Tuesday, October 12, 2021

More troubles for Biden and Democrats

Hoo Boy: New Focus Groups Spell Trouble for Democrats
In a focus group last week, Pennsylvania Democrats one after another articulated the issue vexing top White House aides, party operatives in Virginia and voters in Georgia: Why isn’t President Joe Biden’s diminished job rating rebounding? All nine participants from Tuesday’s session gave Biden C- grades or lower.
And their answers circled back to a similar point: The pandemic and the many ways it continues to hinder normal life is souring their views of Biden. One woman said she wanted to buy a car but supply chain issues were delaying new shipments to the dealership. A man complained about understaffed restaurants. “There is a malaise,” said Sarah Longwell, a moderate Republican strategist who became a vocal supporter of Biden in 2020, and led the focus group of Democratic voters. “People don’t feel like their lives have been improved. They did sort of feel that promises aren’t being kept.

There is more. People are upset about what is not getting done. They believe promises are not being kept. They almost universally reject the notion that the lack of progress is the fault of Republicans. In other words, finger pointing and deflecting blame has been a failure as a political strategy for Biden and Democrats in general.

The bigger problem, however, is that all of this seems to point to the fact that people want tangible changes in what Joe Biden is doing. Joe Biden doesn't really have a "get things done" mentality. He has a let it fall apart and then blame someone else mentality. 

Interesting, many of these Biden supporters are apparently confused, upset, and disappointed by Biden's decision making and lack of progress. Once again, these are people who literally refused to look at who Joe Biden has been for his entire career (someone who just hung around) and apparently thought he was a competent leader who actually did have some record of accomplishment.


rrb said...

Biden has always been an inconsequential assclown from an inconsequential state who's only claim to fame was a haven for CC companies.

Nearly 50 years in government, and now that he has finally plagiarized Harry Truman's "The buck stops here" line, people actually expect it of him.

We are witnessing the collapse of an American presidency. It's in free-fall, and there is not a democrat on earth with the power to stop it.

And it's fucking GLORIOUS.

anonymous said...

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Probably run by Lunn......LOLOL Yeah, understaffed restaurants and car shortages are major issues the GOP hopes will mean something....I am sure trump can fix both of those problems he manifested.....LOLOLOLO

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump may very well still try to use lawsuits to run out the clock on these congressional document requests. This strategy likely would not prevent Congress from getting the documents. But it could force a court to rule that there is reason to believe the documents in question include evidence of wrongdoing — a legal lose-lose scenario that any lawyer worth his retainer would be wise to recommend against.

Myballs said...

With this president, the growing cobcern is that even Rome fell. Biden is Commudus.

Myballs said...

Trump lives in Florida now. Biden is president. Nothing to say about him?

Commonsense said...

Or it could be another conspiracy theory spun by Roger involving the bad orange man. If I was the US secret service I'd take note of someone like Roger who is morbidly obsessive with Trump.

Commonsense said...

Well Trump is having the time of his life playing Golf all over the place.

Too bad the PGA and USGA rebuffed Trump's properties for their major championships. It was a blatant move by the "old guard" (old snobby white men) to publicly humiliate.

There no telling how their shortsightedness has hurt the game of golf in the US.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

There’s little doubt that President Biden is in a bad spot right now.

And despite some readers who complain about the negative stories lately, it does no one any favors to pretend otherwise.

Biden’s job approval rate is a dismal — and upside down — 44% to 49%.

This didn’t happen because more Republicans hate him. They’ve always hated him. Biden’s approval rate is declining because he’s losing Democrats and independents. A recent Pew Research poll shows Biden down 13 percentage points with Democrats and down 24 percentage points among independents.

But there’s also good reason to believe we’re at a low point in Biden’s presidency.

One thing Biden has going for him is that the Republican party is quickly coalescing around Donald Trump once again. And Trump is no more popular today than he was 10 months ago — especially among the swing voters who matter in next year’s midterm elections.

But the other thing is that Biden has more than a year until those elections.

Over the next year, it’s highly likely that Democrats will have passed an infrastructure bill and social spending bill. It’s highly likely the pandemic will have waned to the point where most Americans can live with annual vaccinations and occasional masks. It’s highly likely that supply chain disruptions to the economy will be fixed. And it’s highly likely few will remember the Afghanistan fiasco.

There will be surprises. And there’s still a lot of work for Biden and Democrats to do. But it’s very hard to believe they won’t get most of it done.

And again removed the short attention span in modern era technology.

SLDS only works on truthers and gullible millions of others who like the former.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Taegan Goddard and Roger Amick

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The American Greatness is a fucking joke

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

American Greatness agreed with us.

It’s been 40 years since conservatism was the dominant political ideology in America. Ronald Reagan campaigned on it. He won two landslide victories—winning 44 states in 1980 and 49 in 1984. Since then we’ve won and lost elections on a razor’s edge.

At present we seem to be on the defensive. But more often, we seem to be in a state of paralysis—bewildered and put off balance by the constant and vicious attacks from the Left. Our eyes are focused on the 2022 midterms. But that’s a year away, and even if we take back the House and Senate, what then?

