Tuesday, October 19, 2021

How much trouble is McAuliffe actually in?

Well if this new ad is any indication, McAuliffe is actually pretty desperate You don't run this sort of damage control ad if you are sitting in a comfortable position. And no, I am not talking about the Youngkin ad calling McAuliffe out on this. I am referring to an entire ad where McAuliffe does an about face, says parents should be involved, and suggesting dishonestly that Youngkin is taking his words out of context. Obviously there is no context there. McAuliffe (like most every liberal) simply believes that school boards and teachers unions should be in control of what our children are taught, and that you don't want parents (as McAuliffe states) picking books or showing up at school board meetings with ideas of what should be taught.

Now this has never actually been much of an issue in the past. Generally I have grown up in communities and raised children in communities where the school boards and the parents were on the same page. Why, on earth should these two groups of people EVER have competing interests is beyond me. School boards have always understood (until very recently) that they answer to the community and parents, not the other way around. This power play took off here as politics has started to creep it's dirty way into everything, including things that never, ever in the past had been political. 


Commonsense said...

Blame the teacher's union who give financial support to handpicked school board candidates.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The CRT think is very troubling.

They don't want the kids to see the Martin Luther King Jr. Speech I have a dream speech in schools.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

As one of few Trump appointees to keep his role after President Joe Biden came into power, Zalmay Khalilzad remained relatively low-profile in recent years, making few public comments in the months leading up to the United States' withdrawal.T.J. Kirkpatrick / Pool via AP

Oct. 19, 2021, 10:38 AM PDT

By Dan De Luce and Abigail Williams

The U.S. special representative for Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad, announced he is stepping down from his role less than two months after the United States' chaotic withdrawal from the country.

“Tomorrow, I step down from my position as the Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation,” Khalilzad said in his Monday resignation letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken obtained by NBC News

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is not going away like I said before.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

The CRT think is very troubling.

They don't want the kids to see the Martin Luther King Jr. Speech I have a dream speech in schools.

I saw a film of the speech as a public school student. The speech and only the speech, without the heaping helping of hateful rhetoric that has now been branded as CRT.

CRT is not required to teach history, specifically black history, in any school setting, public or private. In fact, if you watch/read King's speech, you'll notice, if you're honest which you are not, that it flies directly in the face of CRT, and basically brands supporters of CRT as those who are part of the fucking PROBLEM.

So those who demand that CRT is required are liars and racists.

Like you.

rrb said...

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan is not going away like I said before.

You said before that it would quickly fade from the news and from recent memory.

You were as wrong as "Kerry by a fucking landslide" wrong.

rrb said...

Question for the blog -

If CRT is suddenly required to teach King's "I Have a Dream Speech" in public schools, how in the ever loving fuck have we been able to teach it WITHOUT CRT for the past 50+ fucking years?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

This is how the Republicans got it wrong about CRT.

In his landmark address at the March on Washington in August 1963, King did note his hope that “one day” his children would be judged by their character and not the color of their skin, but that was only one line in a more nuanced address.

While King looked ahead to that day, his vision remained firmly fixed on the realities of racism and discrimination in his own time.

More important, while King looked ahead to that day, his vision remained firmly fixed on the realities of racism and discrimination in his own time; he devoted the bulk of his address to identifying and articulating them. King chronicled the ways African Americans faced systemic patterns of discrimination and inequality, from “the unspeakable horrors of police brutality” to the discriminatory public and private policies that put African Americans on “a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity.”

“We’ve come here today,” King patiently explained again, “to dramatize a shameful condition.”

This why the Republicans are scared of.

We still have some of the same problems 47 years ago.

You are scared of Thecoldheartedtruth about America's future without driving while back problems. You are afraid of our younger generation understanding how we got better though anti racist past by using legislation that the Republicans are blocking tomorrow morning.

rrb said...

LOL. An MSDNC "opinion" tells US how WE got it wrong:


Go fuck yourself alky.

And take that "intersectionality" racist twat Crenshaw with you when you do.

Fucking racist hacks.

Commonsense said...

The CRT think is very troubling.
They don't want the kids to see the Martin Luther King Jr. Speech I have a dream speech in schools.

God Roger stop with the silly unsubstantiated accusations. As done right now you can teach black history without CRT (in fact CRT corrupts black history). Both Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King is taught in every school in the country. (sadly not in colleges and universities today) Including these passages.

What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade and solemnity, are, to Him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy -- a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages.There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices more shocking and bloody than are the people of the United States, at this very hour.

But for all his bitterness Fredrick Douglas saw hope for the country.

