Thursday, October 14, 2021

More evidence of propaganda, scare tactics, and gaslighting from the left...

The Risk to Kids From COVID Is Miniscule. Do Not Let Them Mandate Vaccines | Opinion
I remember quite clearly the first time I explained what COVID was to my young children in early March of 2020. I lay down in one of their beds at bedtime and told them about what it was and how it might affect our lives for the next few weeks or perhaps even the next month or two (oh, how naive I was then!). I reassured them about their safety and ours, and pulled up a chart from China and Italy about the death rates broken down by age. I explained to them the nature of the virus, that it thankfully spared children of their age, and almost everyone under the age of 40. I comforted them that their grandparents and great-grandmother would exercise caution due to their increased risk, but thankfully, everyone their parents' age and down, but kids especially, were statistically quite safe from ill-effects, even if they were to get sick.
Nearly two years later, the data has continued to bear this out. As the New York Times' David Leonhardt pointed out this week, an unvaccinated child is at less risk of serious Covid illness than a vaccinated 70-year-old—even a vaccinated 40-year-old, according to a British study. Indeed, the realization that COVID infection carries different risks depending on age is a well-known fact internationally. The risks for kids "are similar to the other respiratory viruses you probably don't think much about," Alasdair Munro, a Clinical Research Fellow Paediatric Infectious Diseases with NIH in the United Kingdom, explained on Twitter. In fact, for children pre-school age and under, viruses like RSV are much more likely to result in hospitalization than COVID.

No doubt about it. We have a divided nation. Divided between those willing to follow the science and those ignoring the science in favor of fear and paranoia. The interesting thing here is that as a general rule, it's the liberals who are following what Europe and other countries are trying to do, while the conservatives want to march to their own drum of independence. But in the case of Covid, it is the liberals in the United State basically arguing with not just conservatives, but also with the billions and billions of people who see it the same way as conservatives do here. 

There flat out is no science that suggests that children benefit from the same covid restrictions as adults. Fake social media rumors of children overwhelming hospitals aside, the real statistics show that only about 500 children nationally have died from Covid since the beginning of the pandemic. Over twice as many children have died from pneumonia during that same time period.  Moreover, this has not (as some are suggesting) gotten dramatically worse in recent months.  

From a technical mathematical standpoint, the natural immunity to Covid from children under the age of 17 is somewhere around 99%. The natural immunity from death for children under 17 can be effectively rounded to 100%. 

Meanwhile, evidence continues to unfold in regards to the harm distance learning and even mask wearing is doing to children, especially those under the age of 12. We have children missing out on learning opportunities. We have children losing out on social development. We have children not able to bond with other children because they cannot see faces, expressions, or watch people talk. In some cases children are more likely to identify someone by the color or their mask than the make up of their face. 

Yet, here we are... with zero science to back it... seeing liberals all across the country demanding that we now have kids vaccinated, when there seems to be no reason for it and all sorts of potential issues with the vaccines. They have only recently been approved (grudedly) for children 13-17 and are still not approved for children under 12. We have no idea what the long term effects of this vaccine is and we know that there is almost nothing it can provide to children who are next to 100% safe from it.

Liberals are looking at harming our children out of fear, scare tactics and gaslighting. 


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

While some observers were shocked at the audacity of the Biden proposals when they were stacked up together, individual details were often touted in his 2020 campaign speeches and on his website. So he can argue that he built his presidency on passing them. But to get their priorities through, presidents have to spend the capital they won on the campaign trail and replenish it while in office -- a much harder task.

So far this month, Biden made that Michigan trip on October 5, visiting the district of vulnerable Democratic Rep. Elissa Slotkin. A later visit to Illinois was mainly to promote vaccine mandates. He has addressed the benefits of his programs from the White House in televised events. For instance, in a speech on Wednesday responding to the supply chain crunch that is spiking inflation and hurting the economy, Biden said: "I'm pushing for a once in a generation investment in our infrastructure and our people with my infrastructure bill and my Build Back Better Act."
"These bills would transform our ports, there's ... billions of dollars for ports, highways, rail systems that sorely need upgrading and would bring products faster with more efficiency from the factories to the store, to your house," Biden said.

Biden is not the first president to be accused of falling short on the sales job. His former boss, President Barack Obama, faced similar criticism as he struggled to pass the Affordable Care Act and Democrats in Congress suffered a bloodbath soon after. But in subsequent years, that law became more popular as Americans began to experience its role in their lives. Many Democrats believe that something similar could happen to the Biden -- if his agenda passes -- and that it will prove so popular that future Republican Congresses will have no option but to keep many of its proposals.

