Saturday, October 16, 2021

Could the GOP actually steal that Virginia Governor's seat?

Polling suggests a much closer race than anticipated

Polling Data

PollDateSampleMoEMcAuliffe (D)Youngkin (R)Spread
RCP Average10/1 - 10/13----49.547.3McAuliffe +2.2
Trafalgar Group (R)10/11 - 10/131095 LV3.04848Tie
FOX News10/10 - 10/131004 RV3.55146McAuliffe +5
CBS News/YouGov10/4 - 10/111040 LV4.25047McAuliffe +3
Emerson*10/1 - 10/3620 LV3.94948McAuliffe +1

I will comment more on this as we get closer. But there seems to be a real chance that Youngkin could steal this race. Terry McAuliffe was basically the first choice for Democrats in a state where Biden beat Trump by double digits. He has a huge money and infrastructure advantage, and yet he cannot shake Youngkin. 

I am still not convinced that Youngkin has gotten over the hump and I am still expecting a McAuliffe win with a "moral victory" for Youngkin and the GOP. But anything can happen at this point. There is still over two weeks to go, and the recent news has not been good for Democrats in general and McAuliffe in particular.

Interestly, the President has not campaigned and apparently is not slated to appear in Virginia, telling us that there is little in terms of a Biden coattail and much in terms of a Biden anvil.  


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I agree with 538.

In fact, Republicans argue their polling has Youngkin slightly ahead of McAuliffe, as a survey conducted by On Message Inc. on behalf of the Republican Governors Association recently found Youngkin leading by 3 points. The poll also found that Republicans benefited from President Biden’s underwater approval rating, including dissatisfaction toward the president among independent voters. To be sure, campaign polls like this one tend to overstate how well the candidate is performing by 4 to 5 points, but recent public polling does suggest it’s a close race, and those surveys also show that Biden might be a drag on the Democratic ticket. 


Unless Trump does something stupid enough to convince voters to vote against him, I won't predict a landslide!!!🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

anonymous said...

Yes, Lil Schitty.....anything can happen including conclusive evidence that Ivermectin is effective.....which hasn't happened yet. !!!!!!! But I can predict, the outcome of the election will be called into question if the D wins in the continuing bullshit the GOP pushes elections cannot be trusted.....Can't fix stupid!!!!!!!

anonymous said...

More people acting like the goat fucker paying the ultimate price and leaving 4 kids behind.....Brilliant strategy!!!!

Boston Globe / Contributor
A Virginia couple who refused the COVID-19 shot died from the disease, leaving
their four children behind.

Kevin and Misty Mitchem, both in their 40s, refused the COVID-19 vaccine, despite their family urging them to get the shot.

Kevin's mother said some of his last words to her were, "Mom, I love you, and I wish that I'd got the shot."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is the biggest conspiracy theory I ever seen before.

Almost every talking points Scott has been using.

anonymous said...

The rest of the story.....sad they like Lil Schitty and the rest believed everything they read on the net......IDIOTS!!!!

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An unvaccinated couple refused the COVID-19 vaccine against their family's urges. Both parents died, leaving behind four children.
Katie Balevic
Sat, October 16, 2021, 3:16 PM
empty hospital Bed
Boston Globe / Contributor / Getty Images
A Virginia couple who refused the COVID-19 shot died from the disease, leaving their four children behind.

Kevin and Misty Mitchem, both in their 40s, refused the COVID-19 vaccine, despite their family urging them to get the shot.

Kevin's mother said some of his last words to her were, "Mom, I love you, and I wish that I'd got the shot."

A Virginia couple who refused to get vaccinated against COVID-19 died from the disease just weeks apart. They are survived by their four children and their relatives who tried to encourage them to get the shot.

Kevin and Misty Mitchem both caught COVID-19 and were hospitalized after they opted not to get the vaccine.

"They'd just been leery. They were going off what they've been hearing and reading on the internet," Mike Mitchem, Kevin's brother, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Mike did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment.

Data from the CDC has shown that Pfizer and Moderna's two-shot vaccine series are highly effective at preventing COVID-19 infections. Approximately 61.9% of Virginia's population is fully vaccinated, compared to 56.8% of the U.S. population that is fully vaccinated, according to CDC data.

