Tuesday, October 19, 2021

How do you know that liberals cannot defend Critical Race Theory?

Because they simply cannot be honest about what it is? 

Let's start with what Critical Race Theory is NOT

  • Critical Race Theory is not teaching about slavery.
  • Critical Race Theory is not teaching about civil rights
  • Critical Race Theory is not teaching about Martin Luther King
  • Critical Race Theory is not teaching about the KKK
  • Critical Race Theory is not teaching about racism

These are all things that were taught to all of us, long before the idea of Critical Race Theory even came along. These are things that every Parent (for or against CRT) want taught in school. The problem with critical race theory is that it quite literally teaches us nothing about history and attempts to indoctrinate people into new beliefs not based on any history at all. Here is a great definition of what Critical Race Theory really is: 
An outgrowth of the European Marxist school of critical theory, critical race theory is an academic movement which seeks to link racism, race, and power. Unlike the Civil Rights movement, which sought to work within the structures of American democracy, critical race theorists challenge the very foundations of the liberal order, such as rationalism, constitutional law, and legal reasoning.

Technically the main reason that critical race theory has very little to do with actual history, is because history would show us that racism has gotten better, not worse. More to the point younger generations no longer view the importance of race or judge race as our older generations did. But proponents of critical race theory want racial disparity, racial segregation, and racial judgement. 

The problem is about power. Those who push Critical Race Theory and other ideas of systemic and societal racism have too much to lose if Martin Luther King's Dream actually came true. Where would they be if not for the "idea" of racism.

The last thing critical race theory teaches is to judge people by their character. It literally teaches people to judge entirely by the color of someone's skin. Ten years ago, people wanted you to view a black person as simply a person. Critical race theory pushes the idea that it is quite literally racist to not judge people differently because of race or to acknowledge specifics based entirely on race. If you do not acknowledge the color of someone's skin, you are now a racist. Of course, if you do acknowledge it you are a racist as well. 

The bottom line: Next time you read or hear someone argue that people opposed to critical race theory don't want children to learn about slavery.... this is exactly the person you are dealing with!

Doh! CRT opponents are racist! Doh!

And let's be clear. If those who are proponents of Critical Race theory stood by what the suggest in public (and not what they push behind the scenes) then there would be no issues. There would be no angry parents at school board meetings and their would be no school board members feeling threatened or being voted out. 

So anyone dumb enough to believe that CRT is about teaching slavery or MLK or the history of racism is really beyond help here. They probably voted for the vegetable in chief and think he is doing a swell job. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

WHO CAN'T Defend Critical Race Theory?


3 Common FALSE Claims About Critical Race Theory
By Jess Clark

Outspoken activists have attended school board meetings in Kentucky, objecting to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in schools and workplaces. They’re part of a national movement of conservatives who say they are concerned about the infiltration of “critical race theory,” or CRT into schools.

89.3 WFPL News Louisville ·

Fact Checking 3 Common Claims About Critical Race Theory

Anti-CRT activists have been repeating a number of claims about the theory, but many are inaccurate or misleading.

WFPL fact-checked three common claims.

Claim 1: “Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools”

Conservatives sounding the alarm bells about critical race theory say public schools are using the theory in classrooms to indoctrinate children, some going as far as to say it is part of a broader plot for a Marxist takeover.

Activists point to a broad array of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives as “evidence” of critical race theory in the classroom: from staff training on microaggressions, to an emphasis on Black history, to trauma-informed teaching practices.

Some openly acknowledge that “critical race theory,” as they use the term, does not just refer to the distinct body of legal scholarship first developed in the 1980s, but means any diversity, equity or inclusion initiative.

So, are teachers teaching the work of Kimberlé Crenshaw, Derrick Bell, or other CRT scholars? Rarely, if at all, say experts who study it.

Most students do not encounter these writers until college, or even law school. The Courier Journal did find mention of critical race theory in old versions of class frameworks for an elective called “Developing Historical Black Consciousness.” According to the newspaper, the district later scrubbed any mention of the theory from the documents as the term began to take on a new meaning in conservative corners.

But are some school districts and teachers incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into the curriculum? Yes, some are, and many teachers and education leaders say they will continue to do so.

“I will say this again: we are committed to achieving equity by challenging and questioning all of our practices and changing where necessary,” JCPS superintendent Marty Pollio told a legislative committee Tuesday. “That’s the work that has to be done in every district in America to eliminate that achievement gap and not just give lip service to it.”

October 19, 2021 at 2:22 PM Delete
Blogger This blog's caring, compassionate pastor said...

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Claim 2: “Critical Race Theory is Marxism”

One of the most common criticisms leveled by some conservatives against critical race theory, or CRT, is that it’s Marxism by another name.

“CRT is simply identity-based Marxism, based solely on the color of one’s skin,” Rep. Matt Lockett (R-Nicholasville) told a state legislative committee in early July. Lockett is a primary sponsor of a bill that would limit discussions about racism in public schools and universities.

