Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Are the Democrats really in trouble for 2022?

Midterm meltdown? New poll puts GOP *up* three in generic ballot
According to a new poll released Tuesday by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the GOP has a 43 percent to 40 percent lead over Democrats with registered voters in the generic ballot across 85 potential battleground districts. Those results mark an improvement from the same poll conducted in February, April and July that had Democrats at 44 percent with voters.
The boost for the GOP in the Republican poll appears to be fueled in part by a drop in President Biden’s approval rating. The presidential approval rating is underwater, with 45 percent of voters approving of the job Biden is doing compared with 51 percent who disapprove. The opposite was true in July, when 51 percent of voters approved of Biden’s performance compared with 45 percent who disapproved.
Only 39 percent of independents approve of Biden’s job performance, and Republicans have a 35-27 lead among independents in the 85 districts, according to the poll. Other key demographics are also moving toward Republicans in the poll, with white college-educated voters favoring Republicans by a 44-41 margin and Hispanics split even between the two parties.

Okay - I get it. People are going to argue that this was a partisan poll, but the reality is that this poll (like so many others) are moving in the GOP direction. Moreover, this is not the only poll that is showing a lead for the GOP. A very recent Quinnipiac poll showed the same three point lead for the GOP overall.

This poll is specific to the Battleground districts which are generally more even than the country as a whole. But the underlying trends are the same as what we are seeing elsewhere. More and more college educated voters are moving towards Republicans as are more and more minority voters. 

But if the Republicans manage to pull off a three point win in the battle ground districts, then they will most assuredly win back the House and probably the Senate too.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Is Facebook really in trouble for their shenanigans?

Dam Pfeiffer, last night, comments:
It’s Time to Break Up Facebook

"It is hard to conjure another private citizen or company who has hurt more people in recent memory than Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. This is not my view. Or the view of reporters and anti-Facebook activists. According to the documents, the most dire warnings about the dangers of Facebook are coming from Facebook employees concerned about their inability to control the monster they helped create.

“While reading these stories, I can’t help but worry that despite the furor against Facebook, the moment will pass and little to no action will be taken; and while Facebook is weakened by this public outrage, Mark Zuckerberg and his minions will continue to make gobs of money destroying American democracy and sowing anger and dissent across the planet.”

Facebook Tells Employees to Preserve Records

“Facebook has told employees to ‘preserve internal documents and communications since 2016’ that pertain to its businesses because governments and legislative bodies have started inquiries into its operations.

“The move, known as a ‘legal hold,’ follows intense media, legal and regulatory scrutiny over the social network’s harms.”

Truthful blogger comments: "Among those many harms, they helped elect despicable Donald.

Commonsense said...

So the employees bitch is they can censure enough?

Commonsense said...

The GOP has always been historically understated (and consequently outperforms) in the generic ballot.

Myballs said...

Dems are losing moderates the most, some women and minorities

Myballs said...

D3ms moderates are finally getting more vocal. One bluntly said it's the fuckin progressives.

Caliphate4vr said...

Pedo I know Il is close you been hanging out in KY

Hazard Independent Superintendent Sondra Combs on Wednesday confirmed that she was investigating social media photos of homecoming activities at Hazard High School that showed a scantily clad male teenager giving lap dances to staff, including the principal, who is also Hazard’s mayor.

“The incident is under investigation and as you know any thing under investigation I really can’t talk about,” Combs told the Herald-Leader. She would not describe the photos.

“Once the investigation is complete, appropriate action will be taken, “ Combs said.

Donald “Happy” Mobelini, principal of Hazard High School and also the mayor of Hazard, who was in the photos, did not immediately return a phone call or email asking for comment.

A schedule of homecoming activities for Tuesday on the Hazard High School Facebook page listed a “man pageant.”

Commonsense said...

Sigh, that use to be powderpuff day when I was in high school. (I was a powder puff cheerleader.)

No lap dances at all. They were far more innocent times.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Denny did ask me to look at how His NOC Stock was doing vs. My Home Depot Stock.

Ok, Denny's here is a 5 year comparison.

HD $373.24 USD ⬆️208.69%

NOC $388.78 USD ⬆️72.61%

James's Fucking Daddy said...

John Hayward

We hoped the Internet and social media would liberalize authoritarian regimes like China. Instead, social media companies adopted all of the Chinese Communist Party's attitudes and techniques. Our tech overlords are emissaries of authoritarianism, not tribunes of liberty.

Now the left wants to give big tech even more authoritative power

Ministry of Truth


James's Fucking Daddy said...



