Thursday, October 21, 2021

Florida now has the lowest covid rate in the continental United States

Notice how the media has stopped talking about Covid, now that it is not Florida who is seeing all the new cases? Note: We had 2000 deaths yesterday. Still should be in the news, shouldn't it?


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

United States –25%

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

President Biden had a very good town hall.
President 'Sully' Biden, successfully bringing a disabled USA back to a safe landing.
"Why doesn't he do more press conferences?" - because things like this are infinitely more enlightening and informative than what the beltway asks at a press conference.
Keep these up, Mr. President!
I like the town halls better than press conferences. He does great when talking directly to the American people.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

His main super power is normalcy. Like Superman's kryptonian strength. But Superman also has x-ray vision and can fly. Biden can Town Hall.

I bet he could do one and chew gum at the same time!
We are so blessed to have him as our president.. The world must be so jealous... I mean rethuglicans.

Our international approval is up by double digits. Make American Respected Again!
My shirt I wear often: "make America Kind Again."

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden: “I turn on Fox to find out how popular I am.” LAUGHTER
AC: “How are you doing there?”
Biden: “I’m doing very well. I think I’m at 3% favorable. But all kidding aside…do you realize they mandate vaccinations?” LAUGHTER
AC: “At Fox headquarters?”
Biden: “Yeah I find that mildly fascinating." LAUGHTER

A comment: When he's good, he's very, very good... and when he's bad, he's still pretty good.

Anonymous said...

One of the stupidest things said by Alky.

"National guard troops are going to help others get food and supplies for their families across the country."

What is Broke Back Biden doing?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

from earlier tonight:
I just got home. How is Biden doing? Any surprises? I have it recording and I will watch it later.
You won't be disappointed
Good to hear!! 😊 I am reading comments now and I will watch it in it's entirety later.
No surprise -- he makes trump look like a kindergarten brat by comparison.
So true. Predictably, ugly Americans like the brat because he’s like them.

Anonymous said...

Roger, James and Denny are all exactly and spectacularly wrong.

"Most Americans expect grocery prices to continue to rise over the next year and admit that the rising prices have caused them to change their eating habits, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday found.

The vast majority of voters, 81 percent, said they are paying more for groceries now than they were one year ago. What is more, 66 percent believe the amount they will spend on groceries one year from now will be “higher” than what they are spending now. Another 19 percent said it will be “about the same,” but only six percent believe it will be “lower.”

Told you so!!!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Omg this is terrible news

Authorities have confirmed that actor Alec Baldwin fired the prop gun on the set of his film “Rust” that killed director of photography Halyna Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza.

Earlier, the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office said a 42-year-old woman was airlifted to a hospital after being shot by a prop gun, where she died. A man who was shot was getting emergency care at another hospital, according to the Associated Press.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny

By Blaise Edwards, M.D.

I find myself in the position that I must use an alias for fear of reprisal.  Those days may be quickly coming to an end, as hospitals are denying requests for vaccine exemptions with impunity.  I will likely soon be out the door, with nothing to lose.  Even if I survive this round, if the “pandemic” continues, it won’t be long before I am shelved like a can of spam.

Doctors need to be called out.  From early in the pandemic, it was like a mass hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school.  Immune system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates.  The thought of early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate the immune system was forbidden.  We essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait until they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin.  Imagine telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin.  Would we really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat them only at the hospital?  It is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.

We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process.  The reasons are multiple.  First, it was the easy way out.  Second, many of us are employed and fear reprisal.  Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.

As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses.  They kept their heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.

I had conversations with doctors who are supposed experts in virology and immunology denying the lasting immunity of natural infection.  Conversations about natural immunity:

“I have antibodies.”

“But they will wane.”

“But I have memory cells.

Myballs said...

Biden's wonderful town hall - 12 audience member questions. Only 2 were Republican. And even then, they were at the very end when many watchers likely had gone.

rrb said...


A recent poll from the University of New Hampshire found that 45 percent of likely Democrat voters in their first-in-the-nation 2024 primary would like to see President Joe Biden be challenged, showing the first signs of dissatisfaction within the state.

rrb said...

Blogger Conscientious, decency-affirming patriotic pastor Boswell said...

President Biden had a very good town hall.

Well pederast, I would certainly hope so seeing as it was invitation only for throne-sniffing sycophants like you and the alky.

rrb said...

Biden: “I’m doing very well. I think I’m at 3% favorable. But all kidding aside…do you realize they mandate vaccinations?” LAUGHTER
AC: “At Fox headquarters?”
Biden: “Yeah I find that mildly fascinating." LAUGHTER

Hilarious. Except that it's a LIE.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Omg this is terrible news

Geez, ya think alky?

Hand a loaded gun to a rabid anti-gun, anti Second Amendment imbecile. What could go wrong?

I hope the law strings him up by his balls on a criminally negligent homicide charge, or at least manslaughter. A full ten years of being Bubba's bitch in a maximum security prison should straighten him the fuck out. Let his asshole get ravaged to the point that he wears a colostomy bag for LIFE.

Piece of shit.

rrb said...

Bumbling fucktard XiNN town hall...

This was awkward.

Joe Biden on Thursday evening confused a black congressman with a black mayor during a CNN town hall in Baltimore.