Anti-critical race theory activists point to what many scholars see as an important antecedent of critical race theory: critical legal studies, which in turn draws on the writings of Michel Foucault, Max Weber and—yes—Karl Marx.

According to the authors of Critical Race Theory: Key Writings That Formed The Movement, critical race theory formed in the 1980s, when a group of scholars of color broke off from their white, leftist colleagues in critical legal studies.

“Critical race theory sort of breaks off from critical legal studies, because critical legal studies didn’t really conceptualize race,” University of Louisville Law School professor Cedric Powell said.

Where critical legal theorists saw laws as primarily reflecting and sustaining class interests, critical race theorists argued that laws construct and maintain a racial power hierarchy.

“It sort of draws upon this underlying notion of class, this underlying notion of power and social control, and takes that and critiques the criminal law, which is supposed to be neutral, but looked at its impact on subordinating people of color,” Powell said.

For example, Powell said, a critical race theorist may look at the overrepresentation of Black people in jails and prisons as evidence that criminal laws are “deeply implicated in sustaining racial subordination.”

But does the fact that critical race theory draws on the writings of Karl Marx make it Marxism?

Powell says no.

“To say that it is totally Marxist is absolutist. I think any academic discipline draws on different theories,” he said.

Furthermore, highlighting critical race theory’s ties to Marxism is a familiar scare tactic, says Nikki Brown, history professor at the University of Kentucky.

“If you’re a historian of the civil rights movement, that sounds eerily familiar because many civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King, were accused of being Communists because they wanted equality.”

Critical race theorists are not calling for a violent overthrow of the government, as has been suggested by some conservatives.

“Critical race theory calls for the dismantling of structural inequality,” Powell said.
“Critical race theorists believe in the government. They just believe that if the government is making all of these promises, it should certainly keep them. And they haven’t kept them.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Claim 3: “Critical Race Theory is racist”

Many opponents of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives say critical race theory is itself racist, because it teaches people to see society and structures through the lens of race.

Tucker Carlson, perhaps the most outspoken critic in the anti-critical race theory movement, has called the theory and anti-racism initiatives in classrooms “racist anti-American indoctrination, race-based indoctrination.”

Powell describes this rhetoric as a “reverse-racism” argument that some white people have historically used to try to control the debate around race.

“The discrimination is to talk about race itself,” he said, paraphrasing the reverse-racism argument. “You’re putting white people on trial, you hate white people, and these things like ‘equity’ and ‘diversity’ are really code words to actually oppress white people,” he said.

Powell says that’s not what critical race theory says. Instead he says CRT is focused on how structures and institutions make life disproportionately difficult for people of color.

“We’re not pointing to individuals and saying you’re white, you’re guilty. We’re pointing at how these structures evolve,” he says.

Anti-critical race theory activists often appeal to an ideal of a “color-blind” or “post-racial” society, generally reject the existence of systemic racism, and see racism as chiefly individual prejudice.

Furthermore, many claim CRT paints Black people and other people of color as victims.

“I have a big problem telling anyone because of their skin color there are things that they can’t achieve,” Rep. Lockett said.

Powell calls this interpretation of CRT “misguided.”

“It’s distressing to live in America if you’re Black,” Powell said, who is Black. “Teach it or not—that is the reality.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I'd say that's an excellent defense of what critical race theory actually is, not the strawman Ch and other rightwing fanatics put up.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Critical Race Theory is not teaching about slavery.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about civil rights.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about Martin Luther King.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about the KKK.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about racism.












Anonymous said...

"Good thing it is Transatory"
Food prices will go up ‘tremendously’: Billionaire supermarket ownerFood prices will rise 10% in the next two months, John Catsimatidis says:
Americans will see food costs rise "tremendously" in the coming weeks, according to billionaire supermarket owner John Catsimatidis. 

Catsimatidis, who is the president of Gristedes and D'Agostino Foods.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Looks like it's you know who who can't defend against the truth of what CRT really is.

This blog's "caring", "compassionate" "pastor "'s daddy said...

So anyone dumb enough to believe that CRT is about teaching slavery or MLK or the history of racism is really beyond help here. They probably voted for the vegetable in chief and think he is doing a swell job.


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Ch doesn't know how about CRT because he reads only right wing media websites.

Critical Race Theory is not teaching about slavery.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about civil rights.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about Martin Luther King.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about the KKK.


Critical Race Theory is not teaching about racism.












Plus Obama was in Kenya Africa and is a Mooslimb

Anonymous said...

The Three Socialist Stooges told us , CRT was not being taught in Schools.

The Big lie.

Anonymous said...

I love the Three Socialist Stooges of CHT being so spectacularly wrong.

Biden's stimulus plan is fueling short-term inflation, SF Fed paper finds

By Matt Egan, CNN Business"

Anonymous said...

Building permits (SAAR) Sept 1.59 million.

A of drop 130,000.

Just when the US Consumer wants more Biden delivers far less.

unExpectedly .

