Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Dueling storylines? Is there a deal or not? Credibility at stake for PoliticalWire and HotAir !!

 Democrats Aim to Strike Deal Within ‘Hours’

“Democrats moved Tuesday to put the final touches on a deal to invest up to $2 trillion in social programs and climate policy, as they try to cap a months long slog to pass their economic agenda,” CNBC reports.

Said House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD): “Most of that has been negotiated, most of it is ready to go. And we are just waiting for the last parts of the bill to be put together. We’re hopeful that that will be done in the next few hours, frankly.”

Dems in disarray: Contra Pelosi, progressives still want Senate to vote on a reconciliation bill before House passes bipartisan bill

It’s now a month later, just seven days before Virginia votes, and they still haven’t resolved whether the Senate needs to pass a framework to get the House to move or an actual bill. For Biden’s, Pelosi’s, and especially Terry McAuliffe’s sake, there had better be a lot more House lefties in the Ro Khanna group than the Pramila Jayapal group since there’s no time for the Senate to pass a bill before next Tuesday. The best they’re going to do is reach a framework.


So who will be right and who will be wrong? Time will tell if Taegan Goddard is correct and a deal can be reached sometime tonight, or if the Allahpundit is correct in reporting that the Democrats are still in disarray and there is no deal in place. 

Place your bets.... 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Before you place your bets, you might wantg to look at the last few posts in the thread below this one. As Rastus said...

C.H. Truth said...

So obviously the Reverend believes a deal is still just hours away... So confident in what he is told by Taegan Goddard!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

No, confident in what I read in Bloomberg, The Hill, and Axios.
Goddard quotes sources.
Does that not enter your thick skull?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Hill is one of those. Axios and Black instead of red state has a 1952 McCarthy campaign Soros is a community contributor

Sinema Backs Minimum Corporate Tax

October 26, 2021 at 6:49 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan,” The Hill reports.

She was the last road block

The Real ColdheartedtruthOctober 26, 2021 at 6:39 PM

But a number of popular proposals have been nixed from the bill altogether or will be significantly scaled back as the party trims costs following pushback from Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin (D W.Va.) over the proposed $3.5 trillion price tag. 

The party hopes to pass the bill using a process called reconciliation, which will let them advance it through the Senate with a simple majority and, therefore, bypass a Republican filibuster. But that means the party will need the vote of every Democrat in the Senate, meaning any single senator could tank the bill.

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan,” The Hill reports.

She was the last road block

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan,” The Hill reports.

She was the last road block

Elon Musk Rips Proposed Billionaire Tax

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk,
who is currently the richest man in the world,
ripped the Democratic proposal for an annual tax on billionaires’ investment gains saying: “Eventually, they run out of other people’s money and then they come for you.”

Musk’s net worth jumped to 288.6 billion on Monday, according to Bloomberg.

Oh, don't we all just feel SO sorry for poor old Musk!

Biden Plan Will Include $500 Billion for Climate

“The White House is privately telling lawmakers the climate portion of President Biden’s roughly $2 trillion social spending plan is ‘mostly settled’ and will likely cost more than $500 billion

“A price tag of $500-550 billion is a huge number and, if it holds, would likely be the single biggest component of the sweeping package. It also isn’t far off from the roughly $600 billion proposed when the bill was expected to cost $3.5 trillion.”


Democrats Propose Corporate Minimum Tax

“Senate Democrats detailed a 15% minimum tax on large companies’ income on Tuesday, refreshing an earlier revenue-raising proposal as they try to generate enough money to pay for President Biden’s social-spending and climate-change agenda.

“The plan is designed to raise money from companies without raising the 21% corporate income-tax rate.”

Sinema Backs Minimum Corporate Tax

“Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) voiced support for a proposal for a minimum tax on corporate profits as her party weighs the measure as
a potential revenue raiser for its sweeping social spending plan.”


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Ch is usually using Red State

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Manchin Thinks Spending Deal Will Happen

Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) predicted “I think we’ll get a framework” but warned “the devil is in the details,” The Hill reports.

“Democrats have good reason to court Mr. Manchin’s support. They remember how difficult it was to win his vote on the $1.9 trillion pandemic aid plan enacted this year, including his last-minute effort to slash the size of the unemployment benefits included in the measure.

“But the episode also proved that he could be swayed — albeit not as far as his liberal colleagues would like — offering negotiators a glimmer of hope.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Ch is usually using Red State.