“By the way, there’s two famous guys in this audience here…[Senator] Ben Cardin and [Senator] Chris Van Hollen — and the Mayor!” Biden shouted referring to the black man standing next to Van Hollen.

Only it wasn’t the Mayor of Baltimore (Brandon Scott).

The black man standing next to Senator Van Hollen is Congressman Kweisi Mfume.

Imagine the searing headlines if Trump did this.

anonymous said...

Sad that Lil Schitty is declaring Floriduh a victory on Covid, remember the Mission Accorplished sign????? the state languished as #1 for infections for months!!!!!! Maybe, just maybe....the citizens finally pulled their heads out of their asses and practiced social distancing and other protocols like wearing masks in public areas are the true reason for asshole DeSantis lack of action and toeing the trump idiotic line!!!!!!

2 articles that I found on Chinese GW actions and the other on countries without shut downs who seemed to have beaten covid......

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Nobody said life was fair, but this is ridiculous: Democrats are getting pilloried for struggling to do big and important things, while Republicans are being given a free pass for behaving like a horde of vandals.

This isn’t the way our government is supposed to work. Yes, the Democratic Party controls the White House and has the slimmest of majorities in the Senate and the House. But that doesn’t absolve Republicans from the duty to try to do what’s best for the country. It doesn’t give any of our elected representatives the right to simply ignore the work they were elected to do — and the GOP should be called out for putting political gamesmanship ahead of the nation’s well-being.

Wednesday’s vote by GOP senators to block debate — not passage, mind you, but mere debate — of watered-down legislation to guarantee basic voting rights is just the latest example. Securing universal access to the ballot box used to be a bipartisan cause. In blocking the bill, Republicans are “hurting their own constituents,” as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) noted Thursday. But apparently that doesn’t matter.

I get it. The voter-suppression laws passed by GOP-controlled state legislatures across the country are crafted to give an advantage to Republican candidates. The proposed Freedom to Vote Act, already watered down in a vain quest for Republican support, would have somewhat leveled the playing field. Yet even the few GOP senators who occasionally show a glimmer of conscience — Mitt Romney (Utah), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Susan Collins (Maine) — voted the party line, which was against allowing the Senate even to debate the bill.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The many Republicans who helped pass the landmark Voting Rights Act of 1965 — giants such as Everett Dirksen of Illinois, Margaret Chase Smith of Maine and Jacob Javits of New York — would weep if they could witness what has happened to their party.

Similarly, Republicans blocked all attempts to establish a proper bicameral, bipartisan blue-ribbon panel to fully investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection. Pelosi then had no option but to create a House select committee, whose important work Republicans now dismiss as “partisan.”

The thing is, we become inured to such behavior. The public has come to expect it, at all levels of government, as if representing the needs and aspirations of the American people were nothing but a blood sport and all that matters is which political tribe wins and which loses. If many voters are angry or disenchanted, who can blame them?

This is not a “both sides” situation. Republicans and Democrats are not equally to blame, though the GOP would like you to believe otherwise. You don’t have to support everything the Democrats are trying to accomplish to recognize that one party is at least trying to govern — and that the other seeks only to sabotage.
Forty years of trickle-down economic orthodoxy produced growth and innovation but also created shocking levels of inequality. Working-class and middle-class incomes stagnated, while the rich became richer beyond their wildest dreams. The nation’s infrastructure was allowed to sag and rust. We failed to invest adequately in our future.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

President Biden and the Democrats are trying to begin addressing these problems, whose existence and urgency many Republicans recognize. Indeed, 19 GOP senators (out of 50) did ultimately vote for the $1.2 trillion “hard infrastructure” bill that awaits approval by the House. But Republicans are forcing Democrats to conceive and pass a larger “human infrastructure” package on their own — while under rhetorical sniper fire from the GOP.

So Democrats are having the kinds of arguments among themselves that used to take place between the two parties — what new programs to start, how long those programs should last, how much to spend, how to pay for it all. Instead of participating in these important debates, Republicans are threatening to trigger a financial cataclysm by refusing to raise the federal debt ceiling. They have already tried this supremely irresponsible maneuver once, and they threaten to do it again in December.

And watch: When Democrats eventually do pass the spending packages and Biden signs them into law, Republicans will be quick to take credit for all the measures that are popular with the folks back home.
I am not happy that Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) are blocking initiatives I believe are needed. But at least they are engaged in the process. The much bigger problem is that one of our two major parties — the GOP — is doing nothing but throwing rocks and bottles from the sidelines.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Criticism of Democrats’ negotiations misses a bigger issue: Republicans’ absence from governing

He is a brilliant writer.

anonymous said...

Why is the GOP so afraid of voter reform?????? Is it because they are paranoid of becoming irrelevant if everyone can vote without hinderance or are they hoping our putin surrogate loses his mojo?????????

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

1. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson boosters are now available to millions.
Who is eligible? For Moderna, anyone 65 and older or adults at high risk. For J&J, anyone 18 and older who has been vaccinated against the coronavirus for at least two months. Our interactive guide can help you figure out if you qualify.