Anonymous said...

Let's go Brandon

"The US is expected to burn 22 percent more coal than last year, marking the first annual increase in the use of the polluting fossil fuel since 2014, the Energy Information Administration said.

“The US electric power sector has been generating more electricity from coal-fired power plants this year as a result of significantly higher natural gas prices and relatively stable coal prices,” the government agency said. Coal is selling for record prices, though, and economists say that skyrocketing energy costs are fueling inflation."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...so Sleepy Joe's strategy seems to be working.

President Biden told Democrats during a private meeting Tuesday that he believed they could secure a deal on a new tax-and-spending proposal between $1.75 trillion and $1.9 trillion, far less than some in the party initially sought, even as some lawmakers later maintained it still would allow them to accomplish broad swaths of their vast economic agenda.

The early outline — shared at least with liberal lawmakers in the House — appeared to offer one potential avenue for the White House to broker a truce among Democrats’ warring left-leaning and moderate factions. Four people familiar with Biden’s comments confirmed the early details, requesting anonymity to describe the negotiations.

The potential new price range marks a significant reduction from the $3.5 trillion that some Democrats initially pursued under a budget agreement chiefly brokered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) earlier this year. But it is closer to the number that centrists, especially Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), had outlined in recent months as they sought steep cuts to Democrats’ spending plans. Manchin and Sanders met Tuesday for the second time in two days after the two sparred with each other over the weekend.

By the White House’s calculations, a package up to $1.9 trillion would allow them to accomplish some of their most significant priorities. That includes at least some expansion of Medicare to offer new benefits to seniors, the introduction of universal prekindergarten, and billions of dollars to address climate change, the sources said, cautioning that many of the details must still be worked out.

But slimming down the package also is sure to force Democrats to make some sacrifices. The path put forward by the White House could extend new, expanded child tax credit payments recently adopted by Congress, but perhaps for only one additional year, three of the sources said. It would offer new money to make housing more affordable, yet far less than Democrats once envisioned. And it would provide paid leave, except only four weeks of benefits, rather than the 12 weeks some had once proposed, according to one of the people in the room.

The White House on Tuesday evening did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Earlier in the day, however, White House press secretary Jen Psaki described the meeting with liberals — and a second, separate session with moderate Democrats — as “constructive” toward potentially reaching a deal after months of delays.

Go Dodgers.

rrb said...

The collapse of an American presidency...

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating continues to sink, according to the results of a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

Just 37% of Americans say they approve of Biden’s job performance according to the poll, down a single point from 38% on Oct. 6. Biden’s losses with independents were slightly more severe, with 28% of independent voters saying they approve of his performance compared to 32% earlier in the month.




Myballs said...

Joe's strategy is working? Really? The dem party has never been so divided. Joe's approval among independent voters is only 28%. Soros funded liberal activists harassing moderates who dare to disagree. Chaos everywhere you look. Yeah it's working. For Republicans.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You actually believe this shit story.

throughout the country, most of the conservative commentary has focused on two parties: children and parents. This is because states and school districts are treating children not as individual human beings but as lumps of clay to be fashioned into the image of the State. Instead of teaching children to think critically and developing their individual gifts, public schools are indoctrinating children in leftist ideology, seeking to destroy their individual identities and reconstruct them into a homogenized group of progressives.

Similarly, many states and districts have begun implementing policies that run roughshod over parental authority. Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe recently affirmed these ideas when he declared that parents should have no right to tell schools what their own children are taught. All liberty-loving Americans must continue to resist these totalitarian efforts wherever they might be found, and Virginians certainly should consider them when they vote in a few short weeks.

But in our resistance to tyranny, we cannot forget the other pawn in the left’s war to transform the nation: teachers. While many teachers are all too willing to swear fealty to the radical left and be used as mouthpieces of the state, many more are being conscripted against their will. This is totalitarianism 101, and we must not stand for it.

Mandating uniform, ideological curriculum is an effective tool for indoctrination, but its effect is severely limited if teachers don’t believe it themselves or simply refuse to implement it. For this reason, all totalitarian states mandate ideological conformity among and place strict controls on teachers. In Nazi Germany, for example, Hitler systematically trained teachers to propagate Nazi ideology. In charge of this task was his National Socialist Teacher’s League (NSLT). First, the NSLT examined all teachers to ensure their loyalty to the Nazi party. Those who were not loyal were discarded, as were Jews and anyone else deemed “unreliable.” The NSLT was also commissioned to “ensure the ideological indoctrination of teachers.” All teachers were required to be trained in Nazi ideology -- including racial knowledge regarding the “supremacy of the Nordic race… and the characteristics of the Jewish race.” A key component of the training required teachers to attend two-week camps where they were forced to read and embrace Mein Kampf.

rrb said...

Blogger KansasDemocrat said...

Building permits (SAAR) Sept 1.59 million.

A of drop 130,000.

Just when the US Consumer wants more Biden delivers far less.

unExpectedly .