There is one notable bright spot for Biden in the CNN poll. His approval rating is still at 50% -- higher than in some recent surveys after a tough summer that featured a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and a raging resurgence of the Delta variant of Covid-19. That's not great for an incumbent heading into a midterm election year. But it's not disastrous given the stark divides in the country. And it suggests that the President does have some political juice left to build support for plans that will define his legacy.

I'm not going to address your irrational diatribes about medical Doctor Scott Johnson MD Powerline schizophrenia squad

Anonymous said...

Roger why did you not attend either if your dead siblings funerals?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The fact that the death rates are relatively low doesn't matter because over 700,000 people have already died

Trump spent the first three months after he knew how dangerous and easily transmitted virus, called it a Democratic hoax and he suckered you into his cult..

It's not a plan to change us into a communist government.

You deny science for your own personal beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Biden admits he failed.

He is talking to oil/gas companies about increasing supply.

What a clueless fucktard.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

He is a clear and present danger to us.

Obviously, we are in a slow-motion Reichstag Fire right now. That is what is happening. Donald Trump is not as skilled as Hitler. He doesn't work as hard as Hitler. He doesn't have the same level of confidence as Hitler, but he's clearly looking for that Reichstag Fire emergency. Trump tried to make Black Lives Matter into that emergency. "Antifascists" and "thugs" and "law and order" and so on is part of that effort. Donald Trump keeps trying to make the Reichstag Fire work.
If Trump is not successful, then that is a credit to the people who are resisting. Donald Trump is not involved in a political campaign; it is emergency politics in the constant search of an emergency. Whether Trump and his allies can line up the emergency politics with the emergency, I do not know. But that is all that Trump and his allies have got on their side — and it is all they are going to have through to Election Day.

If he even runs as a Republican candidate, the coup will succeed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Enjoy denying science.

Pope Trump is very happy with you Scott...

Your side lost the Reconciliation process.

You are repeating history.

rrb said...

For the left it's not about public health. It's about CONTROL.

rrb said...


Alky plagiarisms from Salon

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Lawmakers and the White House may soften a major clean energy component of Democrats’ climate change and social spending legislation in a bid to overcome objections from Sen. Joe Manchin, two people familiar with the discussions said on Wednesday.

The changes under consideration could make it easier for coal and natural gas power plants to receive billions of dollars in financial incentives for clean energy, a potential boon for fossil fuel producers in Manchin's home state.

But that shift could bring objections from progressive Democrats who want to see the incentives hasten the nation's transition to greener sources. Under the proposed change, as long as coal and gas plants were equipped with technology to capture their greenhouse gas emissions, they could qualify for a plan that would pay power companies to deploy more renewable power and impose fines on those that don't.

Climate advocates consider that effort, called the Clean Electricity Performance Program, one of the core elements of Democrats' effort to speed the transition toward solar and wind power and slash greenhouse gas emissions. But Manchin (D-W.Va.) has raised issues with the concept both publicly and privately, putting its inclusion in any final compromise reconciliation bill in doubt.

The people familiar with the discussions said lawmakers and the White House could raise the program’s carbon emissions factor, a figure that determines which power plants would qualify as clean energy. Increasing that figure from the level of 0.1 metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent per megawatt-hour that was approved by the House Energy and Commerce Committee could enable natural gas and coal-fired power plants outfitted with carbon capture equipment to qualify for payments, which could help win over Manchin.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Enjoy denying science.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

C.H. Truth said...

You deny science for your own personal beliefs.

Which Science am we denying Roger?

Science unequivocally shows that children are not at risk for Covid. Neither as victims or carriers. The WHO and most countries refuse to make young children wear masks and nobody is advocating vaccinating those under 12.

Science unequivocally shows that Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are both safe and effective against Covid-19. Even the United State's own medical community (after originally rejecting both) have admitted that these drugs are safe and have benefits. The only holdouts at this point seem to be Democrats and political liberals.

Science all across the world is showing that Coviud is not (as demanded by politicians here) just a virus for the unvaccinated. Some of the most vaccinated nations on the planet are experiencing the same waves we are here.

Joe Biden is not a scientist. Democrats are not scientists. Liberal journalists are not scientists. And as much as Dr Fauci is a scientist, he is now only trusted (for good reason) by a minority of our country.