In the 2010 midterms, the Democrats were pummeled at the polls: the Republicans picked up 60 House seats and six Senate seats. But still, Obama won reelection two years later in 2012. Those Democrats who were overwhelmed by Republicans and Tea Party supporters in the midterms, certainly showed up on election day for the 2012 presidential election.

If we want to save our country, we can’t afford to lose any elections in the foreseeable future. The hard truth is that we are an election or two away from either salvation or damnation.

While Biden’s approval rating is abysmal, many of those who voted for him still believe that the Democrats are a better choice than Republicans. It’s a binary choice. If we want to save this country, we have to persuade those who disapprove of Biden to abandon the Democratic Party for good.

To do this, we must go on the offensive. What does the Republican Party represent? What are our solutions? How will we improve the lives of the American people? These are some of the questions we must answer. 

Instead of biding our time—as Mitch McConnell seems more than happy to do—we must inextricably link the Democrats to the chaos and turmoil they are creating. We must ensure that those who are disenchanted with Biden are likewise disenchanted with the Democratic Party. All we have to do is tell the truth.

Biden’s abysmal approval may be good news, but it isn’t victory. We can celebrate when the Democratic Party is out of power. Until then, it’s just a mirage.


If the Democrats pass both bills before the next election season your are in danger of losing again because you are in the minority!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans candidates have not gotten the majority popular vote since George HW Bush.

Our federal system gives you more power than the people want.

It's a year before we will know Thecoldheartedtruth

C.H. Truth said...

Well Roger...

Trump almost (and many believe he did) beat Biden when Biden was seen by most Americans as a competent, experienced and skilled negotiator who was going to get things done and bring America back together.

There has been nothing recently to make Trump any less likable than he was when would have won if he could have flipped 32K voters in four states.

But certainly most every reason to vote for Biden (other than utter hatred for Trump) is gone. He is not competent (and getting worse). He has not shown any skill as a negotiator or politician. He certainly has not united the Country. In fact, for the first time people are seriously talking about splitting the county in two.

You should be very worried if Biden decides to push for reelection. My guess is that he will end up stepping back over "health concerns" and not running again.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Large swaths of America’s vaccinated masses—along with elites in the White House, boardrooms, public schools, hospitals, and the mainstream media—are feeling frustrated with their unvaccinated neighbors. And understandably so. COVID-19 vaccines offer stellar protection against hospitalization and death. I despair that many thousands more unvaccinated Americans will die needlessly, that overcrowded hospitals will keep struggling to treat people with other medical emergencies, and that continuing spread of the coronavirus puts vulnerable people such as me at greater risk of contracting a breakthrough infection.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Trump certainly had not united the Country during his presidency. In fact, for the first time people are seriously talking about splitting the county in two. Because of the big lie.

And people like you in the 1860s

Myballs said...

Trump never ran on uniting the country. He ran on draining the swamp. Biden promised to unite the country. And he's failung miserably.

Anonymous said...

Roger, Dennis and James said i was wrong about Inflation.

"Inflation ran at a fresh 30-year high in August as supply chain disruptions and extraordinarily high demand fueled ongoing price pressures, the Commerce Department reported Friday. ... On a headline basis, PCE prices rose 0.4% for the month and 4.3% year over year, the highest since January 1991."


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cancel culture?

According to multiple reports, Gruden informed his staff he will resign as head coach after a series of emails showed him delivering racist, homophobic and misogynistic comments in emails during his time at ESPN.

anonymous said...

According to cramps:

Too bad the PGA and USGA rebuffed Trump's properties for their major championships.

It is even sadder how the R party with the exception of 2 or 3 congress critters don't have the ballz to stand up to the fat assed old white man who never served his country!!!!!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!!!!!

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The American Greatness is a fucking joke

Yet you plagiarize it constantly.

Why is that?

Anonymous said...

WAS NEVER A THING = " transitory Inflation"

The Three Stooges of CHT bought it.

Anonymous said...

NFIB small-business index Sept. 99.1⬇️"

Let's go Brandon

C.H. Truth said...

Large swaths of America’s vaccinated masses—along with elites in the White House, boardrooms, public schools, hospitals, and the mainstream media—are feeling frustrated with their unvaccinated neighbors.

Look... either Vaccines work or they don't. People can be illogically frustrated all they want, but they are still illogical.

I got vaccinated, largely because I was sick of walking around with a mask everywhere I went. I have never once walked around like I am special, smart, or better than someone else who has chosen not get vaccinated.

If the vaccine actually protects me from catching the virus then what do I care if someone else doesn't. If I am worried about other people spreading the virus to me, that can only be because I believe that the vaccine doesn't actually protect me.

But I understand (because I am not an idiot) that the vaccine is not 100%. I also understand that if I do catch Covid it won't be as bad (because I am vaccinated). I also accept that in a free country that people are allowed to make their own decisions.

I guess I am just not a Karen.

I don't live my life to complain about others and to try to make other people conform to me. I am comfortable enough in myself to not be offended or feel defied if others don't make the same choice I do.