Well, according to Pravda on the Potomac, the WaPo, you are supposed to be lowering your expectations, so there's that.

Now then, please tell us why you have $600 in your bank account. This is behavior that displeases us and that we find suspicious.

rrb said...

Post it all, alky -

In many VA school districts, the mandatory training and compelled ideological assent has extended to critical race theory. In Loudoun county, for example, teachers are forced to undergo “equity training” whereby they are taught as fact, among other things, that America is irredeemably and systematically racist and that white people are oppressors solely by virtue of their skin color. They are also instructed to assist in “dismantling and disrupti[ng]” white supremacy in the classroom and implement “equitable” discipline policies to ensure that minority students are not disproportionately disciplined, regardless of individual behavior.

Laura Morris, a Loudoun County Public School teacher, resigned from her job at a school board meeting this past August after the mandatory “equity training” program told her that as a “white, Christian, able-bodied female[],” she had all “the power” in the school, and this would “ha[ve] to change.” According to Morris, the superintendent told her that expressing disagreement regarding the equity trainings “is not allowed” and that the superintendent even “sen[t] a form to my colleagues and I, encouraging us to fill it out if we hear one another speaking against the controversial policies being promoted by this school board.”

And show the source of your plagiarism -


So YOUR team automatically assumes an implicit bias and racism lurks within every single white person and it must be pro-actively addressed by "equity training."

You can go fuck yourself.

Every single leftist who peddles this line of thought deserves a point-blank shotgun blast to the face.

And then another for good measure.

Anonymous said...

Roger and James don't drive EV's.
Typical Socialist, do as i say, not as i do.

Commonsense said...

Roger and James are the dunce today.

Anonymous said...

"vast economic agenda." Cowardly Queen Roger

List them.

Anonymous said...

"Pravda on the Potomac, the WaPo, you are supposed to be lowering your expectations, so there's that." RRB

I saw that story trying to save the failed President from his own policies.

Anonymous said...

Biden has lost the WSJ.

Inflation Is Approaching a Tipping Point at the Grocery StoreOnce supermarket prices rise more than 5%, consumer buying habits may start to change."

When does the "Economic A Team", as FakePastorJames called them get to work?

So for they have implemented Biden Policies of garbage.

Anonymous said...

An Army reservist charged in the Justice Department’s sweeping investigation of the U.S. Capitol riot was quietly demoted and discharged earlier this year, becoming the first known service member to be forced out of the military after officials learned of an alleged involvement in the Jan. 6 insurrection,”

Anonymous said...

The White House on Wednesday outlined its plan to distribute doses of Pfizer and BioNTech’s Covid-19 vaccines to kids ages 5 to 11 as soon as it’s authorized by U.S. drug regulators. 

A key Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory group is scheduled to meet on Oct. 26 to discuss Pfizer’s data, followed by a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention meeting on Nov. 2. The shots could be approved shortly after that meeting, depending on how quickly the FDA and the CDC move.

Every single leftist who peddles this line of thought deserves a point-blank shotgun blast to the face.


Anonymous said...

Every single leftist who peddles this line of thought deserves a point-blank shotgun blast to the face.


Commonsense said...

CURRENT COMMUNIST GOALS (From the Congressional Record 1963)

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, and policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was
told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."

23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy."

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for
intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man." 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a
minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

33. Eliminate all laws or procedures, which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and
retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.

42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["] united force ["] to solve economic, political or social problems.

It's amazing how much of the Communist goals stated in 1963 has come to pass.

rrb said...


The alky had to go incog-nitwit.

Anonymous said...

A key holdout on Biden's proposals, conservative Sen. Joe Manchin from coal-state West Virginia, has made clear he opposes the president's initial Clean Energy Performance Plan, which would have the government impose penalties on electric utilities that fail to meet clean energy benchmarks and provide financial rewards to those that do — in line with Biden's goal of achieving 80% “clean electricity” by 2030.

Instead, Biden focused in his Tuesday meetings on providing at least $500 billion in tax credits, grants and loans to fight climate change, much of it likely coming from a package compiled by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., the chairman of the the Finance Committee. Those include the tax breaks for energy producers that reach emission-reduction goals.

That clean energy approach could better align with Manchin’s stated goal of keeping a “fuel neutral” approach to federal policy that does not favor renewable energy sources over coal and natural gas that are dominant in his state.

Other climate-change-fighting proposals being considered are a tax on carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels such as oil and coal or a methane emissions fee — though Manchin told reporters earlier in the day that a carbon tax was not in the mix.

Failure to act on climate change would have far-reaching consequences in the U.S. and abroad. Inaction, proponents of big efforts say, could cost the U.S. billions of dollars in weather-related disasters and threaten to uproot millions of Americans in hurricanes, wildfires, droughts and floods.

Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Wis., another progressive caucus member, called the opposition from Manchin on climate issues “one of the biggest challenges” threatening to stop a final bill.

On other fronts, Biden and the Democrats appeared to be more readily coalescing around a slimmed-down package.

