Saturday, October 23, 2021

January 6th just another repeat of the "Russian collusion" fiasco...

White House: 'No evidence' of Trump-Russia collusion
The White House on Monday asserted there is “no evidence” that President Trump’s associates colluded with Russia to interfere in the 2016 election after FBI Director James Comey confirmed a bureau investigation. “Nothing has changed,” a White House official wrote in an email. “Senior Obama intelligence officials have gone on record to confirm there is NO EVIDENCE of Trump-Russia collusion and there is NO EVIDENCE of a Trump-Russia scandal.”
FBI finds no evidence Capitol riot was coordinated
The FBI has reportedly found no evidence that far-right allies of Donald Trump conspired to overturn the presidential election during the January 6 assault on the US Capitol, according to law enforcement officers briefed on the investigation. Reuters reported the FBI doesn’t believe the thousands-strong mob that stormed the Capitol was part of a coordinated effort, or that the rioters had planned what they would do once they breached the building.
The first story was from March of 2017. In spite of no evidence to justify it, two months later special counsel Robert Mueller was appointed and led an investigation that did not end until March of 2019, nearly two years later. This investigation cost taxpayers millions of dollars, kept CNN and MSNBC busy with conspiracy theories, and did everything its power to bring down the Trump administration. Ultimately Robert Mueller found exactly what James Comey and the FBI did. There was no Trump Russia collusion. The whole thing was a witch hunt which undermined everything American justice stands for. 

The second story was from August of this year. Again, the FBI has found no evidence of any January 6th coup attempt. Let me repeat that: The FBI has found no evidence of any January 6th Coup attempt. 

Yet, here we are, with the same crazy conspiracy theorists demanding we continue to investigate the events of January 6th. Moreover, just as they did in 2017 with the Russian Collusion investigation, these same crazies pretend as if their conspiracy theory is true in spite of the fact that the FBI has found no evidence of any January 6th Coup attempt.

Did I mention that the FBI has found no evidence of any January 6th Coup attempt?

Make no mistake. Joe Biden and his administration has been an unmitigated disaster.  All signs point to a Democratic failure in the 2020 elections. Democrats and liberals in general are becoming desperate. When desperate, liberals do what liberals do best. Push wild and crazy conspiracy theories against Donald Trump. In this case they want to continue to push the January 6th issue in spite of the fact that the FBI has found no evidence of any January 6th Coup attempt. 

Because apparently, conspiracy theories that FBI investigations have already proven false are what Democrats and liberals stand for these days. That is the only explanation for wanting to push the issue in spite of the FBI finding no evidence of any January 6th Coup attempt. 


Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

If what Donald is even now trying to do cannot be defined as an attempted coup, then the dictionaries must have the definition of "coup" wrong.

Is it not an attempt to overthrow a legitimate government?

Honest, decent, truthful Rev. said...

A sudden appropriation of leadership or power; a takeover

C.H. Truth said...

Hey Reverend...

What part of...

The FBI has reportedly found no evidence that far-right allies of Donald Trump conspired to overturn the presidential election during the January 6 assault on the US Capitol, according to law enforcement officers briefed on the investigation. Reuters reported the FBI doesn’t believe the thousands-strong mob that stormed the Capitol was part of a coordinated effort, or that the rioters had planned what they would do once they breached the building

escapes your attention?

Commonsense said...

James seems to think he can define "coup" however he pleases.

I guarantee you it doesn't include, lying of FISA warrants, using fake campaign opposition research, leaking same to a friendly media in order to pass a bogus impeachment charge.

Now those things would constitute a coup.

C.H. Truth said...

The Reverend thinks he is smarter than the FBI... or apparently has evidence that the FBI has failed to uncover yet. Perhaps he should go teach the FBI how to do their jobs?

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The same thing happened in the early 20th century when the Communist party took over the country of Russia and the brownshirts attacked the government of Germany in the early 1930s

“What we know historically is that a failed coup is a trial run for a successful coup. Usually when you fail in a coup, something happens to you— and Mr. Trump, nothing has happened to him.”

— Yale history professor Timothy Snyder,

History has repeated itself many times in history.

Since the Report found him not guilty of impeachment charges, he is still in charge of the Republican party now.