Yeah, he sure has come down in the world.
He used to be half-way decent, every now and then.
No more. He completely sold out.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Ch will call them RINO Wall Street Journal

Corporate Minimum Tax Resurfaces as Democrats Hunt for Money https://www.wsj.com/articles/corporate-minimum-tax-resurfaces-as-democrats-hunt-for-money-11635280425

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Red State is the new McCarthy era

Symptoms of a Psychopath: “In the early 1800s, doctors were seeing a new kind of mental illness involving ‘moral depravity.'” The symptoms according to Psychology Today are these:

**Uncaring, coldheartedness

**Shallowness of emotions, no shame, guilt, embarrassment

**Irresponsibility, “blame externalization”=blaming others for what they themselves do

**Insincere speech=Lying, superficial charm

**Overconfidence, grandiose sense of self-worth

**Narrowness of attention, inability to focus, impulsivity

**Selfishness, egocentric, inability to love, parasitic lifestyle

**Inability to plan for the future, unable to follow any life plan, zero long-term goals

**Violence, low tolerance for frustration and discharge of aggression and violence; irritability and aggressiveness, repeated physical fights and assaults

“Could there be a better answer to the stupidity of Karl Marx than millions of workers individually sharing in the ownership of the means of production?”

–President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)

It’s fitting that we should start out a series of columns at the very beginning — so long ago, with the father of this twisted ideology.

We call this ideology Communism, Socialism or Stalinism … but it all started with Marxism & Karl Marx.

I’ve always believed that if you do a little easy research into a person and discover what their childhood and parents were really like, you can truly understand what kind of person they were/are.

Right now in America, there’s a “Marx-renaissance” led by liars trying to destroy our great country and supported by “useful idiots” with no more common sense than a bag of hammers. The people dabbling with this disgusting skeletal specimen know absolutely nothing about him much less America or themselves. They’re stupid, unconscious. That’s why this kind of rudimentary commentary is so necessary.

On May 5th, 1818, Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Germany, to Jewish parents. Wikipedia, (the totally untrustworthy anti-American propaganda site) called his family a “non-religious Jewish family” that later converted to Christianity. That stinks of George Soros.

This brings up and somewhat clarifies my inability to understand why subsequent Marxist totalitarian regimes would be so viciously murderous to Jews. It’s exactly because these early Marxist psychos (Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Engels, etc.) were Jewish that they hated their own people. Hating oneself is one thing, but hating your own tribe is insane. If there’s a more psychotic mindset in the world ever, that’s got to be it.

It’s been said in relation to Marx but certainly applies to other Communist freaks that their hatred of Jews while many were Jewish themselves was the worst kind of racism. The comparison to today’s Marxist Democrats—and history’s worst racists (KKK, Southern Dems, Jim Crow/Segregation supporters, the assassins of Lincoln & Kennedy, etc.) cannot be overlooked.

Hard-core Communists, only interested in seizing power and property from the proletariat while acting like they’re advocates and saviors, have always preached that Marx was “filled with compassion for the poor and was an admirable father and tender husband.” None of these things were true.

Constantly supported by his father and unable to do anything in terms of physical or intellectual value, Marx was educated in Bonn, Germany, and then became a sort of pain-in-the-ass, nomadic dissident of all things good and valuable.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

This actually looks just like Thecoldheartedtruth of today

**Uncaring, coldheartedness

**Shallowness of emotions, no shame, guilt, embarrassment. The NO CULTURE

**Irresponsibility, “blame externalization”=blaming others for what they themselves do. Alky etc.

**Insincere speech=Lying, superficial charm

**Overconfidence, grandiose sense of self-worth. Evident right now!

**Narrowness of attention, inability to focus, impulsivity

**Selfishness, egocentric, inability to love, parasitic lifestyle

**Inability to plan for the future, unable to follow any life plan, zero long-term goals

**Violence, low tolerance for frustration and discharge of aggression and violence; irritability and aggressiveness, repeated physical fights and assaults. January 6th by white supremacist assholes was not an Insurrection.

James and etc. Live in his brain

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


Kennedy was killed by a Democrat

They didn't even land on the moon

Myballs said...

James keeps posting about a 15% min corporate tax like it's a big brilliant thing. Just 2 months ago, there was a global agreement among most countries to have a 15% corporate min tax. So this is not ground breaking and likely why Sinema is ok with it.