Which begs the question... why does Biden keep a doctor on leading his response to Covid that a majority of the country no longer trusts? Perhaps because there are very few legitimate doctors willing to go out today and continue to peddle the same propaganda and gaslighting? Dr Fauci seems happy to do it.

rrb said...

Old and busted: "Healthcare is a human right!!!"

New Hotness: "Deny healthcare to the un-vaccinated!!!"

Leftists are such fucking hypocritical shitstains.

Anonymous said...

They wear two-faces well.

Like Roger and james , on one face they want us to drive EV's.
On thier othe face they don't drive them.


Anonymous said...

Biden forgets it was his policies that caused high home heating , diesel, gasoline and Natural gas prices.

Now he begs Oil companies to get more oil/gas to market to reduce the high prices.

It is not demand that drove prices up.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You don't want to believe in science because of these numbers matter to millions

The latest number roundly beat out economists' forecasts of 318,000, and is an indication that companies are holding on to their workers amid a tight labor market.

"I have said from the beginning that we cannot fully bring our economy back unless we beat the pandemic — and here, too, we are seeing encouraging signs," President Joe Biden said in a statement released Thursday afternoon. "With wages rising and our unemployment rate back below 5 percent for the first time since the pandemic struck, it is clear that our economy is getting back to normal despite the global challenges posed by the delta variant."


CORONAVIRUSWeekly initial jobless claims fall below 300,000 for first time since pandemic began

Robert Frick, corporate economist at Navy Federal Credit Union, said: "A big drop in unemployment claims for the most recent week finally cracked the 300,000 barrier and is the strongest evidence yet that the Covid-19 delta wave has lost its influence on layoffs/ Hopefully, we can quickly resume dropping to the pre-Covid era average of about 200,000."

Thursday's figure contrasts with the latest monthly employment report, which showed the slowest job growth so far this year, with just 194,000 jobs added during the month of September. That came amid hopes that the end of extended unemployment benefits, schools reopening and continued vaccinations would boost hiring.

"With so many jobs available and opportunities to work remote at least some of the time, the good news is that workers stand a reasonable chance of improving their employment situation, including better pay and working conditions. Clearly, that’s what many want," said Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at Bankrate

Effective vaccine injections not cow flatulence medications

Or Hydroxychloroquine lolololololololololol

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

propaganda and gaslighting? Dr Fauci seems happy to do it.

By a man who was appointed by Ronald Reagan.

You really believe that he's trying to destroy the Orange Monster again and again and again and again and again and

Anonymous said...

Joe is begging for more Oil/Gas.

IF, only he would have continued Pres. Trumps drill baby drill policies a lot of what is dragging "Brandon's" poll numbers down would have never happened.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...


We also have:

Draconian mandates in cities like New York and other blue states that prevent people from entering restaurants, theaters, gyms, et al, without proof of having had a Covid jab,Dire threats that all benefits to Marines (and other military, including Navy SEALS, will be revoked if they decline the Covid jabs.Actual life-threatening shortages of nurses, doctors, and other hospital personnel––as well as first responders––who refuse the experimental vaccine.Threats to police forces that guarantee a horrific rise in crime.Mandatory Covid jabs for travelers on all domestic airline flights in the U.S., already enacted by several major U.S. airlines.And here’s the kicker: NO requirements for illegal immigrants to get tested or receive the vaccine!Then there are the parents who revile the toxic, far-left, so-called “woke” propaganda being crammed down their children’s throats being labeled “domestic terrorists”––the idea of Attorney General Merrick Garland, who forgot to mention that his son-in-law makes millions selling those toxic materials.

A Cloward-Piven dream come true! Unsustainable debt, thousands more American streets becoming tent cities of the homeless, sick, hungry, addicted; rising unemployment, a compromised healthcare system, a drastically weakened military, an immobilized populace, a reviled education system, and that is the short list!

Ruth S. King––writer, editor, and international blogger––sees not only a coup, but an authentic insurrection: “When the established government does not recognize dissidents and calls them “domestic terrorists” and limits their speech, controls the media, alters the language, denies legitimate history, trashes tradition and culture, erases national borders, blurs the role of the military, destroys the canons of education, science and medicine, and uses the powers of government to spy on its citizens–that is an insurrection.”

And who is orchestrating this last-gasp attempt of the Left? Isn’t it obvious?


Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author. Her website is and she can be reached at

Anonymous said...

Joe is begging for more Oil/Gas.

IF, only he would have continued Pres. Trumps drill baby drill policies a lot of what is dragging "Brandon's" poll numbers down would have never happened.

rrb said...

Effective vaccine injections not cow flatulence medications

"Effective" enough to get vaxxed people DEAD, severely harmed, and requiring a booster.

And Ivermectin is not for flatulence. It's a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic for use in people AND ruminants AND canines.

Good job alky. You're flat wrong on EVERY count.

Some 'milk cattle rancher' YOU are.

LOL. Assclown.

Anonymous said...

James called these people "The Economic A Team".

They score a F.

😂"White House chief of staff Ron Klain is spreading the lie that inflation and the supply chain snarl are “high class problems,” which means we’re lucky to have them.

On Wednesday, some Harvard idiot (excuse me for repeating myself) named Jason Furman tweeted, “Most of the economic problems we’re facing (inflation, supply chains, etc.) are high class problems. We wouldn’t have had them if the unemployment rate was still 10 percent.🖕

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Accidentally posted this video on the last thread but it applies here:

Rogan and Sanjay over child/youth vaccination

Anonymous said...

"Some 'milk cattle rancher' YOU are." RRB.

I love reading Roger when he explores a subject and writes about it in his own hand.

He told us "higher wages, is not a contributing factor in inflation".

As Spectacularly wrong as one can be.

Let's go Brandon

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

KansasDemocrat said...
James called these people "The Economic A Team".

The "A" is obviously not a grade here

though your "F" grade is correct for them

rrb said...

Plagiarism straight up -

Anonymous said...

F'ing Daddy , Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Roger, does 9 million able bodied American unwilling to work cause u any pause?

IF, they would get out of the socialist hammock and on the floor of a business that needs them imagine the wealth they could enjoy.

The Gateway Pundit said...

President Trump released a statement on Wednesday warning Republicans that his base will not vote and they will not win if the presidential election fraud is not fixed.

President Trump won in a landslide on November 3, 2020 with a record number of ballots until Democrats stole the election insisting that their candidate, a dementia patient who did not campaign, won 81 million votes.

Advertisement - story continues below

Trump warned AWOL Republicans that they will not win if the fraud is not fixed and criminals are jailed.
He’s right.

The truth will be revealed.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

one of our major parties has been doing nothing but spreading conspiracy theories since the birther theory bullshit

Caliphate4vr said...

And there is contributor here that is locked down in Medicaid acres and is fucking insane

Anonymous said...

Cali, kicks yet another mud hole in Alky.

Anonymous said...

Roger, you drive a Electric Vehicle , right?

Did you see Traitor Joe is begging oil/gas Companies to up production to lower prices?

Odd move for a Guy you once called " A Green Energy Transformational President".

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Lofti Pixels


Here’s ANOTHER banger from Joe. Sanjay nervously laugh to cover up the fact that his official position on masking is being wrecked in real time. This podcast must be torture for CNN viewers.

It is no conspiracy theory but actual applied science

Something the left just nervously laughs at now

the party off political science and dementia

Joe Biden's America

And it's funny how Sanjay claims to never have seen this before. Other than the FAKE NEWS media its been all over.

rrb said...

I love reading Roger when he explores a subject and writes about it in his own hand.

He's helpless without his trademark plagiarism.

Anonymous said...

RRB, true.

Thing is there was a time Roger could form his own thoughts and posted them.

They were still wrong , but at least he wrote them.

rrb said...

Blogger Roger Amick said...

one of our major parties has been doing nothing but spreading conspiracy theories since the birther theory bullshit

You must mean like how Jan 6 was an ARMED INSURRECTION (LOL) and Sicknick was MURDERED with a fire extinguisher.

Oh, and everyone on the right is Hitler. EVERYONE, and every day is a Reichstag fire.

LMAO @ the alky.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Three minutes ago. Therealdonaldtruth

Members of the Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine expert panel on Thursday endorsed boosters for Moderna recipients who are at high risk of severe COVID-19, occupational exposure to COVID-19 or are 65 years and older.

Why it matters: The unanimous decision mirrors the FDA conditions for those who qualify for a Pfizer booster.

Be smart: Despite small data sample sizes and limited data, the agency noted several times it needed a really strong justification to say no to Moderna boosters when it already approved these conditions for Pfizer.