Kevin, 48, became ill and was told to rest at home after he tested positive for COVID-19, Mike told the Times-Dispatch. Shortly after, Misty, who was 46 and living with diabetes, got sick, too.

Misty was rushed to Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg and put on a ventilator. She died soon after on September 23, according to the Times-Dispatch.

"It really came out of nowhere," Mike told the outlet.

Don Mitchem, Kevin's father, said Kevin called him when Misty went to the hospital and when he later went himself, according to NBC 4. Don went to the hospital to see Kevin before he was put on a ventilator.

"He said, 'Dad, I'm scared to death,'" Don told NBC 4, adding that he told Kevin to call his mother, Terry.

"He called me up and said, 'Mom, I love you and I wish that I'd got the shot,'" Terry told NBC 4. "Of course I told him, 'It's past. You can't do anything about it.'"

Both Don and Terry already had their COVID-19 booster shots and had tried to convince Kevin and Misty to get vaccinated.

While Mike noted that Kevin was "healthy" and "very active," COVID-19 damaged his lungs beyond repair, the Times-Dispatch reported. He died on October 8.

Mike said he felt angry about his brother's death.

"Part of our pain is anger," Mike told the Times-Dispatch. "Anger because people are still not getting the vaccine."

Kevin and Misty leave behind their four children, ages 11 to 17. Kevin had an older daughter and a grandson as well.

"He had everything to live for," Mike told the Times-Dispatch about his brother. "He had five kids and a grandson, and now all of them have lost him."

Read the original article on Insider

Read the original article on Business
Ivermectin-Crazy Physician Assistant’s License Is Suspended

Anonymous said...

Hi Dennis, have you lost enough wieght to be in your idea BMI range.

You do know it is a top contributor to dying from the Joe Biden China Virus.

Joe stopped the China Virus cold.

Ok, yet, more Americans with the shot have Died during 2021 , then in all of 2020.

And Kill Joe still has months to rack up more deaths.

I had the China Virus , so has my wife.
It was less then the FLU.

Anonymous said...

Roger and Dennis , please continue to coward in fear, get the Third, 4th, hell , get the fifth shot.
And wear your masks.

Anonymous said...

Nothing Sad about it.

You know being a Fat Slob is the leading cause of most deaths in the US
Only behind Abortions.

Anonymous said...

Leading Cause of Death in the USA
Heart disease: 659,041

anonymous said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...
Hi Dennis, have you lost enough weight to be in your idea BMI range.

BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!! YOU LEARN ANOTHER NEW TERM???????? 6"2" 205 LBS YOU DUMB FUCK!!!!!! Sure you had the trump flu......LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!! BTW....the flu has killed over 700K ,,,,,the leading cause of preventable deaths this year!!!!!!!!! CDC still recommends a shot after having it!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are no long a fat slob, congrats.

The Flu killed " 700,000 ".

No , but being wrong is what you are an expert at.

Anonymous said...

Odd, " 6'2" , 205 lbs "

Those are the same body stats Alky said he is.

Very odd.

anonymous said...

Odd that you think that is odd.......How many do you think trumps flu killed asshole??????

Truthtelling pastor James said...

Why is Youngkin refusing to let Trump campaign for him in Virginia?

Beause Trump's "coattails" are an anchor.

Rev. James the Just said the Hill said...

Democrats Troll Trump Over Virginia
October 16, 2021 at 4:47 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard 43 Comments

“Democrats are trolling Donald Trump over Virginia GOP gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin’s efforts to distance himself from the former president, including by flying a plane near his Mar-a-Lago resort asking why Youngkin won’t let Trump campaign with him in Virginia,” The Hill reports.

Anonymous said...

Trump owns the Three Social Stooges.

Obimbo is almost never mentioned here because he is not the President..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

November's gubernatorial election in Virginia has become a proxy war for Donald Trump's personal vendetta against the fact he lost the 2020 presidential election.