Terry McAuliffe shows off (*dance moves?*) at rally in Virginia.

Biden/McAuliffe no masks

no social distancing

no dance moves


what a clown party

time to pull down the tent

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Drew Holden


Days ago, former President Obama condescendingly assured us this situation was just a right-wing-fueled, insignificant culture war clash.

Scott Taylor 7 News I-Team

Here is the walk out of students at @LCPSOfficial Broad Run High School in Loudoun County. Students in support of recent sex assault victims in the District including this school & asking for safer schools. @7NewsDC #7NewsITeam #Loudoun

thanks Biden

thanks Garland

thanks Loudoun School Board

thanks McAuliffe

kids and parents know you are evil

anonymous said...

Is DeIdiot and Lil Schitty once again claiming credit where none is due about Floriduh covid rate??? Reading this will yield the answer as Covid does come in waves and ebbs and we may very likely be in the ebb cycle now....Celebation like Busch's Mission Accomplished and patting on the back with soooooo many not vaccinated or immunity may just not be wise.....But shit....why would you care what I think especially with Lil Schitty's soapbox predictions being soooooo consistently wrong should be enough especially predicting GOP domination based on today's polls.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Judicial Watch

"Microsoft founder Bill Gates' international foundation has helped the Chinese Communist government in various ways, according to a newly-released batch of emails from the NIAID under Dr. Fauci," Judicial Watch in Fox Business.

big tech and Fauci and communist China...

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Nick Short ‎‎

Former Clinton Global Initiative Co-Chair Steve Bachar has been indicted on felony theft and securities fraud counts.

quick, buy a Hunter painting

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Matt Walsh

Wow it’s so crazy how every police shooting under Trump during the general election was due to systemic racism in policing but none of the police shootings since Biden took office have been because of systemic racism. Biden solved racism. Amazing achievement!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Denny did ask me to look at how His NOC Stock was doing vs. My Home Depot Stock.

Ok, Denny's here is a 5 year comparison.

HD $373.24 USD ⬆️208.69%

NOC $388.78 USD ⬆️72.61%


James's Fucking Daddy said...

FDA Voting Member:

"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it."

Aaron Kheriaty, MD

Let the record show: I am convinced that today's decision by the FDA to give EUA authorization for 5-11 y.o. children for the Pfizer vax will be seen as one of the worst medical disasters of the 21st Century. Say what you want in response, and we'll check back in 20 years.

anonymous said...

Donald “Happy” Mobelini,

Republican mayor from KY acting badly.....and shorty trying to bag James with his typical juvenile bullshit games......What it show is small town Ky is more fucked than we can imagine.......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

rrb said...

FDA Voting Member:

"We're never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it."


Was their last name "Mengele?"

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Sleepy Joe Biden grew up when children went fishing for trout and instead often caught suckers. He did the same thing!

Former President Donald Trump implied Wednesday that he plans to campaign for GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, a day after President Joe Biden baited him to do so.

"Chanting, 'We love Trump' in Arlington, Va. Thank you, Arlington, see you soon!" Trump said in a brief statement shared by spokeswoman Liz Harrington on Twitter.

During the campaign he often stayed in the basement and motivated people to vote against Republicans.

Nightcrawlers are great bait for suckers.

Trump just got caught by the hook.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Wednesday Funny

rrb said...

PENSACOLA, Fla. -- A man who allegedly threatened to kill Congressman Matt Gaetz over the phone days after the Jan. 6 insurrection was arrested in the Los Angeles area last week, according to POLITICO.

Eugene Huelsman, 58, was arrested on an existing indictment by a federal grand jury in Pensacola from May, according to POLITICO.

The indictment says that on or about the day of Jan. 9, Huelsman called the office of "M.G." and threatened to injure them.

"Tell [M.G.] to watch his back, tell him to watch his children," Huelsman allegedly said, according to the indictment. "I'm coming for him -- I'm gonna [expletive] kill him. I'm gonna put a bullet in you and I'm gonna put a bullet in one of your [expletive] kids too."

Matt Gaetz said on Twitter Tuesday night that Huelsman was a longtime camera operator for CNN, ABC, NBC, and others.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

A professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business blasted Biden’s tax plan on CNBC Wednesday.

“If I were writing bad tax law, this is what it would look like,” the professor said.

it's been hours, has Goddard and his political_lire flipped again yet ?

just kidding

I don't give a fuck what he thinks or his punchbowl sources


rrb said...