Mixing and matching vaccines: People can now get any of the three boosters, no matter which one they received first, the CDC said. It will release more specific guidance on that next week.
2. You should start shopping now for holiday gifts.
What’s happening? The pandemic is still messing up global supply chains, and things are chaotic. Factories have gone dark; container ships are clogging ports; and there’s not enough truck drivers or warehouse workers.

What that means: You should expect delays, higher prices and emptier shelves, especially if you’re looking for popular toys and electronics.
3. The House voted to hold Stephen K. Bannon in criminal contempt of Congress.
Why? The former Trump aide has refused to cooperate with the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

What’s next: The Justice Department will decide whether to take things further. Contempt of Congress can result in up to one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.

How often does this happen? The last time someone was charged with contempt of Congress was in 1983.
4. Alec Baldwin fired a prop gun, killing a crew member and injuring a director.
What we know: Baldwin was in character on the set of “Rust” when he used the gun, so they were either filming or preparing to film a scene, New Mexico officials said.

Halyna Hutchins, 42, the director of photography, was killed, and film director Joel Souza, 48, had to be sent to the hospital.
5. The FBI identified remains in Florida as Brian Laundrie’s.
The 23-year-old vanished after his fiancee, Gabby Petito, disappeared — and was later found killed — during a cross-country road trip. He was a “person of interest” in her disappearance.

It’s not clear yet how he died: His remains were found in an area of wetlands officials described as “treacherous.”
6. Expect a stormy winter in the North, but mild and dry weather everywhere else.
NOAA’s annual winter outlook (which factors in La Niña’s return) is bad news for the Southwest, which is in the midst of a severe drought, but could bring some relief to Northern California.

One caveat: The polar vortex (a pool of freezing air and low pressure) is a wild card and could bring some wintry surprises, according to NOAA.
7. Otters have taken over Singapore, and people are obsessed (and also annoyed).
More than 10 families (or romps, as they’re called) are thriving on the island, thanks to the city-state’s reforestation and anti-pollution efforts.

They’ve fully integrated to city living, raiding koi ponds, drinking from fountains, using drain pipes as highways and generally living their best otter lives.

rrb said...

Eugene Robinson is a racist piece of shit, a despicable human being, and the poster child for everything that is wrong with modern American "journalism."

Pure filth. The scum of the earth. Human garbage. A waste of carbon, as a doctor friend of mine likes to say.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

They don't have an agenda except to obey Trump

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Because he is black man who cares deeply about others and unlike you he doesn't want to shoot anyone who disagrees with you.

He is also very wealthy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Plus he is an opinion writer,not a reporter.

anonymous said...

Eugene Robinson is a racist piece of shit, a despicable human being,

BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! The pot calling the black man a racist is most amusing.......beaner moose limb hater!!!!!!!!!

rrb said...

To repeat:

...and the poster child for everything that is wrong with modern American "journalism."

Eugene Harold Robinson (born March 12, 1954) is an American newspaper columnist and an associate editor of The Washington Post. His columns are syndicated to 262 newspapers by The Washington Post Writers Group. He won a Pulitzer Prize in 2009, was elected to the Pulitzer Prize Board in 2011[1] and served as its chair from 2017 to 2018.[2]

Robinson also serves as NBC News and MSNBC's chief political analyst.

Robinson is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists and a board member of the IWMF (International Women's Media Foundation).[3]

I said he was a JOURNALIST, alky.

And you are an imbecile lacking any familiarity with the fundamental skill of reading comprehension.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

editor's pick, the Pantagraph

From the Pulpit: The truth about Jesus


YEARS ago, I felt compelled to start telling the truth about Jesus. In other words, I felt I had to start being honest about things we pastors learn in seminary, but do not share with our church members because, although those things are true, they upset too many of them. Recently, I “upped the ante” on doing that by launching a website where I attempt to be as honest and truthful about Jesus as I think he would want me, and all the rest of us, to be – now, in our time.

The site is titled, “Jesus Laid Bare: Honest truths about Jesus,” and it is based on the research of biblical scholars whose knowledge is far superior to mine. You may discover there some insights about Jesus you might not have known before, and you may wish to comment, ask questions, raise objections or share opinions, ideas and beliefs of your own.

The site is intended for any who are open minded and willing to consider viewpoints they may find challenging, perhaps even unsettling. My purpose there, however, is not to create controversy for the sake of controversy, and certainly not to criticize or debunk Jesus, but honestly to value and appreciate him in ways that he might now want us to value and appreciate him.

A good way to get started is to watch my 24-minute video, “Jesus Laid Bare: Imagined conversations with Jesus.” In that video, I try to be scrupulously honest about what Jesus was really like by imagining how it would be if we were to be able to talk with him – that is to say, if somehow it became possible for us to converse with the actual flesh and blood man of the first century, Jesus of Nazareth himself: “If we could talk with him, what would he think of us? And how would he want us to think about him now?”

That video – and three others now in preparation – you may find challenging, intriguing and, I hope, ultimately exciting and helpful. They can be watched at (If that link does not work, copy it into a self-sent email and it should work there.)

Boswell, a retired pastor of The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) living in Normal, can be reached through the website noted above, and at

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If anyone ever had any doubt that rrb is a racist, all they would have to do is read what he said about Eugene Robinson.

Commonsense said...