It was needed because a handful of countries were under cutting everyone 3else. Like Ireland for example.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Yeah, that last sounds much like a description of Trump.
And Trumpistas here.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess ole Ballsie doesn't belive that far too many American corporations were actually paying ZERO in taxes.

Myballs said...

Huh? I just said it was needed. Please think before you post.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

You downplayed that it was much for American corporations to have to do. Look at the following, and you will see they will not agree:

April 2, 2021

55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits

At least 55 of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income taxes in their most recent fiscal year despite enjoying substantial pretax profits in the United States. This continues a decades-long trend of corporate tax avoidance by the biggest U.S. corporations, and it appears to be the product of long-standing tax breaks preserved or expanded by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) as well as the CARES Act tax breaks enacted in the spring of 2020.

The tax-avoiding companies represent various industries and collectively enjoyed almost $40.5 billion in U.S. pretax income in 2020, according to their annual financial reports. The statutory federal tax rate for corporate profits is 21 percent. The 55 corporations would have paid a collective total of $8.5 billion for the year had they paid that rate on their 2020 income. Instead, they received $3.5 billion in tax rebates.

Their total corporate tax breaks for 2020, including $8.5 billion in tax avoidance and $3.5 billion in rebates, comes to $12 billion.

This report is based on ITEP’s analysis of annual financial reports filed by the nation’s largest publicly traded U.S.-based corporations in their most recent fiscal year. All data presented here come directly from the income tax notes of these reports. Some companies with unusual fiscal years have not yet filed such reports. Some publicly traded corporations paid nothing on profits in their most recent fiscal year but are not included in this report because they are not part of the S&P 500 or Fortune 500.

No-Tax Corporations Continue a Decades-Long Trend

For decades, the biggest and most profitable U.S. corporations have found ways to shelter their profits from federal income taxation. ITEP reports have documented such tax avoidance since the early years of the Reagan administration’s misguided tax-cutting experiment. A widely cited ITEP analysis of an eight-year period (2008 through 2015) confirmed that federal tax avoidance remained rampant before the TCJA.

Now, with most corporations reporting their third year of results under the new corporate tax laws pushed through by President Donald Trump in 2017, it is crystal clear that the TCJA failed to address loopholes that enable tax dodging—and may have made it worse.

The companies avoiding income taxes in 2020 represent very different sectors of the U.S. economy:

Food conglomerate Archer Daniels Midland enjoyed $438 million of U.S. pretax income last year and received a federal tax rebate of $164 million.

The delivery giant FedEx zeroed out its federal income tax on $1.2 billion of U.S. pretax income in 2020 and received a rebate of $230 million.

The shoe manufacturer Nike didn’t pay a dime of federal income tax on almost $2.9 billion of U.S. pretax income last year, instead enjoying a $109 million tax rebate.

The cable TV provider Dish Network paid no federal income taxes on $2.5 billion of U.S. income in 2020.

The software company Salesforce avoided all federal income taxes on $2.6 billion of U.S. income.

Myballs said...

Is it all you are able to do? Paste the commentary and intellect of others instead of actually holding up a discussion on your own?

I think a big problem are the huge tax benefits given to corporations to entice them to locate in particular areas. That's where muchvof the zero tax liability comes from.

Feel Free to respond in your own words for a change.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

How Democrats Might End Up Providing a Tax Cut to the Rich

As Democrats continue to debate various tax plans that could raise revenue for their Build Back Better economic agenda, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget warns in an analysis published on Tuesday that, depending on the final details, the proposals could wind up cutting taxes on the rich for at least a couple of years.

That surprising outcome would largely be the result of a proposal to repeal the $10,000 cap on the deductibility of state and local taxes (SALT). CRFB acknowledges that its analysis is highly speculative given that details of the Democratic tax plan are still very much in flux. “However,” the group says, “the rumored two-year SALT cap repeal would represent a roughly $70 billion tax cut for the top 5 percent of earners in 2023. Lawmakers may have a hard time counteracting such a large tax cut with other tax increases.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If you are unable to read what is at 7:40 above and conclude that it should be impossible for corporations making those huge profits to pay NOTHING in taxes, then there is not anything that I could say that would persuade you otherwise. You are just upset because actually that is quite obvious to you and to anyone else who reads that information.

Myballs said...