Allow me to say, in conclusion, notwithstanding the dark picture I have this day presented, of the state of the nation, I do not despair of this country. There are forces in operation which must inevitably work the downfall of slavery. "The arm of the Lord is not shortened," and the doom of slavery is certain. I, therefore, leave off where I began, with hope. While drawing encouragement from "the Declaration of Independence," the great principles it contains, and the genius of American Institutions, my spirit is also cheered by the obvious tendencies of the age

In the Declaration of Independence was the promise of freedom for all men. Douglas was America's conscious to hold his country to the promise.

Anonymous said...

Inflation has eaten up ALL WAGE gains.

Cowardly Queen Roger said.

"Roger AmickOctober 19, 2021 at 12:01 PM

It's not the same thing as in the 70s but it is a big problem for the President and the Democrats."

Hey dumbass how about bad for America and Americans.

Commonsense said...

This why the Republicans are scared of.

Pretty much every Republican voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964. They are not scared.

We still have some of the same problems 47 years ago.

If you think that then you are a fucking moron. Things are so much better today than they were 47 years ago. Just ask any black man over the age of 65. (Those old enough to remember the pre-civil rights era.)

rrb said...

You can tell by the TV ads that are running in the D.C. metro market that the Terry McAuliffe campaign is in deep trouble. The essence of the Democrat's pitch, in the off-year gubernatorial campaign, is that Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin is a puppet of Donald Trump.
Let's be clear about just who Glenn Youngkin actually is -- a Richmond native who attended Rice University on a basketball scholarship (he's 6-7), majored in engineering and management, and later got an MBA from Harvard. He spent 25 years with the Carlyle Group investment firm. If he is, or ever was, an extremist, nobody has discovered any evidence of this. Youngkin is Mister Clean, a calm and level-headed businessman without scandals in his past, and this is why the only way the McAuliffe campaign can try to attack him is by playing the "Orange Man Bad" card.

It should not be necessary for McAuliffe to attack Youngkin at all. A former governor, McAuliffe has near-100% name recognition in Virginia, while Youngkin is a little-known political newcomer. Virginia has been trending "blue" for the past 15 years; Hillary won Virginia 50%-44% in 2016, and Biden won the state by a 10-point margin last year.

Terry McAuliffe would have been cruising toward a November landslide, were it not for the disastrous failure of Joe Biden's presidency.


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Wow! Frederick Douglas exemplifies what Critical Race Theory is all about. Thank you for that, Commonsense.

rrb said...

Pretty much every Republican voted for the Civil Rights Act in 1964. They are not scared.

And the filibuster AGAINST The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was led by a DEMOCRAT - KKK Grand Kleagle Senator Robert C. Byrd (D - WV).

This is the part of their history democrats have always been so desperate to re-write, hence their "both parties switched sides/dixiecrat LIE.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I was of course referring to the fine CRT statement in 1:31.

Commonsense said...

McAuliffe can't take some credit for the debacle of his campaign. Nobody forced him to say parents don't any say on how their children are taught.

But people will remember it. The question is how mama and daddy grizzlies are there?

rrb said...

During a weekly press conference, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was pressed to explain her inability to rally both lawmakers and the general public to support the gargantuan $3.5 trillion spending bill that she, President Biden, and Democrat party leadership are pushing. To Pelosi, the issue is a lack of propaganda. That is, she’s frustrated over the lack of any effective public relations campaign that focuses on what the bill will give to people rather than what it will cost them.

Whose fault is that? A fair-minded person would say the responsibility for such an effort falls squarely on the shoulders of the leaders wanting to enact the legislation. But Pelosi’s not a fair-minded person.

“Well I think you all could do a better job of selling it, to be very frank with you,” the Speaker said to the press gathered in the briefing room.

If you’ve ever wondered how leftists in positions of power view the mainstream media, this is all you need to hear. They see them not only as allies, but as propaganda agents, who bear the responsibility to “sell” Democrat party policy to the American people. It’s an astounding implicit admission from the Speaker.


Anonymous said...

When parents start showing up and demanding that we teach both sides of the Holocaust, both sides of global warming, both sides of racism, both sides of extremism, it it time for pushback.

Anonymous said...

Remember not to long ago Cowardly Queen Roger and Jane said.

"CRT was not in any classrooms".

They are always wrong.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

CRT was and always will be part of any school curriculum which seeks to tell the truth about, rather than hide the truth about, American history.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Why I still believe I backed the right fellow:

Biden Bets His Agenda on the Inside Game

“As Democrats on Capitol Hill brace in anticipation of a brutal midterm, Biden is spending an extraordinary amount of time and political capital behind the scenes to convince them to rally around a common framework for social and climate spending. His congressional huddles have accelerated, from phone calls on the White House veranda to one-on-one and group meetings — including two high-stakes Tuesday sit downs with moderates and progressives. He’s dialing up old friends to take their temperature about how his presidency is really fairing far beyond the Beltway.

