but resistant to vaccinations or other recommendations of public health authorities.

America’s Frontline Doctors, a right-wing group founded last year to promote pro-Trump doctors during the coronavirus pandemic, is working in tandem with a small network of health care companies to sow distrust in the Covid-19 vaccine, dupe tens of thousands of people into seeking ineffective treatments for the disease, and then sell consultations and millions of dollars’ worth of those medications. The data indicate patients spent at least $15 million — and potentially much more — on consultations and medications combined.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Scott you got coned

Anonymous said...

I cherry picked a directed quote from Biden, you don't know what the term " cherry picked" means.
" bring it on" Alky


Anybody making more than $400,000 will see a small to a significant tax increase. If you make less than $400,000, you won’t see one single penny in additional federal tax.”

—President Biden, in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, March 16, 2021

Biden lied.

Anonymous said...

From $400,000 to 200,000.

"Roger AmickOctober 2, 2021 at 8:03 PM

Even by 2031, only those making more than $200,000 (12.8% of households) would, on average, see a tax increase, under that scenario.

Bring it on kputz"


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

On the individual tax side, proposed changes in Biden’s budget include raising the top marginal income tax rate from 37% to 39.6%, im which the Tax Foundation says would “apply to income over $452,700 for single filers, $481,000 for head of household filers and $509,300 for joint filers.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

by 2031

Ten years from now kputz