Are you so desperate to be disagreeable?Good grief. I've just said twice that corporations paying little are a problem. Take yes for an answer in that we are agreeing.

Or is your last post just a tactic to hide your inability to discuss this without pasting someone else's thoughts?

Myballs said...

I guess James left. He got busted not being able to discuss something in his own words.

Buh bye.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Hill

ARLINGTON, Va.—President Biden hit the campaign trail with Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe on Tuesday as Election Day in the commonwealth reaches its final stretch.

Biden used the speech, which lasted over 15 minutes, to urge voters to head to the polls, warning that a victory for Republican Glenn Youngkin would be a victory for former President Trump .

“I ran against Donald Trump, and Terry is running against an acolyte of Donald Trump,” Biden told the crowd.

“[Youngkin] doesn’t like to talk about it very much now, but to win the Republican nomination, he embraced Donald Trump,” he continued.

The former president went on to question why Youngkin and Trump have not appeared together on the campaign trailing, asking “is he embarrassed?”

Biden called both of the Republicans extreme, but took a particular shot at Youngkin saying extremism “can come in a smile and a fleece vest.”

Biden also commented on a recent ad from Youngkin, which featured a Fairfax County mother who pushed to have the 1987 novel "Beloved" banned from her son's English curriculum in Fairfax County roughly eight years ago.

"He's gone from banning a woman's right to choose to banning books written by a Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize winning author, Toni Morrison,” Biden said.

The censorship Party of Trump.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I've been on the phone with my 102 year old father in NC.

When you earlier said,
"It was needed because a handful of countries were under cutting everyone else. Like Ireland for example."

That sounds like you're saying that's the only reason it was needed.

I am saying there should never have been the enormous tax breaks for corporations that would allow them to get away with what they were getting away with, and my fact filled post at 7:40 makes that clear. I don't see the need for more argument than that.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Brazil Senators Back Criminal Charges Against Bolsonaro

A Senate committee in Brazil has voted to recommend that President Jair Bolsonaro face charges over his handling of the Covid pandemic.

Trump should likewise face criminal charges for his mishandling of the Covid pandemic in America.

Both men have the deaths of many on their hands.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

During his campaign, Joe Biden made no secret of the presidential legacies he aspired to, frequently invoking Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon B. Johnson. The two Democratic presidents both passed sweeping legislation that transformed the country, and Mr. Biden didn’t hide his plans to do the same. Now, 10 months into his presidency, his initial proposals have been chipped away by members of his own party, and critics say what’s left is less like the New Deal and more like a shell of itself.

But it bears remembering that Congress could still approve trillions of dollars in additional spending — and if it does, Mr. Biden would become the overseer of one of the biggest federal spending plans in modern history. Already, the president has enacted a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package, known as the American Rescue Plan, which includes a wide range of health programs and anti-child-poverty plans that outstrip anything signed into law in the past 50 years.

anti-child-poverty relief is not welfare queens rrb

“The comparison is by definition unfair, but he asked for it,” said Jonathan Alter, the author of the book “The Defining Moment: FDR’s Hundred Days and the Triumph of Hope.” “People are comparing the entire New Deal to what Biden is doing right now. He has a long way to go before he reaches that, but if you’re making the comparison between 1933 and 2021, Biden stacks up really well. For Biden to really have a Rooseveltian presidency, he would have to take his considerable achievements for this year and keep it up.

Mr. Biden was starting his presidency by showing that the long-distrusted federal government can deliver rapid, tangible achievements, just as Roosevelt had.

He will never have deaths on his hands like Trump. Trump didn't start Warp Speed until three months after he knew how contagious it is.

February 7th will go down in history as the closet day to the bloodiest day in history.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Axios Reports:
Manchin Waffles on Billionaire Tax

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is telling colleagues he has deep concerns about a proposed “billionaire tax” but is waiting for more details before making a final decision.

“The senator’s doubts reveal an uncomfortable truth for the White House and congressional leaders as they race to finish — and pay for — their nearly $2 trillion social spending and climate package:
A tax solution designed to satisfy Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)
isn’t necessarily acceptable to Manchin.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

singing like canaries

John Wright

October 26, 2021

While Donald Trump, Steve Bannon and others continue to defy the House Select Committee investigating the Capitol insurrection, other witnesses are cooperating and "providing reams of evidence to investigators," according to a report from Axios.