Look for the parasite union label:

New York Gun Violence Program Funneled $18 million to Unions, Created 20 Jobs So Far

Unions are scum and all they do is steal.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

* or his ball gargling "pastor"

James's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...

Look for the parasite union label:

New York Gun Violence Program Funneled $18 million to Unions, Created 20 Jobs So Far

Biden sure likes trains

train wrecks that is

Commonsense said...

We don't know if Trump is going to Virginia before the election. (I suspect not, it takes an awful lot of organization to put on a Trump rally.)

And Youngkin has not campaign with any national Republicans much less Trump. Smartly keeping it to local issues.

Joe Biden (and surprisingly Barack Obama) hurt McAulffie more than help.

So the real suckers are the Democrats.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Commonsense said...
We don't know if Trump is going to Virginia before the election. (I suspect not, it takes an awful lot of organization to put on a Trump rally.)

I suspect roger just got baited by his TDS and FAKE NEWS sources

he's been gaslit for so long its not funny

Commonsense said...

PAID FAMILY leave is OUT of the Biden economic package due to Senate opposition according to two sources

rrb said...

PAID FAMILY leave is OUT of the Biden economic package due to Senate opposition according to two sources


What a shame.

I'm old enough to remember when the bill started out being about "infrastructure." Then it got larded up with 77% bullshit.

C.H. Truth said...

HD $373.24 USD ⬆️208.69%

NOC $388.78 USD ⬆️72.61%

Had you bought some contracts on NOC back in Sept on it going up to 395 or so, would have made a killing. Probably still would have made a big profit on HD as well. Both had big jumps over the past week or so.

That being said, DJI took a beating today and Visa (V) was down almost 7% after company reported Q4 earnings. Lost a bit today.

C.H. Truth said...

Is DeIdiot and Lil Schitty once again claiming credit where none is due about Floriduh covid rate??? Reading this will yield the answer as Covid does come in waves and ebbs and we may very likely be in the ebb cycle no

Gee Denny... I have been saying that Covid goes in cycles and moves across regions since the beginning. But whenever that cycle or wave was in Florida, the media cannot shut up about it. As soon as it moves somewhere else... crickets.

So DeSantis deserves just as much credit today for the ebb as he does blame for the flow. You want to make a big deal out of one way, then let's make a big deal out of it both ways.

anonymous said...

Hey Lil NOC base average is 90 bucks a share......In your words.....I consider that a killing!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Doncha wish you were smart enough to have done that!!!! Sorry sport......mind your own idiocy and go serve that baby wife of yours.......

anonymous said...

Another big fuck you for you Lil actual basis of my NOC stock is really ZERO as it was the company match in my 401 k.....ESAD Mr Smart Ass as you again just make shit up to fit your idiotic opinion....FUCK YOU!!!! Nothing like free money when contributing as I maxed out my contributions to get the maximum match....... I am sure your shit ass company did as well!!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

So Denny....

I say that you both NOC and HD are good investments and you attack me personally, huh?

btw... if your trade price was $90 - that means you had to have bought it back in like 2013, which means that this is an 8 year investment. You could have bought Microsoft for a third of that or about a thousand other stocks that could have returned at least that.

Not that $90 to $390 is not a nice return. But it hardly makes you a genius. I have mutual funds that have tripled or more over that same 8 years.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Crowd Chants “We Love Trump” To Biden’s Face At McAuliffe Rally In Virginia


no wonder roger is triggered


Caliphate4vr said...

C.H. Truth said...
So Denny....

I say that you both NOC and HD are good investments and you attack me personally, huh?

He’s a very bizarre angry fatman

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

My book, The Real Anthony Fauci, comes out Nov. 16, but today I’m releasing an excerpt from the book where I write about some of the atrocities attributed to Fauci + NIAID over his long tenure with NIH.

C.H. Truth said...

He’s a very bizarre angry fatman

Have to wonder if he has volunteered to pay his unrealized gain tax on his NOC investment that his Democratic friends are proposing to pay for their spending spree!

Also, it sounds like Manchin nixed that idea (not to point out that it would have been challenged in court, likely holding up the entire bill).

rrb said...

Have to wonder if he has volunteered to pay his unrealized gain tax on his NOC investment that his Democratic friends are proposing to pay for their spending spree!

It seems like the sole reason the democrat party exists is to figure out new ways on how to fleece the American people, while simultaneously telling them that they, and their country, fucking SUCK.

No wonder the left is so fucking angry all the time.

anonymous said...