The group will discuss boosters for Johnson & Johnson recipients on Friday.

The big picture: Moderna has been in the hot seat this past week over its distribution of vaccine doses globally. David Kessler, the Biden administration's chief science officer of the COVID-19 response, demanded the company "step up" its production for low-income countries.

The administration, however, still wants boosters for all American — an ethical debate among public health experts as much of Africa remains unvaccinated.

Between the lines: Some FDA officials said Thursday boosters will eventually be needed, citing emerging data from Israel and expressing a desire to "harmonize" its decision with what has already been decided for Pfizer in order to avoid unnecessary public confusion.

The presented data from Israel indicated boosters reduced the rate of severe disease by 60-80%. The number of severe cases in people under 40, however, was too small to conclude.

Context: Until this point, the agency has only voted on boosters for Americans who received the Pfizer vaccine, leaving Moderna and Johnson & Johnson recipients with little guidance as data trickle in.

Moderna has applied for authorization for a booster for people 18 and older and it proposes to give less vaccine in its booster than its original shot — 50 micrograms instead of 100 micrograms.New data from the National Institutes of Health show people who got the Johnson & Johnson vaccine might benefit from getting a Pfizer or Moderna booster shot. But J&J has asked the FDA to approve a second shot for its own vaccine.

Separately, President Biden said Thursday, the FDA is ready to make its determination on vaccines for 5 to 11-year-olds in the next couple of weeks, and the federal government will be ready when that happens.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Theories? dunk again

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Tom Cotton


Pete Buttigieg couldn’t organize a one car funeral—he’s not going to organize our ports, railroads, highways, and airports.

Joe Biden's America

we are fucked

rrb said...


Back on the sauce, alky?

"Dunk again?"

rrb said...

Pete Buttigieg couldn’t organize a one car funeral—he’s not going to organize our ports, railroads, highways, and airports.

Mary Pete Buttplug is such a fraud he did a photo op in a hospital bed with his butt pirate hubby when they "had a kid," like they shat it out their asses.

Myballs said...

This out of touch current president is a real clear and present danger to the country. He's not even capable of taking questions from the press. Again today, like yesterday, he read from his script and walked away from reporters. This is unacceptable. If Republicans take the house next year, his impeachment via a certainty.

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...

Myballs said...
This out of touch current president is a real clear and present danger to the country. He's not even capable of taking questions from the press. Again today, like yesterday, he read from his script and walked away from reporters. This is unacceptable. If Republicans take the house next year, his impeachment via a certainty.


Let's Go Brandon

JamesNewLeaf's Fucking Daddy said...



Tucker's take on FJB and "Let's Go Brandon" is hilarious.

rrb said...

IRS Agents Bust 7-Year-Old For Getting More Than $600 Worth Of Birthday Presents

C.H. Truth said...

You don't want to believe in science because of these numbers matter to millions

Well economic numbers are not really "science" are they Roger?

And in terms of Dr Fauci, I don't care if he was appointed by the joint efforts of God, Allah, and Buddha... the reality is that a growing majority of Americans no longer see him as a credible doctor. Which makes you wonder how such a respected man got to that point?

But the real issue is this, Rog...

There can be NO QUESTION that people here in the United States died of Covid because treatments like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were mocked and ignored because liberals like you didn't want to admit the the people who pushed them might be right.

But not only have these treatments saved lives across the globe, but now even the United States medical community has FINALLY admitted that they do work to help with Covid without posing any real dangers at all.

While you thought you were soooo smart making fun of Joe Rogan or other conservatives who took these treatments, they were working to save probably 100's of thousands across the rest of the world.

So yeah, Roger. Liberal non-scientific opposition to Covid treatments killed people.

Straight up.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Conservative columnist Douthat argues that just as many liberals feared Trump was creating a fascist state, “a lot of conservatives experienced May and June of the Covid era as a mirror image of those anti-Trump fears—as a crisis that seemed to be deliberately exploited for revolutionary purposes by politicians and activists of the left.” By this account, ordinary conservatives like you Scott were radicalized by a combination of contradictory and changing messages from health authorities (don’t wear masks, wear masks), the eruption of the Black Lives Matter protests, and the disparate impact of Covid (where small businesses suffered more than large corporations and, Douthat argues, anti-racist protesters seemed to get a special dispensation denied to the rest of society).

