Friday, October 22, 2021

CNN caught lying about Joe Rogan and issued this response

CNN Response: 

The heart of this debate has been purposely confused and ultimately lost. It’s never been about livestock versus human dosage of Ivermectin. The issue is that a powerful voice in the media, who by example and through his platform, sowed doubt in the proven and approved science of vaccines while promoting the use of an unproven treatment for covid-19 — a drug developed to ward off parasites in farm animals. The only thing CNN did wrong here was bruise the ego of a popular podcaster who pushed dangerous conspiracy theories and risked the lives of millions of people in doing so.

Now talk about tone deaf. Actually the only real issue here is whether or not CNN slandered and libeled Joe Rogan by claiming he took a livestock medication to treat Covid, rather than the human version of Ivermectin which is being prescribed by doctors all around the world. 

With all due respect to CNN (which is very little due respect) their journalists are not doctors and they are not in any position to offer any sort of medical opinion that questions the doctors who are prescribing Ivermectin. Doctors are the ones with 8 years of college and experience in medicine. Ultimately they are the ones deciding whether or not patients should be given Ivermectin. 

This is about CNN wanting to control the Covid narrative. Perhaps they see themselves as the ones wearing the white hats, but people wearing the white hats generally don't have to flat out lie to make their justifiable cases. The good guys can generally just rely on the truth. 

Hint... when you have to flat out slander and lie about things to make a point. Then ultimately your point is not a very solid one.

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