He’s a very bizarre angry fatman

Have to wonder if he has volunteered to pay his unrealized gain tax on his NOC ++

And I wonder how you all became the moronic cult followers of the GOP???? The chances of me paying unrealized gains on my NOC are the same as you coming to your senses about trump....>>BWAAAAAAAAAA Again, go fuck yourself and shorty.....He needs your kind of love!!!!!! LOLOLOLOO

Anonymous said...

anonymousOctober 27, 2021 at 4:28 PM

Hey Lil NOC base average is 90 bucks a share."


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Top Democrat Spikes Billionaire Tax

House Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-MA) said “a proposal to put a levy on the assets of billionaires has been dropped in negotiations over revenue measures to pay for President Joe Biden’s social-spending bill.

“The House is discussing with the Senate instead inclusion of a 3% surtax, on top of the top income rate, for those earning more than $10 million.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Paid Family Leave Dropped from Reconciliation Bill

“Senate Democrats are dropping paid family and medical leave from their emerging reconciliation package."

Explained Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV):
'I’m talking to everybody, but I’ve been very clear: to expand social programs, when you have trust funds that aren’t solvent — they’re going insolvent — I can’t explain that… It doesn’t make sense to me… I just can’t do it.'

“The U.S. is the only wealthy nation without a national paid leave policy.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Jayapal Rebuffs Effort to Decouple Bills

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) told reporters that at least “three dozen” members of the progressive caucus want to see a vote on the reconciliation package — not just a framework agreement — before voting on the bipartisan infrastructure bill, Politico reports.

Said Jayapal:
“And that number is only increasing.”

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reportedly trying to get a vote on the infrastructure bill ahead of the bigger bill.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

House Democrats to Meet Tomorrow Morning

House Democrats have scheduled an in-person meeting at 9 am ET tomorrow, presumably to discuss the budget reconciliation and bipartisan infrastructure negotiations.

Anonymous said...

"my actual basis of my NOC stock is really ZERO as it was the company match in my 401 k....." Denny's

You both don't have a "Zero" cost basis & you don't know how a 401 k works.

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT know nothing about economic, investing and personal finance.

anonymous said...

investments and you attack me personally, huh? \

HUH???? That should be a lesson to you to mind your own fucking business sport!!!!!! I know they are both fine investments, but you have no idea what the goat fucker alleged a few weeks back when NOC was in the low 300"s.....Oh well once again your proved you can't fix stupid!!!!!!!

Myballs said...

Dems in a civil war. Republicans laughing at them with the popcorn. We told you so.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Will Trump Campaign In Virginia?

Former President Donald Trump teased a possible visit to Virginia in a cryptic statement.

Is he getting nervous?

Could a visit do his candidate more harm than good?

Myballs said...

Given all the big names McAuliffe has brought in, I'd say he's the one whose nervous.

anonymous said...

And the goat fucker again shows his true lack of a fucking brain.....BWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! I know exactly what my tax basis is with my 401k.......asshole!!!!! I know what the concept of company match is considering you never had a job,,,, I worked with assholes who did not save and argued they could not afford to....conversely I told them they could not afford not to accept the company match that they were giving up potential 4% additional salary!!!!!! Alas, they were all dumb ass republicans......BWAAAAAAAA!!!

Myballs said...

I doubt that

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Given all the big names McAuliffe has brought in, I'd say he's the one whose nervous.

Then why hasn't Youngkin brought in

C.H. Truth said...

“The U.S. is the only wealthy nation without a national paid leave policy.”

maybe because we pay for so many other stupid things?

Myballs said...

Trump would no doubt take tge focus off of all tgr stupid things McAuliffe has said and done. Not to mention Obama's foolish remark. Its all about the focus on their comments that voters hate.

Biden won VA handily. Now its toss up.

Caliphate4vr said...

Paid Family Leave Dropped from Reconciliation Bill

“Senate Democrats are dropping paid family and medical leave from their emerging reconciliation package."

Explained Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV):
'I’m talking to everybody, but I’ve been very clear: to expand social programs, when you have trust funds that aren’t solvent — they’re going insolvent — I can’t explain that… It doesn’t make sense to me… I just can’t do it.'

“The U.S. is the only wealthy nation without a national paid leave policy.”

Teagan and pedo continue their lies. Manchin didn’t say the last sentence you pathetic old fuck

Manchin's argument:

“I'm talking to everybody, but I've been very clear: to expand social programs, when you have trust funds that aren't solvent — they're going insolvent — I can't explain that ... It doesn't make sense to me. … I just can’t do it.”
— Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) on Wednesday
In a statement, Gillibrand said: "Until the bill is printed, I will continue working to include paid leave in the Build Back Better plan.”