President Biden had a very good town hall.

He spoke in complete sentences. (Hey that's more than Denny can do.)

rrb said...

My black manager would be quite surprised to learn that I'm racist, as he and I get along famously and he always asks me to cover for him when he's on vacation, out of the office, etc.

I'm sure all of you true racist leftists would consider HIM to be an Uncle Tom seeing as how he is a staunch conservative. He's first generation sub-Saharan African who arrived in the US on a student visa, leaving his home country just in time as it descended into the madness of socialism and inflation that turned his home country's currency into a laughingstock of the world.

Commonsense said...

If anyone ever had any doubt that rrb is a racist, all they would have to do is read what he said about Eugene Robinson.

Robinson is a hack and race baiter. Being black doesn't give him a free pass from criticism.

And since Robinson supports CRT, he is indeed a racist.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Everyone who thinks we should examine racism in this country is a racist? I guess that makes Commonsense one too.

Commonsense said...

I don't support CRT. Therefore I can't be a racist.

I also happen to be for integration. And signed on to Kings dream of colorblind society.

anonymous said...

And since Robinson supports CRT, he is indeed a racist.

And you question science, women's rights, evolution and democracy....what does that make you cramps?????

Commonsense said...

Oh and I live in a state with the best governor ever.

Commonsense said...

Who wants to tell Denny that the very definition of science is about questing and testing hypothesis.

The rest of his nonsense is just not worth answering.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CRT is simply another name for honesty.

Commonsense said...

CRT is simply another name for honesty.

CRT is another name for Marxist genocide.

You're just selling them the rope which they will hang you with.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CRT has also been used by KKKers.

rrb said...

This never would've happened to Cum-Allah:

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Virginia Will Test If Trump Still Motivates Democrats

“The level Democratic campaigns in Virginia have focused on Trump over the last few months has turned the off-year elections into the biggest test yet for whether the former President, who motivated historic Democratic turnout for the years he was either on the ballot or in power, still motivates the party’s base to vote in extraordinary numbers.

“This lesson, determined by how the tight Virginia’s races for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general end up on November 2, will reverberate within the Democratic Party for years, as both official party committees and outside organizations try to understand how to motivate voters after four years of Trump in the White House.”


Bonus Quote of the Day
“When crazy comes knocking at the door, you’ve got to slam it shut, that’s all there is to it. I don’t care what party you are from.”
— New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R), interviewed on CNN, responding to GOP lawmakers spreading wild conspiracy theories about Covid vaccines.

The Biggest Headline from Biden’s Town Hall
“Biden is jettisoning the corporate tax increases that White House officials have insisted, for the past 10 months, are wildly popular across the country. He admitted he doesn’t have the votes.”

Also from the Washington Post:
“Biden explained several times at the CNN-sponsored event how and why he was trimming his proposals, confirming that a paid-leave proposal was down from 12 weeks to four weeks and that he had been forced to drop his plans for free community college.”

Jonathan Bernstein:
Biden returns to normalcy.

It’s Trump’s Nomination If He Wants It

“Former President Trump is telling most anyone who’ll listen he will run again in 2024 — and poll after poll shows the vast majority of Republicans would gladly cheer him on and vote for him,” Axios reports.

“Almost every top Republican we talk to said it would take a severe illness, death — or criminal charges sticking — to stop Trump from walking away with the race before it even begins.”

Which is what many of them are wishing would happen. Any one or all of them.

White House Pushing for Two Votes Next Week

Punchbowl News:
“Yes, you read that right. The White House really wants a vote on reconciliation and infrastructure next week. This would give President Joe Biden and Democrats two legislative wins — desperately needed wins — right before he heads to Europe. House passage of the infrastructure bill would also give Democrat Terry McAuliffe a boost in a tight gubernatorial fight in Virginia that has political repercussions far beyond the confines of the Old Dominion.

“Is it possible? Yes, it’s been done before.
Is it likely?
Ahhh, count us as not only skeptical, but very skeptical.
We can see an infrastructure vote because of the looming Oct. 31 highway funding deadline.
But both seems very difficult.

“We do expect a serious discussion today between Biden, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer over this hurried timetable.”

Quote of the Day
“Look, when you’re in the United States Senate and you’re president of the United States and you have 50 Democrats, everyone is the president.”
— President Biden, quote by Bloomberg, at his CNN town meeting.

rrb said...

Conscientious, decency-affirming patriotic pastor Boswell said...

CRT has also been used by KKKers.

KKKers were DEMOCRATS, pederast.

See: Byrd, Robert C. D-WV



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Today they are REPUBLICANS.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Putin Slams Transgender Rights

“Russian President Vladimir Putin again attacked Western liberalism in a fiery address on Thursday, blasting so-called cancel culture and advances in gay and transgender rights,” the Washington Post reports.

He also said the notion that children are “taught that a boy can become a girl and vice versa” is monstrous and “on the verge of a crime against humanity.”

He also suggested that transgender rights supporters were demanding an end to “basic things such as mother, father, family or gender differences.”

Putin is so asinine. Transgender is not an ideal to be taught, but a reality to be recognized on behalf of those who need that kind of support.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Here is CRT in a nutshell:


Today they are REPUBLICANS

rrb said...