“White House aides, in their own recent conversations with nervous allies, have repeatedly cited the flurry of presidential calls as a sign itself of Biden’s commitment to getting the bills over the finish line, at times bristling at claims that he hasn’t been involved enough.

“But Biden’s hours and hours of meetings don’t just reflect the precarious moment in which his presidency finds itself. They underscore the heavy reliance his White House has placed on an inside game, rather than the bully pulpit, to dislodge recalcitrant holdouts and move their agenda.”

Commonsense said...

Frederick Douglas exemplifies what Critical Race Theory

Douglas's initial bitterness but not his hope.one wonders with so much freedom and equality minorities have today what CRT is so bitter about.

CRT would not praise the Declaration of Independence which they consider a racist document written by a slaveholder. The did not see the Declaration of Independents as the key to eventual freedom as Douglas did.

And finally CRT is a divisive theory design to tear the races and country apart. Douglas did not that. Neither did Martin Luther King.

(Funny CRT advocates ignored King until Opponents started quoting him)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

He is going to get it done!

Anonymous said...

Hi James, do you drive a EV?

Anonymous said...

James , is right
"He is going to get it done!"
President Biden will get $5.6 Trillon (*the total is fungible) .

Commonsense said...

CRT was and always will be part of any school curriculum which seeks to tell the truth about, rather than hide the truth about, American history.

CRT is a Marxist lie whose aim is to divide the races and keep them in perpetual suspicion.

It is at it's very core, evil.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

It's simple.

Critical Race Theory
can lead the way to
Positive Race Theory.

Without the admissions of the first,
the aspirations of the second
are not attainable.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

My home state is embarrassing

South Dakota lawmaker's name leaked as member of anti-government militia
Sarah K. Burris
October 19, 2021

A South Dakota lawmaker's name was listed among the names listed in the data dump, revealing members of the right-wing anti-government militia, the Oath Keepers.

Thus far, law enforcement members in Oregon, Hudson County, the NYPD, across New Jersey, a candidate for local office, a Fox News commentator, police an official in Utah, and the names of 38,000 more have been revealed, as a result of the release of the names of members in the militia.

Phil Jensen's name was among those leaked, adding to his long history of controversy, reported Rolling Stone. However, the former state senator's career is mired by controversy. In 2014, Jensen sponsored SB 128, which would have allowed any business to turn away LGBTQ customers. It failed, and even other republicans called the measure "a mean, nasty, hateful, vindictive bill."

As Rolling Stone pointed out, Jensen justified the bill to the Rapid City Journal, by comparing LGBTQ people to members of the KKK.

"If someone was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, and they were running a little bakery for instance," he said, "the majority of us would find it detestable that they refuse to serve Blacks, and guess what? In a matter of weeks or so that business would shut down because no one is going to patronize them."

Members of the militia are asked to swear to a 10-point oath saying that they will fight back against "government tyranny," an odd oath for someone being paid by the government he purports to oppose.

The data dump of the names came from a transparency group, Distributed Denial of Secrets, which revealed names, emails and chat logs of Oath Keepers.

"In short, everything was there that you'd expect," said Emma Best, a co-founder of DDoSecrets. "The pieces all fit together, and there was far too much data that was far too detailed for it to have been faked."

While most Oath Keepers used an email from a private account, Jensen used his official state legislative email address, which displays his name, Senator Phil Jensen.

Wendy Rogers, another far-right Arizona lawmaker, is a state senator who was exposed. But she hasn't hidden her membership to the anti-government group.

Commonsense said...

When parents start showing up and demanding that we teach both sides of the Holocaust, both sides of global warming, both sides of racism, both sides of extremism, it it time for pushback.,

Well no parents are going to push both sides of the Holocaust, they are pushing back against racism and extremism being taught as CRT.

My question is push back with what? The DOJ using jackbooted thugs to intimidate parents? Merrick Garland is already ahead of you. (Thank God and Mitch McConnell he never became a Supreme Court Justice.)

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Fact Check: 3 Common Claims About Critical Race Theory
By Jess Clark

Outspoken activists have attended school board meetings in Kentucky, objecting to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives in schools and workplaces. They’re part of a national movement of conservatives who say they are concerned about the infiltration of “critical race theory,” or CRT into schools.

89.3 WFPL News Louisville ·

Fact Checking 3 Common Claims About Critical Race Theory

Anti-CRT activists have been repeating a number of claims about the theory, but many are inaccurate or misleading.

WFPL fact-checked three common claims.

Claim 1: “Critical Race Theory is being taught in schools”

Conservatives sounding the alarm bells about critical race theory say public schools are using the theory in classrooms to indoctrinate children, some going as far as to say it is part of a broader plot for a Marxist takeover.