Biden wants to extend the $300 monthly child tax credit that was put in place during the COVID-19 crisis for another year, rather than allow it to expire in December.

The policy has been praised for sending cash to families most in need. Democrats want to extend the credit for additional years, but limiting the duration would help shave the costs. It's now to be phased out for single-parent households earning more than $75,000 a year, or $150,000 for couples, but those income thresholds could be lowered to meet demands of Manchin and more conservative Democrats.

What had been envisioned as a months-long federal paid family leave program could be shrunk to as few as four weeks.

Biden also wants to ensure funding for health care programs, including new money for home- and community-based health care services, supporting a move away from widespread nursing home care.

Anonymous said...

And a new program to provide dental, vision and hearing aid benefits to people on Medicare proposed by Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent from Vermont, is likely to remain in some fashion, said Khanna, a longtime Sanders ally.

Expected to still be included in the package are new subsidies to help families afford child care as well as increased subsidies put in place during the pandemic for people who buy their own health insurance.

Biden told lawmakers that after his top priorities there would be $300 billion remaining, which some suggested could be used for housing aid and racial justice issues. Biden also mentioned money could go for retrofitting homes of low-income people.

But Biden's vision for free community college for all is falling by the wayside.

“It’s not the robust vision the president wants or that we wanted,” Khanna said.

At a lengthy and “lively” lunch of Democratic senators earlier in the day, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said there was "universal agreement in that room that we have to come to an agreement and we got to get it done.”

Biden met at the White House for nearly two hours with the first group of lawmakers, progressives, who emerged confident a deal was within reach. Moderate lawmakers met for about 90 minutes into the evening.

“Everybody’s talking,” said Manchin, who had his own meeting Tuesday with the president.

For months, Manchin and Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have objected to the scope and scale of Biden's package, testing the patience of colleagues who see a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reshape government programs. Sinema missed the senators lunch, but had a separate meeting with Biden.

With Republicans fully opposed to Biden’s plans, the president needs all Democrats in the 50-50 split Senate for passage and can only spare a few votes in the House.

Congress has set an Oct. 31 deadline for passage

Sleepy Joe is the most important President in history.

anonymous said...

Roger and James don't drive EV's.
Typical Socialist, do as i say, not as i do.

BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! While you promote white supremacy......LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Let's just be candid: My Republican Party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of that Party wants president Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable."
--Colin Powell

rrb said...

Saint Colon of the Bowel.

You were never a republican, Colon.

All you ever were was a relatively successful hack.

The "pastor's" Fucking Daddy said...

Catturd ™

Why are vaccinated liberals so pissed off and miserable?

simple, they are living a lie

The "pastor's" Fucking Daddy said...

Candace Owens

At every label, Bill Gates was directly involved with this pandemic— Wuhan lab, WEF predictions, vaccines, tests, and censorship. Now as people are impoverished from lockdowns— he is quietly purchasing a ton of land. He should be arrested for crimes against humanity.

Another of the worlds richest billionaires enabled by the democrats

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CRT is NOT being taught in schools.

That is to say, not the version of it that is misrepresented here.

All historical teaching should be "critical" in the sense that it critically examines all issues, pro and con.

Critiqueing racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, etc., etc., etc. is essential for the survival of our democracy.

Fascism must not be allowed to continue in our nation. It has already gone too far.

The "pastor's" Fucking Daddy said...

Andrew Surabian


Right at the top of Twitter this morning.

Big Tech consistently acts as the Biden Administration's Pravda.

Joe Biden's America

Animal Farm


2 for 1

The "pastor's" Fucking Daddy said...

Robby Starbuck

"Freedom To Vote Act" is an absurd name for a bill. There’s literally no one in the US unable to vote unless they aren’t legal or a felon who lost the right to vote as a result. This is just another game the Democrats play with words. It should be called the "legalize fraud act".

liberals love to play word games and change their meanings

The "pastor's" Fucking Daddy said...



Geezus, it’s real.

I always check, as this was beyond belief.

Even I underestimate the evil of the modern far left.


rrb said...

CRT is DEFINITELY being taught in schools, both public and private, both K-12 and Higher Education.

The list of the schools teaching it can be found here by state.:


It's vile, it's reprehensible, and it is key to the overarching Marxist philosophy crucial to the advancement of the left's agenda.

Shoot the purveyors of CRT bullshit.

Shoot them dead. Then shoot them again.

rrb said...

Critical Race Group Targets Diverse List Of Anti-CRT “Frontline Spokespeople” (Including Me)

I am listed among a distinguished (and diverse, did I mention diverse?) group of “frontline spokespeople.” I am not worthy! But they misspelled my name, which is a micro-aggression.

I am listed among a distinguished (and diverse, did I mention diverse?) group of “frontline spokespeople,” including Brown University Professor Glenn Loury, Author James Lindsay, Author Wesley Yang, former Wall Street Journal journalist Asra Nomani, and Columbia University Professor and NY Times columnist John McWorter. I am not worthy!