Douthat’s account of conservative radicalization has some plausibility, although he’s far too indulgent of the lore that the newly radicalized tell themselves. He also ignores the fact that Covid hit the poor and people of color harder. Moreover, this radicalization shouldn’t be seen as a natural response to the Covid crisis but as a continuation of earlier trends in right-wing politics. The myth that elite liberal figures like George Soros are using Covid to remake society didn’t come out of nowhere. It’s a product of long-standing right-wing conspiracy culture.

If this myth started to flourish in 2020, just as the overlapping QAnon myth did at the same time, it is because of the failed political response to Covid. The pandemic left tens of millions of Americans dislocated socially and temporally. The very partial stimulus that was handed out favored big business and wasn’t sustained enough to make a long-term lockdown possible.
Many of the messaging failures came from the fact that Covid-19 was a new disease and information about it was developing over time, as were the resources that could fight it.

If America had a competent president, these shifts in messaging could have been explained clearly. But with Trump as president, countless Americans went through the crisis with only a partial understanding of what was going on and a suspicion of government messaging that was encouraged by Trump himself, since the president sometimes insulted his own scientific advisers.

Like you insulted Doctor Fauci and again claiming that he is part of the deep state conspiracy.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The Republicans are addicted to conservative theories.

Like I said before that birther theory started his campaign!

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

I know that it goes over your head.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

You actually believe that they are lying about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermecting for political purposes.

Doctors not politicians.

I know it goes over your head.

Anonymous said...

Roger did you miss your sisters funeral?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

A a growing majority of Americans no longer see him as a credible doctor because of the freedom of speech.

But it works both ways

Millions of people like you are gullible enough to believe that he is a traitor.

Btw kputz I haven't used alcohol since June 25th in 2012.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

The only thing that kept the U.S. from a full-blown constitutional crisis was that some Republican elected officials and put their foot down and insisted on reality.

Even if the soars hero George Bush came out in opposition to Trump, you would call him a warmongering RINO just like Trump would tell you to say.

What happens without people who are willing to go against pressure from their party and do the right thing?

We're fucked.

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Let's go Dodgers.

Anonymous said...

🤣Roger AmickOctober 14, 2021 at 2:26 PM

"dunk again"

Like i said, when Roger writes his own post they are pure gold

Anonymous said...

Roger did you miss your sisters funeral?

Coldheartedtruth Teller said...

Btw kputz I haven't used alcohol since June 25th in 2012.

I don't struggle anymore because I admitted Thecoldheartedtruth .

Anonymous said...


Your post Roger----'>>>>>PM

🤣Roger AmickOctober 14, 2021 at 2:26 PM

"dunk again"
Like i said, when Roger writes his own post they are pure gold

Caliphate4vr said...

how Peloshee became a multi millionaire on a congressperson’s salary

Redstate Detective said...

The Post found rich people like Zuckerberg are fascist disguised as liberals.

The Post’s analysis shows that this infusion of cash and hard-left organizing is what put Biden over the edge in electoral votes and is currently creating a graph to show what the electoral map would have looked like without the interference of CTCL, CEIR, and Mark Zuckerberg.

This is a staggering amount of money, and the Post gives some perspective about how much was spent by comparing it to the $479.5 million in federal and state matching funds for COVID-related election expenses in 2020.

This story proves that activist organizations are just as dangerous as the media when it comes to influencing elections, but the source of their funding comes from none other than social media’s most successful tech overlord, Mark Zuckerberg. This dollar amount proves that the bias that infects Silicon Valley is more than just to the left, it’s to the extreme left.

C.H. Truth said...

You actually believe that they are lying about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermecting for political purposes.

Nope... the doctors (such as our National Institute of Health) are recommending Hydroxychloroquine and other treatments fov Covid patients. Just like doctors all across the globe are recommending it. Granted... it took our own U.S. medical community a while to get on board, but they are now.

The gaslighting and propaganda from the politicians are what makes you believe that it is doctors who are against it.

Doctors are for it Roger. The fact that you believe differently is the problem.


rrb said...

Trump created no fascist state alky. Not even close. In fact, his administration is the freest I've been, economically and otherwise, since Ronaldus Magnus.

Trump loves this country and loves the people who make up this country. And Biden has unraveled it all, purely out of spite, arrogance, and sheer fucking stupidity.

Did Trump make mistakes? Sure. Big and small. Not firing Fauci was a big one.

You guys seem to want civil war. I'm not particularly interested, but if that's where you folks would like to take us, then so be it.