Activists point to a broad array of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives as “evidence” of critical race theory in the classroom: from staff training on microaggressions, to an emphasis on Black history, to trauma-informed teaching practices.

Some openly acknowledge that “critical race theory,” as they use the term, does not just refer to the distinct body of legal scholarship first developed in the 1980s, but means any diversity, equity or inclusion initiative.

So, are teachers teaching the work of Kimberlé Crenshaw, Derrick Bell, or other CRT scholars? Rarely, if at all, say experts who study it.

Most students do not encounter these writers until college, or even law school. The Courier Journal did find mention of critical race theory in old versions of class frameworks for an elective called “Developing Historical Black Consciousness.” According to the newspaper, the district later scrubbed any mention of the theory from the documents as the term began to take on a new meaning in conservative corners.

But are some school districts and teachers incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into the curriculum? Yes, some are, and many teachers and education leaders say they will continue to do so.

“I will say this again: we are committed to achieving equity by challenging and questioning all of our practices and changing where necessary,” JCPS superintendent Marty Pollio told a legislative committee Tuesday. “That’s the work that has to be done in every district in America to eliminate that achievement gap and not just give lip service to it.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Claim 2: “Critical Race Theory is Marxism”

One of the most common criticisms leveled by some conservatives against critical race theory, or CRT, is that it’s Marxism by another name.

“CRT is simply identity-based Marxism, based solely on the color of one’s skin,” Rep. Matt Lockett (R-Nicholasville) told a state legislative committee in early July. Lockett is a primary sponsor of a bill that would limit discussions about racism in public schools and universities.

Anti-critical race theory activists point to what many scholars see as an important antecedent of critical race theory: critical legal studies, which in turn draws on the writings of Michel Foucault, Max Weber and—yes—Karl Marx.

According to the authors of Critical Race Theory: Key Writings That Formed The Movement, critical race theory formed in the 1980s, when a group of scholars of color broke off from their white, leftist colleagues in critical legal studies.

“Critical race theory sort of breaks off from critical legal studies, because critical legal studies didn’t really conceptualize race,” University of Louisville Law School professor Cedric Powell said.

Where critical legal theorists saw laws as primarily reflecting and sustaining class interests, critical race theorists argued that laws construct and maintain a racial power hierarchy.

“It sort of draws upon this underlying notion of class, this underlying notion of power and social control, and takes that and critiques the criminal law, which is supposed to be neutral, but looked at its impact on subordinating people of color,” Powell said.

For example, Powell said, a critical race theorist may look at the overrepresentation of Black people in jails and prisons as evidence that criminal laws are “deeply implicated in sustaining racial subordination.”

But does the fact that critical race theory draws on the writings of Karl Marx make it Marxism?

Powell says no.

“To say that it is totally Marxist is absolutist. I think any academic discipline draws on different theories,” he said.

Furthermore, highlighting critical race theory’s ties to Marxism is a familiar scare tactic, says Nikki Brown, history professor at the University of Kentucky.

“If you’re a historian of the civil rights movement, that sounds eerily familiar because many civil rights activists, including Martin Luther King, were accused of being Communists because they wanted equality.”

Critical race theorists are not calling for a violent overthrow of the government, as has been suggested by some conservatives.

“Critical race theory calls for the dismantling of structural inequality,” Powell said. “Critical race theorists believe in the government. They just believe that if the government is making all of these promises, it should certainly keep them. And they haven’t kept them.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


Claim 3: “Critical Race Theory is racist”

Many opponents of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives say critical race theory is itself racist, because it teaches people to see society and structures through the lens of race.

Tucker Carlson, perhaps the most outspoken critic in the anti-critical race theory movement, has called the theory and anti-racism initiatives in classrooms “racist anti-American indoctrination, race-based indoctrination.”

Powell describes this rhetoric as a “reverse-racism” argument that some white people have historically used to try to control the debate around race.

“The discrimination is to talk about race itself,” he said, paraphrasing the reverse-racism argument. “You’re putting white people on trial, you hate white people, and these things like ‘equity’ and ‘diversity’ are really code words to actually oppress white people,” he said.

Powell says that’s not what critical race theory says. Instead he says CRT is focused on how structures and institutions make life disproportionately difficult for people of color.

“We’re not pointing to individuals and saying you’re white, you’re guilty. We’re pointing at how these structures evolve,” he says.

Anti-critical race theory activists often appeal to an ideal of a “color-blind” or “post-racial” society, generally reject the existence of systemic racism, and see racism as chiefly individual prejudice.

Furthermore, many claim CRT paints Black people and other people of color as victims.

“I have a big problem telling anyone because of their skin color there are things that they can’t achieve,” Rep. Lockett said.