"Republicans in Virginia are saying what their nominee for governor will not: The governor's race is a proxy for Mr. Trump's grievances," The New York Times reported Saturday.

"The event was billed as a rally for Virginia conservatives ahead of next month's election for governor. But it was mostly about Donald J. Trump," Astead Herndon reported. "Each speaker, addressing the crowd of hundreds just outside the state capital of Richmond, declared the former president the rightful winner of the last presidential election and the assumed winner of the next one. The audience raved when Mr. Trump gave a short address over the phone."

He noted that controversial state Sen. Amanda Chase spoke at the rally.

"But it was the speaker after Mr. Trump who made the pivot from national to local. Amanda Chase, a state senator from Amelia County who has called herself 'Trump in heels,' explicitly tied the former president to Glenn Youngkin, the state's Republican nominee for governor," he reported. "Supporting one required supporting the other, she said."

Youngkin's supporters are essentially making the same argument as Democratic nominee Terry McAuliffe.

"Terry McAuliffe, the Democratic candidate and a former governor, has sought to tie Mr. Youngkin to the former president, while the Republican candidate has largely tried to keep some distance from Mr. Trump, to avoid alienating the all-important suburban, moderate voters who could decide the race's outcome," he explained. "Democrats argue that losing the statewide election on Nov. 2 would be a bad omen for them in the 2022 midterms, and Republicans agree. And while Democrats paint Mr. Youngkin as an acolyte of Mr. Trump who would help pave the way for the former president's return in 2024, Republicans at the 'Take Back Virginia' rally on Wednesday explicitly said the same thing. They were willing to make clear what Mr. Youngkin has carefully avoided."

That message was driven home when the crowd pledged allegiance to a flag that flew on January 6th.

"Speakers seemed to one-up each other in expressing their loyalty to Mr. Trump: Some called for the arrest of Mr. Biden. Others compared vaccine mandates to conditions in Nazi Germany or invoked violent periods in American history, including the Civil War and the American Revolution, to describe the stakes of upcoming elections," he explained.

The former is still the face of the Republican party.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fake news New York Times reports

C.H. Truth said...

Almost every talking points Scott has been using.

A person who wants an open and honest exchange of ideas without dismissing those who disagree with you out of hand, or labeling people who don't say the "correct" thing a crackpot or worse.

Yeah... the gall of that man!

Shoot em, says Roger. No freedom of thought!

C.H. Truth said...

CDC still recommends a shot after having it!!!!!!!!

If the CDC recommended wearing an orange t-shirt under a blue flannel jacket to combat Covid... Denny would be the first on with the same day delivery.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ivermectin and alternatives to vaccination

For months now, it has been clear that effective and cheap treatments do exist for Covid-19, but their use is not allowed. The data on this is unequivocal. But the pseudoscientific disinformation campaigns against these medications are indicative of the state of medicine today. Hydroxychloroquine is a drug known for decades and used routinely against malaria and rheumatic disorders. Last year, the drug was suddenly deemed dangerous. The statement by then-President Donald Trump that hydroxychloroquine would be a “game changer” did the rest to discredit the medication. The political reasoning no longer allowed a scientific debate on HCQ.

In the spring, the catastrophic situation in India caused by the spread of the Delta variant was widely reported in the media (then still referred to as the Indian variant). But the fact that India rather quickly brought the situation under control, and that the use of Ivermectin in large states such as Uttar Pradesh had a decisive role in this, was not deemed newsworthy. (7)

Ivermectin was granted a temporary authorisation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia for treating Covid-19 patients. This was at least reported by the MDR, albeit with a negative slant.

In its report on possible medications, Bayerischer Rundfunk failed to even mention Ivermectin. As for hydroxychloroquine, only negative studies were cited, omitting all studies with positive results.

The deep staters even got the German....according to a journalist from Germany..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I have had three injections.

Because my immune system is compromised by the liver and medications that keep me from rejectionis

My Doctor is simply amazed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is the author of the story about how you have been gaslighted

About the author: Ole Skambraks, born in 1979, studied Political Science and French at Queen Mary University in London, as well as Media Management at the ESCP Business School in Paris. He was a Moderator, Reporter and Writer at Radio France Internationale, Online Editor and Community Manager at, Programme Manager of the MDR Sputnik morning show and Editor at WDR Funkhaus Europa / Cosmo. He is currently working as an Editor in Programme Management/Sound Design at SWR2.