Staggering stats: The U.S. is the only wealthy nation without a national paid leave policy and just 23 percent of private-sector workers have access to paid family leave (they tend to be the more highly paid in the labor force).

— Eleanor Mueller

Myballs said...

Huma Abedins book accusation that a us senator sexually assaulted her is questionable. This has Hillary politics all over it. And it's a given that she'll eventually say it was a Republican. It'll be a vulnerable Republican that he'll havevto defend just before next year's election. Its a given.

Anonymous said...

my actual basis of my NOC stock is really ZERO as it was the company match in my 401 k....." Denny's

You both don't have a "Zero" cost basis & you don't know how a 401 k works.

The Three Socialist Stooges of CHT know nothing about economic, investing and personal finance.

Denny's has change again, telling us his cost is not "zero" as he said it was.

But he contributed "4%".

I doubt he has any savings.

Anonymous said...

Denny's how did your "facts" change three times on this thread alone on your so called "401 k".

C.H. Truth said...

The only way you could have a cost/share or trade price of Zero is if you were given that stock as part of a stock option or preferred stock situation. I bought a stock that was bought out by another company and was granted a whopping four shares of a preferred stock at zero cost.

Generally speaking most people do not trade stocks "within" their 401K plan. 99% of 401K plans are set up with mutual funds and investment guidance and simple choices. It's possible, but you have to go out of your way to trade stocks with-in your 401K. And employee match (which I have) has nothing to do with how your cost is calculated. Employee match would simply allow you to buy more stock (not lower your cost). Certainly not lower it to zero.

Either way... whether Denny paid for it out of pocket, within 401k retirement withholdings, or with employee match 401K dollars, there is still a cost involved with the stock and he still could have chosen to purchase a different one (like MSFT) which could have made him more profits.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The American "Thinker" says that the Deep Staters are coming to get rid of you. Not just Trump but all of you.

A blitzkrieg was launched against us in 2020, beginning with a virus, progressing to censorship of medical information, loss of livelihoods, coerced inoculation, and now threatening control of our lives by electronic passports. The “vaccines” must be universally accepted, against medical contraindications, moral objections, and whether or not they cause death and debilitating injuries.

We gamely agreed to two weeks to flatten the curve, and now it’s been two years, with no signs of retreat.  Evil is a tapeworm; it never gets enough.

If American institutions and agencies are deliberately deceiving and manipulating us, that’s not poor judgment; that’s evil.  If the pandemic was planned, if the virus was lab-engineered, if news of effective treatments was silenced to create conditions into which a lucrative vaccine could be introduced, and if that vaccine causes more damage than good while being forced on the population… that’s evil on a grand scale.

It is utterly futile to hope that it will go away on its own and allow us to have our “normality” back.

The hundreds of thousands of people who could have been treated had the government, media, and medical establishment not suppressed news of repurposed drugs and early in-home treatment… not coming back.

The businesses that dried up, the families habituated to the government dole, surviving employers who can’t find workers, disappearing consumer goods that won’t be restocked… not coming back.

The credibility of media and government, which have so mangled the truth that people can’t trust anything they’re hearing anymore, making consensus impossible… not coming back.

War has been declared, not by a foreign enemy, but by the very domestic institutions we have trusted in the past.

Democracies are fragile. We are facing the worst crisis in history. Even worse than the civil war because they want to to maintain minority rule forever in every state.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Biggest Problem
In American Politics Right Now

“One of the most important facts of U.S. politics right now is the terrible shape the Republican Party is in. It has been dysfunctional for more than a decade, and more recently the mainstream of the party has been acting as if they live in a fantasy world.

“I attended the American Political Science Association’s annual conference in Seattle last month and heard nothing but a string of pessimism about the Republican Party — something that simply was not the case even 10 years ago. Of course, not everyone was pessimistic about the future of the republic.
But no one seems to be able to imagine how the Republicans can turn themselves around, and I can’t remember the last political scientist I’ve spoken with (yes, Republicans included) who didn’t see serious problems here.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


“I think we’re gonna be in good shape.”
— President Biden, leaving a meeting of the House Democratic caucus where he pitched his new framework for a budget reconciliation bill.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Pelosi Calls for Vote on Infrastructure Bill

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has called for a vote in the House on the bipartisan infrastructure bill later today.

CNN reports that Pelosi told her members “don’t embarrass” the president by voting down the infrastructure bill as he flies overseas.

Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC) is currently whipping members to see if they’ll support the bill.

The House Progressive Caucus is also meeting to determine whether they will support the bill.