Powell calls this interpretation of CRT “misguided.”

“It’s distressing to live in America if you’re Black,” Powell said, who is Black. “Teach it or not—that is the reality.”

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

School boards have always understood (until very recently) that they answer to the community and parents, not the other way around.

Fair minded, truth telling pastor Jim says:
There was indeed a time in the past when southern all-white school boards answered exclusivley to white KKK-leaning parents.

And that took place even in in majority black communities.

To claim that blacks should have the right vote was considered communism.

That was a form of Critical Race Theory then.

No more!

Anonymous said...

Is the question too hard.

Cowardly Queen Roger and Jane, do either of you drive an EV?

I do not, i drive a F250 4x4 club cab Super Duty V-8 . The wife drives a 2021 Toyota Tundra TRD Pro 5.7L V8.
Because we can😊

Anonymous said...

Is the question too hard.

No, too stupid.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Homicide Charges Recommended Against Bolsonaro

“A Brazilian congressional panel is set to recommend mass homicide charges against President Jair Bolsonaro, asserting that he intentionally let the coronavirus rip through the country and kill hundreds of thousands in a failed bid to achieve herd immunity and revive Latin America’s largest economy.

“The extraordinary accusations appear in a nearly 1,200-page report that effectively blames Mr. Bolsonaro’s policies for the deaths of more than 300,000 Brazilians, half of the nation’s coronavirus death toll, and urges the Brazilian authorities to imprison the president.”

Trump should also be charged.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

What Becomes of America If Democrats Fail?

Alan Cohn:
“There won’t be any coming back from a second season of Donald Trump. If you thought he was vengeful against his perceived enemies last time, you haven’t seen anything yet. If like Mike Pence, you think we’re unfair to focus on one day in January when some good people got a little carried away, you’re a fool.

“If you’re a Democrat in Congress and won’t seize this moment to do something good, prove Democrats deserve to lead, and save the country as a result, then you will bear a measure of responsibility for what’s sure to come.”

Government OF, BY, and FOR THE PEOPLE hangs in the balance.

The Dems MUST win.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, so that this nation may ever have new births of freedom, and so that government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Manchin and Sanders to Seek Deal on Biden Agenda

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told Democratic colleagues at lunch Tuesday that he will work with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) to reach a deal on a budget reconciliation bill by week’s end, The Hill reports.

Good news! Chariot's a-comin'!

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Eric Schmitt


This is about as self aware as hiring child actors to make you look relatable in a video produced by a Canadian company named Sinking Ship Entertainment.

Vice President Kamala Harris

United States government official
Today I’m heading to Lake Mead in Nevada to discuss the climate crisis–and why we must make historic investments to not only create jobs, but preserve our planet for generations to come.

Quite a footprint you have there cum allah

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...



NEW - The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require employers to record worker side effects from #COVID19 vaccination.


Guess Biden figures truthful real data is not "science"

He wants political science

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

New York Post

Biden to participate in CNN town hall this week with 'invitation-only audience' https://trib.al/QXTNJjk

Biden too cowardly to go on a real network and face real questions

Joe Biden's America

state media


he'll probably still manage to fuck it up

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Kelly Bee 🐝

29-year-old cricketer, Avi Barot, has passed away unexpectedly from cardiac arrest.

“He was down with COVID (last year), and got vaccinated. This comes as a huge shock for all of us.”


awful lot of these "unexpected" deaths going around with healthy vaccinated people.

and now Joe has instructed employers to not record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination.

guess you can't figure out science if you have no data

plus who would be liable ?

not the vaccine maker...

anonymous said...

Fucked up continues posting his diarrhea of twitter bullshit......sad his limited intellect only allows him limited access to realty only twitter crap!!!!!

anonymous said...

I do not, i drive a F250 4x4 club cab Super Duty V-8 .

A gas guzzling pig with the goat fucker doing his fair share to warm the climate!!!!! Like not taking the vax, the jerk of kansas again shows he is not a patriot just a sad waste of space who don't give a shit about the country!!!!!!!

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Dave Rubin

The same people who want you to show a vaccine passport to go bowling don’t want you to show an ID to vote.

Get it yet or nah?

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Justin Hart

Per CDC:
< 1% of #COVID19 deaths had NO existing conditions
> 64% of deaths had 6 or more conditions
> 97% of deaths had 2 or more conditions


If we started counting the deaths of people who have been vaccinated (like we do "with" covid) the number would be staggering.

But that doesn't fit the narrative.

And of course it wouldn't actually be meaningful

Big brother doesn't even want to know about vaccine side effects

but they sure want control


Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

Ryan James Girdusky

(Quinnipiac) Do you approve/disapprove of Biden?