No pederast. You assholes don't get to revise history just like that.

And I think that folks like Senator Tim Scott, Justice Thomas, and scholars like Thomas Sowell would be shocked to learn that they're aligned with the KKK, as much as YOU clowns like to call them Uncle Tom's.

Commonsense said...

Today they are REPUBLICANS

David Dukes voter registration is still Democrat. The gaslighting lie that Democrats put out to absolves themselves of racism never happen.

The south turning Republican was chiefly due to the migration of upper middle-class Midwesterners to the south. Jim Crow Democrats remained Jim Crow Democrats. The KKK is still a Democrat militia organization.

Myballs said...

So according to AG Garland, girls being raped in school bathrooms by boys in skirts is a local matter. But let Mary Ellen the suburban mom go to a school board meeting. That he will monitor.

Even Jonathan Turkey is questioning this.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

The lying POS race baiting "pastor" said:

Today they are REPUBLICANS.

Actually the Bidens with their KKK eulogies and n-word tirades are not welcome to be called republicans.

They are still the KKK democrats with their "if you're black you need to vote Democrat" slave mentality.

Elites keeping blacks on the plantation has always been the democrats foundation and still is

and the KKK democrats hate being called out on their "hidden" secret


James's Fucking Daddy said...




“The violent, deadly insurrection on the Capitol nine months ago, it was about white supremacy."

He lies like he is a "pastor"

It was only deadly for Trump supporters

It was by far more peaceful than the BLM Marxist riots

He is hiding evidence that would bring transparency

And it was about election fraud

FJB and his race baiting

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Praise Trump Party of today.

Mainstream Republicans have given up on fighting Trump

It's bad enough that our country is awash with MAGA warriors who worship Donald Trump in all his racist glory. But my bigger disappointment has always been with the mainstream Republicans who have caved in to MAGA nation.

My touchstone for this is National Review, which has long represented mainstream conservatism and was famously anti-Trump in 2016. They know perfectly well just how toxic Trump is, but they've mostly given up on doing anything about it.

Don't get me wrong. They're still technically anti-Trump, some writers more than others. But in terms of where they put their energy they might as well be full-blown supporters.

Vaccines? They're in favor of people getting vaccinated, of course. Don't you dare suggest otherwise. But when it comes to putting pixels on a screen, you won't see much in the way of criticism of Tucker Carlson. Instead you'll see opposition to mandates, snarky stuff about liberals and their mask obsessions, and attacks on the CDC.

The 1/6 insurrection? It was a travesty. But in The Corner you mostly hear from Andy McCarthy and others doing their best to derail any congressional investigation. It's totally unconstitutional, you see.

The Big Lie about election fraud? Very unfortunate. But does that mean they support any concrete action to prevent Trumpies from overturning election results they don't like? Nope. And Democratic attempts to do something about it are uniformly attacked as partisan efforts to destroy the Republican Party.

In other words, NR is anti-Trump—in theory—but has basically adopted all of Trump's talking points. It's a paper-thin difference.

Assuming anyone cares, the NR response will undoubtedly be to point to the occasional pieces that go after Trump in a genuinely concrete way—which means supporting something that risks hurting the Republican Party. Maybe an essay from maverick Kevin Williamson. Or a wonky piece from Ramesh Ponnuru, NR's intermittent truthsayer.

But overall, they've basically decided that Trump is a reality to be accepted, not a danger to be fought. And that goes for nearly everyone else in the Republican Party too.

The modern era Dixiecrats.

James's Fucking Daddy said...



"I understand your talking point. You're not answering my question, Mr. Attorney General."

@RepMikeJohnson grilled Attorney General Merrick Garland about his potential Critical Race Theory conflict of interests, at Thursday's committee hearing

What a crooked AG.

Just another fraud like Biden and Mueller

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Most journalists are not opinion poll writers like Eugene Robinson.

Your limited intellect makes it impossible for you to understand the difference.

You can't comprehend science and even English language.

Commonsense said...

The modern era Dixiecrats.

Dixiecrats are still Dixiecrats.

The moderne day racist wraps himself in leftist dogma and accuse anybody who doesn't sign on to his dogma racist.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Why Is The Biden Administration Hiding Who’s Running The Department of Justice?

Remarkably, it took multiple Freedom of Information Act queries over roughly six months for the American Prospect to shake this information loose.

Upon taking office in January, Joe Biden’s administration promised to “bring transparency and truth back to the government.” No one seems to have told Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Two weeks ago, the attorney general decided to weaponize the FBI against parents speaking out at school board meetings when he issued a memorandum directing an investigation of a “disturbing spike” in alleged harassment and threats. Neither the memo nor any Department of Justice spokesperson cited any examples or evidence of this alleged spike to justify treating parents speaking to their school boards like terrorists.

Now, according to reporting from The American Prospect, Garland and the White House have been obscuring the political leadership of the Office of Legal Policy (OLP), one of the most powerful offices in the executive branch.

Susan Davies, a former corporate lawyer who spent years defending Facebook from antitrust lawsuits and regulatory scrutiny, has apparently been running the OLP since September 3
, and will continue to do so until a permanent replacement is confirmed by the Senate. Remarkably, it took multiple Freedom of Information Act requests and queries over a span of roughly six months for the American Prospect to shake this information loose.