The report cites Rolling Stone's bombshell story from Sunday, which revealed that two "Stop the Steal" organizers told investigators they discussed plans for the protests with House Republicans and Trump aides.

"The report — despite being hailed by some Democrats as a 'smoking gun' and grounds for expulsion (from Congress) — does not allege those Republicans were involved in a plot to attack the Capitol," Axios reported. "It does indicate key players in the day's events may be cooperating and providing new information to the committee."

In addition to the Stop the Steal organizers, cooperating witnesses include former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark — whom Trump sought to install as attorney general — and, according to CNN, at least five White House staffers from the Trump administration.

"The five former staffers who have had conversations with the committee have done so with either members or their staff. Some believe they have information worth sharing, while others are hoping to avoid being legally compelled to talk to the committee," CNN reported.

Rep. Jamie Raskin, a Democratic member of the committee, told CNN: "I've got good reason to believe a number of them are horrified and scandalized by what took place on January 6th and they want to do their legal duty and their civic duty by coming forward to explain exactly what happened."

Axios and CNN and The Rolling Stones


Myballs said...

And what of my other post criticizing big tax benefits to entice companies to locate in particular places?

Even when I agree with you, you still need to argue and be obnoxious. And my point still stands that you are unable to discuss anything without pasting the commentary and intellect if others.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

WSJ reports

WASHINGTON—Democrats are poised to consider a plan that would upend tax rules for the wealthiest Americans, as Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden makes a late bid for a new capital-gains tax in President Biden’s social-spending and climate-change legislation.

Mr. Wyden’s detailed proposal—annual income taxes on about 700 billionaires’ unsold publicly traded assets such as stocks—arrives as Democrats are struggling to find up to $2 trillion over a decade to cover the cost of their agenda. They have plenty of ideas that would exceed that figure, but precious few that can muster the support of enough Democrats to get through the narrowly divided Congress.

Lawmakers’ reaction in the coming days will determine whether the idea advances or whether it joins the pile of other tax proposals that Democrats have floated and cast aside this year amid objections from moderates, progressives or both.

The Democrats’ plan to pay for President Biden’s $3.5 trillion Build Back Better initiative will need to strike the right balance to appeal to progressives without alienating moderates.

Mr. Wyden’s 107-page plan would eliminate billionaires’ ability to defer capital-gains taxes indefinitely, and it would impose multibillion-dollar tax bills on people such as Amazon.com Inc. founder Jeff Bezos and Tesla Inc. CEO Elon Musk, who has criticized the plan. It is expected to raise hundreds of billions of dollars over a decade, though the actual amount would depend on stock prices and on whether courts rule the tax unconstitutional.

The money would come from the wealthiest taxpayers, many of whom currently can keep their reported income and tax bills low. Under today’s tax system, they don’t have to pay capital-gains taxes unless they sell their assets, and they can borrow against that wealth to finance their lifestyles.

“The Billionaires Income Tax would ensure billionaires pay tax every year, just like working Americans,” said Mr. Wyden (D., Ore.). “No working person in America thinks it’s right that they pay their taxes and billionaires don’t.”

Republicans have said that the idea would hurt economic growth, and House Democrats have watched the Senate tax conversation with frustration. The House Ways and Means Committee approved its proposed tax increases last month, relying on higher tax rates on corporations, high-income individuals and capital gains that hit the very rich but did little to focus on billionaires’ unrealized capital gains.

‘No working person in America thinks it’s right that they pay their taxes and billionaires don’t.’

— Sen. Ron Wyden (D., Ore.)

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...


Anonymous said...

One of the few truthful bloggers hereOctober 26, 2021 at 6:46 PM

Corporations that have been paying zero will think it's a big deal.

Nope , as you out perform Roger and Denny's combined , in knowing nothing about the US Tax Code and real world Economics.

The consumer will pay any new taxes.

Caliphate4vr said...

The consumer will pay any new taxes.

Or those of us with 401ks, with lower gains, or the employees will pay with lower raises.

Their economic retards

rrb said...

The consumer will pay any new taxes.

Just like we always do. Oh, the corps will pay a miniscule token amount so the left can say - "See! Told ya!" or some other such fucktarded and economically uninformed response.

Or those of us with 401ks, with lower gains, or the employees will pay with lower raises.

Precisely. When the left has to work THIS hard to lie about their proposals, you just know that the middle class is in for yet another royal fucking.

Who got fucked when Trump said no more SALT tax deductions? The RICH.