Overall: 37/52
GOP: 3/95
Dem: 80/11
Indie: 28/56
Men: 30/58
Women: 43/45
White w/ degree: 50/46
White w/o degree: 25/65
White: 33/59
Black: 65/22
Hispanic: 33/51

If that Hispanic number gains traction it will be the end of the democrat party

And America will be saved

That is if we have election integrity

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The segregationist in history were Democrats. But when the when President Lyndon B. Johnson started working with the Republicans and the non Dixiecrat Democrats, they passed both bills, voting rights act and the anti discrimination laws, the Republicans started winning Senate seats in the south and defeated the Dixiecrats of the era.

Since then they were no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln. They went crazy when Barack Obama was elected President in a majority popular vote margin.

In 2014 when Donald Trump started the birther theory, he appealed to the white supremacists who he needed to win the nomination.

Then the worst medical crisis in started, he lied about how easily the virus was transmitted through coughing and the Republicans came out against masking.

He has caused a lot lives.

They are addicted to conspiracy theories.

Because they don't have an agenda except hatred of Democrats and unfortunately the right of the voice of the people, unless they are white people.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The segregationist in history were Democrats. But when the when President Lyndon B. Johnson started working with the Republicans and the non Dixiecrat Democrats, they passed both bills, voting rights act and the anti discrimination laws, the Republicans started winning Senate seats in the south and defeated the Dixiecrats of the era.

Since then they were no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln. They went crazy when Barack Obama was elected President in a majority popular vote margin.

In 2014 when Donald Trump started the birther theory, he appealed to the white supremacists who he needed to win the nomination.

Then the worst medical crisis in started, he lied about how easily the virus was transmitted through coughing and the Republicans came out against masking.

He has caused a lot lives.

They are addicted to conspiracy theories.

Because they don't have an agenda except hatred of Democrats and unfortunately the right of the voice of the people, unless they are white people.

Jim's Fucking Daddy said...

(Quinnipiac) Do you approve/disapprove of Biden?

Overall: 37/52
GOP: 3/95
Dem: 80/11
Indie: 28/56
Men: 30/58
Women: 43/45
White w/ degree: 50/46
White w/o degree: 25/65
White: 33/59
Black: 65/22
Hispanic: 33/51

If that Hispanic number gains traction it will be the end of the democrat party

And America will be saved

That is if we have election integrity

WOW, Biden is getting crushed.

Must really have disturbed alky so I figured I'd make sure he remembers this

Unlike his racist foundation

he said "In 2014 when Donald Trump started the birther theory, he appealed to the white supremacists who he needed to win the nomination."

roger thinks their are tens of millions of white supremacists like himself and that that group went for Trump. And that Hillary wasn't responsible for the birther theory though he voted for her too.

Actually they are very few white supremacists and they often voted for the racist Biden in 2020

Like roger

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He should get the liberal Democrats to back down a bit more.

For a moment, progressives seemed to have a dream opportunity to imprint their vision on the country. Democrats in March muscled through a big covid-19 relief bill on a party-line vote. The party seemed unified enough to leverage its thin majorities, as senior lawmakers prepared infrastructure and social spending bills that would cost trillions.
These dreams were never realistic, and they are now evaporating. But many progressives are having trouble accepting this, looking for gimmicky ways to enact broad structural change despite centrists’ objections.
To address the demands of key moderates, Democrats must cut back their big social spending bill from $3.5 trillion to $2 trillion or less. While all seem to agree that there is no way around slashing the price tag for Sens. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), they disagree on how to do it. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) sent a letter to lawmakers last week arguing that Democrats should “do fewer things well.” House progressives responded with a letter arguing that Democrats should not cut programs but merely fund all of them for a shorter period of time. “This is our moment to make the President’s vision a reality,” the letter read. “This bill offers us a chance to fundamentally transform the relationship between the American people and their government.”
But that is not what President Biden promised when he ran for president. Mr. Biden handily beat the left’s candidate, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), in the Democratic primaries, arguing that one need not stage a revolution to do good. He spoke about returning normalcy and competence to Washington, not renegotiating the social contract.
To be sure, Mr. Biden emphasized certain policy goals, particularly addressing climate change. Democrats still have a chance to make concrete progress on climate, family, health and education issues — if they set aside grandiose ideological ambitions and prioritize. They do not need to expand Medicare for seniors who already have ample benefits; shoring up the Affordable Care Act for Americans of working age is a higher priority. They do not have to provide universal free community college when enhanced Pell Grants can pay the neediest Americans’ tuition bills. They can put stricter income limits on the child tax credit, ensuring that it still cuts child poverty without wasting taxpayer money on higher-income people.
Progressives’ plan to fund everything for fewer years would risk the sudden expiration of social programs in a relative heartbeat. To the extent progressives believe that future Congresses would extend those benefits, they favor budget cheating, making it seem as though their agenda is relatively inexpensive when the low price-tag simply reflects an unusually short spending window. If Democrats used 10 years of new revenue to finance five years of new spending, that would compound the misrepresentation.
This does not mean Democrats should settle for little. If the 2020 election was not a vote for revolution, neither was it an endorsement of stasis. Mr. Biden promised that a return to normalcy would produce tangible results. Mr. Manchin’s reported opposition to acting ambitiously on climate change could torpedo a key element of Mr. Biden’s campaign — and deal untold harm to future generations.
The health of Americans and their climate depends on Democrats passing well-designed, durable programs on which people and businesses can rely. Both sides of the party must keep this in mind as the Democrats pare their legislative ambitions.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