The presence of Davies, and her role as senior official and deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legal Policy, was only added to the OLP’s website on October 7, a day before the information was shared with American Prospect. The obvious question is: Why was it hidden in the first place?

As American Prospect put it, “How is this secrecy even possible? Was Davies secretly working at DOJ in some other capacity before September 3? And are other officials whose presence has been kept from the public secretly calling the shots within DOJ?”

It’s not like Davies is playing an insignificant role. The OLP, housed at DOJ, is the clearinghouse for virtually every action the department takes. It also advises the Office of Management and Budget on regulatory development and plays a major role in selecting judicial nominees. And Davies isn’t simply working there. She’s running the place.

Why would the DOJ go to lengths to avoid disclosing this information? Perhaps because Davies’ long history of representing corporate clients, including Facebook, might raise some eyebrows over how her work might conflict with the stated priorities of the Biden administration, particularly its stated desire to take on the Big Tech platforms.

Davies was reportedly one of Garland’s preferred choices to lead the DOJ’s antitrust division, the office tasked with bringing and litigating the government’s major antitrust cases. In other words, Garland wanted a former Facebook attorney to be the one who decided whether to bring cases against the country’s major tech platforms—and to continue overseeing the DOJ’s case against Google, to boot. Seems dubious.

Perhaps for that reason, the nomination instead went to antitrust lawyer Jonathan Kanter, instead, whose deep experience representing litigants against the country’s tech giants won him plaudits and respect from both Republicans and Democrats. Garland appears to have installed Davies within DOJ anyway, but would apparently prefer to avoid revealing her presence and role in leading a major hub of policy development for DOJ and across the government.

Who is really running the Department of Justice? The administration that pledged to bring “transparency and truth back to government” evidently doesn’t want you to know.

FJB and his stormtroopers at DOJ

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Roger Amick said...
Most journalists are not opinion poll writers like Eugene Robinson.

Your limited intellect makes it impossible for you to understand the difference.

You can't comprehend science and even English language


better call a nurse there roger if they are still answering you

Just a hint of word salad but a ton of projection

Plus with all the time you spend in bed it may give them a chance to finally change your sheets.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb will call him a RINO and demand being hung by the neck until he dies.

Mike Pence is 'still angry' that Trump endangered him and his family on Jan. 6: report

Sky Palma

October 22, 2021

Speaking to Vanity Fair, a friend of Mike Pence says the former vice president is still upset over the fact that Donald Trump put him and his family in danger on Jan. 6.

Pence is reportedly "still angry that Trump placed his and his family members' lives in jeopardy," Vanity Fair reports, citing Pence's friend. Trump and Pence "still trade phone calls sporadically," according to their advisers.

During the Capitol riot, Trump supporters were caught on video chanting "Hang Mike Pence!"

"I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor," reported Reuters photographer Jim Bourg. "It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed."

Trump and Pence have avoided being seen together in public. Pence is reportedly seeking a 2024 presidential bid.

"He's making real money for the first time in his life," said one longtime friend. "Running for president is also a great way of making six-figure speeches."

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

Most journalists are not opinion poll writers like Eugene Robinson.

Your limited intellect makes it impossible for you to understand the difference.

You can't comprehend science and even English language.

YOU'RE the moron here, alky.

I referred to Robinson as a journalist. Period. Full stop. YOU referred to him as an opinion writer. A distinction with a difference that's not relevant, yet you felt compelled to make it anyway

Not me.

My point stands, and you remain an imbecile locked down in a nursing home for the safety of yourself and others.

Commonsense said...


President Biden's approval rating has slid underwater to 41 percent, according to a new CNBC All-America Economic survey.
The CNBC survey released Thursday found the president 11 points underwater, with 52 percent of Americans saying they disapprove of Biden’s performance in the White House so far with just 40 percent of Americans saying they approve of his handling of the economy. Fifty-four percent of respondents said they disapprove of Biden's handling of the economy.
Thursday’s poll, which surveyed 800 Americans from Oct. 14-17 and has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points, showed Biden’s overall approval rating down 7 points from July, when 48 percent approved of his performance and 45 disapproved.

50% think Biden is dishonest.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are the older person from Texas on soars who hates everybody but Trump and his supporters like rrb and kputz etc..

rrb said...

Speaking to Vanity Fair, a friend of Mike Pence says the former vice president is still upset over the fact that Donald Trump put him and his family in danger on Jan. 6.


An unnamed "friend" of Mike Pence, and reporting from that tower of journalistic "integrity" - 'Vanity Fair.'


What's next?

'Rolling Stone'?





Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I am not in a nursing home. If I was I would not be allowed to use the internet or leave the building.

But your limitations make it impossible for you to understand facts.

rrb said...


The alky went all the way to "Raw Story" for his plagiarism this time...

I'll bet he plagiarized with trembling fingers...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Breitbart news or any of the right wing nutcase websites are the only thing you believe.

I spend more time reading right wing nutcase websites than you do!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

rrb's favorite pedophile

Matt Gaetz suspended from practicing law: report

Tom Boggioni Raw Story

October 22, 2021

According to a report from the Daily Beast's Jose Pagliery, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) is no longer entitled to practice law in his home state after having his license pulled by the Florida Bar.