The "pastor's" Fucking Daddy said...

City Journal

Walmart's critical race theory training program denounces the United States as a “white supremacy system” and teaches white, hourly wage employees that they are guilty of “white supremacy thinking” and “internalized racial superiority.”
https://cityjourn.al/3DGUGZM via @realchrisrufo

Jesse Kelly

The leaders of every cultural institution now share the same three traits:

1. No love of country. Often it’s hatred of country.
2. No connection to the real world.
3. Belief they are of a higher class and should rule over you as royalty.

More billionaire elites

and profiting from actual slave labor

in China

or as the Biden administration call them "friendly competitors"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden’s Agenda Suddenly Has Momentum

“Biden began pitching lawmakers on an outline for his Build Back Better plan Tuesday night. The proposal, pegged in the range of $1.75 to $1.9 trillion, is far from a done deal: Moderates and progressives will have plenty to say before giving anything their blessing. But Hill Democrats are relieved that Biden is getting his hands dirty after sitting on the sidelines for weeks.”

Punchbowl News:
“It does seem reasonable to believe Democrats can agree on a reconciliation framework before President Joe Biden heads to Italy and Scotland in 11 days. That’s a change from where things stood heading into this week, a crucial one for both the White House and party leaders on the Hill. Biden had some good meetings with House Democrats Tuesday, and for the first time in a while — weeks or months really — there’s some renewed optimism in Democratic ranks. It’s amazing what some TLC from the president can do.

“And if Democrats get a reconciliation framework agreed upon, and the feelings stay positive, maybe the House can pass the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill soon too. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has set an Oct. 31 date for that vote, and it’s critical for moderates that it happen.”

Commonsense said...

Blogger This blog's caring, compassionate pastor said...

James is a communist agent.

It hasn't been Colin Powell's Republican Party since he cross aisle and became a Democrat to support Barack Obama. I can only surmised he just saw his black skin, not the Marxist enemy in front of him.

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Christopher Cadelago

"Biden’s Agenda Suddenly Has Momentum"

New @jaselzer poll is tough for Biden: 37% approval rating; 50% disapprove.

Immigration (27% approve; 58% disapprove); economy (36% approve; 53% disapprove)

36% of Americans believe the economy will be in a stronger position 12 months from now – an 11-point drop from March 2021

DOWNWARDS momentum


rrb said...

DOWNWARDS momentum

Momentum akin to a turd, in a commode, when one flushes after a satisfying dump.


Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Sean Davis

Boys can’t become girls.
The COVID shot doesn’t prevent you from getting or spreading COVID.
Ivermectin works.
Natural immunity is real.
Antifa is a terrorist group.
Critical race theory is racist.
Joe Biden is a vegetable.
Nobody gives a crap about January 6.
Let’s go Brandon.


Jim's Fucking Daddy said...


I like that

Think I'm going to "steal" err "use"

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


James's Fucking Daddy said...


Just like his Afghanistan withdrawal

only screened questions and participants allowed

and on the clown network

what a "winner"


James's Fucking Daddy said...

* that "town hall" will have a ton more security than the border

can't let the "wrong people" in to ask questions

Joe Biden's America


Banana Republic

James's Fucking Daddy said...

Joe-Mentum - J-L Cauvin
Search domain jlcauvin.comhttps://jlcauvin.com › joe-mentum

Joe Lieberman

Third, he ran for president in 2004 and had the audacity at one point to exclaim enthusiastically that he was in a "three way dead heat for third place" in a primary. And lastly, he coined the term Joe-Mentum, which is a combination of Joe and Momentum. Much like a moral victory, Joe-Mentum requires an actual loss.

damn, already been used back in 2004

but does still apply

Roger Amick said...

Justice has been served.

The former student who waged a deadly attack against his classmates and teachers in Parkland, Fla., in 2018 pleaded guilty on Wednesday to the premeditated murder of 17 people and the attempted murder of 17 others, leaving his fate — either spending his life in prison or facing execution — in the hands of a jury.

The 34 guilty pleas were enumerated in a somber courtroom filled with the families of those who were killed and injured at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14, 2018. The community had braced for perhaps a monthslong trial but now soon faces what could be a grisly penalty phase as the state seeks to put the former student, Nikolas Cruz, to death.

Mr. Cruz, wearing a blue shirt under a black sweater vest, pleaded guilty after the judge read a lengthy list of questions about whether he understood the gravity of his plea and that it could lead to his death. He responded with “guilty” 34 times as Judge Elizabeth Scherer read each charge — including each victim’s name — and asked how he wanted to plea.

Armed with a legally purchased semiautomatic rifle, Mr. Cruz, then 19, killed 14 students and three faculty members and injured 17 more people in one of the deadliest school shootings in American history. “You’re all going to die,” Mr. Cruz said in one of three videos he recorded on his cellphone before the shooting. Outraged Parkland students helped ignite a national movement of young people against gun violence.

Roger Amick said...