LBJ was a racial person but he put the country first.

A low level person who worked for Hillary Clinton started the birther theory but she was fired immediately but Trump tweeted it and got the attention of rrb etc.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Biden did not run to stage a revolution. Progressives should stop demanding one.


rrb said...

He has caused a lot lives.

"Oh waiter!

I think I'll begin with some Thousand Island dressing on this evening's alky gibberish word salad. Thank you. Oh, and another Maker's Mark please."

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Joe Biden is fighting a two-front war for democracy.

At home, the US president faces the threat of a Republican party that is still in thrall to Donald Trump — the first president in US history to refuse to accept defeat in an election.

Overseas, he faces the challenge of a rising China — which Biden has framed as part of a larger struggle between democracy and autocracy that will define the 21st century.

It's not conservative vs. Democrats.

Trumpism is not conservativism.

Harry Truman faced a similar challenge on foreign affairs.

He is facing the most important issue in history.

Donald Trump.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Cost thousands of lives.

Have a coke and whiskey

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

LBJ was a racial person but he put the country first.


LBJ put DEMOCRATS first, foremost, and always. Hence the "Great Society" and the systematic destruction of the black nuclear family and in turn the black communities.

When he was quoted as saying "I'll have those ni@@ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years" he knew EXACTLY what he was doing. Creating several lifetimes of multi-generational government dependency. And it worked like a fucking charm. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was the only democrat with the courage to explain what LBJ did, and the devastating societal impacts it was having and would have. Moynihan was the last honest democrat to emerge from NY. The rest since then have all been parasitic scum.

What LBJ did was pure, self-serving, evil so egregious Satan himself probably had to look away and blush.

rrb said...

And the Biden fucking freak show just keeps rolling along...

A top health appointee of President Joe Biden is slated to become the first transgender four-star admiral, the administration said Tuesday.

Rachel Levine, who was born male but identifies as a woman, will be sworn in Tuesday as an admiral of the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, becoming the organization's first person who identifies as female to achieve that rank.

"I'm doing this because of my dedication to service ... with the utmost respect and honor for the uniform that I will be wearing," Levine told the Washington Post, adding that her new position is "not just symbolic."

Levine said she would begin wearing the blue uniform of her ranking immediately. She now oversees a 6,000-person force responding to health crises on behalf of the federal government, with duties including administering COVID-19 vaccines and offering aid after major disasters.


When I was a kid we treated mental illness. Now we celebrate it and reward it.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...




A new Quinnipiac poll finds a majority of Americans say they DO NOT want to see Donald Trump run for president in 2024,
58% to 35%.

However, a big majority of Republicans do want to see Trump run for president in 2024,
78% to 16%.

Also interesting:
51% of Americans say Trump has had
a mainly negative impact
on American politics,
while 41% say he has had
a mainly positive impact.

Boswell's Fucking Daddy said...

"Loving, Compassionate, patriotic pastor Boswell good pastor Jim said...

This comment has been removed by the author."

what a lying POS

But at least he fixed his word salad moniker

Though he apparently was caught unaware how much underwater Biden was in that poll

Submarine level and in a full speed descent



Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

I guess the GOP just has a suicide wish.

I should feel more compassionate toward them than I do, but my patriotism and intense love for my country and my hopes the good of our people get in the way.

It is time for greater justice in American life.
It is time for more equity.

The 1% cannot continue to be allowed to try to dictate to all the rest of us, and to keep us from our right to pursue the GENERAL financil wellfare, and make it easier for all of us to enjoy life, libety and have better opportunities to pursue a greater happiness.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...


JamesOldLeaf 's FUCKING DADDY said...

The lying POS "pastor" said:

The 1% cannot continue to be allowed to try to dictate to all the rest of us

Let's put a face to them.

Bezos, Gates, Soros, and the heads of Google, Facebook, Twitter, the Washington Post, the Atlantic, the New York Times.

funny those are the exact people the "pastor" often uses for sources and lavishes with admiration.