The controversial lawmaker, who is facing investigations at both the state and federal level, has reportedly failed to keep current on his fees to the Florida Bar, which has in turn labeled him "delinquent" and "unable to practice law."

According to the report, this is not the first time that Gaetz has run afoul of the bar.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

rrb said...


The alky went all the way to "Raw Story" for his plagiarism this time...

I'll bet he plagiarized with trembling fingers...


Are those called "Fauci fingers" like when he was lying under oath to Dr Paul ?

and it was no small lie

it was A BIG LIE

where's the DOJ ?

Commonsense said...

I am constitutionally opposed to paying a quasi government organization a fee to practice your livelihood.

Feels to much like the guild system of the Middle Ages.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Kyle Martinsen


"I’m not sure what to do with my hands” — Ricky Bobby

Someone must have warned Biden to not have "Fauci fingers" when he lies

and he was ready

can anybody not spot the dementia ???

Myballs said...

Even the liberal AP is calling bullshit on Biden's town hall claim taking credit for the entire vaccine rollout.

He claimed 2M were vaccinated when he was elected, actually it was zero, it wasn't approved until December.

He claimed he without and bought all the vaccines. Actually, the Trump administration had already bought 300M when biden tool office.

And his only 2M claim was false again because nearly 20M received vaccines when he took office.

This guy is a complete disaster as president.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

Joe Biden can’t even do a pre-scripted Townhall, with CNN Democrat propagandist hosts, without still looking like a creepy, brainless, incoherent, embarrassing, whispering weirdo.


well I bet the ratings sucked

all the dead people who voted for him don't watch TV

Commonsense said...

Biden on soaring gas prices:
"I don't have a near term answer...It's going to be hard."

Winter is coming. And home heating oil t price has skyrocket. Cold and expensive is no way to go through life.

But Biden says he has no answer but he can reopen federal lands to oil exploration. Restart the Keystone XL pipeline. All and all not listen to the radical environmental idiots in his administration.

anonymous said...

e has no answer but he can reopen federal lands to oil exploration


New oil on new federal lands at a minimum 2 years away and will not affect the world price of oil!!!!!!

rrb said...

Gaetz was cleared of all the pedophile charges alky. Why the incessant need to LIE about him?

And he's serving as a FL rep. So I can see why he'd suspend his practice until he was willing to return.

Do better on crafting a controversy where none exists, pal.

This story just makes you look like an assclown hack. And a LIAR.

rrb said...

So, THIS was embarrassing: Biden’s CNN Town Hall was SUCH a train wreck his own staff had to fact-check HIM in real-time

Commonsense said...

New oil on new federal lands at a minimum 2 years

The ban on oil leases also extended to oil and gas being pumped from the ground. They had to cap those wells until Biden changes his mind or we get a new sane president.

James's Fucking Daddy said...

VIDEO of Biden on bringing down gas prices:

what a incoherent mess

we are fucked and sane people know it


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Sleepy Joe Biden said that he's been a Senator from 370 years.

The right wing nutcase is went crazy.

He was obviously making a joke.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

 The Associated Press

Kid-size doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine appear safe and nearly 91 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infections in 5- to 11-year-olds, according to study details released Friday as the U.S. considers opening vaccinations to that age group.

The shots could begin early next month — with the first children in line fully protected by Christmas — if regulators give the go-ahead.

Details of Pfizer's study posted online Friday. Advisers to the Food and Drug Administration will publicly debate the evidence next week.

Pfizer says its Covid vaccine is safe for children ages 5 to 11

The FDA is expected to post its independent review of the company’s safety and effectiveness data later Friday. If the FDA ultimately authorizes the shots, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will make the final decision on who should receive them in early November.

Full-strength Pfizer shots already are authorized for anyone 12 or older, but pediatricians and many parents are anxiously awaiting protection for younger children to stem rising infections from the extra-contagious delta variant and help keep kids in school.

More than 25,000 pediatricians and primary care providers already have signed up to get the shots into little arms.

The Biden administration has purchased enough kid-size doses — in special orange-capped vials to distinguish them from adult vaccine — for the nation’s roughly 28 million 5- to 11-year-olds. If the vaccine is cleared, millions of doses will be promptly shipped around the country, along with kid-size needles

Parents have the right to choose whether, but schools for should forbid them from schools, like they did when I was a kid!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Youngkin Accused of Antisemitism

October 22, 2021 at 11:06 am EDT By Taegan Goddard Leave a Comment

Virginia gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin (R) “is facing allegations of antisemitism after accusing allies of Jewish philanthropist George Soros of a shadowy campaign to place secret political operatives onto Virginia school boards,” the Washington Post reports.

Said Youngkin: “The present chaos in our schools lays squarely at the feet of 40-year politician Terry McAuliffe. It just does. But also at George Soros-backed allies, these allies that are in the left, liberal progressive movement. They’ve inserted political operatives into our school system disguised as school boards.”

rrb said...

Kid-size doses of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine appear safe and nearly 91 percent effective at preventing symptomatic infections in 5- to 11-year-olds...

...who are not at fucking risk to begin with.