The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The House of representatives is conducted and investigated of the January 6th Insurrection.

When the real coldheartedtruth comes out and again you will insult and deny science and technology and even testimony under oath as fake news robotics pjmedia etc. and again and again and again


You didn't criticize a Republican who called Asian women as yellow

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Those two articles were several months ago.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

The investigation is ongoing, unlike what you said it was over.

They called it the “command center,” a set of rooms and suites in the posh Willard hotel a block from the White House where some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal lieutenants were working day and night with one goal in mind: overturning the results of the 2020 election.
The Jan. 6 rally on the Ellipse and the ensuing attack on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob would draw the world’s attention to the quest to physically block Congress from affirming Joe Biden’s victory. But the activities at the Willard that week add to an emerging picture of a less visible effort, mapped out in memos by a conservative pro-Trump legal scholar and pursued by a team of presidential advisers and lawyers seeking to pull off what they claim was a legal strategy to reinstate Trump for a second term.

They were led by Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani. Former chief White House strategist Stephen K. Bannon was an occasional presence as the effort’s senior political adviser. Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik was there as an investigator. Also present was John Eastman, the scholar, who outlined scenarios for denying Biden the presidency in an Oval Office meeting on Jan. 4 with Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.
They sought to make the case to Pence and ramp up pressure on him to take actions on Jan. 6 that Eastman suggested were within his powers, three people familiar with the operation said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to describe private conversations. Their activities included finding and publicizing alleged evidence of fraud, urging members of state legislatures to challenge Biden’s victory and calling on the Trump-supporting public to press Republican officials in key states.

The effort underscores the extent to which Trump and a handful of true believers like Scott were working until the last possible moment to subvert the will of the voters, seeking to pressure Pence to delay or even block certification of the election, leveraging any possible constitutional loophole to test the boundaries of American democracy.
“I firmly believed then, as I believe now, that the vice president — as president of the Senate — had the constitutional power to send the issue back to the states for 10 days to investigate the widespread fraud and report back well in advance of Inauguration Day, January 20th,” one of those present, senior campaign aide and former White House special assistant Boris Epshteyn, told The Washington Post. “Our efforts were focused on conveying that message.”

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

In seeking to compel testimony from Bannon, the congressional panel investigating Jan. 6 this week cited his reported presence at the “ ‘war room’ organized at the Willard.” The House voted Thursday to hold Bannon in contempt of Congress after he refused to comply with the committee’s subpoena.

The committee has also requested documents and communications related to Eastman’s legal advice and analysis.

Eastman told The Post on Wednesday that he has not yet been contacted by the House select committee investigating the insurrection. Asked about his involvement in the Trump team’s operation at the Willard, Eastman said: “To the extent I was there, those were attorney discussions. You don’t get any comment from me on those.”

In May, Eastman indicated that he was at the hotel with Giuliani on the morning of Jan. 6. “We had a war room at the at the Willard . . . kind of coordinating all of the communications,” he told talk show host Peter Boyles, comments first reported in the newsletter Proof.

Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello, did not respond to requests for comment.
Also present was One America News reporter Christina Bobb, a lawyer by training who was volunteering for the campaign at the time, according to people familiar with the operation. Bobb declined to comment.
Kerik said his firm billed the Trump campaign more than $55,000 for rooms for the legal team. The former police commissioner, who was helping to head up efforts to collect and investigate allegations of election fraud, was later reimbursed, records show.

The three people familiar with the operation described intense work in the days and hours leading up to and even extending beyond 1 p.m. on Jan 6, when Congress convened for the counting of electoral votes.

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

He could have been involved with the people in game room.

Ahead of Jan. 6, Willard hotel in downtown D.C. was a Trump team ‘command center’ for effort to deny Biden the presidency

The Real Coldheartedtruth said...

Trump team set up a 'command center' dedicated to overturning the election the week of the Jan 6th riot:

Treason has a death penalty.

The three people familiar with the operation described intense work in the days and hours leading up to and even extending beyond 1 p.m. on Jan 6, when Congress convened for the counting of electoral votes.

If they can get his telephone records he might be in danger.

C.H. Truth said...

Treason has a death penalty.

Roger... get a grip man. Seriously.