I guess that just separates me (good or bad) from the so called "elites" who demand that they should run everyone else's life because they are not comfortable running their own.

anonymous said...

The whole story to flight cancellations that our idiot rat calls the ceo and union head liars without any evidence but his own idiotic ideology of trump......BWAAAAAAAAAA!!!!


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Typical example of disinformation

Look... either Vaccines work or they don't.

Even Trump said that you should get vaccinated against the covid-19 virus and the Delta variance.

Your libertarian views are dangerous in this case

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Saturday beer festival??

Anonymous said...

Roger dreams if wealth, luxury and more.

In reality his life is reduced to being proud of buying his own juice boxes.

rrb said...

We're not anti-vax alky.

We're anti-mandate.

The intellect required to discern the difference is not a heavy lift. Except, apparently, for you.

No politician in a representative republic based on democratic principles should ever possess the power to force a medical procedure or drug on ANY American, EVER.

rrb said...

Major Victory for Unvaccinated Health Care Workers

Oct 12, 2021

New York healthcare workers who object to rolling up their sleeves for COVID-19 shots are scoring a major victory. A federal judge in New York is siding with the 17 workers who sued the state, objecting on religious grounds, which means New York can't force them to get COVID vaccinations. Judge David Hurd has granted their request for an injunction, saying "the public interest lies with enforcing the guarantees enshrined in the Constitution and federal anti-discrimination law" and not the wider public health. They claim the vaccines come from fetal cells procured during abortions, an assertion federal health officials deny.


anonymous said...

Even Trump said that you should get vaccinated against the covid-19 virus and the Delta variance.

AND TOOK THE VAX IN SECRET EVEN AFTER HAVING THE ANTIBODIES FROM CATCHING IT....And Lil Schtitty still posting disinformation about covid because he has the right of free speech....something he sure seems to be willing to give up under the GOP of trump!!!!

C.H. Truth said...


Why is it that you cannot get this through your thick skull.

I have been vaccinated and am not "anti-vax".

What I am pointing out is the difference between me being vaccinated and you being vaccinated is that "I" don't believe that being "vaccinated" makes me smarter than others or makes me qualified to tell others how to make their own medical decisions.

You apparently do. You apparently believe that being vaccinated gives you some sort knowledge or reasoning that provides you the right to demand that other people follow the same decision "you" made.

It's like the dumb Reverend who was complaining about how few people were vaccinated in Alaska, apparently not realizing that you would have to go all the way back to 2020 to find a single day where more than six people died of Covid in Alaska.

The dumb Reverend was criticizing a state when people in his own state are dying at rates over 300% more than those from Alaska.

you need to get a hold of yourself Roger.

You and I are both vaccinated. We made that same decision.

That decision doesn't make me any smarter and it appears to have made you dumber.

anonymous said...

Wow rat 17 more stupid assholes who got a pass on doing the correct thing......didn't know there were soooo many Jehova's witnesses in NY..........>BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You are murders

How many Americans absolutely refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine? How many never wear masks in public? How many insist that kids shouldn’t have to cover their faces in school? And how many would oppose vaccine requirements if the hyperinfectious Delta variant surges again this winter?

Not as many as you might think.

It’s no secret that politics has infected the U.S. pandemic response, transforming matters of public health into partisan flash points. In part because conservative pundits and politicians have sowed unsubstantiated doubts about the vaccines’ safety and efficacy and resisted policies to encourage or require inoculation, America's full-vaccination rate — 56 percent of the total population — now ranks 45th worldwide, leaving us more vulnerable to the coronavirus than countries such as Portugal (85 percent), Denmark (75 percent), Chile (75 percent) and Canada (73 percent).

anonymous said...

I have been vaccinated and am not "anti-vax".

But are anti vax mandates and willing to spread the propaganda about fauci and the effectiveness of the vax....sad how to me and maybe others, you are anti vax inspite of you taking it .....I guess you value life more than the rest of the GOP pigs who don't!!!!

C.H. Truth said...

But are anti vax mandates and willing to spread the propaganda about fauci and the effectiveness of the vax.


The "propaganda" being spread is that if you get vaccinated, wear a mask, and still catch the virus... it isn't because the vaccine or mask wearing doesn't work.

It's someone else's fault.

Even though statistically the unvaccinated are generally younger and minorities, propaganda fools people like you and Roger into believing it's just "right wingers" who don't get vaccinated.

So when the liberal who is doing everything he or she is supposed to do, but catches the virus anyways. Propaganda will make you blame "Trump" and you will fall for it every time.

You are such a simpleton.

anonymous said...

Yep Lil Schitty......OROPAGANDA and bullshit are your mainstays....Sad a big word like propaganda eludes your ability to think!!!!! BWAAAAAAPAAAAAA!!! The only thing I fall for is truth and your lack of integrity to post it......idiot!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dennis, you value life 🤣

Where do you stand on Abortion?

Anonymous said...

When does that sweet Economy Joe Promised start.

Lets go Brandon

Anonymous said...

😂The Three Stooges of CHT called it Transitory.

"IMF warns on inflation, says the Fed and others should be prepared to tighten policy


You guys got it so wrong.