Brilliant move by the left to enrich Big Pharma even more than they already have with meaningless and worthless vaccine idiocy.

Stay perpetually afraid and clamoring for lifetime booster shots alky.


rrb said...

Youngkin Accused of Antisemitism

For the chronically stupid and dishonest alky -

The old playbook is in full force with Glenn Youngkin giving Terry McAuliffe such a scare in the Virginia gubernatorial race. The latter should be trouncing the former, but that’s not happening, with a poll released today showing the two candidates tied going into the final two weeks.

Last night, McAuliffe’s supporters came up with the brilliant electoral strategy of promoting a giant inflatable chicken with Donald Trump hair. But just in case you were wondering if these people truly have nothing of substance to run on, Youngkin is now being accused of possibly hating Jews.

You might be asking why? The answer is because he dared to tell the truth about George Soros’ left-wing funding network propping up far-left radicals at the local level.

This isn’t difficult. If you are attacking someone simply because they are Jewish, that is anti-Semitic. But it is not anti-Semitic to go after a politically active bundler of radical, left-wing politicians just because that person also happens to be Jewish by heritage. No one on the right is criticizing Soros because he’s Jewish.

Rather, they criticize him because he’s a really bad guy who has funded horrible candidates that have caused serious damage to the lives of Americans. Go ask Chicago how Kim Foxx is working out for them or how Loudoun County likes their new prosecutor, both backed by big bucks from Soros’ many political organizations.

But again, this just shows how desperate the McAuliffe backers in Virginia are getting. The possibility of the mediocre Democrat losing this race is starting to feel all too real for them. Three months ago, no one in McAuliffe’s camp, officially or unofficially, thought he had a chance of losing. Now, they are going with the kitchen sink strategy, flailing about and hoping something sticks.

Regardless, Youngkin is not anti-Semitic and Soros is absolutely fair game for political attacks. To suggest otherwise is lunacy, and the Republican candidate shouldn’t even respond to this stupidity.

LOL @ trhe idiot alky.


Commonsense said...

Said Youngkin: “The present chaos in our schools lays squarely at the feet of 40-year politician Terry McAuliffe. It just does. But also at George Soros-backed allies, these allies that are in the left, liberal progressive movement. They’ve inserted political operatives into our school system disguised as school boards.”

This is not anti-Semantic, this is a smoke screen leftest used because he got too close to the truth. Of course the WaPol is carrying water for them.

Commonsense said...

No live Christmas trees, no artificial Christmas trees. No Christmas presents. No food.

Biden better have an answer.

C.H. Truth said...

The CNN Townhall was handpicked liberals asking scripted question and even then Biden seem to be reading from something at times and still losing his train of thought.

I especially like the person who claimed to be an independent who then used his question time to criticize Republicans for not passing Biden's agenda and asked about the Filibuster. Pretty much zero real independents want to see the Senate nix the filibuster. This guy was as much an independent as Roger is a genius.

I don't want to believe we have a half-brain President in cognitive decline, but it's what we have. We also have a President with a net approval under 43%.

rrb said...

This is not anti-Semantic, this is a smoke screen leftest used because he got too close to the truth. Of course the WaPol is carrying water for them.

When the core of your leftist ideology is completely reliant upon identity politics, they ALWAYS have to pull this phony shit.

During 0linsky EVERY criticism of Skeets was RAY-CISS because he was half black.

And so it goes with Soros because he's a Jew.

Funny thing about Soros - he was a 'Kapo' during WW II. A true piece of shit by every objective measure.

A kapo or prisoner functionary was a special type of prisoner in the Nazi concentration camps during The Holocaust. Kapos were chosen by the Schutzstaffel (SS) camp guards to help run the camps.

rrb said...

Blogger Commonsense said...

No live Christmas trees, no artificial Christmas trees. No Christmas presents. No food.

Biden better have an answer.

I feel sorry for the kids who look forward all year to the holidays, only to have a senile and incompetent imbecile ruin it for them. And for the elderly on fixed incomes who will have to decide whether to eat or freeze.

I may just hang with my Jewish friends this Christmas - skip the presents and opt for a movie and Chinese food. LOL.

anonymous said...

During 0linsky EVERY criticism of Skeets was RAY-CISS because he was half black.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!1 Sure rat as everything you post is fucking moronic and stupid!!!!!!

anonymous said...

The CNN Downhill was handpicked liberals asking scripted question

And your comment is biased and opinion......>BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

rrb said...

We also have a President with a net approval under 43%.

Factor out the D +9 that's baked into the polling and Stairmaster Joe is in the mid-thirties.

His mocking of 'freedom' last night was a nice touch.

anonymous said...

Factor out the latent stupidity of the GOP and even shittty poll all are heading for a reckoning of massive disappointment as more and more moderates leave your party to better environs........BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Commonsense said...

I feel sorry for the kids who look forward all year to the holidays, only to have a senile and incompetent imbecile ruin it for them. And for the elderly on fixed incomes who will have to decide whether to eat or freeze.

So how many political cartoons are going portray Biden as the Grinch who stole Christmas?

Commonsense said... all are heading for a reckoning of massive disappointment as more and more moderates leave your party to better environs........BWAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Yeah sure there Denny. Idiot.