Political science

He is as credible as you!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sputnik morning show

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia LMAO LMAO LMAO

Sputnik (Russian pronunciation: [ˈsputʲnʲɪk]; formerly Voice of Russia and RIA Novosti, naming derived from Russian Ð¡Ð¿ÑƒÑ‚ник) is a Russian state-owned news agency, news website platform and radio broadcast service. It was established by the Russian government-owned news agency Rossiya Segodnya on 10 November 2014.[1][2] With headquarters in Moscow, Sputnik claims to have regional editorial offices in Washington, D.C., Cairo, Beijing, Paris, Berlin, and India. Sputnik describes itself as being focused on global politics and economics and aims for an international audience.[3]

The author is from Germany..

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

First responders are the bravest people on earth.

President Joe Biden gives remarks during the 40th annual national peace officers memorial service on the west front of the United States Capitol in Washington, DC on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The President and first lady honored the law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty in 2019 and 2020. Photo by Tasos Katopodis/UPI | License Photo

Oct. 16 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden said that being a cop today is "harder than it's ever been" in a speech Saturday that he used to call for additional support and reforms for what he characterized as an increasingly burdened and dangerous profession.

Biden made the remarks to hundreds of officers assembled outside the Capitol as part of the 40th Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Myballs said...

And the ones laid off replied with the now popular FJB.

Sputnik News said...

It should be clear that the government has manipulated COVID to create perpetual fear, so we’ll hand it our liberty. In this giant battle between our government and the unvaccinated, I hope enough people will refuse to comply so that we can unite to stop this madness.

I know this decision is very difficult for many people when it comes to losing their job. To the vaccinated, please don’t take any boosters for you’ll just be perpetuating the risk of side effects and new variants.

If we allow the government to decide this medical decision for us, it is a short step for the government to say it can decide other medical decisions for you, e.g., all persons over 75 never be resuscitated; people may have only three children (or two or one) with mandatory sterilization for women; or refusing the government’s demands will see you denied health care.

Is this the totalitarian state you want to live in? If you are proudly vaccinated now and on the government side, what about the next government mandate, when you’re on the other side, coerced into a decision you don’t want, how will you feel then?

It is obvious that the government (with the Fauci subset), the media, and big tech, are trying to divide us and take away the freedoms we have enjoyed as Americans. I am praying that all who call themselves Americans can unite to end this medical tyranny and regain a free America before it is too late. Peacefully resist and do not comply. 

Sputnik News said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Former federal prosecutor: What is he going to do, tell people to vote against you? Why would you roll over to have your stomach scratched?

Myballs said...

Some guy named bob teig. So what?

Anonymous said...

C.H. TruthOctober 16, 2021 at 5:43 PM

CDC still recommends a shot after having it!!!!!!!!

If the CDC recommended wearing an orange t-shirt under a blue flannel jacket to combat Covid... Denny would be the first on with the same day delivery."


The Three Social Cowards life in fear of losing thier lives.

I haven't changed a thing in the way i live my life , nor will I.

Anonymous said...

Bidenomics is costing everyone more.
The IBond , which I buy regularly like clock work once a month has a yield of 5.34%.

Yet , come 1 November 2021, that rate rockets to 7%, and probably higher.

Good for my family , bad for the tax payers .

Anonymous said...

The New York Times, unExpected.

"Consumer prices jumped more than expected last month, with rent, food and furniture costs surging as a limited supply of housing and a shortage of goods stemming from supply chain troubles combined to fuel rapid inflation.

The Consumer Price Index climbed 5.4 percent in September from a year earlier, faster than its 5.3 percent increase through August and above economists’ forecasts. Monthly price gains also exceeded predictions, with the index rising 0.4 percent from August to September."

Caliphate4vr said...

Bravos and DAWGS win.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He was a prosecutor for 25 years

Myballs said...

Again. So what?