Who will get rewarded when democrats re-instate SALT tax deductions? The RICH.

The democrats ARE the party of the rich and have been since at least the first 0linsky regime. Only the chronically stupid and involuntarily confined believe otherwise.

anonymous said...

Or those of us with 401ks, with lower gains......

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Anyone consider that all that tax free corporate income that is passed to the shareholders is not equitable to those who don't own stocks and pay their unfair share of taxes??????

Commonsense said...

working person in America thinks it’s right that they pay their taxes and billionaires don’t.’

Billionaires do. Far more than working class people.

But I don't think working class people want their life savings tax. I know I don't.

Commonsense said...

No, confident in what I read

No deal.

anonymous said...

But I don't think working class people want their life savings tax.

Sad you think that Americans have massive amount of life savings since the average savings is around 4500 and 401k's already are tax exempt until you retire......What is your stake cramps you seem more than average to me......BWAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Commonsense said...

401K are the primary retirement savings vehicle.

And they would be taxed on their net assets.

Just because you can't save Denny doesn't nobody else can.

Myballs said...

401Ks are tax deferred. Not tax exempt.

We don't call him dopey for nothing.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Does DeSantis deserve credit?

And the bottom line is that this summer in Florida, people did not do as well as they should have. Why? Because far too many of them died. The raw numbers alone are staggering. In all of 2020 — before vaccines essentially eliminated the risk of death for most recipients — 23,384 Floridians died of COVID-19. Now nearly as many — 21,000 and counting — have died in the past four months alone. And another 135 Floridians are still dying, on average, every single day.

The relative numbers are even more damning. Before Delta hit, Florida ranked 26th in the nation for cumulative COVID deaths per capita; now it ranks ninth. What’s more, three of the states above Florida on that list — New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts — suffered the bulk of their deaths right in the beginning of the pandemic, long before vaccinations and other interventions drastically reduced the virus’s deadliness.

In contrast, Florida is one of the only states where more people have been dying each day during the Delta wave — long after free, safe and effective vaccines became widely available to all Americans age 12 or older — than during any previous wave of the virus. Most of the other states in that category — Mississippi, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Kentucky, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Alaska — are places where conservative leaders have prioritized freedom from COVID restrictions over freedom from COVID itself.

The tragedy is that, unlike before, the vast majority of these deaths were preventable. DeSantis and his defenders might argue that it’s only a matter of time before the worst of Delta hits places like California too, further proving that a more cautious approach to the virus “provide[s] no benefits.” But that doesn’t explain why Florida’s peak daily COVID death rate was 2.5 times higher than California’s last summer — and nearly six times higher this summer. It doesn’t explain why California fell about 10 places on the state-by-state list of cumulative death rates at the same time Florida climbed nearly 20.

And it doesn’t explain why whatever price Californians paid this summer — no lockdowns, no business closures, no shuttered classrooms, no official curbs on indoor drinking or dining; just masks and tests in school and masks and vaccinations at some indoor businesses — was less acceptable than the price tens of thousands of Floridians paid when they lost their lives.

In the end, policy can do only so much during a pandemic. But leaders like DeSantis do have some power to encourage or discourage safety measures, and some responsibility for the behaviors they help to normalize (or not). Their supporters can give them credit for declining case numbers if they choose. But they’re also accountable for how much damage each wave of infection leaves in its wake. 

Yahoo news

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The Coup of 2024?

Just as the Filipino colonels spent five years launching a succession of escalating coups and those French generals spent four years trying to overthrow their government, so Trump's Republicans are working with ferocious determination in the run-up to the 2022 and 2024 elections to ensure that their next constitutional coup succeeds. Indeed, if you look back on events over the past year through the prism of such historical precedents, you can see all the components for a future political coup falling into place.

No matter how improbable, discredited, or bizarre those election fraud claims are, Republican loyalists persist in endless ballot audits in Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Texas. Their purpose is not really to find more votes for Trump in the 2020 election, but to maintain at least the present level of rage among the one-third of all Americans and more than half of all Republicans who believe that Joe Biden's presidency is fraudulent.