The same people benefitting from the atrocious behavior against Chinese slaves.

The same people who support Biden, suppress free speech and have had staggering increases in their wealth

And in fact they are the newest slave traders.

Just like the democrat party was founded on

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Law and order

Tuesday evening to hold Steve Bannon, a former aide to President Donald Trump, in contempt of Congress ― a move that could lead to federal criminal charges.

The vote was unanimous among the committee’s nine members.


“When you think about what we’re investigating, a violent attack on the seat of our democracy … it’s shocking to me, shocking that anyone would not do anything in their power to assist our investigation,” committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) said Tuesday. “It’s a shame that Mr. Bannon has put us in this position, but we won’t take no for an answer.”

“Mr. Bannon will comply with our investigation,” he later continued, “or he will face the consequences.”

Bannon has refused to comply with a subpoena issued by the committee last month demanding records of his communications with the Trump White House around the time of the attack. He also failed to appear for a hearing before the committee last Thursday.

The criminal referral will now go before the full House for a vote and, if approved, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will formally send it to the U.S. attorney for Washington, D.C. Thompson reportedly expects the House to vote on the matter by Friday.

A contempt of Congress charge carries a maximum penalty of one year in prison and a fine of up to $100,000.

Rep. Liz Cheney (Wyo.), one of two Republicans on the committee, said Tuesday it appeared Bannon had “substantial advance knowledge” of the planning around the Jan. 6 attack, adding that there was “no legal right” to ignore the body’s subpoena. She later appealed to her GOP colleagues to support the committee’s mission, saying “all of us who are elected officials must do our duty.”

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...so Sleepy Joe's strategy seems to be working.

President Biden told Democrats during a private meeting Tuesday that he believed they could secure a deal on a new tax-and-spending proposal between $1.75 trillion and $1.9 trillion, far less than some in the party initially sought, even as some lawmakers later maintained it still would allow them to accomplish broad swaths of their vast economic agenda.

The early outline — shared at least with liberal lawmakers in the House — appeared to offer one potential avenue for the White House to broker a truce among Democrats’ warring left-leaning and moderate factions. Four people familiar with Biden’s comments confirmed the early details, requesting anonymity to describe the negotiations.

The potential new price range marks a significant reduction from the $3.5 trillion that some Democrats initially pursued under a budget agreement chiefly brokered by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) earlier this year. But it is closer to the number that centrists, especially Sen. Joe Manchin III (D-W.Va.), had outlined in recent months as they sought steep cuts to Democrats’ spending plans. Manchin and Sanders met Tuesday for the second time in two days after the two sparred with each other over the weekend.

By the White House’s calculations, a package up to $1.9 trillion would allow them to accomplish some of their most significant priorities. That includes at least some expansion of Medicare to offer new benefits to seniors, the introduction of universal prekindergarten, and billions of dollars to address climate change, the sources said, cautioning that many of the details must still be worked out.

But slimming down the package also is sure to force Democrats to make some sacrifices. The path put forward by the White House could extend new, expanded child tax credit payments recently adopted by Congress, but perhaps for only one additional year, three of the sources said. It would offer new money to make housing more affordable, yet far less than Democrats once envisioned. And it would provide paid leave, except only four weeks of benefits, rather than the 12 weeks some had once proposed, according to one of the people in the room.

The White House on Tuesday evening did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Earlier in the day, however, White House press secretary Jen Psaki described the meeting with liberals — and a second, separate session with moderate Democrats — as “constructive” toward potentially reaching a deal after months of delays.

Go Dodgers.

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

"Let's just be candid: My Republican Party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of that Party wants president Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable."
--Colin Powell

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

Biden’s Agenda Suddenly Has Momentum

“Biden began pitching lawmakers on an outline for his Build Back Better plan Tuesday night. The proposal, pegged in the range of $1.75 to $1.9 trillion, is far from a done deal: Moderates and progressives will have plenty to say before giving anything their blessing. But Hill Democrats are relieved that Biden is getting his hands dirty after sitting on the sidelines for weeks.”

Punchbowl News:
“It does seem reasonable to believe Democrats can agree on a reconciliation framework before President Joe Biden heads to Italy and Scotland in 11 days. That’s a change from where things stood heading into this week, a crucial one for both the White House and party leaders on the Hill. Biden had some good meetings with House Democrats Tuesday, and for the first time in a while — weeks or months really — there’s some renewed optimism in Democratic ranks. It’s amazing what some TLC from the president can do.

“And if Democrats get a reconciliation framework agreed upon, and the feelings stay positive, maybe the House can pass the $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill soon too. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has set an Oct. 31 date for that vote, and it’s critical for moderates that it happen.”