Gunman Pleads Guilty in Parkland School Shooting https://nyti.ms/2Z4Y02h

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

If she is correct, the former President Trump could be indicted for being involved in the January 6th attacks and again Insurrection.

Rep.  Liz Cheney (R-WY) said that Steve Bannon’s refusal to cooperate with the House committee investigating the Capitol riot suggests President Trump was “personally involved in the planning and execution of January 6th,” The Hill reports.

Said Cheney: “Based on the committee’s investigation, it appears that Mr. Bannon had substantial advance knowledge of the plans for January 6th and likely had an important role in formulating those plans.  Mr. Bannon was in the war room at the Willard on January 6th. He also appears to have detailed knowledge regarding the president’s efforts to sell millions of Americans the fraud that the election was stolen.”

She added: “They suggest that President Trump was personally involved in the planning and execution of January 6th. And we will get to the bottom of that.” 

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Boys can’t become girls. Yes surgery can.

The COVID shot doesn’t prevent you from getting or spreading COVID. Yes

Ivermectin works. In almost zero percent

Natural immunity is real. Yes

Antifa is a terrorist group. No

Critical race theory is racist. No

Joe Biden is a vegetable.

Nobody gives a crap about January 6.

Troll squad asshole. yes

Seig Heil Mr Trump you

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Although Only a small proportion of young children with Covid get severely ill or die. Though weekly data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that Covid deaths among children under age 15 also reached its highest level in September, only 41 children died of Covid from Sept. 4 to Oct. 2.

There is no reason to oppose injections and again masking. Unless you have zero empathy for others.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

The Case for Leaving the Republican Party

In February, Robert Gonzalez wrote an op-ed in the Arizona Republic urging Republicans NOT to leave the party.

He had hoped that after the January 6 insurrection the GOP “could still be saved by decent people working from the inside… While many Republicans failed to show leadership during Trump’s presidency, it seemed that in the wake of Jan. 6, those leaders would finally stand up for truth and democracy.

BUT eight months later he writes that he was wrong.

“One of the few remaining tools to influence the Republican Party is to sever ties. So I urge remaining Republicans who stand for truth and democracy to vote with their feet, and leave.”


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

AZ Central Op Ed
I urged Republicans to stay. Now, months later, I'm leaving the party. Here's why

Opinion: I had hoped that decent people working from the inside could save the Republican Party from those who believe the Big Lie. I was wrong.

Robert Gonzalezopinion contributor

In February, I wrote an op-ed urging Republicans not to leave the party.

My hope was that the GOP could still be saved by decent people working from the inside. After more than two decades as a Republican, I had seen, met and worked with the many good folks who make it up.

I hoped that the extremism we were seeing – those questioning the results of the 2020 election, those advocating against a peaceful transition of power, those defending the terrorists who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6, those ignoring science and advocating for horse dewormer as a public health measure – was a fringe element.

While many Republicans failed to show leadership during Trump’s presidency, it seemed that in the wake of Jan. 6, those leaders would finally stand up for truth and democracy.

I was wrong.

Since February, we’ve witnessed a sad majority of Republicans continue to support the anti-democratic forces in the party.


Here in Arizona, Republican leadership has pushed and advocated for a sham audit of the 2020 election results and politicized public health. These anti-democratic tendencies are not just prevalent among currently elected officials.

I don’t know of a single Republican candidate who has announced for 2022 that has pushed back on the lunacy surrounding “Stop the Steal.” The mood among the boots on the ground is no different.

At local legislative district meetings, Republican grassroots activists obsessively pursue conspiracy theories about the election. Support for Trump – and for the belief that the election was somehow stolen for him – has become a litmus test for Republicans in Arizona and across the country.

Opposition to science – including the science behind vaccines and mask-wearing – follow closely behind.


In Washington, D.C., we witnessed House Republicans push out Rep. Liz Cheney from her position of leadership solely for telling the truth – that there was no credible evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, and that the terrorist attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 should be investigated by Congress.

More recently, Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio, a rising GOP star in any other era, was forced to announce his retirement, fearing for the safety of his family.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

While I still hope for a reasonable, sane, principled Republican Party, I’m no longer hopeful that it can be achieved by working within. I’m not optimistic for the reelection prospects for folks like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, or for the prospects of those in Republican primaries who do not embrace the Big Lie.

And even if they win, their ability to do good remains severely constricted by the vast majority of Republicans in D.C. who embrace lies.

So where do we go from here?

I’m not sure.

At this point, all we can do is vote with our feet
Some have left the party and registered as independents. That approach is principled, but given the current structure of our elections, makes it increasingly difficult for these sane voices to have any real influence.

Some have left and joined the Democratic Party. That is all well and good, if you feel a connection to the ideals of policies of that party, or feel that its leadership reflects your values. But we’ve seen what happens when the left holds political power unchecked. This country works best with a diversity of views.

Some are talking about new parties, like the Serve America Movement, and about reforming our primaries that entrench polarization. I truly hope they get traction, and we can move beyond a hyperpolarized two-party system.