Since the 2020 election coincided with the new census, Republicans have been working, reports Vox news, to "gerrymander themselves into control of the House of Representatives." Simultaneously, Republican legislators in 19 states have passed 33 laws making it more difficult for certain of their residents to vote. Driven by the white nationalist "replacement theory" that immigrants and people of color are diluting the pool of "real American" voters, Trump and his Republican loyalists are fighting for "ballot integrity" on the principle that all non-white votes are inherently illegitimate. As Trump put it on the stump in 2016:

"I think this will be the last election that the Republicans have a chance of winning because you're going to have people flowing across the border, you're going to have illegal immigrants coming in… and they're going to be able to vote and once that all happens you can forget it. You're not going to have one Republican vote."

In case all that electoral manipulation fails and Trump needs more muscle for a future political coup, right-wing fighters like the Proud Boys are still rumbling away at rallies in Oregon, California, and elsewhere across America. Just as the Philippine government made military rebels do a risible 30 push-ups for the capital crime of armed rebellion, so federal courts have generally been handing out the most modest of penalties to rioters who attempted nothing less than the overthrow of U.S. constitutional democracy last January 6th.

Among the 600 rioters arrested as of August, dozens have been allowed to plead guilty to misdemeanors and only three had been sentenced to jail time, leaving most cases languishing in pretrial motions. Already Republicans like Senator Ted Cruz have rallied to their defense, writing the U.S. attorney general to complain about an "unequal administration of justice" with "harsher treatment" for Capitol defendants than those arrested in Black Lives Matter protests.

So, in 2024, as the continuing erosion of America's global power creates a crisis of confidence among ordinary Americans, expect Donald Trump to be back, not as the slightly outrageous candidate of 2016 or even as the former president eager to occupy the White House again, but as a militant demagogue with thundering racialist rhetoric, backed by a revanchist Republican Party ready, with absolute moral certainty, to bar voters from the polls, toss ballots out, and litigate any loss until hell freezes over.

And if all that fails, the muscle will be ready for another violent march on Washington. Be prepared, the America we know is worsening by the month.

Copyright 2021 Alfred W. McCoy

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Looking at the thread heading

Dueling storylines? Is there a deal or not? Credibility at stake for PoliticalWire and HotAir !!
Democrats Aim to Strike Deal Within ‘Hours’

October 26, 2021 at 2:17 pm EDT By Taegan Goddard

CHT was blasted by roger ("The Real Coldheartedtruth" and 50 other aliases) and the POS "pastor" james (currently hiding behind "One of the few truthful bloggers here ") who said they had rock solid sources that this was happening for sure. They had all sorts of confirmed FAKE NEWS sources (as always)

Here we are the next day and it's already on to other irrelevant distractions.

And it hasn't happened.

CHT stuck his neck out

And was right once again


anonymous said...

401K are the primary retirement savings vehicle.

And they would be taxed on their net assets.

Hey cramps....that is not what I have read.....please check this link


Sorry sport again you follow fake news......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

Commonsense said...

Sorry, you know when a Democrat is lying is when they said they will only tax the rich.

Like the Alternative Minimum Tax, the Democrat will start taxing net assets like you 401K, your home. Pretty much every investment.

anonymous said...

Your speculation is most amusing especially after being caught making shit up......BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! Sorry sport, your inability to process the writer word is typical of GOP slurpers......LOLOLOLOLO

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Last I heard Biden still owed about a half million in taxes he hadn't paid

And the "big guy" never even reported receiving any income from his 10% stream or Joe from the 50% "pop" made Hunter pay all these years

wonder what the shared Hunter/Joe bank account shows ?

kind of strange to have for someone who had nothing to do with his son's business and knew nothing about it, "never discussed"

Of course Joe and Hunter are very confident nothing will come of all this

They are not Trump

and the are "artists"

____ artists

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Trump has a guerilla movement of domestic terrorists.

‘Tell The Truth Or Your 3 Kids Will Be Fatally shot '

A voting rights bill before the Senate contains new protections for election officials.


Paul Blumenthal

10/26/2021 06:51pm EDT | Updated 7 hours ago

Top election officials in a Senate hearing Tuesday detailed the stream of death threats and harassment that followed them after Donald Trump lied about his 2020 presidential election loss.

“Tell the truth or your three kids will be fatally shot,” Al Schmidt, a Republican city commissioner on the Philadelphia Board of Elections, quoted one such threat to him.


Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the state’s top election official and a Democrat, testified that “armed protesters” gathered in front of her house, chanting, “Katie come out and play. We are watching you,” after Trump lied that his loss in the state was due to election fraud.

“As an elected official, I expected that sometimes I would have constituents who were unhappy with me,” Hobbs said. “But I never expected that holding this office would result in far-right trolls threatening my children, threatening my husband’s employment at a children’s hospital or calling my office saying I deserve to die and asking, ‘What is she wearing today, so she’ll be easy to get.’”

The hearing before the Senate Rules Committee was designed to gather testimony from state and local election officials about the torrent of harassment and death threats that followed Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. The hearing was part of Democrats’ push to pass voting rights legislation that includes new protections for election officials.

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, testified that she and her family faced constant harassment and death threats after Donald Trump claimed his presidential election loss in the state was a result of widespread fraud.

The bill introduces new felony crimes for threatening, intimidating and disclosing personal information of election workers. It also expands the number of those workers who qualify for such protection.

Since Trump’s various attempts to overturn his loss, state and local election officials, in areas of all political stripes, have faced a torrent of constant harassment and death threats. One in three election officials now feel unsafe in their job, and one in five believe death threats to be a main job concern, according to a report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a nonprofit that backs voting rights legislation.

The Trump-inspired threats specifically followed officials targeted by the former president. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and those in his office faced constant death threats after the Republican election official refused Trump’s request that he “find” enough votes to reverse the state’s election outcome.

“It has to stop,” Gabriel Sterling, the Republican head of Georgia’s voting system, said with great emotion at a Dec. 1, 2020, news conference. “Stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. Someone is going to get hurt, someone is going to get shot, someone is going to get killed. And it’s not right.”

Raffensperger and his family were harassed and received constant death threats. “We plan for the death of you and your family every day,” one text to his wife read.

The committee witnesses also recounted how they, their families and those working for them received and still receive threats and harassment.

Hobbs stated that her son’s phone number was posted online, and callers to the children’s hospital where her husband worked made false allegations about him committing crimes in an attempt to have him fired.

She also explained how non-election workers in the secretary of state’s office, in divisions such as business services, were also targeted with death threats and harassment that was not only frightening but prevented them from doing their actual work.

“For my office, it’s been nearly constant,” Hobbs said. “It’s wearing them down.”

Seig Heil Mr Trump

Huffington Post

rrb said...

Like the Alternative Minimum Tax, the Democrat will start taxing net assets like you 401K, your home. Pretty much every investment.

Only a democrat could declare a capital gain not yet realized as taxable, and then force the sale of the asset just so you can afford to pay the fucking tax.

These people are beyond stupid, they're fucking insane.

Commonsense said...

Blogger anonymous said...
Your speculation is most amusing especially after being caught making shit up...

Not speculation and not making shit up. Democrats leftest has wrote as much. They just haven't said the quite part yet.

Commonsense said...

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, the state’s top election official and a Democrat, testified that “armed protesters” gathered in front of her house, chanting, “Katie come out and play. We are watching you,”

Armed? With what? She didn't use the other adjective "peaceful".

These tyrants are truly afraid of their own shadow.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Rep. Matt Gaetz


BREAKING: Eugene “Gene” Huelsman, a longtime camera operator for CNN, ABC, NBC, and others, has been ARRESTED for threatening to kill Matt Gaetz and his family.

Another man who recently threatened Rep. Gaetz is still free after the DOJ blocked USCP's recommendation for arrest.

democrats (and the press) sure are dangerous

Commonsense said...

A voting rights bill before the Senate contains new protections for election officials.

The Democrats right to cheat act will die on the senate floor.

anonymous said...

Keeping democracy's most important tenet seems to elude your pea brain cramps.....BTW......you claim the election was stolen.....simple question.....whp specifically stole it especially with all the R's that also won in 2020

C.H. Truth said...

Sorry Roger...

Those threats (just like the actual actions taken to fire, threaten or otherwise harm people with conservative views) is just another means of cancelling viewpoints that people disagree with.

Since you are in favor of such cancelling, not sure why you take issue with this. These election officials have opinions and have taken action that others do not like.

According to the cancel culture, these others who disagree can and should band together and make sure those people are punished for their views.

That is the can of worms that your ilk opened up with the cancel culture. I am not sorry you are upset when people you agree with have their opinions challenged and face consequences for disagreeing with people who are prone to take action.

Perhaps we should all go back to just having freedom of speech where we don't punish people just for disagreeing? Obviously, however, you and your ilk have argued against the concept of free speech for some time.