In the meantime, I’m leaving the Republican Party. I had hope back in February that we could correct course. Especially after Jan. 6, a return to sanity seemed necessary, maybe inevitable. But after months of meeting with folks on the ground, watching the news and seeing the 2022 GOP primaries unfold, I’m less optimistic.

One of the few remaining tools to influence the Republican Party is to sever ties. So I urge remaining Republicans who stand for truth and democracy to vote with their feet, and leave.

Robert Gonzalez is a lawyer and tech executive living in Tucson.

anonymous said...

Funny James that I have asked the trump and GOP slurpers here on what in CRT upsets them......The only answer proffered to date by the rodent is that it is a THEORY!!!!!!!!! Imagine that.......it's a theory like Relativity or Gravity.....sad that they are all in lock step like the morons they keep proving themselves to be!!!!!! BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Myballs said...

I read a good point today

Local produce and products is not sitting on a ship off California. Buy local. Buy American.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Dow jumps 170 points to record on better-than-expected earnings


Futures signal slightly lower market open amid busy earnings week

The Dow Jones Industrial average jumped to a record on Wednesday as investor sentiment was boosted by better-than-expected earnings reports and a new record for bitcoin.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 183 points, or 1%, to about 35,641, reclaiming record levels set in mid-August. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite added 0.4% and 0.2%, respectively.

Bitcoin rose as high as $66,893 Wednesday, a new all-time high for the cryptocurrency, following comments Paul Tudor Jones made on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” calling bitcoin his preferred inflation hedge over gold. Bitcoin has been climbing for four weeks amid positive regulatory developments and anticipation of the first bitcoin-linked ETF. The ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF began trading Tuesday.

The bitcoin rally is a signal of a strong risk-on environment, according to Fundstrat’s Tom Lee, who also said the market could still rally more than 6% by the end of the year despite the “jagged year of progress” it’s had. He upped his S&P 500 price target 100 points to 4,800, citing declining Covid cases and economic resilience.

“We believe a strong risk-on environment is underway,” Lee said in a note to investors late Tuesday. “We do not think consensus is that bullish. We already know that investors got very pessimistic in September... However, the improvement in market technicals, such as clearing the 50-day moving average, is actually suggesting that underlying trends are getting stronger.”

Netflix posted its hotly-anticipated third-quarter earnings report on Tuesday after the market closed, with the streaming giant adding 4.4 million subscribers during the period. Wall Street analysts expected 3.84 million additions, according to estimates from StreetAccount. However, the shares, which are up 20% in the last three months, were down more than 1%.

Deutsche Bank downgraded Netflix after the report, saying its stock valuation was hard to justify with revenue growth set to slow next year. The firm also said strong fourth quarter subscriber additions are already baked into the stock.

United Airlines also posted quarterly results after the bell on Tuesday, with the company beating analyst expectations on the top and bottom line amid an ongoing rebound in travel demand. United shares rose slightly Wednesday.

Verizon gained more than 2% after reporting strong earnings, though it missed revenue expectations slightly, and raised its forecast on 5G demand. Biogen shares edged higher after it beat estimates on earnings and revenue and raised its full year guidance.

Ford shares were up nearly 4% after Credit Suisse upgraded the auto company on its EV shift and predicted a 30% rally in the stock. PayPal lost more than 3% on a report that it could buy the social media company Pinterest. Pinterest shares soared more than 10%.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

More than 70 S&P 500 components report earnings this week. IBM, Tesla, CSX and Las Vegas Sands are among the names set to report after the market closes.

So far investors have largely cheered results from the batch of third-quarter earnings that have hit the market since the banks kicked things off last week. Of the S&P 500 components that have reported thus far, 82% have topped expectations, according to FactSet.

However, Jeff Buchbinder, equity strategist for LPL Financial, said investors shouldn’t expect the beats that companies posted as they emerged from the depths of the pandemic.

“We have used most of the superlatives we know to describe corporate America’s stunning performances over the past two earnings seasons,” he said. “We expect solid earnings gains during the upcoming third-quarter earnings season, but upside surprises will be smaller. Unfortunately, we won’t need as many superlatives.”

The S&P 500 added 0.74% on Tuesday, while the Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.71%. Both saw their fifth straight day of gains, the longest daily winning streak since late August.

The Dow advanced nearly 200 points, or 0.56%, for its third positive session in the last four days. Johnson & Johnson had the most positive impact on the 30-stock benchmark, while Procter & Gamble was the largest drag.

With stocks’ Tuesday advance, the major averages are approaching their all-time highs. The Dow is 0.49% below its record, while the S&P and Nasdaq Composite sit 0.58% and 1.78% below their highwater marks.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Bidennomics is great news robotics on the real world.

Dow jumps 170 points to record on better-than-expected earnings


Myballs said...

Check the math in your article. 183 is not 1% of 35500.

And calling it a jump is a bit of a stretch too.